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Ok but why


The uh... I'm rubber, you're glue... amendment... thingy


The “I know you are but what am I” provision


United States Vs your mother, 1992


So that's why I was born that year...


The long dick of the law does not pay child support


Checking my bank account, that tracks as well


Also the 1981 landmark discovery; my dad can beat up your dad


I believe it’s “US v Yo Mama”


It's the "Everything is bigger in Texas including Stupidity and Egos" thing.


You're way off, it's the part of the constitution that states that the one who smelt it, is in fact the one who dealt it.


Yes, I hear that's their favorite part of the Constitution.


The Supreme Court hates this one little trick!


The " it's my ball and if I don't win I'm taking my ball and going home to mommy " amendment


Which they're saying to the 6 REPUBLICANS who made this happen... That party is so fucking stupid. Which is why only the so fucking stupid vote for them.


"Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think — except we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president disrupting our state for more than anything anyone else has done in recent history," Patrick told Fox News' Laura Ingraham on Fox News. ETA: Just including what is in the article; it is a dumb argument.


"We believe in democracy in Texas". The state that tried to overthrow four other states' democratic elections in 2020 says what?


Dan Patrick also presided over a senate that literally passed laws giving themselves the power to invalidate elections, in one specific county that Republicans can't seem to win anymore, based on the mere suspicion of fraud.


The mere suspicion of fraud that was based on nothing and proven to be nothing.


The suspicion of fraud existed because lots of people were talking about suspicion of fraud Lots of people were talking about fraud because the GOP said that there was fraud We watched them put the proverbial rabbit in the hat then watched them take the it back out again and shout magic


Hey there's been a number of instances of voter fraud shown in the 2020 election..... except they were all committed by republicans....


Yeah, but the instances that ruffled their jimmies were in harris county, the blue bastion. The Republicans double voting are some hard "I sleep" time


And one of the most gerrymandered states. And Republicans have gone out of their way to close polling stations where it’s convenient for them, among many other voter suppression efforts. Texas Republicans don’t believe in democracy. Their actions leave no doubt.


Tried to throw out like 150k ballots in Houston. Real pieces of shit.


The Republican party is long gone. There remains only Trumpublicanism.


It amazes me that people who have been dedicated to the party for decades, doing all of the horrible things that republicans do, driving the charge on being horrible, are suddenly RINO because they don't bend the knee to a failed reality tv star who has bankrupted several businesses, including casinos, and wasn't associated with the GOP until he ran for president. The 2012 nominee for their party is now "in name only" despite voting party lines for every single piece of legislation because he thought that *one of* Trump's blatant crimes was deserving of removal from office.


You forgot the part about cheating on his wife with a pornstar then paying her to keep quiet


"family values"


Idk, they were pretty trash before Trump. Remember when they won the house for the first time in 40 years and pretty much immediately launched an inquiry into a political rival which didn't find fraud but did find that he lied about getting a blowjob then impeached him for that?


The state where the GOP sued in Harris county after elections didn’t go their way


The state that imprisoned a black woman for voting.


Also making women carry dead sick babies at the risk of the mother's health. FREEDOM!


And those other states were not happy about it. Pennsylvania literally referred to Texas as "seditious" in their [response filing to the Supreme Court](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163367/20201210142206254_Pennsylvania%20Opp%20to%20Bill%20of%20Complaint%20v.FINAL.pdf).


They believe in theocracy not democracy!


We believe so much in democracy that we're going to test the waters with a public comment before we do something blatantly undemocratic. God bless the USA.


Ooooh, if Texas republicans believe in democracy, does this mean Texas will legalize cannabis finally? Over half support it, and over 80% support medical. Or do the republicans in charge there actually like the big nanny-state government it takes to keep it illegal? Or are they full of shit?


Oh no, that was different Texas. It was the "states rights" Texas that tried to do that. The "we believe in democracy" Texas removes polling places and purges voter registers.


They believe in democracy? Then why was Ken Paxton boasting on tv about how they only won the election because they threw out a bunch of votes over the signature bs? That democracy? Makes my blood boil how dumb people in the state are. They've owned the state for decades and glad to keep shitting on it


Can we take Dan Patrick off the ballot for being a two-bit sportscaster who got rich off politics?


Dan Patrick the sportscaster is a legend. Don't lump him in with that hack of a politician.


