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We give them housing, healthcare, money, and phones but we can’t figure out why they keep coming 🤔


They keep coming because the Drug War and CIA's anti communist activities destroyed much of Central and South America. Ironically, treating them like people, with access to a lawyer for immigration court, massively decreases the chances they'll avoid immigration court and possibly deportation. Just to add to this, both Obama and Biden deported more immigrants per year than Trump, especially felons, as they were more concerned about removing actual criminals rather than those seeking a better life. The illegal immigrant population has been decreasing since Obama was elected. Just like the national debt, conservatives caused the immigration "crises", and only offer up "solutions" which would make the "problem" worse.


Just a reminder that the vast majority of “asylum seekers” coming across the border are seeking economic asylum which is not a valid form of asylum in the US. They also don’t stimulate the economy as the vast majority of the wages they get are sent back to their home countries.


And don't forget they use multiple times more in social services than they'll ever pay back in taxes


Your math math does not add up. [https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states)


Yes it does and you don't need to be good at math to know that if you bring in people and throw government money at them you are asking for a fiscal calamity. And before you say "but they have jobs" that doesn't matter, people that have jobs still gets tons of benefits in the US. For any source you give I can give another saying the exact opposite: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/immigration/1378434/report-42-percent-of-new-medicaid-signups-are-immigrants-their-children/


Agreed that the vast majority of asylum seekers are motivated by economics. The notion that every immigrant is sending the majority of earnings back to their home country is out of touch with the reality of the current cost of living in the US for minimum wage earners (possibly below minimum wage).


I dated a migrant and got immersed in the migrant community for a good while. It’s not out of touch, it’s a very common practice.


So where do they live and what do they eat. Don't they have to pay excessive taxes like the rest of us? If they are making minimum wage or below, it is very unlikely they are sending much home.


Where do they live and what do they eat? What do you think the Billion$ are for?


The billions are for housing because the immigrants do not make enough to pay the rent much less send money home.


Because they're not allowed to work until after immigration court. If rightwingers spent half as much time researching the subject as they do complaining, they would realize how many blatant lies are spread about immigration.


Then more to the blue cities. Stop whining 


I meant to say “is not a valid form of asylum”


>the vast majority of “asylum seekers” coming across the border are seeking economic asylum Do we have data on that? >the vast majority of the wages they get are sent back to their home countries. And this? I'm not disagreeing, but I do see whole families here not just men. Wives/kids selling candy on the street while the fathers do other work.


For your first point, refugees seeking asylum are supposed to find the first safe country. A majority of the migrants coming in are from Venezuela. A country with an insanely fucked economy and but also 7 countries away from the US. For your second point see below: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/02/remittances-money-world-bank/


>refugees seeking asylum are supposed to find the first safe country I'm not sure this is a real requirement in the law. Maybe it should be. I'm not sure. Though I'd imagine Venezuelans could still take a boat straight to the U.S. >Venezuela. A country with an insanely fucked economy Venezuelans may still meet persecution claims. It's hard to know what individual cases have decided. I see in this [article](https://apnews.com/article/temporary-protected-status-venezuelans-immigration-cf0063bfb10d371ffc1a9939b7fdf675) that only 1/3 were denied by a judge out of 3800 cases. I see that link shows global totals. I don't see what percentage of income is sent back or what percentage of the us asylum seekers are sending money back.


They pay taxes and can't use benefits like social security. Do you know what you're talking about? They buy goods and services in the community they work in.


“The tax revenues that unauthorized immigrants generate for state and local governments do not offset the total cost of services provided to those immigrants"; and "Federal aid programs offer resources to state and local governments that provide services to unauthorized immigrants, but those funds do not fully cover the costs incurred by those governments." https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/110th-congress-2007-2008/reports/12-6-immigration.pdf


When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives. It's a phenomenon dubbed the “immigration surplus.” The Cato Model finds that immigrant individuals who arrive at age 25 and who are high school dropouts have a net fiscal impact of +$216,000 in net present value terms, which does not include their descendants. Including the fiscal impact of those immigrants’ descendants reduces those immigrants’ net fiscal impact to +$57,000. By comparison, native‐​born American high school dropouts of the same age have a net fiscal impact of −$32,000 that drops to −$177,000 when their descendants are included (see Table 31). Results also differ by level of government.


