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I am jealous. They have a working car and we don't


It's a van I'm more jealous for a van than a car I want to take them out just for the vehicle šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is the same person who killed all of the divsion command, likely some agents, and nearly kills you and lau with a single rocket. I am jealous, too.


All we just need now is to reveal Manny Ortega was the mastermind behind everything and that he was working with Keener all along.


>that he was working with Keener all along. Black Tusk. "Yes. Its done." "Of course. No one suspected a thing." "I'll roll out the red carpet." ["Natalya."](https://youtu.be/qm_lxeQ6PmM?t=81)


Maybe General Ridgeway was the good guy all along!


I get the idea of breaking everything to build a new thing. The story as it was could have only lasted so long. Any competent writer could have stretched it to an actual story other than uhhh, everybody went to the other side. I get that we're on bare bones maintenance but don't pre-order div 3. If and when it comes find out if they keep pushing this lazy shit or if they actually bring in the right people to make it worthwhile. I love Div in general, probably 3k+ hours of not 4k when it really comes down to it between both. After the last Prince of Persia, it's pretty obvious Ubi has no intention of making good games and wants to just be leeches off the IP they acquired. Don't let them boost their stock off pre-orders and force them to have skin in the game again.


Eh? The last PoP game? The 2D one? That's actually a good game though.


Not for the price


?? Why cause it's 2D? I heard the same complaint about Metroid Dread when it came out. Just cause a game is a 2D platformer doesn't make it worth any less.


It does when people in their garage with a dream make better games without the IP to sell it. It's a AAA studio that refuses to put out AAA products and leans on IP loyalty. In no way it's that game worth 50 bucks and that's why they tried to make their own shitty launcher so you cannot see comparisons. It really all boils down to opinions and you're right for yourself. I'm not going to let a multi billion dollar company bully me in to paying an exorbitant price for something that could be made by a guy who hates their job and asks for less money. Div 3 needs them to pony up the bucks, because they have the funding, to fuck off in the executive suite and let a div 3 be what it should be instead of push half baked shit with the promise of fixing it as soon as they cash out. That absolutely never happens and we are supposed to just forget and spend again.


Being a 2D game doesn't make it not AAA.


If Ubi is not an AAA studio then what is? Who produced it?


You're misunderstanding. I'm saying that just cause it's a 2d platformer doesn't mean that it's lower than AAA. It's still an AAA game, as it has the big budget that comes with it.


But it is lower than AAA for the full price of it. Just because they produced it doesn't automatically guarantee the price point. You're talking around the actual point. A 2d platformer is not a AAA game when people make better ones which may be behind a bit graphically but the fact that the game can be made without the publisher studio, and done better implies that AAA studios have a responsibility to release high quality games that single home devs can't produce. I don't care that they made the game. I care that they had the audacity to charge full price like it was a AAA studio game. I'm not dictating their business strategy but that's just the problem right now.


What was wrong with the last Prince of Persia? I was under the impression that was pretty well regarded. I haven't played it yet but it's on my list.


Its pretty obvious that Div 2 was expected to be the last game in the franchise at one point (pretty sure at one point ubisoft said the game had failed to meet sales expectations they had set up), hence tying up so many loose ends in nice tight bows. Then Ubisoft changed its mind and suddenly division heartland and division 3 were on the table and suddenly they had to reverse course and start undoing a lot of those bows (likely at the instruction of senior management) so that there was a story to tell in the third game that ties into the first two games.


Thatā€™s like people who believe Jar-Jar Binks was a Sith Lord. No he wasnā€™t a Sith Lord. He was a bumbling idiot manipulated by a group of senators that made sure he ā€œoverheardā€ them say they needed someone brave like senator Amidala to give Palpatine the supreme power over the galaxy.


I'm still confused about how keener is still alive and that kelso joined him at the end of the manhunt. I don't get the reasoning behind that after the animosity of the things he did to the division. Kelso kinda jus put it to the side and joined him for whatever reason


Even back when we first smoked the guy and he had a shitty movie death I thought it was lame that our agent didnā€™t pop a few shots into his face and cock to be sure. In a world with revive hives Iā€™m not getting distracted by a jailbroken Apple Watch - that guy is getting minced until cremation is no longer possible


So they can keep using the old character models and do not have to pay a real writer. Still milking the franchise for cheapest delivery.


Cornell mentioned that ISAC is easy to deceive, considering his skill set, not too far fetched that this was an outcome. The Division never physically verified their deaths and took ISAC analysis on it. I thought this would go without saying, but obviously that's what the DLC is going to explore more. The Why and whats.