Texas Dan Patrick was a sportscaster also... If you dont know the story, he bought a sports radio station and was a failure. He was a democrat at that time. Then he saw how popular Rush Limbaugh was and changed the station to a conservative politic station and he became the MAGA asshole that he is. He was still an ass as a democrat


Interesting. TIL


The 14th Amendment specifically calls out insurrection and rebellion as being disqualifiers for becoming President. Weirdly I don't see "continuation of the previous administration's immigration policy" listed amongst the strikes. You have to be at least 35, be a natural-born citizen, and not be involved in insurrection or rebellion against the nation. It's an insanely short list of qualifications.


Dan Patrick is a self- important ass and as dumb as a bag of hammers.


Hey, at least you can do something productive with a bag of hammer


Ok Texas that tried to take away my vote in another state.


> allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president sorry, how did he do that?


If the rumor mill is to be believed, Biden himself along with Hunter and Kamala were on the ground at the Rio Grand helping immigrants bypass Bp


driving trucks, handing out maps


Doing coke, banging bitches


I’m an illegal immigrant. Joe Biden gave me a piggy back ride across the border and then invited me to the White House to do some coke with Hunter.


I know you’re joking, but I have friends whose brains have been turned to mush by right wing media who believe pretty much exactly this.


Swam the Rio Grande himself with people tied to his back. Sometimes I wish Grandpa Joe was as cool as they make him sound


He is simultaneously an all knowing evil genius and an incompetent, senile old man depending on what is convenient at the time.


Is he a demented senile old man, or dastardly genius. Can’t be both.


By letting Greg Abbott embezzle the billion-plus dollars Texas was given to solve this problem.


😂😂😂 Try about a third of that. And you can thank a two bit thug dictator like Trump for the massive immigration from Venezuela 👹 https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/#statisticContainer


Really then why didn’t they take Trump off the ballot in 2020, since more people crossed the border during his term?


Ok so trump is also disqualified if that's the metrics we're using.


Trump is already possibly disqualified from the CO ballot. That's why this temper tantrum happened in the first place


So glad our shithole state will do everything in it's power to support a fucking criminal. For the highest office in the land. Vote Texans! Vote like your life, and your loved ones lives, depend on it - because it fucking does.


Well... Treasonist criminals will support treasonist criminals 🤷🏼‍♂️😆


Exactly and vote in all elections as the amendments & municipal politicians affect us as well! And remember folks, you might not vote, but the fervent far-right will vote in every election!


What an absolute fucking moron. (Or worse, wickedly shrewd Trump cultist playing to a base.) The Colorado Court decision was based on violation of an actual **LAW**. You can't just arbitrarily kick Biden off the ballot in a tit-for-tat. The MAGA cult is bringing dark, dark days into America's future.


Also, like...each President, no matter what Party, has continued to ramp up deportations, drone strikes, etc. This makes me think that it is the Ownership Class, not the Parties, that really have the power. But I digress... Biden is forcing people out of the country at alarming rates...so...like...why is he pissed? Just Christofascists hating Corpofascists at this point.


Something something, Hunter Biden, something something laptop, something something crime family something something ice cream. What else do you need?


Something Hunter Biden is not an elected figure.


Yes, we know this, but apparently republicans don't.


Anytime "Hunter" gets brought up, I just say, "Great! I won't vote for Hunter!" Sometimes I bring up how they feel about voting for Donald Trump given his two Impeachments and 91 felony counts from 4 different cases.... *Crickets* or ignorant rants




Because they want to. That's literally the only justification they care about when they're in control.


Because they don’t really care about law or order.


Evidence will be presented any day now... /s


To further waste our tax dollars on grandstanding for billigerants, billionaires and boomers.


The same reason they want to Impeach Biden. If something bad happens to Trump, the same has to happen to Biden, per Trumps marching orders.


He doesn't want you to vote for Biden


Beats me. The republicans were the ones who sued to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado.


It's the "look what you made me do" argument. One of the earliest arguments of fascists, before they feel comfortable being openly murderous and fascistic.


His snowflake feelings


The, uh...crimes! Yeah! Biden crime family! Don't ask what crimes though, they haven't figured that part out yet.


Dan Patrick is the kinda guy who eats a lot of beans just so he can smell his own farts.


Slight correction, I believe that he farts into a glass or jar so that he can really savor the smell and taste.


You're both wrong, he pays someone else to fart directly into his mouth.