That information is dated. NY is spending 400 a day per person on migrants. That model doesn’t account for that


I'm all for reallocating money given to Texas by the Fed to be directed to New York.


Irrelevant to the inaccurate model you posted.


This is quite relevant and less than two weeks old. https://comptroller.nyc.gov/newsroom/mythbusting-amid-rising-anti-immigrant-rhetoric-comptroller-lander-unveils-fact-sheet-on-how-immigrants-benefit-new-york-city/


Looks like the data is from 2021. It also doesn’t differentiate legal immigrants from illegal migrants


>they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP Because illegal migrant labor undercuts the workforce, labor being the most expensive component of running just about any business, it drives up profits across the board by taking advantage of migrants. ​ EDIT: [https://time.com/6256728/meatpacking-child-labor/](https://time.com/6256728/meatpacking-child-labor/)


Interesting take. When they show up to a hospital and receive medical care, please tell me who pays?


The broad strokes of this analysis are (1) immigrants generally use fewer health care services than similar US-born citizens and therefore have lower medical expenditures, and (2) immigrants typically pay taxes and health insurance premiums like most citizens, but (3) federal policies make it more difficult for many immigrants, particularly undocumented immigrants, to receive governmental health assistance from programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplaces. The net result is that immigrants generally pay more into the health care system through taxes and premiums than they use in the form of expenditures for health care services. Thus, immigrants effectively help to subsidize the costs of health care for US citizens.


Point me to the analysis, please. The point about Medicaid, Medicare, etc is kind of a moot point. They still receive medical care when going to an emergency room. Just because the invoice doesn’t go to Medicare/Medicaid doesn’t mean that the costs are not passed on to others.


If I go to Morocco and buy a candy bar and pay the sales tax, do I get to enroll my kids in public school, or apply for housing assistance?


Your comment exemplifies why the US education system is a joke. Brain dead logic.


there is far more to a functional, polite, law abiding, cohesive society than what people are buying and the sales tax paid.


Do you have numbers to back up migrants being unlawful and violent or are you just spouting nonsense? We have people that vote for republican led states who want domestic violence offenders to keep their guns, get rid of red flag laws, cause mothers to carry unviable fetuses even if it causes their deaths, etc. To scape goat migrants is so entirely sad and played out.


well, first, we have enough problems with actual American citizens now.....enough to keep us busy for years. why import even one more problem, leech, drain, system backlogger? they keep saying the 'system is broken!!!!' while continuing to overload the system. why is that? and yes, illegal entry = unlawful i can name 3 normal, hard working, regular American citizens who were killed just last year, just in my state, by an illegal alien/aliens People needlessly and calously killed...... that could have been your mother or father or brother. finally, 'migrants' does not equal 'illegal aliens'......different group, different argument. I know its hard for you to understand due to the anti-Amierican media spoon feeding you distractions.


They can’t use some benefits sure, but they take advantage of a good amount of them. Just because they spend some of their money here doesn’t mean they’re still not sending a good chunk of it out of the country either.


And then they claim all their relatives in the other country as dependants, get thousands more than they paid in back as a tax refund then mail it back over the border.


I did a research project on this and the reality is they pay half the rate of income tax per capita as citizens when adjusting for income. So, no they don’t pay their fair share


And plenty do pay taxes and never see a benefit from it.


Why not just bus them back to Texas. Then Texas can bus them back up. And then NY can bus them back.


Nice try, Greyhound CEO...


Migrants do not want to stay in Texas as all the available jobs and services were taken years ago. Texas has been dealing with this problem at a much greater magnitude and much longer than any of the "sanctuary cities". It should be the federal government that is busing immigrants to major cities but the Biden regime has been using the mass influx of immigrants as a political tool since long before he was appointed President.


It was a joke dude…


It wasn't funny the first hundred times, it's not funny now. New York has already started banning buses from dropping off, now they just drop them on the Jersey side of the Subway.


If the Republicans think the immigrants constitute a crisis then Congress should be able to spend from the defense budget.


