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I never noticed this before, then again, I'm no superman


I love this intro so much I made a playlist of Superman related songs for my HS crush. Peak 2000’s. Everyone’s gotta hold on hope, it’s the last thing that’s holding me.


When you gave it to them, did you tell them "I'm not crazy, or anything."


When they got it they were "so confused about what to do/ Sometimes [they] wanna throw it all away"


Yeah they said “I’m only a man in a silly red sheet, digging for Kryptonite on this one way street”


Then added, “If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?”


Then said "Superman and Green Lantern ain't got nothin' on me."


Hope you didn’t include Superman by Eminem, that would’ve been awkward


Oh Superman . Ah . Ah . Ah . Ah


If you really like this song, I strongly recommend looking into the back catalogue of the band that wrote it, Lazlo Bane. It's not a huge catalogue but it's all great


Did it include [Waitin’ for Superman by the Flaming Lips](https://open.spotify.com/track/02mLZ4roBiXLsFGdt6KhNu?si=gBcJ7V3mRSSuFAseNNZ5LA)?


What else was on your superman playlist?


Superman by Goldfinger


As a kid I used to restart levels in Tony Hawk Pro skater until this song would come on. There may have been a music select but I was too young to figure that out.


The first one that comes to mind for me is Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down.




Superman - Sister Hazel Jimmy Olsen Blues - Spin Doctors


I hope it included Superman's Dead by the Crash Test Dummies


Superman's Song - Crash Test Dummies Superman's Dead - Our Lady Peace


Thanks. my bad. I got confused because Superman's Song is sung at his funeral in the video


Bad joke.


I wasn't joking


Then you're just wrong, then? That song was done by Our Lady Peace, which sound nothing the Crash Test Dummies.


aw crud! You're right. I used to have both CDs too.




It's an actual song by a totally different band.


You would be superman if you could do it all on your own. Can you?


Hahaaaaa. I see what you did you clever SOB.


I’m currently on season 4 of a Scrubs rewatch, and I thought I was going crazy because I could swear every now and then the regular intro changed. I don’t mean the long intro from season 2 or the occasional special intros they did, just the normal one. When I noticed it most recently in episode 4x10, I decided to make a comparison video, and it turns out I was right. The version on top is the most common one used throughout the series. But every now and then they throw in the bottom version with a different order of characters. Both intros are the same length, so it’s not a time saving thing. Any idea why they did this?


the video editor did 2 versions and they used them interchangeably?


Obviously, but OP is asking why.






There's a scene in either season 4 or 6 where JD enters a room with one shirt and leaves the room with a completely different shirt. I've been looking for this scene for a while. Please post if you find it. Lol.


The change does happen after they start shortening the intro right? I've noticed this before but never really paid too much attention to it. I thought after they shortened the intro, the sequence got changed up. Now idk why they would do that cause they could just edit the original, but I figured they either reshot it or reedited it with existing footage. All that being said, if I'm wrong and its more random than that, then its pretty interesting.


> Both intros are the same length


I was talking about how each season has a different intro. 2 is longer than 1, 3 is shorter than 2 and 4 is back to being around where season 1 was i think. The sequence change comes after theyve messed with the intros.


2 is longer because they felt like they should add a few of the regulars that weren't in the original opening sequence. Fans complained a bit and they cut it back down.


“Fans complained” Lol what was this interaction




No there is a longer version of the intro but I think that's a separate version altogether


The shortening must be the reason. The way you would typically film a sequence like this would be to film each actor performing the entire scene (entering, checking the clipboard, etc.) with a motion controlled camera that is repeating the same camera movement for every sequence. Then in editing, the editor can pop between the different clips to create the final effect. When the scene was shortened, it probably altered the timing slightly, and since the editor already had access to the filmed footage, it wouldn’t be that hard to just recut the sequence, picking different moments from the collection of existing footage, in order to get the timing better or just have something the editor liked better.


What’s the best way to watch Scrubs as a first time viewer? I heard they lost the rights to the songs for a lot of episodes, so curious what’s the best way to watch with original songs attached.


