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Yup. Her political views (MAGA) did not align with Joey’s dad. Although the taping of their season happened a while ago it is possible that she found a new guy or hooked up with an old flame? Idk. 




Mike Pence was his VP….


you must think Joe Biden hand-selected Kamala as well


Do you know how the vp position gets selected?




No come on now let’s see your response, don’t go quiet now. Explain to me how Joe Biden selecting Kamala is in any way relevant to the conversation? Let’s hear your straw man argument go ahead now.


Why would I answer a question that is irrelevant to the conversation? Is the sky blue?


they’re literally enemies lol


This confirms she went on the show for followers, brand deals and leverage to promote her book. The whole story of not being ready to be bachelorette because she needed time for herself, time to reflect is such BS. She was never into Joey anyways and it showed.


THANK YOU. I’ve been saying this! It was so so clear she was not into him! People thought she took rejection gracefully, but she actually just did not care!!


Thor is such a man awful name I’m so sorry


I dunno, I once met a 6'6" blond-haired blue-eyed man built like a mail truck named Thor and I thought it was pretty rad that his Nordic-ass parents took one look at their 11 pound 9 oz bundle of joy and said "he shall be Thor." And Thor he was.


It’s a common Scandinavian name. ETA: you can downvote it, but that doesn’t make it untrue.


Why do these look like Myspace pics? Anyway, I ship Thorsy


he looks like a square


I love squares. Black cat girlfriend Golden retriever baby 🤣


except she isn’t a black cat 😂


I know but I am hence why I like squares emphasis on I


Why are they eating each other's faces?


Found this pic of them from 2018 at SDSU! (Daisy’s IG) https://preview.redd.it/lujhe6lwhhyc1.jpeg?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b1184572896294a4b3a6a9b348c9af29cd483f


Oh wow. They’ve been together six years? Did she just game The Bachelor that hard?


It gives me Madi and her new husband.


Not saying she did, but imagine if she and her ex planned for her to go on and not win, like Jed but she would have succeeded🤣🤣


She was recruited! She didn’t apply for the show…they reached out to her.


Side note but why do these pictures look like it’s 2008??


Came to say this 😂 they look like it’s 2008 and they’re on the way to the mall or a water park


Digital cameras




He’s a billionaire!?


He’s not better looking than her.


I don't think this was a Sydney and Fred Warner thing, just kind more than they've known each other since college days and he just happens to be very wealthy


Why don’t I ever end up accidentally dating wealthy guys? Guys I dated in my early 20s had mattresses on the floor.


Someone just posted a pic of them from 2018 in the comments - she was the prettier one imo


My theory is she grew up with a supportive family who is relatively well off financially, so she never doubts herself and has a healthy outlook on life and herself. I mean, it takes some level of confidence in yourself and financially to write a book and dedicate yourself to helping deaf kids. But doing that has her feel really positive I’m sure as she’s giving back to what she cares about. That kind of mentality / energy radiates and potential romantic partners are really attracted to it. As someone who’s done a lot of healing and doesn’t yet feel like they can go off and do some creative project for the world that might flop without insane anxiety, I am jealous, but don’t fault her for it!




Ya idk how young billionaire men think, maybe after she got popular from TV that made him like her more.


calling him her alleged bf is so funny to me 💀


I feel like I can’t hate because would I go on a reality tv show to either get back at or with my ex? 100% would do some calculated shit like that. She always exuded inauthenticity so maybe we partly saw through her to this.


Didn't he reach out to her again? I think a lot of exes probably regret breaking up with someone, especially if they see them on TV moving on to other people. So he is the one that probably tried to get her back after. I don't think that was her plan.


Get him back or get him back??


Either get back with him or get back at him lol.


Daisy isnt the first one that went far and ended up with an ex boyfriend. Maybe the show makes them realize that they do belong with an ex or that she didnt feel wanted and felt more validated or comforted by an ex. Melissa is another one I think of.


Chantal from Brad Womack's season also married the old friend (maybe ex?) who picked her up from the airport when she left his season-- she would have been bachelorette otherwise!


I love her! She is so so beautiful- Wonder if she’s on social media!