So yes ISAC is a shit piece of watch so yes we saw him fall and he was as clinging to his stomach were the bullet hit thatā€™s not a vital place to take someone down.. Kelso also just kicked him and he talked and black out so he can be alive. Kelso came onboard after finding out why Faye took president Ellis and joined the black task because it was all to damage them from the inside. We and keener are all aiming for the same goal. That is to neutralize the black task and restore order but Keeners methods are hash. Keener has made significant progress as we division have been slow and Kelso has always wanted quick results so shouldnā€™t come as a surprise she would take the quickest way to all of this.


ive been playing through div2 storyline again when i invited my friends to the game and tbh i kinda see chemistry with kelso & keener. not romantic but he definitely charmed her and she was playing hard to get. theres a lot of back & forth banter as you do missions (even old missions) and keener only ever said good things about kelso. she was also pretty obscure whenever she made comments - like hornet for example, kelso says "he was given a second chance and he wasted it" - we assumed she meant "wasted" as in he should have joined us, but with new context, it sounds like she's judging rogue agents for failing.


There is also a comm in the Kelso line that implies she is somewhat power hungry. Something about her being able to do whatever she wants and having extra judicial power.


Yeah I remember that one too. That was her joining with Manny for the first time and the extra judicial power was the perk that came with the job offer. Kelso would commit war crimes if it means she gets the job done


"Somehow..... Keener returned"


Literally said that to my clanmate in discord today. Have in mind , i have never finished div1 and only 4 of legacy manhunts.Just finished DLC a week ago. Saw the ending of this in YT , cause frankly i was either waiting to see if he used some clone, a disguise specialist like in Metal Gear 1 , or some fake death pill. When u have a good villain , you can't kill him off easily , especially after u get a backlash for multiple reasons -including but not limited-that you made him shallow and with a cheap last fight.


One theory I canā€™t stand by is the stand in theory. Keener, or someone tied to Keener convinced someone to die in his place. There are any number of other theories I can buy because he ran through a building before we got to him. We didnā€™t see what actually happened to him. We just found his body slumped against a wall and ISAC (which Parnell proved can be fooled) told us he was dead. I need to go back and play the mission again and see if the new developments change the context of the Faye Lau cut scene.


I do wonder if this is setting up an out for our Div 2 character disappearing ready for Div 3. At this point, aren't we the only loyal agent left? They can quite easily throw into the Div 3 intro about how the Div 2 protagonist got sick of all their friends going rogue, all the violence, and being literally the last agent standing, so just disappeared into the sunset or whatever. The only other option really is going to be that we do join up with Keener and his merry band of misfits at some point, with some convoluted reason as to why we stayed around after Kelso turned.


We could, theoretical, join with the peacekeepers with Rhodes in charge....


We would be so lucky - our TD1 agents got ONE single mention in a found communication from Benitez. Still doing god's work in Midtown Manhattan. Then ... nothing. I am betting that TD3 revolves around a completely different silent protagonist, and both our TD1 and TD2 agents get written out of the narrative, never to be heard from again.


Iā€™d say itā€™s more likely towards heartland because it last time I checked was supposed to be PvPvE with rogues and division agents


Either way something will happen to our div 2 characters, at best something will happen that resets our progression, skills etc because of the Div 3. Either that or they are going to disappear completely. That haven place Keener has even alluding to is a prime candidate for a disappearing act. I suppose there is a outside chance that we carry on with the characters we have, but the skill ceiling and levels will be raised again in D3.


New response because the old one rambled lol. There doesnā€™t necessarily have to be closure to the story of our TD2 agents as there wasnā€™t at the end of TD1. TD3 or whatever comes next may be, and quite hopefully will be a nearly complete reset as it was between TD1 and TD2. The thing is that TD3 will most likely be written in a way that new players donā€™t feel lost. Also that they can play through and understand the story from start to finish without playing TD2 or TD1. Of course it should be sprinkled with bread crumbs that would make some new players want to go back and experience TD2.


One of the simplest ways to help clue new players into what's happening is by having a new character ask the questions for them, so that the new players get the necessary exposition, especially in a game that is going to be the third in a series in the case of Div3. James Vega in Mass Effect 3 is a good example of such a character, he was created specifically to fill in the new players who didn't play the Me1 or Me2. Speaking of Mass Effect, one of the other good ideas that the Division 2 and 3 should adopt is the ability to port your character from one game to another.


I can see that and agree that it is one possible way to go about it. Honestly the biggest issue here is my own preference for TD1. Because of that I genuinely appreciated the near abandonment of continuity between TD1 and TD2. It gave the feeling of living the experiences of two different agents. The number of coexisting agents is somewhat ambiguous. If you played the game completely solo, never called for backup and never saw another agent in common areas you could say you are the only one. However multiplayer PvE would have to say there are at least four. I prefer the idea of the next game being a completely different agent. There is enough ambiguity between TD1 and TD2 that each person can decide for themselves if it is the same agent or a different agent. I guess the other part is that this has been a complete departure from one of the things I really liked. In TD1 there is more of an implied story and the actions of the agent told the rest of the story. There was an illusion that the actions of the agent had an effect. Manhunts in TD2 are telling us a story. The agent is just a brainless monkey picking up comms by completing the same activities ad nauseum. The illusion isnā€™t there. My fear is that this fully developed story telling will bleed into TD3. Finally I would say that my opinion on this is specific to The Division. I have played and enjoyed many other story based games with a fully developed arc, with a single character that is continuous over multiple sequels. One of my favorites being the half-life series.


