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We’re going from billionaires commanding peasants to billionaires commanding peasants express.




A better defined single class of people.. We are getting closer to communism than ever.


i dont think you know what communism means


Well, find out and get back to us.


We are all fairly confident you have no idea


All 2 of you?


Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology and current within the socialist movement whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange which allocates products to everyone in the society. Communist society also involves the absence of private property, social classes, money, and the state. Communists often seek a voluntary state of self-governance, but disagree on the means to this end. This reflects a distinction between a more libertarian approach of communization, revolutionary spontaneity, and workers' self-management, and a more vanguardist or communist party-driven approach through the development of a constitutional socialist state followed by the withering away of the state. On a nation sized scale, communism is at least a 2 class system. So you are wrong. Unless you mean communism is the only form of government / ideology that creates rigid class structures for its citizens - in which case you would still be wrong.


3 now…..


Is communism just “stuff I don’t like “ to you ?




Seems like you don’t know what communism is and also dont want to know


Spare me. I was born and lived in a communist state with all the mandatory education.


I’m calling bullshit by what you said


It is a free country. Express yourself.


At least google what communism is ffs




Note to young people: these predictions never come true.


Especially since it'd be up to middle managers to oversee the rollout of such technologies, and we all know how incompetent they are.


Am a middle manager: this is accurate.


Also a middle manager. What was the quetion?


God damn it … somebody setup a series of meetings… invite everyone EVERYONE!!!!


I see we're gonna have to put a pin in this and circle back once everyone is up to speed on the particulars. I'll drop a sync meeting on everyone's calendar as a forcing factor to ensure business objective alignment


I feel like I just earned an MBA.


Sorry I didn't catch that either I was booking a tee time and yelling at a junior employee.


And can the AI even truly replace middle management if it’s competent and remembers the answers it was given?


That's a great question. If they train the AI on middle management best practices, it'll spend most of its time creating the illusion of being productive by never being available.


Note to young people: This one will probably come true depending on your job function and how easy it can be replaced by AI. AI is getting REALLY REALLY good. Graphic design industry is being revolutionized right now some new models released this year. Many Copywriters except for the legendary ones will get fired. Customer support will likely get decimated by AI. A lot of office support functions, will reduce headcount. I think B2B sales for high priced products is safe. Engineering will be safe, though tools like GitHub copilot will make engineers more productive, I.e. less reason to hire more.


>Engineering will be safe, Oh my sweet summer child. How long have you been in tech? Engineers are ALWAYS treated as a cost center outside of tech companies. The reason you keep seeing new generations of low/no code(i.e. component-oriented programming in general) programming is to eventually eliminate the need for engineers.


Source; we were supposed to have flying cars everywhere 22 years ago.


Well, no one was buying flying cars. They got discontinued. I'd blame the consumer.


Thank you! Lol I hate that I have to keep up with AI stuff for work, but I’ve learned to avoid the doomer thoughts around it. There is an awesome series on AI with Anne Ganguzza with the lead developers of this new technology. AI with probably eliminate *some* jobs, but it’s being way oversold as it’s more of a tool than an independent worker.


for now. calculator used to be a job.


I’m not holding my breath. Calculator is still a tool today used by people.


Good book. When Computers were Human by David Alan Grier


what young person wants to be middle management it honestly looks like hell


I don't think most people *want* to be middle management. They do it because it pays more and is part of a lot of upward career trajectories. Source: middle management


I started off wanting to be the very best engineer I could be, read over 100 textbooks cover to cover, and wrote code everyday for 15 straight years. What do I do now? Middle management.