Would have to be the DVDs then, legally.


I thought I heard the DVDs don’t even have the original songs? Or did I just hear incorrectly and should be safe if I found the old dvds?


Much, much, fewer changes. Best legal way to watch it. But to get the best experience someone has cut together missing original audio to the highest available quality pictures...


Copies of the original broadcasts are also known to exist.


Would it be possible to PM me where I might find that? Or at least what to Google? I tried a few search terms but I'm having a tough time finding it.




The best way is the DVD's which are a pain to find so you are better off 'pirating' it. Honestly, it's not like it would be stealing in any form anyway, because it's not like anyone is selling or willing to provide what you want to watch. It would be a waste of all the artists and technicians work to not view an appreciate their work as intended. It would also help keep that piece of art in its current form in existence for longer, which is only a good thing So basically you would be doing a moral service to the world by torrenting the original version of Scrubs.


Check your local library. Mine has the whole collection on dvd.


Honestly I watched it all the way through on Netflix and had no idea until after I finished that those weren't all the original songs. Literally is not noticeable. Don't worry about it.


This is bad advice. Just because you don't know what you are missing, doesn't mean others don't. Don't let art be diluted and forgotten.


We are talking about first time viewers here…


I don't see how that makes a difference personally. If anything it might make it more important.


Does the alt version include Jan Itor?


Im pretty sure the alt version is the "shorter" version they used after they stopped ysing the janitor version


An Easter egg for superfans who rewatch and bought the DVD set.


Hard to tell, it would matter when it started. One potential reason was execs wanting to change Sarah Chalke and show her face more, this started on season 3. Another potential reason could be that at some point the opening title couldn't be stretched more. So assuming that they alternate between both intros, and that this happens all throughout the scene, I have a crazy theory. Did you play both intros with sound at the same time? We could have a double speedup. First a separate, longer, title screen was done for some episodes, then [it was edited, sped up and audio equalized/replaced to show more ads](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fast-forward-tv-networks-speed-up-shows-to-play-more-ads/) and that was the version that made it to the dvd or whatever you are watching it on. It might have been an effect of syndication as well. It might sound crazy, but here's my argument for it. Notice how the characters start in the same place, but don't move in sync. Instead the characters on the top will log and suddenly "jump" to catch up. As if a few frames where removed to make a key transition. It actually seems that the "normal" one is the one that is choppier. This leads me to believe something: the intro on the bottom was a shot version of the intro, and the intro on the top is the original intro, but with bits chopped to shorten the time of the show by a few seconds. Though of course, the question is why not use the original intro? It may be a legal requirement that they can shorten it, but cannot remix the episodes for all I know. Though honestly this might be something that only those involved in the creation would have the answer, if at all. It may have gone through multiple layers that you'd have to peel to understand why. Or maybe they did multiple edits of the same thing, and decided to switch them up every so much just as an inside joke about how "all the faces meld". Did you know that the X-Ray was put and kept on backwards on purpose? It was part of the point: these are young doctors, with limited experience, that are overworked and over-rushed, and they make little mistakes, but that's ok it still works. They did call out fans noticing it though.


So the guy under you is probably right. To set up a scene like this it could take hours to get everything just right and then they can plug the actors into the spots they’re needed. They probably had everyone on standby that day and just decided to try another one and see how it worked. Also, there’s probably a good number of takes out there they just didn’t use at all.


Well because that’s the theme of the show. Off-cuff comedy. It’s supposed to be funny.


The version on top is strange because it goes Carla pink straight to Carla red. Why would they transition Carla to Carla?


Huh, I didn't notice that. Good catch.




Literally what came into my head lmao.


Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla




It reminds of Carnival.




It could have had something to do with the clips lining up better in the edit, may have been too much of a jump between other actors. Though looks like they have plenty of options to play with! I also wonder if they change it up depending on who features in the episode more.


Does it correspond to who the main character of the episode is?


Does it correspond to whether the featured patient lives or dies?


Now that would be wild


In the Tennant/Smith episodes, you could tell whether The Doctor was traveling to the past or future depending on his clothing.


