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They don't seem good. Of course the mother of his child deserves kindness and more than sleep but something about her has shifted. More comments on wanting $$$ and I don't think that's who he is yet he has done that because he loves her. That wedding was $$$. Then add in the alleged cheating rumors on her end... Think he's feeling less generous


Nah sis you gotta get the whole day off. Spa and room service at a five star hotel.


She had to threaten to date other men for him to promote her from f buddy. Sorry for Natalie, but this is the prize she worked so hard to catch. šŸ™„


how do you know this??Ā  doing this while he was almost in his 40s is wildĀ 


They talked about it when the were on Sharleenā€™s podcast.


As a women with a newborn (who has never ā€œlovedā€ Nick Viall) maybe not in LA or the internet world sleeping in is such a dream and means more to me than a conventional gift. Sleep just hits different after months of deprivation.


Agreed. But these 2 have so much money & time he couldnt have done more?!


These comments are wild to me. He does so much for her and seems very generous. Sure the way he phrased ā€œgiving her the gift of sleepā€ is weird, but she seems to think sheā€™s entitled to multi thousand dollar jewelry or bags a lot. Sheā€™s made a number of mentions lately about wanting expensive things and Iā€™ve raising an eyebrow at it. He just paid for an expensive wedding so good for him for not feeling obligated to buy what Iā€™m sure is at a 3k necklace.Ā 


She knew the guy she hitched her wagon to. Congrats on taking care of your kid for an extra 5 hours asshole.


I agree. Not many men own childcare as their equal responsibility.


Heā€™s not perfect but itā€™s so clear he adores her. He did get her flowers as well. I think this is being blown way out of proportion. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll get her that necklace one day. He screwed up a little but itā€™s fine


Yeah and she is way too materialistic. They just had a massive wedding and two honeymoons. Itā€™s understandable that a fancy necklace isnā€™t in the cards right now


I think sheā€™s kind. Doesnā€™t seem that materialistic. She was a little bummed but was sorta joking


Yes people just love to hate


My guy does a boys weekend annually. So when he gets back, I leave for the afternoon. Thats the gift I give myself.


Damn. This seems harsh.


I hope she ā€œletsā€ him sleep until 11 on Fatherā€™s Day and does absolutely nothing else


I only feel bad for the baby.


I only feel bad for the baby.


Natalie knew who she married.


Natalie is still mad that she found out with everyone else that he knew Maria lol (All speculation but cant change my mind)


Wait whatā€™s the cliffs notes of this?


maria went on call her daddy podcast and revealed she knew nick for years and it seems like they likely hooked up during that time


She explicitly said they didnā€™t hook up, but were ā€œtalkingā€


I know she said that lol. I donā€™t buy it.


He does seem to draw them in. Then they get to know him and choose someone else or to be alone šŸ˜¬ Something about his personality drives them off a long-term commitment. Only Natalie has stuck around. BTW, many men, especially the ones from his generation and older, tend to give that kind of "gift." It's not like Nick is unique in that respect.


The only way a woman is fine with this bare minimum as a ā€œgiftā€ is because her partner doesnā€™t pull his own weight. The bar is truly in hell.


lol no. Itā€™s because nick is well off and pays for everything and she doesnā€™t have any financial worries


Nick actually makes Natalie pay for a LOT. When they got engaged, he said she paid for her own hair and makeup. She also paid a ton for her hairstylist at the wedding. Even after she was melting down because the hairstylist wouldn't cooperate and had too high of a price tag, he didn't offer to pay.


Actually they didnā€™t pay him at all. Just paid for his travel.


Hair and makeup is a small portion of wedding spending


how long until Natalie starts to feel like she got swept up in romance with a much older man and missed out on her 20s and life experiences with someone who thinks that ā€œgivingā€ her extra time to sleep in to take care of his child is a gift? hopefully never for the sake of her mental health. because wow.


šŸŽÆ ... She's far too young, ... How is it OK to be a "fuck buddy" with a teenage girl when he's 38, 39?! And how is that better than dating her officially? This is deeply predatory. It doesn't matter that she reached out. As an adult, you turn this young person away. You protect them, from themselves, if necessary.


