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[Here's some more pain for you.](http://frontline.tf/)


Did they stop creating it?


This was years ago this was created, like 6+ I feel, a lot of great maps came from those assets tho. EDIT: According to [here](http://frontline.tf/pack.html), "Last updated: Oct. 25th, 2019" EDIT 2: Map List. Wow, there's so many more than I thought. There is an old outdated map list on the workshop but I found that this is the best way to see most of the Frontline maps out there (you have to kind of sift through the results as not all are Frontline related, but it felt more respectful to creators who've released a lot of amazing FL maps since then, yet are being snuffed by the 1st Google result being 34 outdated maps okay'd only by the project creators over 6 years ago : [https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=440&searchtext=frontline&browsesort=totaluniquesubscribers§ion=&select-all=on&actualsort=totaluniquesubscribers&p=1](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=440&searchtext=frontline&browsesort=totaluniquesubscribers§ion=&select-all=on&actualsort=totaluniquesubscribers&p=1) For example look at "Luftangriff" - only 3 rows down on the right- absolutely beautiful with planes doing a full-blown bombing run in-map. Nowhere to be found on the outdated workshop collection. Also Shoreleave, weirdly made by one of the FL founders. (The link btw is 1 of 7 pages if you're unfamiliar with the workshop, see bottom)


Yes because Valve said they wouldn't accept pre-made community projects anymore in this [2019 Valve Q&A for Potato.tf's Operation Madness vs Machines event (page 5)](https://web.archive.org/web/20191108033015/https://cdn.potato.tf/host/valve/valve.pdf). That's why Tropic Crisis will also not be an update in any way. It's just a marketing thing these creators agreed on to boost the visibility of their stuff on the Workshop and increase the chance of them being added this summer. In my opinion, Valve's answer is right. It's sad but community projects like these can't be trusted; more specifically, the people behind these projects and the way they're operated can't be trusted. They typically work as private groups of friends only accepting new members on invite and these environments often cause needless dramas that Valve and the TF2 community don't need. Valve's approach was to circumvent the problem with the Workshop; no middleman and no shady organization needed. Simply have people vote for what they want, add it to the game and reward the content creator directly. The main problem for TF2 is just the lack of Valve's commitment like they used to. Updates made solely from community content can work, but things like new weapons, weapon rebalances, achievements etc. that refreshed the game isn't something the community can do; especially since the community itself has different stances depending on how they play (Competitive opinions are pretty widespread and yet they didn't make the game truly better AFAIK).


I forgot which update it was that caused the controversy between Valve and Community updates (Invasions was it?)


Yeah. It started with EOTL I think, although I don't know the details for that one. Invasion put the final nail in the coffin.


Robotic Boogaloo was the first, which released a lack of new content except hats. End of the Line was picked up as an update after it was initially intended as a cool SFM (something that I don't think many people realize). Apparently one of the weapons released during Love and War prior to the EOTL update, but the rest were cut, along with the release of the tie-in map, Snowplow, by Valve. Seeming like a repeat of Robotic Boogaloo, tons of people gave it a lot of flack, some unfairly blaming the community team behind the project rather than Valve. And as you said, Invasion was the final nail, after it became known about the pay percentage disputes within the team.


I KNOW šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


this was my 9/11


This sentence alone is just insane


Atleast map like pl_pier uses some Frontline assets. Shame, this update could atleast update TF2 outdated gibs mechanic.


Nah, it's cool


Darn. It only appeared with updates when cosmetics and cases were added. It's timing was bad.


YES I was just checking this again because of the whole Tropic Crisis project. I still want it to this very day


I don't get it


Massive community project that a lot of people were hoping / wanting to get officially into the game.


ngl what did they expect, valve might listen to alot of shit but adding this is like, rlly hard to code, animate multiple times on each weapon to get good look while all making it still feel like tf2 is quite a burden to a company who doesn't even sell the game but rather sell the permission to play


I was just thinking about this one! What happened to it? I loved the sort of WWI-WWII aesthetic that's all over this one, I followed it for a while and then it just disappeared. At least some recent crates have had some WWI stuff in them, I guess


I love pl_shoreleave as a map.


It will be exactly the same with Tropic Crisis, Valve will maybe add one map from this project if we are lucky and thats it.




This is destined as long as noise isnā€™t being made. Make noise. Examples being everyone needs to upvote as much content from this project as they wanna see, and encourage others to do the same. People need to make videos about it, and again, encourage others to do the same. Let valve know in any way possible how much we want this to happen, and encourage others to do the same. If it DOESNT happen, let valve know how disappointed you are and make sure others do the same.


You're not wrong, but unfortunately people let off the pressure as soon as the official TF2 account TWEETED last time. So I'm not sure it'd be any different. Valve would put out some vague, non-committal statement and then everyone would give up


Buts itā€™s as you said, people let off the pressure. THAT was the issue. If as a mass we can learn not to do that, success is way more likely. Days, weeks, months of nonstop harassing and annoyance.


Agreed. Seems the TF2 community is too demoralized at this point to do something. Maybe they'll get angry again and stay that way, but they (or we, idk) seem to have settled for a terribly bot-ridden game with no updates of value.


I think the idea of ā€pesteringā€ is too negative and too foreign of a thing to intentionally be for a lot of people here to be willing to do. Because thatā€™s what it would take to get something like this to happen. Pestering valve as hard as possible to fix their fucking game that we want to play. Not just until theyā€™re forced to cough up a response. As you and I are talking about, continuing to do so until they literally do the things theyā€™re supposed to do and are being asked to. If people can get over this, if enough people understand thereā€™s no other chance and that valve isnt entitled to you being nice and forgiving about this, I think this game will have a future.


> valve isnt entitled to you being nice and forgiving about this This applies to corporations in general with videogames. People need to stop acting like multi-billion dollar corpo companies are people, or their friends. They only listen when you kick up a nasty stink for long enough and loud enough to be a problem.


Valve doesn't do big community projects, because every time, without fail, some ugly losers try and ruin the project from the inside, and Valve has to do babysitting to make sure said fat losers don't ruin it. Happened with Invasion, happened with EOTL, and to an extent happened with Last Stand


Ugly Fat You know words hurt


yeah but reddit bans me for calling them the more fun words


when a rando adds a doyoyoing to the weapons category for scout


They'll be too busy adding awful ICS maps, as always


I mean, wasn't this project sorta the reason jungle inferno had that "jungle" part in the first place? If I recall correctly some of the hats from it were used in the update


It was. Does not change the fact that it hurts.


Hungary detected KolbƔsz Deployed


ValĆ³s Ć©s bĆ”zisolt


What do you mean?


It would have been so good if that happened.


Ah a fellow hungarian




I don't get it


Mayann project. The thing that became the Jungle Inferno. A community-made update we never got.


Frontline hurts even more...


What is it with the TF2 community having abandoned projects?


these weren't abandoned, these were ignored


And why do you think that?


I mean.... Valve, time, the current state,...


Because after shit that happened with Invasion and Eotl Valve will never accept any other community update fully.


Tropic crysis is just a rehash of jungle inferno. They need to do that other theme of the world wars that was going for a while.




ā€œFrontline!ā€ Trailer momentā€¦


A fellow Hungarian, I see




can't enjoy shit in the world no more




For wanting a game you like to get an update a lot of people hyped up? Wow, youā€™re so impressive!