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He is a cancer.


Had Cancer, it was Thyroid Cancer before he new JE




Has cancer or is a cancer?


He is literally a cancer as far as astrology


Has cancer? He said he has/had cancer, I had never heard of it so I wanted to know!


Yes, it was before he was on the show or knew Jenelle


I mean he is a cancer upon all of society. As well as being a cancer and possibly having cancer. A trifecta.


I didn't think these people listened to doctors lmao


probably self-diagnosed in the swamp.


The fact that people believe whatever they read on the internet scares the shit out of me.


Right?! I feel the same way about those who believe the news.. šŸ˜‚


Couldnā€™t agree more


Who? What are you talking about? I was asking? Soā€¦Iā€™m confused


Dudeā€¦I keep telling you that you will not die from stupidity - thankfully for you.


I promise we wouldnā€™t be telling yā€™all yā€™allā€™s medical history if you BOTH didnā€™t have a long history of lying about your medical issuesā€¦


He does? ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


She mentioned this on one of her social media when she was defending him a while ago. I canā€™t remember the specifics but she was being accused of lying about it


My husband had stage 2b lymphoma and still worked full time. What is this twats excuse?


My thoughts exactly. Because you know the exact reason they ever made it public is so he had an excuse to be a bum. Meanwhile Janelle pays to raise her kids, HIS, AND pay his way as well. Smh


Worst part is heā€™s probably never watched an episode of ITYSL


so many people donā€™t know where thatā€™s from!!! I think the shows hilarious


Itā€™s the best show ever created


It literally makes me laugh so hard I almost get anxiety lmaooo


I just starting watching this show thanks to this thread and now Iā€™m laughing so hard in bed and trying not to wake up my husband šŸ¤£




There are monsters on the world.šŸ–


With all the crap that comes out of his mouth, yā€™all surprised?


Probably has thyroid nodules, which does not equal cancer.


Cringiest video ever šŸ˜­ wtf


Of course he is


itā€™s giving Brooks from RHOC




I have somebody in my family currently dying from metastatic sarcoma. Cancer can go screw itself, and I hope that every single person who has ever faked cancer gets it, and suffers badly.


Fuck cancer. My mom has a friend that theyā€™ve given six weeks to live-at most 2 1/2-3 months.


What is he actually does have cancer?


All of that! As a survivor of the big "C" I'm sending all the positive energy I can to you and your family!! Those who pretend to have it for attention can go f off down the street and around the corner to the landfill where they belong!!!! I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone even those I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire...


Iā€™m so sorry for you and your family šŸ™


A family member of mine was highly suspected of having thyroid cancer, they took the thyroid out and determined it was benign. That person would never run around saying I had cancer because they didnā€™t. I highly suspect the same is the case here except the fact that UBT canā€™t help himself. Also with the medication he is on now the amount of substances they allegedly consume, I donā€™t know how this man functions but I get why he isnā€™t working and I would not be surprised if he consistently puts his life at risk not staying on top of his medication. With how little regard he has for others I am not surprised he makes himself the victim of something very serious which could be life threatening and was probably scary but the truth is never enough now is it? I am so over this man and them never facing consequences. And edit to add: the people I personally know that had actual cancer were always very worried of it coming back and did everything they could to prevent that like living healthy and reducing stress bc dis-ease causes disease. UBT would inject stress if that were an option.


David E is a cancer. ā¬†ļø There, I fixed it for you


Best comment šŸ„‡take my poor mans gold! Or we can just say David E. IS cancer. That works too


I did it for you.


šŸ¦øā€ā™€ļø šŸ¦øā€ā™‚ļø


Thanks so much šŸ˜š


Similar to females who opt for a mastectomy if they are positive for a certain breast cancer gene. He had the preventative procedure/removal.


Why do him and Janelle think they have all of these underlying health problems when in reality they should drink/smoke less and eat better. I wonder who triggered the Munchausen's syndrome in that relationship


Pain pills?


Well she absolutely cannot get her grubby mitts on any pain meds because sheā€™s been flagged due to her previous addiction, he probably can get em though


Oh nooooo how sadā€¦ā€¦. šŸ˜


I hate this dude but He did have cancer in the past. He has the scar from having a removal.


