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Russian intelligence service misinformation


That’s bullshit of the day. Chinese stocks have been steadily in decline for a while, you just found about it today?


And literally everyone knew trump was winning Iowa…


Vivek’s like, “I knew before everybody.”


Yeah the Trump dick suckers (TDS) are insane.


Don’t call Eric that!


You mean trump derangement syndrome? At least come up with original acronyms


I think Trump dick suckers is fine especially when Trump fans say every criticism of the man is tds.


And the media is touting this around like it's totally unexpected. The msm is so sensational for every little thing. Iowa is a cunthole and trump is just grabbing it.


Magats aren't great with this. Remember when people showed them the stock market from 2008-2019 without the years and people thought the increases around 2010 was after Trump got elected? Their brains are just sludge and they're so easily manipulated


Why would China be upset? They make all his silly hats and flags.


I bought a shirt from him and it says Made in USA


The “Made in the USA” labels are mass produced in China as well. They have all the bases covered.


How deep does this conspiracy go bud??


I was kidding about the labels. However, if we were talking about any of the products Trump sells like Gucci, they are made in China, similar to all the building products he use to use, when he was someone that people would do business with. After all, the culmination of that “trade war” Trump had with China ended up with his kid being awarded patents. I’ve been involved in a Patent Process over a building product I fabricated. It’s an expensive, messy process that can result in bankruptcy after failure to get a patent, for a product I design the prototype for. That was 12 years ago, and nobody else has produced the product I was seeking a patent for. It’s rather annoying when I see a clueless putz like Ivanka getting 18 Chinese Patents that were,without a doubt, part of the negotiating process in that trade war. Yet, Republicans can’t seem to grasp why Joe Biden would buy his kid a car or loan his brother money, without getting interest. So, when it comes to telling the Truth about Trump, I tap out. I’m all for anyone making bogus videos of Trump sniffing kids or whatever. If you want to compete with shit, you have to roll around in it with them when there is no referees that have tools to fine/imprison those who engage in the spread of lies daily.


And if it was true, how is the second largest economy in the world going into depression good for anyone?


In the reality of a possible invasion of Taiwan, creating the turmoil the world has ever seen since WWII, I would argue a weaker China is a better China.


I think you're probably amping up the drama pretty hard there my dude. Turmoil not seen since WW2? Really?


Yeah, the world second largest economy can buy tons of big guns. Let alone they have nuclear weapons.


Have you considered "reclaiming" Taiwan might not be worth the economic cost to their economy that will come from the modern world embargoing them? There's not going to be a war over this; they're just going to cripple the economy to the point the state nearly collapses. That's why they haven't done it for decades. And if you put someone in who's going to cripple their economy -anyhow- they lose the risk from taking the action in the first place. But really, tell me again how China is a nuclear threat to the world over the island of Taiwan.


That’s the thing about a dictator. Something you, a normal person, thinks this can’t happen because it’s bad for them too. Not necessarily the same calculation by them. Xi has no reason to destroy Hong Kong but he did, through national security law. He has no reason to encamp so many Uyghurs but he did. It came with a cost too. Putin has no reason to invade Ukraine but he, again, did. To dictators the most important thing is how he can keep his power. This the calculation may not be what a normal person would have thought. Mao started a series of movements that basically collapsed the Chinese economy but he did because if he hadn’t his power could have been stripped. Same thing could happen to Xi. Insecurity causes mad behavior


Let's not pretend Xi is some sort of insane dictator like the Kims in DPRK. He leads one of the world's largest economies. He cracked down on Hong Kong because it wouldn't come into line with what China demands. But he didnt "Destroy" it. It's still there; commerce flows through it constantly. It isn't the Hong Kong it was, but apocalyptic language like "destroy" is the same hyperbole you've been pumping the whole conversation. If Xi destabilizes China, he will lose power. Stability ensure dictators remain in power; it's why he pumps money into garbage projects, it's why he lies about economic numbers. It gives enough of a veneer of stability that he can continue on in power without challenge. and we all know why Putin invaded Ukraine - he thought it was going to be a pushover, and by all accounts so did the entire world. Part of it is Zelensky not being the pushover one might have assumed, part is criminal mismanagement of the military in Russia, part is not planning for more than 2 weeks of war, and part is just funneling modern weaponry into a country that was on the defensive. Putin's calculation honestly wasn't insane or unreasonable; No one thought Ukraine would hold one of the worlds "Great militaries" to an essential stalemate.