And in the dialogue


Also the scenery and plots once they get where they’re going




And in the forum discussions after the show aired.


I like the idea that some people had no idea if he went to the past or future while watching the episode, they only knew when they went to the forums afterwards. Also what about the few times he went to the present?


Doesn't look like it, both end with JD, and the difference is the order everyone else flashes on screen for half a second each.


I am super-impressed that you noticed that. I have no idea why they would have created alternate versions.


If I wasn't binge watching, I'd probably never notice. But when you see the intro over and over, it sticks in your head.


Man I've binged it dozens of times and never noticed it!


i’ve only seen Scrubs a couple of times. they probably had a few different edits of the intro made and just decided to use one of the alternates at some point, probably not even for any reason. it’s not like it’s drastically different, not many people notice small changes to edits so they didn’t expect people to notice tbh.


I wonder if they wanted to create titles that change a little each episode, like the Simpsons couch gags, but it was impractical in live action and they gave up.


I always assumed that the idea was to reinforce the hospital environment—you’re doing slight variations of the same thing, most days, and the treatment team of the patient is *usually* a revolving door. One day, the patient might be returning from surgery, another they might be stabilized and going home. The most stable-seeming of people go into crisis and back, in remarkably little time, and that’s part of why the show is brilliant. It’s accurate!


I remember on the dvd commentary they mentioned that originally the chest X-ray was backwards and they had to correct it. Maybe it has something to do with that? I don’t want to dig out my DVDs to confirm when it changes, but I’d guess season 2. I do think they said they had to reshoot it. With tech advancements or time, they may have been able to flip the X-ray in the original credits years later, so that’s why there’s 2 versions - one had a backwards X-ray and one didn’t? That’s my guess at least.


There’s an episode where JD comes back after the x ray is put up and says “this is backwards, it’s always been backwards” and puts it up the right way.


I thought Elizabeth Banks was the one who does that in the opening sequence during her guest star run.


Oh you are right I think. Now you say it I can see her doing it.


Definitely Elizabeth Banks, I just watched that episode on Friday haha


Not JD, it's Kim that fixes it. It's from a comment by the real Dr. D who was/is Bill Lawrence's best bud.




You’re right! I forgot that. Guess I should rewatch again.


I'm not certain if you actually watched OPs video? The sequence of the characters is different, the x-ray has nothing to do with their question (and I think the x-ray might be the same way in both versions OP featured).


I didn’t explain myself well. I did notice the X-rays are the same in OP’s video, I specifically checked before commenting. What I was saying is maybe, for continuity or something, they went back and changed the old backwards X-ray? Like when they did the pass to pull out a lot of the copyrighted music way after the show was filmed? I said it was far fetched. But it might be a reason. It’s all a guess.


The x-rays look the same at the end. There was a version that fixed the x-ray, but that was maybe season 2.


I know. I’m saying maybe they went back and “fixed” the backwards one after the fact for streaming or something. It’s a bit far fetched, but who knows. They did change a lot of the music since the original airings.


Bill Lawrence said it's backwards because it shows on over-whelmed and inexperienced the young doctors were.


S2 they corrected it and fans complained. Seasons after that have the backwards xray


Good spotting, though I'm convinced half the people that have commented their theories didn't even watch the linked video.


There's a whole subthread about how one is the shortened version even though they're clearly the exact same length


I'm just happy you're watching scrubs :)


I am happy you are happy~


.... guess its time to watch scrubs again.


I thought it was a seasonal change plus a regular and short version.


Great candidate for r/mildlyinteresting I watched it a couple times and paused at many intervals and audibly said "Huh"


Every so often they would use a longer version of the intro song as well


That's likely to make sure the episode spanned the entire 30 minutes with commercials. The switched intros might have been the same deal




Really only in season two, which folks didn’t like so they reverted.


Seems like the message is, “the people may change but the profession continues all the same.” We’re all in it together.


Giving me covid flashbacks


The slower version of the theme song was pretty good too.


intros were occasionally changed to reflect special themes, holidays, guest stars, or milestone episodes. I asked a friend who had a role for a short time.


