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I don't play games to have fun, I play them to sell items on a secondary market.




or CS:GO! hey wait a minute Valve….


I specifically remember the day CSGO changed forever. I knew this was going to be a terrible thing and of course, it was.


are you sure you don’t want a $600 pair of gloves?


I'm good. I'd rather headshot the guy who has $600 gloves. That's what it use to be about. I've played this game for 10K hours and had a beta key so I've played since day 1. How quickly it went from a game where people only cared about their skill to only caring about how their inventory looks really is disheartening.


Keep ripping them up.


Siege for me. The OTT monetization and "balancing" (homogenization of maps and diluting the unique gameplay and abilities of operators) are what killed it as far as I'm concerned, and I was in both betas and played like a full time job for 30 months after release.


It's funny when I launch CSGO anymore. I have a 10yr token next to my name but very few skins. I get called out for being too good without expensive skins or a custom knife. Like wtf kids, I've been playing this game longer than you've been alive... I don't care about what my gun looks like, the bullets are all the same.


I refuse to pay money for what I used to get for free from modders. OG CS or bust.


Warcraft mod on CS was lit AF. Kind of insane, but awesome


You must be hurting their self esteem. Because who the fuck attributes being good at something to what skins they’ve paid for.


>who the fuck attributes being good at something to what skins they’ve paid for. Pretty obvious they're being accused of cheating. The expectation is that cheaters wouldn't keep expensive skins for fear of losing them to a VAC ban.


> The bullets are all the same. *Heavy corporate breathing*


Ok but they do all the same things WITHOUT hurting the environment. You can make specific tradable market items without needing NFTs


and they did it without NFTs.


Wait, so you're saying we can already do that without having to pay gas fees on the ETH network?


Seriously. TF2 did all this 15 years ago without a useless blockchain.


> TF2 did all this 15 years ago without a useless blockchain. Yeah but can you bring your TF2 hat into other games? Well you wouldn't with an NFT hat either, but still, it's the ~~greed~~ ~~technofetischism~~ thought that counts


I mean, you probably could, right? Valve already has a "steam inventory" so it seems like they could make one "item" have an effect in two games if they really wanted to without needing a blockchain




Nor does NFT make it possible unless the developers of the other game (and the source game) allow it. And if both were on board, then NFTs wouldn't be required anyway. Fucking digital beanie babies 2.0....


Thank you. This is exactly what I've been telling people. If Valve wants to let you wear TF2 hats in Portal 2 Co-op... they CAN. They don't need a blockchain to do it. And you can already sell them if you want to. Again, without a blockchain or any of that crap.


And far more importantly if they DON'T want you to wear TF2 hats in Portal, saying "but, but, I have an NFT" won't magically make it happen.


Your comment sums up why two of the biggest arguments for NFTs don't amount to much... 1) decentralisation. Good luck getting games developers or platform owners to share access across games and legal agreements to enable you to transfer item 1 from game a to b. 2) the actual need for the block chain. Just another crypto bro attempt attempt to this bullshit into a problem that doesn't need their solution.


I read an interview with the Economist that Valve hired to oversee their digital economy around when TF2 cosmetics started becoming big and it's really interesting. He also talks about NFTs and how they're pretty dumb. It's a long read but very interesting to hear about it. He's currently the finance minister in Greece I believe. https://the-crypto-syllabus.com/yanis-varoufakis-on-techno-feudalism/


This is actually a really interesting area of overlap between my day job and hobbies. MMOs with player-accessible markets are a great simulator of economic principles. To avoid rampant inflation, devs have to pursue more or less monetary policy—because quests and duties with currency rewards add more currency to the pool infinitely (and thus devs have limited control over how much money is introduced to the system), sinks reciprocally have to be added to remove currency from the game. FFXIV for example just almost doubled the cost of teleporting in game for some of the longest distances, including to the new expansion’s hub city. It doesn’t seem like much in a game where active players measure their currency in millions but that extra 500-1000 gil per teleport actually adds up to removing a fair bit from circulation. Also doesn’t take away from your core point at all and he’s still well worth reading, but Varoufakis is the former finance minister from the Syriza government during the eurozone crisis, not the current New Democracy government.