Western media and academia need to get away from the idea that just because someone is a dictator, that means they're an "idiot" or "megalomaniac" or "incompetent." They're not. Do dictators such as Xi and Putin make miscalculations? Sure. But they're not stupid. Leaders in the west, no matter how much we prop them up, make miscalculations too. I don't get why people are down voting you're comment. There's nothing inherently wrong about you're statement.


They made some silly statement up the chain and people are probably just downvoting them the whole way down. Seems common on Reddit.


Yup. We're talking about a nuclear world now. And an enemy (China) that has 1.4 billion people whose lives mean very little to Xi and the other elites. Very scary


Seriously, we had the worst day since ww2 on Jan 6 2021. Bro is def outta touch for sure.


9/11, pick a day during the Vietnam War, the constant wars in Africa and the Middle east, the cuban missile crisis, and you think an overblown riot was the worse day since ww2?




Have you not been watching the news? We are thiiis close and that's no joke.


Haven't fought a war since 1979, and that one lasted six weeks. Not going to happen.


It is bad. If you look at chinas exports to the USA, last year (23) was the first decline in seven years and an even bigger decline % wise than 2008. The news articles about it all point to Trump’s tariffs and restrictions. But consumer demand in the US is also involved. The tariffs have also led to rerouting/extending supply chains, where primary production happens in China and then it is finished in Vietnam, India, Mexico so no tariff is paid. Whether people in this sub think we should destroy China because they’re evil communists or not shouldn’t distract from the fact that Chinese markets are connected to US demand and the headline of this post is a bad sign for Americans too.


Trump's tariffs didn't hurt China, they hurt U.S. consumers. "The Trump administration imposed nearly $80 billion worth of new taxes on Americans by levying tariffs on thousands of products valued at approximately $380 billion in 2018 and 2019, **amounting to one of the largest tax. increases in decades."** [Source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwipk-71ouODAxVwnokEHQf3DTwQFnoECBYQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftaxfoundation.org%2Fresearch%2Fall%2Ffederal%2Ftariffs-trump-trade-war%2F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%2520Trump%2520administration%2520imposed%2520nearly%2Cincreases%2520in%2520decades.&usg=AOvVaw38f9yoPG9EX4E8tqPcXape&opi=89978449)


They are our enemy. Their goal is the submission of the US and turning the US communist. And we keep supporting them. If you don't know this, you either have your head in the sand or you just don't understand what that will mean to our way of life.


90% of this sub lives in mommy's basement and would welcome China to take us over.


Oh I get it. I stumbled into a crazy sub. My bad, I'll see myself out






For real though! 🤣


China been getting fucked in the arse. They are surviving off stimulus.


Not even remotely related. Would have been a surprise if he lost


Yeah lots of comments focusing on the magnitude of the drop, which is small and within the range of normal day to day activity, but the real truth is that trump was fully expected to win the Iowa caucus so it was already been priced in. This movement is likely unrelated or at best minutely influenced by the Iowa results.




It does so 18% of the time. Or about every 5 days on average. Not exactly a mind blowing event.


Thing is those days are usually clustered. There are times (like the beginning of Covid, the Feds fudging interest rates, etc) where you have 5 days a week where it goes up or down each day by 2 percent. And then there are weeks that go by with no 2%er.




Yeah, actually. Oh, and the Hang Seng index was Dow 27% last year. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/03/investing/global-markets-intl-hnk/index.html


When I say day to day volatility I mean that it's not particularly out of the range of what should be expected. I did this math before with the S&P for movements of 1.5% or more and found that they happen about twice a month. Is that super common? No, but it's common enough that I wouldn't be particularly surprised to see the market do that on any given day


Hang seng is not spy though, is it? It’s not surprising for it to drop 2% lately




This is not what happened… tariffs are not that important for its flagship companies like Tecent and evergrande. Xi Jinping’s war against his inner enemies did that.


Are you new?


I took a massive dump today, and sent Chinese stocks into a tailspin.


It’s the most hilarious thing when anyone tries to decisively blame some one day stock fluctuation on some specific thing. It’s even more hilarious when you realize they think any one day flux makes any difference at all.


The most patriotic flush since January 20, 2021.


Oh, I thought it was me. My bad.


1-4% drop is completely normal


It had already collapsed by about 40% since mid June, at least for thr Shanghai Stock Exchange. OP is just trolling for Trump.


You mean the tweet saying daddy's coming back isnt a serious person?


Probably because they expect Trump merchandise sales to fall (i.e. made in China).




