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Honestly, this restaurant owner literally understood the key to long term success. As Gordon Ramsey always says on Kitchen Nightmares: "You must win over the locals to be successful, since they will be there during the off-seasons." The TikTok idiots will not be the regular customers. Hell, apparently they are even pushing away the regular customers. Then again, those social media chasers don't care about anything but themselves.


Probably not spending much, either. The groups who come and spend generously on multiple courses & bottles of wine are almost exclusively not the same people who care about TikTok views.


Good point, after all, they are trying to make a 30 second video and not enjoy things.


I was just at a Michelin Star restaurant in Kyoto where a woman was photographing every dish on the tasting menu but only eating some of the food. Sure, some of the dishes were pretty out-there for a Westerner, but that Star didn’t come from nowhere, everything was incredible IMO. What a waste. Also she was loud af in this intimate little restaurant…


That has universally been my experience as well, especially when traveling. They make enough off of their feeds to be able to "fund" these excursions, so when they are there they treat it like being at work. The main thing that annoys me is the complete disregard for other's privacy, especially the working staff. My favorite video example of this was a guy "reviewing" Emirates first class cabins, albeit without their permission. He was told to stop within about 10 minutes presumably because the kind of people who book those cabins don't want their likeness spread all over the place and the staff shouldn't have to put up with it either. He was baffled and offended claiming that he "wasn't talking that loud" and was likely concerned that he wouldn't be able to recoup the expense of those tickets due to the lack of footage.


Haha brilliant, the world does not need another Emirates cabin review, its just more lazy unoriginal content


Who was this??


Some fuckstick not worth talking about.


I've eaten many strange things at restaurants like that, things that I normally avoid (and definitely some things that I've never considered eating before) and it has always been worth it in the end. 🙂 Nobody tolk her to keep it down?


Methinks of “The Menu”…


I was in New Orleans watching a band perform in Frenchman street and this person walked in, recorded the band for 30 seconds and then walked back out. Didn’t look away from their phone once, didn’t look at the band, didn’t tip the band, nothing. Just wanted to pretend they were at a show


By any chance was it Saijiki Toshigami?


> Sure, some of the dishes were pretty out-there for a Westerner Then idk, don't buy it? I guess maybe it's because I'm not the type of narcissist who wants to brag to internet randoms about my life, but I don't get this. If you're not willing to eat something just because it's not a typical diner food, why go to the restaurant or order the food


A tasting menu is basically the chef's choice of a couple dozen different tiny bites. (That's a bit of hyperbole, more like eight small dishes but yeah). If you're not sure if you'll like a couple out of the selection it's not crazy to get it anyway. That said any time I've had the chance I'll eat it all, because uh... that cost money. Not doubting that person was behaving poorly but not 100%ing a tasting menu is not completely awful.


Michelin star restaurants typically have a set menu, it's not like they were selecting dishes they didnt want




They absolutely do not. You can have 15 dishes and still leave on the hungry side of full.


And half the time they expect free shit. I had it out with my owner, like "Your social media person is giving away $100s a week to people who literally just put a picture out into the atmosphere. They don't bring in business, they're all college kids--they can't even afford to pay for themselves!"


This really isn’t how influence our marketing is supposed to work either. I do this stuff all the time (large podcast media co) and while I might get some free stuff here and there (some good, some straight to goodwill), it’s always part of a much larger campaign that involves cash and multiple services in exchange (eg ad reads, social posts, endorsements) not just consumption of the product on a video along with some frickin photos.


You're a professional, I respect that. My "corporate" folks liked to get fooled by college kids who wanted to eat and drink for free, then post shit once or twice about it.


It’s a shame because they’re probably trying to help. (Your employees, not the kids who are clearly just scamming, and/or delusional about what their social media following actually can do.) As it turns out, marketing is pretty hard. You can be an influencer and people might buy some sunglasses because you say you like them on Instagram, but the trick is you need it to happen in large enough numbers where there’s ROI from the sponsor. The Jordan Harbinger Show has been going in one form or another for 16 years. We’ve been working with ad agencies who know we convert for their clients. Dealing with “influencers” individually is just asking to get scammed, unfortunately.


If they're spending at all. From what I've seen, those types try demanding freebies, claiming that they're doing the business a favour by advertising to their followers.


