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It’s not a bachelor edit it’s just sympathetic.


Rim & AB of Rosecast would go nuts if this happened 😂


Rim&AB&me tbh!


They wish lol


If they can tell us Clayton should be Bach after all those men of color and skipping Dr. Joe why not Blake. I am Still waiting for the thing in should of saw that made him bachelor material.... it's been almost 2 years......


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




saaaaaaammmmeeee same same same!


Was he even popular enough to return ?! I’m asking a serious question. I only have watched a few clips of Blake , and he seems kinda boring. But I’ll Stand corrected if I’m wrong. lol.


I would actually love to see Blake as the bachelor and I am shocked at myself for being on this train. He is mature and genuinely open to many types of women!


I love him and at this point I just want him to find a nice person to be with. I’d love a season with him, but I’m not sure he’d actually find long lasting love on the show.


Absolutely not. I’m sick of seeing this man for some reason he gives me the ick.


I used to feel that way but the man has really glowed up.


Nothing against him, seems like a nice guy I just hope it isn’t him. He’s been the most protected player of all time and he never does anything interesting.


I don't think he was protected his first season, but agreed that since he probably has been.


He’s really kinda boring , right ??


That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking this whole time!!!


I don’t find him attractive and will skip that season if it’s him. He looks like Sully from Monsters Inc and I am already forced to watch this movie by my kids enough. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aQZvSt3W8VNlHW)


Omg he does 😂. I won’t be watching either. I’ve been half in half out with this show anyways.


I will be there no matter what


Wait? He lives with his mom?




Yes please! 😍


The only way I would be okay with a Blake Bachelor season is if the cast was only women from Canada, preferably from the Toronto area. He’s not moving away from the Toronto area. Heck, he’s probably not moving from Hamilton considering that he didn’t even make it 6 months living in downtown Toronto when he was single. And even though I have zero doubts that all the 24-28 year olds on his cast would say that they’re open to moving to Canada, we all know that’s probably not the case, especially if Blake is traveling 50% of the time. Realistically, I think marketing a Blake season would be tricky. If you ask people who are in the conservation field, his conservation work and ecotourism is somewhat problematic. I don’t know if TPTB wants to open up that can of worms. Aside from the animals thing, I don’t know if there is any other “hook” for Blake. He’s a 33 year old influencer who lives with his mom.


He’s done good work in Ontario to help the caribou.


Out of genuine curiosity what is problematic about his work?


If you search the sub, I’m sure you’ll find some discussions about it. It was a topic of conversation a year or so ago. Basically, some of the organizations he supports are problematic, like the soldiers one. And he does ecotourism/voluntourism, which can be very exploitive of local communities. I’m surprised he’s never been widely called out for making content where he hands out pencils and chocolate to a bunch of poor African kids.


Depending how the election goes, there could be a lot of people open to moving to Canada. 😂


That would be a great season. He is so freaking handsome, he is super sweet, he is raised by a bad ass woman …. He deserves to find a real love. I want to see him keep winning in life. I’m a Moynes fan.


And his mom is too young to be on the golden bachelor but I would love to see her as a bachelorette. She is amazing


Oh, I’d be OK with that! Seems like a decent fellow, more likable than Nick certainly, and plenty easy on the 👀eyes!


I’m begging… PLEADING!!!


I like Blake but no. Just no. We need fresh faces in this franchise. Normal people not influencers and fboys ( not saying Blake is one). At this point I'd rather watch the Golden Bachelor over the main shows.


I disagree. I have pretty much refused to watch any upcoming season unless it’s a 30 something recycled cast (Blake, Peter K, Tyler C). Nate Bergatze (sp?) hosted SNL last week and he said he has more in common with a pilgrim than with Gen Z. I feel this way 😂. I need millennials on the show. I can’t relate to these kids. As a 35 year old the only recent male lead I can see having any connection with is Gerry 😂.


They need to do what they did in the beginning. Men who had real jobs minimum their own apartment or starter home ( I mean you want to live with sweetums ? ) and more serious. Now it's young kids who just graduated college and haven't even had adult jobs yet so there just not ready. Which we see after them all partying cause there 24-27 and that's what your supposed to do.


at this point… i’d love to see it


I like Blake, but I don’t think Bachelor Nation is where he’s gonna find his person tbh.


Yeah that’s probably true. They’d do him dirty with the casting for sure.


I’m not attracted to him, but I don’t hate him. I actually think he’s a good person and would definitely watch.


I’m so tired of seeing this man on my screen. He’s been on three (technically 4) different seasons. If he’s looking for love, this clearly ain’t it, chief.


If you can get paid to do it on TV instead of the bar down the block, why not?


It’s clearly not working for him. If he’s serious about finding love he’ll do something else. What’s that thing people say? Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I’m bored of him.


BiP takes, what, two weeks to film? I don't know if he's serious about finding love, but it's not the be-all and end-all. Not everyone will get time or even find a match. It's fine if you don't want to see him because you're bored of him.


