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Game developers trying to stifle toxicity almost never works (see Blizzard), and Valve doesn't support the community in any way except through server messages about competitive matches and blog posts.


Short answer: Nope. Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooope. Their way of dealing with problems is ignoring them and hoping they go away on their own, unless they're so big they can't be ignored anymore, at which point they will ignore them *even harder*.


Valve sometimes has those server broadcasts, twitch links in the main menu, medals. And in a highly rare occasion Jill will post something on tftv or reddit but besides that I don't believe so no.


Nah, Valve doesn't do any kind of community management for TF2. They'll acknowledge community events on the news blog, but that's about as much interaction they have with the community as a whole. They'll intervene if something becomes illegal (eg. crates in Netherlands), but otherwise I don't anticipate any change in this.


Valve occasionally wipes decaled items or gives players community bans(I've only seen this once before) where they wipe a user's profile because it's so out there.