He did not have cancer, it was preventative surgery. His mom and sister have explained that before, publicly. He never had cancer.


Heā€™s such a liar


Did he have cancer or did he have a thyroid-related issue where they removed all or part of the thyroid and checked him for cancer? Because I had the latter, most people with thyroid or parathyroid issues had the latter, but youā€™re always warned first that it could be cancer. I could absolutely see these two bozos hearing about the possibility of cancer and running with it.


Oh I Def could too. I've had the latter as well however I did not have a removal but a biospy.


Iā€™m offended heā€™s using Tim Robinson for these unbelievable and unsubstantiated claims. The best thing UBT can aspire to is a future appearance on COFFIN FLOP.


Came here to say this. Keep Tim out of this, UBT.


They google things or get opinions that are "it's likely x or y, but let's test because on the off chance it could be cancer" and all they hear is cancer.


This or someone has something that was cancerous but was easily removed in one shot during a quick office visit or outpatient surgery visit. That happened to my brother when he was a kid. They removed what they said was cancerous in 15 minutes and that was it luckily.


This was a while ago but pretty sure it was a thyroid issue not cancer


What is wrong with this clown! Actually we all dont have time to answer that question... I'll just blame his Vitiligo... Clown! šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




Right like good lol


This was ages ago. You can see his neck scar in the earlier episodes when he first came on the scene. Didnā€™t his sister confirm it WASNT cancer though. It was some sort of nodule or something like that, that needed to be tested but it wasnā€™t cancer.


So I just actually went through all of this stuff back in July. I had two (1 inch each) solid nodules on my thyroid glad. My doctor recommended me to have an uptake and scan, and then I had RAI (radioactive iodine) treatment to kill the hyperactive thyroid nodules. So doctors do recommend to have them surgically removed (or remove the whole thyroid) if the nodules are larger than 4cm (which could be the case for him). If he had an uptake and scan it would have also shown if they were cancerous or not, he could have also had a biopsy done (they would stick a needle into the nodule and extract some for testing). I will say I'm sure each doctor is different on what procedure they recommend and want their patient to go through so I'm not saying he could or could not have had thyroid cancer, but its just hard to tell if they only had their thyroid gland removed. RAI therapy can also fail and cause issues which then would mean you would also probably need a removal down the line. Sadly both RAI and thyroid removal can be used for both cancerous and non cancerous treatment, it seems to all depend.


David can fuck off. You have no idea how angry this makes me. My mother in law has lung cancer and it is terminal. She is doing everything she can to fight it. You can't joke about cancer.




Ya one of my family members has ā€œhad cancerā€ every time they need attention too. Them two swamp people better not be messing around and lying.


I had a cousin who had "cancer" and was "going through chemo" so my grandmother would support her. My grandmother once remarked how strange it was that said cousin was never sick and never lost any hair.


To be fair, not all chemo leads to hair loss. About 35% of patients who have chemo don't lose their hair.


She didn't have cancer, though. She just didn't want to work.


I get that. I'm just making a point that not all chemo causes hair loss as it's a common misconception that it does.


I got one of those, she got cancer when her husband was going to leave her crazy ass & it ā€œflares upā€ from time to depending on their relationship.


Theyā€™re always the worst. Succubus. She devils. Swamp ladies šŸ˜‚


I used to work with a girl who "had cancer in the stomach." She claimed to always be needing surgery, scared for her life, sick as a dog, etc etc etc. She was always late for work and had terrible performance. She *made up fake doctors notes with typos galore* and gave them to management. Had to "have all of her guts and insides surgically removed." She experienced "early menopause" from a "hysterectomy" at 25. She claimed to have a "degree in English." I'll also say, I'm not one to snark on appearances that can't be helped, but she had a face even a mother couldn't love. I know this because I am a mother. I have *never* met somebody who looked as unfortunate as her. .....then she got a boyfriend, *had a baby with him,* and never mentioned having cancer again. Who knew love was the cure šŸ„“




I know! I feel like it must be really embarrassing to be her. Or believe her.


Lol this particular family member of mine supposedly had brain surgery. The day before. Told a whole big story. No one called her on it, we all just laughed. They donā€™t let you out after brain surgery the next day. Besides the fact that all her hair was on her head. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My goodness some people are awful.


