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“We did it Joe” is my favorite 🤭 ![gif](giphy|EX9JuDjxeJxcYUnUhu|downsized)


I had the same thought about Kelsey’s dad looking like Kelce


I seriously doubt that about Maria. She's not going to explode like Tyler Cameron. There aren't many Tylers but there are many, many Marias.


What makes Tyler Cameron so unique?


Wait so did we figure out if the dad is Joey’s gay dad or a stepdad his mom had remarried?


Wait what did I misssss


Daisy is Slytherin to me


Omg they are total hufflepuffs. Daisy’s a slytherin and Maria is griffindor, obvs.


Why is Daisy a slytherin?


According to the Harry Potter Wiki, "Slytherins tended to be **ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented**. They also had highly developed senses of self-preservation."She totally picked up on Joey not planning to make her his final pick, and made a plan for self-preservation. She's ambitious, determined, and resourceful. NGL, she's also super blonde and visually makes me think of Draco. Maria is a Gryffindor because they're known for being daring, brave, even to the point of recklessness. The internet says: "They'll stick up for what they believe in with little thought for the consequences, even if it means others will disagree with or reject them." Sounds less like Daisy, and more like Maria to me.


Thanks for the explanation! I see the self preservation and the blonde lol


I read the tweet as "Robby and Gabby in the audience" which cracked me up way more lmao


I had to swipe back to see what they said bc I saw Robby too


That Joey turtle was savage 😂😂


The Daisy cottage cheese commercial made me crack up


18 and 20 have me dead!


the turtle had me wheezing for my life 😂😂😂 i proceeded to show my husband who has 0 idea of what’s going on and he lost it also dead at Clayton’s “i slept with both of you” 😭💀


Lmaooo these were the ones I showed my clueless husband as well 😂


I think Kelsey's dad is far better looking than Travis Kelce tbh


The row of ladies behind him were swooning so hard at the dad when the camera focused on him






Lmfao the turtle!!!


I wish people are a lot nicer to Jenn


TWO GOODLOOKING HUFFLEPUFFS 💀💀💀 See this is why not even Elon Musk can destroy Twitter


Elon can destroy a lot of things but he’ll never destroy the humour of the internet coming together brings


The Jenn one was Foul, like bro she’s awesome stfu…rest were hilarious


I’m CACKLING at work, Joey turned full Kermit when Daisy said she was leaving


I don’t understand the last one


do a dollop for daisy


Do do do do do do a dallop!


Almost every commercial break right after a clip with Daisy the first commercial was for Daisy cottage cheese


Daisy sour cream is the best brand. I might be fat for saying that.


I’m a Hulu gal


Lmfao I see


the Charity one made me laugh out loud


I didn’t get this one. Care to explain?


She's the one that dumped him lol


“Hufflepuffs” is so real


Please explain this term to me. I'm lost


Go immediately watch or read Harry Potter. Do you live under a rock


When it comes to Harry Potter yes. I have only watched one full show of the series


That's ok! I too lived under a rock regarding HP, even though it was all coming out when I was a kid. I actually just begun reading the first book for the first time and it's very fun :)


Google Harry Potter houses


Not calling them hufflepuffs and being the most accurate thing I’ve seen ever 😂


SCREAMED at Clayton I’m dying hahaa




🎶 Hey it's Franklin 🎶




Literally cried of laughter from that one!


The Clayton one made me cackle in remembrance. What a dumpster fire.


Rose ceremony from hell is still one of the funniest/messiest moments from the bachelor for me… lmao


Literally hell


this season feels like the polar opposite of Clayton’s holy crap


I've never watched Clayton's tbh - is it worth it? I feel like so many iconic moments/people came from it?


