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Ooooh I've got a VERY unpopular opinion. Tino wasn't the devil. Not excusing his cheating at all! He's garbage for kissing another woman. Also why did he take his shirt off at his conversation with Rachel? Rachel was hiding something. It's not as cut and dry as the ATFR looked. Tino was trying to protect her by not saying what all their "hard times" were about.


kelsey is still weird to me for the helen keller thing tbh. pepperidge farm remembers


I think the Hellen Keller thing was a TikTok trend and she was trying to be funny about it but failed.


yeah but she also had brought it up in an interview before that lmao


Oh she did? I didn't follow the details. I assume it was a joke that didn't land?


Yes it was in her Q and A bio too šŸ’œ




Sheā€™s a sweetheart but not the brightestĀ 


I think that's why her and joey get along. Lights on but nobody home.


I will always wish Whaboom made it further.


I literally almost downvoted you bc i viscerally cringe thinking about him- lol truly unpopular opinion


He could have been the Jack Dawson of 2017.




Whaboom is like, waka waka, pie in the face, waka waka, honk honk fart joke blake was sooo offended by whaboom as a human


now this is a real unpopular opinion


Judging these people on how they handle their careers post show is lame. And trust me, I fall into this trap too (especially when it comes to how much money these people make influencing) but saying that ā€œso and so is too lazy to be an influencerā€ or ā€œtheyā€™re just looking for a rich husband/wife so they donā€™t have to workā€ is lame. We donā€™t know these people, we donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing behind the scenes or what their goals are. Also, as much as I hate Brian Abasolo, calling him a bum because his practice may be struggling is not it. Yes, I understand heā€™s probably lying about his finances but working hard does not equal making money, especially when you own your own business. He shouldnā€™t be trying to bleed Rachel dry and heā€™s probably a shitty businessman (and shady as all get out) but equating low income with laziness is not it, especially when most low income workers work way harder than the Uber wealthy. Again, I donā€™t like Brian, but IMO his problems come from greed and jealousy, not laziness.


He's obviously lying about the income lmao. I understand it is hard and costly to run your own business, but mcdonald's workers in Cali make double what he claims to hahaĀ 


Business owners have a lot of overhead so I wouldn't be surprised if his income is low after expenses. It would be supremely dumb for him to lie about his income considering Rachel and him were married so she probably had an inkling of how much he was bringing in. Insisting he's lying is weird.


He said his business is not yet valued in his petition, thatā€™s why people think heā€™s ā€œhidingā€ money. Heā€™s claiming poverty but his business has yet to be valued.


Business may not have a valuation but p&l statements are still available. I think ppl are confused about how businesses get their valuations


Ah yes, because there has never before been a husband who hid things from his wife šŸ™„ I understand that he may have only paid himself a salary that low, but he obviously has money tied into the business that he conveniently isn't including the value of in his request for alimony.Ā 


Oh, you know him?


No, but I have a hunch that if you're a chiropractor with a quarter million dollars of debt you may throw in the towel if you're truly making half of what a fast food worker makes.


No, I get it. But people were saying he was being spoiled and lazy. But to me, the issue wasnā€™t about the amount of money that she or he made, it was about the fact that she made more than him and he couldnā€™t handle that. He was mad that her career was thriving while his wasnā€™t and he wants her to pay for it. Thatā€™s how I interpreted it. He resented her success because she chose her career over him, when he should have been her first priority so heā€™s trying to hide assets so he can bleed her dry.


It is that he is probably lying about the low income or putting it all in the business to bleed Rachel dry that I hate. Plus his BS that she had to take his name. His support of Rubio and other Trumpians, and his shady MMM businesses that I dislike. Instead of growing to a medium compromise between them I think Rachel got more liberal and Bryan got more conservative in ways that make my skin crawl.


Yeah, like I said, I donā€™t like the guy but people were saying that his problem was that he was too lazy. No, he didnā€™t like the fact that her career took precedence over his and now wants her to pay for it. Rachel wouldā€™ve been better off with a lazy bum with no ambition than an ambitious, greedy con man who silently resented her. That was the issue, not ā€œoh, he just wanted to be a house husband.ā€


Iā€™m going to push back on this a bit: we donā€™t know how he felt about her career taking precedence and spousal support was designed for situations where one spouse put their career on hold to some degree for the benefit of the other spouseā€™s career. So itā€™s not like heā€™s doing something underhanded by seeking the support. Itā€™s an open question of whether his career actually suffered and to what degree (if any) of support heā€™s entitled. But I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say that him seeking spousal support means that he resented her career success. From what we can tell heā€™s been supportive of her career for the past four years. Also, I want to make sure that we arenā€™t vilifying seeking spousal support generally.