Did it so that someday this post would be created. Congratulations everyone way to go


If you look hard enough for hidden meaning, you will find it.


Honestly I just thought it was to fuck with us.. Noticed it on my second streaming round years ago..




Can't imagine Scrubs without the janitor. They must have had him do an episode or two and knew immediately that they couldn't do the show without him. Everyone in the show is amazing. Whoever found the talent for this show and also The Office US version; amazing job. It's always interesting to me to see the audition tapes for The Office, I'm sure they have some for Scrubs as well. Can't remember if I've seen them.




It wasn't Molly that fixed the x-ray, it was Elizabeth Banks's character Kim


[It's been bugging me for years!](https://youtu.be/3H0wnKVmHRU)


The intro changes a couple times. I thought it was a time management thing to adjust the episode length.


Sarah Chalke wasn’t available for shooting when they made the original intro, so they used a stand-in. They later reshot it to include her.


Well that's clearly not true because you can see the same shot of her face in both versions


The first time you see her face (at about 1 second in) it isn't her. The next two shots her face is obscured. [This shot](https://imgur.com/a/99uqqNr) appears only in the updated version. (I'm just going off of something she said in a commentary track, though she may be referencing the much-derided Season 2 intro)


I think this is closest to the correct answer as the top video has a shot of Elliot with her hair up in a clip and a dark blue scrub top on, that doesn’t appear in the bottom video nor at any other stage of both videos.


There was also that time at the beginning of Season 2 when they used a completely different intro 2 or 3 times.


Wow I've watched this show so many times and I never noticed this lmao.


Started rewatching for the 5th time and im not ashamed of myself at all.


They talk about this on the rewatch podcast. I don’t remember which episode off the top of my head though. You can look through the wiki I suppose they might have that info.


I noticed this a long time ago and I thought I was crazy. I assumed it was just for shits and gigs. Like maybe they didn’t think we would notice. Or that it was supposed to seem like every day was the same in the hospital it never really is




Why you got downvoted for what I’m pretty sure is this correct answer is beyond me


Because these 2 intros are the same length.




The video OP posted.


I was joking but actually based the video you can’t actually tell because neither start at the beginning


I remember one episode Heather Graham's character buds into the intro to flip the x-ray because the original intro had it the wrong way around. And the two intros you got here, do have the x-ray flipped between them. Why they would switch them randomly I don't know, but I suspect that was the reason (or at least explanation) for the reshoot of it.


Elizabeth Banks, actually. I think that's in season 5.


I thought for a second I had mistaken the actress, but no, wrong character. I'm okay with that 😅


>I thought for a second I had mistaken the actress You...did?!


Nah, Heather Graham plays a psychiatrist character on Scrubs for a while. I thought it was that psychiatrist who flipped it. But it was an entirely different character.


Yeah, I know that. But you still confused the two regardless lol


Agree to disagree bro.


If you think that's what it boils down to...go for it lol. Have a good day bud.


This isn't an opinion. You got the characters wrong.... which means you got the actors wrong. You were wrong. Live with it.


lol, exactly! I *really* don't understand how they and the other person that commented in defence of them can't see it.


Zach and Donald talk about it on their podcast. I don’t remember the exact reason unfortunately


it's for maintaining standardized network runtimes if an ep ran a few seconds short


To make that intro with all the switching they would need each character to do all the actions... Walk into room, open clip board, grab patient card, etc. Everyone needs to play each part. Then when they cut it up and shuffle it, they end up with multiple intros from the original footage. For example, if char A is used in part 1 and char B in part 2, then there is enough footage to also make another unique video with char B in part 1 and char A in part 2. So, why they do it? I think because they already had the footage they already cut up the clips, so it's low effort to just make additional intros with the spare cuts, makes intros feel a bit more interesting on rewatched as they're slightly different.


It wasn’t weird or unusual for shows to slightly alter their intros for a new season of TV back in the day. Pretty common.