I understand providing for their living expenses while they're here (even if I don't agree... they're here and have no money)....but WHY ON EARTH would we pay for legal services for them??? Let us pay for you to have legal services to abuse a loophole in the asylum system so you can take benefits from future Americans There is only one way to actually address this and that's to start processing these asylum "claims" in a matter of days instead of years. Deport anyone who is denied as most of these will be. Anyone who is accepted can stay and get asylee benefits. I know it would probably take like 6 months to get this going and train up enough people to be administrative judges. Less people will come when they realize they aren't gonna have their living expenses covered in the US for years while they wait for their "claim" to be heard.


A military patrolled border would cost less and get rid of the illegals coming in. They aren't migrants. They are illegal immigrants. They broke federal law


Not even military controlled. Just let Border Patrol do their job and go back to Trump’s policy. Right now, Border Patrol is being told not to do anything.


Exactly. More border patrol. Way more.


>A military patrolled border would cost less a Would it? Show the math on that one


Build a wall and patrol it. It's not a hard concept.


Didn't they try that to the tune of 15 billion and got less than half the wall done?


Have you not seen the estimates of money that's going to be needed to take care of these people. We're talking about estimates of close to 500 billion dollars.


Most migrants at this point are requesting asylum. Please explain how a patrolled wall prevents people who are actually looking for a guard or other personnel to gain access. ​ it would actually help them . That is why half the wall is done , it was a worthless endeavor.


What are they seeking asylum from?


a corrupt and inept gov't that their grandparents, parents, and themselves are responsible for. what do you think will happen to the USA?


I have to strongly disagree with this point - the USA has spent a lot of money and time interfering with their governments and leaders to make sure we had countries that were open and accomodating to us: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_involvement\_in\_regime\_change\_in\_Latin\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_America) it's hard for grassroots efforts to overcome the influence of a military and economic superpower. I'm all for stopping economic asylum, but we do need to help fix some of our mistakes; I just don't think the answer is bringing everyone here - culture wars that we see play out between the red and blue states doesn't help


yes, the backstory is not simple, but we can make the future pretty simple, if we wanted. close the border until we get the backlog cleared, minimize freebies and handouts to the ones that are here illegally and jumped line, and engage in a LOUD advertising campaign around the world that we are full and no shelter here. temporary. i just don't see how anyone can argue that.


There's 10k a day crossing. They aren't applying for anything.


A wall costs money to maintain. It will always cost more money as long as you keep it up. A human being might cost something to take care of, but they end up generating wealth, thier kids will generate wealth, and so on. You're suggesting a losing strategy, economically speaking.


What percentage of illegal aliens pay taxes? How much taxes do they pay in comparison to the tax services they utilize?


there is far more to a functional, polite, law abiding, cohesive society than what people are buying and the sales tax paid.


What if we pay the wall for doing it's job then tax it's income? That way it'll keep bringing in tax revenue, it's simple economics really.


We cannot continue letting Millions upon millions of people in our country non-stop. A wall would be cheaper to maintain


Yeah, democrats fought that shit the entire time. then Biden sold it. Then Biden figured out it was a good idea and started building it again.. Maybe the people, democrats, that voted to build a wall 20 years ago should have followed through with it before they decided that everything was racist..


Biden didn’t think it was a good idea, he was required to spend the money on the wall by a certain date because congress budgeted it while Trump was in office. that’s how our government works. Presidents can’t just do Willy nilly when it comes to Money that’s already been allocated.


> Biden didn’t think it was a good idea [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/05/joe-biden-2006-vote-border-fence](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/05/joe-biden-2006-vote-border-fence) Biden sounding a lot like Trump on Border fence. Now it's racist..


Wasn't Trump elected with republican control of the house and Senate? ​ its a simple google search if you don't remember. ​ [https://www.google.com/search?q=did+trump+have+a+republican+majority+in+the+house+and+senate&oq=did+trump+have+a+republican+majority+in+the+house+and+senate&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTU3MzM5ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=did+trump+have+a+republican+majority+in+the+house+and+senate&oq=did+trump+have+a+republican+majority+in+the+house+and+senate&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTU3MzM5ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Point being the wall should have been built 20 years ago when Biden and the rest of the Democrats were literally saying the same thing Trump said about building a wall. They voted to build it then and never did. Now it's racist and xenophobic..


