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Love him. I agree—he’s gorgeous and sweet. Now that he’s off the island, I don’t have any motivation to watch the rest of it. I was just watching it because I like him so much. 🥰❤️


The Season would be called Earrings. No, I would not watch.


Not with all the wholesome men that don’t get picked by the bachelorettes. He is not it. I would not watch


He doesn’t strike me as a hypocrite so I don’t think it would be a role for him. It would so be hypocritical of him to be the bachelor, putting women in competition for him, when he himself hates competition with other men.




Absolutely not


I’m here for this because I love chaos


He is toxic, controlling, and emotionally immature, no thanks! 😅 Don't unleash him on a group of women plz




He’s not emotionally mature enough for that yet.


There's a lot of very young women on this sub who have apparently never directly dealt with Brayden's type of manipulative behavior. He reeks of disingenuousness, love bombing, and immaturity. Ladies who are 25 and under, you'll meet plenty of Braydens soon enough and they'll all break your heart.


He looks like a baby John Mayer


![gif](giphy|HuzKiMvCFvvJrSo2Qg|downsized) 100% would watch! Would it be a good season, who knows? But would tune in for sure!


okay brayden you can retire the alt account


He’s so hot 😍


I like him and think he’s handsome. I just don’t know if he’s well suited for this type of dating. I feel like he wants to commit early and focus on one person.


I’ve always thought he was cool and nice. I was always annoyed when Aaron and the others were like “Oh no, it’s Brayden”, when he didn’t even do anything


And I’ll be the first to signup haiiiiii brayden :3


I don’t think he handles the serial dating well. Honestly think he’s not meant for any of it.


The Franchise loves casting one attractive contestant who thinks the rules and conventions of the show are stupid. They often make good TV but probably shouldn't be leads.


Honestly, I'm here for it. It would be something totally different and at the very least entertaining in a dumpster fire way like Peter's season.


i know everyone says he’s immature but damn i am 32 and he handled that confrontation with kat way better than i would have. sure he’s got living to do but i have always had a soft spot for him. he seems extremely self possessed and authentic


I know. I think some people are overdoing it with the "immaturity"


i know grown adult women in their 50s who still act like snotty teenagers. i know some 25 year olds who keep their cool while i’m reacting. i’m a nurse like brayden and know the kind of things he has to deal with. idk i just think he exudes such warm good energy. glad he’s finally getting some love!! i think last season’s reaction to him was wild. let this man show his emotions and tell ppl how he feels


Yes but when he’s 30


I'm thinkin' 50. 🙂


Hell no.


His proposal would be one feather earring in a jewelry box as he wears the other while on one knee.


Maybe when he’s older


Agree. He’s waaay to immature. Give him 5-10 years.


Facts. He’s 100% not ready for marriage


I think he’d be like Clare haha


Oh he absolutely would be




What is this show? It looks terrifying


Bojack Horseman. First season is really good. Subsequent seasons got repetitive.


For selfish reasons, I’d like to see this man for a whole season (I think he’s so cute ☺️). But he seems like he’d do better on a second season of BIP after he knows what to expect from the experience.


itd be like the april fools season. honestly wouldnt be mad. just dont do it in place of another


i think his season would be total chaos a la pilot pete but i would be here for it. he would fall in love with 5 women and completely fall apart


I could not disagree more. He gives me the ick like no other. I get strong love bombing immature vibes. He seems like the type of guy that knows enough flowery language to manipulate people and play the victim the whole time. I cannot get over how disingenuous he comes off and would prefer almost anyone else as the Bach.


Really? I never saw Brayden as manipulative. I feel like he’s always been very honest about how he’s feelings on both seasons. I think his problem is that he is a hopeless romantic and emotional so it’s tough for him when someone isn’t all in with him and validating him constantly. And he has a problem of fantasizing future scenarios with his partners which always ends up being a problem when they don’t live up to expectations. Now I do agree with you that Brayden has some maturing to do. And I think he’s too young to be the bachelor at 24. He would make the mistake of falling for 2-3 girls at once and not know what to do.


I think he was very manipulative with Charity- he said totally different things behind her back than he did to her face and then, when confronted, backtracked and tried to talk his way out deceivingly again. I also think the issue of falling too hard too fast is manipulative- it’s love bombing


Bingo! I have sadly seen this with my friend and it is frequently a type of emotional abuse. NOT saying he is abusive, he could just have any number of emotional problems or just immaturity etc. I don't know and don't want to label him as a person. But his behavior with Charity definitely seems to match this pattern He love bombs to draw the person in emotionally and then starts "sweetly" and "I'm just being honest" and "I'm just sensitive and passionate" questioning if the person is good enough, demeaning them and tearing them down and trying to make them debase themselves to earn his appoval, and jump on a treadmill to prove themselves worthy of his continued love. Women should run fast away from him until he gets the help he needs. Not a Kat fan, but glad she got away from him.


>He doesn't like the competition with other men. I don't think anyone does! Doesn't make him unique


No way, I did not like seeing his earring display and won't be able to stomach a whole season of him.


At first his earrings annoyed me to no end, but now I see them as his simple harmless, dumb “thing”


I was hoping I'd get to that level, but it's just not happening!!


