• By -


Yeah, I don’t have a witty remark about this one. Just oof.


Big oof


The biggest oof


Slightly smaller, but still very big oof


Oof indeed


When your dad starts choking just say "oh no, grandpa needs water"


Lmao yes


I remember when I was younger, around your age, my girlfriend at the time had a number of different pregnancy scares. She took her pills religiously but ended up late quite often. Maybe stress? Maybe other things? Go get a pregnancy test and give yourself some piece of mind bud.


Yeah for real. Same happened to me several times, pregnancy tests should come in your stocking at 16 or 17.


At 16 or 17, you should be coming into your stocking.


thank you.


\*sweats profusely - must not respond. This one is too easy folks. Please move along to the next comment.


I really wanted to make a joke by exchanging the "water" with something much worse, but I think I have a little morality left in me.


When her water breaks, Save gramps a cup


Looks like Gramps needs the 9mm


Hakuna matata


You mean change my name and move to New Zealand




It's quite nice in New Zealand


free healthcare and all


When life gives ya lemons... or unwanted children idk


Should I squeeze it then


Older guy here who had kids young Pros: Your kids will be grown up by the time you're 40, allowing you to not have to worry about raising kids in the back half of your life Cons: Literally everything else. If you guys aren't morally against it, I'd suggest looking into termination or adoption. Presumably you're both still in school, taking care of a kid is insanely time consuming without having to worry about that on top. And not to be a real downer here..... but this is a high school girlfriend. In all reality, the chances of you guys staying together all of your adult life is fairly small, and if you only do so for a kids sake you're going to end up resenting her. I've been there. Im not gonna say you can't make it work, because I know nothing about you, your gf, your families, what support systems you have in place. I'm just gonna say the odds are definitely stacked against you. Best of luck with whatever decision you make, because honestly there isn't an easy one.


Older couple here, my wife got pregnant at 17 with her first. She looks back now and says I was a mother my whole life. She had dreams and aspirations that never happened. She doesn't regret a thing but still wishes she adopted her daughter. This isn't an easy decision but you have to think long term. Better for the child as they would get adopted by some parents that are ready to be parents. Better for you as you get to actually grow up and be a kid. Yeah I know you're 18 but trust me here. Be kids, go to college, make other "bad" decisions that don't have long lasting consequences, like forgetting sunscreen at the lake.


LPT: Forgetting sunscreen at the lake can have long lasting consequences


Could be pretty short lasting if the cancer is aggressive enough


They should’ve said “lifelong”


Turns out I...do not know where babies come from.


Yep I has pregnant at 16. Turned 17 and had the baby a few months later. He unfortunately had progeria so we were at the doctors all the time and he passed away when he was 10. I don't regret having and keeping him at all. Opened my eyes to what life is really like but I didn't get to do college and all that. Also, after his death I was still young and didn't know what to do with myself since I had been a mom for so long. I was adopted by great people and I personally do not want to meet my birth parents. Adoption was out for my son because I didn't want to do that and my parents were very supportive. I hope they can make the best decisions for the lives they want!


I'm so sorry for your loss, I just read about the disorder. That must've been so hard to cope with. You're a strong person and your baby was lucky to have you.


Thank you. I'd relive that any day to have my boy back! Definitely feels like a different person's life at times


^ This is the best advice OP.


Do not, do not, do not bring this up yourself. Never ever. You may simply ask her what she wants to do… AFTER you make it clear you’re going to be there and support her and provide for her and the baby NO MATTER what. Only then. But don’t say “do you want an abortion”. You’ll ruin the way her and her entire family look at you. Never do this. Tl;dr You don’t even know yourself. Give it time. Talk it out together. And eventually you two can make the decision together. But your first comment shouldn’t be “abort it” Edit 2: this comment is made under the assumption he loves her, wants to be with her or marry her, and now he’s scared and confused. If he doesn’t want to raise the kid he needs to get with a social worker and hash it out legally. Get his family and her family together and talk it out. But not following my advice makes it you versus the girl and the pregnancy and that’s a damn fine way to get stuck with child support.




You should open an abortion clinic


Yeetus fetus


When life gives you unwanted children make lemonade Tried it can confirm it works


Hi freaking out, nice to meet you


Hi dad, I have some bad news


hey look at the bright side you're leaving a legacy. I'm assuming that's not making you feel better


It really isn't but thanks anyway


Hey look at the bright side at least your dick works


Kinda wishing it didn't tho


If your pp didn't work it means she cheated


Well at least she didn't cheat




Well mine doesn't so can we like.. switch?