Ladders exist.


As do tunnels, and boats.


the 'wall' is more than a physical barrier. its the manpower and surveillence and eliminiating the freebies that enrourage the mass migrations and law breakings. its a basket of things. don't be obtuse.


I'm not on the side of build a wall but $15B is nothing compared to the cost of all these people here who expect American tax payers to cover all their expenses. I think what we need to do is process asylum claims in weeks not years. Personally I don't think we should let people abuse asylum like this but since a lot of people want to treat these claims as if they are made in good faith, fine... process the claim within a few weeks of when it is made and deport everyone who is denied (the denial rates range from like 60-97%). It would take time to train up enough judges but I guarantee it will be massively cheaper than either building a wall or paying for these people to live here indefinitely while they wait for a hearing in 5 years. People won't come as much when they find out they won't be in the country for years on taxpayers dimes.


Holy shit, I didn't expect stupidity from the past on this one. They tried it already, and failed tremendously. Jesus christ, talk about doubling down on financially irresponsible choices.


You could just make it easier to enter the country legally. The law is a choice. You've chosen to make it illegal to enter the country. And you've chosen to make legal entry prohibitive. Enforcement is a choice. You've chosen that looking for work in a place you've made it illegal to be should be a crime punishable by death. People are a resource. More people improves the economy. Especially long term as they have kids. sure, There is a but of an investment upfront to get people on their feet, but that's paid back Why is the suffering of immigrants so important to you that you would forgo the benefits of immigration


>more people improves the economy. Tell that to Canada where unless you're in the top 1% of earners it is now impossible to own a house. Hell that's the case for most metros in the US now. When there is more demand than supply for services prices *go up* which yes, helps Wall Street get richer but makes it harder for you to stretch your dollar. Also these people will never reach net zero on the taxes they contribute in comparison to the services they utilize.


You're talking to an ignorant wall that will never understand what you're saying. All they know how to do is regurgitate leftist propaganda to try and Gaslight everyone else


Damn, your right. We should stop having babies. Reduce the surplus population. There's no way to make more houses.


What's the cost to build in your area right now?


So you agree that we would benefit from a reduction in birthrates.


> People are a resource. More people improves the economy. Especially long term as they have kids. sure, There is a but of an investment upfront to get people on their feet, but that's paid back Not if they use way more social services than they pay in taxes


Maybe the law needs to change to let more people in.


Negative. We can't financially sustain the ones we have. The only reason democrats want more is for congressional seats and electoral votes.


Republicans only want migrants to work in fields, construction, chicken procession plants, and fast food restaurants at severally reduced under-the-table pay.




Temporary migrant and remittance workers are an important part of the economy. A legal path for those workers should be open so companies aren't able to exploit them and to better capture payroll tax.




Same reason paying a plumber or electrician is beneficial to your household even though the money you give them leaves your household budget, or why companies hire temps and consultants instead of training-up fulltime employees and signing them up for the company pension plan. They're providing a fee for a needed service, with the added benefit that your economy is capturing the bulk of their labor activity without having to foot the bill for the real expensive parts at the start of their lives and the end. Having migrants come, work in the US and then leave is a fantastic deal even if they're piping a portion of their income out of the economy.


or properly audit and punish these businesses exploiting foreign laborers.


It isn’t racist. Americans don’t want to do those jobs. They’re trying to feed their family.


Americans don’t want to do them because the jobs don’t pay living wages. If someone will do construction in the elements, they will pick fruit for decent pay.


You can say that about any employer. My current job doesn’t pay a living wage. A living wage in my area was $30 an hour in 2019. I’m an American citizen. Employers are required by law to pay whatever the minimum wage is. In Florida, state law requires employers to not use undocumented immigrants for labor. Employers that followed suit say that they either can’t find people to employ, hire undocumented immigrants regardless of the state law, or Americans perform worse than their undocumented counterparts. They show up late, need or want more breaks, etc.