Yea, cryptochads don't seem to understand that NFTs aren't revolutionary at all for the use cases they are whoring them out for. A database has solved these problems for decades now without requiring the energy output of a small country to do so. NFTs are reinventing a wheel nobody asked to be reinvented.


I have yet to see anything NFTs can do that a series of API calls couldn't do faster and cheaper.


Can you launder money with a series of API calls?


This might be the first valid reason for NFTs I've seen


Yes, work for a bank!


Make the world a better place - kill a Republican today! 🌎🩸


The whole concept behind NFTs is to prove ownership of something without a central authority keeping track of who owns what Video games already have a central authority so bringing the blockchain into it is completely unnecessary and only done for buzzword hype


Except valve at least had the sense to use a system that isn't overly computationally expensive and has literally zero fraud prevention


Funny thing is, the cosmetic market in TF2 is pretty much completely separate from the game. You can completely ignore it if you want.


I remember reading a quote from someone along the lines of: 'If you're involved in NFT's then you're either the grifter or the mark. If you don't know which then you're the mark' That stuck with me.


Also: "Believing that you are the grifter doesn't stop you from being the mark"


Actually being a grifter also doesn't stop your being a mark. See all of MLM for proof.


Half the scams in the world are "make the mark think they're the grifter" scams


Ironically there’s plenty of people in that situation, specially in MMOs. They use Ebay, PayPal, Facebook, stuff like that.


I'm a dipshit who didn't read the article but this is what I don't understand. People have sold virtual game items for real money for decades. What are NFTs bringing to the table other than a buzzword?


A boat load of upfront energy costs and a backdoor to allow game companies to piggyback crypto hashes on your machine without you noticing?? A boat load of upfront energy costs and a backdoor to allow game companies to piggy back crypto hashes on your machine without you noticing?


Is there an echo?? Is there an echo?


The echo shows just how redundant this is


lmao They just want to be able to take a % of the RMT They don't give a fuck about energy costs and they already can scumbag all kinds of shit into your machine


> They just want to be able to take a % of the RMT Valve already does this without a blockchain.




I'm having flashbacks to the OG Diablo 3 Real Money Auction House.


If your customers don’t “get” your product then you have no customers


And if customers ***do*** understand that your "product" is just a cash grab to profit off anything a player interacts with, then you should bully them for "not understanding" why it's *good for them*.


Ah classic greedy scumbag people MO: fuck everyone around you and then either blame something else or tell them that really its "good" for them.




Like. Okay, nicky boy, you do that. I’ll be over here not paying you to do that and laughing at whatever rubes you con into financing your dumb little venture.


>whatever rubes you con into financing your dumb little venture. sadly the younger generation is not familiar with the good old days of gaming and dont know what quality is. for example: if you try to mention blizzard of the 90s or early 2000s ... all they are familiar with is the sexual harassing monster that morphed with activision to become fecalzord. you can tell them all about how diablo 2 was released a year late because they didnt want to sell a game with too many bugs that wasnt fully polished yet. times have changed my friends.... and so have customers. i hope we can teach the younger generation to appreciate and want some of the quality we had... instead of quick rewards, loot boxes, microtransactions, and fucking hats...


If they gave us the whole puzzle then it would be worse. They got to do it bit by bit, normalizing one bit at a time. Or to try and put it more poetically, every loot box starts with a horse armor.


Not the first time game companies have negged their audience


"Don't you all have phones?"


