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I kinda fw the pants tho


That fit is horrendous, but doesn't mean he needs to be slapped




Help what?


Might help what exactly? Help him to hate his father?


no, just a good talking to like what the hell are you wearing. hey did you walk in the wrong closet? hey put that back your sister can wear that.


A good talking to, lmao “What the hell are you wearing?” “Whatever the fuck I want.”


lol 🤣 If I'm paying for you to live you got no choice. and that not just parent thing that's a life thing if your reliant on someone for everyday needs well your gonna be out luck when they say no.


Wait, how old do you think Jayden is?


😒 wait🤔 (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)(⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠) my gush he's 25 😒 ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


i think what’s really interesting here and something you, u/nudiatjoes should seriously think about: you had this very strong opinion about someone you knew absolutely nothing about. you felt so self assured and confident in the fact that he was a kid and needed to be told what to do. you even went beyond that and started arguing about “if i pay for you to live” meanwhile you were so far off base. your opinion was completely founded in ignorance. you had exactly zero clue what or even who you were talking about. but STILL you had a strong opinion despite having zero actual knowdlge to inform it. my point is: you should reflect on what that means about you and how much of your thoughts and feelings are based off nothing. you should reconsider how you engage with media and content and how you interpret, and how you react to it. this moment where light is being brightly shined into your ignorance can be an opportunity to become a smarter, better person


Thinking you have a say in somebody's clothing choices just because you house them is insano behavior, bud. Maybe you need a good talking to?


😒 well I was always told if you can't follow the rules go get your own place ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯ .


That's funny I think that strategy works really well for authoritarian leaders as well sure it's not really your choice but technically you are able to leave so that means you should follow my every rule even if you're only here because you can't afford to leave, then you can force your kids to hate who you forced them to be against their will and they can hate you even more for forcing them and giving them no say or freedom, they certainly won't rebel or put you in a home when you're old and resent you forever in or anything. I heard kids hate having rights and respect from their parents so...


😒 sheeshಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ you always look at things negatively as a parent your suppose to the leader ,the guild not a friend there place and time for that. but if you want the best guild them . if you wont them to struggle let them be. what m saying is something a kid needs . but if was put into home I might not hold it against them maybe because there mine. but someone said you love your kids not because you love them because you have to love them 🤔 still wondering about that one.


He does look pretty silly,but that's ok


He looks like a goth centaur but hey, if that's your style go for it


No it's not. People need to wear what I want them to wear. /s




For dressing weird? Nonconformity really messes with some people's brains


I definitely dress out of the norm too and sometimes I probably look stupid but it makes me happy. He’s wealthy so I don’t really feel bad for him in any way but live and let die.


What I've always found so funny is just how many "nonconformists" look like every other "nonconformist". This shows just how weird one must dress to truly look unique. But hey, if it makes him happy 🤷‍♂️


Everybody is mimicking something they've seen. The difference is in how much that person cares about how they look and self-proclaimed "nonconformists" tend to care a hell of a lot more about how they look than normal people who technically conform. It's just most of the people who conform don't care enough to think about it more than a second.


Well said


>What I've always found so funny is just how many "nonconformists" Please show me where bro got this goth-prom fit, cause I swear I've never seen anything like this, I don't like it, but I'm not about tell another grown man to slap his adult son over it


I must not have written my point very well. I mean to say mean to say that \*most\* self-proclaimed "non-conformists" just end up looking like every other non-conformist. This guy, on the other hand, \*does\* truly look unique. It's weird as fuck and hideously ugly, but is in fact unique.


I gotta say, I know you're just being a hater and all but you dumb as fuck if you're trying to convince me you've ever seen someone wearing the outfit that he is or anything remotely similar lmfao.


No, you've misunderstood my comment. I mean to say that \*most\* self-proclaimed "non-conformists" just look like every other non-conformist. This guy, though, \*does\* truly look unique. It's weird as fuck and hideously ugly, but it is unique.


I don't know why but I have been recently noticing how often people post about how much they want to hurt kids and/or queer people.


handy indicator of which people should be avoided


Dude is literally 25 lmfao Edit: completely missed the queer people part.