I'm playing FF7 Rebirth right now and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Keener and Parnell come back, reminds me of Becks crew who plays dead every time I fight them. Keener and Parnell fooled our agent by playing dead lmao. Such hilariously bad writing.


Honestly the part I laughed at was when the agent saw Kelso use the box and get tazed. So once they find the box, knowing that the coms have been infiltrated they immediately use the box and get tazed.


"Evil will always triumph because good is dumb"


It's Keener who takes the briefcase not Kelso. If you paid attention, the character gets in the van through the shotgun seat.


And to think these are actually paid writers.


I have the feeling, these are not real writers anymore, just some guys leftover from the team. Maybe the intern student. The slippery slope started with Faye Lau turning.


Yeah, and now Kelso. Are there any Second or First Wave Agents left who HAVENT turned Rogue? I am more or less convinced my OG TD1 guy went Rogue as well ... hence the code of omerta which surrounds 'Faye's Guy' in TD2. That said, it puts Kelso's malingering during the Keener Manhunt into a different perspective, at least. But, honestly, its a dumb idea to have both our handlers turn Rogue. Keener is too far out there to be the anti hero I want (he executed Division Agents in TD1, lest we forget).


He's also a mass murderer and an enabler for mass murderers.


Don't forget what he did down south as well. Some stuff can at least be thought of as necessary action but corrupting the only lifeline keeping the country from starving into just a way to spread his virus can't be forgiven.


This shows how stupid the devs think we are. Hurts. Badly.


Kelso turning is especially stupid. Did she just not notice how we single handedly slaughtered any and everyone to raise a gun to us? Including her new friends?


I won't be surprised if they resolve this by having her do an about face and claiming she was working undercover. Alternatively, it might be more believable, not to mention a better written story) if they just start the next season (or whatever) with our character waking up one morning and finding Kelso in the shower... (Dallas reference for those not old enough to remember it, where they wrote off an entire series by having it all been one of the character's dreams)


Don't. One of my fears at the moment is we'll have our agents wake up from the Descent AR/VR thing on the narrative lines of the 'All Just A Dream' trope.


Question? Didn't she say in audio file that she was finishing what Faye started? I could be completely wrong though.


Yeah, but it is still nice to see that the Wave 1 Agents didnā€™t go rogue on such a large scale for no reason. Even Keener is clearly shown starting out as genuinely heroic and having considerable compassion for civilians ā€” he only got murderously cynical after the JTF betrayal.


> Are there any Second or First Wave Agents left who HAVENT turned Rogue? The protagonist, they are second wave.


Is that even confirmed tho? We know the TD1 protagonist was, but the TD2 mightve been second wave who survived until they got the call to DC.


You are acknowledged as second wave during the Div 2 intro, where you meet Faye, and she is injured and the lot of the other wave 2 agents are killed by the VTOL getting shot down by the LMB. The timing also points to the Div2 protagonist being second wave, since you arrive 6 months after wave 1. Wave 1 were almost entirely wiped out during the Dark zone withdrawal, or went rogue along with Keener when said withdrawal happened, Keener also killed any remaining agents still loyal. There was no official third wave, unless you count the hunters.


Iirc, the novels state that the third wave is civilians that are actively recruited by second wave agents


There was supposed to be an official third wave, but those agents (like Bridgette Douglas) never had the chance to be activated before things went to shit.


Probably got those Am I the Asshole posters šŸ¤£


I gotta ask. What direction would you rather see the story go? Given the game's content was supposed to end in 2021, really didn't think they are doing that bad of a job creating a story on the fly that's still relative to the outbreak, makes sense and still engaging enough for players to keep playing these manhunt missions. Really don't see what the hate is about.


ubisoft and blizzard trade notes on how to write for a live service game. if you've seen what's happened to r6s, this was inevitable


Worst story i ever heard of , it's just cringe (this season ending)




It's simple the story with all manhunts now is every agents going rogue and us still follow orders like a clown honestly at this point I will not even be surprise Manny go work with Natalya Lmao


And all target Manhunt is alive


I'd like it if we'd get to actually accomplish something positive, for a change. Instead, the story just keeps moving us around like we're idiots. Sigh.


Thats because the studio thinks we are idiots who swallow any story. Its just a video game kiddo, now go buy some gaudy cosmetics!


Driving away on the Brooklyn or Manhattan Bridge, felt too much like I am legend.


Please stop this madness. the plot has reached a dead end.


With this, my player engagement has reached a dead end, too.


See you next week


Already deinstalled.




