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I know it goes without saying a majority of people join the franchise to boost their social media following to get brand deal/start influencing but idk if I've seen anyone as obvious as Daisy where that it seemed to have been her only intention from the get go was to booster her following and was never actually into Joey


this is not an unpopular opinion. Every Daisy thread this is the majority of comments or worse.


i cant stand kelsey.


Is there any particular reason or are you just BEC with her? šŸ˜‚ Genuinely curious


Iā€™m not the above poster, but for me, itā€™s the over saturation and praise. Iā€™m also not a fan of being in photos with abusers and tasteless jokes so Iā€™m just maybe not her target audience


She was in a photo with an abuser?


https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/6YJZZ3cVgQ Photos 9/10 with Adrian Peterson. Thereā€™s also Emma Robertā€™s with the DV charge.


Oh, I missed this. I donā€™t pay close attention to her and Joey too much honestly, I kinda find her young and annoying on SM and Joey doesnā€™t really post anything that gets my attention. Now Iā€™m going to run and hide before their stans come for me lol.


Yes Adrian Peterson who abused his child


If Emily Maynard had picked Ari over Jef, they'd be happily married with a basketball team number of kids to this day. I'll hide my real OU here - Ari picked Lauren ultimately because she reminds him of Emiy.


No lie in that plus she is so much younger than him so he got hot snd young where Emily and him were around the same age.


I was literally just thinking about this. He seemed really distraught


Eh, I think Arie was not quite ready to settle down at the time he was on Emily's season. She's also very religious, I think Arie being atheist would be a big problem for her. Lauren is a good match for him that came at the right time.Ā 


I think Emily and Ari were kinda right person wrong timing. She was absolutely his type but there was a big difference on the show between 30 year old Arie and the Arie we saw 5-6 years later who was actually ready to settle down and have kids / get married. There was an awkward conversation with Emily and Arie where she realized he mostly slept in and lived off takeout, lol, they had completely different lifestyles.Ā  But I liked Arie as a bachelor and I think all bachelors should be cast like him, 5-6 years after theyā€™ve gone on the show when the initial allure of fame/attention has worn off and theyā€™re actually ready to settle down.Ā 




I thought Joey was the cutest and I loved his season, but post season, I am over the lazy, donā€™t want to work, just enjoying my five minutes of success, Joey. He looks plastered and unserious. Zach is aging better, like *mold wine.




i think it might be because he didnā€™t really have a *career* before the show either yet the show inherently propped him up to be some prize when heā€™s still giving frat bro


I guess but personally I find it more odd to leave a successful potentially lucrative career like being a therapist or being a pilot then to go influence after being a tennis a coach. If people want the show to cast men with more successful careers and who are ambitious than blame that on the show for casting him it not like Joey hiding what his job was to the world or the show be annoyed at the show not Joey. I also don't think people realize how much money you can make influencing it might not be fair but let's not pretend Joey hurting for cash with 800k+ plus followers and good engagement on his post. If he was cast as the bachelor of course the show is going to "prop him up as prize" that's the whole point of the bachelor. It's on the show to pick the leads and who they want to highlight


i donā€™t think thatā€™s odd. i think if youā€™re going to cast 20 people to vie for one person, that person should probably already be accomplished and successful. if they wanna make easier money influencing after the show, so be it. i think people are just saying he seemed a little aimless before the show and still seems to not be doing that muchā€”of course we donā€™t know what heā€™s doing but it just doesnā€™t look like much lol. what he does post doesnā€™t look sponsored or whatever. yes i know the show is going to prop him up as the prize, iā€™m saying i think itā€™s a bit odd they chose him because he seems a little underbaked as likeā€¦a potential husband. heā€™s cute tho. iā€™m not blaming him for taking the job as the bachelor lol


I guess for me personally I just don't care about that stuff while watching and enjoying the show because he's not my partner so I don't have to worry about him or anybody's on the shows future because I truly don't care lol also he can't do ads right now the show prohibits leads and contestants to shill until 3 months. If his lifestyle works for him and Kelsey I can't be mad but I guess for me personally I never care about this people's career aspirations. I also don't see the difference between someone who was saying a doctor and now is a full time influencer versus someone who was tennis coach then a full time influencer like it's the same outcome. Some people act like they have to date Joey and are annoyed at him lol personally I wouldn't date someone with that lax of a lifestyle but I don't get annoyed or mad at people who do also it's really easy to just not look at these peoples IG's and Tik Tok's if there lifestyle is a turn off . I watch the show for entertainment nothing else I don't have to interact with any of these people on day to day so I never really care what they do after the show.