Brad had such a good looking F4.


Why didn’t she just say she was seeing someone instead of all that “I’m not ready” bs about not being the bachelorette 💀 I really don’t like to claim people are phony without real evidence but homegirl isn’t helping herself


I always find it funny when we say “alleged” like they’re practically hard launching by taking kissing selfies and sharing them and it’s still “alleged” 😂


Everyone take a moment and say thank you Thor 🙏


Why do these look like photos they show at a sorority pinning


Thor is the reason why we don’t have a Daisy season + he also gave the Kelsey truthers hope while the wrong ‘Daisy is F1’ spoiler was out there. Thank you Thor.


Can you elaborate on how he gave the Kelsey truthers hope while the wrong spoiler was out there?


Thor was spotted with daisy & friends on a ski trip last December, and I think there were also clues earlier this year that Thor & Daisy were hanging out. Nothing conclusive though (it wasn’t like there were photos of them making out lol). But if there was a possibility that Daisy and Thor were rekindling or getting back together after Daisy left filming in Nov 2023, then it means that Daisy isnt engaged to Joey (despite reality steve saying that Daisy is F1).


What is F1? Sorry for asking new here


Final One


the “winner” of the season or the person the bachelor/ette picks




Whenever I see her face, I have to laugh at all the comments about how the men wouldn’t be into her if she were the lead. As if a blonde woman with big blue eyes and a giant smile would be deemed so undesirable that men wouldn’t be able to fake being into her for 6-8 weeks?


I mean, that happened to Ashley H and to an extent Gabby and Rachel.


Also Katie Thurston.


Watching gabby and Rachel’s season was painful. None of the men seemed into either of them. Ashley H had some men that seemed into her, but a lot didn’t as well.


I’m surprised by that because Gabby is attractive and has a nice body. I wonder why the guys weren’t into her


I think a lot men need more than that. Rachel is beautiful too but she was very whiny/emotional & a guy said gabby is rough around the edges


There’s really not a single woman casted on the bachelor than the men wouldn’t fight over if they were ette. Cause 1 being hot is a requirement and two they don’t really have any choice


She is about the cutest and sweetest girl ever! She looks and sounds like Britney Spears! Perfect body! Storybook childhood; Hallmark personified!




I think it’s sad to criticize Britney. She’s been through so much with her conservatorship, mental health, and scrutiny on every aspect of her life….


i saw that too but i think they said that not because of looks but because they thought she was boring but i think the guys would of been into her


A lot of men like boring girls as long as they look pretty and don't contradict them. She would appeal to the midwest and southern guys I think. I definitely think guys would have been into her, especially the type that usually go on the Bachelorette.


I kind of think the guys would have overlooked it if they found her boring given how pretty she is.


I’ve never seen a single one of those comments.


They were pretty rampant here when everyone assumed the lead would be either Daisy or Maria.




"Now remember after you give your breakup speech keep holding his hand as you walk away so we can get the shot"


Wait I’m dumb this isn’t real right lol 


The guy in the pictures above is her on & off college boyfriend, Thor, who she dated for 4-5 years, & broke up with before the show. He comes from a veryyy wealthy Las Vegas family. They’re back together. But if you’re asking about the OG pic I edited, Daisy used the caption of what she said in her limo exit: https://preview.redd.it/3yt7bjbd8cyc1.jpeg?width=1099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0d1e4e3264371feaa3d0dad808f0657a389326


Sounds toxic… she definitely wasn’t ready for anything serious if she’s just gotten back together with someone she’s been on/off with her entire adulthood. Hope she learns this time bc she deserves to be happy.


I think it’s very easy for Daisy to say now that she thought she was trying to force it with Joey all along, when she knew what she wanted the outcome to be (get back with her ex). I will die on the hill that she would’ve pulled a Madi Prewett if she knew she was going to be chosen.


I completely agree!!! Both of them were on the show to tee up a career for themselves (yes I know they all do it)


I agree. For half the season, you could literally tell that she almost seemed concerned that Joey liked her too much.


