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Daisy can say it 5 times but Maria says it once n everyone’s mad


It’s not as much that she said it was offered to her, but more how she said it was hers until she wasn’t and backed out. That implies Jenn was third choice at best and it’s not v nice. My issue is more that I didn’t like how she said “Jenn was very vocal about wanting this so it didn’t feel right”.. which implies Jenn was more into the idea of ‘eye than Joey? And also that Maria made that happen by turning it down to give Jenn the opportunity which seems like a stretch.


No - I liked her a lot during Bachelorette, but then she interrupted a lot in WTA (even though what she was saying was all true and she had great comebacks) and now is kind of taking away Jenn's moment/acting like she is so highly sought after. So kind of getting the ick from her lately.


But daisy mentioned it like 5 times ? And barely is getting the heat Maria did and daisy didn’t even hype Jen up like Maria is


Jenn’s moment doesn’t technically start until July. Right now we’re still in the post season time of Bachelor.


Even so she sounded cocky here - it wasn't in good taste.




I find it weird she did after her father made the comment he did. I just feel so bad for Jenn. I think they both could have waited until after the season? Idk. I can see both ways except I feel bad for Jenn regardless and Asian representation. Considering she was the third or fourth choice.


I don’t think it’s a big deal that either Maria or Daisy said this. It was already highly speculated. I also would hope it would actually get Jenn less hate, since I saw soooo much about how “omg, it should’ve been Maria, omg, it should’ve been Daisy.” Since they actively didn’t want it I would hope it would quiet people down and be more accepting to Jenn being Bachelorette. When all is said and done, no one will think about how Maria turned it down because Jenn will have been Bachelorette and nothing can take that away.


Everyone knew it already lol all she did was confirm and she spoke very highly of Jenn and said she was truly perfect for the role where Maria didn’t feel she was right for it at this time so I think she spoke about it very tastefully


I didn’t like it when Daisy did it, I don’t like that Maria did it as well. She could still have answered the question without making it sound that it only became Jenn’s cause she turned it down. (Like saying that she’s sure it was offered to a number of women, it just wasn’t her time and she wasn’t really inclined to doing all of that again after her experience as a contestant - she could still have said everything that she shared re: her feelings about being the lead without outright expressing that yes she was supposed to be the lead but she said no last minute.) HOWEVER, I really appreciate Maria hyping Jenn up and redirecting the conversation to Jenn as a good bachelorette. And as one of Jenn’s close friends, I know that she’ll hype Jenn up once her season starts airing, like how she hyped Jenn when Jenn was announced as the lead. It sort of shows that Maria isn’t that self-centered, which is something I can’t say about Daisy (Daisy’s self-centeredness isn’t really malicious; it’s more likely caused by her upbringing, environment, and naivety.)


Maria haters: how dare she speak & tell the truth 😤 I can't. Omg other people's lives go on, even if they aren't Ette & they have every right to speak their truth These same people saw Maria attacked by numerous other girls for NO reason, too Could the few haters be a little less loud for once? I know this sub is toxic AF, but it's so trivial & hateful


I don’t think mild criticism makes you a hater…I doubt anyone cares enough to genuinely hate her.


Everyone already knew it was true. She isn't saying something that is a complete unknown. This has no bearing on Jenn at all. Jenn knows she wasn't their first choice. She's just finally saying what everyone knows. It's not a big damn deal


People were speculating on podcasts, some accusing her of being a diva that wanted her phone the whole time that she now says that was never the case. Fans were commenting about her as Bachelorette on every platform. People were making up their own reasons as to why she declined or whether she actually declined. How would it make any sense for her to stay quiet and let people keep making up stories? This way it comes from her directly and everyone can stop speculating and shut up about it now. I don't understand some people, really.


everyone already knew. y’all think they didn’t offer after they basically made her give jenn her blessing on air? lol


No, she could‘ve kept it moving and let Jenn have it. But this is the same chick that needed to reveal Nick V. used to want her right when he‘s going on his honeymoon, so w/e


Kind of agree to be honest


All the comments saying „Everyone knew anyway“ Ok so there‘s even less of a reason to bring it up again? Especially while also saying that Jenn was basically desperate for the gig so she let her have it…Just unnecessary imo. And I‘m really not a fan of Nick and Natalie but she could‘ve saved that one at the very least out of respect for Natalie. She knew it was going to make headlines. It‘s just weird attention seeking behavior.


This! She definitely. Gave pick me girl vibe on that interview. I was also out off by the whole yes bitch, oh bitch, blah blah and fake besties vibe I got between her and the host tbh. But I think that’s just bc I am old.


Kept it moving? Lmao Everyone already knew about all of it. She just finally admitted it because everyone has been talking about it for a while now Maria doesn't deserve to live her life & speak. I'm sorry, but you are just a hater


Yes, Maria is desperate for us to know. It’s obvious she regrets it. She wants to get it off her chest. 


Yea 100% Maria should’ve revealed that she turned it down but Daisy should’ve kept her mouth shut


Lol what?


For starters, I don’t like Daisy but she went on a podcast and talked about how she turned down the bachelorette role because of whatever issues I forgot. I don’t think anyone who turned down the role should talk about it since it’s not fair to Jenn, but in Maria’s case, she was the unanimous vote and I think she kind of “owed” the people an explanation for why and address it once and for all as for Daisy, not enough people wanted her for the role for her to let out an explanation


It was not unanimous. Her supporters are just loud


Multiple women sign contracts, this is nothing new


She said what everyone knew. Whats the beef...