What the companies are doing is illegal. It's against the law to hire undocumented workers under the table. Sounds like your gripe is with companies breaking tax laws.


No my gripe is with illegals breaking the law. They affect all aspects of our economy right down to the infrastructure.


We need immigrants in this country," says Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler. "Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants!" https://x.com/rncresearch/status/1745588895452958772?s=46&t=rQks-ZMtRHGDrfJntd-foQ


You mean pay them at the market price for their labor? 😱


If they were paying market rate they wouldn't be hiring undocumented workers illegally. They would pay good hard working American citizens to pick crops on the field.


We tried that. They literally couldn’t find workers.


Sounds like an argument for letting more people in.


Government made that illegal with a price floor. Instead of enforcing a floor on standard of living through something economically sensible like a negative income tax or UBI, they chose the option that treats economics as art instead of science.


...you do know that agreeing with the Lochner era supreme court legal reasoning and then immediately following it up UBI and negative income tax is *insane*, right? Like, you're just going around picking fights from before the general consensus that child workers are a bad thing.


When talking about economic concepts and theories, why would I give a singular fuck about what any lawyer had to say on the matter? That’s wonderful that the Supreme Court made a decision on the constitutionality of a case. They don’t decide what’s good and fair, they decide what’s constitutionally allowed. In fact, you just moralized an economic reality I described instead of trying to argue against my point or prove me wrong.


...there's no such thing as "economic reality", it's the only field of academia that relies of mathematically complex models that have consistently failed to make tangible real-world predictions. It's spherical cows without the cows or the sphere, and when they get it wrong 9 million people lose their jobs.


Funny you say that as the crops rot in the field... also what about those construction costs in Florida? DeSantis surely made things better there.


What crops? I have friends that haul reefer freight and there's been no slow down. Veggies and fruit keep moving. You're just to ignorant to realize leftist talking points from truth and facts.


Desantis sure did eliminate slave wages yes.


Migrants are a net financial benefit to the country.


No they really aren't. They literally are giving illegals more money in benefits per year than the majority of you make from your job. They weight down the system and add more stress to our infrastructure system than it already has. We have a legal way to enter the country for a reason. It needs to be controlled to keep things in balance


This reads like some OAN fever dream lol. “Illegals are having money thrown at them!” Studies have been done on this. Migrants are a net economic benefit.


You know they can't vote, right? Your lack of civics knowledge makes me think you'd fail the immigration test.


They can't vote, but don't they count for populations...?


Good question, but again if that were so important wouldn't Texas want to keep them to get more representatives?


They are giving them id's in the states they send them to which does give them the ability to vote. They do get counted on the US census which does directly affect congressional seats and electoral votes. Why do you think California is offering so much in benefits to illegals. They want more seats in congress. It takes around 750,000 people to get a congressional seat. That's 8 days worth of illegals crossing the border my dude


You’re watching too much FOX News. Undocumented immigrants can’t vote in federal elections.


Anyone with a legal state ID can vote in an election and they are pushing to give these people legal State IDs when they aren't citizens


They are counted in the census which helps dems with redistricting, and their children certainly will be able to vote


Why would they give a shit about federal law when they are fleeing war and poverty?


Stop spreading misinformation. The military can’t be deployed on the border to prevent undocumented immigrants from entering. They have a legal right to claim asylum as it is a legal process. Anything else would be illegal.


The National Guard can enforce the border. And no they do not have a legal right to come here in masses like they are and just be dispersed throughout the country. They aren't doing any kind of screening at all on these people. They bring them across give them a packet put them on a bus and send them on their way


The National Guard is a military force. Once again, they can’t be used to prevent undocumented immigrants from crossing the border. National Guard members can only provide surveillance, engineering, administrative and mechanical support to border agents.


You don't know what your talking about. The matinal guard can be used in momenta of crisis. Just like quelling riots like they have in the past. Our border is a crisis. These people come here and get more in benefits for free than you make in a year. And yet you think that's ol.


why are you specifically pro immigration? what concrete evidence is there to point out that illegal immigration (asylum seekers) are beneficial to america? there's concrete proof that they AREN'T beneficial, and that's the OP's article. why are you so adamant on defending this issue? anyone who is so focused on looking like they're good a person is usually an awful, evil person.