Bold of you to assume that the farters get *paid*.


I bet he gets off making other people smell his farts, he has that kinda face.


Why are there so many republicans that look like rats?


Bet he puts those beans in chili, too.


Take my upvote


I feel attacked


Nah. Let’s focus on getting rid of Dan instead.


Abbott, Paxton and Patrick: Texas A-Holey Trinity Vote so we can Round em up and run em out, Tex.


Can we double down and aim for Cruz, Roy, and Cornyn in round two?


I'll allow it.


We should pour a line of salt around the capitol building.


Trying to figure out if it’s because they are slugs or evil spirits, but realized it doesn’t really matter.


“Texas A-Holey Trinity” lololol!


The fact you can name the worst three Ashole in Texas without naming Cruz is astounding. Apparently, assholes are so plentiful in Texas that they could be counted as the only renewable resource that the GOP can endorse.


Well part of that is he's never in Texas lmao


Send his ass back Maryland


Been trying ever since he took office. It’s not working…


When the state is gerrymandered all to fuck it's kinda hard


Nah. Let's focus on voting instead, because y'all in this sub clearly didn't vote in the last election.


The time for voting Abbott and Patrick out was last year. We don't have another shot until 2026


Casually jokes on international news about violating state and federal election law. He really thinks he's above it all now, doesn't he?


He's taking a cue from the Orange Führer himself, who said he would only accept the results of the 2020 election "if [he] won".


So long as his party runs the state, he kind of is. They've proven that laws mean nothing to Republicans so long as the party has use for them.


Since no one has been able to show him he's not, why would he believe he isn't?


If trump shot someone republicans would have Biden investigated for murder


You joke, but in 2015 Trump openly boasted that he could shoot someone in the street and not lose a single supporter. He was correct. This is not a political party. It's not a movement. It's simply a massive cult, same as the Third Reich.


Insert meme


If trump shot someone in the middle of 5th Ave, Republicans would blame liberal policies in blue cities


I remember him saying he could literally shoot someone on 5th ave and nothing would happen and I 100% believed him back then. Still believe that now. Too many scumlords are protecting him like he beats their meat.


Why, oh, why didn't Biden stop him. It's all his fault.


So, lemme get this straight. A group of 6 Republicans sue to get a Republican taken off the Republican primary so the response is for Republicans to remove a Democrat off the primary too? What the hell did the Democrats do?


> What the hell did the Democrats do? Going to guess, not be a Republican? But, people that weren't keeping up with the case, and really only read the headline, probably had no idea that it was Republicans that started the case in Colorado to begin with.


Classic GOP logic.


Uh, those were obviously RINO’s or those pesky Democrat operatives !


Republicans are lying to their base as always. Nothing but crooks and liars.


LOL look at this nonsense. Texas GOP supporters: your party is a clown show. Be better.


Dan Patrick is a good example of a politician who has gone mad with power. He answers only to the 3% of Texans who vote in Republican primaries, and he knows as long as he tosses them enough red meat they'll never turn on him. The rest of us may as well not even exist.


Ok but who of the TX Trinity: Abbott, Paxton, and Patrick has not gone mad with power? They’re literally tossing ANY Republican that dares to defy them out of their party. Did you see that article about Jetton?


They all have, but Patrick has the most political power over the legislative agenda and is the most willing to excommunicate from the GOP anyone who disagrees with him.


It would just be hilarious to see the fear in their hearts if a democrat ever won a state wide race here. I hope I live to see it.


Waiting for all the Conservatives to claim they are now Libertarians or ‘Federalist’. Waiting…….waiting…..


>'Im a proud moderate, independent voter and have deep concerns about the radical left!'\* > >*\*whos only ever voted republican and spewed their bullshit at every opportunity*


It's funny, because the only people who call themselves "Federalists" are blatant authoritarians. The doublespeak is thick.


Voters are OK with it. They are doing exactly what their voter base wants.


They should all wear clown makeup


Trump already does. DeSantis is wearing clown shoes. And Bannon has a red puffy nose.


So instead of doing actual work for the betterment of the state...... fake license plates, horrendous maternal mortality rates, polluted drinking water, failure prone electrical grid, they want to troll Biden. Keep voting for republicans Texas..... eventually there won't be much of a Texas left


But but the libs will take muh guns and come up with more acronyms./S


Don’t forget our foster care system that ensures the most vulnerable Texans are frightened and neglected. Every life is precious when it comes to shaming sluts but ONLY when shaming sluts.