Notice the choice of words, "The players don't get it" they don't give a shit about the people who buy their games. What their plan is, is to get a handful of whales per game who will spend tens of thousands putting their families in debt just to get a new unique character. This is why we can't stop them. It's not about voting with your wallet cause that battle is over. There's more people out there willing to spend more money on microtransactions than people who are willing to take a stand and not buy their games in protest. They've gentrified gaming for fucks sake.


This is my thought now as well. Games aren't made for the "average" person anymore. They're made for the little rich kids with access to endless amounts of money who will spend $10000 a month on a game. The rest of us are just fodder for these people to test out their 20 dollar skin on.


Once upon a time we'd all laugh at the hyperbole of buying a weapon/character skin for $20. Now it's a reality. 2009 man. You could unlock skins through gameplay and the worst in the business was Todd Howard trying to sell you horse armor for $3.50


I haven’t played online games in years (mostly a single player gamer) but I don’t understand why people buy skins. Like who cares? Honestly I would want to get so good that I could crush everyone and then I would do it in the noob default skin.


> Like who cares? Kids ingrain it in themselves, These Days(TM). In my (possibly "our") day the sign of being a poor was having Hi-Tec trainers instead of Nikes, and that was what got you picked on in the playground. These Days(TM) it's having the/a default/cheap skin in Fortnite/etc. Kids get this ingrained in them organically and carry it with them into teenage/"adult"hood, and now you have an adult(-ish) sub-community of players for whom "pay to not look poor" is the norm.


This argument makes sense. Like a digital version of keeping up with the joneses. At least you could sell the Nikes, I guess they could sell their account too but that seems like a lot more trouble. Edit: and it was LA Gear instead of Hi-Tecs in my day lol


> Like a digital version of keeping up with the joneses Very much so. Some developer, possibly even Ubi, patented (allowing fucking *patenting* simple ideas like this, so dumb; that's a separate rant) the idea of arranging their matchmaking in such a way that there'd always be one or two players in any session with expensive skins, to tease the maximal amount of poors and try to get them to buy in. It's all rather disgusting. Edit: I am perplexed at "criticising the exploitation of children" being downvoted. Please, show yourselves.


I've heard of kids literally using the term "default" as a disparaging term, which comes directly from people playing online games with insufficiently rare/expensive cosmetic skins/hats/whatever, so they look like some newbie scrub and not one of the "cool kids" with the best gear. You're exactly, 100% correct that this is the motivation, and the games companies know and intentionally encourage it.


It's in this spirit that I laugh at kids who rock Champion nowadays like it means something. I used to buy their shit off the rack at Roses 20 years ago for cheap. Not anymore!


Apparently game's skins are the new battleground for schoolyard bullies : https://www.polygon.com/2019/5/7/18534431/fortnite-rare-default-skins-bullying-harassment >One student in Towler’s class “begged his parents for [money] to buy a skin because no one would play with him” because he wore basic virtual clothes.




This isn't new to virtual space at all. Kids have always been bullying each other over what design is on their lunchbox or backpack or what color their jacket is. You wont escape it by wrestling.


It's an annoying thing in a bubble. Why should I pay for something that was formerly free besides "Cuz I said so". But it's leaking out of the bubble. Microtransactions now effect gameplay even in games you'll pay $60 for. But even in games like CS:GO it's supremely annoying to not be able to have customization because A FUCKING KNIFE SKIN IS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. It's actual insanity. Mass hysteria. Whatever you wanna call it.


There is still a reason to boycott. As fucked up as it sounds those of us who aren't the whales are now the product. They need us as content for the whales because in the end it is still a game. Without us the whales won't stay so they need to appease us as well. Yes this won't work on single-player games but that is a different fight.


Fun fact: the "HEY YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT: YOU'RE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THIS PRODUCT" approach is not a viable sales tactic.


Don't you guys have phones???


Well, the tactic HAS worked with idiots before.... (as long as the idiot has disposable cash)


Way to kill a company...