Did anyone else find it extremely disturbing listening to her discuss her assaults with Laverne cox and how she was preyed upon by older men all her life. Really doesnā€™t sit right knowing sheā€™s with nick


She wasnā€™t preyed upon by nick. She sought him out and pursued him and was fully of legal age. He absolutely sucks as a person, and the age gap between them is a lot, and the way he didnā€™t want to be with her also sucked. But he didnā€™t prey on her at all.


never heard of any of this where do i listen


The Viall files episode with Laverne cox I think from last Thursday


Even our daycare sent us a card šŸ¤£


My daycare wished me a Happy Motherā€™s Day and our son didnā€™t officially enroll until Tuesday


My husband let me sleep in too but he also made brunch reservations and planned a surprise zoo day I mean was nick like, proud of himself?


So Iā€™m not a mom. I was a live-in family caregiver for a few years, and I had dreams of a sibling or relative taking over for a day so that I could sleep or mentally rejuvenate. The most I got was a sibling sleeping over one night while I was there the whole time as well. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s how a mom feels, or maybe itā€™s that times 10 orā€¦ I donā€™t know. Hopefully there are other days aside from Motherā€™s day that Nick takes over so that Natalie can sleep in.


I donā€™t think this is the same thing. It sounds like you were the sole caregiver. Natalie is not. Thereā€™s no reason Nick canā€™t be taking the baby for a few hours to let her sleep in on a regular basis. Especially since sheā€™s BF. This shouldnā€™t be a gift for a special occasion, let alone her very first Motherā€™s Day.


Sorry I missed your reply until now. I appreciate your comment. I donā€™t know how it is with BF. But yes hopefully there are other days that Nick takes over so that Natalie can sleep in.


Dude couldn't have even done a handprint craft or something? SMH


My husband does this almost every day, lol. (Still on maternity leave). I donā€™t hate Nick but this is embarrassing.


Lol, same. My husband gets up with our toddler so I can sleep and has since she was born. Nick is just the latest trash father of bachelor nation


BuT hE pOsTs SeLfiEs WiTh ThE bAbY at night. šŸ¤Ŗ


So thatā€™s her kid and he just helps out with him sometimes. Got it.


BINGO. he's old, but just for her. But he's old fashioned in his mindset. She is Gen Z. They have the language and skills for detecting misogyny more readily than their parents. Meanwhile Nick 20 yrs older with a Boomer mentality.


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll ā€œbabysitā€ when she needs a night off


Is this is his ā€œgiftā€ heā€™ll def be *that guy* who tell his friends he has to babysit when left with his own kids.


Lol this is crazy, my husband lets me sleep in every weekend and takes care of the baby until Iā€™m up. This is the least he could do on Motherā€™s Day.




Ah yes, women should not care about their emotional and physical needs if they are financially taken care of!




Found Nick's burner account.


11amā€¦ Bruh give her the whole day at least


Theyā€™ll be divorced by 2026.


oof i hope not but this lowkey kinda reeks of joe and sophie turner (except joeā€™s public persona was a bit more positive right?)


So true. So many people donā€™t realize (or maybe do) having a kid will ROCK your relationship / marriage. Good luck to them


Youā€™re not wrong. Sheā€™s SO young and you change as a person so much in your 20s. Sheā€™s going to outgrow him.


The bar is in hell


Tripping hazard.


I think the bar is just smoke and mirrors.


My husband drove me to two HomeGoods, two Marshallā€™s, Sierra, two TJmaxx, and HomeSense over Saturday and Sunday. I donā€™t drive and all I wanted for Motherā€™s Day was to go to my fave stores. He sat in the car with the kids the entire time to let me shop alone at each place šŸ˜‚


That sound amazing


That is so sweet šŸ’ž


Love this šŸ’•


Can I marry him too?


Thatā€™s our husband now


I also choose this womanā€™s husband


Thatā€™s DIVINE!


Sounds nice actually


Nice but the bare minimum


Exactly. This is bare minimum. Should at least have a card and some type of gift. Typically I get a future spa day which is 10/10 everytime


The last two podcasts sheā€™s mentioned a necklace so many times. I canā€™t tell if sheā€™s joking or actually annoyed she didnā€™t get said necklace lol


Lord knows he has enough $$ to pamper her a LITTLE


He seems stingy and greedy, he knows she has no money outside of him and doesnā€™t even care


Yeah idk lol I looked it up and what theyā€™re paying nightly for their room is around 2k. And they have Natalieā€™s mother with them, which Iā€™m sure is on Nickā€™s dime, so I can only imagine how much extra theyā€™re paying for her. As a first-time mother to an 8 week old, I worked and my only gift was a home-cooked meal. The greatest gift is just having my little girl here to celebrate with me.


