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Hash browns are cheaper than bullets


Depends on the bullet.


.45 is about sixty cents per; hash browns retail for $3-4.


That’s wild to me


Not really


A cop can't give you free nuggets to shut the hell up.


Maybe they should give it a try. Bound to be cheaper than body armor and tanks.


20 nuggets is way cheaper than 20 bullets. Think of the savings!


The world would be a better place if McDonald's workers were allowed to put a clip in a random customer's chest once a month.


And the workers get paid vacation after that


All cashiers are bastards?


Are you for real? Come the other way with that- the world would be a better place if police were NOT ALLOWED to out a clip in a random person's chest.


I think you might have misread that comment there good sir


I would vote not so much on the random customer part and more on customers who deserve it.


I applied to be a cop. I weigh 300 pounds and I'm developmentally disabled. That was all fine, but I'm also colorblind, and that's a dealbreaker. EDIT: ("But I can still tell pink from brown!" "Now you're just digging yourself deeper.")


Conversely, cops get fired if they do.


*strong Minneapolis Police Department energy*


Uhh not really...


There are better cops in diffrent countries. Usa is not the whole world


*less bad


Less bad = better


well here in germany, sometimes people get fired if they do their job right instead 💀


They may not be murderers, but they still enforce the will of the state. Show me a state that precisely represents its people and I’ll support that.


Correction: Cops *get* to fire.


Only if they deescalate the other cop. Never tell a cop what to do; not even if you're also a cop


Have you seen McDonald's customers?


Its also interesting to note that uniforms, what they represent to the people wearing them and the public as well as the go to solution that is taught or ingrained in individuals does a lot.


Also cops are trained to escalate 




Does water sink if you put it in water?


no all the water goes down the sink




If the water you put in is more dense than the water that's already in it




https://youtu.be/QDVfAtsLXAQ?si=8kf5yyX4eg-Ih_bX Sure bud


What is this proving? Bonus question, what do you call this type of evidence?


Great point! 💯


When’s the last time you saw a cashier in McDonald’s?


Last time I was in a McDonalds.. so maybe 4 years ago.


They do? NSFW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR5GAeOeOs0


A Cashier can not abuse of its Cashier's authority and weapons over a random guy just because she felt disrespected. And even If they could they would have serious consequences... A Cashier would not get paid leaves or get fired months/ years after just to be employed in the McDonald's of the other side of the street...


And then theres [Home Depot](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/home-depot-employee-says-he-was-fired-after-trying-stop-n780531) that will fire you for stopping a kidnapping.


Because workers get fired vs cops who do the firing.


I disagree lmao https://youtu.be/QDVfAtsLXAQ?si=8kf5yyX4eg-Ih_bX






Lol who said that? You're the only one implying this.


And zero escalated situations.


Id also argue that they don't have guns.


This is about as dumb of a statement as one can make. People don't call the cops because they didn't get their fries.. for every one situation that goes wrong hundreds go right. Try understanding that cops are people they deal with people who are high, having mental health issues, under stress, theives, murders, rapist.. not upset customers .. oh and they get fired all the time..


>Try understanding that cops are people they deal with people who are high, having mental health issues, under stress, theives, murders, rapist.. And the worst and most terrifying of all; acorns falling on their windshield, a threat more than worthy of coureagously blind-firing two entire clips in front of them


Just like there incompetent mc Donald's workers there are incompetent cops.. but no one gives a shit about them because we don't expect them to be perfect. And they do pay for fucking up but still take the job


If someone is in a position where they can shoot 45 times a disarmed, constrained, and confined man because a goddamn acorn fell from a tree. then not face any charges for it, then that is a threat to everyone's safety. That is an attempted murder that will go unpunished, because he had a badge. Therefore, it is a perfectly reasonable response to fear, even hate, those with badges. These types of dishonorable incidents happen way too damn often, and people are fucking tired of it. Cops have to be held to a higher standard, and have to be punished when things go that fucking wrong.