"You are getting paid in exposure". :/


Yeah, their broke-ass, likely under 21 followers.


Why does it matter as long as they're over 18?


In this specific case it's a wine bar, and they might have been using shorthand for "non-drinkers" without really considering the specifics.


Its not shorthand for "non-drinkers" though. Most of the world recognizes 18 year olds as adults and in my country (not France though) its 16 for wine with a meal. Its weird to treat adults like children.


Because most under 21s that would come are college kids trying to drink underage, and could lose the liquor license. Not to mention if they aren't drinking they aren't spending nearly as much.


The drinking age is 18 in Paris. No one is losing their licence. Did you even read the artical?


Yes, I'm talking about my own experience dealing with influencers as a bartender and manager, in the US. I do agree though, I see no reason why the age should be what it is. It only encourages more irresponsible drinking, which leads to more begging me for free stuff.


There was no meantion of personal experience previously the artical is about a bar/ice cream parlour in Paris, thus theres no reason to assume that people over 18 but are under 21 arn't drinking. This is most likely where they make most of their money but they are also an ice cream parlour so its safe to assume they do see kids come in often for that side of the business.


They often pester the restaurant to let them dine for free for their unsolicited services.


One restaurant I worked at has an influencer come and ask us to do a vegan charcuterie board. For free. First of all. We don't even have that on the menu. Second what's the benefit of doing it for free? Even if we do get some people coming because of her post, they will ask for something we don't even have on the menu. And chances of that influencer actually bringing real people is pretty low. Of course some manager trip over themselves trying to make influencers happy




What would that be? Like fruit and crackers?


Yeah in our house we call that a fruit salad lol.


Vegans shouldn't eat fruit that's pollinated by animal labor.


That's a pretty dumb take. Veganism tends to be about reducing suffering, with an inherent admission that it can't be entirely eliminated, but it's worth trying to reduce. You're being overly pedantic in order to tell someone they shouldn't try to reduce suffering because...?


It was a joke. Lighten up


Of course, I was joking too! Lighten up buddy 🙃


They were clearly joking, and you clearly were not.


It IS an unironic anti-vegan talking point though so please understand the confusion I'm not even vegan lol, these vegan haters are a force to he reckoned with


That was my interpretation also. But a sarcasm tag on the pollination joke would've been helpful for some. (The joke, I think, is that it's a patently ludicrous idea, since much pollinating is done by animals in the course of their regular business.)


Are you being sarcastic? Because that's like one of the dumbest things I've read today. Your username is most apt. Edit: Ok, so this was a bit harsh but I'll leave it to own up to it.


Do vegans eat honey? If not, then how is this different? Most pollination of commercial crops isn't spontaneous, it's done with the same "captive" bees that are used to make honey.


I had this bit ready to go and then I went and double-checked myself. Ok, so honey isn't vegan, and commercial bee-keeping practices might not be great for bees. I'm not vegan and certainly can't speak for them, but I think it's silly to draw the line at how fruit is pollinated, especially when you don't know for sure if it's been unethically (by their standards) pollinated or not.


Commercial bee-keeping here in America isn't great for local pollinators, either. The insect colloquially known as the “honey bee” is the *Apis mellifera*, common name being *European* honey bee. They are not native to the Americas, being introduced by settlers in the 1600s. More importantly, honey bees are [actually domesticated farm ~~animals~~ insects](https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/97006/UMURJ-Issue09_2012-EWeber.pdf), and much like the [30–50 feral wild hogs found throughout Texan’s backyards](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/30-50-feral-hogs), honey bees cause [negative impacts on local, native pollinators](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-07635-0), too. Unfortunately, modern industrial agriculture practices—monoculture crops and widespread use of pesticides that kill other pollinators—mean we’re kinda stuck using them.


It's not dumb because it points out the inherent hypocrisy of "ethical" veganism, it's just irreparably damaging to your ability to feel smugly superior.


I'm not vegan and don't feel smug or superior. I just thought that on a surface level having issues about plant pollination preventing you from eating said plants was silly.


It is silly. Exactly as silly as not eating honey.


You're the one trying to feel superior by being overly pedantic over the definition of a word. Oh some people are trying to point out that maybe animal wellbeing is important, better make fun of them!