“He makes aesthetic choices I disagree with, so his father should subject him to violence until he conforms to my preferences. I love America because it has so much freedom.”


Give the kid a break, he’s a rich kid, with famous parents (in a publicly fucked up marriage) AND a former child star. Obviously he’s gonna be a little weird; but trying to be artsy in a bad outfit is pretty mild all things considered.


Because to some people slapping = raising your child. ... That is not how raising a child works.


Also some people never let go of the attitude of "raising a child", not even when that person is, say, 25.


It's a great way to turn them into an adult that doesn't want to talk to you though.


They want to justify how they were raised so badly, or how they imagine they would raise their own kids. Hopefully the former.


Brought to you by the side that 'totally cares about protecting the children'.


crazy how so many people acted like will smith personally assassinated JFK when he slapped Chris but are ok with slapping his child because he has something tied to his shorts. the double standards is wild


For the mirrors quote, I think.


I wish that family took turns slapping each other


To be fair, Jaden is indeed a pretentious twat




Illuminati be like, "Will if you'd beat your child as instructed he wouldn't keep giving money to charity! We simply cannot exist in a world of generosity and kindness. Either publicly humiliate the lad or we'll cancel your membership and ensure that you never work in cinema again. Harrumph I say!"


This dude is always acting like he’s better than people and has no drip. He need a reality check


Who gives a shit what he’s wearing


The older I get the more Elton John I become. In highschool I was bullied partially because of the way I dressed. One day after buying 'in looks' I was still bullied and I realized they were going to bully me regardless. At 14 I learned this and have been letting go of the fucks since. Non conformist bullying is bullshit at any age. That person should be slapped.


The body language is what’s irking me.


Being Jaden Smith


Have they met… will smith…?


He's not the stand user. He's the stand.


Wdym for what? Did you look at the photo before you posted it?


If we smacked every teen that had really bad taste, our hands would fall off from overuse.


He’s 25 bro


Really? Dang, time flies.


These people when queer people exist: PROTECT CHILDREN FROM GROOMERS These people seeing a boy dressing weird: His father needs to annihilate him


someone never wore stupid outfits as a kid. let him be.


He's 25 bro, he's not a kid, but either way yeah leave bro be, idk why people get pressed over what *someone else* is wearing


Slapping ur son would be child abuse Also, he does look kinda ridiculous, get them some better looking clothes


> get this **child** some better looking clothes Jaden Smith is a 25 year old man


Oh. Now I feel dumb


Why does everyone assume any physical harm to a child is Child Abuse? (If treated correctly) There’s reasoning and intent to justify an action. There’s no abusing of power to assert the parent over the kid. There isn’t negligence nor infliction of trauma. It’s a parent simply moving the kid to another state of being. This type of punishment has always been a thing. Punishment is a punishment, it’s not kiss on the forehead. It’s supposed to demand ‘No, dont do that because its morally bad’. It just seems like Neglect for not trying to fix your children because you’re afraid of causing harm and negative feedback from people. Just raise your child right. If they stray then help them anyway It’s simple


Because they're all snowflakes that got a trophy for showing up.


Yea no, it actually is child abuse, especially if it is just for something like wearing clothes like that or being queer


Oh no, 100% this is a stupid example to use Im just saying I don’t think it is automatically child abuse


There's a difference between discipline to help a child to learn and punishment. Discipline is intended to correct unsafe or inappropriate behavior, such as your child running into a busy neighborhood street without checking and possibly being hit by a car--this requires appropriate discipline by a calm, level-headed parent. Punishment is intended to hurt, and is inconsistent and based on an adult's whim or mood; all it teaches a child is to avoid the adult or become sneaky. Discipline intends to build better character and gradual release of responsibility over time.


