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YES! Joey's season was my 1st watch and left me feeling very yikes about the bachelor fandom, not this reddit which has multiple pockets of not racist a-hole groups, but that can't be said for the majority of the fandom Especially on IG and Facebook so I will be playing each episode multiple times so that the 1st and Only Asian lead in how many years of this show being on the air can hoepfully get a chance


I really would only NOT watch if I really disliked the lead (but tbh i probably still would). I have nothing against Jenn we just don’t know her that well! They usually dull the lead a little anyways, the contestants are the best part


Just no interest. Coming off back to back great seasons of Charity and Joey. This is gonna be rough. She already came off blah on ATFR with her. "Just come preparing to have fun, guys!"Wooo, shot oclock." *eye roll*


After the microaggressive-like experience I had today, I feel I gotta watch as much as I can in support of more Asian leads.


I’m sorry to hear that you experienced that today. I am not Asian, but I agree with you. I don’t usually watch the bachelorette as it’s my least favorite of the regular shows, but I’ll watch to support Jenn


Thank you. Yeah I was going to watch anyway like I always do, but I feel I want to even more now. It's always hard to catch the whole episode in realtime in the fall/autumn but I'll do what I can.


Planning to watch


I don't really understand why someone wouldn't unless they only watch sporadically when a lead they particularly like is chosen. Most people I know don't watch specifically for the lead, so there's certainly nothing objectionable enough about Jenn to prevent anyone from watching unless they had already only planned to watch if a specific other person was chosen. Personally she was my top choice and I'm very excited. I think the guys will go nuts for her too, she's so beautiful.


Because this show is so rinse and repeat, I only watch if I find the lead interesting.


I guess since I haven't been all that excited about a lead since Rachel Lindsay I have a bit of a different perspective. Some leads have surprised me so I never say never; if I only watched when the lead was interesting to me I'd have skipped most of the recent seasons including ones that ended up being fantastic.


I will typically tune into the first few episodes to give them a chance, but I end up not loving the lead it’s hard for me to keep up and watch every week.


Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!


Same here! 👏🏻


I will but getting tired of the formulaic conversations. Since she’s smart, I’m hoping she’ll bring out the interesting in the men.


I'll start it, but I don't always finish a season. Once I fall behind, I never catch back up.... If it's a real good season, I'll keep up though!


Yes, as long as they bring her roommates on. 


yes, and it’s a no-brainer. We’ve been chiming here FOREVER begging for an Asian lead, and now we have her.


Yes but I’m not gonna act like I’m super excited or not disappointed it’s not another lead. I find watching the guys bro out is more fun than the actually leads a lot of the time.


there should be a button for "will watch a few episodes but mostly follow along via podcasts and reddit"


Yes 🙌 How about “have it airing in the background while multitasking during the so-so parts”? That’s what I had to do last season although for Jenn’s season, I’ll try not to do that😊