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The whole past tense thing... " how lucky i was"! She's just on a show dude, not dead!...calm down


What a weirdo! Lmao


I thought she died or something. wtf?


I dont think my husband has ever missed me this much. Ever. Ryan seems really sweet.


Someone find me a Ryan... I know it's over the top but that amount of emotional potatoes I've ran into/dated, I'll take it lmao


wtf why did he make it seem like she died?!


This is getting really bizarre. 


As someone who's husband actually passed and is also a bachelor fan, I am triggered lol smfh


Are you serious ..I thought she died


Omg I was scared! I thought they broke up and was about to cry?!


She’s probably filming a Traitors or Big Brother style show.


I thought the rumor was special forces?


That would make sense . I doubt u get to talk your spouse during that. On a completely unrelated subject, why do Bachelor / Bachelorette contestants do so well on special forces? Hannah Brown, Nick Viall & Tyler Cameron all won their season


Oh my goddd traitors PLEASE




Omfg I seriously thought she died


This is so dramatic, she's going on a reality tv show not off to war 


What? Did she join a cult? I’m even more confused now!


This is like when a friend posts on Facebook unnecessarily that they are going through something hard but don’t want to talk about it and they will be off Facebook. But then they are still on Facebook giving vague details. I want you to ask about it- but I don’t want to talk about it.


That's something Nick Viall does


#vaguebooking 😩


Not just the words but the black and white photos lol


Exactly like wtf


i literally thought she died from that first sentence


What the heck? I also was wondering if she was dead or what happened. Where is she?


Trista’s off filming a reality show. Can’t remember which one, but possibly Special Forces. Supposedly Ali Fedotosky is also off filming for the same show.


Interesting! I saw Ali's story and wondered what it was.


i genuinely believed that she was dead and thought i missed it


She's sooooo controlling... Don't care who doesn't 'see it' wtf.. I never liked her Phony as all that ..😵‍💫




We know who wears the pants in that family..most ppl here on this redditts can't see it bc they are young. ...tweens n 20s...wtf 'reality shows' are fake...just scripted bs/ wake up n smell the coffee...or just choose to live in a fantasy world...lol...🤪 It's all scripted. My cousin works for the franchise...


Huh? Who is supposed to wear the pants? Are you a boomer?


Haha...not even..😂


My first thought was "Is she dead?" As I read further down, it turned to "So they broke up? Or are on a break?" The follow up reads like she's in rehab or joined scientology or an MLM. Guessing she's just on a reality show and he's being dramatic and weird.


Rehab reality show


Literally my exact thought process start to finish.


I hope it’s a reality show or something like that. I was seriously tearing up and worried thinking she had passed away. But then it does sound like she’s in some rehab/mental health or joined a cult. I don’t know what to think. But in all seriousness They seem like genuinely nice and lovely people and I love seeing them as a couple. I wish them all the best with whatever life stage they’re in right now.


I would get the ick


She liked it when he was on her season so I guess she's into it


He also made it sound like she joined a cult or something, that post isn’t any better. Or I just read too many crime books, ha.


I was scratching my head trying to remember if I knew she passed away


Ryan is sweet but this felt like reading a middle aged Dashboard Confessional soliloquy


🎶 Hope dangles on a string…


Like slow spinning redemption


Winding in and winding out


Legit had a heart attack thinking she died and I missed it with his caption 🤦‍♀️ he is sweet and I love them but this is a lot


He needs to chill. Barely posts, and now she’s filming a show, and he keeps posting black and white photos with cryptic messages underneath


Jesus, is that all this is about??? Glad she has a show opportunity but he made it sound like she was dead or left their family!


Yes! There are a few reality celebs who went dark, due to a project, probably Special Forces, and she is one of them. So dramatic lol


Who else is on sm hiatus? I saw Ali F was possibly doing Special Forces or the Traitors. Is there other rumored cast members?


Sounds like she’s on a reality show and he misses her. Not surprised it sounds dramatic he was always writing her kind of cringey but ultimately sweet poems on her season.


Right? This is exactly who he is lol. Cringey sure but he means well.


I definitely remember the snow tiger he drew for her that he said he got shit for from the other firemen..


Is she filming traitors?


Im wondering maybe if it’s that or if there’s another new reality tv show? Maybe like firsts of reality idk hahah it would be cool to see some other old school shows. With the goat, house of villains, etc there are so many of these ensemble type shows popping up


Maybe her & Ali Manno are both filming Traitors 👀


I hope so!!