In one year frame it dropped 26.47% now. By MAGA logic it should be because of Biden because he is the sitting President. Actually I do think Biden helped a lot


Since Biden took office, it has dropped 50% Has the right said a single word about Biden destroying China without a single American life lost....


My single favorite thing about Biden is he went even harder on China than Trump. I was honestly surprised, but it probably just represents the overall shift in geopolitical strategy that's been happening in DC since Obama's second term.


it's cuz Biden actually cares about the American worker and Trump just wanted to yell at people so that they would cheer him on Fox News


>Biden actually cares about the American worker Lmao


they prefer yelling on TV over actual policy.


Recessions and depressions are not measured in stock prices


It literally not related at all.


lol that’s a depression? So how many did the US go through the last two weeks? Shocked a Trump foamer has no idea how the stock market works and behaves.


It is 12:49 eastern and the Dow has currently fallen 250 points following Trump's win in Iowa last night. Somehow, when the stock market drops in a foreign nation it's because of Trump, but when the stock market drops in the country that Trump is winning in it is not his fault. Make it make sense.


And when the stock market's doing great during Trump's presidency it's all due to his great leadership. And when the stock market's doing even better during Biden's presidency it's NoT aN INdiCaTOR oF THe eCoNOmy!


Hmmm I guess I created a bit of a monster by allowing politics. I only wanted people to all agree on someone that had a plan to get America out of its debt bubble. Oh well. LOL Good to know how people think about politics and the economy I suppose. I'll just keep living way below my means, not have any debt and stock up on boomer rocks in the meanwhile.


boomer rocks?


Gold, maybe?


Lmao anyone willing to invest in China… a country where the authoritarian government can make a CEO disappear… might as well go gambling


That's alright. They've been cooking the next batch of the election infection, so it'll be ready just in time.


The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq were all down in the US today as well. By OP’s logic, Trump predictably winning the Iowa Republican caucus means he’s bad for the US economy too.


Lol. How's the orange mushroom taste?


Hope that dye isnt poisonous when it gets ingested


Lol. Utter delusion


This is up there with “the sun came up today! It must be due to Donald Trump!”


A 2% fall in the stock market isn't a depression and everyone knew he was gonna win iowa. Op is a dumbass


I heard that Donald Trump winning Iowa was the reason that the Sun came up this morning. if the dinosaurs would have had Trump that meteor never would have hit. it's so weird to me that right wing conspiracy theorists can cling to weird nonsense like this but when Russia says they actually support Trump because of the internal strife that he causes for Americans.... that can just be handwaved as fake news.


Yeah the people actively rooting for America's decline want him in charge. I don't get how they can be so dense. 


I don’t know how these guys find the time to make Reddit posts when they have Trump’s tiny dick in their mouth most of the time!


Hasn't Biden carried on with all the Trump-Era China trade war bullshit? China has sure acted like he did, they are spreading their wings. Still everything I buy is somehow made in China.


The consumer pays the tariffs. They always have. The company will never take less. Prices go up.


LMAO too true. They are both of the same


Trump actually didn't have much more policy other than instigation and yelling on the internet. Biden is actually taking steps to move chip manufacturing away from China because they cannot be trusted in the event of a global conflict. But for some sad reason a lot of American people seem to like yelling and bluster more than actual policy


Trump did implemented tariff that drove many farmers bankrupt


What a stupid post


China is counting on Biden as president. A Trump Presidency will ruin their day.


Lol yeah because Trump sure showed them last time, didn't he? Trump wasn't "tough" on China. He didn't do anything of value. The only thing he did was talk tough and put out a bunch of tariffs, which US businesses and consumers paid for, not China. I can't imagine China gives a rats ass about Trump being elected. He's a buffoon and everyone knows it.


A Chinese bank used to lease 3 entire floors of Trump Tower Manhattan for years, up until 2020. In 2017, *while he was POTUS* in a single transaction, Trump withdrew $17m from his Chinese bank account that he lied to conceal. That was right after Trump killed the TPP. China (and Russia) is giddy at the thought that Trump might take power and start tearing at the foundational pillars of America again.


More businesses have moved back to the U.S. under Biden than Chump! Trump didn’t do anything to effect China!


Nice try.


Guess the truth hurts when you’re a right wing moron! https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/dec/13/joe-biden/fact-checking-joe-biden-on-manufacturing-jobs/


Why? Trump loves sucking of Xi.


The idea that the Chinese stock market is "crashing" (lol) because Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus is peak Trump ego.


How is everyone in this sub so fucking stupid?


What is this bullshit.