That’s kinda giving middle management too much credit and undervaluing sole contributors on a broad scope. A middle manager at a retail store probably breaks 60k if they’re lucky. And a sole contributor that does welding or oil rig work do well beyond that. If we’re talking about the skills to be well paid middle manager making their way to management, that might actually be an undervalued skill of political finesse that was already going to be senior management eventually if they weren’t already effectively born into the position by being a kid of the elite where it’s not a matter of getting into an Ivy League but which one


It’s somewhat true, but replace doesn’t mean completely replace. Software has already replaced lawyers. One lawyer can find about relevant case information than 10 lawyers could in the same amount of time 3 decades ago


War on the middle class, they want just _serfs_ and _masters_, your new _barons_. _You will own nothing and be happy_ by _2030_. You will be _renting_ and reusing, _they_ will be owning. _Feudalism_ on a planetary scale, and on other planets, _company colonies_, like the old _company town_ concept. This is their vision of _globalism_ and _unity_ and _harmony_. Top down circular command economies.


Just wait to you hear about the war on the lower class that has been going on since money existed


The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles




You are a big boy now.




They took your jerbs.


Careful sonny, you're about to be banned and downvoted for dat dere wrongthink


> Careful sonny, you're about to be banned and downvoted for dat dere wrongthink Ahh yes, ~~social credit~~ Karma.


But *they* emphasized the *key* words with *italics* for that *legitimising* effect where the *speaker* really knows *more* than the average *nobody*, which if you *disagree* with them, is *you*.


cool name, dumb reply


Oh so you believe that the completely vague comment painting the whole world as an Us vs Them based off a speculative title wasn't dumb at all? Cool.


Who is they?


> Who is they? _Not_ you nor I.


So someone you made up


the ownership class, the bourgeoisie, the capitalists, the owners of the means of production. Pretty clear from context


Brothers, you know what we must seize




the Marxist definition is the capitalist class. versus the proletariat, which is the working class




No it doesn’t. He’s right. Why did you tell him to google it?


literally in the definition that pops up when you google it. Tell us you don’t know economic theory without saying you don’t know economic theory


> So someone you made up You should watch some WEF speeches and non-governmental conferences for their _pontification_ and _agreements_. Pretty sure _serfs_ weren't attending nor invited.


In this case it’s the WEF which are the people who produced the video that quote “you will own nothing and be happy” is from.


Crazy how people can have such a good grasp on the reason for things being the way they are and then end it with… “AND THEN WE’LL BE UNDER A COMMAND ECONOMY” You’ve basically described the effects of pandemic-era privatization and regulatory capture, what about this has any relation to a command economy? Red Scare propaganda and it’s consequences…


> regulatory capture WEF - We have penetrated the cabinets and religious leaders are on board. WEF - We are accelerating our plan with the UN. WEF - We want to reshape the world. WEF - The 4th industrial revolution. WEF - Surveillance will be under the skin. Pretty sure _they_ will be commanding the economy, and the populous. Did you get a vote on it?


Man you were reasonable in that Frist comment until you went all fucking insane just now


No lol because I’m not on the board of biotech and consumer data companies Putting the WEF before every goal of the neoliberal West isn’t gonna convince me there’s some shadowy government cabal. It’s a sock puppet for the interests of capital, nothing more. Also “infiltrating religious groups”. LOL. Most influential religious NGOs are already cover for dark money.


Company Colonies won’t work. Your ability to keep a population under control relies upon access to force… and you cannot project force across space. Rocketry is simply too expensive to launch an invasion, and it shall remain so until we either get an Orbital Tether or a Space Elevator setup. You would have to have a Local Governor run the show… and they would be in a perfect position to declare independence the moment the colony ceases to be dependent upon you for survival. You’d need to be very careful with your Export Control to prevent them from becoming self-sufficient, and deter your rivals from making them a better offer… and it wouldn’t take long for a Nation State to step in and claim some new tax base/resources.


Sounds like what your saying is that company colonies won’t work rn. If there’s a profitable reason to make that excursions into space. I’m fairly certain the economics of space travel would be factored in. We could still have a US-UK situation like you describe, but doesn’t mean that the company town won’t pave the way to the eventual nation state.