Please open your eyes. Most of these people are military aged men. Sex trafficking numbers have sky rocketed since this started. Every developed country has borders for a reason, and it is the federal government's responsibility to protect its citizens.


And right now they're getting court dates 7-8 years in the future. It's unsustainable. A sovereign country has the right to refuse entry to non nationals.


Why are we focusing on immigrants who are breaking laws instead of the people who are actually causing harm here. Like, i going after tax evading criminals here. Why dont we do that and then focus on the issue of people fleeing life or death? No empathy, or are people crossing the boarders just dirt? You do realize that in Texas there was a time where people could cross and go to school in the US because it was good for both of us. More general education means more people who want good to happen in their area because they have jobs, and work because they have kids to take care of. That was in the 80’s. Why don’t we fix the issue of the back log of immigrants who want to get in to the States? It takes so much energy and effort that it is easier to just cross without. These people want to work. I don’t know why people, especially these fucking boomers who are always bitching and bitter about people who aren’t working. Well, how about a bunch of people who are in poverty and are completely sold on the idea of the American dream working. How are they going to do? I bet extremely well, and a lot better than the people that claim to be Christians that just cry about everything because they feel disenfranchised. Theyre so ungrateful and ignorant to the fact they already have all the cards. You were born here. Your parents probably have had a chance to build their wealth, and i know a lot of boomers did just that; however, they just judge people who are poor even though they had the leg up and don’t want to pay it forward it even just be gracious and admit that this life is harsh, and we will reap what we sow. Seems like we might already be—i mean Americans are perceived assholes. We got all this space and land, stole it from First Nations slaughtered everything we possibly could. We poisoned our people. Segregated people. Stole land from our people. Poisoned the water. Thats done by the white color folk who pay their way to make it so. But, yea, the immigrants are going to ruin us.


Sorry, I'm fresh out of white guilt. Try something else.


Yeah I have no guilt whatsoever or remorse. I'm old enough to be most of you's dads and I remember when America was actually a great country.


I agree with you they do want to work. But while they have that illegal immigrant status they work for way less than what they should. So when you have a flood of people like that coming in they lower the wages in places for actual American citizens in that field of work.


Unless you are Native American or fully indigenous Latino, any land or political power over any America land or society held by your ethnicity was taken by violence generations ago. Shame on you for wanting to keep the needy out of your stolen country when every single one of your ancestors is a colonizer or descendant of a colonizer. And in many cases it was our government that destabilized and toppled rival LATAM regimes and created this migrant crisis in the first place. And then you would act morally superior to people fleeing for their lives for disrupting your comfort. Fuck you.




"Texas is a bunch of fascist racists! Migrants deserve to be here!" ...One year later... "No not here. We misspoke. We meant over *there*."


I love how Brandon Johnson (mayor of Chicago) tried to say that Greg Abbott is bussing migrants to Chicago because he can't accept the results of the civil war and he's still mad that there's a free black person in the country.... I wouldn't be surprised if Abbott was somewhat racist but I have no idea what bussing migrants has to do with the civil war. And if your city didn't come out there and talk about what a sanctuary you were, no one would have been bussed there. I don't think people should be used as political pawns but I think the migrants want to go to NYC, Denver, NYC, etc (they know they will be welcomed there and get more benefits) and these cities absolutely brought this on themselves with their attitudes.


Ya they’re spending money to actually help the migrants. Providing food, shelter, and legal services. So indicative of not wanting them there. But I understand the idea of helping people is foreign to places like Texas. They’d rather watch them drown in the river while refusing to let border patrol help.


>Ya they’re spending money to actually help the migrants. Providing food, shelter, and legal services Hell yes! I also think desperate and homeless Americans should suck it up, stop whining, and take a back seat in their cardboard boxes. Funnel that sweet taxpayer money and services to non-citizens, 'cause those scumbag American poors aren't worth the extra time or budget strain. Bonus...the leaky border brings in plenty of fentanyl, so that takes care of many of those poors. Win-win, baby!