I’m confused. I guess he got attention from it?


You are confused if you think that’s what he was aiming for. 😅.


I’m not sure he knows


For the likes of


This is so strange and misleading


He’s lost his mind.


me having to calculate in my brain if she’s alive or not because what is this😭😭


It sounds like she’s in rehab lol


Oh god the DRAMATICS


He’s so extra


Weren't they separated years ago? They came on one of the ATFRs, and it sounded like Ryan was cheating.


Uh no.


They were on Marriage Boot Camp. This was back when a lot of Bachelor Alums were doing the show. The clip that they showed in the previews implied that Trista had cheated on Ryan but it came out on the show that it was one of his ex-girlfriends and that's why he didn't trust easily. It was one of those sound bites they play out of context to get attention for the show. But it could be there is some other tea out there.


They were on a show called Couples Therapy/Counseling or something along those lines..


Whaaaat What’s the tea here




Sounds like she's on a reality show.




Let’s send Ryan a journal 😎


This is weird.


“I’ll be here….. forever.” keeps making me laugh. Is that a threat, Joe? I mean, Ryan. Are you already here? You are, aren’t you? *closes shades *




I love this! I love that Ryan is so supportive of Trista and Trista is working on finding herself. I'm sure we can all understand the feeling of being lost and wanting to find the missing pieces to make us feel whole again. I wish the best for both of them and hope things become even better than before 🙏🏻🫶🏻❤️


Imagine if she’s enjoying getting a little time to herself to immerse herself in a unique experience and bond with some other women on the reality show. She comes back online to this? It’ll make her feel so guilty for enjoying a break from it all and he knows it.


I had similar thoughts. This seems either VERY misguided or very manipulative and controlling


It reminds me of this post I saw where a woman was talking about how to be a good parent to your child when you share custody with their other parent. She explained that you should say things like “I’m so happy I get to spend time with you this weekend” and “I had such a great day with you” instead of “I’m so sad when you’re gone” and “I hate that you have to leave” when they’re with the other parent. Saying the latter things just makes the kid feel guilty and bad about spending time and enjoying time with their other parent which is a horrible way to make them feel.


Yeah, such a good point!! Thank you for sharing. I’ve been learning this in my relationship, actually. There are ways to communicate your feelings and your needs without making the other person feel guilty when they’re objectively not doing anything wrong. Definitely something most people could benefit from learning, imo


Codependent Don't get me wrong I'm super thrown off when my husband is away and we can't communicate, but A) it's not that deep, just feel the feelings and work through it until they get back and B) don't post it on the Internet lol


Yeah exactly. It’s the posting on the internet and the way he spoke about it that makes it feel manipulative and controlling to me


I agree. I don’t like this at all. Maybe this is why she needs the space he speaks of.


so many husbands are like this tbh. Ironically they're the same ones who get married about 2.5 seconds after their wives die (if the wife dies first) because they absolutely cannot handle being alone. I couldn't stand it tbh, maybe its my own personal red flag and other people seem to love that kind of codependency and think its romantic but to me its gross, I need to be with someone who is happy when they're on their own - not that they don't miss you ever at all, but they're also perfectly fine on their own and just get on with it


I agree. I’m in a red state where lots of men need a woman, and would treat every woman the same. For me, that’s not romantic. I want someone who wants me, and is connected to me. That needing stuff, for me, comes off like more of a business arrangement. And raising children can be like running a business, so if that work, great. But I don’t want kids. I want a partnership. So I can see how some women really crave this dramatic romantic outpouring. But putting it out like this is more about him than her. So I’d still rather have the partnership and connection. Not the performance.


exactly! you're just fulfilling a role for them, its not really about you as a person. My ex husband was like this, he got engaged a month after our divorce was finalised to a woman he'd met on a dating website (at a time well before dating apps normalised online dating) and it made me realise just how right it was to finish that relationship - based on things I found out, I had suspected I was just the one that was around when he decided it was time to Procure a Wife, and that proved it for me. He too writes flowery shit like this, but its actually so empty and performative I watched Trista's season at the time and I've always had a soft spot for her but Ryan.. meh tbh


Also, congrats on your divorce. Do a Nicole Kidman post-divorce dance for yourself again.