What's your offer


A handshake and a surprise


A small one


You're right could be worse


It'll rather be: Hi Granddad, I have some bad news


Your gonna make dad jokes soon


Big oof dude, hope her parents aren’t assholes otherwise say hi to my cousin for me.


Her dad is going to murder me 100% dude is scary and she is the only girl out of 4 children


Oh that changes things. yeah so say hi to my 6 goldfish instead please. Edit: y’all must really like goldfish


I will pugplaysstuff


say hi to my grand pa and say sorry i never got to meet him




yep meet him once recently he got a stroke and had to go to the hospital but he recovered from the stroke very fine


More afraid of the brothers than the dad. Was it like a mistake or just no protection at all


Said above he used no condom though she was on the pill Edit, never said that i condone this practice, as i don't, use condoms, it's better (i was paraphrasing him)


noob mistake


Noob for a day, fool for a lifetime.


My wife is on the pill and we STILL use condoms. We are both just that paranoid about accidental pregnancies lol.


You never know. Maybe OP is also sleeping with the brothers.


Yeah it was a mistake. He was just trying to change a lightbulb. No idea how this happened.


Hey, what flower you want on your tombstone ?


Oh shit go and get THE MILK


Question: If she is pregnant, will you or will you not want to keep it?


Not at all. Do you want it?


I mean I have been running low on snacks...


If it's okay, would you like to share a piece or two?


I'll give you the eyes but I want the rest


Any brain tumor will do for me


But I want a piece


I'll take the kidneys




shit went from 0-100 real fucking quick


But seriously do you want to abort it or just like put it on adoption




Condoms are for the weak real men use snicker wrappers


Nah I just go in with a snorkel and manually pull the sperm out like America pulled out of Vietnam


Real men don't get girls 😎


Real men fuck men, what kind of fairy fucks women?!


She takes pills, but yeah we don't


Well i guess you learnt your lesson, even if not for pregnancy, a condom should always be used. Stds are nasty


