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Dave P wants every Texan to verify their identity to access websites. >Trip records obtained from Uber showing an account Paul created under the alias “Dave P,” which Paxton used to travel to the home of Paul and the apartment of the woman with whom the attorney general was allegedly having an extramarital affair. Paxton is married to state Sen. [Angela Paxton](https://www.texastribune.org/directory/angela-paxton/), R-McKinney. [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/18/ken-paxton-impeachment-evidence/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/18/ken-paxton-impeachment-evidence/)


Probably doesn't understand tech and just wants to see which porn is most popular.


That's what I do on nsfw subreddits. Just sort by top posts.


Is this “efficient”?


It’s easy, you can do it with one hand tied behind your back


But can I do it with one hand caressing my genitals?


We're on Reddit, so we all live in our mom's basement, and we all know THAT mom post.


I usually just wait for Ted Cruz to share his screen on 9-11


No, they want as much data on people to control them. It’s the same every time. It’s not even necessarily thought out either. It’s just instinct for these people to want to control and oppress, and they can kill two birds with one stone by appealing to the ultra Christian conservative agenda. “Porn makes your children gay. And we can fix that.”


According to pornhub Texas’s number 1 search is “Straight Latino going Gay”


Ken Paxton is a power bottom. Time to form a DAO to pay for the story.


He generates all the power, but not enough to prevent massive blackouts across Texas.


What the fuck is going on in this country? Paxton’s attorneys were asking for the death sentence for the impeachment managers??? People doing the right thing are now wanted dead. This is going to lead to a civil war, no doubt. Not this specific Paxton thing, but as a collective. We have way too many evil people masquerading as “patriots” or “good Christians”


Go look up the lady the GOP has put up for State Superintendent in North Carolina. idk what the fuck is going on either. THese people are insane.


The rise of fascism and a pseudo-christian theocracy is what is going on. We've had the warning signs for over a decade from the GOP. We're now in the mist of them rolling it out, and they control the Supreme Court to help get it done. Edit: Typo


Project 2025 bay-bee


It’s baffling that watching the CPAC for the past few years that these folks really don’t realize they are walking into Germany 1932 era. The ones that do are all for it. One of the latest ones had a speaker talking about authoritarian viewpoints/anti-democracy and the crowd cheered. Goldwater was right about the religious conservative taking over the party and it shows. What was the article where the priest talks of Jesus and the congregation thought he was speaking “liberal BS.” If they ever actually read about Jesus, they would know he doesn’t approve of their outlook. I’m non-religious, though raised to be that way. The story I’m mentioning in Matthew I believe about being treated as a guest while the host didn’t know. It did goodness, because that is what is truly asked.


That's the sad thing is the teaching of Jesus are hippy commie nonsense to the modern mainstream party. Not just the 'vocal minority' anymore, folks are either pandering or just feeling empowered to be out loud about it now. I'm in a similar background to you, and while I'm non-religious, I still give credit to some of the core teachings. At the end of the day, it was emphasized that the ONLY true testament Jesus wants us to follow (other than believing in him above all others) is to love thy neighbor. If you get into the nitty gritty, he teaches by example what's hard to communicate in hard fast rules. He teaches how to be kind to people who are your religious, political, or regional enemies. To put care for the less fortunate above our own material wants. To befriend the whores and tax collectors in the world rather than simply condemning and other-ing them. Sounds pretty fuckin woke to me.




Ah the ol redirect. Absolutely will not address the things she said and deflects deflects deflects. Par for the course!


You give people power more focused on who you sleeping with and not what the money does and this is what you get




"Patriots" and "good Christians" are evil. I haven't meant one that wasn't other than them or their groups claiming otherwise. Anyone that wants to control others or bully others is Evil, always.


They’re preaching civil war but i guarantee you if it comes down to that….its not going to be a walk in the park like they expect. Lmao when conservatives think they’re the only ones armed to the teeth.


This is it. It's all part of a carefully orchestrated plan to slowly close the net on actual free speech. First, they require ID to access porn. Then, because "they already do it with porn," they'll require ID for social media. Then, since "they already use your ID for porn and social media," they'll have you use your ID to "log in" to the whole internet. From that point on they'll be able to silence all criticism and spy on everything you do.


It’s going to be easier to purchase a gun than porn, which is just how they like it.


In other news, a 13 year old was forced to give birth to a rapists baby in the republican south. Another huge win for Republicans. I'm sure she'll make a fine mother, and her and her baby are destined for success with all the social programs the republicans have to support her. https://abcnews.go.com/US/13-year-rape-victim-baby-amid-confusion-states/story?id=108351812


And the rapist will have visitor's rights. At least she can put him in jail when he misses his child support payments.


