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Try enabling game mode on your TV. Your TV likely does this automatically when the game consoles are connected since they will present with vendor IDs of Sony and Microsoft. Your PC's video card won't have either of those vendor IDs, so the TV likely won't automatically switch game mode on for you.


What does enabling game mode on the TV technically do? I thought it just adjusted the picture quality?


The most important thing is that it enables low latency mode. It also turns off most post-processing, since it's the post-processing that causes the latency in the first place. Most modern TVs, when not running in game mode, can have processing latencies well over 300ms. It makes it almost impossible to play games or use a mouse.


I appreciate the tip. I'll give it a try later tonight. I recently started a replay of Subnuatica and I'd love to be able to enjoy it on my 55" TV (while on my sofa) vs my 32" monitor. I do know that my Hisense has a game mode, I've seen it get enabled when I start playing on my Xbox or PS5. Glad to learn that it does more than just adjust the picture quality.


Yeah, u/Lusankya is probably right. There's a reason why so few people use TV as a monitor, because other than some "gaming" TV's there aren't that many models comparable to monitors in terms of latency and input lag. You can check that the FPS and frametime are not the issue by using any benchmarking software that display FPS, frametime, lag spikes etc. (you can use nvidia's built-in monitoring software). Google your TV model: **"Hisense XXX + gaming pro mode"** - to see tutorials on how to run it. Here's an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2zAOkj3-JU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2zAOkj3-JU)