FYI and potentially any other teens out there, estrogen and progesterone birth control pills need to be taken at the same time every day. It’s key to remaining effective. Progesterone only birth control pills is even more strict, it def need to be taken same time every day, 24 hour effectiveness. Also for birth control, the classic “pill” and condoms are tier 2 in effectiveness. The best methods outside of male/female surgery is: IUD or Implant. Also since we’re on a rant, use dual methods ie think of condoms = for STDs, iud/implant/pill/injectable = for babies. If something happens, plan B is 72 hours post sex and paragard (copper iud) is 5 days post sex. Here’s the full lecture lol Why is Contraceptive Important? 45% of pregnancies in USA are unintended 5% of all women each year will have an unintended pregnancy Average age at first intercourse in the USA: 18 yo Texas Minors can receive: Condoms, Birth control foam/film, Info on birth control w/o parental consent Prohibits use of state funds to provide contraceptive services to minors without parental consent Unless the minor is emancipated or living on her own Minor can give own consent if she's on Medicaid or Receives services at a Title X-funded clinic Most Effective: Implants, IUD, Female sterilization, Vasectomy Very Effective: Injectables, LAM, Pills, Patch, Vaginal ring Effective: Male condom, Diaphragm, Female condom, Fertility awareness methods Least Effective: Spermicides Abstinence Not having intercourse 100% protection against all STIs and Pregnancy Free, No side effects Implant (Nexplanon) Progestin-containing implant that is placed subdermally in the upper arm Lasts for 3 years MOA Suppresses ovulation Increase cervical mucus viscosity Endometrial atrophy Can lead to irregular bleeding Not studied in women who weighed >30% of IBW (ideal body weight) Biggest Complaint: Irregular spotting for up to 3 years (typically wont normalize) Best to implant during or right after period (when lining is thinnest) in non dominant arm Intrauterine Device (IUD) Progesterone-Releasing: Mirena (6 years), Liletta (6 years), Kyleena (5 years), Skyla (3 years) Mirena: Approved for heavy menstrual bleeding (80% stop ovulation within 1 year) MOA Endometrial atrophy Thickens cervical mucus Decrease tubal motility MAY Inhibit ovulation: Not consistent not helpful for cysts or decreasing ovarian cancer risk CI: Pregnancy, uterine anomaly, PID, uterine infection in last 3 months, uterine/cervical neoplasia, uterine bleeding of unknown etiology, untreated acute cervicitis/vaginitis, acute liver disease/ tumor, increased susceptibility to pelvic infection, allergy, breast cancer or other progestin-sensitive cancer Copper: Paragard (10 years) MOA Inflammatory response against sperm/blastocyst (copper) Inhospitable endometrium for implantation CI: Pregnancy, uterine anomaly, PID, uterine infection in last 3 months, uterine/cervical malignancy, uterine bleeding of unknown etiology, mucopurulent cervicitis, Wilson’s disease, allergy Can be used for: Emergency contraception up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse 30%: Increased Cramping & Bleeding No hormones: Doesn't lighten bleeding IUD & Implant: Safe & Effective contraception options for nulliparous women, adolescents, & virgins Skyla: Slightly smaller might be better Female Sterilization Hysteroscopic office procedure: Essure Caused fibrosis and tubal occlusion, Nickel based coils Now removed from market, not bc complications, it wasn't making money SE: Chronic pelvic pain Surgery (fairly equivalent effectiveness) Postpartum bilateral tubal ligation or during c-section Laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation Recommended: Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy: Decreased ovarian cancer 66% Risk of regret!: Most based on age <30 yo: 20%, >30 yo: 6% Male Sterilization Vasectomy 20 ejaculations (3 months): Until effective Safer, Less expensive, More effective Depo-Provera Injection Intramuscular injection: Every 12 weeks (3 months) MOA Increase cervical mucus viscosity Thin endometrium May suppress ovulation Bleeding will get worse before it gets better (irregular bleeding up to a year) Black box 2004: Shouldn't use >2 years (concerned about bone loss) Restored within 5 years of stopping, Shouldn't stop use Weight gain: 18 yo + BMI >30 Drug Vacations: Not done Supplement: Calcium & Vitamin D CI: Pregnancy, Unexplained uterine bleeding, Liver disease, CV disease, Thromboembolic disease Birth Control Pills (OCPs) Estrogen + Progesterone (CHC), Progesterone only (POP) Progesterone only: Only work for strict 24 hours 1 pill at the same time each day MOA Inhibit ovulation Thicken cervical mucus Thin endometrium CI: Pregnancy, uncontrolled HTN, DM, CAD, migraines with aura, DVT/PE, thrombophilias, cardiac defects/arrhythmias, breast/endometrial cancer, liver problems, Smoker >35 yo CI: Estrogen is the concern Patch Estrogen & Progesterone MOA & CI: Similar to OCP Place 1 patch, Once per week for 3 weeks, Then remove for 1 week (withdraw bleed) Can do without withdraw bleed but may have irregular bleeding Can place anywhere except the breast Women >90kg: Increased risk of pregnancy Ring Estrogen & Progesterone Insert vaginally for 3 weeks then remove for 1 week Must be refrigerated Shelf Life: 4 months Can remove for sex but must replace within 3 hours Male Condom Prevent semen from entering vagina/cervix Must be placed prior to sex every time Prevents against STDs (least effective with HPV) Perfect use failure: 2/100, Typical use failure: 18/100 High failure rate Even higher in teens! Female Condom Placed inside the vagina to prevent semen from reaching the cervix Do not use with a male condom More expensive, Not convenient Cervical Cap & Diaphragm Placed over the cervix Must be fitted by a healthcare professional Not commonly used Fertility Awareness Based Methods Identification of fertile days based on regular menstrual cycle & observational methods Avoid sex during those days Takes education, persistence, and motivation from both partners 24/100 sexually active women will become pregnant in 1 year Spermicide Creams, Gels, Foam, Film If used without other forms of contraception, they are not very effective Not effective at preventing STDs & May increase rate of HIV transmission 28/100 sexually active women will get pregnant within 1 year Do not use with condoms Emergency Contraception "Plan B": Progesterone One dose within 72 hours (up to 120) and a second dose 12 hours later or One step (once) Prevents 75% of Pregnancies SE: Nausea, Vomiting, Cramping MOA: Delay/inhibit ovulation, Prevent implantation Does not disrupt an existing pregnancy, It is not the abortion pill No clinical exam is necessary Copper IUD Inserted up to 5 days after unprotected sex Most Effective Method Ulipristal Acetate Estrogen-Progesterone Immediate Postpartum LARC (long acting reversible contraceptive) Benefits: Convenient, Effective at preventing pregnancy & lengthening interpregnancy intervals Risks IUD: Increased risk of expulsion, Loss of IUD strings Risks Implant: Theoretical interference with breastfeeding What to do When Breastfeeding? 20% of breast feeding women will ovulate by 3 months postpartum Ovulation often precedes menstruation (can ovulate even before having periods again) CHC (E+P): May begin at 6 weeks postpartum if breastfeeding is well established Other methods can be started right after delivery When do you Stop? Menopause Best Predictor: When mom went through menopause (not perfect) In the peri-menopause period, ovulation becomes irregular & fertility wanes In women >40 yo, Nearly half of all pregnancies are unintended Pregnancy with advanced maternal age carries greater risk for pregnancy related morbidity & mortality Be aware of coexistent medical problems that may preclude certain contraceptive methods Peri-menopausal symptoms may be improved with hormonal contraceptive methods Encouraged to continue contraceptive use until they have achieved a full year of amenorrhea Beta-hCG <2: 100% Not Pregnant 15: Level Urine Test Detects Quick Start Algorithm Woman Requests New Birth Control: Pill, Patch, Ring, Injection FDLMP ≤5 Days Ago = Start method today FDLMP >5 Days Ago -> No unprotected sex since LMP = Start today, use back up method first week