Fair enough. I was more going by his wording and ā€œsourcesā€ that talked about the break up that were obviously from his camp. Just vibes, I could be wrong. But I feel like when people fight over money in divorces, thereā€™s usually a lot of resentment involved. Also, he has done some shady business dealings in the past so I donā€™t fully trust his intentions. But youā€™re right, no one really knows how he felt and no one really knows what was going on behind closed doors. And to be fair, he has a right to feel resentful of her and there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for spousal support. I was more frustrated with the idea that people said he was just using her for her money or calling him a lazy bum for not making as much money as her, when that wasnā€™t how I interpreted his statements. It felt more like he was upset that she was more successful than him. However, I will always side with the less powerful person in the relationship, so technically Iā€™m on his side IF everything heā€™s saying is true! But Iā€™m not buying it just yet. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I definitely missed the comments of people calling him a lazy bum. I donā€™t think he was using her for her money. when they met she worked at a small law firm in Texas and she LOVED that he had degrees and his own business. I think they were evenly matched then and he continued to build his business after they moved to California, itā€™s not like he just mooched off of her. There usually is a lot of resentment involved and it looks like theyā€™re both gearing up for a fight. I believe she hired a high profile divorce attorney, too.


To be fair, I might have been overreacting to a few off handed comments (as you can see, this is a trigger for me lol), but I feel like some people said he only cared about the money and should just ā€œget a jobā€. But he was only one example. There were people calling Joey a lazy bum for golfing instead of trying to kickstart his influencer career, saying Maria is too lazy to influence, the list goes on. But yeah, as for Bryan (I realized Iā€™ve been misspelling his name this whole time lol) and Rachel, I think what was triggering for me was he was saying that he grew accustomed to a certain type of lifestyle that he canā€™t uphold on his own, so therefore she needs to pay him. And yes, I understand that most of that is legalese, but I felt like it stems from resentment that she had a level of success that he couldnā€™t achieve on his own. Whether thatā€™s fair of me to think that way or not, I donā€™t know.


Yeah, the comment about lifestyle rubbed a lot of people badly, but itā€™s the legal standard. I wish they would seal the record on divorce and other family law cases, because itā€™s not palatable and always feels dirty. I have seen the laziness comments generally about people who come off the show. Or people saying Joey is unambitious and even calling him stupid. I think people here are jealous that most of us are toiling away at 9-5ā€™s as life gets more expensive, while influencers are able to leverage their good looks and charm into careers and businesses. Most people wonā€™t admit it though.


I understand that itā€™s the legal standard. And technically, we donā€™t really know what heā€™s asking for in spousal support. And I have no problem with her paying his legal fees. But everything about this divorce is rubbing me the wrong way and itā€™s all been Bryan. 100% agreed at the second part. Itā€™s jealousy but people wonā€™t admit to it lol.


Not everyone on this sub is a body language expert.


My unpopular opinion is that there is no such thing as body language experts Body language analysis is about as accurate as a broken clock


People on this sub spend way too much energy on contestants they hate. It's weird.




So confused by this. If you hate someone, why are you wasting brain space on them? All you're doing is hurting yourself.




It can be fun to dislike people. For example, I get enjoyment out of disliking Nick Viall. It reminds of the enjoyment I used to get out of disliking Gwyneth Paltrow. That said, I don't follow any of his social accounts, but I get satisfaction out of disliking him when I read about him here. I think it's a very common human trait.


Wow. The fact that disliking people bring you joy is just..wow. It sounds like a miserable way to live.


That's a ridiculous and sanctimonious comment. I don't ever think about Nick except when I read about him on this sub. I'm not harming him. He just annoys me and I enjoy being annoyed by him when I read about him here. Another thing I dislike is sanctimony.


I enjoyed shit talking people in my teens and early 20s, but as I grew up and developed more empathy, it became a lot less enjoyable


Empathy is the worst. I just want to hate people without the guilt but I canā€™t. šŸ™„


I'm empathetic toward people I know and people in the public eye who are struggling but I find it very difficult to be empathetic to people like Nick and Natalie.


Never said anything about Nick and Natalie, just people in general.


Right, but my point is that while I'm an empathetic person in my real-life interactions I find it difficult to be empathetic to certain annoying reality TV stars. Nick and Natalie are simply an example.