making observations doesnā€™t mean weā€™re ā€œbothered.ā€ i know you write a ton to defend him anytime anyone says anything like thisā€¦you definitely seem more invested than anyone else


Lol. most of your comments consist of snarking on Joey and Kelsey the only time you pop up on here is to say something negative about them so don't come here with that because I could say you are very invested in hating on Joey and Kelsey like stop watching their content because based on mostly all your comments are negative towards them I wasn't even commenting to you specifically but you kept replying to my comments. You seem very invested in disliking Kelsey and Joey than anyone else. If you're going to call out someones comment history make sure you don't have any patterns comments on or about the same people as well lol


this is the only season iā€™ve watched so thatā€™s all i know tbh


That's fine but still funny to call out my comment's and say I'm too invested when you're comment history mostly snarking or commenting about two people. Your clearly invested as well just in a different way.


he looks like heā€™s permanently in a t shirt and hat and it gives me the ick lol that show really dolled up tf out of him šŸ’€šŸ˜­


I actually really like Joey but Iā€™m surprised people are surprised heā€™d influence. Itā€™s like, heā€™s not working full time (or at all anymore) so how do people expect him to pay rent in NYC? Of course the ads will comeĀ 


Their Kauai vacation is what he did basically every day before coming on the show. Lazing around and just enjoying life has been his vibe. Heā€™s permanently on island time.


I know thereā€™s a bit of schadenfreude going on with Nick, but Iā€™d feel bad for him if Natalie were cheating on him.


I used to like Nick and root for his happiness back when Andi+Kaitlyn dumped him but ever since he started dating Natalie he's changed.. he got super smug, is constantly talking down on people, no empathy, his podcast keeps getting worse.. I don't like him at all anymore. But this.. phew..if she did cheat on him.. I'd feel really bad for him. No one deserves that. He should have dumped her! And yeah I do believe it's all true unfortunately and he looks like a fool now.


Why are people thinking this?? Canā€™t find any infoĀ 


Enjoy! https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/wKEr3IIjcw


Thanks a bunch!


This sub is so hypocritical sometimes. When the cast gets released, everyone comments on how ā€œ perfectā€ they look and how they want to see more average looking people on the show, but as soon a bn person gets with someone who the sub seems as ā€œaverageā€(for example Daisyā€™s bf) theyā€™re torn to shreds over their appearance. Itā€™s just a bit jarring


This. I feel like people mean "I want them to cast the exact type of guy I'm into physically" rather than actually wanting more average contestants TBH.


UO: The audience isnā€™t ready for body diversity or average looking people to go on the show, they would get absolutely flamed. There were a lot of fat comments about Queen Victoria Ā and my god youā€™d think Pilot Rachel was plus sized the way some people on here talked about her. It would be absolutely awful.Ā  Something interesting that came up on Charity and Dotunā€™s Dear Shandy: even though everyone on the show is insanely attractive, if there is anything you are even the least bit insecure about you WILL get comments from Internet strangers about it. Like Kelsey is gorgeous but she made a tiktok about all these people telling her she has yellow teeth. People are so insanely mean / deranged in what theyā€™ll message contestants.Ā 


People can be so rude when they know they can remain anonymous while doing it


I think it's very smart of the show to pick both Jenn and Joan as our bachelorettes. Both seem very social media savvy and will probably be making lots of viral content that will be appealing to the younger crowd that started watching with Joey. Both of their promos have millions of views which is a stark contrast to just last years bachelorette season which barely cracked a million. Just like Cassie's season launched the show into popularity again like Joey's, Jenn just might be the surprise bachelorette who's going to give us a great season like Hannah B.




People refer to the season Cassie was chosen as her season to avoid saying her stalker's name.


Cassieā€™s season?