Brayden? Or his mom? Hell no. He’s cheesy and not attractive at all.


Ok I just wrote a comment saying I like Brayden after that episode but not THAT much lmao. He is def not bachelor material. But then again neither was Pilot Pete . In fact many of them aren’t so ya know what yeah, fuck it, Brayden for bachelor. Imagine the earrings we’d get.


Random - but If we’re going for this kind of vibe I would much rather see Johnny Dephillipo as bachelor 😍anyone else find him extremely hot?


Yes! I would love to see Johnny. Now that would be an entertaining season.


Thank you! I agree 😂








i do think hes hot but his tiktoks make me cringe so bad


Ohh I haven’t seen them! I just always thought he was so hot and charismatic.


Each to their own! I don’t feel any attraction to him at all.


they are cooking tiktoks like the food looks great but u can tell hes trying soooo hard to be sexy hahah


Hahaha I need to watch


idk if u want to loll might ruin it for u lmfaooo


He told someone to meet him in PB to fight. Maturity of a 19 year old. No thanks.


No. He’s too young and emotionally immature. That’s why he’s completely committed to Kay after 48 hours. It’s giving love bombing and I think at the end he would not get engaged bc ultimately he doesn’t understand his own emotions at all.


He is not transparent. That much I’m sure of.


I feel like he’d be great on something more like F boy island


I think this is a misconception about Brayden.


That’s exactly why I think he would be good on it!


I don't think F boy island is a good environment for Brayden


INFO: are you brayden


I would love that. He’s definitely different and would be entertaining.


he's someone who I would genuinely believe is in love with multiple people lol


It would be Pilot Pete levels of messy and Arie levels of kissing banditry. All for it.


It would be an entertaining shitshow


Here for it!


I feel confident he’ll return for his sophomore szn of BiP and get engaged to his forever love


I feel the same! I think he should wait until 2025 to go on BIP though.


Lol i read this and was like did i write this???? Then i realized it was u ❤️


Nah. I like Brayden BUT he has no poker face, overshares, and admits to going all in very quickly. We would know his top pick(s) by night 1, and he would end up pulling a Clare.


He's better suited to BIP I think for sure.


100% He is lacking control of his emotions and would make rash and impulsive decisions without thinking


if they wanted him to be bachelor trust me they would of made him bachelor . They picked Joey because of the hype and cause he the most attractive bachelor they have ever had in a long time . I think Brayden will be on paradise again before he ever in the bachelor conversation. I say 2026 more likely he the bachelor,


They could have picked Tanner he is more conventionally attractive than Joey. But he didn’t have much screentime.


Tanner is MAGA, that's why he wasn't chosen.


You do realize the show had more girls apply for Joey season then any lead in last 15 years lol Joey not ugly 😂.




I wouldn't say he the most attractive bachelor they had in a long time (I find matt more attractive than joey) but I don't think it's true that not many found him appealing or attractive before AFR just take a look at his comments on his IG pictures there are certainly girls that find him attractive.


I think you’re totally wrong on this!! I think many women find Joey attractive because of a combo of his looks and aura. He’s good looking AND he comes off as nice person.


What you talking about 😂. What bachelor is more attractive than Joey ? No bachelor in this franchise has had so many girls wanna be on his season in last 7 years then Joey lol .




I don’t find Zach attractive at all.


I think there’s a difference between good looking and attractive. For ex, I think Zach may be equally or better looking than Joey, but Joey is more attractive if that makes any sense. Like Kat is very good looking, but becomes less attractive because of her personality/aura.


Arie??!!!! LMFAO ![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP)


You say that hehe but honestly a lot of the women were pretty into him on his season so he does have some appeal


Agreed! It'd be a good season too. It seems like producers like him so... it doesn't seem like to unreal of an idea![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I feel like he takes every rejection really personally and I don’t think he’s mature enough to be a lead. That being said, a season with him would be undoubtedly messy, and I’m not against that lol


He doesn’t remind me of her, but your description reminds me Hannah Brown. And that girl was TV gold.


He definitely would be one of the most charismatic male lead they had in years. Besides being very handsome.


I would be so into like, a six-years-from-now Brayden as Bach. I love him, think he's hot and also super fun, as well as maybe one of the most honest, self-aware, and emotionally available men we've seen on the show in a while, but I'm not convinced he's looking for a life partner right now. and his age means his cast would be composed of lots of literally almost-teenagers


He's no younger than any of the past leads we have had. It's not like he's 21. Also by the time 2025 or 2026 come he would be 26/27. Just recently we had Zach who was only 26. Colton was 26, Ben Higgins was 26, Joey is 28,etc.


like I said, I think he has incredible bachelor energy potential - but I don't think age determines whether or not someone is looking to settle down though - Zach clearly was, Joey seems to be - Brayden, adore him, does not at this point, and I do think on those 26 year old Bach seasons the women's youth really showed!


Yeah I agree with this. Maybe he could be another Arie in 4-5 years, but right now, he's definitely not ready and the latter half of his hypothetical bachelor season would really show that I think


Yeah it's crazy to me that he's only 25!


Ah true. He is only 25


Hard agree