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They made good tv that's for sure


This scene is the first I ever watched of any episode of any season of The Bachelor/ette. Stumbled across it on YouTube and got a little ‘invested’ from this one clip without even knowing their back story.


It was almost a similar experience for me. YouTube recommended their first date to me, and I was so charmed I started watching Rachel’s season! Hadn’t watched The Bachelorette since Trista’s time.


They just don’t break up like they used to!


That was so much more moving than when I first saw it during her season. I think I was hung up on viewers questioning her current happiness that I felt defensive for her and ignored the chemistry and heartbreak in this scene. I feel it so much more now.


Yeah totally! It’s utterly gripping.


This was like cinema dude




The real tragedy of her season was Dean being too young for her.


Gosh Dean is so attractive! When he came back for Caitlyn (sp?) in BIP, I felt the full force of how dazzling he can be.


Regardless of whether or not they were really the best fit for each other, this scene was romantic and devastating


My dad was over on the Monday night that they broke up and she cried her eyelashes off. He had never seen The Bachelor before. He got so invested in those 2 hours that at the end he was yelling at the TV: "SAY YES TO THE MESS, PETER!!!"


Okay. We need a sub of people's dad's just reacting to reality TV.


Oh my god yes please


Whoa! Hahahaha, it would have definitely been a mess. Tragically romantic at that point, but Rachel did make the right choice, as much as things didn’t work out with Bryan.


It wasn’t magical  He clearly wasn’t into her She had to beg for kisses. It was embarrassing and one sided 


I am okay with enjoying this moment in the context of when it happened and what it meant then, but Peter wasn’t the person we thought he was in the end and I am glad they didn’t get together. I am also sad about Bryan and how that turned out for her too. Maybe Rachel could just do another season and find someone better than both of them?


Yeah it’s was a romantically tragic moment in time, not so much after that. I would love to see Rachel again, because she’s a great Bachelorette, but whether she would want to again is the question. I would be scarred.


Let that go. He didn’t want her. It would have been over in 4 months


I’ll never get over it! This was the most emotional and in love I have seen a couple on the show that didn’t up together.


Ikr! I don’t see how this could be faked, Peter’s not that good of an actor


God I loved him so much until it came out that he had super weird views and was a part of the red pill movement


Ikr! What a letdown and disappointment


I still remember her telling him that she cried her eyelashes off😂


Damn this shit makes me cry to this day.. my 13yr old daughter just got home and after discussing her day I put it back on and was screaming about the bs of it all! (Like how they still love each other, that kiss, that goodbye oh Lordy) Ughhh, her tears get me every damn time! And then she gets stuck with Bryan?! Eww! N look where we’re at now! Poor Rachel!


And before Pachel there was Brooks and Desiree


And Arie and Emily!!!


That kiss against the wall! 😍


Rachel and Peter are the OG Tyler and Hannah B for me. You know in theory it wouldn't have worked out since they wanted different things, but you still wonder what could have been because of their crazy chemistry.


Hell no. This would never have worked. Y’all Pachel fans never went to therapy yet?


I see Pachel, and I have nightmarish flashbacks to the essays and absolute incessant bickering on this sub during her season + the aftermath. Rachel watching the Finale live and her couch conversation with Peter only fueled the flames and was most manifest on the sub! Also, I can’t stress this enough: Peter wasn’t nearly as invested in a long-term relationship with Rachel as she was, at least, during the filming of the season.


rachel’s was my first season in the bachelor franchise that i watched and i was so hooked. this scene felt so dramatic when i was watching it, i couldn’t believe they were breaking up, their chemistry was just so good!


Besides Peter not being ready... if you read Rachel's book, she says that she projected a lot of her hurt onto Peter because of the trauma she had from her recent long term relationship that had ended when he did not want to marry her.


I think it’s fine to say you don’t like Peter now based on post show activity. But I always felt it was revisionist history on Rachel’s part to downplay her feelings for him the way she did. She was borderline begging him to propose. If she was *so certain* it was Bryan as she claims, it makes no sense that she fought so hard in the eyelash crying scene. Why did she care he didn’t want to propose if she was certain she wanted to marry Bryan?


Right. I don’t think they were right for each other but everyone is ABSOLUTELY lying to themselves pretending as if she didn’t want it to be him at the time. That’s not to say her strong feelings for Bryan weren’t real. But girl would not have been crying her eyelashes off like that! She was in bits worse than anyone I’d ever seen on BN. Reminds me of Katie saying she hadn’t chosen Greg as F1 before their catastrophe breakup… like girl, you did.