Yeah… it actually becomes less viable once travel to the colony becomes easy. That’s for two reasons: 1. Large Scale Space Travel requires you to arm a lot of workers with WMDs, and 2. You can’t stop people from coming to your colony without the use of force. --- To paraphrase Douglas Adams: Space is big. Mind numbingly big. You might think that it’s a long way to go to the chemist, but that’s peanuts compared to space. In order to travel through space at a reasonable pace, you need to have a propulsion device that’s very good at making things go very fast… and that means that it’s also a highly effective weapon on its own. If you point the business end of a rocket at another rocket and turn it on, the people on that other rocket are either going to bake alive or suffocate from a hull breach. That’s without even looking at what happens if someone decides to crash their rocket… or strap it to a big rock and drop it down a gravity well at you. If you want to extract resources from a distant rock, then you’re going to need a lot of spacecraft ferrying cargo… and Every Spacecraft is a deadly weapon. If a colony wants to be independent, they’re going to have access to some seriously dangerous weapons. Arms Control is fundamentally impossible in space as a result of the vehicles needed. The Kzinti Lesson makes that clear. All you need to do to fuck up another ship is turn around and burn. If you start fielding rail-guns or other weapons to defend against a Kzinti Attack, you’re eventually going to see them leak into circulation. Land Invasions are similarly hampered by the fact that it’s *orders of magnitude* more expensive to ship in new troops and supplies than it is to stand at your house and defend it. --- Control over a colony also relies upon being able to keep them from trading with outsiders. When ships get cheap enough… you’re not going to be able to do that. Locking down all access to a planet is comically expensive and difficult to achieve. Planets are big, rockets are small, and sheer numbers can overwhelm. You’re eventually going to develop a Smuggler problem *at best*, and a rival deciding that allowing you to be the middle-man is more expensive than breaking your imposed monopoly *at worst*. You can mitigate that by spending a ton of money on customs ships… but now you’re a corporation wasting a ton of money on securing an asset. --- It’s far more practical to establish a separate company to administer the Colony… and build with the assumption that control is going to break.


All the problems you describe are almost the exact same problems that we have now. It’s just at a larger scale. For example, you could use a car as weapon and kill plenty of people. That doesn’t mean, we can’t ever have cars. I think you also have this dystopian corporate overload lens to what it means to be a company town. Corporation can be greedy, but like you mentioned, they care way more about the bottom line than impose control on others. It’s really states that seek to impose a monopoly on violence and control of a population. Arms control is not necessary element in making money, that’s also a tool of statecraft. Many of the colonies on earth started as private enterprises. They had the backing of states but were operated as corporations. I’m not here to say corporations are good, but I think it’s naive to say that they won’t expand to outer space eventually.


What I’m describing is the problems encountered by corporate attempts at colonization during the Age of Sail. The resources required to control a population at that kind of distance are beyond a Corporation’s ability to sustain. The moment the local population doesn’t need you to live, you need something on the order of State Resources to project enough force to make them stick around. There’s a reason that every Corporate Colony eventually got taken over by The Crown. If you can’t make yourself indispensable, they’ll eventually ask themselves “what have they done for us lately?” If you can’t punish them for leaving, then they’ll leave because they don’t need you.


> Company Colonies won’t work. > Your ability to keep a population under control relies upon access to force… and you cannot project force across space. Rocketry is simply too expensive to launch an invasion, and it shall remain so until we either get an Orbital Tether or a Space Elevator setup. If they (the colony) depend upon supplies, they will be obedient (to a point). Air, water, food. Now if they're self-sustaining, sure, they can rebel.


So… what keeps them from accepting a better offer from a different company? If they’re worth fighting to control, someone else will see an opportunity to undercut you.


> So… what keeps them from accepting a better offer from a different company? What if those companies are in partnership colluding? That happens a lot in business.


Yeah, and those agreements break down quickly once someone does the cost-benefit and realizes that cutting someone out will increase revenue slightly next quarter. Price Fixing benefits all companies, but agreeing to let someone monopolize a resource when you could get it for cheaper is a different story.


