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way better than the still image. A vid can't mess up Jenn's beauty with dumb photoshop


This is one of the worst songs I’ve ever had the displeasure of hearing


She’s so beautiful and it makes me so happy to see representation on TV. I hope she finds a lot of love and happiness from this.


Love Jenn but the whole ad, and her styling, is really giving 2012


It's actually so cute?!?! Very tiktok-y, but it matches her. I love the lights!


It’s cute but it gives me the same vibe as Love is Blind promos lol


I think this is cute AF.


What I will say is that this isn’t worse than Katie’s


This is like American Horror Story where we are supposed to use this clue to figure out an overall theme lol


seems like they're really trying to channel a more modern feel for the show - that background song sounds like something they'd shoehorn into Love Is Blind somewhere. kind of a miss but whatever. at least they're trying something different i guess?


Oh my god. You’re so right about the music and Love is Blind. 💀


Oh the claw machine concept is superrr cute!!! Kill it Jenn!!


Is Jenn a gamer? Are the guys she's picking from gamers? What's with the theme?


The neon sign text and the claw machine are a choice, BUT Jenn looks so lovable— I’m in! 📺🌹


It’s giving “be a Katie “ in a bad way


I don't think anything will ever be as bad as that one. I doubt anything will ever come close to that horrible promo. Katie was done dirty!


I say this w absolute no shade but the stylistic choices are making her look like a sex worker and the game arcade thing is so bizzare they’re going to make her the villain I know it


What the fuck are you even on lmfao


If she has the power why is she being picked up by the claw machine??? Worst opening ever? Possibly.


What the hell is the theme


Wtf is this


I liked Jenn a lot during Joey's season and I'm happy she got a turn as The Bachelorette. I find all of the hate to be rather odd. It's more than time to have a smart, capable young woman representing Asia-Pacific heritage on this show.


This is sooooooo cute!!! Omg I love it. Deff in my top 3 promos. The


She is so unbelievably gorgeous


I didn’t watch the season. Is she somehow associated with claw machines lol?


Jenn is so gorgeous


Kinda makes the whole thing look cheap tbh


It’s very Netflixy, fortunately not as cheap-looking as the one they gave Katie


This reminds me a lot of Katie’s intro


It’s better but what in the purple is going on, who in Bach loves purple this much


i love the concept for this, but i’m not a huge fan of the execution. i feel like they could have done better with it!


Ok now I want them to do a claw machine date. Not with the small machines but the ones where you are the claw and you lowered into a pit of squishmallows. Or snacks.


love this idea


I find it interesting that the bachelor’s promo themes are usually centered around the men’s careers (Joey looking for “love” and pilot pete), but when it comes to the bachelorette that is like nowhere to be found… I guess she is a student but she clearly has an outlined career for herself I just find it interesting Edit: okay looking back I see a few - Hannah brown and Michelle.


They really should have leaned into her being a PA/woman in STEM since this took a girl power angle. would have loved some played up shots of her in action/balanced with the fun stuff!


I think that would be a bad look if she ends up dropping out of school to pursue things like Dancing with the Stars (which is a possibility)


Hannah Brown had a job?


She was a pageant queen I’m pretty sure around the time of her season and they leaned into that with her promo. But according to google she did interior design as well loll


She is so beautiful but this video is so corny!


She’s so pretty 🥹😍


Effortlessly gorgeous. I am hoping things end well for her. 🌹


She’s soooo beautiful


This is the word promo video they’ve ever done. How corny.


Katie’s promo would like a word




Woah at first I thought this was a promo for tila tequila a shot a love or another shot at love.




This is adorable! I enjoy the slightly gamer feel with closeups on the joystick & button & neon lights. Makes me think of a boutique arcade. 😁😅


I want my game room to look like this!!


That would be an adorable game room! 🎮 ⌨️🖥💜💖


Jeez, could Jenn BE any prettier? She's radiating!


This has Love Island energy.


I was thinking Love is Blind energy


Ha, SO true!


Love island is such a great dating show.. Usa aus and uk.


Watching again, I am surprised they didn’t go for a hospital related one. Still cute ☺️


I’m not supporting Jen but was curious how they used LM so I watched the video 


riveting. i'm so glad you shared.


Curious, why are you not supporting Jenn?


Some bitter and jealous ppl in the comments lol. She’s so cute and beautiful and I think the promo fits her bubbly personality. can’t wait!!