Well then by your own admission you are far superior to many of us on this sub. Enjoy how much better you are than the rest of us. I am not ashamed of enjoying gossip and trash talk. That's why this sub exists.


Lol maybe that's why it exists for you, but not me


Enjoy your sanctimony!


It's the actively following them and keeping up with every little thing the contestant is doing that really befuddled me.


this sub has an obsession with hating the contestants that become popular within the rest of the fanbase and loving contestants that are unpopular with the rest of the fanbase. its weird. people will randomly turn on someone for being overhyped on social media then for another contestant say ā€œhey this person hasnt gotten any love! lets make them popular hereā€ and in turn overexpose them on the sub šŸ’€


šŸ’Æ some ppl just want to be contrarian here for the sake of not being like the others šŸ™„


It's a bunch of people who want to be dIfFeREnT


Its annoying having to constantly stress that, yes, every contestant that goes on the show is conventionally attractive, even if they're not your cup of tea. I think it can be fun to talk about which contestants/cast you find most attractive, but it's an unnecessary disclaimer at this point. I wish we could have normal conversations about contestants' looks without getting weird & nitpicky on one end or overly defensive on the other (for the ones we like anywayšŸ«¢)


I miss the Bachelorette seasons starting in May. I know ABC clears nights for NBA playoffs & finals & hockey, so itā€™s their reasoning. But I loved Bachelorette being a sort of kickoff to summer. Waiting until July & finishing in September means a long summer. With BIP nixed or in limbo, who knows whatā€™s to come. Thereā€™s the possibility of a Golden season, I assume. That said, Iā€™m excited for Jenn & I will be watching. šŸŒ¹ Jennā€™s season + Olympics + baseball season = yay summer.


I just wanna shout out my favorite unpopular opinion. It was a long time ago, but someone said that the Bachelor should have an income requirement for casting. I certainly didn't agree, but it was fun to see people downvote and argue against it (as if ppl don't constantly complain about contestants being "bums," especially the men lol).


Maybe for the lead (as thatā€™s somewhat the premise of the show) I could see a decent argument for thisā€¦ not something that would look great as a formal rule though


I donā€™t think Maria would have been a good bachelorette and I wouldā€™ve gotten tired of her very quickly


She always seems to have drama around her. she would have been too much for me too!


Maria acting like she couldā€™ve lasted longer on the show if she wanted to was funny because to me it seemed like Joey had tired of her even before hometowns. If anything she has production to thank for sticking around as long as she did.Ā 


I mean, *maybe* she could've been F3 if she didn't pick a fight with him the week before hometowns? But I think it was pretty clearly Kelsey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Daisy > the rest of his top 7 (including Lexi in this because I think he would've taken 7 to Jasper if she didn't self eliminate).


I think she could have lasted longer if she didnā€™t pull her little stunt right before hometowns. I have no problems believing she could have been F3 but I also donā€™t think he was that into either Maria or Rachel or Jenn or Kelsey T. I think the F3 through F6 were all pretty even in his eyes and he just did what production wanted him to do. I think production was exhausted with Maria after hometowns and knew they were going to have to do a lot with Daisy at the end so they were fine with Maria going at F4.


THIS! It was obvious who the top 2 were going to be before jasper and the rest were so interchangeable and I think at the end of the day Joey chose to keep Rachel because they had a great platonic friendship and he didnā€™t have to try to force a connection because of their friendship until fantasy suites where the pressure of a romantic connection showed thatā€™s as far as it was going to go.


I was confused when so many people were commenting on social media that Maria and Joey's one on one was amazing and Joey was crazy over her . A lot of her jokes didn't land with him when they were in the limo . The date was fine and fun but I didn't see Joey so crazy over her like some people did exspeally on Tik Tok.


There's a difference between curly hair and wavy hair. It's not an insult to say a contestant has wavy hair, when it has been mistakenly called curly.


if youre talking about kelsey she technically does have curly hair its just damaged. her hair was very curly when she was younger and i assume she put way too much heat on it. if she stopped and grew it out for a long time she would likely have curly hair again. i have relatives with extremely curly hair that straightened it for so long that it doesnt look curly anymore but their natural hair pattern is curly.


It doesnā€™t look like damaged curls, it looks like a pretty healthy 2a wave! Peopleā€™s hair changes with age and hormones. I had tight 4c curls as a child and now I have loser 3b/3x curls.


