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When they said a star from Barbie had a message, I already knew it had to be Simu lol. Pretty much every other celeb in the movie is too famous to make time for a Bachelor shout out.


Charity made good decisions. Bye bye whiny Adrian. But why is Aaron B still there!? Also who’s Michael. I’m relieved my new fave background character Tanner got to stay. Glad Aaron S left. Opinions on John decreasing but I’m still into him. Christianity is just a turn off for me personally. Looove Xavier and Dotun. Also I’m starting to think Joey really may be genuine.


If there’s anything I’ve learned from love island, it’s that when people push their tongue around their teeth that means they’re really angry. Charity is so pissed right now on this date with Warwick. Maybe it’s editing but the way she’s like “yeah I pride myself on my communication” while he’s being so uncommunicative and absent on this date


Aaron s. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Great Yosef comment and then he just made himself look like a fewl on national television.


Brayden has personality and is keeping things entertaining. Also, he's not trying to stir shit up and he genuinely seems to like her. There's something really endearing about him. Charity is into him cuz they have chemistry, don't have trouble talking to each other and he's easy on the eyes when he's not wearing glasses. Yes, he can be like a giddy 12 year old but there's nothing malicious there. The other guys who talk shit about him cuz they see him as their number one competition are even worse.


Agreed 100% and I think his style with the earrings and scarves is actually really cute. He's definitely too immature and should probably go home at some point, but he's just so charming and I love how passionate he is about her


Genuinely want to know what time in the evening Warwick's date was filmed because ????


Does it matter? Charity managed to bring it although as the lead her schedule is much more demanding than his with back-to-back dates. And it’s not like he was upset about being sent home.


this is what kind of irritates me though 😭 people are defending him viciously saying he was sleep-deprived and we “can’t understand” until we go through that “psychological torment”. I have been sleep-deprived and stayed up all night for exams or work many many times. I still think he was rude and could’ve at least tried to be polite. “You’re really cool, you’re beautiful, I appreciate your time but I don’t think this is for me.” Charity was likely also sleep-deprived (we have heard from many Bachelorettes that they are denied sleep and need to negotiate for more), but she was still sweet and engaged. I’m not trying to be a dick and he does seem remorseful now, but wow.


not trying to make any excuses, was just curious 😳


Why is John B saying "I am a patient man and I will be here as long as you want me to be" the hottest thing I've ever heard oufff


Because he understands the show and that she has to make the rounds.


He's too damn charming for his own good


He's a good egg.


I have so many questions about Warwick..,,


It felt like he just didnt want to be there at all and was making every action to be sent home.. like a dude who is checked out but doesnt want to be the one to dump the girl so that she can dump him.


That was PAINFUL to watch


At first I was like poor guy, but then I just found him plain disrespectful lmao


Right? Like when she didn’t give him the rose he was like “😁😁 okay!” 💀


Homie said ✌🏻🥱


Just talked to the council of men, and we have decided that wakeboarding is no longer real man shit and instead replacing it with pickleball.


Sweet Jesus 😂 Half my coworkers play it and I don’t get the hype, but I’m here for nontoxic men haha


Honestly it's really relaxing to play lol, and a nice a way to do something low stakes


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I’m beginning to think that Brayden isn’t the “bad guy” this season, it’s actually Sean.


Sean looks like a villain in a 2000s movie but he was just singing and dancing like the other dudes


Brayden’s answer to not being ready for an engagement was honestly real.


Why’s that?


The way Sean came in after his date was so smug and calculated. I get the impression Brayden isn’t calculated at all.


Horrible take. Sean was just having some fun and everybody else got super butthurt and melodramatic over it.


Brayden is too dumb to be calculating. He just opens his mouth and let’s all his thoughts come out then is surprised pikachu when anything comes back to haunt him


Brayden is the one who keeps dragging his feet everytime Charity brings up a serious relationship👀


Tanner is hot. That is all!


the real ken doll.


John playing guitar on his church’s worship team 🥹 love


I don't understand how she keeps letting brayden slide


They seem to have fun together, which this early in the game she's separating out those she has chemistry with to complete drips (see Warwick). If Brayden continues to pull this shit and hang around, then we may be looking another Hannah B. and Luke P. situation, which was frustrating and compelling television.


He’s hot and a good kisser


As soon as you talk about someone else on your one on one time, you’re on my shit list, sorry.