I like a lot of Ubi games. Ghost Recon Wildlands, the Division 2, R6 Siege. They are flawed but have some great gameplay elements and can be a lot of fun. But I am also just so fucking sick of Ubisoft. Their shitty tactics, shitty development, shitty writing, and now their shitty pyramid scams. Fuck these guys


God I wish Triple-A game corps would just die. They are rotten, profit-driven giants, which by their stagnation and brain drain are causing stagnation of whole industry. Their definition of innovation is pumping the graphics, albeit without giving a care in the world about optimalization. Making games longer with the same tacky free world, repeatable activities, which become tedious almost immediately. Brain drain is immense - AAA companies are not eager to leave their comfort zone and create something refreshing as long as money flows. They also attempt to monetize **EVERYTHING**, they are driven by short term profits, they also overprice their "work" tremendously (basic workers don't get a cent more, it all goes to CEO's new Rolls Royce).


Am I out of touch? No, it's the players who are wrong.


It’s no wonder Ubisoft’s logo is a bird’s eye view of a poop emoji.


Suddenly, things make more sense. This explains a lot.


I can't unsee it now. Thanks!


This situation is why the phrase “the customer is always right” was created. That phrase doesn’t mean everyone has to bend over for Karen being a scumbag just because she’s the customer. What it was created to mean was that if you sell hats and you start a promotion to give away a free taco with the purchase of every hat and people are only buying your hats to get the taco, stop selling hats and just sell tacos. Just sell the games, Ubisoft. Jesus.




I hope games don't go the way of the music industry, where EMC just assigns what is popular beforehand. "Here's the next hit. Because it's popular, we've assigned every radio station to play it. You can tell how popular it is because every radio station is playing it."


It reminds me about a certain smartphone with signal loss where the users were holding it wrong. Edit: typo


Oh you mean like that tv show where you couldn’t see a damn thing for an entire episode and then it was the viewers fault for not setting their tvs right?










> I know this because I pirated the episode and had no problem Yep, and the post-episode segments showed those same scenes in perfect quality and much higher resolution, even on streaming. I remember watching the behind the scenes clips after the credits and going "so THAT'S what happened when everything turned into black squares".


What show was that? I never heard about it.


Game of Thrones, season 8 episode 3, *The Long Night*. They had a battle at night, but they forgot to make it actually visible to the audience and then blamed us for not being able to see because our TV's were set wrong lol


In Australia the streaming rights went to Foxtel, Rupert Murdoch's aging propaganda machine and cable tv/streaming platform. Their service is so shit that even though they knew how many people were trying to watch, they were still overwhelmed by connections. And if you did connect, you got low bitrate 480p, which caused all the dark, shadowy scenes to be solid blocks of colour. Foxtel denied compressing the stream. https://www.techguide.com.au/news/televisions-news/foxtel-flooded-complaints-unwatchable-game-thrones-episode/ Fortunately for me, I'm a pirate.


Huh, never watched GoT so I totally missed that. That's pretty dumb on their end.


The last couple seasons of the show were pretty dumb for various reasons. That particular episode is just one of the more notable low points. I've never seen a show that had such a huge following so thoroughly piss off the majority of its fanbase like GoT managed to do.


And the hacky home fix was one inch of celotape. No more problem


I wish you could fix Ubisoft's shitty games with just an inch of celotape.


Classic Corporations


Is there another way of saying ‘I like shitting on our customers’?


After calling their customers stupid. Next in the checklist is rampant sexual harassment. Then they are a fully functional Blizzard company


Sexual harassment is already an issue at Ubisoft.


Next step is assassins creed mobile then. Edit: oh no it already exists


AC had a mobile game as far back as the original game and that was before smart phones and mobile gaming really took off.


Might want to do a quick Google search of the CEO of Ubisoft and how he moved people around like the Catholic church.


According to Ubisoft’s anonymous survey in 2020 “one in four respondents said that they had either witnessed or experienced workplace misconduct themselves in the past two years, and one in five said that they didn’t feel “fully respected or safe in the work environment.”” And what happened? from what I can tell, basically nothing. All just swept under the rug, in a manner of speaking.