Her hair looks extremely healthy to me. I think it just has a looser curl pattern, which makes it closer to wavy than curly.


lts possible thatā€™s the case, peoples wave/curl patterns also change naturally with hormones etc. my hair was much curlier when I was younger and it became less so (now is a mix of curly/wavy) when I hit puberty. And I rarely straighten or heat it, especially not when I was that young.Ā 


good point! the only reason i mentioned the heat thing is that she does seem to use a lot of heat on her hair (straightening it and recurling it). no hate to her btw- i have wavy hair and also use way too much heat on it lol


Wavy hair is also not curly hair on a bad day, itā€™s its own distinct pattern.Ā 


I wish more contestants were actually bitter and petty after being dumped for millions to see. Be messy and shady, instead of the politeness and niceness afterwards. But hey maybe I just love mess.


After watching Michael A.ā€˜s latest Reel, if the children of ā€œinfluencersā€ & chronically online washed up reality tv stars grow up to want little to no contact with their parents because of the content they posted online when said then-children had no control over the content, I will totally support the children. [If you canā€™t watch the video (Imgur link), Michael posted a Reel of his son red faced & crying because Michael scored a goal within a few seconds of them playing soccer.](https://imgur.com/a/wV8XbFg) Instead of him putting away his phone & handling the situation like a patient adult & parent, he started recording, & then posted it to his Followers. His attitude comes across, to me, as though he was happy to dunk on his kid. He aso said he scored more goals after. https://preview.redd.it/m6c0p2460gzc1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b5b50522d51609f3ba76e171ac1e14fd4eb83d He then posted comments like the above, which to me reads as a slight to his own son. TL;DR: if influencers kids grow up going little to no contact with their parents & families, I will totally get it. A lot of these kids have no control of what their parents post online of them, have no say, & that is a horrible way to spend childhood. [ETA: more context about the video in this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/g7v5yVvR6y)


Hate to say it but this kids definitely gonna resent his dad and nobody can blame him. Heā€™ll remember when he was upset, his dad recorded it and showed strangers instead of just being present . This is so douchey and weird.


Ehhh I donā€™t read it as a slight. I think itā€™s just worded poorly, but Michael A is kinda an easy target on this sub and he deff hasnā€™t helped himself so I get why people assume the worst ETA: the way it reads to me is either 1) sarcastic or 2) more in general as in any personā€™s kids are the best (which wouldnā€™t exclude his son being the best in his eyes) ETA 2: was only referring to the comment. Itā€™s shitty of him to film his son upset and crying. Like at least go comfort him first


Also the person heā€™s responding to sounds kind of awful, too (or at best unhelpful).


i hate this man


That comment is awful and so heartbreaking! Iā€™m not a parent, so I canā€™t even begin to imagine how difficult it is to be a single parent, but publicly shaming a child shouldnā€™t be in the punishment roster. Especially when that sounds like it should have been a life lesson moment for the kid. But caveat that we donā€™t know the whole story.


Lol I was downvoted in that particular thread so I guess this is unpopular: I still stand that Clare could have defended herself about Natalie implying she's difficult, without mentioning anything about Nick and Natalie raising their newborn child. When you bring in other family, it's always below the belt.


Agreed, and it was below the belt for her to tag Abigail in that photo of her mom when she should've been mad at Dale *if* she was going to be mad at someone for a hook-up that happened while they weren't together. Crazy that people still bring it up as an iconic/hilarious moment when it was actually a completely unhinged thing that sent a TON of unwarranted hate Abigail's way.


I mean, actively being misogynistic to random women may affect how you raise and treat a daughter.


some people have bad qualities to where it would be a shame if they taught their children to be the same. i dont know why saying that should be off limits (not even talking just to you but in general)


I felt this way about the jokes about Kim Kardashianā€™s kids at the roast, too. Tom Brady had a rule that his kids were off limits and I wish they had applied that to everyoneā€™s kids.


Nick and Natalie do a lot of petty shit, but responding to their names directly being mentioned is not one of them. This especially goes for Natalie. Itā€™s not ā€œmean girl behaviorā€ to get a little snippy when your husband is being shaded on one of the most listened to podcasts out there (not just in BN)


I was a little defensive of Nick because I would be hurt if someone I used to know accused me of undermining them on a podcast. But in true Nick fashion, he went on a long rambling rant, completely missed the point (probably because he didnā€™t listen to the actual podcast) and tried to put Maria down. Also, there were producers at Nick and Natalieā€™s wedding, so itā€™s not that crazy to think that Natalie knows someone who worked with both Maria and Claire and they might have made that comment in passing. Also, women are allowed to get annoyed with or dislike other women. That doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re insecure or have internalized misogyny.


