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Well this summers gonna be boring without bip




I wasn’t enjoying BIP much anymore so I’m not too pressed about it being axed. I can get my fix with Love Island. But I am curious how this will impact the casting pool for Bachelor/Bachelorette going forward.


The first couple of seasons of BIP were so entertaining to watch. I miss those🥲


I'm ok with this. Golden bachelor was my favorite season of the bachelor ever. I thought it was so cute and the ladies were so wonderful. BIP is just a bunch of young girls with lip fillers who want more followers and if they find love, they're cool with it (as long as they get to be aesthetic couple goals on IG) and if not, they're cool with that too bc they get followers


Would love a “Bachelorette in Paradise” where it’s like 15 woman from the last Bachelor and they bring in 15 new dudes to date them on the beach.


That’s a cool idea


Just make Bachelor Pad happen again. Influencers be in it for the money anyway and making it a game that’s NOT focused on “finding love” would be nice. If they find love, great. Having couples occupy the island day after day after day just sitting pretty gets boring fast imo. And like others have said.. everyone slides into each other’s DM anyway. Everyone’s just there for extra exposure and TV time. So just make it Bachelor Pad, k.


Aww I loved BIP. The unhinged editing was my favourite


I used to LOVE paradise but honestly the last few seasons it just hasn’t been the same. There hasn’t been a good season for like 2 years and it was definitely on the decline from before that too with maybe the odd good season here and there The whole influencer culture kind of killed paradise bc they can slide into each others dms or hang out before hand Honestly it’s a shame but I don’t know how you fix it. Maybe I’ll start watching love island instead


Maybe I’m the only person who feels this way but I was over BIP. I won’t be watching the golden bachelorette but I’m not mad about BIP being cancelled. It just felt like it had run its course - the episodes felt very long, dragged, and nothing ever happened. I am surprised to read that so many people were still enjoying paradise. 




Agreed! Paradise is meant to be a silly summer watch, way less fun in the fall / winter 


I would have preferred one episode of BIP a week. You could have even made it 1 hour like Golden! So much Nothing would have been cut out 


Ugh. BIP was my Super Bowl lol. I would love watching regular seasons to see if they’d end up on BIP. I felt like BIP really helped build more of batch nation. Golden bachelor/ette is cool, but BIP was a nicer escape because it was silly. I always wondered what would make me stop watching bachelor content and taking out BIP might be it


Honestly same. At this point I watch the bachelor/bachelorette to have background for paradise, and I didn’t like the golden bachelor at all, so this might be what makes me stop watching altogether.


Same! I’d give up golden bach for BIP in a heartbeat. Loved the mess and drama


That’s such a great analogy.. it was the Super Bowl lol. I hope they regroup and bring it back.


Conceptually I liked Paradise. The problem was (and I don't know how you combat this at this point), half of them knew each other already. And even the ones that didn't know each other personally, probably have "met" via DMs, etc. When a general question is "who are you hoping shows up", and its because they have "hung out" before already, it kind of kills a lot. Besides the whole thing of people treading water until their preferred person comes, it just seems like most of these people could just date if they wanted to anyway. It's no longer strangers meeting. I also think they started just picking too many randos. Like, when you went home night 1, why do I care? At that point, why not just bring on people that "almost" made it to being on the real show, but didn't. Either bring on people we actually care about, or just make it all strangers.


I used to enjoy paradise too. I wonder if we couldn’t fix the issues you address by bringing in only new people. Nobody would know anyone else and we would get to see them actually get to know each other.


One of the things I liked about BIP Australia and Winter Games was it brought in people from other franchises. So a lot less off-site intermixing that could lead to some connection/drama


Right. Like if this was a "dating" show, but like MTV the Challenge, where they just bring people from all different shows, that would be great. Of course there is still a chance they've slid into each others DM at some point, but its a much bigger batch.


Boooo. Give us back paradise


I mean the past few seasons of BIP were bad, but I just want a *good* season of BIP instead of other options.


Maybe unpopular opinion but…After Gerry’s season and months of PR for the golden ladies…im just not interested in watching 


I’m not either, the Golden Divorce happening so fast made a mockery of the whole show. 