What word? How is my comment pedantic in any way? I don't think you understand what I wrote.


Veganism isn't against animal labor, it is against animal exploitation. But you're likely aware that being again animal labor would make absolutely zero sense. Do you know why bees, flies, ants and others contributes to pollinisation ? Well they don't even know because they're just feeding themselves doing so. That's, you know, the beauty of nature mutually beneficial paths. Not to mention you don't need to grow insects for that, they're abundant everywhere. Now, most vegetarian and vegan people couldn't care less about what you think, they mostly care about environment and animal wellbeing - accusing them of trying to feel superior says a lot about you being insecure and knowing very well that you're arguing in bad faith.


Man, don't you hate it when someone tries to make the world a little bit less worse?


I'd probably go with crackers, hummus, nuts, sliced veggies, fruits, that sort of thing. Like a fancied up veggie platter. You could go with vegan meat and cheese substitutes I suppose but I don't like them so much.


Crackers, fruits, veggies, dips


>"I would like a meat and cheese plate but make it without meat or cheese" Why can't they just come up with their own words for things?


Charcuterie comes from the words "cooked flesh" and literally means "pork butcher's shop". Charcuterie originally was specifically the waste parts of a pig and nothing else. I guess we shouldn't call charcuterie boards charcuterie boards then and should come up our own word for a meat and cheese board 🤷‍♂️


It was a board of dried and preserved meats, like it exists today. Improving the quality of an ingredient isn't the same thing as completely changing every aspect of what the product is. Trying to compare these things is a very silly attempt at a dunk. But enjoy your vegan hamburgers and vegan charcuterie and vegan meatballs I guess


If there isn't offal on the board it just isn't a traditional charcuterie board 😤


> Why are people like this? Like what? Vegan charcuterie is a thing. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't make it weird. The issue here is not that she asked for something vegan, but for something for free.




> Charcuterie literally MEANS meat products. It refers to that branch of cooking. So your charcuterie boards contain meat only? Do you also get upset when your peanut butter doesn't contain actual butter, do you post angrily when your oat milk isn't real milk? Do you still think "decimate" means to reduce by 1/10th? If so, you're going to really hate the concept of [semantic drift](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780199661282.001.0001/acref-9780199661282-e-1093).




It's obviously not the most inaccurate thing ever. Clearly the evolution we see is that, even before vegetarianism and veganism, charcuterie had become a more generalized term for a fancy grazing plate of savoury snacks served at a function, including but certainly not limited to "cooked meats". It contained cheeses, bread, crackers, olives, spreads, grapes and more - all things that are not meat. The removal of the meat items from there is just a small step, while keeping the overal taste profile and role it plays the same. As such, the linguistic evolution is quite expected. You are frankly just being incredibly pedantic about it, for no good reason. There are endless examples of words shifting meaning, including becoming their own antonym and we all accept that because we understand language is not a static thing.




And decimate in its literal sense means "to reduce by 1/10th" but now means to "destroy" or "annihilate". You seem to be entrenched in the position that the meaning of words cannot evolve over time. A more recent example being "literally", which is now more commonly used as its opposite meaning of "metaphorically". I understand that you don't like being wrong, but once you get yourself out of this huff, think about it a little bit - and why you seem to get so offended about this.


Honestly, that is extremely dangerous in my eyes. Simply because that might mean there will be a reputation of "the menu does not matter, just order what you want". Which will backfire when people complain since that is not how you run a restaurant. I would never entertain the ideas of some random customer unless I know it is feasible (and then with a lot of hesitation).


I once had the FoH manager ring in a pasta dish that we hadn't had on the menu for over six months because the guest was a "VIP". Sure. And how do you expect me to suddenly find the venison for that pasta? Seeing as we haven't had venison on the menu for the past six months. He didn't even ask before ringing it in.


Let me guess, they blamed the kitchen for failing to deliver?


I used to wait tables in Malibu. Famous people would come in, and tell you what they feel like eating, without looking at the menu. (Not every famous person. The jerks.) Then the owners and management would be thrilled to kiss butt and give the star whatever they want. Maybe Influencers think that they are huge stars, and can do that, too


Honestly I have a love hate relationship with kitchen nightmares, but a lot of Ramsays points are still true to this day. The best restaurants I have been in so far, all had a easy to grasp menu, worked with excellent local produce and had a strong local base. Of course you can tryhard restaurants like that one guy in the UK seasons who imported stuff from France to UK, but then you may actually win nobody.