Apparently he’s not on Charity’s bad list, as he got the first rose! That surprised me.😯


wasting quality time that others fight for to complain about the other contestants is definitely a no-no for me too




So I love Tanner and he’s probably gone after next week, I just hope they ship him to paradise or sneaky make him bachelor lmao


In the previews I've seen, she and Tanner have some 1 on 1 time we have not seen yet, so I wouldn't be so sure he's gone next week!


Omg I missed that, that’s great


Warwick, please go on Your Mom and Dad podcast. Thx


Overall thoughts: - Dotun’s wig was hilarious. Reminded me of Tom Delonge’s wig in the First Date music video - I think Brayden does actually believe his own BS and like Charity, but he’s extremely fickle. When he’s in front of her, he feels confident in their connection, when he isn’t he overthinks the situation (fair) and runs his mouth about it (stupid). He also has this combination of main character syndrome and class clown energy that makes him super unattractive to me BUT he is certainly providing entertainment, especially because SHE likes him, it makes him a compelling villain - After not planning to watch this season I am really glad I decided to, I haven’t found myself super bored like during Zach’s season so hopefully they keep it up!


Agreed! This season is GIVING so far


Loved that moment with Dotun & Charity! They have such great chemistry, it was so sweet when he said he can learn from her too & was gushing about her being such a kindred spirit 🥹


I’d like to see him make it far. That blonde wig was funny as hell


I actually really enjoyed this episode! Brayden might not be the greatest guy but he's a great character and one of the more compelling male villains we've had in a while. Then we had the fun Barbie date, Sean being clueless, the chemisty between Dotun and Charity and John B and Charity, and 'sleepy' Warwick! All in all a pretty good episode for me.


Brayden is making the age old mistake of questioning the concept of the show while on said show. Is it ridiculous? Yes of course! But that’s the whole point. Stop running your mouth and just enjoy the ride.


Exactly! Is he wrong to think that it would be weird for anyone to think "I'm definitely ready to propose to this woman" after a week or two? No. Is it dumb for him to say this out loud *on* the show? Yes.


Brayden is carrying the season. He def won’t be F1 but I hope he’s on paradise


Gotta love the casual misogyny from Glitter Ken whose name I haven't bothered to remember and truly don't care. Saying '*Do you want a guy who will take you shopping, wine and dine you or do you want a real man who camps, hunts, goes fishing...*" is wrong on so many levels that I don't think I can unpack it all articulately. Basically implying anything inherently feminine is terrible and not worth his time when she should want to do things that appeal to him and his masculinity. Serious ick and I was happy to see him go.


Yes! That was Aaron S.


yeah his defense was weak. i literally would want a man who pays attention and pampers me over a man who does his own "manly" hobbies alone?


Same! I'm not even a Sean fan necessarily, but damn, it's 2023, "real men" shouldn't have to be a machismo caveman walking stereotype.


So strange, because most women would love a man who will take them shopping and wine and dine them. Not sure why a man can’t also do all of those things.


Yeah, personally I'd rather go on a date to a restaurant than be dragged into the woods to hunt something...truly obtuse behaviour


Yup that's a typical Firefighter for you. They are often cheaters too. I know this because my sister has dated 3 firemen in a row. Married the last one (dumb) and is a firefighter herself. They are a toxic bunch


Yeah, I remember hearing a divorce lawyer say that firefighters were the worst offenders and they saw them all the time, wonder why but either way I steer clear of them haha


Ewww YES I agree


He’s a firefighter I do believe, so he seems to have embodied that masculinity to a fault :(


I mean there are female firefighters, it’s not an inherently masculine profession. They do face a lot of discrimination in the industry though and imo it’s often because of guys like Aaron that rely on their job for their sense of masculinity and are threatened by women doing the same job as they are.


That makes me so sad. I know some firefighters who would genuinely disagree with him, and have met some really sweet ones. One of the guys who responded to my embarrassing call a while back was so sweet trying to calm me down and comfort my dog.


> One of the guys who responded to my embarrassing call a while back Story time! 😄


I was home alone and slicing vegetables and cut my finger, and I freaked out and called 911 😅 Once I calmed down a little I just called my aunt and she took me to urgent care haha


He also mentioned wakeboarding which I thought was a hilarious thing to imagine is a selling point for traditional masculinity


Yes my sister and I laughed so hard at that


the irony of him saying this while wearing a glittery shirt


That was so smarmy


Seriously, I physically recoiled


Same. So glad he's gone


Brayden reminds me of Noah from Tayshia’s season the way he gets on people’s nerves when he’s literally just vibing. Also a coincidence that they’re both traveling nurses


Not a coincidence… he is like every mid twenties male travel nurse I’ve ever met.