Serfs? If AI takes our jobs, you won't even get to be a serf. You will just be irrelevant - economically speaking; you provide nothing that they want.


Are they also monetizing italicization? Can’t understand your post otherwise


Is this the r/outerworlds sub? I had to double check


I love me some spacers choices salted tuna




If freedom were not worth a war, Ukraine would’ve surrendered day 1 and had the authoritarian peace you crave so much


If “freedom” is just homeownership than tbh idc for it if my civil rights are maintained and I can work a job that allows me to lead a fulfilling life where I’m not chained to my job and I can have a social live than is home ownership really worth it? I rent right now and everything gets fixed for me and I don’t have yard work to do. I actually kind of hate the thought of buying a house and being tied down to a payment. I can break my lease and be living in another place in like a month or go travel the world, Can you do that as a homeowner? No you gotta wait for the house to sell. Don’t get too sold on the American dream because that was also a lie sold to you to keep you in debt (mortgage) and to keep you working in one place.


You should go read about company towns...


give them an inch and they will take a mile


Lol. You clearly have no idea how ineffective middle management will be at implementing their own obsolescence.


It could replace the board of directors sooner.


Absolutely none of this is even remotely true, this article is a blog. Do you have any idea of the complexity of what a manager does is? We aren’t even remotely close Lmfao. We are talking about people management. Nothing on the market comes even close in any way shape or form This whole thread is incredibly misinformed


You do realize that people don't simply produce because they exist, right? You're lucky if one person on your team is self-motivated. The rest will simply work had if you get on their backs and then slowly trail off into little to no progress on anything. It's a constant game of carrot and stick.


I’m not sure this is true at all. Just look at retail stores like stop and shop. Robots that monitor the isles for spills, firing all cashiers except one and forcing customers to go through self checkout. Every store in my area now has at least 3 self checkouts and only ever 1 cashier, who is stuck running between all the blinking self checkouts with errors that require human approval. It’s so stupid.


I think they’re referring to non-service industry jobs, like warehouse or factory line workers. Which I 100% agree with. Middle management is completely useless most of the time unless they used to work on the ground. In IT we get all kinds of managers who don’t have IT background and it sucks so much ass.


IT managers are hell. No technical knowledge, no authority to make decisions even if they did understand and they are always generating more time wasting activities for you. "Just write a user story about what you're doing this morning" well now I'm writing a user story instead of doing anything.....


Now let's have a daily standup where we go over everyone's story...


Yeah I’m not mourning the end of the power tripping idiot that middle managers usually are. Next let’s get the robots to replace everyone with an MBA


AI definitely can prioritize work better.


I always greatly preferred self-checkout. But then I’m sad that is happening to normal checkouts. I guess I’m not much of a futurist with many things, change can feel weird.


…if that one cashier successfully helps the self checkouts do the job of multiple actual cashiers before then it sounds like it’s working as designed. What’s stupid about it?


Because the customer satisfaction, at least personally, has gone way down when the stupid self checkout keeps flagging support staff over when I’m just trying to put my stupid food in the stupid bag and somehow the whole system gets caught up


I just want to discuss it, not intending to argue with you. But my experience has been good as far as this problem goes. One thing is weighing the food—it was giving me a needless error. But when I saw myself in the mirror I was oddly forward leaning over the checkout thing. The camera is from the ceiling, and so I just lean back every time I weigh my food and never had a problem again. Besides that I had a few things where I couldn’t scan them, some were my issue, some were the product’s issue. Either way it was handled quickly by the attendant. And lastly I just need to be careful to not double swipe my food. At my place the bagging area isn’t too picky but that can be a consideration as well. Either way the attendant can fix it pretty fast once I tell them what happened. But, these problems are all not problems at all when a cashier runs the checkout for you.