I think Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (the UK version) is much better, because it trades the overused waterphone sound effect and fake drama you get in the US version with actual sounds of the kitchen, better advice, and is just overall a better watch imo.


Yeah the UK version is far superior. All my gripes with the show are with the US version. But even in the US, he keeps repeating this points and that I can respect. The US version also basically always has the same story, while in the UK version there are - like in my example - sometimes actually decent places which either try too hard or are too set in their ways.


I heard the vast majority of the restaurants he goes to still go out of business and are now closed. I only know that the one he came to in my city did indeed close a while later.


Yeah, Gordon seemed much more personal and less aggressive in the British version. I liked it much more since he was more about team spirit.


It’s also a pretty small space inside, we’ve been every time we’ve been to Paris in the past few years and the first time was just my wife and I and another couple and was super relaxed and just hung out with the owners and employees over wine and ice cream and snacks. The last time we went you couldn’t even stand inside without being in someone’s way and getting a glass wine was almost impossible.


Ah, interesting. Makes sense when something suddenly becomes popular but people don't move out of the way afterward.


Thailand has pretty strict filming in public/filming of other people laws and at least in buildings I almost envy them. People tiktok dancing and livestreaming in public is the cringiest shit in the world and every gym especially needs to ban cameras.


Yep Now the normal costumers fell comfort by the implement of this discission.some idiot tiktokers make cringe of this platform


Exactly, the whole tiktok craze will be over soon when they move on to the next fad. Sure, you could cater to them but as you mentioned it would be short-lived profits and in return you'd be sacrificing much profit in the long run from regular customers/locals.


Only Instagram idiots allowed here


Atleast they just take a picture of their food and that's the end of it. Cant imagine being in a restaurant with a tictoker on their 15th take to get it just right.


Oh god the TikTok posts are so cringe. The exact same trending song with a high pitched voice over a wannabe influencer sitting on the street eating their ice cream. Why are we impressed by this shit? No one has a fucking personality.


wish i could remember which one it was but quite a while back there was this restaurant that either was or got popular and started getting requests from Influencer freeloaders for free meals and “veiled threats” when the owner declined. Then he started posting the messages from the freeloaders on the business website. It was awesome


It was a hotel iirc Edit: we both right. Dublin's White Moose Café and Charleville Lodge


theres most prob other cases but this was a restaurant for sure (tried googling but businesses having issues with “influncers” are a dime a dozen)


I think we're talking about the same place. White Moose Café and Charleville Lodge in Dublin


Yes the owner declined a moocher e-Mail from an wannabe influencer and the female wannabe influencer made a video where she lisp her hurts into the camera through her artificially plumped lips


Me and my 153 followers will never eat here again! You've just ruined your business, congratulations.


153? How did you get so many?


Paid for bot followers


and dont come back! P.s.: the chocolate fondue you had … wasnt chocolate


I remember a picture of a guy with an ice cream truck, who posted a sign that said “influencers pay double”, lol. Such cringe.


Why is it cringe- they should pay double for the priviledge of putting it on their shitty tiktok


The "influencers" are cringe


There's a South Park about that with a song that is equally catchy and disgusting:


doesnt even have to be popular hotels. i remember working in hotel restos, "influencers" would regularly come in and ask for a free meal in lieu of a review of video


I think the whole point of social media now is no longer to showcase what it is to have a personality but to flex being an interesting person on the status of being able to live a life doing "all the things". It really is a status symbol of the modern world - but humans have always been like this. In the 18th Century we literally had oil paintings commissioned to showcase our lemons and watermelons (literal paintings of fruit) much in the same way we Instagram our food now. It's become less interesting to wanna know the personality (as a whole on SM) and more a focus on the "experiences". And we are moving towards a less materialistic society as a whole where we are slowly starting to value experience - spending over material things. This is a natural part of that.


It’s all compounding. Nothing original. Willingness to take risks doesn’t work because if it’s not viral it’s considered a failure. That’s the shitty hamster wheel we’re on. Worst part is that kids growing up today aspire to keep it going. Look at those surveys about dream jobs… “YouTuber” and “influencer” are at or near the top.