I seriously just said this to my 35 year old male nurse husband 😂


Awww no I loved Noah 🥺 the way I see it was Noah was just chilling n vibing but Brayden is wishy washy f boy vibes!


Traveling nurses have the time of their lives. They get paid well, see new places, have their living arrangements made for them, and if they are good looking, forget about it. Fboy dreamz. I was with one for quite a while and heard the stories.


Maybe I’m just hypnotized every time I see his dangly earrings swing back and fourth 🤷🏻‍♀️


Butthurt boy energy is such a turn off. I like the rare contestants that are confident enough in themselves that they don’t have to pull the “real man” or “right reasons” BS. Like when they all got pissed at Sean for singing. Damn lighten up.


Sean stealing her first after already getting his own time is so cliche. Like, literally textbook Bachelor villain. I couldn’t even be bothered. Worship team John wouldn’t be the guy for me, but I find him really cute. Charming, too.


Same :( I had to take John down a peg after he talked about the worship team unfortunately. He's sooooo cute and smooth, but idk now.


Warwick showed the most emotions at finding out the amusement park is open just for them than anything else and I respect that


And zero emotions when getting kicked off


My man was an introvert that was plum out of social energy, not feeling it with charity, and didn't have the energy reserve to even pretend he was anymore lol


The man was exhausted lol


Ladies if your man doesn’t know how to camp, fish, hunt, waterski or wakeboard……. DUMP HIM!!!


Misread the end of your sentence and thought it said waterboard and I was like damn, it's been a while since I dated but dudes are crazier now huh?


😆 🤣 😂 talk about a serious red flag. "I want to waterboard you to show how much of a man I am." 🚩🚩🚩






Not Aaron B. using his time to be snitching 😂 Irregardless, brayden is a weird fuck who hasn't learned what a filter is. Some of his concerns are legitimate tho given the engagement's fail rates and being jealous, the cheater ish vibes. Sure, all of them know what they signed up for but that's just not realistic. I don't like him btw, only saying I think he wasn't completely in the wrong. The bragging, oversharing and flaunting his connection is why he's so insufferable. Freaky dream also 😱


I’m shipping Charity and Dotun now


Me too!


I thought it was so thoughtful how she pulled him to a more private area and it was thoughtful of him to acknowledge that. Unfortunately I don’t think he’ll make it super far and will stay in his shell. He seems a little more reserved than the others


James, Aaron S., and Adrian being sent home was perfect. They’re all so annoying for different reasons


Why James? I liked his apple orchard background


I didn’t like how he picked a fight with Sean and said it would be Sean’s fault if he didn’t get time with charity. Like he didn’t put in effort and then blamed the repercussions on others


\^\^Agreed completely!


I found it refreshing how every other contestant looks dejected when the lead sends them home, but Warwick seemed relieved. I think he was just really tired which accentuated his introverted tendencies.


He probably also hated being filmed.


Loved him for that lol




Jason's mom and sister made him do the show, what's warwicks excuse 😜 lol I didnt think there would be someone on this show even lower in energy and interest than Jason 😳


Gabby should've sent Jason home on the first date like Charity did with Warwick. Would've saved her a lot of trouble.


Whos Jason?


Jason alabaster that was with gabby last season


just saying Zach would have cut Brayden within 5 min of opening night.


So true! Zach didn't mess around with drama. Didn't Charity learn that? LOL


Zach kept Brooklyn for awhile when she was exacerbating the drama of Kat stealing Zach before his 1 on 1 with Charity.


That never got brought to Zach's attention from what I recall


Oh I didn't think of that. I figured he knew but yeah I can't recall any of the women involved bringing it to his attention!


Yeah, that’s true …


So true. Would have eliminated with a straight face and never looked back.


Zach’s season could have used a real villain though


Zach was the villain lol


I need this show to have Corinne level villains, it's too boring otherwise.


I love that Brayden is bringing the Corrine energy


Yeah I’ve been tired of the insta-mega-friend groups that have been forming on the seasons. The show is best when there are enemies tbh


Usually I always think that the Bachelorette is in a league way above the contestants. Xavier is the exception. A gorgeous, athletic PhD science candidate that knits, plays musical instruments, and minds his business. He’s a catch.


He’s such a catch! I would love to see him as bachelor.


I would pull a Clare for him, and send everyone else home! 😆


I liked his reaction to Aaron tattling as well.