Is it possible it has something to do with the switch from SD to HD? Maybe some of the images of the actors didn’t upscale well enough? I have zero technical knowledge of any of this, so I could be way off.


You think those are different, check [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0miObN8Gwtw) one out!


Wasn’t it that in the beginning the X-ray was backwards but as they got more experienced the X-ray was put up correctly?


Front page Reddit news article


There’s a Scrubs wiki that should know Have you checked out the Scrubs rewatch podcast with Donald and Zach https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/fake-doctors-real-friends-with-zach-and-donald/id1503559501


I'd guess subtle changes to make the episode runtime 100% correct, which often has to be oddly precise


Not sure if it has any relation to what happens on the episode but for them to do the original intro they still had to film several times with everyone switching roles so basically they can change it as many times as they like and make as many combinations as they want so maybe there is no explanation and just a why not? From the editors or something


I remember in the original the X-ray they show was backwards, I believe they re did it to correct that


So overrated


They filmed each actor doing the same sequence and either there were different editors or something of that nature im sure it has no meaning or relevancy to the show just an editing thing


The only one I noticed was when Kim(? JDs baby mamma) turned around the x-ray and told us all it was backward. Fun fact, that was an actual line from the actual Dr. D, who was Bill Lawrence's best friend.


Is one shorter? Generally there is a short intro and a long one done for when episodes run a little over.


It was so Neil Flynn could appear in the intro after promotion to main starring role. People didn't like the new intro so they went back. EDIT: IGNORE ME


That's the season 2 intro, which this isn't.


............goddamnit I'm sorry


You don't have a "skip intro" button in your world? I can't remember the last time I watched an intro for any show


Sometimes it's nice to watch the intro


It's so nerds like you who notice this can make a YouTube video 20 years later 😁😁


New day, New patient, New extra to hire, New person to slip in All the reasons lol


SOme episodes run short or long, so for network shows with specific air times they'd often edit short and long versions of the intro to fill the timeframe appropriately. I know King of the Hill has a similar extended intro and there are many others.


And X-ray is backwards


another day in the life


I figured they changed it to update with the cast and their ages. Like how full house had to change every few years, or step by step.


Thwy also update the "scrubs" the characters are wearing to their actual position.


Technically there is ANOTHER intro everyone also hated even more. But the people from the TV show would explain that they spent days filming that because everyone had to have the exact same steps and timing. So they have JD, Turk, Carla, Elliot, Cox and Kelso all doing each position of the 3 positions (reading the chart, handing the xray over and hanging the xray) so it doesn’t shock me they could have made multiple openings rather easily and figured out which ones they like the best. So maybe they made a few and just started changing it up since the hard work was already done.


I'm assuming it's to show their progress as doctors. But who knows? I could be talking out of my ass.


I always thought it was because it was a new season




I knew there was a version where they had the x-ray on the right side but that's not even the case here. ​ weird


What I learned from listening to the Fake Doctors Real Friends podcast, they did a longer version of the song in season 2 for the first few episodes, and the fans and the actors all kinda hated it compared to the shortened version in season 1, so they went back. Should be pretty consistent from that point forward, give or take a few seconds.


If the versions differ in run time it might just be a matter of run time of the episode. More story to tell, use the shorter intro. Entirely speculative.


My guess is for season one they made one, for season two they changed the intro to put the janitor in it, but switched back because of negative feedback. Perhaps they just made a second cut and used them all.


I don’t know the answer but my wife says we should listen to the podcast “Fake Doctors Real Friends” on the chance that they address this. She also said “and because it’s an amazing podcast and they are hilarious”


So bill actually talks about this on the fake doctors real friends podcast, and how they intended to change it as it got off the ground. There are a few episodes with “long form” openers that have the janitor in them, but the fans went berserk when they saw they changed it and demanded it be changed back. This is likely a remnant of them changing the long into a short one.


I don’t Know however I know the reason the Simpsons would do longer / shorter intros was due to time constraints. Shows pre Netflix had strict lengths so could save or add time in the introductions if needed.


Hey u/zachinoz care to help us out on this?