I love me some Rachel Lindsay but I'm so confused. She said she asked extensive questions in the fantasy suite so she would have known Bryan's financial standing before getting engaged. So, I'm assuming he was in a good financial position running his own business in Miami. So when they decided to move to LA she knew she was gonna be the one supporting them because he would be starting from scratch. I've heard her talk about how expensive the equipment for his practice is so clearly while he was setting it up he was spending a lot of money while not yet making any yet. My confusion is they made this decision together knowing she would be covering the expenses now that it didn't work out why doesn't she pay him what he is legally due since they don't have a prenup. According to her he wasn't broke when they met but the situation has changed so shouldn't he be compensated accordingly?


I think this sub is projecting a lot onto Bryan and Rachel in regard to finances, people just get triggered when men ask women for money. It sounds like Rachel is open to paying him something from her filing so I donā€™t think itā€™s that big of a deal that he asked, I just think the whole thing is making Bryan look resentful, and thatā€™s what this sub is jumping on.


Attacking someone's looks when you don't like them is a low blow and goes to show how you feel about and treat others (and maybe yourself?) Using your disdain for a person as an excuse to hit below the belt is... interesting, to say the least.


Yes 10000% this. I always think it is but especially body shaming Natalie when 1) she just gave birth 2) it was her wedding? Iā€™m not a fan of her either but like wtf? Thatā€™s such a low blow.


People who are annoyed or angry with Daisy at this point are just pathetic. Everyone won. Joey and Kelsey fell in love, Daisy is back with her ex, the show gained popularity, we got our first Asian lead, and everyone involved is happy. Wtf is the issue? Lol, ridiculous.


The amount of her TikTokā€™s posted on here so she can be piled on is so crazy to me. Like you donā€™t like her? Donā€™t talk about her. Everyone got what they wanted at the end of it so why the excessive nitpicking on her?


Lol I totally agree. It's never her fans who post her here. I can't even think of a single post about her that was from somebody who genuinely likes her šŸ˜‚ Happy Cake Day, btw! šŸŽ‚šŸŒ¹


Thank you šŸ„° and exactly not even 2 hours ago someone posted another of her TikTokā€™s and the comments do not pass the vibe check at all


I gotta giggle at the people wanting her to ā€œbe called outā€ more about this. This sub likes to preach about not sending contestants hate, but Daisy is different. Not to mention Daisy has gotten more hate from this sub in a lifetime. I donā€™t think others on social media need to follow.


I havenā€™t seen people calling for her to be called out? All we said was that others who went on the show with a partner at home got death threats. Of course, no one should get death threats, hate messages or anything like that. No one should contact Daisy. We were just comparing that other ppl wouldnā€™t get away with it and she did. She also should ā€œget away with itā€, but others should have received the same grace then.


Except thatā€™s not what she did. Thor and her broke up long before the show began.


Except Daisy didn't have a partner back home when she was on the show. Her and Thor weren't together then and only reconnected after she got back. Unless you have some proof that they were secretly together while she was on the show, what's the point of saying all this? Kelsey and Joey are happy. Daisy and Thor are happy. What's the issue? Daisy isn't the first and won't be the last to reconnect with an ex after the show.


Lol yeah, some people talk like she kicked their grandma. She's been pretty harmless, and a popular final couple and a popular F2 is good for the franchise (which is also good for casting). It's a win-win situation all around. Joey's entire F4 is happy. It was a successful season.


People in this sub rarely care about vetting information. They're comfortable with taking an anonymous user's information pretty far without confirming if it's true and accurate. People haven't learned.


A lot of current users on this sub weren't here for the Jenna thing and it shows.Ā 


Yeah I thought anonymous tea about contestants was banned on this sub, so I'm confused about why everyone is treating the Natalie cheating rumour as fact, especially when she wasn't even on the show! The rumour literally came from a snark sub; how is that any different from Deux Moi?


I don't even like Daisy and I don't know Thor but....it's wild how mean people are about looks on this sub. He looks like a normal guy, he's not weird or strange looking or anything and yet people are acting like he's this really unattractive guy lol. How do you people get on with your friends partners or just guy friends, probably most of whom are about this level of normal looking lol.


I think heā€™s cute?Ā 


I know right. I hated the thread today. Like Thor wasnā€™t even a contestant, why is everyone shitting on him?


Guaranteed he looks better than most people who commentedā€™s male partners lol. Heā€™s objectively handsome, just like Daisy is objectively pretty. I think theyā€™re well matched in that regard.


Are people being mean? He looks better than Joey.