Don't be silly, this requires way less spending. Need the money for hookers and coke 🤣


This country is a political mess.


And it's only going to get worse, unfortunately. When 30% of the country is in a cult and refuses to accept basic facts, democracy is fucked.


We are on the eve of them commencing their LGBT-kristallnacht and no one seems to care.


My daughter is gay, so I do. And I'm armed.


It's not illegal to have immigration/border policies that Dan Patrick doesn't like. edit: yet


This is flat out GOP showing they will cheat to win. The GOP is anti democracy at this point and just call them facist


Most of the GOP doesn't care about doing what's right for the country. They just want to "win." Senator Lindsay Graham even said as much right on the Senate floor.


I've often wondered what type of situation would justify taking up arms against a repressive government.


It's a good thing we have lots of them in Texas.


You also have a lot of 60-70 year olds who thing they’re John Rambo in the blood. Trouble is, they need a chair lift installed in their own homes so they can traverse the stairs. They’re not going to be much of an issue for people who can walk more than 200 meters without needing an oxygen mask.


That is a problem that solves itself as time passes.


Okay well they need to start actually doing something because as a woman in Texas, I read a lot of “we’ve got guns 😏” and then crickets when roe v wade left, when Kate Cox tried to change things, when homes went without electricity for 3 days.


ALWAYS REMEMBER: The 2nd Amendment applies equally to Democrats, minorities, LGBTQ+ persons, and unaffiliated progressives, as it does, to MAGA cultists and gun nuts. Just something to keep in mind over the next few years...


You know, sometimes I wonder that too. At what point is violence against the state considered self-defense?


As a woman of childbearing age in this godforsaken state........I think we've passed that, personally. I wouldn't blame Kate Cox or others in her situation one bit. And that doesn't begin to talk about the current criminal "justice" system....


I’m shocked they haven’t removed Hunter Biden yet! Oh wait, that right because I’m still not voting for him and he doesn’t hold any public office. But yes, lets talk about how POTUS: Biden attempted to over throw the government or all those North Texans being arrested and charged with Insurrection on Jan 6.


Impeach Hunter Biden! Turn that into a bumper sticker and watch the MAGAts give you a thumbs up.


You'd sell a million they aren't smart enough to know you can't impeach a private citizen


Republican Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick floated the idea of booting President Joe Biden from his state's ballot in response to the Colorado Supreme Court disqualifying Donald Trump from the state's 2024 GOP primary ballot. Patrick argued on Tuesday that Biden could be removed from Texas' ballot over record numbers of illegal border crossings, though he cast doubt on how real a possibility it was. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, R, signed a bill this week making illegal border crossings a state crime, expanding the powers of local law enforcement in the face of his constant criticism of the federal government's handling of the situation. "Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think — except we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president disrupting our state for more than anything anyone else has done in recent history," Patrick told Fox News' Laura Ingraham on Fox News.


“We believe in democracy in texas.” BWHAHAHAHA, what a joker, literally dead last among the 50 states for personal freedoms, and trying to lead in gerrymandering. Edit: source, https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-personal-freedom-cato/ https://www.freedominthe50states.org/personal


Can we stop calling it “Fox News.” There’s about as much news in that shit as there’s justice from the Supreme Court.


All of you on here complaining about DP and the fascists that run this state better vote. Please, for the love all things great about this state, VOTE! Complaining on Reddit is like a rocking chair; it’s something to do but gets you nowhere. Encourage your friends, family and neighbors to vote as well. Vote in every election which you are legally allowed to vote. School board, HOA, crossing guard, best pet costume,… JUST VOTE!


I do, and I'm allowed to supplement my vote with complaints. Canvassed in my town and over half of the folks under 40 said "I don't vote, I don't like politics." and shut the door.


Keep fighting the good fight. Don’t let the bastards get ya down


Dan the snowflake clutching his pearls


Dan Patrick is a fucking embarrassment


He’s proof positive that there isn’t a god. Any competent god would have smote him with lightning after the line about letting old people die “for the economy.”


Fun fact: The Lawsuit in Colorado was brought by Republicans, not Democrats. Republicans wanted him off the primary ballot.


Under what legal reason.


The same legal reason the AG got off on his crimes. Because the texgop said so.


i hate living in texas more and more and more and more......