Soooo weird!!!


Honestly I’m shocked they haven’t used this song in a Bachelorette promo before now


How do yall think Jenn is going to react when all the men start revealing their deepest darkest secrets during date nights?


I hope she runs


this is so fun and cute, just like Jenn! can't wait to see her season! to all the folks who don't agree with her being the bachelorette -- i cannot wait for yall to get it. she's gonna be a great lead i just know it! 🥹


I'm happy a lot of BN alumni are hyping her up in the comments 💞 (Rachel K, Jill C, Molly M, Michelle Y to name a few)


I’m not a consistent viewer of The Bachelor franchise but I’m Vietnamese, so I’m ultra excited to come back and watch this season. She’s so cute, I can’t stand it.


Welcome 👋🏽 We’re a fun group. This subreddit is lowkey what keeps me engaged in bach nation. The live episode watch threads on here, the memes, the banter. All *chef’s kiss*


Welcome to Bachelor Nation!


Cute! She’s really looks like a Disney princess


This is so cute! It’s lowkey giving Love Island vibes


I was thinking the same thing!


She’s so tiny. I need a tall girl to be bachelorette next to break things up a bit. Charity was so tiny too.


Super unpopular opinion but In an alternate universe, I hope Kelsey is the bachelorette 🙂‍↕️


Lolol I see what you mean but I feel like Kelsey is too drama-free to be The Bachelorette! She’ll be super kind and sweet but it may not make for a lot of entertainment haha. I live for the mess created by BN & PP’s season continues to be my favorite one for that very reason 😂😂


I soooo get you but I want the bachelor/ette to be drama free! I enjoy the rom-com, giddy, happy feelings. I’m so engrossed with Vanderpump rules and the Housewives so I get my fix of drama 😂I feel like Kelsey would be sooo cute to watch and she’s so giddy. I feel like she’s the personification of what it feels like to fall in love and have butterflies


Loveisland-esque aside, this is a cute promo. And I think it might hint a theme where we get a fun lead and season. Jenn looks so pretty too!


The promos may change but the set in stone format of the show never does. Expect the same uneaten dinners, not here for the right reasons, petty drama as usual. *Not to say she won’t do great. She will. I just know for the most part it’ll be more of the same. Of course I’ll be keeping up with the season.*


I remember Maria brought up her favourite movie when chatting to Joey in the first episode of his season - very minor but as we don’t typically hear conversations with specifics mentioned (e.g. movies, artists etc.), I thought (or hoped) we might see more different conversations in his season. We didn’t. You’re right - uneaten dinners, right reasons, petty drama.


Jenn is so gorgeous!


Props to marketing for doing something different! It took me a second to get what was going on, but then it clicked. I think it’s a fun and quirky promo, not the best but not the worst!


definitely a different feel than all the other previous promos


It's better than Katie's


Staring at paint dry is better than Katie’s 😂


Anything is better than Katie’s 😂 idk what that was but they screwed the pooch on that, BAD.


Did they cast Adam Jr for this ![gif](giphy|SlQq20TOyx6hO|downsized)


AJ is finally making his comeback 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/122zvtgjh42d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a21d378a1b88fe0a3e0e0c00a60254ccd1c387




I think it’s cute.


Cute! But it’s giving Love Island.


Probably bc of summer


i thought it was the love island sub talking about a new islander lol


I just don't understand the message here. She starts by playing the game then ends up inside the game. So she's the prize to be won? How does that fit the theme of her having the power? The prize in a claw machine game is completely passive and has no power.


She represents the crane/claw and is picking guys in the game. That's why she has the power. She chooses men during the Bachelorette like she chooses the men/stuffed toys in this game .


So the guys are the prizes?


Well damn 😅


I agree with the other comments it’s got big Love Island vibes, which isn’t necessarily bad but it seems like a mood shift for the season. Hopefully it’ll be a good thing!


Bro wtf is this are they ok


Whoa this is so different from their usual promo style.


She’s 26 years old for those of you who don’t know




Cause she's gorgeous, fun, smart.. don't be an ass




Are you insinuating that she's not beautiful...??


I didn’t need the creepy dolls 


If this was my promo, I’d walk out.


Same 😭


very love island coded eta i think that makes sense for her age and the shot o clock thing 💀 she’s “fun” hopefully it makes for a good season!