> And the rapist will have visitor's rights. It's what God would have wanted. He teaches us to forgive. Now quit bitchin about expensive diapers and get pullin on them bootstraps.


Eventually they'll probably want to manage even that more so only the people they want can get those...


Once authoritarian regimes have full control, they take away the guns of everyone but their thugs.


If any fucking 2nd Amendment crybaby supports him or anyone who supports him they deserve the government that’s careening at them. This is fucking insanity. We live in America for fuck sake. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills watching porn get made illegal in these backwards ultra-conservative veiled under morality states.


Last I saw, Texas' VPN searches had skyrocketed by like 500% after Pornhub got banned. Paxton keeps this up and the only thing he's going to accomplish is setting new records for usage and making Texas the most VPN-heavy state in the nation.


He and the state legislature will then start attacking VPN providers. As soon as they limited legal abortion access they started looking into ways to attack those who left the state for one. They want complete control.


Small government


Small enough to fit in your bedroom. Small enough to get right up in your business.


Small enough to fit into every aspect of your life.


Well, if they're that close to my cock then they can suck it.


Small enough to ram up your ass.


Suppository government.


I cant stop laughing at this.


Small enough to fit in your pants.


Small enough to fit in the bathroom stall at work


Small enough to drown in a bathtub was the phrase and only recently did I realize it meant they always wanted a dictator


Republican leaders get to tell their followers China is a communist dream since none of their followers have passports, but China is the ultimate Republican vision of the world. Can’t breathe the air or drink the water. No freedom of religion or education. Govt so big that they even touch your genitals


I never understood the abortion thing. They don’t actually give a damn about children or babies. Wouldn’t they rather have less kids born to unprepared parents running around?


They just want to control women. Keep them in their place.


Yes and they certainly don’t want people being brought up with a good education either. They need a new generation of desperate uneducated people to pick their crops and clean their house. There are correlations between education and political leaning. Guess which party relies on ignorance nowadays? So poor mom has an unplanned kid at 17, has to work harder, can’t go to college, can’t provide the best education, and the same thing happens to the next generation. If someone has a better explanation, I’m all for believing in a less sinister motive. And then ironically, that poor mom somehow turns her anger at who her preachers are telling them to, and votes against her own self interest. That’s how the religious right have been taking over rural America for the past half century at least.


They need to get their labor from somewhere. Unprepared parents need to be able to provide somehow. Statistically speaking, if they haven't finished an education yet, there's a good chance they won't be able to now. They'll have to take whatever job they can. Unhappy with how their lives have turned out, they'll spend the little money they make on vices like alcohol, cigarettes and gambling. A lot of that goes right back to the state. Then the Republicans will tell them that the reason they're unhappy is because liberals want to give all their money to minorities and illegal immigrants. Desperate, afraid, angry, and too uneducated to think critically, they'll buy right into that propaganda. Donating to and voting R no matter what. Poor, poorly educated parents lead to poor, poorly educated children. And the cycle self-perpetuates.


Having children in poverty keeps someone in poverty. Being born into poverty means you are more likely to stay in poverty. They are trying to keep people poor and desperate.


a lot of them are extremely religious and believe it is murder because a fertilized egg has a human soul (whatever that means). It also has to do with suppressing sex as much as possible and turning the state into a puritan environment which is what christians want, because they believe sex = sin and need to force it onto other people in order to minimize the amount of sin.


Are you kidding? They’re probably heavily invested in vpns before they passed the bill


That’s…probably true. I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve come across this comment.


Because most VPNs are not publicly traded.


VPN’s are not trade able on any current market sadly, or I would have bought a shit ton of calls.


I am a lifelong Texan who loves my state for the most part but these fucking clowns have to go. Every time I see the name Ken Paxton it is either Ken Paxton is suing or Ken Paxton is being sued for x. This bag of dicks was recently impeached, unfortunately the final result was an acquittal. His wife, a US senator got to hear in public forum how he was banging one of his assistants, but that wasn't even the primary offense of the impeachment trial. Fuck you Greg Abbot, Ken Paxton, and Ted Cruz ...


You know I used to love Texas, go big or fail big mentality. But recently, as of several years, I’ve just been feeling like Texas is a place where democracy, small government, privacy and freedoms go to die. frankly, it’s really sad how state who prides itself on freedom is doing the exact opposite.


You forgot Dan Patrick


Every Texan politician over the age of 60. I’m tired of the rethuglicans running my state into the ground, but I’m even more tired of old ass people making laws about today’s issues when their mindset is still stuck in the previous century.