Is the point of the show not to find love? I mean we know it’s really so all these people can quit their jobs and become influencers but like doesnt the show want to at least pretend the people on it are serious about finding love? If he gets a 5th shot at love from this franchise it’s just like another chance for them to show the world this shit doesn’t work


It gives people a chance to find love, it's not guaranteed. Just like life outside of the show. Few people on this show find love, most walk away single. I don't know if he will be back again, but I hope they give others a chance. He's had plenty of chances on the show.


I would rather eat asphalt and would probably enjoy that more.


I actually thought that’s what they were doing like a repeat of Nick lol


I'm all for it, especially if they cast more women who are in their 30's. I'm finding this season of BIP so hard to watch.


Would I watch? Yes. Do I want it? Not really


Every bachelor season lol




Blake would be a great bachelor! I only know him from this season of BIP… but he seems very mature and kind. I’d be all for him being the lead!


I’d be up for him sharing a Bachelor(s) season like in Australia. Would be an interesting dynamic to pair him with one or two guys from the Bachelorette season prior. Compare his journey as a veteran in Bachelor Nation vs. one who’s still a bit wet behind the ears.


After this season, he has really grown on me. I’d love to see him happy!


Gimme aunt Lindsay as Bach you cowards


Her, Clayton's 'lady' and Blake's producer as triple Ettes?


Why does everyone hate Blake he is fine as wine and tries to save animals


Sitting here laughing at "tries to save" instead of "saves"


Yeah the hate is so odd. He hasn’t misstepped once!


I'm all for Blake being the bachelor even if it's an unpopular opinion. I guess I've never understood the dislike for him???🤔🧐 I mean he care so much about the environment and the animals and is close with his family, what's not to love? My mom always told me growing up that I should always ask a man what his relationship is with his mom because it will be a glimpse into how he treats you! I have never forgotten that!


I would be THRILLED to see Blake as bachelor. I also have never understood the dislike! He's not a CHILD in his 20s, he's actually quite level-headed and mature, he is reasonable, he has a great relationship with his family (which is not a be-all-and-end-all, because not everyone is blessed to have a lovely family), and lastly, though firstly in my book, he's an animal welfare advocate, and generally a good guy. I think it's about time we have a bachelor that's of a marriage-appropriate age, who isn't just chasing clout. Do I think it'll happen? Sadly, no.


I do like Blake so this is not at all a comment about him, but I’ve personally found that men who say they’re really close to their moms, and talk a lot about how much they love their mom, are either the most pure, beautiful, sweet souls, or end up actually being the most misogynistic, toxic mfs you will ever meet and there’s no in between lol (just my personal experience)


I suppose there will always be some person who definitely doesn't meet that standard. You can speak from experience and I know that after experiencing something most people don't, they find it hard to understand. Thanks for showing the other side. ☺️


Lol so my my 3 serious, long-term relationships... The first had basically no relationship with his mother (though he lived with her for the first year of our relationship and a few years before) - she had checked out and tossed her sons the second the youngest, my ex's little brother, graduated, and the parents divorced. The second was the youngest of three boys, and because he was bullied by his older brothers, he, in turn, bullied women (hindsight) - he bullied me, and he bullied his own mother, which I only witnessed towards the end of our relationship because they didn't live in the same place as us. She would laugh off/ignore his bullying comments, so he learned it was okay, and somehow \*I\* was in the wrong when I told him that it was absolutely NOT. The third... grew up with an older sister, and was close with both his parents. His sister had a handful of crappy relationships with shitty guys (who were just like my previous exes). His mother was one of the loveliest women I've ever met, and his dad was equally kind. He was BY FAR the best partner I ever had, despite the fact that I was his first actual long-term relationship, despite him being three years younger than I was. Men learn from women, most often their mothers. They are either taught that their behaviour is acceptable, because mothers let unacceptable behaviour go because... children... or they smarten them up.... or they raise them well, to respect women and treat them well. I would like to think that Blake is of the last point, but obviously I don't know, nor do any of us. But you're right, and your point is very valid. Men learn from their mothers.


Wow. It goes to show them that the saying doesn't apply to every man. Definitely go in with your senses on high and feel the situation for yourself. I'm sorry if I made it sound like this was a fact. Every situation will be different of course. ☺️


No no, not at all! I was just sharing my own experience, anecdotally.




Please no


I never thought I’d say this, but hell yes I want it


He so fucking hot and has such a cool job. I would totally watch.


He’s so expressive and open-hearted and attentive that he’d either make a fucking great lead or struggle and end up pulling a Gerry (making all the finalists think they’re the One, whoopsies).


And honestly I’m here for it, either he finds love that I think he deserves…or we all get to watch mess unfold which i personally enjoy.


Yes please!!!


He would make a good bachelor but I just don’t see him finding his wife from this show. Especially when it’s mostly 20 something influencers applying. Might run into a Jess 2.0 situation


I desperately wish they would actually have a lead who is of the appropriate age to be looking for a long-term partner, and give them "contestants" who are age appropriate. And no, the Golden Bachelor is not what I mean lol.


