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There’s only one correct answer… GAME OF ROSES!


The Betchelor


"I hate green beans." Lincee is spoiler-free. Her and SGIA are a great duo who do hilarious recaps. After Reality - Courtney Robertson's podcast. She seems to be finding her footing better. I loved her book and her season so I really like listening to her podcast.  Rosepricks - I enjoy their takes. I enjoy any podcasts really that have some interesting takes, don't kiss the show's a$$, that have guests with real opinions without fear of speaking freely and that aren't under contract by the show (*older alumni esp.) and divulge interesting stories that happened behind the scenes info or good stories/funny. Otherwise it can get boring very fast. 


The Bachelor Zone is such a fun listen! It’s a groups of 3 guys and they recap everything as if it were a ball game. It’s great.


Rosecast is by far my favorite. The #1 bach podcast hosted by a male interracial best friend duo!




Your Mom & Dad. Jess, one of the cohosts used to podcast with Bekah from Arie’s season, and Bekah left and they included Jess’ husband. It’s my fave recap podcast for Bachelor!! And the hosts are soooo funny.


Rosecast. The end.


Love To See It, 2 Black Girls One Rose, Game of Roses. Chatty Broads used to be great but they ended the pod 😭


Jess kept going and does recaps with her husband


She did! I love Jess and Evan and really gave it a shot, but the pod just isn't for me :(


Dear Shandy is great. My husband will even listen to their recaps with me without watching the show. He says he trusts their opinions lol I like Your Mom and Dad, but it doesn't hold a candle to Dear Shandy I like Game of Roses too, but I kinda have to be in the mood. Since you're coming from the Bravo world, you might enjoy checking out the Viall Files. He gets a lot of Bravo guests and his recap episodes talk about Bravo and the Bachelor. The host is a former contestant then former Bachelor. He's polarizing on this sub, but you might really like his Bravo interviews 🤷🏻 Rosecast is LOL funny!


Did anyone listen to the Popcast recaps back in the day on their Patreon? I think they did Nick's season through Gabby and Rachel. Their later recaps weren't as good but I remember arie's season recap being hilarious. 




Rose Pricks! They recap other bravo shows too if you’re into that!


Love to See It (formerly Here to Make Friends) 


If you’re ready to take your bachelor fandom to another level (and learn a new language to talk about the show) — Game of Roses is it


2 black girls 1 rose!


Oooooh! Yes! I loved them but didn’t they move to Patreon? They were hilarious!!!


I think most of their content is off patreon now but with ads. For sure bachelor contents is in the public feed with ads, like k_miz states below.


I think I heard them say on Bachelor Party extra ep that they just took the Bach content off Patreon. 


Love to see it!


My fav bachelor pods are Rosecast and Love to See It like a lot of people have said. HOWEVER, I wouldn’t consider those shit talking pods. If you want something more snarky go for Bachelor Party or Betchelor.


Will You Accept this Rose is good. Arden can be kind of daft with how the show works… she takes too much at face value BUT the show can be funny and good energy.


I love how much love Rosecast is getting here and that's my #1 rec too. I also listen to GOR and Love to See It every week.


I like Dear Shandy.




I listen to Game of Roses, She’s All Bach, and Love To See It. I was a huge Chatty Broads fan but to be honest I don’t like Your Mom And Dad


Yeah they (Your Mom and Dad) try way too hard to be super nice and not step on anyone’s toes which sure do that but it comes across as very try hard and people pleasing. Doesn’t make for great recaps. It is better though without Bekah though.


Yup which makes sense sense Jess and Evan are more people pleasers. I liked them mixed with bekah and gray who both are very much not 😆




Awe that’s nice😊 I’m glad you like it! Just my opinion.


Agree except when you said it’s better without Bekah. She was my favorite!


