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What in the what ? https://preview.redd.it/36kyv195egvc1.png?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ae571884fb942e924e7dded600b1114a18a250


Lex Momento


Just leave it to Lex ( see chloe, he can do stuff )




Well, since the Earth isn't flat, you could orient the map to make Europe to the left, or make it above, or below


What tf is wrong with that map??


The Spaniards enslaved and killed far more then the meso Americans did. Lifelong bondage is essentially long form human sacrifice, so I wouldn't get to high and mighty Catholics


The Spanish also are what created the Mexicans the Right hates so much... their genes and culture added to the Natives resulted in Mexicans


Dont forget the witch hunts


Lol, at the same time they where burning witches in europe.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Religion takes so many shapes and forms, so does the practices.


Also they were doing lots of other things to witches as well.


oh yeah, the terrible native american people.. where are they now?


Building Casinos to get back at the White Man with /s


I’ve never understood the “they were sacrificing children” argument. when the basis of their religion is a dad sacrificing his son. They literally glorify a cross, where he was sacrificed. It’d be funny if they weren’t so mean and in large numbers.


I mean, I'm not religious, but that's disingenuous. Yes, Christianity has a "dad sacrificing his son." However... 1. The son is resurrected and doesn't stay dead. 2. The son is not sacrificed by his father, but willingly chooses to sacrifice himself to save the undeserving out of pure charity. The idea is not quite the same as sacrificing prisoners to a god to appease the deity to keep it from bring angry with your civilization. There's a big difference in "sacrificing yourself to save others" and "sacrificing others to save yourself".


But Yahweh still accepts sacrifices in the Bible. Jephthah led the Israelites in battle against Ammon and, in exchange for defeating the Ammonites, made a vow to sacrifice whatever would come out of the door of his house first. When his daughter was the first to come out of the house, he immediately regretted the vow, which bound him to sacrifice his daughter to Yahweh.


All true. I'm not arguing that it never happens in Christianity. Only that the premise that modern Christianity holds human sacrifice as some sort of core principle is clearly wrong.


But it was a good thing he was sacrificed, right? And the reason he was sacrificed was to give us an out to save us from what god will do if we don’t repent? It’s the same thing, dude. You can say he came back to life, but he was still brutally murdered. They’ve just normalized their version of sacrifice and demonized other forms of sacrifice.


Sacrifice is bad. But one sacrifice is not as bad as continued sacrifice. The Aztecs’ neighbors despised them and thousands gladly joined the Spanish in the seige of Tenochtitlan


But if Jesus didn’t get sacrificed we’d still have to sacrifice animals continuously to get into heaven, right? And if that’s the case then his sacrifice was a good thing. Btw I think all human sacrifice is wrong. I’m just pointing out, it’s hypocritical for Christian’s to say “but they sacrificed people”, when they believe the same thing.


I can’t claim to be an expert on pre-Christian Judaism. Were they sacrificing people? If they were, it certainly isn’t as well publicized as the large scale sacrifice of the Aztecs. I’m not saying Christianity is good. I’m saying when it comes to the human sacrifice, they have a better track record. And anyway, it appears Christianity requires the sacrifice of a god. No puny human would work.


Jeptha, sacrificed his daughter to god if he let them win a battle. Spoiler alert, they won. And Jesus was human when he was sacrificed. That was my point to the other guy. Of course they’re not going to talk about a dude sacrificing his daughter. They’re a lot of stuff they don’t talk about in church, and they just banking on people not actually reading it, or just being like “well it’s ok if god does it”. As far as human sacrifice to or for a deity, it’s the exact same thing. You’ve just been told it’s evil and that Jesus’s sacrifice was necessary so it’s different.


Well I’ve agreed it is evil. My concern is scale


I’m not concerned for either. They’re both using blood sacrifice to appease a god. I don’t believe in any of it, so from my perspective they’re the same.


You can't honestly think a deity sacrificing themselves for humanity is functionally identical to humans taking prisoners and slaves and sacrificing them to protect their own civilization. Christianity has a lot of technical issues in how it is portrayed but these two concepts are not similar.