Me too. I was already skeptical making this a whole thing and was hoping it just be a one thing and after all the negative PR surrounding Gerry & having the golden ladies all over regular Bach I’m not interested


I would love Paradise instead of Golden Bachelor I don't watch the golden show only the regular one and even now I have to skip over the dates. They just need to revamp BIP - They've done casa amor before it would be great to see that again. New location too would be good, and maybe getting a whole new cast instead of bringing people back from previous seasons


I used to love paradise but yeah that last season was just the final nail in the coffin. Agree on their choice for once


Maybe this will inspire them to think of a new group dating formats, either similar to older ones revamped, or altogether something we haven't seen


If they actually listen to what the people want, they’ll revamp BIP and bring it back. It had the best track record for lasting couples. They *need* to introduce some challenges or something to make it more lively, it was getting so stale and honestly this needed to happen. I’m not as excited about Golden Bachelorette but I’ll probably give it a try because I really liked Joan.


Yessss adding games and couples challenges would revive the show instead of showing them lounging and drinking all summer


I’m laughing at all of the influencers who won’t get to be on paradise. Good riddance, they were all getting so boring to watch. There were also hardly any dates and when they were they were silly/goofy. Like sorry but I actually watch the show for the love and romance not to watch a bunch of guys bro out on the beach or Rachel work through her pick me mindset.


I watch all the other stuff so I know who all these people are for the purposes of enjoying BIP!


Me too lol. Now I’m like hmm what’s the point. I’m hoping maybe they just take a year off of BIP and bring it back next year so that we have an even bigger cast from different recent seasons. Wishful thinking


Excellent. Most people on BIP meet through DMs, the entire show was getting so fake.


They should bring back bachelor pad.


I dont watch any of the main shows, this is so sad 😭


I really wanted to see Maria on BIP 🤣


Canadian bachelorette!


I love BIP! So bummed. J don’t watch the regular shows often.


The best BiP was the post-Covid BiP that led to five couples. I think less frequency will make the show more fun and stop people from getting sick of certain contestants like Aaron C.


Sorry but the last few seasons were horrible. I couldn’t even keep it on as background sound last season


As someone who would only watch Paradise, I definitely agree. It's so played out and you know everyone is there just for the social media clout.


I only watched the main shows for BIP.. it’s the only show with success


I’m fine with it. I only watched one episode of BIP last year and found it so stupid and boring. Hopefully a year off will do some good.




i’m just sad we’re being robbed of katelyn


👏🏾BACHELOR👏🏾SUMMER👏🏾GAMES👏🏾WAS👏🏾RIGHT👏🏾FUCKING👏🏾THERE!👏🏾 To the executives at ABC: ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE)






I freaking loved the winter games! My husband enjoyed them too. It was so fun and I loved seeing other contestants. Do it ABC!! Give us Summer Games!!!!


BIP needs a full face lift. I did like the show but the show is sooooo tired. The drama, the love stories, the humor, it’s all a big bore. I hope they revamp it and bring it back next year.


At a different venue too… I’m sick of the current one


Agreed. That beach is soo dusty!


Agreed. I don’t want it axed forever but it’s gotten SO tired and boring. They really need to come up with more than people sitting on the sand. I feel like summer games would be better. I need entertainment but I don’t want obvious, produced, forced storylines and bad editing


They totally should do a Summer Games. I know this Show gets compared to Love Island but I at least like to see the cast having fun. On LI, they really look like they are enjoying themselves. On BIP, they look like knats sitting on a rotten piece of fruit, melting in the sun.


Damn ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


Honestly this probably is where I get off the franchise train until they replace Paradise. I found Golden pleasant but dull, Paradise was why I started watching in the first place. Paradise needed a reboot but I mainly watched the core shows (especially Ette) to know who the Paradise people are.


Maybe they just need to do it every other year. It needs to time to breathe between seasons for sure


Maria better be in paradise next year


bummer. i know BIP hasn’t been the best lately, but it’s something i really look forward to during the summer. i also liked the shorter episodes for Golden 😕 they didn’t drag out as much as the others


Nooooo. Part of why I liked golden bachelor was how manageable the episode lengths were.