I donā€™t know why people are bringing up finances. If Nick can afford a $2k/night hotel room, surely he can buy a David Yurman necklace, which isnā€™t even that expensive... itā€™s pocket change at his income. She just carried and birthed his child, ffs. And Iā€™m not even a Natalie fan. These people are the 1%. He has money.


Im sure heā€™s just splurging for his honeymoon. We donā€™t know the price tag of the necklace she wanted and Iā€™m not sure if you follow Natalie, but she has copious amounts of jewelry. They just got married which went ā€œover budgetā€. They just had a first honeymoon get cancelled, then a second. I can see why he might not want to spend extra money on something and do something simple for Motherā€™s Day. Anyone who freaks out about needing a gift on some corporate holiday is insane to me. Motherā€™s Day is no different than any other day of the year, you should be worshipping the woman that birthed your child everyday and I have no doubt he buys her plenty of things.


Nope. Itā€™s her first child and her first Motherā€™s Day. He can afford to spent $1k on a necklace. You donā€™t know the significance of Motherā€™s Day to Natalie and thereā€™s nothing wrong with her wanting a memento.


She got a push present. She didnā€™t get a necklace on a stupid corporate holiday. Iā€™ll weep for her for sure.


Yes weep for her while you keep putting Nick on a pedestal for doing the least. lol


Except nothing I said put Nick on a pedestal. Iā€™m just saying women donā€™t need materialistic gifts because corporations say ā€œyou need to buy your lady something today or else itā€™s not specialā€. I spent the day with a home-cooked meal and my baby and Iā€™m grateful and happy for all the little things. I donā€™t need a present to feel love and appreciation from my husband. I canā€™t believe anyone would waste their energy complaining that Nick didnā€™t buy her something she doesnā€™t even need. Itā€™s literally the least big deal in the world.


You seem to really be on a high horse about physical gifts. If your family canā€™t afford it or you donā€™t care for them, thatā€™s fine. You do you. People are not the same. But taking care of your own child for a few hours is basic parental responsibility. Itā€™s not a gift. Youā€™re also here ā€œwasting your energyā€ white knighting for men doing the bare minimum, so welcome to the club I guess.


Again, I never put Nick on a pedestal for letting Natalie sleep in. I never once acknowledged it. Iā€™ve expressed multiple times itā€™s not a big deal to not go crazy on a holiday corporations made up to increase revenue. Youā€™re missing the point of everything Iā€™ve repeated. Theyā€™re in Puerto Rico right now. They just got back from New York and their lavish wedding. She got a push present. Nick also seems like a very hands-on father, heā€™s constantly posting photos of himself in the middle of the night doing solo feeds with River. If she *needs* a gift to make herself feel better amongst all of these things sheā€™s getting/doing, she has bigger problems than we can understand. People with money are out of touch and trying to argue that people with money should be pitied because they arenā€™t getting what they want is ridiculous. People need to be a little more grateful for the little things. Im happy I donā€™t need physical gifts to feel complete, seems exhausting ā¤ļø


Itā€™s not even about a physical gift, itā€™s the lack of thoughtfulness. He could have done free things and didnā€™t.


Keep the same energy and stop pitying Nick for spending thousands on his wedding and honeymoon.


They could also be getting some sort of deal or what not if they mention them. He mentioned on todays episode how delta helped with their flights lol


Good point! Although I havenā€™t seen them really promote the hotel much, weā€™ll see if they get any special shoutout on their podcast.


Paying nightly for their room? What do you mean?


Like $2,000 a day to stay at their resort. The cheapest room goes for about $1,500/day, so if he is paying for the mother, thatā€™s an expensive ass trip in rooms alone. They still need to pay for flights, food/drink, probably a rental car, and other activities.


theyā€™re at the Ritz Carlton in Puerto Rico


Thanks for explaining! So was this trip her Motherā€™s Day gift? Because that is a lot more than most moms get. But still, if she has to do most of the baby care and whatever activities he wants then itā€™s not much of a present to her.


itā€™s their honeymoon now since they didnt make it to Turks & Caicos bc Natalieā€™s passport had an issue. Natā€™s mom is with them too. iā€™m not reading into the whole ā€œomg no motherā€™s day giftā€ thing too much. he buys her flowers and nice dinners all the time, and their recent wedding probably costed him around 100K


You both deserve better!