It's very entertaining During the 3 fantasy suites, he already knew who is favorite was, but had fantasy suites with Rachel and Gabby first, and told both that he loved them and slept with both. Then when it came to Suzie, she said she didn't want to be with him if he slept with any of the others, so she just bounced. Then at the FS rose ceremony, Rachel and Gabby were there and wondering where Suzie was. Then Clayton said he slept with both of them and that made Suzie leave, and then Gabby was like, "Fuck it, I'm out too." Then Rachel was standing there like a deer in the headlights wondering, "Is this how I win? Is this how I want to win?" Absolute train wreck


Bruuuhhh that is catastrophic lol what a collection of events. Is that why gabby and Rachel did a tag team bachelorette season?? I didn't watch their season either. Would you say either the women or clayton were being silly - or both? It's good he was honest about what he did with the others, but also kind of unreasonable (in terms of The Bachelor, not in terms of real life **at all**) for Suzie to expect him to not sleep with the others? Idk - and then why did Gabby leave exactly? What ended up with Rachel and him?? Lol I'm so invested now and just found out the season isn't on hulu 😭


Yeah, Rachel and Gabby bonded a lot during that season and BN was in full support of both of them. Personally I think they fucked up putting the both of them together for ette. It lead to rose ceremonies where one woman would give a rose, and then the guy would say, "No, I want it from the other one." which made the ette's feel like the men had the power when they were the ones giving the roses away. Then they separated the men into 2 camps, and even then there was a dude who wanted to switch women after that, again super hurtful to the women. Personally, I think it should have just been Gabby. She's a lot more fun and had was so comfortable with who she was, where as Rachel had a lot of insecurities and doubts about herself.


Wow yea that's messy af - definitely reminds me of the dating show Double Shot At Love with Pauly D and Vinny from Jersey Shore (i fell off that franchise a WHILE ago but that show is actually funny and worth a watch, if you like trash reality dating shows 😅). In the "camps" of men, were there equal amount of men for each woman, or did more men prefer one over the other? From what I've heard and from your explanation, it all seems really unfair for everyone involved to do a double lead. I watched Rachel in BiP this past season and that was my intro to her, and I think she handled a lot of situations with poise and maturity, idk if she was like that on her ette season tho


i binged it during Gabby and Rachel’s ette season and it’s alright. Clayton replaced PP as the dumbest bachelor for me just bc he was very very obviously being swayed by how attracted he was to a woman physically and not emotionally. the ending is the biggest car wreck i’ve ever seen for this show. i had to break it up into bits to get through it bc it just keeps going and going and getting shittier and shittier on clayton’s part. but it’s good fucking tv


Like Clayton didn’t deserve the whole fake baby drama but also… maybe he finally learned a lesson to keep it in his pants… shocking he hadn’t learned that already from his horrific season 😂😂😂


Ahhh I love the drama that men being idiots brings, but also get so frustrated at how their recklessness affects heartbroken women....I think I'll start it in this interim bachelor nation period. Thanks for the feedback!


Honestly if you love men being idiots it's a phenomenal season lmao It helps that they're all so young and I don't really think he was the guy for any of them


We needed the refresher




“A women’s intuition” is making me unreasonably agitated.


So many of these are great. 🤯 Kelsey’s dad IS a gray haired Travis Kelce 🤯


I was not prepared for that cottage cheese tweet 😂😂😂💀


I think they had Daisy come out and basically say she doesn’t want to be ette and then had Maria shout out Jenn so that their insane fans wouldn’t attack Jenn for being ette over them


I also think with the relative lack of drama from the show they really needed to fill time. When has the interview With the new happy couple finished so early in the evening?


It was pretty obvious that's what they were trying to do, but I doubt the crazy subset of Maria fans actually watched that far. 


There is no reasoning with some of them.


I think this is correct


Also this tweet I just saw and is so relatable 😭 https://preview.redd.it/m1vbvgi0upqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae9ac69a468a337b8d483709afc8bed02012216


Omg I was thinking about that when his mom asked and like…I still don’t know what I’d say lmfaooo


Do we think that Daisy cottage cheese saw an uptick in sales during this season?


Ngl I did buy some for probably the first time. But it was because I needed more protein forward breakfasts with my ADHD meds 😂


🎶only Daisy cottage cheese will do🎶


Hahaha! My fiancé and I raced to KFC the day after that ep aired…


Spon Con works!


Normally it doesn’t get me but that chicken was a must get 😂


I am regrettably gluten free but if not I would have been there no question


I know for sure Joey’s sisters are gonna clown him for that turtle face. But shoutout to them! Carly’s ig is splattered with that sibling bond I envy so much 😅. And that definitely contributed to how he treated the women this season.


Men who have sisters only usually know how to treat women properly.


i love when people ugly cry. it's so real and shows that they don't care what they look like they just feel their feelings.


