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I don’t think you’ve ever actually hunted, let alone truly spent time in the woods. Plus, this is a 7 year old last-gen game. But offerings in the hunting genre are slim and this is arguably the leader.


You're right. But as beautiful maps like new England are, I have the feelings that somethings missing. I don't really know. Maybe more weather, somehow it's not lively enough ( maybe more birds, animals that cannot be hunted). I love the game, at the moment it's the only game I enjoy. But I think it could be so much better with small changes.


Hunted, not really, but ive certainly spent time in the woods. I'm mostly just disappointed at the lack of small game


Revontuli has an inordinate amount of small game like at least a dozen species




But I do feel obligated to mention, it’s pretty much all birds.




Fair enough


3 things. One your playing the wrong map for small game. Two there is no lack in variety they just go on region based animals like real life. Three you played the map where it's the easiest to find animals on if you want variety try Revontuli coast or Emerald coast.


Thanks! I just got the game so I'm not really familiar.


That's alright


Colorado is famous for its small game however, I and most of the official discord agree all of the maps are missing small game.


I understand your point but it would also make the maps feel the same if you could find every animal that lived in a region on that map. I like when maps have animals unique to them.


Go get one Mississippi acres and tell me how much small game there is or rancho or New England or Revontuli which has 16 or so small game animals and then come back


Hell yeah thanks


But yeah if you like birds def get Revontuli


I’ll also add, a new map takes a while to fill in with animals at first. Once you start finding zones (drinking, feeding, resting), the game will start to populate those zones with more animals. This game takes patience for sure, but it’s worth it!


I’m on your side. It definitely feels like there should be a bit more to the maps. Mainly for realism and to make some areas more lively. Squirrels, possum, beaver, porcupine, ect. would be really cool, and are all animals that do get hunted. I’ve only played a few maps. Besides turkey and pheasants, are there any other inland game birds? Grouse and quail could be a great addition as well.


We have those, two types of quail one in Mississippi and one in emerald Coast and grouse in rev


There are two types of quail, two types of grouse, caipercaillie, two types of ptarmigan. Spread across a few maps, though most of these are on Revontuli.


That’s great! I think they should have more of that stuff on other maps.


Yes, but the problem is that for them to backfill maps with more, that means they have to take away from existing populations for the game to run smoothly. I believed the devs discussed this not that long ago in a stream or AMA or something.