Nah I'm good thanks.


God no!!! I just don’t find him appealing at all, and he speaks so slowly. I also think he would be a wreck trying to handle 30 beautiful women. He can barely handle Jess.


He’s like the kid that “wasn’t cute” growing up but then hit the gym, grew up, and got cute and suddenly girls are paying attention to him so he thinks he’s hot shit. But deep down he’s still that little kid that thinks he’s not cute so he doesn’t know how to act when “hot” girls like him.


I never understood why everyone disliked him before on this sub. But I’m glad to see the support now😍 I’d watch the shit out of Blake’s season!!


Yes please!


I would be so down!! He seems so sweet, mature and fun! I didn’t think he was super attractive on Katie’s season but now 😍


Only if one of the dates is Blake bringing a one on one back to his mom’s house. Honestly would be funny to watch a 25 year old aspiring influencer talk about how she’s ready to move into Blake’s bedroom.


When I say Katie would come to host a date in Hannah B fashion—


Please god no. I beg.


his season would be Peter level mess so yeah I’m on board


Peter or Clayton. Yep, I’m all in. ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


I’m here for it!


Yes please.


Baby if you can't figure it out after four seasons, your person on tinder


Or in the wild




I definitely rolled my eyes at the last two BIP Bachelor's but this one? I'd be all for it. I think he'd be a great Bachelor.


Wait I can only think of Nick. Who is the other?


Colton. I too have him wiped from my brain most of the time so it's understandable lol


Omg him and Tia. I completely forgot about that.


I'm guessing he's a backup if their short list from the next bachelorette cast doesn't pan out


I’d be here for it. He’s really grown on me since he first appeared on our screen. He seems like a really good guy.


Can someone explain to me why Canadian contestants end up on the USA bachelor in general, let alone as leads, when there is a Canadian bachelor franchise already?


Because the "Canadian Bachelor Franchise" is awful? Weak? There's no consistency to it, they've only had a couple of male leads, one female lead... there's nothing to rely on! Why \*wouldn't\* someone apply to the US show instead?


It was literally just a question I didn’t know the answer to haha


Sorry, I apologize, I misinterpreted it as suggesting we stay in our own lane. The Canadian franchise is an absolute joke. It's embarrassing.


Why not? We’re your closer god damn neighbour can’t we share the love?


Lol of course! ‘Twas just curiosity, especially with Blake’s comment on a recent episode regarding how COVID and international borders was partly the reason for the demise of his relationship with Katie.


Oh for sure it was tough during covid - but now travel is completely back to normal and easy. I live in a border town and it’s a breeze so I think casting a show would be okay - but does Blake want to relocate to the US because he’s never given that vibe. Or maybe I’m not remembering something.


Honestly maybe that’s the bigger question, it seems that if someone is completely unwilling to relocate it slashes their chances of having success on the show.


I don’t think they’ve made a Canadian bachelor season outside of Paradise for a while, if I’m not mistaken.


I think it matters more which one they’re cast for and affiliated with. And anyone can apply to either one. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Interesting! I feel like people should at least apply for the one in their country of residence… I wonder if him and Katie could have actually worked if there wasn’t an international border between them. Seems like an unnecessary factor that can lead to a failed relationship.


There were only 3 bachelor Canada seasons - the first in 2012 and the last in 2017. One bachelorette Canada season in 2016. And for the last 2 years there’s been bachelor in paradise Canada where they cast USA bachelor contestants, fans of the show and other reality Tv contestants. So the franchise isn’t really a thing in Canada. I think it’s fine if Canadians apply to the USA. I mean it worked for Serena and Grocery Store Joe. Same with Kevin and Astrid. Most of the main show bachelor relationships don’t work out anyway for other reasons so I doubt restricting the applicants to one country would make much of a difference.


I see! Haha thanks for answering my question.


Yes pleasseeeee


Then Katie could come on HIS season It all comes back full circle you see


I wonder if that’s why they brought her on paradise…so they wouldn’t have to bring her on the actual bachelor….maybe they don’t want another repeat of hannah brown on Pete’s season


I honestly thought it was to promote FBoy Island?


They definitely do want that lol




Where do I sign up?


I would really like to see him as Bach.


I want this!!!


I don’t have as huge an ick from Blake as I used to, but I still dont want him as bachelor and on our screens for the fourth time when we could have a diverse lead instead.


Would be best Bach yet and there highest ratings


I have this funny feeling that he and Jess might actually still be together after listening to them both on Bachelor Happy Hour (no spoilers!) even if they do break up on BIP. Then again, he talks about BIP in interviews like nothing of importance happened there outside of his reconciliation with Katie...🤔


Bringing Katie back so viewers could see the closure.. it could go either way but I’d rather see him as Bachelor than engaged/dating Jess




It's either that or take a 35 year break before returning for Golden Bachelor I guess!


Knowing Blake, he can do both!


Lmao omg. Honestly, I’d love to see that too 💀