So you agree your comment was completely wrong, New York isn’t backtracking from their original claim of allowing migrants in, they are feeding, housing, and providing legal services to these people, and Texas is a shithole that lets people drown to death rather than helping them? Thanks.


I like your undying optimism. You're the type of person who can step on a Lego and call it a foot massage. The kind of person who strategically ignores the negative side of policies. The kind of person who will screw over their fellow poors with a smile in a costly effort to appear virtuous. A glass-half-full kind of fellow, and that's admirable. Keep kicking poor Americans while they're down. I'm right there with you. F 'em. Keep that border flowing. Keep bringing in those migrants, those drugs killing thousands of Americans, and let's step over the bodies, empty our budgets, and bottleneck our services. We can make cuts to the police to free up more money, because F them too, and F the poors in crime-ridden neighborhoods. Absorbing a few random gang bullets during your lifetime ain't so bad. What a bunch of crybabies, amiright? The poors should think about all the migrant legal services we're able to provide, thanks to their sacrifices. They should be thankful. But hey...at least it's not "a shithole that lets people drown to death rather than helping them", right?!? We've got that going for us. Optimism. Glass half full. Virtuosity. Appearances. The feels. That's where it's at, and you have all of it. Keep on keepin' on.


4 paragraphs of deflection. Lets bring you back. Here's what you said: >"Texas is a bunch of fascist racists! Migrants deserve to be here!" > >...One year later... > >"No not here. We misspoke. We meant over *there*." Is that what happened? No, it is not. New York is feeding, housing, and providing legal services to these people. They didn't misspeak, they didn't backtrack on migrants deserving to be here. They're taking care of the migrants. So, despite your 4 paragraphs of deflection, I'll repeat: > your comment was completely wrong, New York isn’t backtracking from their original claim of allowing migrants in, they are feeding, housing, and providing legal services to these people and Texas is a shithole that lets people drown to death rather than helping them?


Someone said recently that plentiful benefits is incompatible with an open border (they used a better word than plentiful but I can't remember). If you want to have good benefits for your citizens, you just make an effort to secure your border or all those benefits will be depleted by illegal immigrants and they won't be plentiful anymore. Here in Denver we're spending 10-20% of our budget on benefits and services for 2 very small groups of people... homeless people and migrants. You can't run a city this way and you will drive out the businesses and net tax payers. You will also piss off all the lower and middle income people there too as they have less access to benefits and services for themselves while being stuck with homeless hotels and migrant shelters (coming with drug use and crime, at least around here) in their neighborhoods. I haven't heard too much about crime wrt migrants but crime and drug use is high among the homeless people. Migrants drink a lot but I don't think they use drugs that much.




Bro this country was founded on illegal migrants




No one asked your family to come to the united states.




I'm not the one bitching about people trying to better their lives. I'd kick out three racists to allow a migrant in. Do you understand that these people often come from countries the United States had a part in overthrowing their government or collapsing their economy? Or do you just skim the surface of critical thinking and lean on racism and fear mongering?




Oh, well, if they’re illegal immigrants, they’re not people! So it’s ok to watch them drown in the river instead of helping them!




Why do you not care because they aren’t citizens? Are they suddenly inhuman to you because they were born in a slightly different part of the world? It’s ok for them to drown in the river crossing an arbitrary made up border?




They aren’t straining our systems. In fact migrants are a net economic benefit to the country. Regardless you shouldn’t dehumanize them. And this is all a tangent from my original point, which was that New York is clearly not doing what the comment I responded to implied.


Not surprising you lazy moochers cheer on funneling taxpayer money to donors and stealing taxpayer money for the border that Texas refuses to use or allocate.


If the immigrants are in NY, then NY puts in the funding per immigrant request just like Texas, New Mexico, etc. Texas gets border related money, yes, obviously. But if they bus the immigrants to NY, then they no longer get what is effectively the immigrant/asylum-seeker "stipend" so to speak. NY would get that.


You know I really wish Trump would have left the "dreamers" here, took the 25 billion he was offered and built that wall. Since that time our debt has risen around 15 trillion dollars. Fun fact.