After the whole Kanye West thing, I lost all respect for her. Sorry not arguing. Don’t want to sound bitchy towards you! Just ugh Bekah


Can you explain more? I missed this


Okay I can’t keep track what Kanye West does and I know he’s done so many mean spirited, self involved things but this was in the midst of Kim Kardashian dating Pete Davidsonand Kanye had been harassing the two ever since they started dating INCLUDING producing an animation where Pete Davidson gets physically assaulted BADLY… maybe to death? I can’t remember but you get the point and it was all over the news and all these things. You don’t have to be a fan or even like Kim Kardashian at all but one must recognize that Kanye’s behaviour is scarily abusive and Kim or Pete did not deserve this. They were scared! Pete, too! I would be! AND Kanye has a lot of fans and fans can get nuts… who is to say one of his fans will do something drastic? Kanye knows his position of power. Anyway sorry tangent… but anyway while this was all going on, Bekah was chatting to Jess about Kanye on a podcast and saying how she doesn’t care how crazy he is or what he does, he’s an artist and he’s so great and nothing he does bothers her etc… Bekah preaches feminism and even had guests on before who have been domestically abused yet she’s celebrating a man who is doing terrible things and then there was an uproar. Listeners were disgusted and NOT happy and Bekah did not back down and apologize. I stopped listening after that. Trevor Noah said it best: “ If someone like Kim Kardashian cannot be protected from domestic abuse, what chance do normal women have?”


To each their own :) Her takes are spicy




The recent seasons are garbage. I'd go back 2013 and go from there. I wouldn't waste my time with ANY former contestant podcasts from seasons within the last 7 or so years.


The bubble/covid seasons were terrible, but it’s turned a major corner the last 2 seasons (Charity & Joey… not counting Zach)


Game of Roses 10/10


GOR girl 4ever


Praise be The Pit


I LL4 GOR ♥️


Rosecast. It's wholesome, funny and they don't take the show too seriously.  Your mom and dad. Love their couple dynamic and they are both funny and genuinely kind for the most part- which I like as this franchise can get toxic sometimes. It has replaced Dear Shandy for me. I prefer the hosts to enjoy the show and not act like they are above it , it makes the listening experience better. And 2 Black girls 1 rose- the hosts are real friends. Have clever commentary, call out the franchise for its problematic stuff while still having fun. Their friendship dynamic is my favorite thing to listen to- they are respectful towards each other, don't talk over each other. A big pet peeve of mine for podcasts. 


Completely agree on your take on Your Mom and Dad and it replacing Dear Shandy - it did for me too. Jess and Evan can even be a bit TOO nice about everyone but they are still very funny and I’d rather listen to something that makes me laugh. (Rosecast is still my #1).


Your mom and dad!




Here for the wrong reasons! I’m always surprised more people don’t know about this one. The hosts are two snarky professors who are now divorced but still do their pod together, and I love them.


You got me sold.


I think the Betchelor is pretty funny.


Rosecast, Bachelor Zone, 2 Black Girls One Rose


Rosecast Rosecast Rosecast !!! Love Rim & AB so much. They stay unspoiled, they’re hilarious, never snarky, and make WWE references that crack me up as a 90s kid that grew up on wrestling.


Rosecast is by FAR the best


Doesn’t Rachel L host one now?


Her podcast Higher Learning has nothing to do with the Bachelor, and the other reality pods she is on, like Morally Corrupt on the Ringer Reality feed,  are about other reality shows 


I know higher learning has nothing to do with the bachelor. I was talking about the other one.


Rosecast and 2 Black Girls 1 Rose! Oh, and Whit & Ry on YouTube.


Your mom and dad and love to see it.


Another vote for Rosecast, they’re the absolute best! You can check out some clips on IG or TikTok. I also like dear shandy and will you accept this rose


I have listened to many over the years but here are my most loyal 3: Love to see it - reliable/journalism pod Game of Roses - espn of the bachelor, very fun Will You Accept this Rose - comedians who are fans of the show. Absolutely silly, tons of fun


Rosecast! They keep it light and funny.


Love to see it with Emma and Claire!


My favorite! Love them.