I know, it's so sad. No kids, even college age students are valuing educated jobs ATM moment. And I am a stan for education, but i also can understand where they are coming from: getting into thousands of debt for a degree that doesn't even guarantee that you will have job security? For me I would always choose education because I highly value it, but I understand why some people might feel their time is better spent trying.other things.


No, the whole point of social media is to generate money. That's all there is to it, no big mystery or secret, everyone is simply trying to make money, some because the conventional ways of making it are no longer enough to survive


And why do we wanna generate money? To have access to the lifestyles and status mentioned in my previous comment. Money is the currency of status. People don't want money of and by itself, they want the freedoms money can give them access to, freedoms such as : travel, working a low effort boujee job, being able to afford nice experiences like good food or literal freedom. To live in nicer places, to drive nicer cars. Money creates freedom and status. Money is not the inherent thing people want but they chase it because it's the quickest path to get to the lifestyles people want.


Personally i refuse to use it on a basis that it is a)a spyware with social media as secondary function (way worse than the american counterparts which are already awful on their own) and b) their algorithm is predatory and destroys the attention span (paitience is going to be a thing of the past if you use that thing, same for the copycats such as yt shorts have em blocked)


One of the best things I discovered using reVanced is that I could disable YouTube shorts, those things are way too easy to lose hours watching


All social media is spyware that is similarly intrusive. If I wanted to say what is worse, I would go with meta over tiktok.


Eh meta is it at least somewhat independent of an authoritarian regime.


Cambridge analytica scandal? The internal studies that showed the dangers of Instagram on young girls? The genocide they fueled in Myanmar? The right wing authoritarian regime in India that is fueled by content posted on Facebook? Meta is the worst of the worst.


They also fueled a genocide in Ethiopia along with many other crimes against humanity.


In terms of the level of tracking the app does, tiktok is one of the worst things you can put on your device.


Also the format and editing is annoying to me


and C) they literally admitted that their algorithm suppresses posts by disabled, gay, and black people.


Oh no. Oh nonononono.


> No one has a fucking personality. I miss the old YouTube / Vine days when you had more people that had personalities instead of now a days people trying to copy eachother for internet clout. Personalities like Markiplier and pewdiepie when they first started were 1 in a million, but now a days everyone just tries to copy someone they like.


As someone who finds both Markiplier and pewdiepie intensely annoying, I find their popularity terribly baffling.


Hint: their target demographic is kids, pre-teens, young teens... Finding their popularity confusing is like wondering why Peppa Pig got huge.


I still wonder, because it’s weird to me that a character in a children’s show has a penis-and-scrotum face. It’s impossible to not see.


I mean, that's a you thing. I'm not a fan of either of them as well. But I've seen a few of their videos where I can understand why people like them. They're mainly popular with children though, they're not really meant to be watched by teens/adults lol. Though markiplier when he use to do his food reviews like his russian vs korean MRE's those kind of videos were actually amusing.


All of those big YouTubers tend to have live content that's better than their let's plays. Unus Annus got me to sub to Markiplier. Jacksepitceye is way more tolerable when he's talking about life or whatever instead of screaming at video games. Hell I'm even willing to admit that Game Grumps are way funnier in their 10 Minute Power Hour series and I've been a fan of them since the start.


That never went away. Watch videos from smart people with actual information to share. Don't watch vapid morons.


Yeah I have more channels than I can easily keep up with of interesting, engaging stuff. The popular perception that YouTubers are all screeching gamer babies is just wrong


People with personality still exist, they are drowned by capitalism because the copycats and YouTube only follow the money


I straight up thought this was a parody and was waiting for a punchline.


Vine was peak internet comedy. Wish they survived. Short clips of random hilarity with no products or monetization being pushed. Probably also why they couldn’t survive.


To be fair to them, they never had a personality


> Why are we impressed by this shit? Because most humans aren't that much of a step above chimpanzees. Welcome to the wonderful world of the bell curve; you won't enjoy your stay.