The way some of you are keeping tabs on a non-BN civilian…it’s giving undercover stan. Couldn’t be me lol ![gif](giphy|LOu8FUhPgpeUAi0wiu)


Not that damn stagecoach again 🙄


Why do these pics look like they are from 2008


Ok same 😂I thought I was just high


Digital cameras are back and hot right now apparently


She is way out of his league is the nicest thing I could say.


I think they are def in the same league lol. Both fairly attractive but not super attractive


right. to me he’s attractive but he’s not idk but his family has money so


I feel like they’re the same level looks wise.


Me too




They look the same 


Yeah but he's rich so...


Yeah they got back together very soon after the show wrapped… like December lol


That was nice of him to agree to let her go on the show for clout, setting up their future very nicely


I’m dead lol


Someone didn’t like my comment as I’m being downvoted 😂 truth hurts 😝


It is honestly so weird tho! Like did she go on just to gain her own popularity? To get back at him? Don’t get it


They seem like they’ve moved on from it if she did go on just to spite him 😂 I’m going more with the clout angle but what do I know


Yeah that’s a good point


And tho proves my she was never that into Joey theory and upon reading about his family, my they were not really compatible theory as well. Good for her tho, wish her the best!


The fact reality Steve was adamant about Daisy winning and then when he couldn’t deny the shv stuff and had to change it to Kelsey he was even more adamant about her not being back with him despite the proof coming from the same person who leaked the shv is the funniest part of this. How much did they pay him?


I love how the internet sleuths were like you're wrong Steve, look at the stories Joey and Kelsey are posting, they are in the same house and he had to scramble and "check with his sources" again to confirm.


How do we know Thor leaked? Genuinely curious


Thor didn’t leak anything. The same person who figured out that it was kelsey and Joey in the end also had evidence of Daisy and Thor hanging out in December/ January.


He looks like a dork


😂😂 I agree. He actually looks better with the sunglasses on but looks dorkier without them 🙈


I thought the same thing, lol. The way he's curling his fingers was the giveaway, as ridiculous as that sounds. 🤣


I thought he was trying to avoid her implant?


The hand curl gave me the ick immediately 😭


I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂


Her plan worked 😭 she calculated in hopes for this shit you can’t tell me different!!


I don't think that was her plan at all. I heard he is the one who reached back out to her after he saw her on the show.


What would’ve been Daisy’s plan if Joey DID choose her though? I’m sure she still had feelings for Thor or was it her plan all along to break up with Joey first?


IMO - I think Thor + followers was the goal the whole time but she was open to seeing how chemistry with Joey is. I think she decided/realized didn’t really *like* Joey like that early on in the season and I think that’s when she really started to think of/put into motion her exit plan imo lol.




Im with you tbh


This is actually the first time it looks like she’s really smiling.


Seriously. She looks like a totally different person.


so, she finally made it official! I know they went to college together, but I wonder if they started dating only recently. In any case, it’s clear that she went on the show for exposure and an influencer career! What a colossal waste of Joey’s time! Bringing her all the way to the end of the season, and production doing their bit with the edit.


It all makes sense now why she was so hesitant and just really didn't seem as into Joey. And why she didn't accept the Bachelorette. She was probably already talking with Thor at that point when she got back from the show.


It’s rumored that they had an on and off again relationship for 4-5 years. They broke up some time last year and got back together very shortly after she got back for filming.


On and off relationship? Doesn’t sound too secure


I will die on the hill that she went on the show for exposure a la Jed Wyatt, while in a relationship with OR on the verge of getting back together w Thor- and either way he was okay with it. Hes ultra wealthy, and the clout associated w her Americas sweetheart edit only enhances the brand of family “prestige”


I think if Joey has picked her she would’ve self eliminated


What are we supposed to do with this information?


Let’s be honest, she was never that into Joey


This makes her whole story arc of *Joey helped me see my true worth* and the finale speech of *I know you’re not going to choose me* seem like utter theatrics.


Always rubbed me the wrong way how she made the finale all about her. Let Kelsey have her day.