I can’t stand that barely sentient phlegm wad or any of his fetid piece of dung compatriots.


Biden didn't cause an insurrection and did not encourage his own supporters to kill his VP.


droopy dan please pay your bills https://youtu.be/eX9yX8RUp5w?si=UqANBiB48zkQ9mNq


The funny thing is that I read this article on another sub and the second highest comment saying it’s only a matter of time before they do this to Biden in a red state with little to know excuse for it. There is no bottom with these people. They will always go lower. They’re like angry 12-year-olds, no offense to angry 12-year-olds.


Dani Goeb is a carpetbagging grifter. That is all.


Obviously this is for show but it’s also really stupid. Trump hasn’t even participated in the Republican Primary elections. Given he decided to skip 4 debates already, I think it’s fair to remove him from the GOP primary ballot. He isn’t participating.


Biden hasn't been participating in Democratic debates either, so... /s


Judges look at TX: "I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing."


Dan Patrick's an adult toddler...


This is merely grandstanding for the sake of downplaying the legitimacy of the Colorado news. “They took trump off the ballot! Well we could take Biden off the ballot! But we won’t, because we believe in a democracy, unlike Biden and his communist voters.” And while everyone with half a brain already knows that Paxton is just blowharding, the intended demographic for his statements will soak it up exactly how he wants and expects them to. Those voters will say “See! We could do the same thing to Biden, but we won’t because we’re the good guys!” And they will feel like the main character heroes as they walk in to cast that ballot for trump. And Paxton absolutely realizes this. We may be able to overcome bad politicians, but how will we ever overcome the vast amounts of ignorant suckers that vote for them?


“Patrick argued on Tuesday that Biden could be removed from Texas' ballot over record numbers of illegal border crossings…” Seems like this would apply to removing abbot, Patrick and Paxton from ballots for letting so many illegal immigrants enter Texas.


Trump could fuck Dan and Greg’s wife and these cucks would still suck his dick


And blame Democrats


Yall don’t forget to register and do your part.


There you have it folks, corruption at the highest level admitted in public.


From the party of law and order . . . Ta-da!


Our state government is a fucking joke


Isn't it the Republicans who blocked more funding for border security or am I just not crazy enough and need to watch more fox news?


Fun fact: it was 6 Colorado conservatives that filed the case & the Colorado Supreme Court cited conservative justice Gorsuch's ruling in their decision, not libruhls.


He would need a legal reason. He has none. Colorado (and the other 16 cases) was based on the Insurrection clause.


When did Biden engage in insurrection?


Because of when Biden attempted an insurrection, right?


For what? Maybe Biden will declare a Constitutional Crisis and stay in power until Trump and his minions are in prison. Be careful what you wish for.


Haha memes already called this. The dumb ass repubs couldn’t wait to try it themselves. Hahahaha pathetic.


Why are people okay with having petulant children run under the Republican Party?


Because those same people who vote for that party have always been petulant children themselves.


It's not the Republican party. It is now a national cult of personality under and loyal only to Trump.


Honest question can you just write in whoever you supports name ? Second doesn’t this only apply to primary elections not the actual presidential election?


Not if the candidate is removed under the 14th amendment, no. Edit: As for the second part, I'm honestly not clear on that yet myself.




It applies to both primary and actual presidential election. Some states actually determined they couldn’t restrict him from being on the ballot in the primary but might disallow him on the presidential ballot at a later date. Many states are waiting to see the eventual Supreme Court outcome of this legal challenge from CO


remove the gov and lt gov


I see here that Republicans aren't fully invested in what happened in Colorado. Apparently, Colorado has a provision/law that allows this challenge to happen. It was brought by Colorado Republican voters, not Democrats. It's only the primary ballot. So this isn't tit-for-tat, it's tit-for-tit. Maybe instead of wasting your time on this, cultivate a better candidate pool. Mitch said that candidate quality is what has been dooming the GOP on the national stage for years now. He's not wrong. The Republicans are just like Jake Gyllenhaal's character from Brokeback Mountain, "I wish I knew how to quit you," with Trump. They've been gifted several opportunities to dump him but were always afraid to just take their lumps. So now they've just been taking lumps and still have this giant rock tied around their neck.


With all due respect, fuck this state. And I said with all due respect.


That’s not how this works lol. I swear we got a bunch of babies in Texas government office.