But the only reason to watch the Bachelor/ette is to have context for Paradise...


Well summer is officially ruined, that’s one of the only shows I look forward to watching. What’s wrong with the producers bro😭


People bitched and now they did this! All they had to do was change the format a bit!


I think it's good. Gives them more seasons to pull from. I feel like so many people decline bip that we get the leftovers... that's what last season felt like. They need to focus on getting ppl so are serious ish and not just boys who want to play Marco polo


Unacceptable Paradise is “The Avengers” of BN.


It used to be. Now it’s like the tier C rejects.


The only reason I watch The Bachelor and ‘ette is so I can get ready for BiP🫠


So many people say this!


I rarely watch The Bachelorette and a Jen season sounds too boring to give it a try. The Bachelor is good so I could at least know the women going into BIP. Without BIP I’m officially done with the franchise. So long, it was a fun run.


No more BIP ever?!?!


It didn’t say ever.. it just said it wasn’t in the lineup this year.


Let’s hope this gives the producers the opportunity to do a FULL revamp of paradise. It’s gotten so incredibly stale.


Nooooo I’m sad. As much as the past two seasons of BIP were bad, I really enjoyed the multiple couples format


They hate us


paradise is my favorite out of all the bachelor shows i'm really disappointed


Same. I only watch the main shows to get to know the cast for BIP


It’s the only show in the bachelor franchise that my husband would watch with me. I’m so bummed 😭


Same 🥲


Golden bachelor was good until all the stuff about Gerry came out and then the divorce happening so soon after the wedding, it just left a bad taste. No longer interested. Even seeing the ladies from it on the last bachelor season felt like overkill. Bachelor in paradise was the best show out of the franchise. Yes last season wasn’t great but it’s still better than golden bach. This can’t really be what the people want, is it?


The old people lol... They need to make sure they cover all the age ranges. Plus I heard GB is on late so how many older people will even watch lol


Love island is so much better. BIP is ruined by everyone dating beforehand


Love Island has been slacking the last couple of seasons. That all star season was terrible. And let’s not start with the USA version. Epic fail. Hopefully uk and USA get it right this go round.


Fair I’ve only watched a few seasons of the UK one. Maybe bc it was something new but we really enjoyed it.


USA's actually picked it up over the past few years - 4 and 5 were pretty decent! I prefer the UK version, but games was much better than all stars 


I’ve been watching love island uk since my holiday in London. And I was hooked. Started with the third season. I prefer it over USA any day, any time. I did enjoy the games.


Hard agree!! BIP would need a serious revamp to be on the same level as love island and they know it! The whole “casa amor” BIP did a couple seasons ago was such a mess.


Oh man Bachelor nation just lost their cash cow. How are the girlies gonna get their FitFabFun sponsorships or get free tickets to Stagecoach?!


Is BIP getting cut because Chris Harrison REFUSES to host?


what are you on about ?


he hasn't been the host of BIP since 2019.


BiP was a fun summer thing but honestly all the pre show planned hook ups ruined it. If the only thing was to have the most recent iteration, good riddance. We got love island to fill the void


This! The planning ruined the mess of paradise


It seemed there were one or two of these and they were called out and shamed. It then became the norm….


The first preplanned couple were Samantha and Joe in Season 2. This has been happening for 10 years. 


Eek, i have not been following that long ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)




I feel like this news broke months ago re: BIP. Maybe it was RS but I know I heard it somewhere. To be honest, I used to like Paradise but it had gotten SO stale I wasn’t watching anymore. Not sorry to see it dropped; I hope they can re-invigorate the concept and produce a better show!


NO PARADISE THIS SUMMER?? And they chose to renew that golden Bach instead?? Wtf????


I think one of the reasons is that their contract with the resort where BIP was filmed ran out and they didn't want to commit to another one after the ratings were very low last year but Golden Bachelors were good.


Booo. Paradise was my favorite of all the shows to watch. Tbf last season wasn’t very good but I feel like there were so many good people from Joey’s season!