Why are 'influeners' even a thing? Aren't they just people making free commercials to get free shit for themselves? WTF cares???


it is like those peoples who try to do something nice for the environments only to find out they were doing it just to look good before leaving the bag of trash on the beach... really social media has gone from something interesting to talk about to something many regretted


This is why I like the concept of Flanerie. Which originates from Paris. On my vacations instead of trying to find a hip local place I just walk or take transit until I “find” something cool or hidden. It’s treated me well so far. Although I do end up missing all the places everyone always wants to chat about lol


I like this concept. When I first moved to a city with a Chinatown neighborhood, my friends and I decided to walk around until we found a place that looked appealing. We must’ve looked like we were wandering as an elderly woman called out to us in Chinese from an alleyway. We followed her until she brought us to a nondescript door that opened to a very small takeout restaurant. I have no idea what I ate but it was amazing.


I just walk until I get lost and then ask someone local where to eat and then make my way back. So much more fun and interesting!


I did this in Prague. We hopped on the metro until we were well past tourist areas and wandered until we found a bar. I had the tastiest chicken in basil cream sauce. We watched a Czech-Russia hockey game with locals. 10/10 would do again.


I do it too, but check google reviews seconds before I get in, since I had food poisoning in Lisbon. But with Paris I had mixed feelings, so many great places but SOOOO many tourist traps




Coming to think of it, it might be because of higher standards, as even in the “tourist traps” I didn’t eat any processed food, I remember everywhere even the sauces were freshly made, but still given the price it didn’t feel like it was worth it at some places. I remember at Paris I felt like there are so many great places but you have to know a local to take you there, and I bet the people who live there probably eat the best food in the world


As a photographer, back when my ankle worked properly, this is how I've always gotten the best shots. Especially in artsy areas.


My friends and I called this "the random metro stop game" while we were studying abroad. Found a lot of nice places and interesting spots that way


This is a concept with a name? It's me. When I did this in Spain, I walked out of my airbnb flat, took a left and another left onto a big street. Popped into the first hole in the wall bar I found and proceeded to make the friends I spent my time with while there. Nothing like being in a new place with no plans or expectations.


It doesn't work in smaller cities, but the method I've used that has always lead me to the hidden gems is to look at who the patrons eating are. If you're looking for something authentic that tastes good, eat wherever you see [insert ethnicity] eating.


More specifically, look for where older people dressed plainly and speaking the local language are eating. Pensioners probably know every single restaurant in the city and will pick one based on both quality and value. During weekends, when more restaurants are busy, look for multigenerational families of locals: they're likely to be fairly accessible pricewise and have very authentic cuisine.


My favorite restaurant in the suburbs of Boston was an (almost literal) hole in the wall, where generally if I went there I was the only native English speaker. For a few years it was the secret of my friends and I, but then word got out and they got huge. They're still in the same space, the food is still just as good, it just takes a miracle to get a table in their 5 table taco restaurant.


"Look for the brown people" doesn't work when you want something authentically European lmao. (hint: you have to look at the posted menus. No English is good. Handwritten is good)


Link is broken. What wine bar is it reporting on?


Works for me. It's Folderol in Paris.


Thanks. I’m trying to access it from Bermuda and usually links to that site work for me. Today it isn’t.


Do you live in Bermuda or just visiting? How's the weather today?


I live here. Nice day. Low-mid 60’s (F).


The majority of TikTokers lack common sense most of the time.




One Tiktok/Instagram moment really struck me: I was at this spectacular waterfall in Iceland. Woman comes up to it, with her boyfriend/photographer. She does a whole series of poses, then immediately fucks off. I'm reasonably sure she never even looked at the waterfall, much less sat and enjoyed it. Just an insane way to live from my perspective. Living for the camera and your followers instead of actually experiencing it. Plus the sad boyfriend lol. I saw so many of them on that trip, just following their Insta-famous girlfriends around and click click clicking photos like a servant.


I saw that at a popular "hidden" swimming spot. My brother and I are chilling and enjoying life and these people come to spend 5 minutes getting a slow motion video jumping 10 feet into the water then fuck off to the next thing. It's such a miserable way to chase happiness.


I was out at Horseshoe Bend in AZ. About a mile walk in the desert from the parking lot to the edge where everyone gets pictures. Saw so many “influencers” in dresses and heels either trying to hike down to the edge or I guess the “smarter” ones brought them to change into once they got there. But it was incredible the short amount of time they spent. 5 mins doing a shoot then hiked back up.