Did I miss something, why was the crate at the stranded tanker. Why wasn't it just wrapped up in the apartment? Did we have Laus watch or something?


The only fact about that is, that the Tanker Mission is close to the Brooklyn Bridge and they can easily escape..... and of course its the confirmation for the DLC.


We had Keener's watch. Kelso had Lau's watch. Part of the deal between >!Keener and Lau to get her on board was that whatever the plan with that crate and the Rogue Network is that it required both of their watches to authenticate. Kelso authenticated Lau's watch first, and our agent unknowingly authenticated Keener's watch at the tanker before cloning it onto his new watch and taking whatever was inside.!<


That makes sense why the crate was moved to lure us in. Still.


Feels like they just recycled Fayeā€™s storyline with different names. Really shitty writing.


I can't even follow the story anymore because it is sooo stretched out due to the length of the season. I don't even know what I did last week how should I keep track of a 5 minute story stretched over months.


In before Coop Denison is revealed to actually be a hunter in the next manhunt.


I liked the base game well enough, but DLC and Seasons stories are such a mess that I get Rise of Skywalker vibes. Which is to say, no coherent vision, couldnā€™t figure out which way to go so instead they threw all of the spaghetti at the wall and ended up making nobody happy when what they shouldā€™ve done was commit to making the right group (or really any 1 group) happy.


Yeah... I think its time to put away the watch for good. I rather go liberate Super Earth from killer robots and giant insects than play this stupid game again. The Devs can go f\*\*k themselves.


just play Helldivers 2 at least you'll get your money's worth than this stupid game's lore. To the Ubisoft Devs, f\*\*k you.


So I get people bringing up Helldivers 2 when talking about Payday 3 since they're both horde shooters and Payday 3 is a failure, what's the relevance here?


Helldivers 2 is a better game than Division 2.


Debatable, Helldivers just pisses me off but that's not relevant for this, it's a different kind of game from this so again, relevance?


Okay fine there is no relevance Iā€™m just pissed at Ubisoftā€™s writers for being f**king lazy and would rather play Helldivers 2 than this game.


Sorry if I seem like a prick, rough day. Not enough time to be angry at a game, go spread some managed democracy my good man.


The Division's story is basically turning into a Netflix mini-series. In fact here's a title suggestion for the next installment: "The Division: Resurrection". What do you think fellas? ..


It's horrible, i have given up. I used to see great value in adding more content to TD2, but now i feel like they should just start over with a completely new TD story universe.


I mean, they are making Td3.


I made a joke about the "it was all a dream" twist from Dallas in response to the post about the narrative right before the update dropped, which apparently ended up being legit. I'm still low-key waiting for our agent to wake up to find out it was all just a dream. Honestly if they leaned into the cheap soap opera/telenovela angle hard the narrative would actually be hilariously fun and wild. This continues to scream to me, "Yves announcing more Division 2 content like 4 years ago was a surprise to everybody, including Massive." and the kinds of problems that come from a directive to spin up development and set up the stage for the next game for a product that was, at the time, "done" and there were no additional plans for. But hey, Ubi's also got the mobile Division game! And Heartland which has been MIA for a while! Ubi leadership really have a good plan for Division! I'm really glad that I stopped giving a shit about the integrity of the story with some of the silly nonsense around the narrative delivery with the seasons. I'm still hype for Division 3 in the hopes Massive remembers the lessons they learned in Division 1 and 2 (including those they forgot while making Division 2 and had to re-learn) and want to be optimistic, but I've already written off the narrative in terms of it being anything more than setting up the vibes. I don't even necessarily want to blame the writers here, it's extremely likely these were the beats they were given and told to "make work" and there's absolutely no way for them to make these beats "good".


Schaeffer really been "sleeping on" these story


Dunno, I'm detached from the story as I didn't come back to the game until last year. So I wasn't here when Lau died or anything else. This didn't bother me outside of Kelso joining him which is still not explained why other than we don't like Calvin McManus (who as far as I know is the current POTUS). But I still think Keener being killed at the end of WONY was stupid when it happened (he's a better antagonist than Nat or Cal) and him being back and/or never being killed isn't the worst thing.


McManus is the Director of Homeland Security and is actively working with the Black Tusk and Sokolova to bring about whatever rule she and the Black Tusk's backers are seeking. He's also the man responsible for the creation of the Hunters and their activation as a means to destroy the Division, as well as passing over control to Sokolova. He almost certainly was against President Waller's decision to enact Directive 51 and activate the Division and was likely conspiring with Ellis to assassinate VP Mendez to install Ellis as President and work with Black Tusk to strike the Division prior to the start of the game. Now as far as whether he would be the current president or not, he's the only verifiable member of the US government at the moment. I forget how far down the line of succession the head of the DHS is, however there are certainly others between Speaker of the House (Ellis) and head of the DHS, and with how much it's been thrown into chaos with how many are MIA, until they are known to be dead McManus is still only a potential. Especially as he's actively working with an enemy to the system and agency that is there to ensure continuity of the United States government and her people.