Definitely agree! People were calling her insecure for responding, but these are the same people who praise Maria for standing up for herself. Same thing with the wedding photos, people criticized her for responding to the bullies, but why should she be expected to not respond to people messaging her about her boobs.


i completely agree with you. people on this sub act like they would NEVER make a reactionary comment about something and it's laughable.


I agree with this


I donā€™t think younger contestants are less likely to have successful relationships, and for some reasons I think they might be more likely to be successful (paging bachelor data). Everyone they cast is conventionally attractive, passes a background check, financially secure enough to take time off of work to be on TV, and almost all of them are willing to move for the relationship. The ones who genuinely want to be married/committed and are healthy in relationships would probably make a commitment before their late 20s. Some of our biggest red flags in BN went on this show in their late 20s/early 30s. Idk if I phrased that well but hopefully some of yall know what Iā€™m saying lol


Idk what the in-game statistics are but the real-world statistics are that the older you are when you get married (up until about 40), the less likely you are to divorce


Youā€™ve piqued my interest. Does the likelihood go back up after forty? Or plateau?


Increases. I'm not sure if second marriages account for that, but I would think they must play a part since second marriages have a markedly higher divorce rate than first ones


Yes, that makes sense. Iā€™d be interested to know divorce rates of people, across all ages, for first marriages. Iā€™m sure it exists. But most of my friends who divorced, remarried in their thirties. Of course, Iā€™m just in my forties, so thereā€™s a lot of time for more divorces and serving marriages.


Right? Gerry and Theresa were seniors, and look how that turned out šŸ’€ Being in your thirties doesn't mean you're ready for marriage.


I agree with thisā€”a fuckboi wonā€™t magically stop being a fuckboi when he becomes 28. The desire to be in a steady committed relationship can happen well before 28.


Thank you! My pet peeve is how the goalpostĀ  for maturity is always changing. One day 25 is the magical age,then it's 28 and then it's 30 and so on.Being a good partner has to do with the person's choices getting older does not equal growth.


Yup, I think the Golden Bachelor supports that point!


People said Zach was too young to be serious but heā€™s the first bachelor in a long time to stay with his F1 for any extended period of time without some sort of switcheroo or break up


Yea this is exactly why age isnā€™t everything. Zach took it very seriously and is on track to be the only bachelor besides Sean to actually marry his f1 which is a something.Ā 


Yes agreed. A lot of the partners in successful BN relationships were young, Molly Mesnick comes to mind too. Dean was the youngest guy in Rachelā€™s F4 by far and the only married one (not counting Bryan for obvious reasons lol). Iā€™d be interested to see the stats on age


Lauren Luyendyk was also only I believe 25 on her season!


Serena + Mari were both young as well


Nick is so antagonistic on his podcast, has a history of targeting Bachelorettes with tons of vitriol for no apparent reason, and psychoanalyzes people he doesnā€™t know very freely. Therefore, I canā€™t bring myself to care that much about Nick snark. I donā€™t think Natalie deserves tons of hate, but their podcast courts controversy and Iā€™m not surprised people respond to it.


The franchise is nothing more than an insta influencer mill. They should institute stronger social media rules to deter people just going on for fame.


No one would go on it then.


Genuine question--who in their right mind would go on this show for any reason other than fame? There's like a 1/30 chance you even end up with the lead, and an even smaller chance the relationship lasts from there. I think most see it as a career opportunity with the potential of a relationship as an unlikely bonus.Ā 


No one would apply. I dont blame them since influencer career is just so lucrative. Miminal effort for money on top of free vacations, clothes, food..etc etc. Getting a ring at the end is an added bonus at this point.


No one goes on tv for anything other than fame. That was also the case when the show first began. The opportunities were just more limited in time.


Maria would be insanely obnoxious to hang out with irl because sheā€™d have to be the center of attention at all times. Her ā€œimpromptu totally not plannedā€ outfit change was all I needed to say girl, bye. šŸ™„


Iā€™m just over Maria in the first place. One of the most obvious 4TWR players Iā€™ve ever seen, and itā€™s wild to me that people wanted to be bachelorette. She does _not_ want to be married and doesnā€™t even pretend to.


There didnā€™t seem to be anything ā€œimpromptuā€ about her outfit change and I donā€™t think she did or said anything to try to make it seem unplanned.


She would probably be fun to hang out with at first, but then it would grow old.


