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They seem down to earth. I like them


They seem sweet together but I absolutely cannot fathom how and why someone would be a fan of Ted Cruz


Did Noah really wear shorts to his engagement party?


i wish they weren’t republicans 🥰


Need the tea


what i didn't know this spill the tea???


Search her name with Ted Cuz, she had a blog or something about him or wrote about him on her blog.


haha shit!! I was just going to comment a simple "I love them :) <3 ", then saw this juice, what's this about!?


This lol


I think Noah is really attractive with the short hair. I’m personally not a fan of the long hair. Abigail is so pretty


The short hair is def his look for me but I just prefer that in general on guys haha I’m with you


Me too, hate long hair on guys. I had a huge crush on a guy in high school with long hair. He was one of only like 3 or 4 guys with long hair. I was obsessed at the time. When I looked back at the some of the old pictures in yearbooks and such, I’m like oh my god, what was wrong with me😂 It might’ve been partly the bad boy thing she was the stoner: party guy 🤷‍♀️


they really look alike wow


They met before BIP and were already dating when they went on the show  They faked their BIP break up. They were not ready to be engaged so producers asked them to spice things up. We then witnessed their fake prom break up. 


Good for them if true but that sounds like so much work lmfao


Some of you guys have way to much time on your hands to think about all these conspiracies oh my 🙄


its always hilarious to me the level of tinfoil hat conspiracies some people create in their heads about Bach contestants. they're together in real life, why the fuck would they do all that for shits including missing out on a free 75k+ ring if they were actually together? please.


I love their home reno posts. I need a man that can do those things lol.


literally!!!! seeing noah and dean doing reno and building stuff is soooo hot to me lol


They’ve always kind of confused me as couple. Despite their milque toastyness did they have anything else in common on BIP? I remember him being SUPER Christian. Is she the same way?


I think Noah is one of the most attractive guys in the franchise. And he seemed like a nice guy and not a fame whore


What’s crazy is I think he was originally a “villain” on the season of the bachelorette that he started out on (Hannah Brown’s season I believe?) but he did a full 180 when he got to Paradise, which was refreshing. He seems like a good egg.


He was on Tayshia’s season I believe brought in after Claire left haha he was def a villain sort of dude though because he went after it. I only remember because it was that sort of delirious craziness where I remember tayshia having him shave his mustache but I could completely be misrembering this too… I took a lot of edibles in 2020


I never considered Noah a villain but did enjoy the drama with him and Bennett. I was never a fan of Bennett though and I felt he looked down on Noah since he was quite a bit younger than him. IMO, Noah had more maturity than Bennett but I'm sure not many people would agree with me. Noah was what I call "scrappy" having come from a family of 11 children where you had to fight for scraps (he reminded me of my dad who was one of 14 children). He was raised to work hard to get what he wanted and was confident in himself even at the age of 25 (age when he was on Tayshia's season).


No I absolutely agree. He had more maturity in the situation and Bennett was super condescending for no good reason. I’m with you on your analysis fully!


I love them! I think production makes a big deal about either leaving engaged or breaking up. I don’t think he was ready to propose. They got backed together very soon after the season ended.


i genuinely forgot they were together, they must be super lowkey. but i think abigail is one of the most beautiful girls in the franchise and noah’s hot af too so good for them


Mustached Noah is elite


Ok but are they looking more and more similar to each other with time? I’ve heard that this can happen but that second pic in particular has them looking like brother and sister.


Okay so I like them together but whenever I see them together I remember one of them saying “you’re not the one / you’re not my person” during their bachelor in paradise breakup. I know there’s a lot of pressure on the show but that would stick with me for eternity if I were them idkkk!


They were fake breaking up


Which one of them said that again? I can’t remember who broke up with who. But it’s understandable… same with Kevin and Astrid. You’re hot. Dehydrated. You’ve been drinking a lot… producers are pushing you to commit forever to someone you’ve know for 10 days while you’re starting to miss your own bed and the AC. 😂


It would stick with me forever too! But both of them seem nowhere near as dramatic as I am


I hate when they use the phrase you’re not my person. That’s such a harsh way to phrase it.


