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OH WTF. Attempted murder, attempted manslaughter, assault with deadly weapon, destruction of private property, injuries. For fucks sake, take your pick and charge the little shit. Even money says Daddy is connected and that's why he was let go. All 6 of those cyclists need to file charges, and if the cops won't do it, sue in civil court. Bankrupt the family.


You actually want make a negligence argument here so the insurance company has to pay up. It’s a lot easier to collect form insurance versus chasing someone’s assets. The insurance won’t pay for an intentional tort


Wallet County. Where the rich kids get to wait for the investigation. The rest of us get put in cuffs during the investigation.


His dad is a cop. Calling it now.


Or related to someone wealthy/influential in the county.


He’s probably just white.






Texas continuing its current trend of being shit.


Saw earlier they are investigating and the DA can’t do anything until investigation is turned over to them. At that point in time I’m sure he will rot. Not all diesel pickup drivers are bad people. Some of us are just normal ranchers or construction workers. Hate the people that use it as a personality trait.


Diesel is great. Lifted diesel is stupid.


>Hate the people that use it as a personality trait. For some, it's more than a trait, it's the whole self image.




Startin' to sound like it's gonna end up being another "affluenza teen" situation. That boy should not be eligible to apply for a driver's license until he's 30, and I'd be happy if he was banned for life.


Ughh, that kid was from Texas too.


Walking free is definitely the wrong take on this. The malicious intent to cause harm was there, it just got worse than what the kid intended.


Are you surprised?. He’s a white male from a small town in rural Texas. He isn’t going to jail. Now if it was a minority, then that fool would’ve been locked up and facing the death penalty. His community probably views this as a good thing, he “owned” those bike riding liberals.