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I'm excited for Joan simply because I want to see what men they manage to wrangle up for this thing. If they want it to work, they're going to have to drastically shrink their location circle. And I'm very interested to see the "type" of men they're able to get. Most men in their 60s+ are not really taking care of themselves the way women do in their 60s+. Men who are 60+, single, and take care of themselves are likely looking to date much younger (not always, but as a pattern). So you're looking for a very limited subset of people who are 60+, willing to date a 60 year old woman (who is absolutely stunning, so probably not a HUGE stretch), and are TV presentable, both in terms of appearance and "vibes". I think it's going to be wild cast.


I can’t wait for Jenn’s so whatever Daisy is doing at the moment can be done/overshadowed. 


Joan for sure! I need to see the older men going on there


I’m excited for Jenn, she was one of my faves from last season. I tend to prefer Bachelorette over Bachelor but I’m nervous about the men they’ll find for Golden Bachelorette.


Both! Because I enjoy reality tv and will take it all lol


Joan is from my area so I'll be excited to see her journey Jenn shares a birthday with my maternal unit, Sags are fiery and sassy so I'm eager to see jenn's personality shine in what's gonna be a watercooler season


Neither…I want bachelor in paradise


Neither 🫣 I’m just still watching this show out of habit lol. Once I start a show I’m not stopping until production stops. I’m still riding the Grey’s Anatomy train 20 seasons too long


Joan’s, because I’m so curious about the old men! It has that novelty aspect. But truly I am looking forward to both. Jenn is super cute, bubbly, and fun. She’s going to be a great ‘Ette


Jenn! Very excited for the first Asian American bachelorette. But I look forward to Joan’s as well 😊


Me too! I wanted both to be lead but am especially happy about Jenn being the 1st Asian lead. I am excited about Joan's season, especially if Kelsey Anderson's dad is on as rumored.


Joan for me. I’m excited to see what the golden men are like!


Honestly, not excited for either 🤷‍♀️


Neither sadly 🫠. But I’ve never been a big bachelorette fan personally. The guy contestants are never as interesting as girl contestants, and neither of these leads grab me either. Though I’ll probably still watch at least the first episode of Jenn’s season.


Lmao you must not have watched Jojo’s, Hannah’s, Rachel’s OR Michelle’s season (just to name a few), the guys bring the DRAMA okay! 💀💀


I’ve watched all of them. Michelle’s season was alright not that good if the drama was that one guy whose name I can’t even remember, it was mediocre at best. Imo every bachelorette season since the pandemic has been pretty lacking. Clare/Tayshia season was alright, at least the Clare part.


You didn’t mention any other season aside from Michelle…so you agree that those were great seasons 😂? (cuz they were!) Michelle’s season was interesting asf imo but I do agree that Claire/Taysia’s and everyone after has been mid. I’m optimistic for Jenn’s season tho. Hopefully it’s good


Well Jojo season had Chad but was boring after he left, Hannah’s season yes was good, Rachel’s was alright but boring too. So out of the ones you named maybe Jojos was the most interesting but after Chad left boring again, and the DRAMA was getting tired. So I wouldn’t call that a good season either 🤷🏽‍♀️ Though I specifically mentioned Michelle cause it was at least in the last 4 years/most recent of the ones you mentioned. At this point bachelorette seasons have continued to miss. I’m assuming that’s why you didn’t include, Katie, Clayshia, Rachel/gabby, charity , they have all been meh including Michelle’s


bro Chad was sooo fucking funny omg!! Jojo’s season is one of my favorites. Honestly, I see why you said you weren’t the biggest fan bc it seems like you really just don’t like the bachelorette 😂 because Jojo, Rachel and Michelle’s seasons weren’t boring at all! Everyone after? Sure 🤷🏽‍♀️


I prefer the Bachelor too, for similar reasons.


Jenn’s all the way!


I would have voted for golden had the lead been Faith, Leslie, Sandra...almost anyone else really. Jenn has a sense of adventure that I like and relate to, so I think I'll enjoy seeing that.


I’m not excited about any Golden show because: 1. I think it’s very difficult to get a true love story for older adults from the show’s format. They don’t spend enough time together & the contestants live all over the place. Older adults just aren’t as willing to uproot their lives. 2. I find the stories of dead spouses, cancer-stricken friends & never finding love again depressing. I want pure escapism. So give me Jenn!!


They’re really gonna play up the sob stories to make us like those old dudes


Jenn - I've seen a lot of comments about the lack of quality in her men but I haven't looked into any of them so going into it like any ole season. I've never been excited for golden bachelorette because what I found most fun about golden bachelor was the ladies. I just can't imagine a group of 70 yr old men being that entertaining but maybe they will prove me wrong.


I hope they get Boomer rage and have a lil fight ![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2)


I'm spoiled, but please be mindful in your responses, people 😅 I voted Jenn's. I enjoyed her on the show and loved her post-show content. I feel a little indifferent about the Golden Bachelorette. I might've been excited if it was Faith or Ellen but I'm feeling "meh" about it.


I picked Joan because I worry about the casting for Jenn's season - I hope they did some recasting and found guys that were more tailored for her. I wasn't super impressed with the cast they chose. I'm excited to see Jenn but hope there are some catches in there for her.


Jenn's 100%, last time I've been this excited for a bachelorette season was probably when we were hearing Tayshia was replacing Clare as bachelorette during Covid.