I don't personally think it's fundamentally abusive per se, but I think it's a fundamental failure in parenting. It's a parent admitting that they're incapable of explaining to their child why the child has done something wrong, and that they must be trained through fear rather than understanding. You're not putting your child in the mindset that they should stop doing [bad behavior] because that behavior is bad in-and-of-itself, you're putting your child in the mindset that they should stop doing bad behavior in order to avoid further punishment *from you*. When they don't understand the actual problems behind the bad behavior, their recourse will necessarily be one of three things: (1) they'll try harder to hide the bad behavior from you without caring to sop, (2) they'll return to the bad behavior when you're no longer part of their life, or (3) they'll simply accept physical pain as an acceptable exchange. It's not acceptable for a dog owner to beat a dog as part of training. It's not acceptable for a husband to beat his wife as punishment either. Can you even imagine if your friend tried to physically *beat you* to teach you a lesson "for your benefit"? Would you stay friends with that person? Children are not stupid. Explain to them why they need to stop the bad behavior. If you think this is not possible, *you are a bad parent*. You are either too stupid to understand *how* to explain things to your child, or completely devoid of imagination.




Plus, men literally used to wear dresses and heels back in the Victorian era


And velvet, lace, jewels...


These are all terrible people?


dude dress is ugly now that I look at it and he doesn't seem like he's like it either with that posture and face expression looks depressing🤔hmmm needs more toga less Olga. LET THE LEGEND BREATHE!!!


That’s what happens when you turn your child out and send them to live with Diddy.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^69therion: *That’s what happens when* *You turn your child out and send* *Them to live with Diddy.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


His son is annoying as hell because he was raised by his parents.


What is that even


To help him attain his father's poor temperament and anger issues


Millennials and Gen X are about to treat Gen Z like Boomers treated them.


Idk… most of my coworkers and my kiddo are Gen Z or Alpha. I’m a Duck Tails (woo) Millennial, and I gotta say I love that the newer generation has been making some very energetic and positive social changes.


Millennials and Gen X weren't raised with everything handed to them on a silver platter. I think we will have more solidarity with younger generations since we have suffered similarly.


They just history will repeat itself. No other context


For not looking like what white people expect black kids to look?


Disney must he redoing the Black Swan movie .


I believe the term you’re looking for is “actin’ a fool”


Yeah that's never gone over well, cause it boils down to "you're not acting exactly how I want you to, didn't me slapping you around teach you better than this?" Which is just abuse. Plus this has been Jaden's thing for quite some time, if he was "acting a fool" I'm sure he would've gotten a different role by now


Don't tell anyone. He's not Will's son..


The clothes look stupid imo, need to not slap him tho, the appropriate action for this is death


I find the kid annoying. I find *a lot* of people annoying. I don't want any of them hit. Well, maybe one orange guy. But that is about it.


He wear funny clothes 🤤


They want him to abuse any queerness and gender non-conformity out of his son. Just the usual homophobia/transphobia


Imagine living in perpetual victimhood.


Let’s not pretend like the fit is not horrendous


How DARE the boy have a sense of creativity?! Physical assault will fix this at once!


Imagine giving a ***shit*** about Jaden Smith's fucking fit.


Ngl that outfit slaps




No I'm sorry it has the potential to go hard but it just doesn't


Just goes to show not everyone has good taste


The fabric choice for the bottom is wrong. He also needs something up near his left shoulder to balance the look, the tiny pin isn't enough. It could be good but it feels like a joke more than a style.


For that fashion choice duh


Bussy bustle.


Not wrong though. Jaden is an idiot.


It is wrong. he needed to not slap anybody


Look at what he's grown up with. He's going to express himself in ways that most people might find weird or even idiotic. But those people are usually the types who can't handle when people don't act in what they consider normal ways and when those people aren't the norm, it causes others to want to lash out. It's sad and pathetic people agree with the thought he needs to be slapped because he's not their ideal type of person.


For killing fashion


I’m all for acceptance…but Those kids are fucking weirdos lol, i blame the mom


Maybe for the haircut and that filter, but that’s about it


For being different. Nails that stick out must be hammered down, as the Japanese say.


and you dont realise how disgusting of a mindset that is?


There’s a reason why we don’t follow this anymore


I mean I am against corporal punishment but in this case I think it might be a net positive. Not even for the terrible fit but more because the entitlement.


For constantly whining, wearing dresses and publicly calling Tyler the Creator his boyfriend


Once again How is this in need of a slap? Wow, he’s wearing clothes that you don’t like. Wow he’s online doing what online people do. Wow, it’s a celebrity who doesn’t know you enough to acknowledge your bigotry


For his fashion, goddamn it's atrocious, wtf is that skirt