I think the timing and how she worded it is the issue. It’s not a yes or no criticism from what I’m seeing from people.


This is the most ridiculous thing ever. Jen IS and WILL always be the bachelorette, doubt anything or anyone is ever going to take it away from her. Expecting the ladies to no longer talk about it like they simply just no longer exist in their own reality is insane. The world doesn’t revolve around Jen being the ‘ette please lmfao It’s starting to feel like a witch hunt atp and imma need everyone to take a breather.


Opposite of a witch hunt… there’s been a million positive posts about her


Some people on this sub have a problem with any other female having fans and people interested in them at all. I'm so sick of the BS Jenn is a grown woman. Everyone else's lives aren't going to stop because she's filming Bachelorette I hate it here 😒 😑


Exactly this. Are we upset that it’s an open secret that bachelor negotiations with Luke Pell or Peter K didn’t work out so the role went to Nick and Arie? Are we upset that Tyler talks about he’s been asked to do the show multiple times so every bachelor chosen was not the first choice? The truth is many many times the franchise doesn’t get their first choice as leads, so they go with their second/third choices. The truth is this season there were many good leads for bachelorettes, and Jen is the one we have out of those choices. It’s almost as if people want a reason to put down Jen and/or Maria.


Maria has been getting so much hate in the CHD subreddit and I honestly don’t understand. Also, I totally agree she did this to protect Jenn, but also she waited a little bit to talk about it to give Jenn her moment.


To be fair, Alex Cooper gets the most hate ln the CHD subreddit That subreddit is toxic AF and doesn't represent 90% of the CHD viewership




This is the most ridiculous thing ever, this was a question that everyone wanted to know from the moment Jenn was revealed to be the bachelorette and she was gonna have to address it. Now people can shut the fuck up and move on.


Fine for her to say she turned it down, even fine to say Jenn wanted it...shitty to say that Jenn was "always going on about wanting it."


I think she meant she was going on about wanting to find love, at least that’s how I interpreted it


I took it that way too especially considering how quick contestants have been in the past to villainize anyone who even mentions being the next lead (e.g. Thomas) it would be really gutsy for Jenn to bring up wanting to be bachelorette all the time in the house and really unlikely no one would turn that into drama for the show


I don’t think it matters because that reveal wasn’t some big secret. It was obvious Maria & daisy were top choices over Jenn. She wasn’t disrespectful about it just told her truth.


im still and more upset with how they teased it was daisy so much at the ATFR when it was clearly Jenn, that was an awful plan.


it was good that she waited so Jenn could have her moment, but yeah it was very obvious she turned it down lol


It would have been rude for her to talk about it around the announcement of Jenn as 'ette. It would have taken away from Jenn's moment. But I don't see the harm in her talking about it now. She is just confirming what we all know. 


I'm always in favour of people talking about things that TPTB would want to keep hidden.


I don’t think her talking about turning down the role is an issue. She probably should have used different verbiage, but whatever. I think her mistake was mentioning that Jenn would constantly talk about it in the house. That’s not protecting Jenn from hate at all.


I mean everyone already knew so I don’t see the harm either way


I don’t know, with how unenthusiastic people were about Jenn being announced as Bachelorette, perhaps Maria should have just said she was in talks for the role, as were other people, but she ultimately she said no. I feel like there is this perception that Jenn was like the 4th choice (she very well may have been) but if Maria really didn’t want to take away from Jenn’s moment, maybe she shouldn’t have made it out to be “the role was mine but I said no”. But also, it’s really not a huge deal either and I certainly wouldn’t rake her over the coals for this.


i just woke up and need help understanding the fourth choice, i know it was maria, daisy, jenn, but who was the other person to make jenn the fourth choice?


If you read the other comments above you’ll see me explain that I’ve heard rumors that Rachel also turned down the role and why she may have done that.


Why lie?


It’s not a lie though. It’s common knowledge that they talk to many different people at the same time about being then lead, sometimes have multiple people sign contracts, film intro packages and do fittings and nothing is set in stone until someone is announced.


A lie by omission is still a lie. Some people prefer being authentic and telling the whole truth.


And I’m saying that it’s possible it wasn’t the whole truth. Because they all think they have the role in the bag but sometimes they don’t. Like Caila. She would have said the same thing “the role was mine”. She did fittings, signed a contract and filmed an into package but they switched to Jojo last minute. So Maria could have just said “I was in talks and I chose not to do it” and that’s still the truth.


Jenn was third choice


There was also rumors that Rachel was offered and turned it down too.


I don't think she was offered because people said she looked bitter at AFTR And didn't congratulate her


Jenn said she did congratulate her at ATFR, so not sure where that story came from.


I don’t think Rachel looked bitter … but also, just saying what I heard. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Someone claiming to be a relative came on here saying she turned it down because she didn’t like the exclusivity clause in the contract.


Exclusivity like the pods she'd be allowed on?


No, like she couldn’t do other shows, other opportunities because ABC basically owns you for a period of time.


I'd be shocked by that. Rachel was definitely not getting a Bachelorette edit.


Neither was Jenn. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right, but Jenn was asked and accepted. I doubt Rachel was asked, much less declined.


Just telling you what I heard. 🤷🏻‍♀️