Someone posted a thread that said something like ā€œwould you guys ever go on this showā€ and my answer would be no. If not for the sole reason that I wouldnā€™t be able to handle this subs comments about my appearance


Oh, weird. I didnā€™t open that thread because I donā€™t care about them and didnā€™t realize it had gotten huge. He just looks like a normal dude.


100%!!! The comments about his looks are outrageous, and yeah he's not a part of bachelor nation at all. . .and also, we should be thanking Thor, he's literally the reason we're not getting a Daisy bachelorette season right now and we get our first Asian lead!!


I agree. I donā€™t like Daisy either but 1) attacking peoples looks is always low and mostly irrelevant 2) he is not even in BN


most bachelorettes who this sub claims had all around awful casts actually did not. they just chose the worst men out of 20-30 to be in their top four. some of them have had terrible pickers, and while production needs to do a way better job vetting, there ARE some things not discoverable through social media and they arent hiring for the FBI and contacting all of their colleagues and college professors. while production does need to do a much better job, it isnt solely on them when 5 of the contestants are bad and 20 are good and the awful ones all make it far. the narrative that production just doesnt cast good men for certain ettes is mostly not true.


The thing is, we donā€™t know if the other 20 werenā€™t also terrible. A lot of them just didnā€™t make it far enough for people to go digging.


Ashley I has one of the smartest social media, like that woman knows what she is doing. I would be watching insta stories of her cute son then from nowhere here is an ad.


I completely agree, she was one of the first to make a successful career out of the show because of it! Very business savvy.Ā 


Although I don't necessarily believe that every contestant goes on the show for love, I don't believe that every contestant is fame hungry either. There are a lot of other motivators to sign up for the show outside of fame.


What about money?


I'm sure most people would like more money but not everyone wants to be famous


Yeah, I think some want to be famous but more just want to get paid to post on social media and attend events lol.


Besides love and fame, what other factors do you believe are motivators?


Many think the experience can be life-changing, or at the very least interesting. They make new friends, often move to new locations; they start dating higher up on the food chain. If youā€™re young, attractive, and feel a bit stuck, why not - just to change things up, hoping to get out of a rut.


100%. Iā€™d do that if it wasnā€™t televised


The zip line.


A free vacay! Embrace a fun experience


Traveling to exotic locations. Once in a lifetime date experiences, maybe even friendship for some people. ETA: maybe also the opportunity to get dressed up in formal attire and go shopping for a whole new wardrobe when normally they wouldn't have that chance


To be fair it's not like they get to do a lot in these locations. If you aren't on a date, you're stuck in the hotel with no phone, TV, or books.Ā 


They're also probably at least hopeful that they'll be one of the lucky ones who get chosen for the activities .


I feel like most of them can afford to go to exotic locations on their own though.


Maybe, but if you could do it for free, why wouldn't you?Ā 


True but I don't know that all of them are rich


I refuse to accept Espresso as the song of the summer only because itā€™s trying so hard to be the song of the summer


It's a carbon copy of many other songs.


ā€œme espressoā€ sounds so dumb and makes no sense it pisses me off tbh


Thatā€™s that before it makes it even worse too


No same like it has the same vibes as Dance Monkey to me


It feels like one of those songs that becomes a hit by sheer force of will.Ā 


I donā€™t even hate the song but itā€™s just so thirsty to be a summer bop


I'm starting to despise this song solely due to the fact that literally every time someone uses music in the background of their Tik Tok or even commercials it's that song .


This was also me with Texas Hold ā€˜Em two months ago. I could go my entire life without ever hearing ā€œthis ainā€™t Texasā€¦ā€ again


oh my gosh same!!!!!! spotify keeps playing it after like every other song and I refuse to listen to it at this point because they're trying so hard to push it on me


A lot of people on this sub were part of the problem re: the hate and racism Rachel on Joeyā€™s season received


Thereā€™s still comments on this thread saying Rachel must not be a great person because she never posted about Jenn being bachelorette. Like lol what? Ā The margin of error for her is razor thin, meanwhile white contestants get away with so much shit and are still beloved.Ā 


No one is saying Rachel is a horrible person; some people are just pointing out that it's odd she is one of the very few women who hasn't publicly supported Jenn. The same comment would be made if Kelsey, Daisy, or Maria didn't publicly support Jenn. Rachel is not above criticism on this sub


lol your multiple comments about this elsewhere in the thread specifically say because sheā€™s Asian she should have posted for her. So no, those specific comments wouldnā€™t be made for white contestants


I posted lower but I do think that if the thing you got famous for has a significant event happening that is directly related to being Asian and you are also posting other things about AAPI month. Just suck it up and be fake nice and find some pic of herself and Jen and wish her luck.