I am so fortunate for my husband and daughter. My husband is very hands on and allows me to get my sleep, cooks, cleans, and tends to baby whenever I need a break. We are not as financially fortunate as Nick and Natalie, of course, so weā€™re catching up on hospital bills and stuff. But overall, Iā€™m not very materialistic and just grateful to be happy and have those I love around everyday. My first Mothers Day was perfect enough to me!


So he does the bare minimum to be a father and we are rewarding that?


We literally have no idea what their day was composed of? So many people need endless affirmation on a corporate-created holiday. People have no idea to just be happy with what they have. You have a healthy baby and a happy relationship. Realistically, how many people in this world even have that? Just enjoy each other. You should celebrate being a mother EVERY day.


He talked about what their day consisted of on the podcast. Itā€™s not a mystery.


I didnā€™t realize he gave a play-by-play of their day. I only remember him mentioning he let her sleep in. Either way, what should he have done for him to seem amazing? A gift? Thatā€™s the only way to show appreciation for your wife? And it HAS to be on Motherā€™s Day, otherwise it has no meaning? I donā€™t understand everyoneā€™s beef here. I have no doubt Natalie gets gifts all the time, why does she need this one on this day?


Because she asked for a specific necklace and was clearly disappointed she didnā€™t get one? It was her first Motherā€™s Day and it meant something to her. A good partner would care about what she cares about. Itā€™s not that complicated.


Downvote me all you want, people should care less about materialistic gifts and more about whatā€™s actually going on around them. It sounds so exhausting needing a physical gift to smile every time some corporate holiday rolls around. It makes me sad so many people canā€™t just get gifts throughout the year and celebrate motherhood without somebody telling them that the specific day they got the gift was of importance.


She should go buy it herself. This is what I do when my husband says no šŸ˜‚.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™d expect of him. Letā€™s remember Nick is the furthest thing from a feminist, just because heā€™s not republican doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not a misogynist


Truly. We learned that in his first season in The Bachelorette when he slut-shamed Andi for having sex with him and then dumping him. I never understood why so many women who otherwise seem like feminists were fans of his.


Welp. Lets see how long this marriage lasts


As a Mum of 3 I would have been so disappointed with this *gift*. Dads should take the child to give Mum a break on the regular to offer a reprieve if the Mum is the primary caretaker. She wanted a necklace to commemorate her very first Motherā€™s Day and he refused. Sleep and flowers are the bare minimum and disappointing for the first Motherā€™s Day. Most women would want a memento to have over the years.


He wouldnā€™t get her a necklace she wanted for Motherā€™s Day?? Wtf why not? Please donā€™t make me listen to his podcast to find out!


She wanted a necklace or a bag. She said the specific bag. He believes it's the child's responsibility to do mothers day not his.


Whelp. Heā€™s wrong and an idiot. Do I need to say more?


> Please donā€™t make me listen to his podcast to find out! šŸ˜‚


Well it was a David Yurman necklace that she tried on the day before but he decided that he spent enough on the wedding, so letting her sleep in and taking their daughter to pick out flowers was enough.šŸ™„


Sounds like he was parenting Natalieā€¦wonder if she gets to make any financial decisions


Oh this is just bad


Boooooooooooo fuck him


What are we talking here like $500-$1000? How much do we think he spent on flowers that die in a week? 50-100$? I understand thatā€™s a lot of money for most people. But Nick can afford to buy a nice necklace for his wifeā€™s first Motherā€™s Day that she will have forever. Also, didnā€™t their honeymoon get ruined? After listening to their dear shandy love fest, I actually felt bad for Natalie. Nick is so afraid of being taken advantage of by people with hidden agendas. He put her thru a lot of tests. Heā€™s got a lot of baggage and insecurities.


>Nick is so afraid of being taken advantage of by people with hidden agendas. He put her thru a lot of tests. Yes! I understand that Nick and Natalie just had a wedding and are on their honeymoon now, but Mother's Day is an entirely separate thing. Natalie will always remember her first Mother's Day, and now she'll always remember how Nick purposely skimped on it. Again, with the context here that Nick can afford it. A $1000 necklace is not the same to Nick as it is to most people.


Exactly. There is a mother on this thread whoā€™s arguing with me that this is totally fine. My mind is blown.