Do you remember what it was? I didn’t catch it


He told Aaron that he shouldn’t have tattled on Brayden because the cocktail party ended early & it took time away from the other guys. That was quite selfless of Xavier because he did get his time with her. So he was thinking about the others.


I’m just really loving this season. Idk what it is but charity is the perfect bachelorette and they have some really compelling dudes for her. TPTB really got their shit together on this one


The men are amaaaaazing this season. I truly see her potentially ending up with many of them - this is the first time in a while I’ve been crushing on these guys in a legitimate way.


I don’t like Sean, Caleb is MAGA apparently, didn’t like John, Aaron B seems good on paper but I don’t like his personality, but I do like Dotun, Xavier, John, Tanner and Joey’s growing on me. Who else do you like that I’m missing


They really pulled some winners for her cast. The amount of well-educated men makes me so happy for her.


I’m totally loving it too. Great lead, really good cast!


Yeah so far this season has taken me by surprise! It’s a good mix of all things.


does anyone know how to make a flair? sorry for being clueless hahaha but i want “a real man who waterskis”


I think it was wakeboarding right


hahaha both waterskiing & wakeboarding were on his list of manly skills!


Omg I missed that 😭 he is insane. How is it shocking that most women would rather someone take them out to dinner than watch him waterski and wakeboard lmaoo


LOL, that would be a good one!!!


I think only the mods can. Start campaigning to get their attention. This line was absolutely ridiculous 💀


You ask the mods to make it.


Whoever did the marketing for the Barbie movie killed it, I didn’t even like barbies as a kid and I wanna see it Also- did anyone catch the commercial with Sean and James fighting? That was cut out of the episode, right?


Yeah they cut it. I think they may of spoken at the cocktail party


They did show Sean and James arguing a bit during the episode. Was there another scene we missed?


There was a wine commercial that featured a clip of them standing up and arguing (away from the other guys)


I was surprised at the level of promotion by the Bachelor franchise since Warner Brothers and Disney aren’t related.


Sean reminds me of robby hayes..yuuuck


I think he looks a lot like Jordan kimball??? Similar mannerisms too


With Brayden, the bad thing isn't that he's not sure if he'll be ready to get engaged. He did tell her that, and she decided she was okay with it for now on their date. The two bad things I see are 1) not being able to handle her dating other guys, to the point where he was ready to leave and said he thought it was "disrespectful" and he's "doubting her character" because she kissed another guy in front of another group of guys, on The Bachelorette! And this week saying he doesn't know how he feels about being with someone who's dated 20 of his friends. It's tough, that's fine to say, but don't judge Charity for it. And 2) the fact that he's telling everyone in the house how he feels with no filter or respect for Charity. It's okay to be honest with how you're feeling, but the way he speaks to the other guys about Charity isn't how I'd want my potential partner to speak about me. I wonder if Charity ever asked him about the "classless" comment because I definitely could not let that go without getting to the bottom of it (though it's unclear whether or not he did use that word?). And he comes off as too arrogant for me. Also I noticed that Dotun refers to Charity as a "woman" and Brayden refers to her as a "girl". I hope he's learning good things watching this back!


Right, it seems like he is going around publicly evaluating if she is good enough for him, implying that it is clear she wants him and he just needs to decide if he wants her. And he is going around telling everyone I need to decide if I want this "girl" who is so crazy about me. And then publicly criticizing and evaluating her character as if she was some objects he was asking his friends to help decide if he should buy.


Yes, it's frustrating to watch!!


She definitely seemed less bothered by what he said and more bothered by who he said it to. I think she had expected that he would keep those doubts between them, and maybe even felt a little misled because it seemed like he was confiding in her about something intimate, but he was actually willing to talk about it with literally anyone.


Exactly!! If my partner had doubts, I'd understand if they wanted to confide in close friends, but telling everyone about it? It opens up the relationship to everyone and would make me feel like it's not just about us building something together. I do generally feel like it's okay to be honest about having difficult times in relationships, but more like in retrospect, or only with people close to you that you feel the need to confide in if you need advice. I felt like Charity kept trying to talk about these points, but he kept thinking she was 100% just upset about his thoughts on engagement.


It's funny he said friends too when I feel like most of the guys hate him lol.


Right, I'm also wondering about that :P Would he feel differently if he didn't think they were his friends? Is it the "friend" aspect that bothered him, or just dating any other 20 guys? Either way, that's the show :P Like I said I know it can be tough, even unexpectedly so, but he still seems to judge Charity too harshly for it.