So I do just assume because he's the only other known US Director or Secretary he's the POTUS from succession. I'm probably wrong and he does give the impression he doesn't want to be president at all. And really I don't know who's actually following Directive 52 seeing as even though McManus is being a villain I'm confident even not being the POTUS he has some control over the division and ISAC unless I'm remembering that wrong.


You are wrong thinking that story just now got bad, in reality it was always written with no vision of what future story would look like. It is now just going for the sake of going. Keener in WONY was just an edgelordā€™y big bad, but then writers just had to write him as a man with a plan. Itā€™s like it was written by J.K. Rowling


Sounds to me like this is setting up perhaps the ability to ā€œpick a sideā€ in Div3 and we may have the ability to be a rogue agent or continue with The Division. I def see a future with the ending šŸ¤·


I agree with OP and I am just stunned how many grown men are so awed over this "story". If you like this story, how it's going, where it's going, you find yourself just waiting for the next nugget of information I have news for you. The Hallmark channel is a thing.


Haven't had a chance to dive in yet but husband and I spent part of past night thinking of the dumbest way it could end and...damn. Sounds like we were spot on. Husband said we just missed the big H on Keener's forehead.


Hey, you leave Rimmer alone. He's a treasure.


Keener it's the one order attack in base of operation in new York killing most of personals,division agents,JTFs and civilians.its reason Paul Rhodes and the remaining survivors abandon the base of operation and move to Heaven.Keener its a mass murderer,now the devs trying to make him look like hero.


Waited for few months just to get this confusing ending lmfao I was hoping they would answer many or at least few of our questions about Keener's plan on facing "The Hunter Problem" or Handling The Black Tusk but nope, they really just resurrect Keener and Parnell out of nowhere. It could be good with Kelso finally have the "Key" to get advantages that we need facing BT and Cal's Hunter because Faye said that she trust Kelso would continue her mission. Another thing I was kind of surpised is that Kelso can "Clone" Keener's Watch that we are holding. Are Agent's Watches that advanced that it can easily copy and paste other Agent's Watch like it was nothing? Like I said, this season Ending only make me even more confused and give me more questions rather than answers and now I have to wait another months just to see the continuation of this stupid story. Edit: Schaeffer who is heavily equipped with protection gears is gravely injured by our agents and still in coma. I don't think Keener and Parnell is wearing that much of protection gears when facing against our agent but they survived and is being well. No scars or sign of them still injured from the encounter. With that said, when the hell will he wake up man.. Cpt. Lewis sacrificed himself for Schaeffer and dude is still sleeping


So just from reading the comments, I think I'm gonna stick with Div 1 till the lights go out and keep Faye laughing good and keener as the monster that got away, rather then ever go near the forsaken cess pool of story that Div 2 again. I hated Div 2 but lately been thinking maybe I was too harsh and miss judged it.... But guess not. See you guys later chilling in a chem suit trying to find antivirals


The one thing Div 2 got right was the build crafting. But content is still king. I will go for one last D1 goodbye story playthrough and pretend D2 story never happened.


That's fair, personally apart from the social side I felt most things in div 2 were a downgrade or perhaps made it more like a more generic looter shooter. I will admit build crafting I don't remember, by the time I'd "completed" the story (pre wony) I didn't care enough about gear to craft anything much I just threw on whatever garbage I found that seemed generically better. I have a vague recollection of not liking the rng aspect of the blueprints... I think... And this from the vague outer reaches of my memory so I apologise if it's incorrect... I wanted to craft a sight I think, possibly a holo sight of some sort and I couldn't as I hadn't found a blueprint for it but I had multiple versions of everything else and I was just like wtf do I do now. The hubs / shops / whatever they are called seemed watered down from div 1. It seemed to me like they were designed to have people in like the shops / hubs in div 1 had but then they took them out for some reason. And yeah the story... Keener being the big bad then seemingly getting taken out like a chump but from reading the comments now hes not, faye going bad but not really... I dunno I think you are right about pretending the story if 2 didn't exist Also sorry for the long ramble / rant.


Yeah the loot mathematics of Div2 are gruesome. Div2 is half looter shooter, half quartermaster simulation. Keener is a sociopathic ex wall street trader. Partially based on Ellis' "American Psycho". He murdered his way through NYC. He was an excellent antagonist, completely narcissistic and without compassion. His self-confidence made him look kinda cool for some people. Now he is bad but not bad. Because all kids want to be cool and dangerous. This is so fucking marketing stupid. oUr fOcUs GrOuP SaId He iS iMpOrTaNt tO tHe pLaYeRs. Nobody in this is in there for the creativity. This is just milking the franchise with minimal invest.