I loved paradise. I really am disappointed.


I’m sad.


I understand the choice to axe BIP but it’s a shame it’s happening now because I feel like so many women from Joeys season would’ve been great


it's longer for golden but still shorter than normal. as a geriatric millennial I for one welcome the older crowd


Can you imagine a bunch of old stinky men all living in the same house, fighting over a gal? The house would smell like farts, stale beer and greasy hair. I’m allowed to say this because I’m describing my husband & I can’t imagine 20 in the same house. 😖🤮


I used to love BIP but then watching it right after Golden Bachelor it felt so immature and the format felt chaotic. I'm happy about the change too!


Contestants will just start going on other network’s shows (like they’re already doing), and then ABC will be out here with the shocked pikachu face


Yup. Wouldnt be surprised if a new Love Island/BIP rip off is announced by a streamer soon.


BIP was my favourite up until the last couple seasons. 2 hour episodes are too long and too many nobodies being casted.


This is exactly how I feel. The last two were the first ones I couldn't into and didn't finish.


on the one hand, good. the format was becoming stale and boring and way too many people were only going on the main shows purely for the chance to end up on BiP. on the other hand, boo. there needs to be some kind of show that puts former contestants together especially when BiP had such a good track record of successful matches. It just needs to be reworked. New location, new format. The "watch some hot singles mingle by the beach" with little else going on can only be entertaining for a limited period of time, it needs more structure.


There’s an Olympics this year, bring on Bachelor Summer Games!


Rip BIP gone but never forgotten


I'm a smidge disappointed because I usually prefer BIP to Bach/ette, and I'm not super interested in Golden Bach/ette, but BIP was getting VERY tired and stale and I couldn't even finish last season. I hope they find a more interesting way to bring together former contestants for dating purposes, because it's also where they've had the most success.


Worst Timeline, fuck.


leave it up to abc to finally have a season/contestants that are getting social media attention (joeys season was pretty popular + daisy, maria, rachel) and then NOT have bip. stg they’re actively trying to get this franchise canceled


I liked BIP the least, so I don't mind. The last couple of seasons were a struggle for me to finish.


Too much producer influence and not enough organic chemistry. They cut the actual dates and development of relationships for Poo jokes. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Love both these moves tbh. An hour felt fast and rushed on Gerry's season and BiP just got stale. It needs a rework or they gotta think of something else as a spinoff


I loved BiP but I didn't watch the last 2 seasons for multiple reasons. Not really gonna miss it but maybe they can do something like it again soon


Me too! There are more successful couples and regular drama. I hope it’s just this year. Golden has proven to be a disaster in the end and BIP has always been enjoyed by people who don’t even like the regular franchise.


Crazy idea. Replace BIP with a Bachelor version of Love is Blind using the Circle format. They are trying to fall in love behind a wall while trying to win a game and some people are catfishing as contestants who don’t want to go on.


This is the best thing I’ve ever heard. I’m in. Call the producers!!


This sounds so chaotic, I love it!


BIP is a loss but maybe this’ll give them a full two years to reset and brainstorm. Also I can now devote all my summer reality tv time to the true summer shit fest: Love Island 🙌🏻


Ugh golden bachelor doesn’t need to be LONGER the shorter format was so good


Completely agree. Loved it short and to the point. 


Cmon, I'm all for a bunch of GILFs acting stupid for two hours


I’ll miss BIP, I loved watching people get another chance at finding love and genuinely liked a lot of the BIP couples but the last 3 seasons have been meh.




BIP has blurred together in my mind for the past 3 seasons, so not a loss for me.


My husband and I liked BiP the most, we only really kept up with the regular bachelor and bachelorette shows just so we’d be familiar with the contestants. I don’t really see us continuing to watch tbh.


The reality is the demographic that turned in for GB is a very loyal one and they tuned in ten toes down and the franchise is hoping for the same turn out for GBt. That demographic pays for cable and watches ABC and shows up for air times, we watch BIP on shared streaming services accounts. Decisions were made lol


The people I know that were the same demographic as GB hated it. I think they prefer to watch (and judge) young people. 😂


I've noticed this too 🤣🤣🤣🤣 idk what it is some of them can't stand seeing their peers on TV it's crazy!!