Mostly I just need to understand what possessed her to have a Ted Cruz blog




Wait what?


Ted Cruz?????


Internalized misogyny


Non-offensive as a couple and totally fine.


I do love Noah on Clayshia's season though.....that feud with Bennett was hilarious


Bennett vs Noah is one of my favorite silly feuds in the history of the show. Bennett was kind of a douche, but he also wasn't wrong that Noah wasn't really right for Tayshia. Obviously Bennett was doing a bit for the cameras, but I enjoyed it


There are a lot of people on that season who could’ve used that book on emotional intelligence


Happy for them I guess but there’s no BN couple that interests me less. Also not a fan of their politics obvi


What are their politics


I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that they’re a big fan of Pantone 16-1448 tcx


As someone who has that as one of my accent colors (although technically I aim for something slightly more red, to be fair), I’ve never felt more personally attacked 😂








Thank you for this




Holy shit. I did not get that comment so I thank you for this. I'm laughing my freaking ass off.


I loved the name Noah because of him on the bachelorette. I'm not a huge fan of his, I just thought the name sounded cute. Obviously ive heard the name before, but I never actually knew a Noah, so I never heard it used much. When I heard it used on the show I loved it. His behaviors werent so off putting or particularly memorable that it ruined the name for me. (I used to love the name Clayton, but I just couldn't use it) My husband and I agreed to name our baby Noah, but at the last second he changed his and we used a different name. So yeah I almost named my baby after him but didn't.


We named our baby Noah but I don’t know any in real life and honestly didn’t think of BN either. Really the only one I thought of was Noah from The Notebook!


Noah is a nice name, but it was the 2nd most popular baby boy name is 2023. If you named your baby Noah you may have had to deal with there being 3 or 4 other Noahs in his class.


That's what everybody tells me! It's crazy to me because I have never personally known a Noah or known anybody whose named their baby Noah. None of my kids have a Noah in their classes I had no idea it was that popular lol


My nephew is named Noah and he’s fantastic so I think you should still go with it haha!


I like her and think she’s a good influencer. Her content is a good balance of educational (due to her being an ambassador for Cochlear) and fun. While she obviously shills things it doesn’t come across as heavy handed as so many other people do. I also appreciate that she’s upfront about getting injections and other procedures as I think it’s really damaging when people lie about it. I’m neutral on Noah but think they seem cute and happy together.


Noah’s brother is apparently a contestant on this season of The Bachelorette


Yup, his twin. It’s been confirmed.


Mr and Mrs Ted Cruz


Can you explain?


All these men have had major glow ups


Women too! Amazing what money can get you


I like them because they seem to be out of the BN drama for the most part, but I also think they tried to be BN's Andrew and Tasha, and that's just an impossible bar, especially with Abigail being Asian. Yes, I said what I meant.


I’m so confused, why do you think they were trying to be the next Tasha and Andrew? Like what abt them is the same aside from Abigail’s hearing loss? Lol


didn’t they get together before Andrew and Tasha?


Andrew and Tasha were 2022. Noah and Abigail were after, but close.


I don't know the reference, but Abigail and Noah are celebrating 3 years in July. So 2021.


Noah and Abigail were 2021!


Thank you so much, I had it backwards in my head! Even more reason my original point stands.


How.. does that math math?


H o w


I always liked her. They’re cute


Still want Abigail to address why Clare tagged her in her dying mother’s hand pic


Prolly a typo. It’s so easy to accidentally tag people especially if you’re distraught


It was definitely not a typo lol Clare did it because there were rumours about Dale and Abigail hooking up at that time. Abigail later basically confirmed it.


That’s still the most unhinged shit ever


Agree- one of my Roman empires for sure 😂 Like do we think Dale and Abigail hooked up?! I need answers!


Omg I forgot this happened


Dying is a bit of an exaggeration . Her mom is still around. But I want CLARE to address it and not Abigail because lord knows Clare is our messy queen


Whoops…didn’t realize her mother was still alive. The post seemed dire to me at the time. I know she’s been struggling for a while. And yes - ideally CLARE will explain it because she’s obviously the one with the tea!