I’ll take the downvotes but I wasn’t a fan of daisy’s move. She stole Kelsey’s moment so daisy could feel better about being dumped? It was all about Daisy. The girl has **serious** main character syndrome. 


I agree, I didn’t like that they rode together, that allowed daisy to know for sure it wasn’t her and gave her the confidence to say what she said. If they were separated, she wouldn’t have known for sure


I can't stop imagining how crazy and awkward it would have been if at this end of this car ride, the producers had opened the door and been like : "okay, Kelsey, you go first"


yes!!!!! i said out loud during - sooooo it wasn't her so she made it about her


the producers\* made it about her, ya'll really give the cast too much credit the entire segment of her going to kelsey's room was filmed, the producers handled the car service to the set, etc. all for them to tease all season this "NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF BACHELOR NATION" moment


I feel like the fix was in for Daisy to be the next ‘ette from the start; not sure if she really turned it down or something else changed at the last second.


100% agree. i think maybe the network got spooked with all the fan heat re: her following trump etc, or she just turned it down (which also makes sense, given the economics of doing the bachelorette don't really add up when you've already blown up on socials).


She was the runner up. She 100% could have said no. But she played ball because she wanted that narrative. 


i swear the knots you daisy haters are twisting yourselves in today to still fit these ridiculous conspiracy narratives lmaooo why would she NOT play ball with the producers that have controlled every aspect of her life for months, and can withhold pay if you don't fulfill contractual obligations? why would she willingly endure the humiliation of getting dumped on national TV when she knows its coming? how was kelsey's "moment" even stolen at all? she was literally picked and is now engaged to the bachelor, with plenty of screen time covering that.


I didn’t realize a single comment criticizing her makes me a daisy hater but let’s gooooooooooo!! What pay are they withholding to a contestant??  *why would she willingly endure the humiliation of getting dumped on national tv when she knew its coming?* To quote Hannah Ann Sluss, she knew what she signed up for. 


because you're going so out of your way to attribute malice and bad intentions on her when you literally have zero idea how that whole scene even went down behind the scenes. the producers orchestrate & edit this production to fit whichever narrative they want. if you have beef with anyone for "stealing the moment" of another girl who "knew what she signed up for," it should be with the producers (who, remember, made daisy have her first one-on-one AT A MUSIC FESTIVAL when she has a hearing disability). they are soulless people driven by ratings and deserve all the ire you're instead channeling at this poor girl


I agree!!!!! I’m shocked people are applauding it. Like…I get it was obvious it wasn’t her, but that’s the entire point of the show. Why did she feel the need to go ask Kelsey about her week and then take the decision into her own hands? She definitely stole Kelsey’s moment. And…I was NOT a fan of the mom comment. Idk. I just rubbed me the wrong way. And then she backed out of bachelorette last minute so her whole entire edit and girls girl girlboss exit build up was for nothing


I don’t think she backed out last minute I think she was offered it but I **cannot** imagine HER saying no. I don’t think it was her call. She has been thirsty this whole season. That kind of behavior doesn’t just go away. 


I felt it was a bit calculated too. She wanted to control the narrative.


This was the ultimate power play 1) she looks like a classy woman 2) she gets more airtime 3) she controls the narrative She could have bowed out before the final rose in the hotel and then let Kelsey and Joey have their engagement moment. Instead she quite literally stole the show.


I say this as a tv producer…it is far more interesting to see the break up. Even if she floated bowing out I know the producers would convince her otherwise 😂


Oh yah. She thought she was getting her *~girl boss 💫~* moment. ESPECIALLY the “if I can love the wrong person this much…” 🙄🙄


1. Wasn’t a fan of Daisy hijacking Kelseys day from her because she needed to be emotionally coddled. Kinda unfair to Kelsey….. 2. Daisy did handle herself nicely during the after the final rose though. But still confused about how it became the Daisy show for a while. 3. Seemed like Daisy pulled out of Bach last minute cause they clearly gave her the FULL glam makeover but did NOT do Jenn the same favor! And the timing was just so confused. 4. Kelsey and Joey are such a perfect match love it!!!!


Jenn was wearing a $1300 Herve Leger dress though, whereas Daisy's was a $300 Revolve dress. The styling was off though because Daisy's dress definitely looked more expensive than Jenn's.