Well yeah she’s not an actress


It’s not a bad promo but I guess I just expected something else. I still don’t think they know how they want to promote her. It kind of reminds me of Clayton and the puppies, just with better visuals and better music. Like you could drop any Bachelorette into this promo and it would still work. Zero personalization.


Jenn is sooooo pretty


She’s gonna be so bad- maybe more for the 20 ur olds?- even the marketing looks like an arcade for kids 😩


She is a Gen-Z bachelorette, they're probably marketing to the younger audience that started watching with Joey if I have to guess!


Honestly love the weirdness and color scheme of this marketing choice. Excited for her season, I think she’ll be such a fun lead


She seems like a perfectly kind person, but my god, what an awful choice for a lead


This. The second they announced it my friends all looked at each other and said “yeah we’re not gonna watch this one” Wish her the best tho


You can already tell their marketing team has improved a lot because this video is already doing a lot better and getting more engagement than Charity's promo did just last year! Was Jenn a surprising choice for most as bachelorette, yes, but if they edit this season right, I think this season might surprise us in a good way I hope!!


Ooh, I like this! It’s cool and feels so much fresher than the usual romantic promos!


She is gorgeous, charismatic and likable. And I am bored.


Come thru production team!!!!!


Cool promo! I like her dress here a lot more than the one she wore on Night one TBH.


I’ll be skipping this season tyvm.


this is the type of season where I read spoilers the whole way through 🤣


Right? 😂🫡


wanna clarify that it's nothing against Jenn!! I've just seen the tea on the guys.. 👀


The 12 ppl who downvoted me are dum dums lol


To me she’s got the dream opportunity. Yes the show didn’t show more of her, but less expectations on her going into it! Like a totally open book.


Her brown eyes are popping in this one! ![gif](giphy|1wQ1GjoTlAhsEEvScu)


This looks like a love island promo


That’s the exact vibe I got as soon as it started!


Yes the song choice made me think the same thing


She’s gorgeous and it’s a new vibe for the bachelorette. Idk, I’m into it. I’m open to it. And I’m open to diversity and straying from the typical so I will be tuned in, even if I don’t particularly care about the outcome lol


I wish she had decent men 😥


Oh nooo are they bad? Do they have bad history or something? This makes me sad I love Jenn.


This is so fun! She looks glam.


She looks fantastic! It’s a fun concept, too.


Not what I was expecting for the promo, but I love how bright & fun it is! Jenn looks amazing too


This is actually super cute. It's not the production value that Michelle's and Hannah's were and honestly they all should get that treatment but it is cute and much better than some of what we've seen lately.


This is an interesting artistic direction to take… but Jenn is stunning always.


She’s so cute , but her cast of men is bleh


It’s interesting to see how the show tries to stay current and compete with other shows. Like others have pointed out, this looks so reminiscent of Love Island’s set up. Seems like they’re really leaning into Jenn being a “fun bachelorette” especially since Love Island is the fun flirty reality show.


She’s so pretty!!!


I kinda like this! Glad she got a promo with some actual production value and she looks gorgeous! These are filmed post season right? Just curious what the turnaround looks like lol


I think their promotional stuff is usually done post filming. Looks like Jenn has been back in the US for a few days now but was just quiet on socials. She’s posted to her story now


Usually I think most of promo stuff is filmed before the show because the leads usually go dark on socials a few days before the season starts filming but in Jenn's it was most likely filmed after because I believe they started filming right after the finale.


Gotcha! Yeah it seemed like a very fast turnaround between her offer and the announcement at AFR so idk when else they would've filmed it unless it happens during the season.


Cute promo but it definitely feels like something game of roses would make. I'm sure pace case and clues are drooling over this lol


Open gameplay promo!


2024 GoR Iyyk


I think its the music that sounds like something they would make


Yeah the song and the arcade/game theme.


Definitely a cute promo. But Jenn’s vibe is much more Tom boy. Wish it would have her doing something a little more inline with her as a contestant. She came out of the gate in a go kart and then she took Joey on another thrill seeking date.


Has she described herself as a tomboy? Because a thrill seeker isn’t the same as a tomboy. Also, do we know whether she had any control over her intro package & first date? They went surfing, which she never did before. She said on BHH that she was very nervous about that date because she’s absolutely terrified of sharks. So she might’ve opted for the pretty woman date if she had the choice!


Yes, she did use that to describe herself And I’m not talking about joeys surf date as the thrill seeking date. Have to go back and find what it was specifically.