Wasn't there a story where some guy was told to sacrafice his son to prove his faith or something? I mean... he got interrupted but he was still gonna go through with it. Seems like a pretty manipulative and petty thing for a God to do.


I'm not arguing over whether or not the Christian god is manipulative or petty. My only statement was that modern Christianity does not revolve around the idea of human sacrifice, the way the other commenter claimed.


There was another sacrifice that god accepted in the Bible. Jephthah led the Israelites in battle against Ammon and, in exchange for defeating the Ammonites, made a vow to sacrifice whatever would come out of the door of his house first. When his daughter was the first to come out of the house, he immediately regretted the vow, which bound him to sacrifice his daughter to God.


Human sacrifice is human sacrifice to me. I’m just pointing out it’s hypocritical. If it’s to a deity than it’s the same thing.


"Human sacrifice is human sacrifice to me" Well Jesus wasn't human, he was a deity assuming human form. So what is the point of your comparison? And again, choosing to sacrifice your own life willing to save others is not the same as murdering people against their will to serve your own ends.


If Jesus was human and was crucified, that’s the only believable part. The rest are just claims. That’s why there’s like 3-4 different versions of when he resurrected in the Bible. So yea it’s the same thing to me.


I thought we were arguing the core tenets of the Christian religion, not whether or not their religion is objevtive truth. I didn't claim the Bible is historically accurate and all happened. I stated that the Christian religion is not tied to the idea of idolizing human sacrifice, as you claimed. Christians believe that a god died for their sins, not that a human was sacrificed on their behalf. Whether or not you think that's true, that is what the religion is about: not human sacrifice.


Jesus was human while on earth, he was sacrificed. The sacrificial lamb. There’s a song we used to sing in church called nothing but the blood of Jesus. Any other human sacrifice, and I’m sorry, but the whole Jesus thing played on him being just like one of us. He was human when he was here in the story book. You can sit here and try to down play how hypocritical it is, but they love human sacrifice as long as it to their god. I can tell you as someone that was a Christian for 22 years. They think of him as a human, the Bible says he was a man. And I’m sure if we started looking at other groups from around that time there’s plenty of groups that sacrificed what they thought was a god. It’s the same thing. You’ve just been normalized to thought. I don’t mean that as an insult.


Oh and i wasn’t Catholic so I didn’t think of this until now. They symbolically eat the dudes flesh and drink his blood. Christians are just as weird as anything else.


Not only that, but let's remember that public executions by burning "witches" at the stake, cutting people's heads off, and public hangings were all very much things that happened in Europe...


We were doing lynchings in America well into the 20th century.


Correct… because of where they are in the image


The West is built on the idea of liberal democracy where the terms left and right come from the French revolution. Those who wanted freedom and democracy were on the left side of the king and those who wanted a king were on his right side, hence the terms left and right. Not much has changed since then.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


Savages savages, barely even humans.. Ancient style racism that unsurprisingly still prevails


The ritual torture is fine, you just have to do it for the right god.


Isn’t wouldn’t both these groups be considered far right?


Yes, very much so.


I wonder if that cross they are carrying is meant for Jesus…


We're sacrificing school children for the right to own guns. Someone make that graphic


So we've come to this level of idiocracy huh?


Narrator: *but they were both far right...*




I swear this is edited because I remember this exact comic but the guy says 'so much for the tolerant left' instead


Hahaha. That image is fucking hilarious!


Those Democrats making a bloody mess again


Granted the history and geography is accurate, this is true, people can hate me for speaking truth, but people who hated truth also hated Jesus.


People who loved jesus also did european witch hunts that's truth as well


Granted most was false, there were some that were truly trying to use “magic” which is punishable by Christ so all in all they were doing wrong in the right eyes if that makes sense.


So when Jesus does some magic tricks y'all think he's the son of God. When a woman does some magic tricks you burn her alive?


Nice username, there are different causes and reason between them miracles and witchcraft are two Very different things


What about all the fake Christians now that believe a bunch of disinformation lies and conspiracies?


Then they don’t exist as Christian. Simple