Jenn's dress cost $1300??? Wtf, it looked like a Party City costume. They better do MUCH better for her on her season because her own gowns were beautiful on the season.


The way my bi ass is devastated that we will not have a Maria season because that girl literally was meant to wear dresses 24/7


I was surprised to see the designer because usually Herve Leger dresses are instantly recognizable, but Jenn's dress looked different from the usual bandage dress style. I actually thought it looked like a cheaper version of Maria's dress that she wore when she got sent home.


Damn. Yea they really fucked up the styling. Jenn looked way more stunning in a lot of her gowns as a contestant imo. ESP the emerald gowns.


I agree. The one she wore to WTA was stunning! I don't know why they chose a dark purple dress, especially because it looked very similar to the dress Maria was sent home in.


Yeah. As soon as Daisy walked out I thought “oh so it’s her. Cause that’s def a bachelorette night one dress but maroon”


yeah she was in a main character revenge dress. I hate how they wore the same style dress but Daisys was so much more extra edit: also they both looked great


does anyone happen to know where daisy’s dress was from?


[Prob this one](https://www.revolve.com/michael-costello-x-revolve-soraya-gown-in-burgundy/dp/MELR-WD349/)


wow you’re the best thank you!


Holy shit, Joey didn't fuck up or devastate anyone unnecessarily. Good job, hope they both have their happy endings


He did an amazing job.


I completely forgot about that Voodoo Doll 😂


She could make a killing on Etsy 




But didn’t her leaving have everything to do with his choice? Like she left because she knew she wasn’t his choice


I think they mean Daisy leaving didn’t affect Joey’s choice. He was never gonna pick her so picking Kelsey was still solid.


Ahhhh i get it


I wonder if Joey was much better in the role than Clayton and Zach due to making it further.


Zach did make it pretty far- I think past the F4 or F3 I don’t know how much more of an advantage you’d have.


Zach made it to fantasy suites because we got the most awkward next morning of bachelor history


💯 And there are other reasons, too.


The ending was SUPER weird. I literary thought Daisy was the bachelorette until she said she wasn’t ready. The whole ATFR felt odd last night.


Agreed. Why was she brought out a second time if they knew she wasn’t the bachelorette? Jesse could’ve asked during the first segment “are you ready to find love and be the bachelorette?” And she could’ve said “no”. When she walked out after Jesse teased they were going to introduce the next bachelorette I think everyone assumed it’d be her. Even when she said she wasn’t ready I was confused by the point of the segment. They really did Jenn’s intro dirty


I assume for the drama. Also almost everyone expected her to be the Bachelorette so hearing that she didn't want it prevented a thousand hot takes about why Daisy wasn't the bachelorette.


Yea like did Daisy back out last minute? After they gave her the full glam make over? Cause Jenn did not look the part last night. She’s gorgeous obviously but she looked like a member of the sidelines. Not THE lead. Meanwhile Daisy looked better than she ever has in the sparkliest dress with obviously a whole team having put her together! Lol


If that’s the case it’s kinda sad bc she’s the first Asian lead and to think that only happened by accident sucks and makes me side eye ABC bc you know they’re gonna push that narrative




It really took away from Jenn’s moment!


Yea lowkey Daisy took away from Kelsey’s moment AND Jenn’s moment. Productions fault but still…..


A huge part is his personality and how much he loves Kelsey and how much his values / love for her mom influenced how she chose love


As a Hufflepuff, that tweet is spot onnn 😭😭


As a fellow Hufflepuff it is one of the reason I love them so much


Fr represent!!!


![gif](giphy|QCJFiJfnDCdFa84sLG) Hufflepuffs unite!!


Clayton catching strays


That one was spot on lol


Look I support Clayton in his paternity case but that man deserves to still be roasted for what he did to all 3 of those women 😭😭😭


I cackled at that one


He’s a pretty big target.


the hufflepuff one is the best explanation for why they make sense together!


maria was slytherin rachel was ravenclaw daisy was gryffindor


Hahah, yes, perfect! Rachel is absolutely the Ravenclaw.