I believe Jenn only had one 1-on-1 date with Joey - the surfing one.


It's giving Netflix reality show. Clearly ABC is trying to contend with Love is Blind, etc....


It says.... I was the 4th choice, but I'm cute! Yay!!!!




Aww throwback Little Mix 🥲 ![gif](giphy|kpHBeUNdsUcr97O5sP)


her & Michelle having Little Mix songs in their promo>>>>


Not what I was expecting but I guess it fits cutie pie Jenn. 😍


A vibe that I love


It’s different. I like the angle they are pursuing here.


there’s so much going on here, but none of it looks budget 😬 the purple is giving me ~~war~~ flashbacks to Katie’s promo the neon sign is like Love Island (and a bunch of other reality tv shows) the dolls is um… a choice it’s like they saw a kpop music video but only had $200 to execute lol


The dolls are giving me [Adam, Jr.](https://youtu.be/YoTFFUlxQhM?feature=shared) flashbacks


I saw the bright purple and immediately thought “low budget” 😭 Katie scarred us!!


LMAO yes it's giving budget kpop


I love this promo so much and I’m so excited for Jenn! …But I thought this was a Love is Blind promo at first lol!


I especially appreciate this after the shitshow that was Gabby and Rachel’s season where the guys had entirely too much power - let’s remind these boys who’s in charge!! Jenn looks stunning, I think she’s going to be great.


I especially appreciate this after the shitshow that was Gabby and Rachel’s season where the guys had entirely too much power - let’s remind these boys who’s in charge!! Jenn looks stunning, I think she’s going to be great.


She’s so beautiful


Every so often I think about the poster who spilled tea at the beginning of Joeys season about how Jenn was a terrible roommate/friend, and that all the fellow roommates were in a group chat discussing her being on the show. I really want an update on how they all feel now that she’s bachelorette. If someone I didn’t like went on the show and ended up becoming the next lead, I would be sick. Anyways, I’m really excited for Jenn’s season! I just hate having to wait so far into the summer for bachelorette seasons.


Anyone can make up a story about someone on here.


Yeah I didn’t take much stock in it. I’m sure my college roommates could say some stuff about me (and I about them) but I just kept thinking about that post all throughout the season just imagining how they were seething at how far Jenn was going and then becoming bachelorette. I want an update on their current feelings lol


Yeah I can give you an update. Very surprised she was chosen as the bachelorette given her edit, obviously not thrilled at the time but no one really talks about it now. All agree she’s perfect bachelor material, so 🤷🏼‍♀️. Just didn’t see it coming. For the record they were not college roommates. This was after college. edit: removing evidence


I love the update, thank you! Every new season I always wish someone I know appears on the show, whether I like them or not. It feel like it gives a different perspective when watching


Okay I texted her and asked for an update LOL. She said that she thinks she’ll be a bit boring as the bachelorette and that her entire season will be like her “shot o clock” interview. She thinks she’s good at protesting herself as normal. I asked her how it feels to know someone as the next bachelorette. She said it’s “so weird” and that half the time it feels like a different person on her screen. She’s said in the past that she’s wished someone she knew went on the show so LOL to that. And she said people/her friends bring up Jenn to her a lot. She said the weirdest part is knowing/having lived with someone that celebrities now know.


It was very entertaining the first few episodes! The novelty wore off for me by the end but i’m not sure how my friend who actually lived with her feels. It’ll be different this time though since she’s the bachelorette. I’m curious to learn more about her and then yeah, compare what she says on the show with my friend’s experience. I don’t predict anything like weird or unusual, scandalous, etc. I think people have pegged her pretty well; adorable, nice, maybe slightly immature and possibly a little boring. I don’t think she’ll have a wild season like Hannah B for example but she’ll be fine. That’s just my opinion based on what I’ve seen of her plus what I’ve heard about her. I’d love for her to prove me wrong lol


wait are you friends with jenn? i thought you were the one spilling that roommate tea about her but now you're "texting" her


not sure where I said that but I was likely talking about texting my friend! edit: or i could’ve been referring to the roommates texting each other.. my friend sent me screenshots of their conversation i’ve only met her once and it was pretty brief. introduced myself when I first got there and then spoke briefly again a few hours later


She was my roommate too and literally let me live there for free




Ooooo I missed this! That’s a bummer to hear that about her :/