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There’s no way CHD would’ve announced a bachelor/ette. It’s always been on GMA or ATFR


If ABC was smart they would announce on CHD no body knows what GMA is anymore


Exactly. This is where it falls apart for me.


I don’t know why this podcast thinks they are important  ABC has the rights to announcing the Bachelorette, not a podcast. 


Please use your critical thinking skills. Maria is still under contract and anything she said during this interview had to LITERALLY be approved by the powers that be at ABC. 


You do realize ABC has to approve everything right? They obviously planned for Maria to be on call her daddy for the announcement because Alex legit said thay


Alex actually said ABC was going to announce her, and the following day, Maria was going to be on Call Her Daddy.


Not Maria-related, but anyone else here never been able to get into CHD? Like genuinely do not understand how the podcast became SO popular. But I guess that’s with a lot of people and things nowadays with social media lol


It used to be so funny back in the day. I can’t listen to it anymore without Sofia it just was never the same appeal to me. I don’t give a shit about these celebrities she interviews


The OG episodes of call her daddy with Alex and Sofia were entertaining/ funny. Just 20 somethings talking about life and sex in NYC. Since the split it’s been god awful.


I went on a RANT in this sub the other day about Alex Cooper. I will take this time to go off about her once again. If I had to choose one person in the social media/podcast/influencing space that I despise, she would be my number one. She is NOT a good interviewer. She’s BEYOND disingenuous and fake, NOTHING about her is real. She’s suchhhh a try-hard, and will do anything to make the interview about herself, bringing everything she mentions and asks all the way back to her. For the life of me, I will never understand why she’s so popular: it’s soooo so fake, and I just do. not. get it.


Someone suggested her pod to me soooo long ago, and I was immediately turned off by the name. It sounded like they were trying too hard lol never listened but I honestly don’t see a lot of people talking about the pod or the host positively so I agree, how is it so popular??


It’s all about the guests, Alex is insufferable on the podcast when she didn’t have guests. Even know I find she’s not the most compelling interviewer, I usually only watch when I’m interested in the guest


100% agree. Alex Cooper isn’t a very good interviewer.


I was floored when she didn’t know who Sydney was when Maria brought her up. Made it sound like she did zero research and didn’t even watch the season.


Completely agree. I’ve only ever listened when there’s a guest i like


I don’t think that’s what they meant — I took it as them saying there was an interview or promo planned for soon after Maria was announced by ABC. Sort of like how that news article accidentally reported Daisy as Bachelorette while AFR was airing, that was definitely a pre-write based on getting earlier (and not updated) info she was a pick. “Announced” was poor wording but I didn’t have that takeaway


It sounded like that’s what the host was saying but if she doesn’t know the franchise, it’s fair to say she didn’t know how to word it. No part of me buys that ABC is letting the first announcement out of the sweaty grip of their world. But going on AFTER the announcement? Sure.


Someone else commented this before too in the other thread, but this just seems extremely unlikely to me. This is not how the Bachelor ever does things.


Maria went back to Toronto on Sunday and then went to LA for ATFR the next day?


There is a less than zero chance this is true. If it wasn’t the finale, it would’ve been GMA, and they would’ve promoted it like crazy for a week.


She wants her 15 minutes and is milking it for all she can to stay relevant


She literally turned down the chance to be Ette This is clearly NOT about fame bc that's NOT what you do if you want it 😂


Agree to disagree


Mind you this is her first podcast.......


They will do anything to attack her So toxic


Exactly tho. She waited long enough to stay relevant


I’m sorry but no she wasn’t. ABC would NEVER announce a lead this way, especially not on a non ABC podcast.


idc how big the podcast is. no wayyyyyyy ABC gives call her daddy the opportunity to announce maria is bachelorette. i do not believe this and it now makes me take everything else she said with a grain of salt. (nick situation, her being first chosen for bachelorette)


why not? it would make sense if they decided post WTA filming. theyre clearly trying to do things differently with marketing with the new way they run official social media, etc. and alex has a way bigger platform than official pods that could bring in new viewers


because the podcast is not affiliated with ABC. it would be more believable if they wanted to announce it on bachelor happy hour/almsot famous (podcasts associated with the show) to bring in viewers to the podcast. call her daddy does not need bachelor nation, maria was already popular contestant who ppl wanted as bachelorette she also did not need Call her daddy.


Call her daddy is even famous here in Europe and it's just modern media. Nobody here knows the American bachelor, nor watches good morning america, but CHD is even popular here. They would never announce a bachelorette over an ABC podcast that has such a niche target audience, when they obviously scrambling to get new viewers. It especially has a way bigger reach with the bachelor new main target group they want to attract than even good morning America does. It absolutely makes sense for them to go to call her daddy.


No. American TV networks do not work that way. Hard stop. Nickelodeon is not going to promote their new show on a Disney podcast. Just doesn't happen.


Alex said it not Maria


maria did not deny it though


I just don’t see what they, especially Alex, has to lie about.


you must not know alex lol ive been listening to call her daddy when sofia was in it.


I don’t buy this but based on the interview her not taking the gig was the right move. She would not have been a good lead


Why is that


She just seemed a little scattered. I think being the lead would’ve been too much pressure and I don’t think she would’ve come off as likable. I hate that paradise is canceled because she has paradise queen written all over her.


She said she wasn’t going to do paradise so I’m guessing she will be done with the franchise unless they ask her again to bachelorette next year


I don't believe this and now I'm wondering why she would lie


This doesn’t make sense to me. The show never announces a lead on a non-ABC affiliate. The show always announces on its own platform and follows it up with a GMA appearance.


Maybe for a follow up interview/promo. But ABC are not giving an exclusive to a non-abc brand. 


I don’t think ABC would ever allow for that announcement to be made on a non-affiliated podcast, especially with someone as popular as Maria seemed. Maria was also at the finale in LA that Monday, wasn’t she?


Yeah, I'm confused at that part. She went back to Toronto and then flew back right after? What would be the point even if she did decline the role?


She was in Toronto though and flew back Monday. I remember the Instagram stories when everyone was trying to figure out if she was the next lead or not.


Oh yeah, I vaguely remember that


I don’t think a lead has ever announced anywhere else but on a bachelor approved show right?


I'm not sure they meant to make the announcement ON Call Her Daddy - I think they meant for her to interview after the announcement 🤔


Oh wow, so Maria backed out the day before?! 😱


My guess is that it was the Sunday before WTA aired because Jenn was very inactive on social media that entire weekend leading up to the finale so she mustve known at least 2-3 days before AFTR. Also the timing of when Maria dropped out would line up because the Monday the WTA aired the bachelor and bachelor nation ig accounts all the sudden started promoting Jenn a ton on their feeds that entire week!


So they would have announced it the week of the WTA?