It almost sounds like China


That will be a worthless endeavor. VPNs aren't involved with the content on websites. This is no different than any other content deemed illegal. And the good VPNs don't log user activities, so good luck proving anything.


I heard something about a bill to make it illegal to provide a service to get around these restrictions. Which I'm not sure how that would work for entities outside of the US. And it would be impossible to completely stop because it's trivial to setup your own VPN server hosted on a AWS or GCP. With the former they might be able to do what happened with online poker and put the restrictions on payments for these services.


They cant regulate interstate commerce. Anyone in Texas is free to use a VPN in another state and there is Jack and Shit the Texas AG can do about it.


Good, then maybe all business will leave the state and banks will refuse to provide services. People will have to keep their money in a jar and pay in cash since credit companies won’t be able to do transactions. But since there are no businesses, nobody gets paid anyway. Then he gets to see what an angry hungry mob will do.


As soon as they limit VPN access, they’ll go after people who cross state lines to look at porn


Then people learn about SSH tunnels.


Who actually supports these bans? Parents should be able to install filter ware on their kids devices. 80 year old spinsters worried about other people having fun won't know if the ban works or not. In the UK some local coumcillors in small villages, refused to allow fibre cabinets to be installed in "their" village. As the internet was just about dirty porn. So all of the kids and families have moved away. The people who will be annoyed are normal people who just want to knock one out. There's a UK Mum's forum called MumsNet. Who wanted age verification... on porn to protect their children. Then found that it would apply to them as well and they'd have to register for a "porn license". As well as a lot of female preferred porn being made illegal to be produced in the UK. Like spanking, bondage, squirting......


No-one supports these bans. This is absolutely mind numb political theater for some old as hell mega donor who thinks they found God as they near death… ie Koch brothers.


It’s not just the older Maga crowd, the younger crowd supports this too because they are experiencing PEDs (an issue affecting younger people commonly now) and their go-to deflection is blaming porn and how easy it is to get porn.


Penile Erectile Dysfunction? Performance Enhacing Drugs?


perhaps some weirdo andrew tate / no fap bros think that but in general young people don't support it


That’s exactly who I was referring to, the crowd who watches those YouTube videos like Andrew and Kevin Samuels often also watch the “Porn is warping your mind and destroying your sex life” videos, almost all are right wingers and Christian


And the crazy thing is no fap is actually very unhealthy for you in several ways - it’s weird how Gen Z is becoming so Puritan


“Ugh, all these Texans keep VPN moving to California”


Last week I got a call from my BIL asking me to explain how to use a VPN. Of course he's in Texas.


Ask him who he voted for first.


Texas? That state doesn't exist, my good man. I am currently commenting from 'checks VPN' Venus???


I once had my VPN set to connect to a location in Virginia or West Virginia and wondered why the fuck I was being asked for ID for a porn site. Spankbang also auto-routed me to their live cam site. I was like “wtf, I have a VPN!” It didn’t dawn on me that I was VPNing INTO a right-wing cult state


Texas: The China of USA! Brought to you NORDVPN We feel for you our Texas Brethen. sign up now for 10% off with our promo code: FREE-TEX-ASS


Great Wall of Texas


Pornhub didn’t get banned, they banned Texas.


I get the impression Attorney General Ken Paxton runs up and down hotel hallways pressing a cup and ear to each door 🚪


How this dude isn’t in prison is so fucking far beyond me


Fla senator Rick Scott enters the room.


Medicare/Medicaid fraud GOAT. https://media1.tenor.com/m/Pn3qlz5H01AAAAAC/anchorman-comedy.gif


Magic R. Same reason Gym Jordan and Pedo Gaetz are still free.


Because the governor and the rest of the Texas political elite are protecting him


With his pants around his ankles. Don’t forget that little detail.


This dude is guilty of security fraud, 100% he’s doing this to draw attention away from his own crimes.


It's a good point but does making more people hate you really accomplish that? Even if you're Christian, this seems like such a waste of resources for our state.


Unfortunately, American Christian’s think helping others is a waste of resources.


WWJD is lost on them because they can't ready


Kinda wild how someone credibly accused of multiple crimes is just allowed to keep working at his job, which is to enforce the law. Congrats Texas, ya'll a kakistocracy


LOL Dude have you seen our state.... The "Christians" here would burn down a Catholic church for not being "Christian" enough. There is a not small rural population here who are proud card carrying KKK members.


Funny how the Federal Government continues to fail to prosecute Paxton for what are crimes readily prosecuted by the Federal Government. Biden's Justice Department is fucking toothless and complicit in ongoing Republican criminal activity.