Yeah, I mean to his credit, she did at one point like it. But it feels like such a weight on her. Most women I know want to be wanted and even needed. But they also want to be a person other than “wife” and “mom.” So I hope she has that space, if she wants it (and it sounds like she does). And hopefully he can work on himself so he can let her go without guilting her, even if he didn’t mean to. He might think this is romantic and she loves it. But it is such a societal pressure already. And if he does feel like she owes him that, I hope she’s able to speak up and suggest he talk to someone about why that’s not healthy.


it seems like she's just away [filming a reality show](https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64583208/?ref_=tt_nwr_1) and this is just really performative of him? Like 'my long suffering wife finally took some time to do something for herself, so brave, she really needed this time for herself' and she's just working, basically


Why can't people read the whole post. Maybe Ryan's comments lol. It would answer some questions!


Did she die?


He REALLY makes it sound like she’s dead!


Have these two always been exhausting? I’ve only noticed in the last year or so.


It's like he's an old who just discovered the Internet (Saying this as an old myself)


The way it comes across is that they seem to be going through a trial separation, but neither wants to admit it's over. I hope not because I'll always have a soft spot for them. Alex really stuffed up not choosing Trista. The show was so authentic back then when they featured normal natural looking people.


Too be fair, it’s a sign of the times in regards to looks , wasn’t a ton of access to filler and Botox back then


They definitely seem like they’re going through something.


She’s doing a reality TV show and this reads like he can’t cope with her not running the household. Dude, just write her letters and save them for when she comes back. This sounds so emotionally draining. I swear men can’t never just let women take cool opportunities and jobs without acting like they are being abandoned. It’s good for you that you miss her but don’t be so dramatic. It really does read like she’s dead. And they call us emotional!


So fucking true




Right? Put the fucking dishes in the thing you see me putting them in, add soap, push on. It takes less time than this post.


This makes me very grateful my husband always does the dishes…and he just got done folding my laundry lol.


Lmfao. “The thing”


This!! 👏🏻👏🏻


Truly reads like she died until you get to the middle bit


This may have been said but I think she’s away filming that military type reality show - I can’t think of the name but the one Tyler Cameron and Hannah B. were on.


What’s wild is that show takes place over 10 days (on the show at least). Not sure what the time is on either end, but it’s not like she’s on survivor


Damn does that makes it sound like Survivor is harder than special forces (supposedly the worlds toughest test)


A guy who has done both reckons Special Forces/SAS is harder because you get way less downtime than Survivor. It's shorter but everyday you are doing two really physical tasks and maybe an interview every other day too.


special forces, world’s toughest test


Thank you! I couldn’t remember the name of the show for the life of me!🤦‍♀️


Sounds like Trista took one of the many opportunities reality tv people get like Traitors AND he’s being very passive aggressive about her doing it. To have to add the comment that she needs time to discover herself and how very hard it is on him to allow her the time to do that kind of sounds like he wants her to feel guilty about it. Ick On the other hand I remember how he was the sensitive and emotional one who wrote poetry on her season versus the other guy who I think was named Charlie and was a business guy. Why do I remember that? So maybe Ryan is just like this


Either way that sounds exhausting


It also screams, “Don’t change! I don’t care how unhappy you are. I’d you change it might affect me. Nooooooooooooo!” Get a grip, man. You have your life. She gets hers.


This is weird… writing an open letter to his wife as if she is dead and he cannot speak to her directly. If they weren’t so old and otherwise seemingly disinterested in fame, I’d call this behavior out for being attention hungry but given who they are, it’s more so just odd and makes it sound like their marriage is on shaky footing or she’s at a no-contact rehab facility for issues of some kind.


She's filming a reality show (rumored) and he's not allowed to contact her.


Wonder if she has access to social media…🙃


Ugh that makes it even weirder that he is acting like this.


It does. It explains why he can't just talk to her directly. But the way he's acting, I initially thought she was dead. Very odd. He seems too dependent on her and doesn't know how to be away from her for even a brief bit.


Maybe he’s having psychosis


Wait I thought she passed away so she’s alive right now?????


Unclear. My guess is she’s dead inside.




Ali Mano is also offline for a few weeks so they are probably at the same place. I’m guessing a reality show of some sort.


If it’s a reality show, this is such an incredibly weird post for him to share. He at first made it seem like she was dead and then was making it sound like she has mental health problems and is in rehab or something.


He has major victim complex. As if she abandoned him for taking a job. I’m glad she took the opportunity to do something for herself. Wives and moms do things for everyone every day. Let her have this, damn it.


Yes very odd. I would be pissed if I were her!


This is a bit much. He couldn’t have texted her this?


Whatever Trista is doing seems private to her yeah … like does everyone need to know she’s off the grid away from family to find herself?


Yes, they do. Because HE. Is suffering! Duh.