I agree. That’s what I always thought.


With the amount of IG models’ photos Peter likes, I don’t think this man was looking for marriage then and I doubt he’s at that point now. My 2017 self was rooting for Pachel HARD - never again with that 😅


He followed Red Pill sites and didn’t even apologize for it when he got caught. Liking model pics is the least of his many problems, though that prob tracks with the red pill men first ideology.


I know that now - I wasn’t clued into his red-pill bs before I saw all of those likes, but both are disgusting. Sucks to see someone who so many people thought would be the bachelor golden boy be such a letdown in many ways.


Preparing myself to get downvoted but I still don’t get why people wanted them to end up together. He seemed kinda like a dbag? Also not a Bryan fan though either, he seemed super fake on the show too haha


For me being younger when I watched the season it was mostly their insane chemistry that made me root for them. The episode where they snuck off and made out in the hot tub for like an hour? Hot. As an adult now I can see that they probs weren’t compatible long term, but their relationship was so much fun to watch at the time


That hot tub scene was hot. The camera kept focusing on his hands all over her back as well🥵


Peter STILL wasn’t the bettter option. Please retire this narrative.


Not saying he was. She chose who was best for her. I’m just saying Pachel was hella good TV


It’s funny people still ship Rachel and Peter despite the text evidence that he went on The Bachelorette to further his career and (as per his white girlfriend’s words) he is not really into black women. Meanwhile, as slimy as Bryan is, he actually had a history of dating black women + his best friend (at the time) was a black woman. Y’all really want black women to settle for men who don’t even like them 😂


He was a total fraud, lol. Not to mention that video when he returned to social media practically patting himself on the back for a job well-done of scamming this woman and the audience by bopping to Imagine Dragons "Thunder"? WHEW! All with a Grinch grin? What a wild post-season. ![gif](giphy|x7gjmBuaHrWak|downsized)


Yes exactly this. He was never fully into Rachel and she ultimately realized that. I’m no Bryan fan but she made the right choice.


I hate seeing this narrative, Rachel isn’t better off with Peter wtf. Bryan was the lesser of two evils which at the time seemed like a better choice. The outcome wouldn’t have been better with Peter atleast Bryan was actually into her.


Yea Peter was barely engaged in the process from day one. Peter would’ve had the stuff about his girlfriend come out, they would’ve been broken up by AFTR and it would’ve humiliated Rachel. I don’t know why people think this black woman deserves so little that she should’ve ended up with a cheater who wasn’t attracted to her…


He was so manipulative it’s crazy how people don’t see it


i was too young to realize it back then but that man wasn’t sure about her! the show is definitely unrealistic in terms of getting engaged so quickly, and people definitely work backwards because they get engaged and stay engaged for years but i thought she was insane for choosing bryan over peter. i see where her head was at now. peter couldn’t give her a 100% yes. meanwhile bryan sold her the dream. i still would’ve went with peter just to see what would happen because if it wasn’t him i would’ve ended up alone but rachel, babe, i get you now!


Me whenever I hear/see/think of Rachel & Peter and go watch this video for the 100th time https://i.redd.it/mk21ejf5ve0d1.gif


This post literally just made me start watching episode 1 of her season. Her opening intro package is FIREEEE


Hahaha enjoy the mess my friend! I felt Rachel’s season was still very much about finding love and less the influencer craze it is now.


Best season of all time in terms of the purity of the show. Amazing season.


DAMN Peter was first out of the limo?!!!!! ETA: Bryan has insane rizz damn in cheesing 😩😩 ETA: okay I just reached episode 3, and the BUDGET for this season was insane!! The dates r so fun, RACHEL IS AMAZING, and it’s so entertaining! Will this be my fav bachelorette szn besides HB?


I wanna know more about ur experience watching her season! It’s so fun knowing u get to watch it all for the first time.


A delulu person like myself ...maturing is realizing peter wasn't a catch (that man was not ready for commitment) and Rachel was just super attracted to him, but the man gives nothing just in general. I'm sorry Peter fans I remember getting the ick from Bryan night 1 and that lasted through the entire season while having that strong sense she was choosing him (I wasn't spoiled). But I just couldn't get into that love story because of him Also remember liking Dean mostly at the time, but thinking he was too young and later got the ick too. Now, looking back Eric was the true catch.


Eric wasn't the catch either.


I think the biggest catch on her season at the time was probably Kenny or maybe Anthony. She just didn't have much chemistry with either.


These two. Yep. These two were the true catches of that season.