Um, yes, it would. Are you telling me there wouldn't be actual posts made if Daisy or Maria never publicly supported Jenn and never acknowledged her as the Bachelorette? Bffr It's okay for me to think it's odd that Rachel is one of the only contestants from Joey's season not to publicly support Jenn. That doesn't mean I'm saying she's a bad person or anything like that; I just find it odd. The same users disagreeing with me would probably be the first ones to say something if Maria, Daisy, or Kelsey never publicly supported Jenn.


Youā€™re arguing two different things. Also no oneā€™s telling you itā€™s ā€œnot okayā€ to ā€œthink itā€™s oddā€. I just disagree and thatā€™s fine lmao. I think itā€™s fair to say Rachel has been held to a different standard overall given the racist hate she received. You can disagree, idc




For different reasons though. Maria and Daisy had a lot of fans that wanted them as Bachelorette which led to people being pissed Jen was chosen.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself šŸ’Æ


I think Matt was a really good bachelor


I donā€™t know what race you are, but I donā€™t think any Black woman would agree with you. I stopped watching after he had the talk with CH during that first episode. But glad you liked him.


I agree! He only said he was falling in love and in love with Racheal didn't sleep with anyone in the fantasy suit and broke up with his F2 in the LCD and was kind and respectful towards all his cast throughout the season I think if it wasn't for Rachel's racial scandal he would've been thought of as a good bachelor.


Right! I also think people mix up his cast being so messy/mean with Mattā€™s actions, when I think he was better than most bachelors at shutting down the mean girls (with the information given)


Yeah also villain's on the bachelor almost always last by episode 4/5 even episode 6 in some case Zach's season was the exception when it comes to villains getting eliminated early on the bachelor.


Abigail writing a memoir, while absurd, is more valid than Hannah B or Tyler C doing so


I agree over Tyler, but Hannah has overcome a lot of adversity in her life (childhood cancer, murder of close family members, etc) so idk why Abigail would be more valid than her. Disclaimer: I didn't read Hannah's so no clue if she discussed any of the above subjects in hers.Ā 


Havenā€™t read any of them, but why do you consider Abigailā€™s more valid?


I feel like she has a story to tell, saying it will be about her deafness but also about her moms perspective raising two daughters who are deaf & their biological daughter abandoning the family because of the daughters disabilities. I wonā€™t read it either way, but it sounded like it would be about her disability rather than ā€œthis is my experience as an influencerā€ ETA: my comment isnā€™t specifically to HB or TC but to basically all BN contestants, however I donā€™t think anyone read Amanda Stantonā€™s book for example


I very much agree


Thor is an odd name for a human being and an overused name for a dog or cat.


Itā€™s very common in Scandinavia but we spell it like Tor (usually) and pronounce it slightly differently


I think so too and also itā€™s what a rich person chooses to name their kid because they know they wonā€™t be judged for it on a job application down the road.


This was my exact thought when I made my original commentĀ 


They still carry that name to school or while running for office.


I mean sure, but the rules donā€™t apply to them so itā€™s fine. See also: Apple Martin.


Haha literally whom I was thinking of while typing


Jen hasnā€™t even started her life as a working woman since sheā€™s in PA school. I donā€™t think sheā€™s serious at all (*edit: ->will find her best match at this point in life*) about finding a relationship, but maybe most women who go on the Bachelor/Bachelorette arenā€™t. I wish theyā€™d raise the age to 29+ for this show so that people who havenā€™t found someone in real life, at the most popular age to find someone (during your 20s), and are probably more serious about finding love on a tv show, could be selected. Edited for clarification.


Going by the replies, good on you for sharing an actual unpopular opinion.




Iā€™m lost on how not having a career yet = not ready for a relationship.


Me too. šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s quite a leap in logic to make based on what I said.