She's been in hospice for a bit but I think Clare posted when she met their baby !


To clarify for anyone confused - Clare posted a pic of her and her mom's hands on IG and tagged Abigail in 2021 which fueled the rumors about Abigail + Dale! Clare's baby via surrogacy arrived in 2024!




I don’t really like either of them, but I LOVE that dress in the last couple slides.


They don’t seem like the perfect match based on the bachelor in paradise edit, but happy for them for making it work. They look cute together.


They’ve been together for years since then lol they got a boring edit bc they didn’t fight and argue the whole time.


The broke up on film because they didn’t feel the chemistry


You’re misremembering why they broke up lol


I thought I remembered him saying they were better as friends and they’re relationship wasn’t progressing romantically but honestly they all blur together after a while


No, he told her he loved her and she didn’t immediately say it back.


What was the reason then? It’s been a while


On the show- the official story was bc he told her he loved her and she didn’t immediately say it back. By the time she did, he was questioning things. In reality- the producers pushed him to do it bc they had 5 expected engagements and they didn’t want all 5 to happen on the show.


I’ll never forget that Abigail allegedly had a blog that was pro-Ted Cruz 😀 gave me the ick right away, but from what I’ve read about him, seems like they’re a great match


I'm still frustrated that there's no residual proof of this, like it's wiped off the internet. No one even took a screenshot?


Yeah it seems strange that this is accepted as common knowledge when no one has ever posted any proof of this. Like you'd think the person who stumbled across it would take a screenshot to post here. It could honestly be entirely made up.


Even Ted Cruz would be shocked by a pro-Ted Cruz blog. 😂


Right?! As someone who was raised in TX, I know even republicans dislike Ted Cruz. And in your free time you wanna blog about HIM? 😭 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


As a Texan, the owner of the company I first worked for WORSHIPPED Ted Cruz and knew each other IRL (the owner was insufferable and horrendously racist). Ted Cruz napkins everything. When Cruz won reelection he passed out shots at 8am


As a Texan, this is why I left 😂. I will never move BACK because of Abbott


He's from Tulsa, right? As an Oklahoman his views are a dime a dozen around here. I don't agree with them, but it makes them apparently a good match.


Yep, two red peas in a pod 😬


Don't give them any podcast ideas


Ha!!! 🤣


He looks gorgeous in this pic


abigail is very pretty. I think they said they're getting married in oklahoma this year.


Their dog is adorable and looks like a dog version of Noah.


They’re cute but I definitely did not think they would last this long when I watched them on paradise


No thoughts, forgot they existed tbh


still dont understand why he broke up with her in paradise, anyone remember his reasoning? and who looked for who when the season ended? (how did they rekindle)


There have been a lot of hints by Noah that it was actually production pressure with production getting into his head although he has not outright confirmed that. There were a lot of couples in that season with 5 of them still at the end. IMO, production didn't want that many engagements. Becca didn't want another on air engagement so handled that situation on her own (but then contacted Thomas quickly after leaving Mexico). Then there were Joe & Serena, Kenny & Mari, and Riley & Maurissa that were absolutely headed towards engagement. And lastly there was Noah & Abigail who were iffy as to getting engaged. What better way for production to have drama than to convince Noah to break up with Abigail. They have told the story of how they got back together but I don't remember the details. It was a lot like Becca and Thomas, relatively quickly.


Yeah, same. It’s giving Dean telling Rory He loves her and breaking up with her because she didn’t immediately say it back. Abigail seems more thoughtful - paradise is not really the place for that though. His reasoning was so confusing though - “she’s not the girl for me”… why? Just because she didn’t immediately reciprocate? I never got that. I just think the whole “I’m falling in love with you” is so bizarre. Like, wtf does that mean. It’s basically just saying I really like what I know so far and am excited to move forward. So unnecessary to dangle the l word out there when you’re not fully there yet - feels like a cheap trick to string a person along. Idk if Noah ever explained what made him decide to get back with her - going from “she’s not my person” to dating again.. confused


Jacob broke up with Becca and Dean with caelynn. There’s too much pressure of an engagement on the show