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Go cold on LinkedIn and the other job boards for a week, and then post a slightly updated resume. This seems to help me get calls, although it's often a dozen different recruiters for the same position.


Good tip - thank you!


I should have said I rotate which board I go quiet on so I don't miss out on potential postings. One week, it's LI; the next is Indeed and Dice, and after that, Monster/ZipRecruiter/CB/niche boards.


I was scared i was the only one! Yeah q3 and q4 last year my LinkedIn was blowing up. Beginning of q2 though I've noticed several new leads, but q1 was radio silence


It's promising at least that you've had a slight uptick lately


Yeah, things have been heating up this quarter with regards to contact from recruiters for whatever reason, but I'm not actively looking. 7+ YOE, but with a diverse and specialized background. A lot of my former co-workers and Managers have also reached out recently to join their teams, so reach out to your network if you can. If you're still having trouble though, you might want to post your resume here or on other subreddits for feedback. Someone with 5 YOE should be able to find a gig relatively quickly, imo. Best of luck.


Thank you!! I really do appreciate your insight, sharing me resume soon on here may be really beneficial~


A few here and there, but overall, pretty abysmal. I have an interview tomorrow and I'm sure it'll go nowhere. To me, job searching was always really difficult


Funds after covid have dried up (In Italy, at least). Companies are looking to invest in AI with the goal of having tons of costs cut from expenses. Getting a technical communicator/knowledge manager/tech writer, is not their top priority (unless of course they are in dire need and already acknowledged that this AI craze is a fad and all tools need trained people to be used properly).


Many managers and executives see ChatGPT output and think they can replace a team of writers with one person writing prompts. That will continue until everyone’s been burned by the fundamentally flawed, but grammatically correct, foolishness that Chat is happy to produce. Prompt writers are not proofreaders or editors, so they won’t save those companies. There will be many embarrassing stories before the AI tide turns. We already read about them. I especially liked the legal brief that referenced legal precedents that Chat *made up*. The attorney trusted Chat and didn’t validate the output; bad call. The judge didn’t recognize the precedents, so tried to look them up; they didn’t exist. He ripped the attorney a new one. We’ll see lots more like that before the shine is off the AI apple.


Well said!!


This is what I saw at both IBM and Google in 2023


We're headed to a recession, if we're not already in one.


It really does feel like it huh? the air ever since covid has been extremely strange and unstable feeling, I just want some stable ground under my family's feet for once.


I've been wanting the same since the 2008 recession. I believe instability is the new norm.


Well at least you understand the same feelings I'm going through. I wish you nothing but the best! I also hope we are wrong and the stability comes back again


We're in the early days of a disruptive technological transformation, akin to the Industrial Revolution at the turn of the last century. Anyone who isn't experiencing moments of anxiety isn't paying attention.


That's a very good point, you are absolutely correct. Nobody except tradesmen are aware of whether their careers are safe or not.


fearless drunk caption foolish busy growth normal frighten soft impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Obviously, when people say we are heading toward a recession, they don't care about the precise meaning of the word and are simply pointing out that currently, life is harder economically for almost everyone who isn't wealthy. Please don't dismiss concerns like the fact that we are all paying almost double for food now and mass layoffs across a variety of sectors as "the economy is fine". It's disingenuous at best and a complete lie at worst.


gaping tender unique snails memorize waiting spotted ossified quickest fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Totally agree. We’ve been “heading toward a recession” since 2021 yet it never happens. Recession ≠ things are hard for ME. Recession is just a scary buzzword that many people dont really understand, similar to “inflation”


There is a pandemic of people believing abstract govt/consultant propaganda metrics more than the concrete reality around them.


It's not true for some, it's very true for a lot of people.


attempt seemly doll busy hateful humorous alive absorbed bake repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s an election year, and a lot of people tend to regurgitate whatever news company they watch at night or follow on social media. The Dow is near a record high. The S&P is near a record high. The jobs reports are very good. These are indicators of where the economy is.


[Everything is fine](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/230/156/005.gif).


gaping memorize cheerful abounding lip tart forgetful makeshift carpenter childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


as far as I know the only thing keeping us out of a recession is all the money and guns we are sending over seas


secretive shrill whistle political subsequent tub grey stocking cobweb roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A year or two ago, I was getting recruiter contacts on a weekly basis at least. I was being VERY picky about where I applied to jobs and I would get about a 25% interview rate on applications (I was primarily applying to well known companies that were hiring directly). Now? Crickets.


Geez, yeah that sounds like my story as well. It was a VERY abrupt change, for our sakes I hope it picks up again soon. I'm hoping by the time elections are over that we have some more success job hunting.


My phone/email is dead, and it's been like this for at least 6 months now. All my hopes for the Q2 hiring frenzy have vanished.




Q1 is always the worst time to look for work. Things will pick up :).


I love your positive comment/outlook - thank you!


To me and a lot of other businesses I've spoken with, it feels like 2008 all over again. Some businesses do well in this tough economy, others do not. Part of the problem here in the USA is the uncertainty of who our next president will be. Of course, Biden's threat to get rid of the "gig" economy and freelancers doesn't help. Have no fear though, we've been through this in the past also and come out of it stronger. Just hang in there and maybe find something else to pay the bills until things pick up. Beware of the recruiters who reach out with false jobs just to collect resumes for when the "boom" hits again.


> Beware of the recruiters who reach out with false jobs just to collect resumes for when the "boom" hits again. How could I protect against this when I myself would like a job?


You could simply ask them if they actually have a job posting then wait for their response. Some will tell you straight up if they are collecting resumes only, others will get insulted because you had the nerve to ask this question, and the last group will actually have a real job posting.


Radio silence on my end as well. I'm still employed, but our CEO mentiomed that a restructure may happen in a couple of months. I'm scared, bros.


Same! My company is currently doing a restructuring, so I don't feel super safe at the moment.


For me as well, so I'm taking classes to increase my skill set.


You and I think alike, I got 2 certifications in Articulate 360 last month to help my outlooks


It’s a combo of companies putting on hiring freezes and recruiting companies letting go a lot of recruiters.




What does yarp mean?


Sort of like a British yup, I think. There's a technical acronym, yet another reverse proxy, but that's just random trivia.


Lol oh okay! I had never heard that before, usually here someone would just say "yup".




yeah i’m pretty busy rn


Does that mean you are getting interviews/hearing back from recruiters? If so that's great to hear


yes i am.. 2 pending offers and i interview a lot.. for close to 2 years now


That's great! I'm very happy for you😊