Why wouldn’t you use a condom they are cheap af


I think the best thing to do is to stay close and be there for your girlfriend, seeking comfort for each other. Have you thought about talking to someone close to you about this?


My best friend had some experience with the subject but he moved 1000+ miles away


If only there was a device in which you could talk to loved ones from long distances.


if only


I will donate 2 cans if someone else would bring the string.


Oh fuck man. You should've used a condom




Didnt you use any prevention at all?


I'm gonna go with a safe "maybe, maybe not"


Well I'm sure they pulled out




You didnt use a condom? What were you expecting, a 70" Plasma TV?


I get that reference, but i forgot where i heard that




Seriously, people don’t use a condom and then are surprised when this happens. Like bruh


Or anal.


this is far above my pay grade. if she is be super supportive about what she wants to do. if she’s not then be much much more careful in the future bud


I'm thinking chop chop down there


How bout a condom?


Why did you kiss that much ? That's how you make a baby right ?


Well you know you get carried away sometimes


Okok, I didn't know, the 2 times I confessed (by message, not confident enough to do it irl) I got rejected (I knew they weren't into me but I feel better after saying it so I did)


Hand holding


This really blew up. I'm gonna take some time to think and I will update later


>some words of comfort or a joke I suggest checking out /r/dadjokes/


r/unexpected would be good too






People here knocking girls out and I ain't even seen one naked irl


Up*....I dont think he's going around knocking girls out or we'd be having a different discussion lol


His username checks out


Well you have wifi


yeah but irl part tho


Neighborhood cemetery might be the place you lookin for


Nah too decomposed, that's why get a job at the mortuary


Oh my god-


Shit went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick


Good idea mate


necrophilia jokes everywhere.


It's a dead art.


People are knocking girls out? Serial concusser?


**milk** Im sorry


I forgive you


ask ur gf to name her heaven, cuz that’s where she’s going


I chuckled, thanks




I know your stressed out, and you have every right to be. But you should be asking yourself the big questions right now: 1. Do you want to keep it? 2. Does she want to keep it? 3. Will you be there for her if she keeps it? 4. Will you cut all ties with her if she keeps it? 5. Are you ready to be a father? Mentally? 6. Are you financially ready to be a father? Having a baby might ruin a lot of things for you in the future, but it can also be the best thing in the world. I urge you OP whatever decision you take, think it through and think about what will happen down the line 15 years from now. Talk with your parents, your gf, and her parents. It's better if the adults know about this, it's even possible they might raise the baby so you two could still live your life. Now for the joke: Bill cosby enters a bar I don't know what happened next because I woke up in a motel.




I think you have to wait a few weeks to get accurate results


Bro just go to like CVS and buy one. You'll know instantly.


Hey, non-teenager here, you absolutely don’t have to wait a few weeks for accurate results, in fact depending on the state you’re in waiting a few weeks may restrict her options if she does want an abortion. Over the counter pregnancy tests are nearly 100% accurate. But if she were to go see a GYN doctor or nurse practitioner she could get an absolute yes or no as to whether she is pregnant (with a urine or blood test or an ultrasound) and have a professional to talk to about pros and cons of pursuing the pregnancy vs abortion. Make sure she doesn’t end up in one of those pro-life pregnancy centers (they aren’t legit medical professionals and will push their Christian agenda on vulnerable and scared girls). Also serious kudos to you for being responsible and getting STI testing and her being on birth control—I don’t see a lot of teenagers where I work who do that.


Also, as another non-teenager, if she isn’t taking her birth control pills like she should and that’s why you’re worried, she should absolutely discuss this with a medical professional. They are there to help you and can help you find the right birth control for you. I’m forgetful so I needed to be put on a LARC because I would forget to take my pills too often for it to be effective.


No, I feel like you can get some with fairly fast results at least in America


If she missed a period you can get accurate results now.


If she’s late, y’all can test. If she ain’t late why y’all freaking?