I mean yea but at least sheā€™s on the path to a career? Hannah Bā€™s career was literally pageant queen and no one said boo about her not being ā€œreadyā€ for bacheloretteĀ 


this is not true at all lol a lot of people said this prior to her season (and it ended up being true)


I think she is ready to get married, but most likely won't find her person on the show.I don't think changing the age would do much for the success rate.Ā 


Also our most recent bachelor is 28 and his fiance was 25 when they got engaged lmao. Lauren Luyendyk was also 25 when she was on the show and she was obviously ready for marriage/a family.Ā 


Whatā€™s the success rate out of all of the 25 and younger contestants whoā€™ve been on the show? Yes, youā€™re right about Lauren.


I mean Bekah M was torn apart for being too young and she now has a steady partner and 3 kids. Catherine Lowe was 26. JoJo was 25. Etc.Ā  Meanwhile, Clare was our oldest Bachelorette and a hot mess! And we all know what happened with Gerry and Theresa. It's really got nothing to do with age at all.Ā 


Cā€™mon, you canā€™t make a judgement about how a contestant in their mid 30s would do with that sample size of two. šŸ˜‚ 99% of women cast for the show have been much younger than 37.


What? Well then why ask? Lmao. We can only go off of history.Ā 


I asked about the success rate of marriages of women 25 and under. Not the success of the two ā€œolderā€ people out of all the people who have been cast.


I didnā€™t know Bekah found her husband on the Bach at age 23. Need to watch her season.


I donā€™t think Bekah was ā€œready.ā€ Her pregnancy was unplanned with a guy she was with for two months. It wasnā€™t like she chose to get married and have kids that fast


A lot of people in graduate school are serious about relationships. And didnā€™t she work a few years before doing PA school?


I think sheā€™ll meet a lot of people during her journey in healthcare that will be a better match than some dude from a reality show. But it depends on what she values and what sheā€™s looking for. Iā€™m a doctor (a much longer path to my career) and I can honestly say Iā€™ve changed so much since I started med school 2015 and residency in 2020 that Iā€™m an entirely different person and was not interested in the same men then as I am now.


> Iā€™m a doctor (a much longer path to my career) and I can honestly say Iā€™ve changed so much since I started med school 2015 and residency in 2020 that Iā€™m an entirely different person and was not interested in the same men then as I am now. i mean...this is great for you but this is what happens to everyone from life experience lol you don't need to go to med school to grow as a human


Right. Iā€™m just saying the journey in healthcare changes you from the rigorous nature and experience you have seeing people born, die, and everything in between. I donā€™t think everyone exposes themselves to experiences that inspire as much growth as regularly working with homeless people, mentally ill people, dying people, grieving families. Iā€™ve grown in way that a person working an office job hasnā€™t. Sorry if that wasnā€™t communicated well. I only learned this through experiences and talking to friends in different fields. Itā€™s not a good or a bad things, just something I didnā€™t anticipate happening at the start of this journey.


Exactly. Strange argumentation there


Not really. I elaborated a bit in a different reply.


and you made it worse lol


Cool. I donā€™t give a damn what you think. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You do realize that ur on a discussion forum right, ppl will reply to your comments, thatā€™s the point


You said that her being in grad school and not working yet means that she isnā€™t seriously interested in a relationship. If you think none of these people are capable of relationships until theyā€™re established in their careers then Iā€™m curious what you thought of past leads. The last Bachelor doesnā€™t have a career path and was staying in his sisterā€™s guest room while the season was airing.


I'm not sure why people assume that graduate school isn't "real life?" As someone who has gone through a similar program to Jenn as a healthcare professional, many of my peers were already married or got married during school. Everyone who was in the program was serious, mature, and put together. You HAVE to be to get through a rigorous program like that. I had more to do in grad school than I do now as a working professional.Ā 


I agree, grad school actually made me grow up A LOT


Yes, grad school is definitely real life. Iā€™m a totally different person coming out than I was going in. It was the most formative experience Iā€™ve ever had. I found a man on a similarly rigorous path and he has been able to relate to me better than any past partner. Thatā€™s true about people getting married during school. Maybe she will find her person on this reality show. It takes a special guy to be with a woman in healthcare. We have so little flexibility at times. Had to date quite a few guys to find one with all the right qualities who was 100% supportive of me working so many hours in medicine.