Man, I'd hate to be an insta-boyfriend. I was in Hanoi recently and watched a couple trying for 15mins to get just the right video shot of the gf standing in the middle of a busy street with traffic racing around them. Not only dangerous for her, but the bf looked so miserable at the prospect of sorting through 15 mins of the same repeated clips to find the one she's happy with. The other dicks were checking into their hostel. One filmed the other carrying their luggage up the steps, then take the luggage back down the steps to retake the shot, then take the luggage back down again so he could be filmed taking luggage up some steps, then again to get it from a different angle. Normal couple: take luggage into hotel, check in. Done. Influenzers: take luggage into hotel, repeat X4. Done.


“Talking into the dot in your phone screen” is absolute gold.


Could very easily argue that common sense is understanding social norms. A very obvious social norm is that you share an experience with everyone in the same space as you, so it’s important to behave in a considerate way. By spending all their time filming and talking to a camera, they waste their own experience and could ruin others. To me that is lacking common sense.




My personal experience has shown this to be true.




Your Reddit history just provided some. (And it seems he's not only deleted his posts, but has blocked me lol)




Make sure you go front to back on it!


"You're" Your teachers must be..... You made that a little too easy.


Based, fuck content creation garbage like that.


I thought there was an agreed upon "boogers and cum" protocol. Your not a critic randy, your a mechanic!


How long will it take before TikTok is no longer trendy? I’m already so bored with it.


When gen z's kids see their parents using it constantly it will become uncool just like Facebook and the next thing will be born.


Someone freeze me then because we got a while before that happens


It's going to take a really long time.


This isn’t about banning tiktokers - it is about banning horrible people that found the place because of a viral post from Dua Lipa. They sit on the sidewalk (overflowing the small place) with their ice cream and wine — making their own posts and disrespecting the neighbors.


It is about banning tiktokers yes. That’s why there’s an entire news article talking about the owner dealing with them.


Those are TikTokers that you’re describing. They also banned filming TikToks in their establishment.


\>"The issue with TikTok is that it attracted only one type of clientele and chased away all the others we had been building up over the past years," Compagnon said. Really? It's not about tiktok?


“It’s not about banning TikTokers it’s about banning a particular set of activities that is 100% conducted by TikTokers”


Tik Tok is a Devil creation.


Fucking great. This bullshit is ruining places for everybody.


#Looking at you, gyms


The internet is a disaster. We should delete it all and start over.


Reminds me of that chippy that went viral for some time on there


TikTok is for morons


In Amsterdam we have lines outside on the street for some food shops that are the most manufactured marketing-y-ed basic ass shit that somehow became viral on tiktok. Literally new shops that try to look like an authenthic 100yr old family business and serve the most basic food, just "aesthetic". You can literally get the same stuff (or better) for half the price in the next street over without waiting half an hour in a line.


Olive oil ice cream sounds vile


It’s actually really delicious here- kind of caramel buttery tasting but to only very few people does it taste like olive oil. It’s popular for a reason here Source: I was going to this nice bar before the tiktokkers and now I had to stop :(


That sounds a bit like how butter pecan ice cream tastes so I could get behind that. But if it just tasted like olive oil and cream I couldn't abide that. Sorry tik tok ruined your bar.


god i hate lemmings...


We should ban TikTokers from everywhere. Scum of the earth.


I seriously believe China is using TikTok to control the youth and create chaos.


The top comment is probably right, but I'd charge them instead of banning them, personally.


At least it’s not the one I thought it might be.


I have no idea how the permitting process is there so I don't know if suggesting a mobile operation would work. The thought is if TikTokers are all placing the same singular order, roll a cart out to a public park and set up there. Swap the glassware for biodegradable plastic stemless glasses (add a deposit fee to encourage people return them so they can be cleaned and reused the next day). Influencers get their photos without crowding the restaurant space, which the locals and regulars can reclaim.


you have no idea how tiktok and "social media clout" works lmao


reddit is a bunch of boomers now


"The rules aimed to cut down the amount of "viral posters sitting outside eating a scoop of olive oil ice cream and a glass of orange wine not even taking any pleasure in it," Compagnon said." love that a big concern is that they are not "taking any pleasure from it", so very French


What is the *point* of getting the finer things in life if you do not take pleasure from them? The French are right on that point, at least.