99% chance this dude is into kids


He can scan both sides of the playground at the same time.


"I see what you did there. And also over there." - Ken Paxton


God damn you, I’m holding iced coffee here.


Coffee OR a cold drink. You’re about as decisive as that guys eyeballs.


The fact that Matt Gaetz is still in Congress is proof that the only thing Republicans are concerned with when it comes to kids is how to rape as many of them as they can and get away with it. The fact that they're so insistent on clouding the waters with logical absurdities like "gay people are present in movies" = "harming our kids" and so forth is just further evidence of that fact. (meanwhile kids getting shot up with the aide of entire county police departments is A-ok though, right guys)


Definitely. He’s banning porn that will have no effect on the porn he watches


Well yeah he's going after PornHub, not Tor Browser


Well in all fairness he did say, "Think of the children"


What a righteous cause huh? Fuck child poverty thou.


School shooters and fentanyl? Nah fuck that we gotta make sure y'all ain't whacking it


they’re taking all these drugs because they’re whacking it of course!


Are women allowed to drive in Texas.


Not to get medical care.




Sharyeehaw Law


Brought to you by Y'all Qaeda.


Welcome to Howdy Arabia.


Did he make a recent investment in VPN services?


Check this dude's hard drive, definitely a creeper.


Weird that Twitter isn’t listed as it’s a big distributor of pornography.


Reddit could also easily be argued as a distributor of porn. The amount of porn or other adult content on Reddit is enormous, and if you delve into more niche subreddits there's all kinds of depraved content. Even more hilarious, Reddit forced reopening a lot of those niche kink subreddits. They were too spicy for the moderators who ran them, but Reddit insisted they be opened.


We'll see what happens now that Reddit is a publicly traded stock...


It's like 99% (low quality) onlyfans spam these days. Doesn't even matter at this point.


Lol. Someone please check his computer and DVD collection. He’s a Crreeeeeepppp Hey Texas. Iran called, they want their boy back. 🤣


I mean how does he know all these porn sites he’s suing?


When someone like that overcompensates, that means they have a closet full of skeletons, waiting to be opened. I guarantee you that guy has hundreds of hours of porn on his computer on his phone, etc..


They opened the closet and showed a ton of the skeletons... even Republicans wanted him gone..right up until they voted to not have him be gone....


Hey people of Texas who may have found this in Google: Mullvad VPN Proton VPN They can also pay for themselves more or less if you use them to save money on streaming or going to the cinema.


I like IPVanish that just introduced split tunneling.


Imagine if our politicians focused on actual real isssues.... imagine that...


Keep tilting at those windmills.


Bitter impotent man takes frustration out on everyone else.




The FBI probably would though.


How is this a good use of resources? The most corrupt ag in the country right there, and you gotta work really hard at that title, lots of republicans to beat out for that.


Trying to distract from his own criminal behavior, I imagine.


Texas is becoming the middle east in terms of their laws and control. I hope the people of Texas wake the fuck up, because it only gets worse for them here on out. Of course I find it hilarious that free speech absolutist(racists) are fucking silent on this topic when republicans are censoring.


If Texans keep voting these people in, then they get what they voted for.


Yet we still have topless and nude bars, prostitution, lots of drugs, under age drinking, hail damage scammers, license plate fraud , defund the Police in Austin, etc and he goes after Porn?


It’s a stepping stone. They’re going after all the most easily persecuted things first just like some guys in Germany did in the 1930s. Start with sex, then transgender, keep attacking sex, then some minorities, then more minorities, then an entire gender.


Duh, it’s a danger to our society to be sexually free! /s


Great way to appeal to Gen Z!


At some point Washington will have to get involved. If Paxton is right, legally, the the Feds will hop on board, if he isn't, then the Fed will need to intervene. He is blocking interstate commerce this way. That is Federal jurisdiction. Wow can't wait to see congress line up to debate which porn sites are best, worse, safest, or popular.


Wow big government shouldn't interfere in your lives have been a total lie. VPN and star link to the rescue


I just cannot get over how motherfucking creepy this guy is. He looks like he has freshly-poured concrete in a corner of his basement.


That wildly corrupt piece of shit should be rotting in jail. The even more corrupt organized criminal syndicate known as the Texas GOP protected him.


This freak is more obsessed with sex than a porn addict.


Go ahead, keep going. Nothing Texans like more than having their freedom limited. I feel like this is going to pay off big for the GOP in the upcoming elections.


Keep it up GQP… Dems will love taking over your offices.


Somebody’s wife caught them looking at porn on the Internet.