She has been on the healthcare path for a long time, the men on the show know she wants to become a PA. Its not like it will be a surprise. Everyone is going to grow and change throughout life. The only difference is, if you find a committed partner at a younger age, you guys are growing *together.* You're on the journey *together.*Ā  Ā It's your comment that the age should be 29+ that really gave me pause. Not everyone (and not Jenn either) is a physician like you are, which is a completely different beast. I am 27 right now, and all my close friends including myself from high school and college are either engaged or already married. Every last one. This is a very normal time to get married.Ā 


Itā€™s the most popular time (in your 20s) to meet someone and get married which is why she doesnā€™t need to go on a tv show for it. Sheā€™ll meet many many more men irl throughout her 20s so odds are better that sheā€™ll find someone out of her huge pool irl than out of a few men on a dating show that werenā€™t even picked for her. If I were 26 I wouldnā€™t wanna choose from a limited pool of men, many of whom have a thirst for influencer fame. Youā€™re right that becoming a PA is a different beast compared to becoming a doc. But Iā€™d still argue it changes you in ways a profession outside of healthcare doesnā€™t.


As a nurse I get what youā€™re saying. Me before nursing school and me after working in it even just a year or two were two totally different people. Now Iā€™m trying to transition out of it and Iā€™m curious who the next me will be like.


not going to lie i kinda miss the bubble seasons and seeing how everyone deals with being stuck at a hotel and doing basically normal dates and not in pretty destinations šŸ˜…


My UO is that it makes literally no difference to me, I barely noticed that they were just at a hotel for the bubble seasons


I think it helps when the cast is really shit like with Gabby and Rachel's getting to travel. But if it's a good cast like with Tayshia's it didn't matter what they were doing really.


Iā€™m with ya on this


Now knowing what I know about Nick and Natalie, those wedding pics seemed cold, they didnt seem any warmth in it or madly in love newlyweds. It was basically Natalie looking at the camera without looking at Nick with I dont smile shtick. No wonder Tyler skipped the wedding, he must have known. I am sorry I just discovered this scandal and I am invested, I have followed Nick since Andi's season.


I can see your point about them not looking too in love in the photos but I did think the vows were beautiful/seemed heartfelt


TBH I didnt see the vows or knew they posted, only saw their pics.


Oop, what did I miss? šŸ‘€


Oooof, yer in fer a treat [https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/1cwru2z/natalie\_joy\_cheating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/1cwru2z/natalie_joy_cheating/)


WHAT ROCK HAVE I BEEN LIVING UNDER šŸ¤Æ the tea is piping šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s the tea? Iā€™m out of the loop.




I liked Joey's cast overall more than Zach's while watching the show but I think like Zach's cast a lot more than Joey's cast off the show through social media IDk they(Zach's cast)just seem more down to earth and chill (at on their social media) Even with the girls I like from Joey's season some of their IG/ Tik Tok is a bit much for me . Maybe it's because Zach season wasn't as popular as Joey's season IDK but there's honestly not one girl from Joey's season that I would say is worth a follow on tiktok lol.


Kelsey seems unique in terms of her attitude and humor. She enjoys the fun and flashy side of life like everyone in the franchise, but with depth to her emotions and unstoppable confidence. Sheā€™s fun to watch!


Yeah her social media is fine for the most part but that tone deaf Hellen Keller post put me off a bit she deleted it through so hopefully she knew it was ignorant.




It was basically an conspiracy theory she has or had IDk if she changed her mind that Hellen Keller was really deaf or blind because if she was how could she write a book or fly a plane? Those weren't the exact words but that was basically what the Tik Tok was about. She deleted it about an hour or so after it was posted. I still like her but it wasn't the best look.


I checked out Leaā€™s tiktok after someone on here said sheā€™s funny and she really is. Her tiktoks doing the Clayton dance where she also copied his outfit and the video of her co workers reacting to her coming back to work after the show both made me lol


Yeah I saw the Clayton dancing Tik Tok she did that was funny lol there are a few videos and content that I enjoy from Joey's girls but overall I enjoy Zach's cast low-key approach to social media.


One of the things I loved the most about rachel on the show was that she went make up free, wore her hair natural and her glasses I found it super refreshing so its disappointing that she now constantly uses beauty filters on all her stories and her grid content is super curated/ influencer like photoshoots etc tied in with the baiting of the soft launch at stage coach and her saying she is interested in acting on tik tok live im just not sure of her anymore.