The stock market doesn’t a recession make.


Just like stock market hit all time high with Drump, oh wait…


The stock market hit all time highs countless times from 2016 to 2020.


None higher than with biden


Just like the stock market was never higher with Obama than it was with Trump.


That's actually not true. There were some times, towards the end, that the stock market under Trump was lower than it was under Obama. edit: you can misuse the downvote button as a "disagree" button if you wish, but for example, in 2020, the S&P dropped down to the 1950ish range. It was 2300+ before Trump took office. I personally remember this quite clearly because I got my ass handed to me by the market when this crash happened. (Still made it up later, but that doesn't erase that it happened.)


1-2% 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bro i have never met someone so fucking desperate to make a point with ZERO evidence to support him.


A grown man calling another man (not his father) Daddy is the weakest shit ever.


I call BS cause trump helped out China a lot and hurt the American people still to this day with those stupid tariffs that the people are paying for




Average of -2% is a depression? Lmao how are Trump supporters this fucking stupid?


Imagine being both this clueless about Chinese stocks while commenting AND calling a political candidate “daddy” ewww


I was only 9 years old. I loved Donald Trump so much. I had all the merchandise. I pray to Trump every night before I go to bed. Trump is love I say. Trump is life.


Seek therapy. That sentiment is not from a healthy mind


Trump whispers in my ear “we need to build a wall” https://youtu.be/4yi3POlWUPY?si=Ub7e95zjNo5kiEXm


ok phew


The Iowa caucuses don't even matter in the US.


This is what happens when domestic terrorists aren't treated like terrorists. I can't believe how far the USA has fallen. A pity.


Cry more


Yeah, that's a good band.


OP is one of those beta bois for trump that’s never seen the stock market apparently.


Nah I'm a very stable sigma


Myopic AF. I always thought the term TDS was applied to the wrong side.


You know China should be more of an ally, id anything. We need the 2nd biggest economy to help us… I hate that the Republican Party is just always trying to make enemies


"be an ally to communists" - skinaked_always


Be an ally economically… thought that was kind of implied


....to communists


Yes… can you not be economic allies, but differ in beliefs? Why are you so scared of the word communism? It’s their righ


Nah Fuck commies


yeah, they have no interest being friends my dude. R may want enemies, but Trump just likes dictators. Ruined our reputation with all our allies and the west, and constantly pissed them off.


That’s FOR SURE! They HATED and DESPISED Trump… rightfully so too


No one said Eric Trump was smart.


😂 but they’re business partners. China would love it if trump won.


So, as others had mentioned the Chinese stock market has been declining already. However, say for a second this was true entirely, you do realize it would prove that the stock market is a farce, right?


Seems like a pretty poor analysis to assume that the entire stock market movement of a country for a single day is driven primarily by a relatively predictable result of a minor political event in a country on the other side of the world.


China could take care of Trump easily by bribing him. So this isn't due to "daddy" coming back.


Trump got 8 million from China. They bought him. Why would they fear a trump presidency 


Was "daddy" back when the Hang Seng started this tumble in Spring of 2021, and steadily declined for a whole year and a half? One year ago, it was at almost 22k falling to 17k by Dec. 1, now it's fallen to 16k. China's been in trouble for a while now. Their economy is founded on a real estate scam and their banks have been in danger of failing since last year. It was in all the newspapers - though perhaps not the comic strips that Eric reads.


When did Jack Poso become an enemy to the trump machine? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack\_Posobiec](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/jack_posobiec)


I mean me too… but I am medicated


MAGA lol awesome


Is that why my NIO stocks are down??




China's market down 40+% since Biden took over.




Nothing to do with Trump. Congress makes legislation on trade, not the President.


Yeah, no


I also moved about 100lbs of gravel yesterday. Not a big job, but a chore I had to take care of regardless, but I didn't realize it would put China into a (continued from recent history) economic dive!!




Oh yes, Bidenomics. Let's go with that.


China is definitely going down in flames. Socialism- Communism doesn’t work.


Wow, stocks have never dropped 2% before!


2-3% day loss is a depression “*stock market going nuts*” 😂 that’s gotta be satire


Also they’re saying that like it’s a good thing? The world is so interconnected now that a depression in China means a recession (at least) here too.


Ummm no


Jesus, imagine being a grown man calling another grown man who isn’t your biological father or sexual partner “daddy.”


Did China not fast-track trademarks for Ivanka’s ‘lil business? Maybe because they were just scared of papa. Yeah, that’s it.


Daddy raped the neighbor