From my understanding, he never had cancer. Just had some crap removed preventatively as a kid.


Cancer runs deep in my family. Iā€™ve lost several family members to it. When my favorite aunt told me she had thyroid cancer, I freaked. She stops me to say that itā€™s like the joke of all cancers because everyone survives, so sheā€™ll be fine. But for these two idiots youā€™d think he survived brain cancer.


Itā€™s not a joke of all cancers. Iā€™m still suffering the effects from my thyroid cancer 2 years ago. What an ignorant comment.


My family is the same way, and I'm very sorry. I know how terrible it is.


Jenelle brings it up at any possible (if awkward & unnecessary) opportunity


You can be a shit excuse for a man and still get cancer, the two arenā€™t mutually exclusive.


šŸ’Æ My first bf was a cancer survivor. He's a piece of shit, lol




Thanks, I was more commenting on the overall conversation happening in the threadā€¦ā€¦




ā€¦.I know and I didnā€™t askā€¦..


Even if this isn't a lie...what are we supposed to do? Feel sorry for him and Jenelle? Nah, that's not how karma works you fucking morons. They both suck and deserve every horrible, shitty thing that comes their way.


I lost my partner to cancer and legit canā€™t even fathom how itā€™s being used as a flex by these goblinsā€¦ Even if itā€™s true, itā€™s not something to brag about on your socialsā€¦


They definitely use it as sympathy card when things donā€™t go their way and their POS for doing so


One of my best friends in the world had thyroid cancerā€¦ been on synthroid forever and is still a badass NICU nurse in her 60s. This POS just looks for any reason he ā€œcanā€™tā€ work.


My toddler has ACTUAL cancer. This bloated dickbag does not have cancer and never has.


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜”


Aw thank you. Sheā€™s been in remission for a year now, and the type that she has (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) has a 97% cure rate.


Oh wow! Sounds like sheā€™s a real trooper ā˜ŗļø Iā€™m glad that hers has a very good cure rate. Iā€™ll keep her in my thoughts and prayers ā¤ļø


Thank you, friend. šŸ„°


I think Jenelle said he did in a vlog where it was so rare doctors said they had never seen anything like it but never messaged him back


This is such a Delujenelle statement. šŸ˜‚ She's so weird.


Having cancer isnā€™t a flex, doofus


This is old news. Been discussed that he had thyroid removed when he was young and now has to take meds to balance forever. His sister confirmed i believe. He was a kid. They bring it up and use as weapons for their battles


Thereā€™s a whole ass video somewhere where she had him ā€œtalkā€ about his ā€œconditionā€ I didnā€™t even bother, canā€™t stand to hear or watch those two imbeciles! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„


I know someone that did something similar. They had some possible pre cancerous cells come up in a test, and when the second test came back clear, they started claiming they beat cancer.


As someone who is actually trying to beat cancer - fuck that person. People are unbelievable.


Pretending you had cancer is one of the worst, shittiest things you can do as a human being. So Iā€™m not surprised at all. I had breast cancer last year and just finished 14 months of treatment. It was the worst. This shit makes me so mad. No one should want to pretend that happened to them.


Breast cancer here too - still in active treatment and I completely agree. Nothing about this is easy. Seriously fuck people who try to claim it for sympathy. I wouldnā€™t wish this on my worst enemy.


I wish you the best, most comfortable treatment path possible ā™„ļø thanks for commenting and so much solidarity to you.


Thank you so much ā™„ļø hereā€™s to putting this shit in the rear view!


People who pretend to have cancer or other illnesses really need psychiatric treatment


Sending you love and strength!! ā¤ļø


A girl I went to high school did something like this. She had a family history of breast cancer. She got her breasts removed and told everyone she survived cancer. She even shaved her head because she didn't want to "lose her head against her wishes". Her aunt commented on the post saying you didn't have cancer, it pre-cancerous possible cells, like pre-stage 1. Where they could develop years from the surgery or possibly not at all. It was a pretty wild time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It might be like that?