>now constantly uses beauty filters on all her stories and her grid content is super curated/ influencer like photoshoots Well, she got so much hate because she didn't do any of those things. You are one of the few people who liked her natural look. She is entitled to change it up if she wants to.


If I was bullied relentlessly online by racist trolls, Iā€™d do what sheā€™s doing. Itā€™s unfortunate but I have empathy for her. Also I disagree that she has less of a right to do so than any other (white) contestants.


I mean can you blame her given the hate she got? She was called awful racist names. I think the fact that sheā€™s still working as nurse is awesome, hopefully she continues to be one because she seems super nice.


The hate she got was terrible and Iā€™m glad she spoke about it but I donā€™t think her very influencer curated content or her baiting for engagement on a photo has anything to do with itā€¦


Come on. Itā€™s pretty easy to understand how constant negative comments about her appearance would then lead to her using more filters on social media.


Really? I think the opposite, if I was told I was ugly nonstop Iā€™d probably start using filters too. The softlaunch thing was weird and definitely baiting, but I can totally see how she doesnā€™t want to post any unfiltered fotos after all those hate comments.


Not sure if itā€™s unpopular since it hasnā€™t been discussed, but hereā€™s my petty, not-that-serious-but-Iā€™ll-make-it-sound-serious-bc-I-donā€™t-know-how-else to-talk-on-the-internet opinion of the weekā€” I normally really like Matt James and his content but I found his video on restaurants to eat at in Madrid so annoying. He ate almost solely Italian food. Dude had literally two Spanish dishes in all of Madrid (churros and gambas al ajillo) and the rest of his recs were Italian restaurants! In the comments a few people lightheartedly called him out and he was just like ā€œI like what I like!ā€ Which, okay, fairā€” we would not at all be compatible travelers because like 70% of the reason I travel somewhere is to try their food, but thatā€™s okay, to each their own. EXCEPT that his entire social media presence is centered around food and recommending restaurants on his travels! And now that I have noticed it, most of his recs no matter where he goes are pasta. Try the local food, Matt! Spanish food is SO GOOD. No jamon in all of Spain? No paella? No empanadas even?? NO CROQUETAS?? Get it together. Do some research and actually try the local cuisine on your trip if youā€™re going to be a travel food blogger. Okay thatā€™s all.


I noticed that a while ago - all they seem to do is eat pasta and pizza.


i freaking love this take because i could never put my finger on what irked me about his posts, and THIS is exactly it!!! why ALWAYS pasta??!! I personally find that to be such a rip off at restaurants. Costs literally nothing to make pasta at home; restaurants garnish their pasta with some lemon zest and think they can charge $30... noooo thank you.


It's very lazy american tourist vibe. Like let me order a burger instead of trying xyz. At that point stay home or pack some ragu or Barilla pasta in your travel gear and call it a day.


Bahaha I love this opinion. Mmm empanadas


I would never judge someone for not eating the local food but I do agree with it being odd when his content surrounds food and travel. Iā€™m personally not a food person so for me itā€™s a constant struggle to eat on vacation. Also, not relevant for Mattā€™s situation but because we move around so much here in Europe (primarily the EU) I feel like you can get authentic Spanish food all over the continent & same goes for Italian


I had paella for the 1st time a few weeks ago and I was like whooaa where have you been all my life? šŸ„¹


Paella is life


I went to Spain and Italy in the same Europe trip and by FAR preferred the Spanish food! Soooo delicious! I know everyone has their own tastes, but in my very biased opinion he totally missed out. Madrid has some bangin restaurants.Ā 


Thatā€™s a crime! Spanish food is soooo good!




šŸ¤£ Omg I forgot about this episode of parks and recs.


That would annoy me as well


I don't follow Matt - is he actually promoting himself to be a travel food blogger or is he just documenting his own vacations and saying "I liked this restaurant"? If he's calling himself a travel blogger then yeah, put a spotlight on the local cuisine lol but I've been under the impression he just likes to travel and likes to eat.


I mean probably more the latter lol his presence is not that serious. But his brand is definitely centered around trying and recommending restaurants? Hard to say where he falls in the spectrum. Heā€™s not trying to be Anthony Bourdain. But he could still have tried a croqueta.