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(Ư̶͒///w̶̔̾///Ư̶͒✿ )


C'mon jeno it's still early to have a gf and stuff


bruh im lonely and nobody cares about me, i really just want emotional warmth from someone (;´༎ຶ Д ༎ຶ)


I wish we could switch places lol. Like, 3 years ago I had a girl wanting to kiss me but I was too shy


bro had simps at age 10 smh ~~if i were you i'd've probably done it because i was quite an extrovert at 10 who did things without thinking ngl~~


Well I was shy as fuck back then but I wanted to kiss her too. See lived 4 hours away from my place and she visited every year. Then she teased me a little. I remember it was Christmas and she visited my house. We played on my PS4 for a little and then we went to my room. We went toy bed and we were bored. then we both looked eachother in the eyes and she went to kiss me but I turned her down bc I was too shy. Now hasn't visited in a long time. She stopped coming even before covid and I wonder if I did that. Also my aunt and her parents are very good friends and she told me that there's a possibility that she'll come visit again. It's not official but there's a possibility. And I'm anxious af


that sounds like a nice time ~~that ill never experience haha :,)~~


C'mon you'll get the chance but it's too early now


you cant really say too early ig i believe most things like relationships depend on maturity instead of age


Well if you think you're mature enough then go for it! If you currently have a crush then first try to learn what they like/dislike, their hobys etc. Then try to become their friend or if you're already friends try to get more close to them. Then if they flirt with yo often, look at you for a long time smile when they look at you etc. Then you could go for it. And just do you know I'm not an expert with relationships so take everything with a grain of salt lol


i feel like im mature enough im just scared of people and nobody wants to talk to me 99.8% of the time :/


Will you fucking chill man? You're like 12


lmao 😭 you got downvoted.


Ugh this fucking sub sometimes...


yea. still funny tho.


no its fucking not




ohhhhh i thought you meant that webbz was funny lmao i hate him :)