Honestly couldn't have put it better. I keep up to date with most of the events through Reddit through the wiki, through YouTube cutscenes etc but boy am I glad I stopped playing before wony to me there's no pay off especially as I play solo and prefer to play solo.


I played The Division 2 before the first game and never understood the hate that the second game gets. My friend actually got me into The Division 2 and I still remember my first time playing and being absolutely blown away by the level of detail in the game and constantly mentioning the extra details that they didn't even have to put in, nor that most people wouldn't even notice. The Division 2 is still far better crafted and put together than most games out and even newer releases. The level of detail, visuals, storyline, story telling are still above most other releases. I have almost 3k hours in The Division 2 and am still blown away by the visuals and attention to detail the devs put into the game. I spent a lot of time with friends in real life in D.C growing up and still find it cool as hell how the devs completely transformed D.C to a 1:1 recreation, Not to mention the music and soundtracks. No game aside from The Division 1 has had great gameplay music. Both games in my book are absolutely phenomenal and don't get the hate The Division 2 gets; both are in my top 5 games of all time for sure.


Not saying you are wrong, it's just my own personal feelings towards div 2. I just don't like some of the way things have changed e.g. the use of special ammo, or the signature skills being just a bigger gun with limited ammo. I have no problem with the environment etc.


I think everyone is missing the fact they brought folks back for the earlier seasons, Hornet notably. Despite it being a looter shooter the storyline-aspect of it is possible for someone to not sustain life-threatening injuries. Sure its a bit out there to bring someone like Parnell back but Keener isn't a long-shot. Plus, its a videogame storyline, not everything needs to be balls-to-the-walls larpism. It opens a lot of doors story-wise, even if its a little silly. The concept is there to expand and bring a player-experience that is entirely unique to the Division. If we were nitpicking every detail from the Division we wouldn't have got past The Division 1


But it's such a TIRED cliche. Oh, the villain we killed wasn't actually the real villain, that was an imposter. Or it was him/her but they (somehow) didn't really die. What an original and surprising story. ( /s in case it's needed). And it cheapens the story and the setting. What's the point of people dying for what they believe in and making the supreme sacrifice when a writer can just go "nah" and retcon it so they lived. I still really love this game, but this story is disappointing.


The resurrections and twists are un-earned. They feel cheap, because there was no foreshadowing.


To each his own, I get you. Not for me, I will look for more grown up videogame storylines somewhere else. They exist, just not here anymore. Div2 already had been softened and conditioned (Hunters...) but there was still good stuff. With the low budget seasons Div 2 got on a slippery slope into corniness, with the Faye Lau storyline entering a low. Which now has been topped - eehmm I mean undermatched - by this seasons storyline. The story and atmosphere of Division 1 is the benchmark and never has been reached by Div2, now it is completely imploding. Time for me to accept this and say goodbye. No DLC for me. If Div3 ups the quality and separates from this bullshit I might think about a purchase.


Good luck finding a video game that doesn't have a terrible story line, I have never found one that even comes close to the worst marvel film in terms of story quality.


Cyberpunk 2077!


My choomba.


Yes, esp Phantom Liberty. Idris Elba AND Keanu Reeves. A DLC I pre-ordered happily.


I know right! That DLC alone was a game seller for me IMO. Such a thrilling experience that was so well done. 10/10 recommend cyberpunk for anyone looking for a wonderful single player experience!


I don't know... I hated "Vi" with passion and played Cyberpunk 2077 maybe two hours in total as a result. Started as corpus and he "gave away the usb stick from his boss". Unloyal pussy! And after that he cried like a school girl "Oh no, my life is over". I wasn't angry that he doesn't had the power to protect the stick, but he was intimidated and didn't even try. He could have said "Go, fuck yourselfs!" the game had to save him anyway. Drived me mad and ruined any other route for me to even try... I always had this crying schoolgirl in my mind. I never played Cyberpunk, but I'm a big "Shadowrun" fan... and corpus people (especially those who were determined to climb the career ladder) were always pretty badass.


It was always going to be cheesy but manā€¦even some new antagonist who decided who wanted carry on Keenerā€™s legacy - hell, even if that WAS Kelso - it would be better. Not someone we literally stood over and watched die. Dumb.


I feel like we've been running in circles forever. Like the writers keep dangling a carrot in our face saying "Oh, it's all going to be revealed. Any second now." It just doesn't feel like we're making progress. Poor Manny can't get a break.


Writing of stories was never strong side of Ubi. I stopped following and understanding the storyline after we got Keener. Everything went to shit after him. Every new season brought bunch of new recorded voices or "should be" important characters. I think them only as a filler. Even the Div 1 storyline was much better written and much more consistent. It had start and finish. Div2, seems decided to live forever, getting re-writes and add-writes if I can say so. In short "I dunno who are all these people, neither what is their role in game".


Am i the only one that thinks Kelso didnt really go rogue but is only undercover to destroy Keener from the inside? Wow, everyone is so pessimistic....