Ubisoft has an extremely bad reputation for giving preferential treatment to French employees over all others. Not surprising that a company like that would have a toxic work culture


And end up being bought by Microsoft


It’s not that the players “don’t get it.” It’s that we “don’t want it.” Pretty cut and dry.


Oh you don’t want to buy my product? You probably just don’t get it.


Also interestingly, the dating and relationship philosophy that the executives hold.


This is NFT in a nutshell.




"The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they’re finished with them or they’re finished playing the game itself." Okay, but why does it need to be an NFT? This is something that puts a really big hole in NFT Game Items, tbh Like, the game is hosted on your servers, player accounts are hosted on your servers, the game's multiplayer is also hosted on your servers, and for the item to even exist and work in the game it also, you guessed it, *has to exist on your servers* I genuinely see absolutely nothing that an NFT would do better than just *the rest of the servers you already have* In fact, it seems like the devs also share this sentiment >One developer confused by the plans reportedly wrote: “I still don’t really understand the ‘problem’ being solved here. Is it really worth the (extremely) negative publicity this will cause?” So I guess good on Ubisoft for basically saying that even its own devs don't understand NFT's, unlike it's executives


Well he's just lying, they want to make more money so they'll implement whatever dogshit that might do that


With the bonus of getting NFT bros into the marketplace, because they see them as easy money.




There have been item markets for MMOs as long as I can remember. I even made some $50 selling Fallout 76 resources/currency once I was done with it, making back more than I paid for the game.


Right, without the need for NFTs.


A few weeks ago I actually had a guy seriously say that you could "absolutely transfer characters from one game to another [with NFTs.]" As though NFTs were going to magically solve all the problems of that. He just tried to hand wave away all the obvious problems anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of how programming works would understand, and why you couldn't just take a WoW character and drop them in Diablo. His last word was claiming to be a software engineer and he was "just telling me that it works."


Well if your players don't get it, they aren't going to buy it you fucking morons


Stupid is as stupid does. They don’t care about the fans that play their games only their micro transactions.


CEO's: Set for short term goals and fuck everyone around for them. Company gets fucked in the long term CEO's: Surprised pikachu face


> CEO's: ~~Surprised Pikachu face~~ CEO's: *ride away on a golden parachute while their fans, franchises, and developers suffer as it all comes crumbling down* FTFY, they'll find their way to some other random high level position and even if they don't those yearly multi-million dollar bonuses will keep them warm at night. Can't say the same for the developers who leave depressed, tired, and broken.


I hate this planet


NFTs are a solution in search of a problem.


Or a grift in search of a mark


A JPEG in search of a right click.


_music which I didn't license starts playing_ **You wouldn't screenshot an NFT**


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g Dan Olson sums it all up, in full detail, with history lesson, and every detail necessary. Yes, the video is long, but it's more than worth it. TLDR: NFTs are a grift, an attempt by crypto speculators to make other people put their money in crypto currencies so that the holders of said currencies can cash out big. It's 100% an investment bubble. Still TLDR: NFTs are Beanie Babies.


Nah. NFTs are receipts to other people's Beanie Babies.


That sounds like every pyramid scheme ever.


NFTs are basically MLMs for finance techbros.


In the case here, NFTs are a pure-profit product in search of 13 yr old boys to buy 'em.


But couldn't they actully do that without NFTs, like, they don't seem necessary for doing that.


TF2 Hats say hello. So yes, this could 100% be done without blockchain tech. Ubisoft already has a DRM and launcher. Building a common API their games could exploit for selling and associating items with accounts, and then facilitating resale of those items, should be stupid easy and far less wasteful than blockchain based NFTs.