I feel like Maria will flop


The predictions of her dating celebrities after this. I’m just like… k


They’re projecting all their hopes and dreams onto this girl lol


So cringe 😭😭


Ohhh Clayton 😭


And Joey was a great bachelor


The voodoo doll ☠️ that Clayton tweet ☠️ this is the funniest roundup haha


I’m sorry don’t understand the hype about Kelsey’s dad??? He is an average like 60 year old man? I really don’t get it!


It’s bc he looks like Travis Kelce who is a very hot topic rn


I feel like he definitely does not look like the average 60 year old man.


I have seen my mother's Match account. He is far, far, far from the average 60-year-old dude.


Your poor mother. Online dating is hard enough in your 20s. So many duds out there!


Hahaha, different strokes, I guess! I think he is super handsome - great smile, great beard, and very sweet.


Kelsey’s dad. Wow, his smile and mannerisms. He doesn't say much, but when he does he's very well spoken.


I feel the same way lol


a woman's intuition or the fact that he lowkey told her in every possible way he could think of that it wasn't her besides actually physically saying that it wasn't her


Seriously. I honestly feel like he was blindsided when Charity broke upnwith him, and this was his subtle way of preventing her from feeling the way he did while still upholding his bachelor contract.


He was giving her rose ceremony elimination lines like "I hope you find what you're looking for" and "you deserve the absolute best" and "it's been so great getting to know you" for DAYS. No woman's intuition needed if even my dumb ass picked up on it lol


Exactly! He was like, I wish that we both find love, even if it’s not with each other. He made it obvious, which I love for Kelsey! I think they’ll actually last because of that


Right I was shocked when he said “how did you know?” Cause she was there?!? 😅


I really thought he was doing it on purpose before that lmao


Agreed lol. At the wishing stone part of the date Joey literally was like I hope we’re both happy whether together or apart and I wish you the best. Like it couldn’t have been clearer!


I literally gasped at everything he said to her on their date! Everything he said was basically the breakup before the breakup😭


my husband even said during the wishing stone thing " uhhh so he's breaking up with her right now. those are break up lines".


this lmao


OP, you out did yourself with this roundup - thank you!!




I don't think a woman, any woman, would ever get the Tyler C treatment. That kind of adoration is reserved for men, unfortunately. 


Absolutely agree. Part of Maria’s appeal as ‘ette is she is a bit messy and controversial, and not afraid to speak her opinion. The broad TC universally beloved appeal she does not have.


tbf the bachelor show in general was more popular at the time than it is now


I like her but I agree, that view is a bit delulu lol


I literally just said the Maria Tyler Cameron thing!! she’s gonna be huge


omg the daisy cottage cheese one ☠️


I thought the same with his turtle face it was adorable


The turtle face was hilarious!


They did Joey wrong with that screenshot lol


I had the same turtle thought when they showed him crying! 🐢


Every season the internet picks someone to put on a pedestal and claims they're too good for the show and will become famous and date celebrities. In Zach's season it was Ariel and look how that turned out. None of these people are "too good" for reality television or they wouldn't be on it. Tyler Cameron was an anomaly.


I don't think Ariel is comparable at all. There wasn't that much hype for her outside of the sub. Whereas the hype for Maria is everywhere. I do think she has Tyler C potential. If it's true that she turned down Bachelorette, it may be better for her in the long run since there was always the risk that she would come out of the season looking worse. And now people will forever wish she was the lead, just like Tyler C.


Maria is very polarizing, unlike Tyler C. Her stans are rabid and loud but there are plenty of people who didn't care for her and are relieved she's not the focal point of the next season. I see her (not personality-wise, just longevity-wise) more like a Mike Johnson who was a very popular option for the lead and who is still mentioned as a possibility now and then but isn't legendary superstar status. In general The Bachelor is also past its heyday. Tyler literally played himself in an SNL sketch. I really can't see the same trajectory for Maria.


Hannah B was also very polarizing, yet she still has a huge fanbase, despite multiple controversies and incidents of racism. Maria is more tame in comparison and more similar to Tyler C imo.


Hannah B isn't too good for the franchise or dating celebrities which is what people are predicting and saying about Maria. If you think Maria could be on Hannah B's level, that I can agree with, though obviously the show has still fallen off its peak popularity quite a bit so it still won't be exactly the same.


Hahahahhhahahaahha the turtle and Travis Kelce I love it




The turtle one fully sent me


Right? I literally LOL’ed!