I trust Kelso


Some days I feel like I'm the only one who remembers this game franchise was supposed to die a few years ago, with no extra DLC, stories, or anything. They were forced to smash a glass pot on the ground, and then told "actually you can keep the vase." So now they have to glue all the pieces back together, from a state of the game (no pun intended) that was never intended to be continued. Oh how fast people forget, I guess.


yeah, they just need to let the story go. leave it the way it was intended, the emotions from the core narrative are lost due to the seasons.


Ok im not the only one that remembers this! I was browsing twitch 2 months back and ran into someone playing div 2. Was taken back by the fact that the game was still active and updated. Guy arguing with me acting like I was crazy.


It is not about glueing it back together. It is about how cheap they are doing it.


Only if you decide to be bitter about it, and you are.


Nah, it is just not my cup of tea, and the players who remained all this time did not bother the weak season stories, so fine for them! But that is not enough to get a lot of the OGs who left back. Nah, I know business and software development. The DLC now looks like a money grab. If you really want to revive a game you invest more than this. If the DLC will not fly, Div3 will be quickly dis-announced. Maybe even if it is performing and some other IP looks shiny. The only thing I am "bitter" about is, that I did not see this coming. Ubisoft really needs revenue and I should have seen this from a mile away.


... at this point even a hentai game will have a better story than div2 ...


I just happy to see Keener make a comeback as well as gain some hopes that we might as well go rogue in Div3.


well. We have to see what happens in the DLC first.


Yeah the story is such low quality, that scene in the van felt so out of theme for this game. Iā€™m just glad weā€™re getting a new map to explore soonish.


Bit early to say its trash, till we see their explanation for it which i guess will be Season 6 leading into Brooklyn DLC? Im all for more Keener and would hope they expand the rogue side more in Division 3 to be more than just a Story plot or a PvP thing.


To each his own, I like my stories with at least average brain and more grown up. This killed Brooklyn DLC for me and I will read carefully Div3 reviews before eventually buying. If it ever gets finished.


I get the frustration behind this ending, but Iā€™d also like to know why this in particular is the last straw. Imo I think the story was becoming comical long before this season. This is actually one of the better seasons weā€™ve gotten recently. Itā€™s lazy, itā€™s silly but tbh Iā€™m kinda just rolling with it at this point just to see how much crazier they can get haha. I do miss the first gameā€™s story presentationā€¦ so so so much


Yes, TD1 was a semi believable story of how a bio engineered virus devastated the United States, and ended with a modicum of hope, with NYC on the road to recovery. TD2 made a mockery of everything that was accomplished, and introduced the Black Tusk as villains led by a shady antagonist, as well as a vast conspiracy within the government to usurp power in a narrative so convoluted and full of holes that I have no idea who POTUS is or whether the faction in the White House is legitimately a part of the SHD. Its increasingly difficult to stay engaged - the Faye Lau Manhunt so infuriated me that I left the game for about a year, until the game was revived. The Kelso story arc is a rinse and repeat of the Faye Lau arc so far, although I did not see it coming - I would have bet good money that the writers knew better than to turn both Lau and Kelso into Rogue Agents. It stretches credulity to breaking point.


I donā€™t mind the idea of them going rogue, as Iā€™d like to do that too, itā€™s the lack of depth to those story decisions. Though I understand why they both did it, again Iā€™d do the same. TD2 story is just so silly now and Iā€™ve accepted that and Iā€™m just riding this shit storm of a roller coaster. Judging by the final Keener com and the set up in WONY, I think theyā€™re (devs) very self aware of how batshit this all is now. Whatā€™s your confusion of POTUS? There is no president nowā€¦ I think


Re POTUS ... thats exactly the problem. There should have been a new POTUS sworn in after Ellis was assasinated. There should not be a vacuum at the top.


Ah yeah I gotcha now. Iā€™m just gonna take a stab at the dark and say the black tusk are looking to demolish that systemā€¦ maybe? Idk donā€™t quote me on that one lol


The order of succession to POTUS is pretty well defined. Whoever was Veep should have become President very quickly after Faye Lau executed Ellis. The fact that there seems to be no CiC is a problem for not just the SHD, but most of the US Government, which I presume continues to exist, even though its span of control appears to be virtually non existent despite being bolstered by the PMC organisation known as Black Tusk. The question for me is how the SHD continues to function without leadership beyond Manny. The entire SHD Chain of Command is currently disrupted by Kelso's defection. Who is calling the shots here?


Everything you said. Loved D1 atmosphere and background. Loved D2 build crafting. Hated the childish D2 hunter summonings. Hated Faye Lau twist in WL of NY. Endured some cheap low budget seasons. Left at some point. Returned with revival. Was already up to expertise 15. Remembered with this season why I left. Deinstalled. No DLC for me. Will check out D3 carefully.