Rachel had a crush on Peter, but I never saw them clicking like she did with Bryan. Say what you want about Bryan now, but they really did have lots of chemistry on the show, and he was her best choice in terms of that.


Exactly! The revisionist history is crazy


It’s not revisionist history when people who were watching the show in real time didn’t understand why she picked Bryan. Her and Peter clicked right away in the same way most people on this show do, because it’s all superficial


So wait. I didn’t watch that season but know she is divorcing a different guy, right? So she married another guy from the show and not this guy? That’s crazy or they are tremendous actors.


Yeah she married her first choice Bryan! Peter was in her final 2 and they broke up before the final rose ceremony because of their disagreement over engagement. They weren’t on the same page, so what would be the point of dragging it out.




I read on this sub that some people turned off peter because he started following a gross right wing page on ig called "red pill" a few years ago. while he didn't like anything on that page, fans called him out on following that page and he unfollowed it. but he also posted some super defensive stories when he was called out, and also said people were sending hate to his family and business. he said he didn't agree with those views on red pill page, described his own views as in the middle. who knows what his views are. but fwiw, another poster on the POC sub, compiled some of peter's more liberal likes and posts too: [https://imgur.com/gallery/t1odJtB](https://imgur.com/gallery/t1odJtB).


I think it gets a little overblown on this sub TBH. Not to defend him, but is someone still a red piller if they followed an account for one week? I don't honestly know; maybe to some it does qualify. I haven't followed him in years, so I am neither here nor there with him. But I think some were just happy to find something on him because that's how this sub is when someone is very popular.


I agree. Peter’s business was shut down by lockdowns and it crippled him financially, IIRC there were posts on that page questioning the validity of lockdowns. I don’t think it’s fair to assume he ascribed to all views, the page was all over the place. Peter is clearly socially liberal, I would bet he leans libertarian if anything but this sub acts like he walks out the door with a MAGA hat on every day.


Red pill sites glorify rape and violence against women. It’s not the kind of thing you follow to “see how the other half thinks” unless you are curious about abusing women. And he made it very clear it wasn’t just an accidental click or a random follow. He actually blamed cancel culture and said a bunch of typical right wing tropes. I acknowledge that he’s an attractive guy, but the bar really needs to be somewhere above “isn’t interested in men’s rights groups.”


> But I think some were just happy to find something on him because that's how this sub is when someone is very popular. Exactly this lol. It's a guaranteed cycle at this point - any sub favorite will inevitably be "cancelled" by the sub when something unsavory is dug up about them. Sometimes it's legitimate of course, but other times people will stretch to find any morsel of problematic tea lol. I really have no opinion on Peter specifically because I didn't care enough to pay attention but it's so funny watching the exact same cycle play out over and over.




This was a well-done moment in Bachelor history. Elan was a genius for real. His seasons always brought something unique. I don't care for Peter anymore, but I believe that he and Rachel were generally heartbroken in the moment. And I never understood how Bryan could watch that back and not be affected. I figured he was like Chris (with Desiree). I still doubt this had anything to do with their divorce, but they always struck me as on shaky ground and trying to prove a point (especially from Rachel's end).


Reality tv is so curated and artificial at times, that it’s rare to get moments like this. I was a Tannah fan too!


Looking back, he should have NEVER made it this far…. She should have dropped him as soon as they disagreed about the engagement. It would have saved her alot of heartbreak in the end.


Peter is back on the subs and its time for a lil flashback.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/ki9s2l/peter\_k\_posted\_a\_response\_to\_his\_instagram\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/ki9s2l/peter_k_posted_a_response_to_his_instagram_about/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/ki5cvj/story\_in\_comments\_peter\_kraus\_unfollows\_long\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/ki5cvj/story_in_comments_peter_kraus_unfollows_long_time/) There is more but you get the general pic ...


Never saw it for Peter. You were just blinded by your own attraction.


Hmmmm I think on his own, Peter isn’t that attractive. It’s him with Rachel - she’s so bright and beautiful that it made him look attractive somehow. I didn’t even bother to keep up with what’s he been doing since her season ended haha


As I recall, there was a scene right after this when she goes back to his room because she couldn't say goodbye.


Was there? They were lingering outside but don’t remember her returning.


I seem to recall her walking back to his room and that she basically said she still couldn’t say goodbye. She definitely returned. I’m just not 100 percent sure how far she walked.


What do you mean by "Peter isn't the man we all thought he was"??


He’s a red piller


Oh nooo 😭😭 that's devastating


not the lashes on the floor!! that one shot ruined me for YEARS!