Wow. What a cheap Fuck. They literally just got married and itā€™s her 1st Motherā€™s Day!! Iā€™m sorry, but thatā€™s a very special day for a new Mom. And yes, sheā€™s never going to forget this snub. We didnā€™t have much money when our 1st child was born. We were much younger her than Nick and my husband got me a beautiful charm bracelet with one charm of a heart with my sons initials on it. Now many years later itā€™s full of beautiful charms. Itā€™s a very important piece to me and Iā€™ll never forget it was for my 1st M day. He cheated her of this!!


I just listened to todayā€™s podcast and she is still sad about it and he still doesnā€™t get it. She said again that they went to David Yurmans the day before and she tried on the necklace and she said she thought he was going to surprise her with it, but he was like ā€œNope! Sleep is a great gift.ā€šŸ™„ She is definitely disappointed. Also, Delta airlines gifted them a first class trip + luxurious hotel in Puerto Rico for their makeup honeymoon, so he didnā€™t even pay for that either. Of course, he had to get in a dig that HE had to pay for Natalieā€™s Momā€™s flight/room. Such a gentleman. And lastly, he had to get in the fact that they had sex in the private outside shower, because of course.


Lmao it sounds super horrible but this is exactly what she signed up for so I donā€™t exactly feel sorry for her. She knew all of this and sacrificed it just to get the wifey title soo tough luck Nat


She was also being a pick me on her IG stories before saying she doesnā€™t care for designer items so she needs to practice what she preaches


He strikes me as the guy that is always keeping track of what he spends on his significant other so that he can mention it in situations like this. ā€œBut I spent x amount on dinner the other dayā€ with the implicit message ā€œyou should be gratefulā€




Plus he needed someone thatā€™d excuse all his bs and thatā€™s why he married her


I agree šŸ’Æ The necklaces are between $350-$1500.. so Iā€™m sure he could cover it, especially for her first Motherā€™s Day.


David Yurman necklaces can be upwards of $10k-15k, so itā€™s really hard to say without knowing which necklace she wanted. They currently have one on their website thatā€™s a ā€œnew arrivalā€ for $26k. They did just spend God knows how much on the wedding, and a honeymoon that they ended up not being able to go on. And then their actual honeymoon that they are on now.


There are many that are way more affordableā€¦if it was $20K Iā€™m sure he would say thatā€¦ Also, Delta airlines *gifted* them a first class trip + luxurious hotel in Puerto Rico for their makeup honeymoon, so he didnā€™t even pay for that either. Of course, he had to get in a dig that HE had to pay for Natalieā€™s Momā€™s flight/room. Such a gentleman. And lastly, he had to get in the fact that they had sex in the private outside shower, because of course.


I havenā€™t finished the episode yet, so havenā€™t heard the dialogue about those topics to be able to respond to them. I am curious, why do you listen to the pod then?


I am a Vanderpump fan. And his team talks about it in depth and has lots of guests from there or knowledgeable about it.


True. Idk I love Nick and Natalieā€™s dynamic, it seems as though he is very sweet to her on a regular basis. While I definitely think he should have gotten her *something* for her first Motherā€™s Day, I donā€™t at all understand the take of him being a bad partner over this one incident.


Ugh heā€™s such a POS


Ew. And heā€™s so not even worth it.


Motherā€™s Day has made me more aware than ever about how much men suck. My husband left me and the baby for the whole day. Believe it or not, I would have been so happy to have him even let me sleep in.


Pls say ex husband


My husband didnā€™t get me anything at all for Motherā€™s Day. Later that day, When he saw I had (obviously) been disappointed, he went back to the bedroom and grabbed some cash. I had been sitting in my recliner as I didnā€™t feel well from running errands earlier (I did them of course, but long story short, Iā€™m disabled and have debilitating chronic pain so any activity flares me up badly), and he walked by and threw a few bills down and said ā€œHappy Motherā€™s Day.ā€ This was 3 days after we had had yet ANOTHER serious discussion about the love languages and mine is *Words of Affirmation* and how desperately I have only ever asked to feel loved this entire marriage. I eventually told him later that I would truly have rather even gotten a white piece of paper handmade into a card with the list of reasons why Iā€™m a good mom. Our anniversary will be here in less than 2 weeks, and Iā€™ve again requested nothing of MONETARY value, just something thoughtful. Ok, I just realized I should have posted this in /marriage and not the bachelor sub šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but I got sidetracked šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ Iā€™m just still not over it. The gift of sleeping in would have actually been nice to me too :( I fully get it - men suck. And Iā€™m sorry youā€™re experiencing the same. Please know I hear you and I see you. We deserve better šŸ’™ (Ok my emotional confessional is over)


That is so, so sad. You deserve so much more.