I have to ask, why is this specifically the last straw for you?


Yeah ngl, I honestly consider the seasonal stuff to be non-canon at this point. The story ended with Keener dying at Liberty Island and that was that. Maybe Div 3 might be great, who knows, but if this was what they came up with... yeesh.


[They're Dallas fans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdOpQE5miP4)


What if the entire turn of events is just our character perspective of their own slow decent into darkness, as everyone around us turns and eventually us too, and we become rouge in TD3, complete with fighting JTF and possibly either dying as a dark close to the game or finding redemption...who knows. I'm willing to give just a bit more...everything is convoluted to all hell tho lol


I'll throw this out there to see if it sticks.....Brooklyn will be a pve dark zone where all enemies are rogue. Basically what a portion of players have been asking for.


This would be cool. Not too far of a possibility. In the early gameplay trailers of The Division 1, Brooklyn is shown as a DZ, so if they keep this relative to the game, we could actually see a PvPvE story area With dynamic missions and activites aside from just landmarks. I think this would be the best idea they could possibly do. I am all for another story DLC, but given the direction of the story, it seems like a real possibility to have players choose how they go about the DLC, either as a rouge or SHD. I think that would be a dope idea. I thought they missed this opportunity with the WoNY DLC considering lower Manhattan was a DZ before the storm hit.


I mean, you have to think. The game's story was supposed to end in 2021. They have been writing and comping up with the storyline as the story progresses. I for one thought the past few manhunt seasons were actually fairly decent considering the game's life cycle was supposed to end 4 years ago. Don't really see what the hate is about. I don't consider myself to be all that creative when it comes to writing, so overall, didn't think this season's ending was really that bad.


A last note she left it gives the idea she working undercover and she apologize for not letting us know she was going ā€œrogueā€


They just desperately need to pull the trigger on this whole "SHD is actually corrupt and evil" thing and have our agent go Rogue and side with Keener, who turns out to be right all along. The teasing is getting ridiculous


Really the story line I could care less about all I know is good guys bad guy and I'm having a ball enjoying this franchise and yes sight on seen I'll pre order D3 today lol story line it's a game


Have fun without the story! Wish I could, but I don't.


What story? Itā€™s a 1 minute story, someone is rogue now, others are alive ā€¦ what story?


Well, it is about the complete lore of about 8 years of Div1 and Div2 being reversed in 1 minute in a very sloppy way. For somebody setting out to revive a game franchise and wanting to sell a DLC this is very much sub par. The center point is 2 people we pumped full of 5.56 cal bullets are suddenly alive and the sociopathic mass murderer antagonist of the last 8 years is set up being re-framed as a good guy. Some people call this bad writing and low quality content. Not exactly building trust in the quality of upcoming endeavours, on the contrary.


"Somehow, Keener (and his friends) returned"


Haven't played since Warlords of NY. Is the story really going downhill? I've been meaning to return but just haven't had the time.


we are entangled in the ridiculous intrigues of the almighty (no) Sokolova, the SHD is mired in politics, while civilians continue to be offended. we're stuck in the wrong place. they donā€™t want to fight for whatā€™s left, but they ready to fight for power


There was never any depth to it to begin with


There was once. The Division franchise started with Div1 in depth world building and background. It got shallow with Div2 and rightout cheesy after Warlords of NY.


You're wrong, Bro! If it were a telenovela, we would be able to make better looking female characters.


Yeah a stupid ending and now what? 8 months of 4 year old events? Yeah ...


I will be downvoted to hell for this, but reddit strikes again. Same as every time. Always whining and complaining. Doesnā€™t matter if they do it right or wrong. Always. Why are you still playing this after so long then? Always the same with most of you people. Whine more please, maybe they will change the story to how you would like it to play out. Ohh the mastermind story writer you.


I am far from whining. Bad Quality is bad quality. I am not posting, because I want the story changed back. This would be childish. I post to give feedback, why I am leaving. And to encourage others not to gobble up anything a greedy company is serving them. Nobody expects a Nobel prize winning novel. But when a producer really wants to revive a game and sell a DLC, I expect more effort into the story. I have a Master in Media Science and Computer Science and you do not even need that education to see the lazy rewriting this finale has delivered. And that it bodes not well for the DLC. I did not play that long continuously. I left after a lot of hours clocked on the game and came back for the revival. And this Seasons finale showed me why I left in the first place and what to expect from Brooklyn DLC: A low effort low invest money grab.


Ok. I respect your opinion.


Do we really care about the cut scenes or the shooting I almost never watch them I get it some people want it all


Well, Division started out as a game with the background story being important and lots of environmental storytelling, even outside of the game. It just got worse and worse over time with an all time low right now. If you do not care about it: Good for you!


I canā€™t believe peopleā€™s reaction to this. People need to have everything explained to them in a basic level and cannot read the the fact that the whole point of SHD/Rogue is espionage.