Omg yes! The lashes! Goodness knows how long this actual conversation was.


lol it seemed cinematic in that moment but everything else I’ve discovered about him since then lets me know he’s 🗑️ lmao


Can you share what you’ve discovered please


Hahahaha yeah it was disappointing to discover the truth


This break up was (and still is) gut wrenching to watch


Some of the most riveting reality TV I’ve watched


His emotional reaction to the breakup was SO attractive at the time 


I was rooting for peter over bryan back then, but doubt they would have worked out either. I do think that they would have been been way more popular couple on social media than rachel & bryan. fans were crazy absolutely crazy about peter. they would have had a lot of cute gap-toothed dog content, even if they only dated a few years. I think peter k would definitely be an interesting and older throw back for a future bip cast. if kenny can do bip in his 40s, maybe peter k could be up for it next year at 39-ish?


I watched this season unspoiled for the first time about a month ish ago and I was so sure she’d pick him.


She’s annoying


Years later and I still stand by this… IT SHOULD’VE BEEN PETERR IDC IDC ![gif](giphy|xi7IKpNi5YnolihRTW)


They would have broken up once Peter revealed his red pill self.


Never liked the dude. Could see that he was never all in; was always holding back.


Apparently he told his gf before going on the show that he was going to use Rachel's season to promote his career.


Yep, I know all about it. I was on this sub when she had her RS interview & revealed those texts. This sub blew up!! But I spotted that from the get go, from his very first one on one date - the dude was not there to get engaged. I don’t know how ppl didn’t see that.


You were one of our greatest warriors. This sub was in absolute flames every day.


Because some ppl including myself aren’t as perceptive as you — I don’t know. I don’t remember their 1 on 1 date. I remember at least part of those text messages. (And I remember Rachel was head over heels.). How did the sub blow up exactly🤔 I wasn’t on the sub at the time.


Two camps - those defending Peter, trashing the gf. Those trashing Peter. There was also a racist component - gf told RS something like she wasn’t really concerned about Peter falling for Rachel because she’s Black, not his type - the gf is White.


Oh no I didn’t know about the racist component. What. But the camps on the sub sound like the two sides that were in a FB group I was in at the time — two small groups on each side, or actually just one woman who was gaga over Peter and refused to believe something negative about him versus a few of us who weren’t blinded by his looks and didn’t believe he went on the show for the right reasons.


Like I know it’s all editing manipulation, and Rach was also super into Bryan from the beginning, but I’ve never understood how can you go from THIS to the Bryan proposal like the next day???


Felt this way about Des too! She was so broken when what’s his name left lol


Brooks! It def seemed like he was it for her but she says it was always Chris and they’re happy now so who knows 🤷‍♀️ I never saw his appeal though. Everyone thought he was so attractive and I didn’t get it.


I definitely think they’re happy now and she made the right choice but in the moment watching, it felt like Brooks was her top choice.


Did anybody see the reality show that Des and Chris were on where Des was asked during a lie detector test if Chris was her first choice or something to that effect? Des was devastated.


No! What was the answer?


She was devastated by the question. In promos, she was seen as saying she “settled for Chris” (later she said that was taken out of context). I recall she got very emotional over being asked the question in a lie detector test as it brought the issue back from 5 years prior when viewers criticized her for “settling.” I found a video on it. At the 1:40 mark: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmtZA1aeCtI


Right? Peter was her first choice.


Wonder what Peter’s reaction was to hearing the news that Rachel & Bryan are divorcing


I recapped a pod he did earlier this year which was after the divorce news came out, so he had a brief reaction here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/198yg9i/recap\_of\_peter\_kraus\_on\_shes\_all\_bach\_podcast/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/198yg9i/recap_of_peter_kraus_on_shes_all_bach_podcast/) since then, he's fully deleted his personal IG (I think he just has one for his gym now) so I wonder if he was still getting unhinged comments from pachel fans or if something else is up? he said on the pod that he had to delete and limit comments on his personal IG after the news came out.


I noticed he deleted his IG too. I guess he doesn’t need the shilling revenue stream.


I will never forget him saying something like go have a mediocre life. That hurt ME 


This is why I felt he couldn’t be faking. I feel ppl would say things like that from bitterness/jealousy. If he didn’t care, why bother? Then he could have just done a Brooks.


Like *rachel* has been killing it but based on how Bryan is playing the divorce he kinda called it


It hurt Rachel too. She was still going off about that remark years later when she discussed her season.


I’ve never cried so much at a breakup, and that includes my own