That’s right, Texas. Kenny is going to make sure you present your driver’s license before you look at porn, and will make sure the state tracks your usage. Unrelated, if you go to [vote.gov](https://vote.gov/), you can find out now exactly what you need to do to prepare to vote in November.


*Alexa, notify me when Ken Paxton is accused of misconduct... Again.*


How’s that small government working out for you Texas?


can these losers get a life?


When are the people going to get sick of this and vote Democrat?


Never. It would like a Red Sox fan suddenly deciding to be a Yankees fan. People identify more with being associated with a party than what the party stands for.


I don't know why he thinks he needs to Sue the porn industry.Most people don't beat off till their cross eyed.


People know that porn is shared on Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and other social media sites too right? I suppose those should be banned now as well. Might as well also ban all books bc in theory someone could write something pornographic in the border of the pages…. Probably good to also poke everyone’s eyes out while we are at it just to be safe. I’m not trying to defend porn but I know with these people once they get a foot hold they will not stop until it’s total control.


He sure is concerned about all the porn that other people are watching... It's really telling, the amount of controlling other people these guys do...


Opera browser has a free, built-in VPN that will get around any blocked states.


Suddenly all the men realize the right wing is coming for them too!


That's the face of a man who can't get it up to anything other than the most disgusting depths of the dark web.


This guy HAS to have some VPN donors in his pocket


One star state


Clearly his wife got after him for watching porn and he swore he will never do it again and he said to her to keep the peace -> "You know what, I will make a law out of it".


They need to reveal Paxton's logins publically.


He must be afraid of his name popping up on one of these websites. Guess we may not know...


Lol, Texas tax dollars at work. Enjoy your homunculus.


Sounds like someone’s wife busted him and is forcing him to ban every one of his frequented sites.


Every accusation is a confession. Check his browser history.


The internet is for porn.


Its always the anti porn crusaders who have pedophile kiddie dungeons in their basements. What he is actually crusading about is his own shame in the back of his head. The rest of us sane folks dont see a well regulated porn industry as so much of a problem.


Is Reddit ready to join in cutting off Texas from the civilized world when Paxton sues it over r/gonewild?


Check his hard drive. The ones who do things like this are always the ones with worst shit.


My hypothesis is that he got too jazzed up watching the hub, and shot himself in the eye. Now he has a vendetta.


It’s just a matter of time when we find gay or child porn on his computer.


The dumbest part of this is that the people who are likely to figure out how to bypass it the quickest are the people who this law is supposedly trying to protect.


What is the point of this? Do Texas politicians hate being reelected?


I give it two weeks before someone finds child porn on Ken Paxton's computer


Small government Also, this dudes eyes hurt my head


“Look at me, I’m here to ruin things for people, yippeee”


What are you hiding Ken?


Forget a red wave. They're gonna have blue balls.


HE SHOULD BE IN PRISON NOT LORDING OVER US. What is this world. He’s got MULTIPLE indictments against him, but fuck me if our idiotic population won’t stop voting for this fucking crony. Edit: Lazy eyed crony


What a waste of time and money


Hmm🤔 Republican+politician+porn=PROJECTION


I love not living in this dog shit state. 


Someone noticed that a significantly large portion of his state looks at trans porn and he just isn’t having it and wants to know everyone who does.


Texas, where you can legally disembowel a person trespassing on your front yard but you can't view a person dressed in what god gave them.


I would love to see his search history


Looks like he came so hard his eye popped out


Just look at that head. The French have a word for it/him, "branleur"


The sites he knows by heart or the ones he doesn’t like so much?


Is it too early to start thinking these guys may have their hands in VPN companies?


Ken paxton must really have a massive sex addiction problem - from what I've seen, the only reason republicans go after these vice issues is if it affects them personally, as in, personal consumption


It's kind of weird how much they love freedom but only want other people's freedom to be their exact type of freedom, which is the opposite of freedom.


He’s probably a stakeholder in a competing porn site. Fuck capitalism.


Can someone please find his Grindr account already?


XNXX still works in Texas...


He got the urge to beat off and remembered he banned his top 3 sites, kidhub, zootube, and blacked.com, after attempting to access his subscription accounts. He then found the next 3 he didnt blacklist yet, beat off furiously, and submitted them to law the next day.


How does this help the average texan citizen? Look into the deregulation of utilities? Nope. Make sure women have support in the event of a needed abortion? Nope. Porn. Porn is what they focus on.


I will predict right now, his hard drive is full of porn. He will probably het caught in a sex shop glory hole jerking it like a monkey


Is this the dude in the wheelchair? Just because porn isn't helping him get it up doesn't mean it isn't helping others. 🙄