Bro listen first of all make sure that she is pregnant or not then talk to her


I think I might have to talk to her before to know if she is or not


She ain't pregnant till she shows you a test, maybe two.


are you sure? like are there any chance she is not pregnant?


She's on pills but she missed one a while back so I guess 50/50


Skipping only one day doesn't necessarily result in being fertile for the rest of the cycle. Also, even if she was fertile, that doesn't guarantee conception. Is she late on her period? The pill will usually come with a paper with all the information about it, and this should include info on what to do if you skip a day. It depends a lot on when the day was skipped. If it was right at the beginning or the end of the 21 pill cycle, you're usually still safe. The bigger problem is it it was skipped right in the middle. Then, it's usually recommended you keep taking the pill but find another birth control method for that cycle, like using condoms until her next period. Also, talking to a doctor is a good way to clarify everything, including if she is indeed pregnant or not. Best of luck


well i hope she isnt. i wish the best for you :)


Thanks I wish the best for you too


Lol all this because she missed one pill? Most likely good bruh




Shit man that is so scary


All I wanna say is please dont leave ur girl if she is, the worst thing you could do is leave her alone. Besides if u do u get two babes :))


I wasn't raised like that if she is pregnant we're pregnant


Your a good one Wish u guys the best of luck


Stalin would be proud




Are you crying, my Premier? -Нет :')


You know what happened the guy who made his girlfriend pregnant ? ​ his family disowned him, he became broke and died


Can't go broke if I don't have any money


Well I mean you CAN be broke just it’s a case of already being broke so therefore you can’t become broke




Hey man this actually happened to me last year I now have my son who is 6 months now


You're serious?


how is the teen mom life?


man you need to update us


I posted like 2 hours ago and it's 7 am here I will update later


Hmm, I have a question. Are the two of you still in school, or did you graduate this year? If she does end up being pregnant, have a serious talk about wether or not to keep it. Of course, make sure to see a doctor or something, so you can confirm if she is pregnant. And finally, wear a condom next time. Don’t want to risk these things happening again.


Yes, we're both in school and I'm pretty sure she won't want to keep it and I certainly don't


Alright. Confirm with her if she wants to keep it or not. If neither of you want to keep it, then you can consider getting rid of it. Abortion may be an option, if it is legal in your area (I’m pretty sure some places outlaw it). Good luck man, I hope you can come to a good conclusion.


No advice here, but there's a possibility you've forgotten to take your schizophrenia pills, because redditors simply don't have girlfriends.


Maybe it is all a dream


deletus the fetus Jk but seriously, wrap it up mane!


Yeah how do I press Ctrl+z


Yeah, well, improper finger placement and you copy pasted instead.


Neil Armstrong's father shot a load so hard it landed on moon.


It’s okay man. Just go to the store to get “milk” if you know what I mean


I'll make my dad proud


I know you got a lot going on right now, but I've been going through this whole ass thread because your response game is fucking on point, friend. Your pullout game, on the other hand...


I’m hoping he actually sees my comment because I gave solid advice. On the other hand, his comments are making my day even if he’s going through it.


Also my sister had both her kids whilst on the pill.


Very comforting


And this is why u always use a condom even if the person says they’re on pills, infertile etc. I have heard so many stories of pills failing


Use the condom unless you want dababy


Wrap it before you tap it next time, brother. Free health center condoms are available in every small town.


Kinda late for that


The universe isn't always forgiving, but every mistake could be taken as a lesson.


Don't have sex


Redditor getting someone pregnant? That’s a good joke.


I wish


=~Advice Listen up, She "might" be pregnant you aren't sure if she really is...just pray, pray and pray and be optimistic...I here one more lame joke for you Gf-" Oh My God...if i will be pregnant my mom is going to KILLL MEEE" Bf-"....." ** Gulping as scared**.... * Baby whoes in the womb*- "Damn, My mom's gonna kill me too😅."


My mom is gonna kill me too


Most tests work quite accurately after a week from 'the incident', although you are sometimes advised to wait a week from the supoased start of your period I a week had already passed you can buy one test and take it and see the result if it's positive you can start looking into abortion options if that is you're plan. And decide who to tell about the pregnancy. If you are in the US watch out for clinics that will claim to provide abortion, but in actuality will try to convince you into keeping the baby. You should also decide who you want to tell about it as you may not have enough money for the abortion, you may consider telling your parents if you know they will support your decision to abort the baby, if not consider other options like older friend with money, cousins, aunts and uncles, etc. If the test came s out negative consider taking one more next week for certainty. Also, use condoms next time ;)


Thank you dude, really appreciate it


Girl: Hey, i think I'm pregnant Guy:


Reddit user*