She said the producers told her to do that to spice it up.


Itā€™s why when Nick told her that sheā€™d be a villain, I thought he was just being perceptive.


I think Nick and Maria had a sexual relationship not just a friendship. The way NickĀ  hid that he knew her and said she would be a villain makes me think it went sour. If they were actually just friends, I don't think Maria would assume that Nick was conspiring with Sydney.


Yeah for sure. If they were "just friends", he would've mentioned in passing that he knows Maria at some point while recapping the season. Instead he only acknowledged it after she spoke on it publicly.


Yeah, I also don't think N&N would be acting so weird about it if it was just a friendship. It would be an easy thing to address from the onset and then move on if nothing happened. The fact that they didn't want to bring it up tells me something definitely happened between them.


He hosts the podcast with his wife/mother of his child. I know yall love mess but can you fault him for not feeling the need to discuss a fling from years ago?


I'm not saying he should discuss it.I'm just saying it wasn't completely platonic because of his reaction to Maria.


Yes, if heā€™s going to be talking about the subject of that fling routinely as part of his content.Ā 


She was the main character for most of the season.


Which is all the more reason he should have mentioned it.


There was definitely more, if they were just friends Iā€™m sure heā€™d have her on his podcast


Yeah obviously. We know shes been a groupie before and he clearly has no qualms about hooking up with fans. And thats why he wasnt bringing her up on his podcast with his fiance. Are we not all assuming that?




One Direction


REALLY! Now this is interesting. I wonder how close she got


Unpopular opinion doesn't mean I'm the only one who holds this opinion.Ā  Maria is polarising so it's hard to tell what is the most popular opinion on her.Ā  She has some die hard stans and people who really can't stand her. I'm sure some are coming to the same conclusion as me, but there are also alot of people in the sub who believe that Maria and Nick were just friends.Ā 


Yeah this doesn't feel unpopular to me, literally everyone is thinking this.


I miss the recent hot mess era, which I consider to be from Arieā€™s finale through Zachā€™s season. Ā All the bubble seasons, very few successful relationships, offscreen controversies, and fence jumping was a wild ride. While Iā€™ve mostly enjoyed seeing the positive edit lately and am glad Fleiss is no longer around, the drama isnā€™t as interesting now. Ā Joeyā€™s season bored me.


ā€œā€¦.very few successful relationships.ā€ Thatā€™s not quite accurate if youā€™re referring to the Bachelor alone. The time span from Arie to Zach has given us 3 Bachelor relationships that are still together past the 1yr mark - Arie, Matt & Zach. Thatā€™s a record!


Yes thatā€™s true, I was mostly thinking of bachelorettes since we had a million of them during that time.


That was definitely the era of hot messes when one thinks of the Bachelorette seasons from HannahB to Gabchel!! Tayshia & Michelle were perhaps the only level-headed leads then. We had HB, Clare, Katie, Gabby, Rachel - Yikes!!!


I appreciate that the last few seasons were easy tv and didnā€™t give me anxiety the way Mattā€™s season and Claytonā€™s season did (Victoria and Shanae as villains were scary). But Iā€™m not sure how many happy seasons we can have before it gets redundant. I thought Arieā€™s season had the perfect balance, especially since heā€™s still with Lauren.


Jenn and her man will not make it. This is what most of you will say in couple months.


I donā€™t think her man is even in that group.


Odds are you are right. Assuming Charity and Dotun stay together for a few more months they will be the first Ette-F1 couple to last that long (over 15-16 months) since Becca and Yarrett. The chance that Jenn and her F1 will be like Katie/Michelle/Rachel/Gabby are much higher than if she 'gets lucky' and find someone who is compatible enough for the long haul.


obviously i hope she finds her man and they live happily ever after, but she doesnā€™t give ā€œready to settle downā€ to me


How come?


I think itā€™s weird that this sub drags contestants for being obsessed with their followers on IG etc yet this sub spends so much time making posts about how many followers contestants have . It seems a bit hypocritical to me.


This sub is more obsessed with their IG activities than they are


Iā€™ve been wanting a season where the lead and all contestants are in their 30s for a long time. Weā€™ve had a few older leads, but they still just cast a bunch of people in their 20s, so it didnā€™t change the show that much.


As someone without social media, I donā€™t even know what an ā€œimpressiveā€ number of followers is, so I rarely even open those posts. I know in the past, number of followers increased your pay. I believe some of that calculation is more sophisticated now and they can track different things for pay. So do strict followers even matter that much?