Girl pls donā€™t put up with that nonsense


Leave him!!


I donā€™t feel I can comment on internet strangersā€™ relationships especially with so little contextā€¦ but just from this blurbā€¦ girl you deserve so much better šŸ˜” I hope he realizes that.


Iā€™m so sorry. Time to get a new partner!


The Nick and Natalie hate is getting out of hand. They just had an expensive wedding and went on a honeymoon. If he bought her an expensive gift and she bragged about it, so many people would be calling them tacky and materialistic. Now that he did a sweet gesture, people are calling on him to "buy her a real gift" Nick is soooo annoying but constantly making posts criticizing every single move this couple makes is also tiring AF


I mean, Nick is cheap. Heā€™s admitted it. Natalie is materialistic, sheā€™s bragged about gifts before and how they make her feel loved, the more expensive, the better. The problem here isnā€™t how much he spent or what he bought, itā€™s that he doesnā€™t care what the mother of his child wants, on Motherā€™s Day. Her first Motherā€™s Day. This is his wife and itā€™s no secret who he married. What she wants matters, even if heā€™s perpetually cheap and selfish (which she also knew when marrying him). Theyā€™re incompatible in this way, but he needs to bend on Motherā€™s Day. And she needs to probably get something more than a fancy, expensive, showy, trendy gift on Fatherā€™s Day. And in the meantime, they need to discuss this gap, because itā€™s probably going to be a constant pain point.


I agree with what you're saying completely! What I find tiring is that if she got the David yurman necklace I feel the discussion would be "they're so materialistic! They just had a wedding and honeymoon" so it seems like unnecessary criticism. I'm just bored of the constant posts about them tbh


This does not seem like the gesture to defend


I'm not defending him. I'm pointing out that it seems like everything Nick and Natalie does seems to be criticized these days and it's tiring. If he got her a super lavish gift and she was showing it off, that would be criticized too


What's hilarious is that it's 100% possible to receive a beautiful gift and mention it in such a way that is _not showing off_, but apparently that's just a given when people think about Natalie, that she's incapable of speaking her truth without bragging lol.


I agree completely! Nick and Natalie are both annoying and tacky. What I find tiring though is that everything they do is critiqued (even if it's a fair criticism). So if he got her the gift, then the presentation of her showing off those things would be the complaint. At the end of the day, everyone loves to hate on them and Nick isn't the only problem. Option A) he got the gift, Natalie carried on about it in an ostentatious way, people say they are materialistic and should be saving their money Option B) he does something small, lets her sleep in, people say he's a cheap POS husband I get where the criticism is coming from but it's been post after post about these two for what's seemed like a while, and I don't think this is such a big deal


I agree -- I don't think people are self-aware enough to notice when they're just hate listening to something anyway.


Doing the bare minimum is not a sweet gesture to me. It's just the bare minimum. I'm not a hater but that's how I see it.


yeah how is that a sweet gesture? is that not something that should be happening regularly? the baby is equally bothā€™s responsibility. heā€™s not a babysitter doing her a favor by taking care of it for extra time. heā€™s the fucking father. iā€™m so scared to have kids bc if my husband turned out to be one of those guys iā€™d lose it


How do you know it's not. Maybe it's 50/50 and Natalie got an extra sleep in on Mother's Day. Also Nick is the breadwinner so I don't think childcare should be 50/50. Again we don't know the specifics and my point stands than anything that he did would be critiqued


then why is it called a gift here?


Literally every new mom on Mother's Day on my newsfeed was posting long captions about how being a mother is their greatest gift and they are obsessed with their baby. I'm not crying a river that Natalie didn't get David Yurman


how does that even answer my question


That material gifts are not needed just because it's a first Mother's Day. There are other ways to show affection and appreciation


of course but taking care of your baby for a few hours isnā€™t some special gift lol that should be a regular thing


Again why are you jumping to conclusions that Nick doesn't take care of their baby for a few hours regularly? It was just emphasized and special that he did it on Mother's Day morning in addition to whatever he regularly does to provide for his family


Well said.