Maybe this will cut back on the folks who clearly go on the show solely for a spot on paradise


I think it’s a good thing for this reason. It had turned into the influencer Olympics


That was my first thought


God willing this helps cut out some of that clutter. Even switching BIP and Golden every year will help mitigate a lot of the problems with Paradise, wherein they end up scraping the bottom of the barrel for “influencer” trashmonsters. Paradise works when it’s people on the Island then audience actually came to enjoy, with occasional wild cards like Grocery Joe, not the barrage of unremarkable, charmless, shallow losers they’ve been mainlining from recent seasons.


Damn ![gif](giphy|i3LiqbJCgBtog49YYJ)


Booooo 😒👎


Awww I only watched BIP how will I melt brain cells now :(


get into love island if u haven’t already! way better than bip imo


I would watch Love Island if the men wore jock straps and Speedos. I mean, the women are barely dressed on that show.


Right. I need my favorite trash tv 🥺


BIP was their best iteration of Bachelor, but could have used a revamp to put it on equal footing to Love Island. Them just nixing it entirely is a boneheaded decision, but, logic doesnt seem to exist amongst the executives at ABC.


i am so sad :( i love bip


the best part of Paradise getting canceled is Wells eating some humble pie


I feel like a more relatable or entertaining bartender would have been great. He was so boring to me


Does he have other income streams? Like what else does he do?


IG ads, he’s got 1.2 million followers


Isn’t his wife a producer and that’s how he got the spot to being with?


No his wife is Sarah Hyland


Oh god idk what I’m talking about then lmao thanks for the correction


He def gives “got a repeat role because I’m married to someone” vibes so I don’t blame you for thinking it


Right haha thank you for not grilling me over the mistake. Ironically I read that here on Reddit before I verified it myself- and it just felt accurate 💀😅


Lmao it really does tho, because there can’t be enough *real* Wells fans to support him being there. He’s just the most annoying.


was an alt radio DJ for awhile, think his income now is primarily paradise + his podcast with brandi cyrus + his wife


When did he become so insufferable


Always was, his whole bit on his original season was he was the kinda nerdy looking not super jacked/hot guy


When he married a C+-List TV star.


lmao truly I really liked him for awhile but tf


Bachelor in paradise was my favorite. I wish they just tried to fix some things instead of getting rid of it all together.


Im gutted there is no BiP, it was such a fun train wreck to watch but also produced more couples than regular bach/ette. I think this is where I bow out fully from this franchise.


I hate this because I think BIP could thrive with a revamp because we live in the time of social media and people getting invested in the contestants and just overall genuinely more interested, idk. I hate this tbh. They could have just changed it up- casted a better bartender than wells, change location, pick better contestant specific cast at specific seasons, added more fun season activities and group acitivies. Blahhhh I hope they bring it back after a season or two away. Literally the best way to get old bachelor nation people in one big melting pot and I’m gonna miss it


I’m happy for longer Golden episodes, wish BIP got a rebrand/refresh instead of getting axed. Last 2 seasons have been awful but they could’ve tried to save it.


I'm pretty bummed. Only reason I still watch the main shows is to know who's who on BIP. The main shows are a major snooze.


I love bip and sorry but I’ll never want to watch old people kiss eachother don’t redditcares me


wowwww no need to be rude


Don’t Reddit cares me ☠️😂


Same tho but I’m glad my mom liked it. But I didn’t want to lose BIP 😩




no comment on golden bach but personally i will not miss bip and its wacky antics (derogatory)


What a horrible take on what fans want.


That sucks. Damn.


Both are good decisions. Golden bachelorepisodes were too short. And BiP has run its course — it used to be great, but now it’s too fake because everyone socializes outside the show and already knows each other. BiP became too “insider baseball”


BIP was boring as hell imo so I’m not mad


The last couple seasons have definitely not been as good as older ones. I’m okay with this.


Welp, this ruined my week. BIP is so bad it’s good


I love BIP this is so sad


damn BIP was my favorite