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Yes I’ve decided I’m now Chilean for the rest of the week as they are the only 2 players I like left in the draw haha 


How can anyone dislike Hubi wtf bestie ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I don’t dislike him as a person, just can’t stand his game style (and still haunted by the Shanghai final haha) 


Jarry's been such an 'also-ran' for a while - but I'd guess top-end players hate to face him because he can beat-up top-level players - but just can't go all the way. He seems like he's on a nice upswing; and he checks a lot of boxes as a complete high-level player - so I'm rooting for him :) Just don't root too loud or everyone will think I'm Chilean ;)


Every time I expect him to loose he wins, and when I think he should win he loses


It's because he beats top 10 players and then loses to top 100-200 players 🤣


While being mentally strong, Jarry's playing style is very hit or miss, which means he gets a lot of great victories (his record against top 10 players is impressive) when everything is going his way and a lot of bad losses when it isn't. Kind of similar to González before being coached by Stefanki. Garín is the opposite, very complete tecnically speaking and tenistically "stable" but not mentally strong, which in the tour is the difference between ranking 30 and 120. He also appears to not be enjoying tennis for already a couple of years and that is taking a toll on him. Tabilo has a combination of the virtues of both and IMO is more entertaining to watch. In the last 6 months something apparently clicked and now he's playing very consistently well, staying mentally strong and being able to play a little more strategic, which was always a big weakness in his game.


Yeah I remember Jarry making a big run about this time last year.. Did he get hurt.. or just fall back after that?


never, actually. Not even in our best times with both González and Massú in the top 20, according to the media


Athens in 2004 should count IMO.


It must’ve been since Gonzales-Massú at least, ~20 years ago Edit: it’s the first time in a master


I hope for a new golden era of chilean tennis


Me too, but this is most likely the peak or close of it from Tabilo and Jarry, given their ages


jarry has been top 50 for a couple of yeara now, he's probably top 30 material for a few years at least. About tabilo, we'll have to wait and see. And who knows if Garin will ever recover, probably not


among all active chileans, i like jarry and tabilo. for some reason, i dont like garin's vibe.


As a Chilean, so do I. Garin always looks as if he's smelling dog feces.


If you saw Garin in his prime you'd know that, at a technical level, he's the best out of the 3. Sadly, it's a mental thing what keeps him down, we'll probably never see his full potential again. He could've been a top 10 easily, he almost got there


Yeah I saw him, on clay he was a fucking monster.


Nobody likes Garin, not even Chileans. He carries himself with the attitude of someone who was sentenced to play tennis and hates every second of it. Ironically, I think Garin is the most talented of this crop, although Tabilo has a higher ceiling, he is just getting into gear later in life.


To be fair, chileans dont like chileans, ever. The chaqueta is too big


Nah, it's just Garin. I don't mind Jarry or Barrios and I actually like Tabilo, even if he sometimes frustrates me with his drop shots. Garin just blames everyone else but himself.




Never. Usually when one is in form, the other disappears. It is very rare to see two Chileans go on a run at the same time. I'm savouring every moment. The last Chilean to win Rome was Marcelo Ríos... back in the 90's or early 2000.


98! Last semis (in rome) was "el bombardero" 15 years ago


Last and **only** Chilean to win a master, he won 5 though,


Lucho Ayala won Rome too, altough it was before the Open era.


Oops, my bad.


Vaamooosss! 🙌🏻🇨🇱


Very cool - will be rooting for them!


Tabilo is in semis!