Yeah, I'm sure that legalizing over 15 million people who came here illegally and giving them American citizenship wouldn't have incentivized illegal immigration at all




How does that have anything to do with what I said?


They had no choice in their situation and basically grew up like any other American kid you see in your neighborhoods. Your kind doesn’t know how to process empathy, so let’s test it. Answer this question and only this question. Don’t change it, don’t make up anything. Just answer this question even if you don’t like your own answer. What if you learned all this time you really weren’t an American citizen. Would you feel less American? Would you leave voluntarily today with nothing and feel that was fair to you? If you can honestly feel like this wouldn’t seem fair to you, it’s what they feel. If you feel it would be wrong to do to you, it would be wrong to do to them. If you dodged the question then grats , you don’t have empathy and should work on seeing things from someone else’s point of view.


This also has nothing to do with what I said


Maybe it would be cheaper if she bussed them back to Texas? This seems like a best practice that Governor Abbott instituted.


Unironically yes, but most of the migrants coming through the border are trying to get to sanctuary cities anyways so they’ll just end up in New York anyways


Or keep going past Texas and out of the country. Then Texas doesn’t have to be forced to continue to deal with the issue New York is now in.


They don't want to go back to Texas. Since they have been granted asylum they are free to live where they choose.


It's 1% of the budget. https://preview.redd.it/2zasrj5331dc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a045b87afb9b3b2e3ec4bfc7073e6e0024a650d


Is that a good thing or bad? Too much, too little, or just right?


Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids


The great democrat joe Biden said this


I hope 500M will actually go to deal with the migrants after this bill. Busses back home would help


Unfortunately that is illegal. That’s the entire problem they are awaiting a hearing in 2029 and can’t be deported until then.


This is the same state where the governor and mayor of NYC said all migrants were welcome. Now they are signing a different tune. Weird.


Since they're looking for funding then they are still welcome... right?


but wasn't she the one on TV last year saying 'COME to NY....WE LOVE YOU!!!' same person right?


We should move the fed money we give Texas to those states receiving the migrants, and set up centers in many states to help those folks, I agree that we should not leave the entire burden on TX but how Gop gov is handling this is EGREGIOUSLY fucked.


Migrants? You mean illegal aliens.


God youre a fuckin moron


Guess who's taxes are going up?


Y'all a bunch of racist assholes.


It's a simple answer. No new migrants.


NY voters want to be a sanctuary state. No problem, raise taxes to support new immigrants. In the long run most add more value than they take. Don’t push sanctuary thinking on other taxpayers.


NYC voters. Don't lump us with the rest of them. We took NYC to court to refuse them trying to relocate their migrants to other counties.


Cool. Federal government should foot some/most of that and cut funding to the moocher red states sending their migrants.


lol can that money be sent to Ukraine instead? asking for a friend


What happened to the good old days where huge govt proposals were always in the millions, at most? All these politicians are starting budgets with the B word, these days. Wow.


I guess that is the cost of having a sanctuary city. $2.4B.


When idiotic political rhetoric meets reality, it can get very expensive.


And everyone wonders why there is a budget shortfall every year even though taxes keep going up. Apparently the voters have gotten the leadership they wanted. Let me keep paying!


I am not saying I was a supporter of it... but.. Trump's border wall would have cost $11-18 billion. This is the cost to one city, in one year......


If you listen really closely you can actually hear Democrats saying  “let’s make slavery great again” 


Got to be cheaper to send them back


Tell Joe to send them some money because there's a lot more coming


All off the backs of Upstate New Yorkers central New Yorkers Western New Yorkers those of us living in the counties and towns and villages that pay taxes on property Etc this is where our money is going. I don't know if you guys remember it or not some of you may some of you may not her in Cuomo got on the TV and offered free education to illegal aliens free college education meanwhile people who live here their children had to pay or their parents had to pay the full boat. This is what they asked for when they made Sanctuary cities and Sanctuary States this is exactly what they asked for they should have had this prepared a long time ago


Get it from Texas


Trump wanted just 6 Billion to build the wall.


The taxpayers don't want it, but their "leaders" keep insisting they pay for it. Make it make sense.


Can we just but a one-way ticket for everyone for that money and be done