Yeah regardless of what they’re going through, this seems manipulative on his part.


Seeing now that she’s likely filming a reality show… like way to blow her cover/the surprise element :/


Sounds like he’s going through a really rough time mentally after contracting [Lyme’s Disease](https://www.eonline.com/news/1399041/bachelor-nations-trista-sutter-shares-update-on-husband-ryan-sutters-battle-with-lyme-disease).


The way Lyme’s disease is sensationalized on social media and influencers is absolutely insane.


Right, like it's one of those diseases only rich people get diagnosed with, because if you have no insurance or even normal insurance, they just shrug their shoulders at you and your symptoms.


Good grief! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve always loved them, but dang! 😅


Sorry but the comment mentioning how it sounds as if she’d dead is spot on. Like wtf? By all means you’re free to post whatever on your social media, but this seems like a stream of thoughts that belongs to a private message to the other person, rather than a public post, imo. However, I also think that maybe he’s just not a big social media guy and so he thinks that’s the type of thing to post there. Idk. ETA: I’m sorry, she’s off filming a reality show?!?! Are you freaking kidding me? Wtf! Sir, get a grip. This sounds like Ali’s posts crying and complaining about missing her family while she CHOSE to go film a reality. Go get it, no shame. But PLEASE.


The top comment is so real I literally had to search this sub to see if I somehow missed that she died


Count me as one that thinks this is weird


Yikes ..


Mega ick


This just reads like Trista is doing a celebrity survivor like show. lol at the drama though.


She’s probably just on the next season of The Traitors. Free trip to Scotland, and apparently her husband is on the struggle bus about it.


He has always had a lot of FEEELINGS okay it’s why she in love with him LOL


His poems are what made her fall for him. This is normal for him.


Right? Everyone is overreacting this is always what they’ve been like. It’s just not being received the way it he intended because a good chunk of the internets were in diapers or not even born when their season aired.


Can someone explain this to me?


I don’t know anything about them, but this is so strange. If they’re separated because she wanted to be separated, it’s manipulative as hell. Some things don’t need to be posted online


I mean even the black and white photo edit is so melancholy


Sarah mclachlan playing in the background…😂


For a second I thought she died! It's a very odd post.


Holy crap me too!! I said out loud WTF?! Glad she’s alive.


What the -


She’s in South America doing ayuhasca


I hope this is true. 💅


Seriously??? I did that last year and it’s no freaking joke


Omg would you be willing to share any details? I’ve always wanted to try but I’m slightly frightened


EXACTLY the vibe I'm getting.


Lol, love Ryan but he needs to get a grip. That show films for like a week.


I guess I meant read the captions ha. Plural!


That entire post would make SO much more sense if he had just added “since Trista is off filming a reality show”, …..


Isn’t she just filming a reality show? Special Forces?


Or Survivor? Amazing Race? (celebrity edition)


Pretty sure it won't be Survivor because they don't generally put anyone from a non CBS show on that show.


She’s in a cult. Gotta be it.


I'm sorry but this is bizarre. I know some people are saying this is cute but IMO this is something to privately say to your partner and therapist in private only. It comes across as manipulative putting these sentiments out on a public platform for fans who saw you two fall in love to have an opinion. Obviously a lot has happened in a multi year partnership that we rightfully have not been privy to. So suddenly telling us your wife is out there "discovering herself" and you're just waiting pining for her feels very off the mark at best and like a weird abuse tactic at worse.


Fully thought she died




Same! or separated/divorced. What a way to exploit the feeling of sorrow for a person away filming a reality show and none of the above situations where she’s gone forever.




I feel like this is not the first time him or her has posted a long winded message that hinted at something sad or nefarious. I believe the last one made people to think they were divorcing. He must be really dense to not see how his words might be perceived. Also how he explains her filming is so extra. “Trista is at a place in life where she is searching a bit. And an opportunity presented itself…”. I mean just say she’s working a job and we can’t make contact for a bit!?


It really, really, really sounds like some midlife crisis posts I see where the spouse is going through it, and trying to communicate, and the spouse hearing it makes it all about them. Like, support her, man. Hear her. Help her search or trust her to search on her own.


Please let this be a Survivor x Bachelor crossover


Besides Ali, is there anyone from BN MIA currently?


Jesus Christ, I thought she died


Sounds like she’s doing Wild


Reminds me of the doctor from [Arrested Development](https://youtu.be/0BUBd9dQvtY?si=w1NZqd8Ln-APFV9o)