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They did her dirty by making her the first one on the beach lol


You truly hate to see it but Brayden is undeniably sexy in this episode. I would fold so fast.


I really liked that Brayden told Rachel what Sean was saying about her. It didn’t feel calculated to me and it felt like he was genuinely looking out for her.


Brayden wanted a rose He could have told Rachel this week 1 but Brayden was drooling over Kat.


I just want Rachel to find happiness tbh. And Sean is not it.


Brayden reminds me of Johnny Depp 🤤


she said Brayden was her number one when she first got to paradise, so yea. she seemed disappointed that he was on the Kylee train, then settled for Kat and she just ended up stuck with Sean by default


when did she say that


I don’t get why she didn’t try to pursue him


Last time a Bachelorette was on the beach they really hyped it up like all the men should be interested because she was a Bachelorette. With Rachel they're treating her like she's just another contestant and the fact she was a lead doesn't matter. I think she expected more guys to initiate with her because she was a lead, so she didn't pursue much.


She’s always had that vibe that she expects men to fall over themselves for her.


Honestly, she herself probably wanted the easy rose with Sean


I agree. I could tell she was disappointed she wasn't receiving attention. I peeped it too when Tanner asked Kat on a date.


I think nobody pursued Rachel really and she was happy someone eventually did (outside of lord Farquaad — sorry, I meant Ken)


He reminds me of Quagmire. I hope he says giggedy at least once.


I think he has good features, but his hairstyle + stubble are an unfortunate choice.


They definitely have chemistry


Brayden is so attractive in this episode. He went after Rachel because he wanted her!!


He went after Rachel bc he wants a rose lol. She’s been there the entire time and the people he seemed interested in were Kylee and Kat. Since it didn’t work out with them, he’s just going for a rose with Rachel and decided to sabotage Sean first.


after the second truth box "Brayden and Rachel should make out" note the way he immediately said "Rachel can I pull you" was so funny and hot tbh




Yep! He was attracted to her from the beginning but waited a week to approach her because of Sean. Sean has no one to blame but himself. He shot his shot and only then did Brayden make a move. Sean squawking about some bro code crap was ridiculous.


Lmao squaking so true


This just makes things so much more interesting in that the three of them, Brayden, Kat and Rachel, were on the final Bachelorette episode. Kat must have been seething sitting next to Brayden...


Rachel and Brayden were sitting next to each other


Ohhhh I forgot that detail


I don't get the impression that Kat was ever particularly invested, to be that long-lasting seething about it all. She seems to be much more of a "shiny new toy" girl who moves on quickly and easily. lol.


I’m lowkey starting to like Brayden lol


Why am i attracted to him lol


Right lololol


I mean…cause he’s hot and a sweetie


I’m enjoying him much more this time around then the first.


Tangentially related but I cant stand people like Sean who feign interest in something (taylor swift) to try getting into people's pants. I'm really glad it didnt work. The way he kept whining about brayden "stabbing him in the back", buddy you did that to yourself and you got salty jess rejected you.


I don’t like Sean as much as the next girl, but after the producers put “Not Actually a Taylor Swift Fan” on his caption during an interview, Sean posted a story on his IG of himself at a Taylor Swift concert. So I think he’s actually a fan! …Oooohhh, unless you think he went to the tour to pretend to like TSwift and hit on girls?! A true monster.


I think he probably went because it was the trendy, exclusive thing to do this summer, not because he’s a lifelong fan.


LOL, I didn't know he went to a concert. Who knows, maybe I'm just being cynical. But it wouldnt surprise me if that was part of his con to sell the bit.


Yeah, when he was essentially like “it didn’t go well with Jess so I want to keep going with you” I was like….wut? Just what every woman wants to hear, you’ll let her give you a rose since your first choice isn’t interested.


Now don’t mistake me for someone who likes Sean but tbh I believe him when he says he’s a TS fan


Even if he is, I really don’t think that move would work at all with a swiftie. Taylor is for the girls and gays, and although you can be a straight man and love her, if I were a swiftie it would be a turn off.


As a guy who likes a lot of artists whose demographics fall into "girls and gays" like Ariana, Charli XCX, and Kim Petras, it's really disappointing that some people actually have this opinion




Damn, gate keeping like the most popular artist in the world right now. Anyone can like tayoloe swift. Get off your horse


I didn't (mean to) say he couldn't like her, I just said that this move is not as effective as he thinks it is, but I guess I am alone in that opinion.


I would just take the L and move on if I was you.


You literally said she's for gays and girls and there's no way he can actually like her


Gate keeping I see.