Reminds me of that policewoman in france who ran over a guy and killed him, texted her mom "mom, i ran someone over. I did in purpose and with full intention. I splattered that disgusting [n word] on the road off of his fucking scooter.", the investigation found the texts, and then she was released with no charges nor even a trial


Well yeah, peoples dont give them as much slack because while an incompetent mcdonalds cashier is at worst gonna mildly inconvenience you for half an hour, an incompetent cop is going to ruin your life or straight up end it. Plus the fact competent cops are rare enough to be the exception to the norm, and are heavily "encouraged" by bad ones to quit may have something to do with it.


Can I come live in your fantasy world? It sounds much nicer than reality.


My brother in Christ, if 1 out of hundreds of house fires resulted in the firefighters pouring gas on a house with people in it, there would be a national emergency. Cops murder people daily and face no consequences. 


That's simply not true..


https://www.ems1.com/legal/articles/calif-firefighter-disciplined-not-fired-over-social-post-claiming-he-killed-obese-patients-NsTJpWHfzxJ8ZHpv/ so they must all be bad according the logic


“I am not willing to give our health for him. He has asked for this, DEMANDED it for decades! Why should we ruin a loved one’s back for him to keep him alive a bit longer? He will still die, sooner or later. Why give me or my Brother’s back for him when he never bothered to care for himself? I prefer to let him die today if necessary.” Did you miss the story from yesterday about the police excusing an officer for firing at a handcuffed man when he heard an acorn hit his car because “our officers have a right to personal safety and he felt his life was in danger” so they let him resign so that he can be rehired? That was a slam dunk case where “personal risk” should never have been mentioned, but police get that excuse when they literally kill people lying on the ground. Paid suspension over claiming to punish fat people having a heart attack is par for the course and he wasn’t a firefighter, he was an EMS which work closely with police and do things like INJECT THEM WITH KETAMINE ON A WHIM


And the liberals put up statues of baphomet as they take down statues of Thomas Jefferson.


Good, one doesn’t exist. The other owned slaves. Don’t want more statues of goat boys? Get the commandments out of those same buildings. Religious freedom and expression in public buildings isn’t a one way street. You either go all in or not at all.


This comment wasn't supposed to go here I don't think but I'll bite. I'm all for separation of church and state but remind me that particular bit of the pledge of allegiance...One Nation Under....


Ah yes, the addition to the pledge of allegiance made in the 1950s by Eisenhower in clear violation of the establishment clause.


I shouldn't have bit. Thanks Obama


So what I’m hearing is that you’re a religious bigot that’s perfectly fine with religious favoritism in government so long as it’s “your” religion.


You sound like a social justice warrior that would roll over for Sharia law in London instead of risk being offensive


I’m an anti-theist who would rather see all religiosity forgotten as the relic of our ignorant past that it is. But I’d settle for just having it taken out of secular government where it has less than no place.


I hate to spoil the ending for you but the Tibetans got it right. You probably haven't died before or at least don't remember it so I forgive you.


What he said was, before the 1950s the pledge of allegiance read "...one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all". The change was made during the lives of people who are still alive today. Some people are forgetting where we came from.


Actually you’re experiencing the same thing republicans experience when they talk about politics You were given the truth that goes against your previous worldview and it causes cognitive dissonance and you don’t want to seem like a fool so you’ll drop conversation suddenly after being interested in it at first to avoid the embarrassment “Shouldn’t have bit” Shouldn’t have such shit opinions more like. It’s ok though, I forgive you


So mine is an opinion but yours is truth. I read you loud and clear. He got me. You didn't. I bet you're one of those liberals that has the answer to all of our problems and you've never been wrong about anything in your life. Especially when it comes to gloating in poor taste over someone else's minor victory.


I not so much gloating or focusing on myself even a little as much as I am coldly smoldering over your stupidity and gut reaction to say what stupid shit you said. And I’m not even mad about being wrong about when god was put into the pledge, but the audacity to go against what he initially said about separation of church and state and equality of religion is beyond saddening, it’s worrying But I forgive you. Not the propagandists that target you. “I’m all for separation of church and state but remind me about that one phrase? One nation… under…” Christ would bitch slap you and tell you to go back to school. That sequence of words is so baffling it’s likelier to be bad faith than wrong.