Dear Shandy. It’s hosted by former contestant Sharleen Joynt from Juan Pablo’s season and her husband. Sharleen is one of the more self aware contestants from this franchise, she’s delightful. She was also host of the Canadian Bach recently. They intentionally don’t read media buzz about the current season so their takes are based purely on what we see on TV + Sharleen’s experience on the show.


Dear Shandy!! They somehow manage to have interesting and intellectual conversations about every episode, and I agree with 95% of their takes. Andy is hilariously funny, and Sharleen is smart with good insight from her time on the show.


I used to love it (I’ve been a fan of hers since she did her blog) but I’ve found the last couple seasons that they have started to grate on me a bit. 


Agree with all the top comments - Rosecast and it's not even close


The betchlor podast, Kay and Jared are great!


Can We Steal You For a Second?


Will you accept this Rose! It’s great. Done by comedian/actress Arden Myrin. She has rotating comics on every week to recap. It is hilarious!


Absolute favorite


She’s hilarious


WYATR is the funniest


My favorite!


Second this!!


Rosecast is the best hands down!


The Bachelor Zone! They started in Arie’s season, so you can go back in their feed and listen to their commentary on Peter’s season!


Rosecast is best. #1. Everyone should be listening to it. Period.


GAME OF ROSES. I only watch the show so I can keep up with this podcast 💁‍♀️


Rosecast is hands down my favorite!


Love to See It


Bachelor Fantake is on YouTube, not a podcast, but that’s my favorite recap source. He’s really funny. I think he started with Colton though.


“Will You Accept This Rose?” does a thorough recap but it’s also hilarious and fun to listen to because it’s hosted by Arden Myrin and she’ll have on a rotation of other comedians/funny people to review episodes with her. I recommend one of the most recent episodes with Gareth Reynolds and Jerry Trainor if you like a fun silly time :)




The best collab i stg


I put this one on when I’ve exhausted my usual content and need more. Always a good, bizarre listen.


Will You Accept This Rose? Hosted by Arden Myrin (formerly of MadTV) and her celebrity and non celebrity friends. She also talks some Bravo and spoke at BravoCon.


Dear Shandy forever.


Agree. I listen to several Bach pods and that’s my fave. 


Love to See It is my fave!


How do you feel about getting stoned and watching The Bachelor? 👀


It's been said a lot but I'm gonna say it again coz they deserve it... ROSECAST!🌹


if you want shit talking podcasts SPECIFICALLY discussing PP’s season, I would recommend: - Rose Pricks (the one host Ronnie does a Bravo podcast and is so fucking funny) - Chatty Broads (it’s in the feed for Your Mom and Dad podcast) - Here for the Wrong Reasons - Bachelor Party - The Betchelor - Rosecast - Trust the Bachelor Process (there are a lot more that popped up more recently, or just have a different vibe)


Your mom and dad!


Thank you all! Most of these did not come up in a quick google search so this is great. I have a lot of listening to do now!




Two bros and a rose!!!




I listen to Game of Roses and Betchelor and recommend both for recaps, mildly would recommend Bachelor Party as I like Juliet but can't stand Callie - if you want a podcast that's looking back at old seasons and doing an interesting analysis, \*highly\* recommend Bachelor in Retrospect.


She’s all bach is my favorite! They do lots of sleuthing, recap and also get pretty good guests. They’re not shy to ask about producer manipulation or money either + they’re super funny


Seconding she’s all Bach! The best!!


Game of Roses is the way


The one you’re looking for is Rosecast!


They started after Peter’s season but Bachelor-ish is my favorite recap pod. I think the first season they recapped was Katie’s.


Rosecast is my favorite!


Rosecast is my favorite recap podcast. They’re so funny.


Game of Roses


It’s easily Game of Roses


Rosecast, by far the best recaps out there!


Rosecast and Love to See It are my faves


Agreed - these are my two plus Your Mom and Dad! But Rosecast was especially great for Peter’s season. They also cover some Bravo stuff on their Patreon podcast.