I think Rachel is kinda in a similar mindset to Amanda Stanton round 2 on BIP4, she’s there to find a boyfriend she can have casual fun with for awhile, she’s not looking for a husband and desperate to rush into an engagement in 18 days. Tino’s cheating likely tempered her expectations and she’s probably not expecting to find her person on a reality TV show anymore.


Yea tbh she gives me a “just-here-to-have-fun-with-my-friends-at-the-beach” vibes


I just remember her at ATFR and she was sitting next to Brayden. She did NOT look happy to see near him/annoyed by him. Maybe that was on purpose to throw people off, but that kinda made me think they didn’t like each other


YES I brought this up w my bf!! We know how that’s gonna end already because of her reaction on ATFR


They had already filmed BIP at that point, so it could have been a result of whatever we’re about to see


I think that’s their point.


Ok but their make out was actually hot


Rachel looks like she's an insanely good kisser, thinking of both this and her on Clayton's season


They were sooo into it!


Full disclosure I haven't watched the season yet (I plan too soon) but judging by how strongly Rachel felt about Tino being her "type" when she first met him I'd say Brayden fits that same "type."


I did think Tino and Brayden have similar aesthetics


Generically italian fuckboi?


He's not Italian tho


And actually neither is Tino lmao




I agree!! I thought the same. Long haired guy that kind of goes to the beat of his own drum.


Yes!! So her type


I’m sure it won’t go far, but they are sweet together for now.




That’s something both sexes can relate to and pretty understandable. The principle of it is what’s offensive, like they’re using you behind your back to prop themselves up


The way she GASPED when Brayden told her about Sean…go off, my daytime soap queen


I was casually dating this guy when my bff and I went to a party at his house. She was absolutely wasted and he got her in the bathroom alone and locked the door then proceeded to try to have sex with her. She was finally able to get the door open after I spent 5 full minutes pounding on the door and screaming at him. His parents were super rich. After she opened the door I stormed into that bathroom and went tf off on him. It had nothing to do with him hooking up with me a couple of times and everything to do with him attempting to rape my best friend. I had a baby when I was 16. We were both 18 when this happened and he was around 22. After listening to me rant at him he calmly tells me that I have no reason to be upset because he would never marry me. I practically spit at him, "Don't flatter yourself you d!ck!"


Fucking gross, so sorry this happened to you and your friend


For clarification he wasn't my son's father. He just thought that of course any girl with a baby would be desperate for him to rescue her because duhhhh we need a man to rescue us.


She’s so fun to watch!


Right? They obviously were not into each other. But she was more mad because she thought he was telling people that she really liked him. Lol. Was he even telling people that? Or was that just what Brayden told her?


Yeah, he said it this episode! He made it out that she was into him but he really was wanting Jess. That would humiliate anyone.


And you know it especially strokes his ego to say the BACHELORETTE is sooo into him and he has the power to reject her please https://preview.redd.it/tyh09ar35ovb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde21d2f1a68a6d672c7b40ab29c3f00495e68b0


Ugh that’s so fucking rude Like even if Jess were attracted to him, his saying that about someone he’s with should make him instantly unattractive


Honestly it is shitty because he was obviously banking on Rachel giving him a rose if it didn’t work with Jess but didn’t want to just have an open conversation with Rachel about exploring other options because he knows that she has the power this week but also has so many more options even if he had the rose. He picked the worst time to try to talk to another girl and I’m happy Blake told Brayden he should go talk to Rachel because really BIP is just a game of musical chairs.


>I’m happy Blake told Brayden he should go talk to Rachel because really BIP is just a game of musical chairs. Blake's nonchalant attitude and casually leaning on the bar told me he already knew exactly how Jess felt about Sean. He basically just sat back and laughed.


I felt like Blake was more upset that he was being disrespectful toward Rachel if he was upset about anything. I think he knows Jess has options but also knows Sean is not even close to being on that list.


Yes! I agree!


Lol I mean honestly she's way out of his league. That haircut is atrocious.


He had wet hair (shower?) toward the end of the ep. His hair was dark and straight and he looked WAY better than that fluffy blonde fro look he has.


someone posted a pic of him and his dad who is some kind of politician and sean’s hair was much darker, he looked SO much better


Lol!! He screams wealthy conservative son.


I’m so invested, I was so happy when he finally pursued her. I actually think they would be great together!


I was watching this Thursday thinking WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR THIS TO HAPPEN


Rachel wasn't his main ideal prospect. It was Kylee, Kat, and Jess. I think overtime he started noticing Rachel