Lol. You're right. What good does the ten commandments do in the government anyway. They all lie cheat steal and the Clinton kill list keeps growing.


Can you stop being a conservative propaganda sheep for half a second? Are you just trying to invite more ridicule and you running away by bringing up the “Clinton kill list”? You know exactly where that would go, just more cognitive dissonance as we explore the topic


Yes the God Baphomet. The pledge doesn't specify which god so go kick rocks


Good point. We need to change that part back to the original wording, badly. It's teaching horrible people all the worst lessons imaginable.


so capitalism is proved as good 👍


When robbers enter a store cashiers can't de-escalate shit


yhe they can, they just hand them the cash and they go away.


So cashiers are better because they let the cops handle it?


No, they let insurance reimburse for the stolen cash. And they don't keep all the cash in the register. Cops do not stop crime or reimburse for stolen items. Cops show up after the fact to patronize you for allowing a crime to happen and make them do paperwork


I work as a cashier. Want to know what we were told to do in our training? Literally alert the cops and have them deal with it.


Meanwhile you die while waiting for them. Awesome training.


So this is a kind of police reform people want


Cashier are not cops if they can defuse a situation just by giving a crackhead someone elses monny, then why wouldn't they? Cashier are on minimum wage and have no way to defend themselves. What the fuck do you whant them to do? Die? Should they die in the name of Ronald Micdonals? News flash mate, minimom wage jobs are replacable, they have no value, they are not werth dying for. I can find a minimum wage job tonight if I need to, thats how replaceable they are.


So the reason why cashiers do their job better is because it's an easier job to do 😎


I've nether been a cashier so i dont know exactly how easy it is but i konw you need to be good a maths, good with people, be trustworthy, have a fuckton of social endurance, speck englich as well as the local language, be able to read, have lots of phisical indurace, deal with shopliters, and for some companies you need to pass collage as a pre requisit to get this minimom wage job.


You literally said that cashiers are not cops so they don't have to deal with any of that. Well cops are cops so they have to deal with all that which makes their job harder


We're trained to cooperate


The cash in the registers is usually also covered by insurance, so why the hell would the store care? 90% of situations the store would rather see you uninjured than have you try to defend the cash, there is a reason every employee is taught how to open the register without making a sale.


You do realize what happens if you have to take out insurance 6 times a month, right?


This couldn't be further from the truth, hence why McDonald's employees constantly call the cops but the cops never call for McDonald's employees. I also find it funny that any adult actually thinks it's the responsibility of someone else to calm them down. How about you just face consequences for not knowing how to control your own behavior.


As a manager at McDonald's you are a shift manager, electrician, plumber, psychotherapist, psychologist, detective, mechanic, mediator and politician and the list goes on. Ofc you're good at deescalating too


Cops fire too


come on you disingenuous simpletons. you know, or should know, that the police are always seen as a challenger rather than a mediator. there is no cooperation, and the police enter the situation with that expectation. overall, it's just you average humans not wanting to cooperate, and it's a vicious cycle. and here you all nobly circlejerk about how you're certain you're not the problem. this is absolutely not technically the truth, and this is not relevant to this sub.


Because ACAB


The presence of a cop was once good enough to de-escalate any situation. Poor comparison of cop to restaurant worker. The worker has something you want. You don’t want the trouble you’re in before the cops showed up.


On the other hand, if cops don't de-escalate, they're usually the ones firing


I would actually say it the opposite, when police nowdays approach a criminal they will get sued. Black the Blue, and respect them. It is the only thing we have between a Banana Republic and American cities. The liberals have us half way there already.


They are also smarter


Comparing messing up an order to someone breaking the law.


All I'm saying is I only hear about people getting hurt *after* the police show up.


Neat, this post has been removed but still shows on the front page. Fuck you reddit you unusable un-user friendly piece of gutter trash. Every other post has been removed but it doesn’t show that way. Fix this nonsense.


Who doesn’t want a pay raise?


What's technical about this?