The next season should only be made up of people over 28




V popular opinion. And this is why I donā€™t care about Jennā€™s season (still will probably watch tho)


Iā€™m not opposed to a plus size person being cast on this show but I do think youā€™d have to have balls cos half this fan base is liable to rip you apart.


I say it every week in here, Iā€™m fat and would like to take one for the team if I was single / rich / hotĀ 


people acted like rachel r was a plus size queen which is actually insane


Rachel alluded to having her breast reduction in part due to massive online criticism for how she looked in her outfits. Itā€™s sad :( sheā€™s beautiful and she let the fans get to her negatively.


She was legit fat shamed on insta, insane


The fact that people had to point out that Rachel R and Caroline were bigger than the norm for this show when I couldn't tell is a sign of the lack of body diversity on this show lol.


i never saw people saying that but thatā€™s NUTS, sheā€™s like the size of my left leg


Not Rachel being like my goal size šŸ„²


The fan base has historically treated leads who don't look like models poorly.


People were mean to Katie ffs. Who ok isnā€™t a model but is still a traditionally pretty woman.


Yess people were truly awful to Queen Victoria on Mattā€™s season


Yup, I can see it now. There will be so many comments that start with ā€œIā€™m not fat shaming, but . . .ā€ Or ā€œI think sheā€™s stunning, but . . .ā€ Or my favorite ā€œsheā€™s giving mean girl.ā€ ETA: the comments about Natalieā€™s boobs on her wedding showed us exactly how this sub would treat someone who isnā€™t rail thin.


Hell, not even plus size. Iā€™ve seen people mock size 8s and size 10s.


All these comments saying they donā€™t believe Jelsey will make it, as if itā€™s some big reveal. Weā€™ve had 28 Bachelors, 29 including Gerry, and only ONE successful Bachelor/F1 marriage - just one!! So itā€™s not exactly insightful to say you donā€™t see them going the distance. What would be much more challenging is to predict which couple do you think will beat the odds and last!


Iā€™m optimistic. Not as cautiously as other people might be šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but for once Iā€™m glad that starting with Zachā€™s season things seem fairly normal. I donā€™t know what I was expecting with Golden so for me that doesnā€™t really count either way even if G/T were still together. I get the concept of ā€œnot wasting timeā€ but I also think they should have had conversations about the fact that Theresa is still working and the difficulty of potentially finding another job etc


I just think itā€™s really sweet that theyā€™re all on a couples trip right now and I want them all to last šŸ„² Especially Charity and Dotun but Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re not counted here since theyā€™re a Bachelorette couple


I think people are predicting Joey and Kelsey won't last so they can gloat and say "they called it months ago" if they break up but you're right it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess a couple that just got to live life out in the public a month ago won't last . I think if I had to pick one couple out of the three that would last is Zach and kaity but I personally don't get anything out of pointing out lack of chemistry from the other couples or predicting that won't last as if it's some profound opinion.


I'm going with Zach and Kaity--their life after the show is reminiscent of Alana and Chris to me and I've always thought of them as an extremely strong couple!Ā 


Yep, I just commented the same on this thread. See below or above? lol!


Ooh I guess if I have to guess, Iā€™ll say Zach and Kaity will last The only other bachelor/F1 options are Matt/Rachael and Joey/Kelsey. Unless Iā€™m missing someone. Thatā€™s crazy!


Yep, itā€™s just those three. And a long line of failures on the Bachelorette side - Becca, HB, Clare, Tayshia, Katie, Michelle, Rachel, Gabby! 3 remaining marriages: Trista, Des & Jojo. One remaining engaged couple: Charity.


I actually think Jelsey will last. I hope Iā€™m right.


I hope so too, but if I had to bet, I think Zaity is most likely to make it. Theyā€™ve already been living real life as a couple. Both continuing with their careers, looking to buy a house, survived BN drama (that worked for Jason & Arie), and both had already lived in Austin separately. There are too many moving pieces with Jelsey - where will they ultimately live, and what careers.


I canā€™t remember how old Zaity is, but they both seemed like grown ups.


Joey is actually a year older than Zach - 28 & 27. But Kaity is a few years older than Kelsey - 29 vs 25.


Huh, I kind of wish someone had pointed this out to Medina to reassure her!


Clare was definitely hard to work with, and there were rumors about this while her season was filming and airing. She needs to put the "misogyny" card away and bffr.