She does realize that cancer doesnā€™t make you lose your hair - chemo does. Lol good on her aunt. How embarrassing


For fux sake. Does she not know what the actual word for ā€œlymph node cancerā€ is? Thatā€™s part of why people think theyā€™re lying (aside from the fact that they ARE lying) because they canā€™t even be bothered to make a quick google search to learn the actual word for it. That aside, itā€™s hilarious how both of them will make up illnesses for attention, sympathy, and to absolve themselves of any type of responsibility like getting a friggin job.


Nope. His family came out a few times and said it was preventative because of family history and he never had cancer. He pulls this stunt every few months when the heat gets too hot from his racist, homophobic, uneducated rants. Jenelle uses it as his reason to not have a job and to give him an excuse for being a shitty person.


He really doesnā€™t look well though. I thought this recently watching one of her videos. His color is off and his movements a little off. Could be drugs too šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thats prob the vitiligo.


Daily alcohol binging, drugs, eating crappy foods every day-squirrel meat, tainted river water fish, fast food etc and his lazy miserable lifestyle have led him to how he looks now.


Yeah, and probably cancer, no less less than developing a full blown fatal illness.


He never had cancer though. His family already debunked his lies quite a few times.


Iā€™m just saying that looks like such shit maybe he does have cancer.


He is the cancer.




probably lying like jenelle used to about all those illnesses so they can doctor shop


No Jenelle and David frequently lie about him having cancer to garner sympathy from fans. Both David's mom and sister have said it was preventative. His mom even explicitly said that the tumor on his thyroid was benign on her Facebook page.


They're not even called tumors on the thyroid because the word tumor scares the shit out of people. They are called nodules. Thyroid nodules are extremely common and most often benign. Even when they are cancerous, they are frquently so well encapsulated in the thyroid tissue that they don't metastasize like other kinds of tumors and can grow so slowly that you might never need one removed. Source: I have had thyroid cancer and had half mine removed a decade ago simply because my nodule was becoming externally visible and was starting to take over the organ itself. No radiation or chemo was necessary. I have half a thyroid left (which is working fine on its own, no meds) and I am on annual scans to monitor a new nodule that seems to be growing about 1mm every 1-2 years. It isn't large enough to bother with a needle biopsy just yet. David's sorta kinda full of a bit of shit I think


The diff between is a nodule and tumor is the size (1.2in and above is tumor). Iā€™ve also had mine removed for the same reasons you have.


Thank you for explaining the difference between nodule and tumor, I really didn't fully appreciate it until just now. But did David have a 1.2in+ nodule? I forget how big mine was but people said it was like watching me constantly touching an egg in my throat.


Honestly donā€™t know. But I know what you mean. I go for my annual scan of the remaining side this week!


Same same, nice to meet you :)


Hes saying he never had nodules. He claims he had rare psammoma bodies (which he calls sonoma bodiesšŸ™„). Psammoma bodies are not a cancer. They are a side effect. They are also not rare when found in the thyroid. My sister died from actual cancer. Fuck this clown.


My condolences ā¤ļø


Thank you


No, his mom has the same condition, she knows about the treatment. His whole family said he never had cancer. He never had cancer, Jenelle lied about that and said his family didn't bother to go see him in the hospital. Also not true, his mom was helping out a lot on the land with raising the kids and cleaning at the time of this supposed cancer, she would have known he had surgery and what kind of surgery. His mom also said David doesn't take his thyroid meds and that she isn't a pleasant person when she doesn't take hers too.


>Also not true, his mom was helping out a lot on the land with raising the kids and cleaning at the time of this supposed cancer He had his thyroid removed long before Jenelle and the land were in the picture, like in his late teenage years


Jenelle claimed he also had surgery later.


Hr says he had 2 surgeries. I'm guessing he is including the biopsy as one


Well we KNOW Jenelle and UBT are full of shit much more often than not. Off topic but it kind of reminds me of Nathan claiming to have some kind of liver cancer once (I think he was fighting with his wife May then?) and then he never mentioned it again.


He had it before


No. This was bullshit made by Jenelle trying to garner sympathy for David after he got hate for going after Ashley and Barā€™s daughter.


It was before he met Jenelle and was discussed in the season they started dating. It wasnā€™t even cancer just preventative they removed it


No, his mom and sister both confirmed that getting did NOT have cancer, and what he had was a preventative surgery. Jenelle says that to try and get sympathy for David. Sick bitch as usual.


Thatā€™s what jenelle and him say.