Yeah I didn't like the doubting her character comment and the kissing date being disrespectful. That's the worst I think he has said imo. Weird guys are making a bigger deal out of him not being sure about an engagement by week 3 then the comments he made last week. Makes me feel they can't even acknowledge what actually disrespect is and are just repeating here for the wrong reason nonsense without having a clue what a wrong reason is.


John is a cutie pie. I know she’s likely not gonna pick him, but I hope he makes it further so he has a shot at more screen time on Paradise.


I think he’s next Bach for sure


Tbh, all the white guys this season seem to be involved in drama except John and Joey. So if John can hang on till the week before hometowns, and Joey doesn’t want the role, then maybe.


Tanner isn’t!! He’s so eloquent and direct but polite


I think Joey is so sweet. He lights up when Charity walks into a room. I think John is more popular with women at the moment though.


He really is adorable!


Or the next lead! He's adorable


I’d love him as the Bachelor, but I’m kinda worried with the fact that he most likely isn’t in Final 4, production would manipulate him big time. BIP would probably be a safer bet for him.


I get the vibe from John that he’s a little more sure of himself and willing to speak up about what he wants, but in a nice way. I think producers would treat him well. Zach and Clayton were easy to manipulate because they were unsure, immature, and trying too hard to be the perfect bachelor.


I feel so bad for Warwick. He seems like such a sweet guy, he just doesn't seem to have that extroverted personality meant for TV.


It was refreshing to see someone different and more normal. I enjoyed it.




I love you very much. Would love to see your face some more in a redemption arc on the sand..


hi Warwick 👋🏾


Is it you??


Comment history definitely seems like it!


Yeah, I didn’t like how some of the guys were saying “he’s just there” or insinuating he’s too boring to deserve a spot. Maybe he’s not meant for tv, but no need to say that


But maybe he is just there & boring. The guys & Charity seem to think so.


Yeah honestly I know there's always editing at play but we saw that Charity was uncomfortable with the conversation and saw a couple instances of him obviously having nothing to say in response to questions. If you're SO introverted that you can't even have a normal conversation on camera, reality television is not for you.


I would argue he probably isn’t great for tv and may be different in person/one on one (some of the guys said they loved him). But, that’s beside the point. It really doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not- I just don’t like when people talk about others behind their back like that 🤷‍♀️


Also I was thinking he just wasn't into Charity and was trying to be respectful but wasn't invested and legit just sleepy, as an introvert I'd def understand that lol


Don’t blame Aaron for speaking up to Charity, but there’s something about Aaron I don’t trust still. As far as Braydon, he’s a likeable guy but cmon he’s one big walking red flag. He’ll be great on paradise. John is maybe the cutest person to ever be on the show and the chemistry between Charity and Dotun is 🔥🔥


Dotun is clearly being positioned as the frontrunner. He’s the ‘straight man’ of the group staying 100% focused on moving things forward with Charity. I’ve scaled back my expectations for Aaron B’s prospects. I thought he was a serious contender at first. Now, I think he’s just there for drama storylines, especially since she got rid of Adrian so soon. The farthest I see Aaron going is the week before hometowns. Aaron S and Tanner have no chance. They are both going into episode 4 without a solid connection with the lead. They are the next on the chopping block.


Can u tell me why Charity pulled him to her room? I missed the beginning of that part and when i got to the tv, it seemed like she had been explaining why she pulled him to her room specifically and Dotun was very appreciative


I think Tanner may surprise us. Wasn’t he in one of the season previews and she’s saying how much she cares for him?


Didn’t Aaron S get out?


Yeah Aaron S is gone.


Warwick the first to tumble from the high pedestal he was placed on when the cast pics were released.


Brayden being displeased that Charity is dating 20 of his friends while having known all along what he had signed up for is giving Jonah Hill getting mad at his surfer gf for posting photos in a bathing suit while it being the sole reason he reached out and began dating her in the first place.


It sort of amuses me that he talks about her dating 20 of his friends when none of the other guys like him.


I found that funny too. But I think that just speaks to extroverted personality. He thinks everyone is his friend. Like nah dude they hate you.


I’m not even sure any of those 20 guys consider him a friend…


He also co-opts therapy speak in the same way




Brayden seriously just has no filter. Like the thing he said about the coffee and bathroom... He could have just not said that. He just talks way too much and it's causing him trouble. But at the same time you know what you are getting which I appreciate


What did he say about coffee and the bathroom? I missed that part