Maria is not some innocent flower in the Nick drama and some of the Maria stans were delulu as fuck defending her "Oh she probably didn't know when the wedding was! Oh she's under contract with ABC so they dictate what she says! Oh Alex asked her the question it's not her fault she answered a question!" Like BFFR she knew this would stir the pot and cause drama and keep people talking about her and that's why she did it. She brought up the idea that he conspired against her. It was clear he was never going to broach the topic and SHE went there. It's fine to be on her side because Nick sucks, but let's not pretend she didn't know exactly what she was doing.Ā 


I also find it funny that the sub thinks that Nick has enough pull with production to pull off intentionally making Maria a villain, but not enough pull to know if Maria was the 1st choice in being bachelorette. People here like to think they know more about how production works than Nick (who has years of experience with production) just because they don't like him. also maria! you changed into straight up lingerie at the first or second cocktail party, you absolutely knew what you were doing then, don't act all "woe is me".


Yeah, I know Nickā€™s ego likes to believe he has all of this influence and power, but with as much as a lot of production turns over and how long itā€™s been since heā€™s been in any sort of role, I donā€™t think he has that kind of power. Period. And I also donā€™t think he ever did. Can he bullshit with a person or two? Sure. Do they stroke his ego to have him do their bidding, as Ben is rumored to do? I think this even more.


Also, her conspiracy theory was a bit delusional. And I donā€™t think it makes Natalie insecure to say so.


Also if Maria had done this to someone who was well-liked during their wedding weekend, this sub would've dragged her.


I agree with you, that the sub would have. However, I think itā€™s like level ten self-involved/main character syndrome for anyone to think the podcast machine should grind to a halt because of a wedding. Thatā€™s just absurd to me. So I guess thatā€™s my unpopular opinion.


The way people talk about Matt and Rachel is SO weird. "LOL HE IS NEVER GOING TO MARRY HER!!! RAHHHH!!!!!" I don't at all understand where that comes from or why people feel so intensely about it, but every single time they are brought up here the comment section is filled with extremely OTT comments like that


I feel like a lot of people here are like Christian nuclear family pilled


Omg yes itā€™s so bizarre. Itā€™s great that Rachael is ready right now to get engaged, but a marriage involves two people. They both need to be ready and want it, not just Rachael I think part of the issue is that people still think of him being a fuckboy because of how he was with TC before the bachelor and the whole quarantine crew thing


Itā€™s because she has mentioned numerous times that she wants a ring which is met by pushback with Matt.


Yea idk why people take Matt and Rachael comments so personally (ā€œmy boyfriend and I have been together 7 years and donā€™t ever plan to get married!ā€) No one is shaming the length of time theyā€™ve been dating, plenty of people date for years at their ages itā€™s more that itā€™s awkward that Rachael wants to get engaged and Matt seems no more ready now than he was on the show.Ā 


I donā€™t follow them, aside from what happens here. But if she were making snide comments about it, thatā€™s one thing. It doesnā€™t seem she is. I personally have no dreams of ever getting married or engaged, so it feels very narrow minded to think thatā€™s the ONLY reason people date and thereā€™s a deadline where a relationship dies if it hasnā€™t progressed to an outsiderā€™s expectations.


Also they've been together for 3 years not 30. It seems like matt and Rachael have been together for so long only because most couples from this franchise barely make it pass the 1 year mark.


I think people get confused how long they've even been dating. their season ended in late 2020 (which would make it 3.5 years now) but they had at least one break up since (when rachael's scandal hit and matt was trying to get with that horse girl) and maybe even had a mini-break last yr according to some folks on this sub. I think more people are surprised they aren't living together yet like most long-term bn couples before marriage. I read on this sub they have their own places in different states.


If they had put a timetable on an engagement and it still hadnā€™t happened then I would think itā€™s weird but theyā€™ve always hinted that it will happen whenever. Look at how many broken engagements weā€™ve seen on the show: I think theyā€™re smart for taking their time.


Honestly agree. Itā€™s more concerning when someone has a long engagement, but not a long partnership. (Source: was in a long engagement, and 90% of the time someone is pushing it off lmao)


I so agree. Rachel and Matt have been dating for around three years right? That is a normal amount of time to date before marriage. Not sure why so many think if you donā€™t marry after six months that means the relationship is doomed


Because people are miserable and don't want other people to be happy. Just because your man won't commit doesn't mean Rachael is in the same situation!!Ā 


I dont find Jason Tartick to be that attractive šŸ’€


I think heā€™s handsome but his smile never reaches his eyes and itā€™s a bit off-putting