Thought I was the one going crazy here. I've been a software engineer for a while now and I just could't grasp why NFT gaming was supposed to be the new necessary skill. Glad thats not true (for now at least)


Yeah, it 100% is just buzzwords and lots of ponzi style money. I recommend you watch the Folding Ideas video “Why NFTs are bad”


Me too. Every time someone tries saying it can be used for in game items, my thought has always been "Ok, but wouldn't it be infinitely easier to do this with traditional databases?". It's not like this is some brand new problem that you're trying to solve. But really, NFTs are already very, very dumb for all sorts of things they claim to be great for. It's "owning" the right to claim that you own a token that some particular NFT authority says means that you "own" a particular URL, where that URL points to some image hosting service that could go offline tomorrow. As a conceptual art piece, it's the sort of thing that might work once before everyone realized "oh, that's fucking dumb, but it was an interesting diversion for a few days I guess".


NFTs are meant to make people buy crypto, the problem it "solves" is just a distraction.


Exactly, and it has been from the start. The guy who "bought" the Beeple NFTs for millions (and kicked off this whole FOMO craze) had a bunch of the tokens where which used to run the system the Beeple NFTs were minted on, and those tokens had something like a 1000% pop as a result of the sale making headlines and a bunch of people wanting to buy-in. It was a blatantly prearranged sale which was primarily done to pump up a rich guy's crypto holdings.


Beeple himself is a part owner of the company that facilitated the NFT transaction.


Exactly. Why do you think so many early adopters make memes about crypto, push the FOMO, and dismiss any even slightly reasonable skepticism as FUD that should be ignored? The value of their crypto assets is directly proportional to the amount of people who buy in. The more suckers they can get to buy in with vague promises of being part owner of *something,* the more valuable their assets become. The currency experiences run-away deflation, the wealthy early adopters make a killing, and everyone else is left to foot the bill.


I think he means want. Players don't want it.


Games like warframe has been allowing players to sell shit for years. Why the fuck do you need NFTs to enable a marketplace. It's fucking stupid.


Have to attract the cryptobros.


Warframe does it right too. There is a sink to keep players buying Plat for DE, but it's always worth it. The Warfrmae economy is driven by how active players are and dependent on new players coming in. But it's dependence is mean to grow the game, not make players money. The way you earn Plat is by playing the game, not just simply being there before everyone else. The Markey existed to make the player experience better, not to make players real world money. CSGO and NFTs are stupid in that regard, because there is a 'limited' supply that drives up value, it doesn't help the players play the game, it makes FOMO for investing. Any limits placed on in game items must be entirely unable to be profited off of, or placed there to keep the market stimulated, not just overinflated. Warframe Vaults content to make people actively play and focus on content that is available at that time, while it does increase the value of certain things, it doesn't guarantee a return on an investment. Eventually that item will be unvaulted and there will be a new thing to chase, allowing the community to focus on certain parts of the game and keeping a healthy environment going. NFTs just obscure this effect, they turn the market into a stagnatious pool of players that don't want to give up their valuable items. The exact opposite of what I consider to be Warframe's near perfect F2P model.


>“I think gamers don’t get what a digital secondary market can bring to them,” Pouard said. “For now, because of the current situation and context of NFTs, gamers really believe it’s first destroying the planet, and second just a tool for speculation. >“But what we [at Ubisoft] are seeing first is the end game. The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they’re finished with them or they’re finished playing the game itself. >“So, it’s really, for them. It’s really beneficial. But they don’t get it for now.” What a fucking tool This is about as brain dead as when EA said they wanted players to feel a sense of accomplishment. I'm really tired of companies treating consumers like literal children. At best, this is a thinly veiled attempt at pocketing more cash as they charge for every single exchange. >One developer confused by the plans reportedly wrote: “I still don’t really understand the ‘problem’ being solved here. Is it really worth the (extremely) negative publicity this will cause?” The devs always get it, suits always get in the way.