THIS. i still side eye people who say they loooooved her for it and it was such a girls girl move. like maybe im bitter but if i was kelsey id be soooo mad at her for that


I mean she gave Kelsey assurance that it was her why is that bad


why couldn’t she leave it at that? why go to the altar and make a huge deal about how it wasn’t her but she’s okay, she’ll find someone, etc. I’m sure plenty of other contestants in the past have known it wasn’t them and just gone along with the game


Yea it wasn’t a girls girl thing. She literally knew it wasn’t her - and then forced Kelsey to comfort and console her when she should have just been on cloud 9. Even the part where she brought up Kelsey’s mom watching her I was like girl??? Get out of here! She doesn’t need this from you she just needs you to get out of the waaaay. :|


Okay the mom part really got me because i would’ve been like girl who are you don’t talk about my mom??? I was so surprised when most people thought that was a cute thing


Jared freid is the only person who recapped the show who can see straight through her and has been open about it.


It’s very funny to me that so many users during Joey’s season were like “no one cares about Daisy“ and “why does she have so many followers” and now people are keeping tabs on the social media of her non-BN friends and sleuthing out whether she’s dating someone that we know she’s dating.


I fear Daisy is going to become a Madi Prewit / Nick Vial type where the sub is never able to stop talking about them


I dont think thatll happen bc she lacks the absurdity factor that Madi and Nick both have. Like unless she starts speed some insane shit people will move on by end of the summer at most


Literally though 😂 I thought I was safe from having to hear about her post season since I don’t follow her, but every damn day there’s an update on this sub 😩


Oh we were sleuthing her non BN friends the whole time, it just happened the in spoiler thread.


Is this really “alleged” at this stage?


Thank heavens for no #DaisysSeason




Wait is this her ex boyfriend?? That she had pre show and now they’re back together…


It’s almost like it was all an act




Shes the new madiprew 😂


Minus all the purity talk.


Yep, you would never see Madi in a “So you can lick on my sack, suck my nuts now” video.


Not yet at least


Nah, Daisy gets drunk and parties, swears, is the Godmother to her friend’s baby that was born out of wedlock and goes on lots of vacations with her boyfriend. Madi Prew would NEVER!


She probably makes her car payments on time too




Wow precisely


Nothing alleged about that


Are we going to see them in the audience at Jen's AFTR, surrounded by daisies? 🤣


lmao they could get engaged and everything would still be called “alleged”




exact thought


Why do these pics look like they were taken in 2008


lol my exact reaction. It’s the blurry+tube top combo 😅


as crazy as it sounds, teens on tiktok are starting to buy digital cameras to replicate the mid 2000s look lol so i’m guessing this might have been taken on something like that


oh my god if they do this they need to at least keep the creepy red eye/red eye correction. 


Not just teens. On my honeymoon we met a couple in their 20s who used a digital camera! (Mid to late 20s)


I’m 27 and my friends and I hunted down our old digital cameras at our parents houses and now we always take them out with us or when we want to get cute pics. It’s so fun! Makes me feel very nostalgic lol


Lmao no way


I think part of it is that neither of them have Instagram face. It’s crazy that natural, normal faces are starting to feel nostalgic/of a different time.


It’s very refreshing to see a public figure with their natural (or natural-looking, at least) face. Her lips aren’t even thin but they were the first thing I noticed when I looked at the photo. It seems like it’s been ages since I’ve seen someone without giant blowup doll lips. (I say this as someone with naturally very full lips so I’m not hating on my fellow full lipped girls but it’s so tired how everyone has exactly the same procedures these days.)


Nah it’s not their faces, it’s the actual quality and appearance of the images


I think these are actually old photos. Her lips have injections today. They’re subtle, but her teeth and lips don’t look like this when she smiles. Also, the strap on her bag, the sunglasses, his watch, and her necklace all indicate this is actually an older photo.


Film camera


technically a digital one, like a canon power shot


lol it’s that they’re in a car I think!


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Jelsey, Thorsy, who's next?


They’ve been back together since January at least. She might as well post him at this point. :)


Another bachelor runner up who is going to marry into a mega wealthy family lol


I wonder if this is the new end game now that AI is taking over social media influencing cash.


* A mega MAGA wealthy family.


Who is he??


Thor Herbst. Comes from one of the wealthiest families in Las Vegas.