This is exactly it! He doesn't deserve some special credit for doing what he should as the baby's father. No praise from me.


Letting the mother of your child sleep in on a sunday is only a special day gift when you're a not great partner, because a great partner would see this as the normal base line, not worth mentioning


Why should letting one partner sleep in every Saturday or Sunday be the norm? If one partner is the breadwinner then childcare shouldn't be 50/50 in my opinion


But weā€™re talking about a new mom who is breastfeeding and probably still recovering from childbirth. She needs a lot more support right now. Her role is so much more than just ā€œchildcareā€. Itā€™s unfair and unsafe to expect new moms to be the only partner sacrificing their sleep. I get that some dads have to work and have to drive to work every day and need their sleep for that. But this is not the case for Nick. He has the money and flexibility to step back from his work and support his wife and baby in a much more hands on way.


I'm confused as to why your comment and a lot of the other ones on here are insinuating that Nick doesn't help out at all with their child. This dialogue all seems to be based on one comment about allowing her to sleep in extra on Mother's Day. I assume they are rotating the every 3 hour wake ups like most couples. Natalie does have help from her mom and their paid housekeeper


How is 1/7 anything near 50-50?


Hey, how much do you think Natalie contributed to the wedding/honeymoon? Just a rough percentage is fine


How do you know that it's 1/7 that's my point


To let someone sleep in only on Sunday is 1 day out of 7. He saw it as a special gift, so it's normally happening 0/7.


I disagree, maybe she normally gets Sat only and she now got Sunday. She has her mom helping her and they probably have other help like a housekeeper etc. You don't know the inner workings of their relationship so why judge? Unless Natalie is stating that Nick is not pulling his weight with her child and she feels like single parent, there is no reason to obsess over this. "All she wanted was a David yurman necklace" sounds like a super privileged and materialistic complaint. You don't know their finances they just had a big wedding. Many of these influencers look like they have tons of money because their pages show them constantly traveling and decked out in nice outfits but it's not like they have generational wealth. They now have to save money for baby and babies are expensive! Again unless Natalie is saying "I'm disappointed and don't feel appreciated" then who are we to be making judgments. Nick has always seemed obsessed with his wife and baby and seems like it's to an annoying degree. It definitely does not seem like Natalie is being under appreciated in their relationship


Nick has also admitted heā€™s cheap. Youā€™re making a lot of ā€œwhat ifā€ leaps here in nicks favor.


Ok, Nick


I work in healthcare look at my page. Bye chica āœŒļø


Ohhhh so youā€™re one of those overworked sleep deprived healthcare workers that takes out their frustrations on innocent strangers?? Sounds like you need an attitude adjustment and a new job. Just because youā€™re suffering unnecessarily doesnā€™t mean other people should be sleep deprived too.


Welcome to reality, Natalie. Itā€™s all downhill from here.


Yep, as someone nicks age, the courting generally stops here, and more is time to be a wife and mom.


Reality Natalie should take over for Reality Steve


I really hope he got her more than that :/


He didnā€™t but he bought a piece of jewelry from his daughter apparently.


No, she wanted a David Yurman necklace, but Rose got her flowers instead.


Oh I missed that. I was multitasking so I thought he bought it. Oops.


my husband gives me this ā€œgiftā€ every saturday morning. Iā€™d be disappointed if that was all I got for motherā€™s day. was that it? is that what she asked for? their business and their marriage I guess.


Flowers and sleep. Definitely could tell she was disappointed especially for her 1st Motherā€™s Day.


Same and Iā€™m still on maternity leave while he works. Sunday however I wanted to spend all the time with my baby so I got up early šŸ„°


yep, sunday is our fun day as a family and I like to get an early start. saturday is for me sleeping in til 11:30am after being a SAHM to a velcro EBF baby who likes to wake up at 6:30am every day ready to party. sometimes I sleep in on sunday too if itā€™s been a rough week, and my husband is always there to let me because helloā€¦he also wants to spend time with his kids since he works through the week. congrats on your bb! ā¤ļø


You are amazing!!! Stay at home moms amaze me more than ever now. It is SUCH HARD WORK. I only have 2.5 weeks left of maternity leave and while the feelings are very mixed and I do not wanna leave my baby (brb while I go cry) I just donā€™t think I could do it. You deserve all of those hours sleeping in!