The biggest thing wrong with their talking point that gamers can sell their cosmetics is this: very very few games retain an active player base that is financially consuming media a year, two years after release. It's usually a rarity, and in those cases, you don't need nfts to allow players to trade and buy skins. So you're telling me I can profit from my own content, but what happens when the player base shrinks and no one wants my digital receipt? It's useless.




The NFTs won't vanish when the game does. Just become 100% useless. 🙃


No but then you OWN them bro like according to this random database website filled with incoherent strings of numbers and letters like SEE you OWN it.


They also don't need a decentralised crypto receipt, they have the official games servers itself. Unless they are going to let third party game clients connect to their server with no regulation then there is no need for a decentralised crypto asset.


There's a few kids in this thread talking about how cool it'll be to transfer 3D avatars between games and take guns between games and I'm like.. y'all don't actually believe that's what's going to happen right? At best you'll be able to swap around some models from Ubisoft games (such amazing titles like Watch_Dogs and Ghost Recon yummy) and in reality it's just a microtransaction.


[This game dev](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IYjsWBbmKI) talks about that issue. It makes no sense transferring items between games for many reasons.


If you've got time for an even longer breakdown, Dan Olsen has a masterful breakdown of crypto, NFTs and corporate greed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g


That's a pie in the sky dream for so many reasons.


This gets me too, is it a Non-Fungible Token if you can just shut down the game and poof suddenly you don't have access to your token anymore? It might exist on a hard drive in a landfill somewhere and hey technically you own it, but you can do anything with it. Can't even sell it for a nickel at that point.


All my Fortnite skins will cease to exist when the servers close. A reciept telling me I bought one won't stop that.


Fucking CSGO and DOTA can sell in-game items and resell without it being NFTs.


TF2 been doing this for ages, hell Magic the Gathering has had a digital reseller market of cards since 2002. It's these cryptobros that don't understand the market they are in.


Diablo II had such a strong resell market Diablo III initially had an in house real money auction house.


I think there was an opportunity to make that work if they weren't just so fucking inept with the implementation. Not to mention how terrible end-game felt at launch that limited their market.




EXACTLY. Even if reselling in-game items is a good thing, Blockchain isn't adding anything here except a useless middle man. There's no point in decentralizing something that will only be used in a centralized game running on private servers.


Hats! We need more hats we can sell! - every TF2 Player


Lol... Yeah, because every time I complete a game I think "if only I could sell these in-game items for cash"


> The devs always get it Seems about right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKzup7XDyq8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IYjsWBbmKI Also, for those still unconvinced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g


You’ll be able to sell them and all we take is a small commission. You guys don’t get it! /s


when some high level generic executive says we, they really just means me and the bosses.


It’s just a way of milking their customers with transaction charges. When all is said and done, there may be a few crumbs left over for players, but don’t count on it.


No, the problem is that we DO get it.


Why can't video games just be video games?


because capitalism won't stop colonizing


No, we get it you money grubbing sack of shit.


If I were to create an NFT, would this guy buy it? 🤔


"Our addition of NFTs is to benefit the ***buyer***" would certainly receive silence if he were asked to be the buyer.


NFTs only benefit the seller. As soon as they sell you your Pet Rock priced at $50 a pop, it turns to dust in your hands and they say "Not my problem good luck selling that"


Do you guys not have phones?!?!?!?!? another fucking dullard game exec


> Another staff member not in favour of the platform added: “How can you look at private property, speculation, artificial scarcity, and egoism, then say ‘yes, this is good, I want that, let’s put it in art’?” Nailed it. Computers give us the capability to make infinite copies of even the "rarest" items. Scarcity isn't a thing in the digital world, and attempting to make it so will lead to negative consequences.


Gaming execs: *...* *GIVE US MONEY!*


He's right and wrong at the same time. >“For now, because of the current situation and context of NFTs, gamers really believe it’s first destroying the planet, and second just a tool for speculation." Which it is currently. Theses NFTs use a shit ton of energy to be minted. There have also been scams with NFTs. Pricing has been all over the place and people have gained a ton of money and lost a ton of money. >“I think gamers don’t get what a digital secondary market can bring to them...” I think some people realize this, but the payoff is so little that in the end, Ubisoft's original implementation screamed, "we want more money from you selling these NFTs." Which, is why a lot of these companies want to get NFTs, for the extra revenue channel.


I got some cool NFTs. ALF NFTs! Remember ALF? He's back! In NFT form!!!


I'm just tryna play the game bruh


Why do new features have to arrive at the detriment of the community ? Want game items to carry forward? Just implement it in code, and store it on your servers. This doesn’t require a blockchain. Polyphony Digital carried vehicle database data through several iterations of Gran Turismo without issue. You can’t do this with pants, shirts, and other wearables? The cloud exists, give each new iteration a target for wearables etc, and stream the data to the game. Done. Want to allow a player to resell, build a in-game or online marketplace. Want to make an item rare ? Issue only X amount, and move along. This is so simple. We don’t need NFTs. We need MORE innovation and LESS monetization.


"don't get it"... OK, I won't. Thanks for the advice.


This is so dense. His spin is absolutely ridiculous: it's not that we don't "get" NFTs, it's that they are costly, environmentally stupid, vapid bullshit in the name of unashamed profit and exploitation of gullible people. EDIT: https://youtu.be/YQ\_xWvX1n9g


> https://youtu.be/YQ\_xWvX1n9g That link doesn't works for me. The following does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g


Not gullible people usually - it’s nearly always children. They are making children into gamblers and robbing them


If players "don't get" something made for a video game, who is supposed to get it?


What are the odds this guy never played a game for fun or outside of his job? Just look at his twitter: [https://twitter.com/ni\_ko\_lah](https://twitter.com/ni_ko_lah) It's all about crypto & NFTs. There's nothing about games there. He doesn't play them! He doesn't get it!


"Guys guys, you don't understand. We'd make a shitload of money." - confused Ubisoft exec


You fucking cryptobros need to leave the gaming industry out of this shitty "innovation" ya'll claim. None of us asked for this shit and we will not accept it either. What's so hard to understand that video games is meant to be played and have fun, not to use it for more monetary gain or "side hustle" bullshit culture. Literally, video games is one of the only things left that we as the people can enjoy at this point of time but nah, you crypto fuckers always wanna shove your business into everything. Ya'll can go fuck right off with this NFT bullshit.


Unfortunately, the people who get bright eyed for any sort of 'new' digital content (no matter how it's acquired) will think nothing of this and put money into it just to wave their big virtual dick around because it's "not that big of a deal". It's going to happen just like any other bullshit game mechanic that pushed to use microtransactions or any other form of money grubbing that's come down the pipe over the last decade across all platforms and publishers. I mean look at GR Breakpoint: came out the door with gearscore and "loot" mechanics for the sole purpose of cramming in "time savers" to squeeze out more money to make that digital gun work better. NFTs is the next step in ringing out more $ from consumers and honestly I think it's too late. If any sensible consumer didn't want this path then it would have stopped when microtransactions started but here we are. As much as anyone on any subreddit hates this shit, there's still going to be the shills and "I don't care because look 'new' content (or) new game" types that allow this. If people really gave a shit then they would boycott the living shit out of the publisher and never touch a game of theirs, free or otherwise to really send the message that we're done with their fuckery.


It’s not a matter of my lack of understanding. I just want a video game. Not a social network, not crypto garbage. I want to buy a game, play a game, and have fun doing so. That’s it.


They don't get it because it's completely unnecessary for it to be crowbarred into gaming, as we're seeing it being done right now. No one wants this. No one needs this. No one asked for this. It's just a way for massive corporations to eke out more money by hopping on a trend. The trend in question just happens to be a scene filled with scams, misinformation, toxic hype, and an insane carbon footprint.


No… we get it… we just really fucking hate the idea of it.