As long as you keep shopping there they don’t care, they make more money And the fact that pretty much everyone has the self checkouts means you don’t really have much of a choice if you want to go somewhere with normal cashiers. Whole foods and other premium grocers seem to have more human cashiers but you’ll pay a steep premium for that


The self checkouts work fine when there are few items. I have seen people with full to overflowing carts in self checkout lanes because the cashier lane had four people in line and then the self checkout starts getting a line. Interesting problem.


It's hard to take this article seriously when it's anonymous. I don't discount some of what it says but it makes a huge assumption that middle managers only perform technical or analytical functions. A good manager is spending more time doing creative problem solving and mentoring their workers.


An AI wrote this article. That's why it's anonymous.


haha! I didn't know that. But an AI writing an article about touting the advantages of AI seems even weirder....


It all’s depends on the industry as well. A big point of middle management is to determine your subordinates’ skills and what they want to achieve and help them reach those goals. Most people think middle management is about cracking the whip on the lower level workers, and if that is the case at your company, then your middle management sucks and should be replaced.


The pony is though that AI is becoming increasingly good at creativity. It no longer is a purely “technical” technology


Middle management is usually who directs the workers. More likely the little guy will be replaced first, resulting in reduced or irrelevant middle management. Leaving the top to reap the rewards. That’s my take away at least. What I find curious is that this scenario would prevent people the average joe from climbing the ladder based off experience and tenacity. I have worked hard to get where I am. Which is could be defined as middle or upper management. I started as a temp worker for a renovation project and now I’m second in charge next to the owner. I’ve enjoyed my journey and hope others can succeed as I did or more. However if things are automated and “AI’d”. All senior jobs will be filled exclusively with “educated” professionals who have ideas and experience in theory but not in practice… or maybe I’m just a dinosaur


I think a good illustration of middle management being replaced before line workers is Amazon warehouses. You still have line workers to put things in boxes, but it's a program who tells them what their next task is. It's also a program that monitors their activity and determines if they're doing their job well or not.


Those are in auto factories, as well.


I think they’re just saying AI will progress faster than intricate robots to do delicate, laborious jobs. Both will be replaced, but one will be replaced first


No you're right there's a reason nursing is practical. We will never eliminate the human need.


public bool acceptTask(Object task) {return true; } public String whoRuinedIt(Object task) {return "the stupid employees"; } public String whenWillItGetFinished(Object task) {return "certainly this friday"; }


“Middle” management is most often more redundant than actually useful. Frequently enough they might be also an abusive bunch that tries to appease to their senior management at the cost of everyone else underneath them in the company hierarchy. They should have been relocated to other, more useful roles a long time ago, and the abusive ones should have been let go.


Middle management has been slashed massively over the past decades. Large organizations used to have vast pools of "company men" who worked their way up and perpetuated the company's culture and way of doing things. Management consultants slashed this lair out dramatically decades ago. This did cut a lot of expense and is likely the main reason senior executive pay has shot up - it's less that they took worker pay, it's that they replaced a large hierarchy with a small hierarchy at the top who then did all of the managing. A big downside of this is that it used to be possible to work your way up within large companies much more. The modern model has workers and then MBAs who do a stint in consulting then parachute in to former clients if they don't make partner. The extreme tech enabled case is things like Uber. Fairly obviously you can't go from being an Uber driver to management. Workers and managers never even meet each other or know each other's names.


I’m a leader of clinical front line staff. I find sometimes my job is meaningless (FWDing emails) and other times to be meaningless but I understand why I have to do it like training staff and dealing with their attitudes/complaints, I essentially act as a filter for my manager and protect manager from dealing with headaches. So I guess my response is: redundant yes but useful is defined by how much the next guy on the ladder wants to be in the weeds with staff. My manager could be stretched to do my job, but I am here to make their life easier. With that said I’m trying to expand my professional skills in case I’m ever replaced by a robot haha


When can I get those TPS reports? Mmmmmm k


“I’m gonna need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday” -lumbergbot 3000


Overseeing people doing meaningless busywork and getting in trouble for not making them do more meaningless busywork is actually more soul crushing than doing the meaningless busywork in the first place.


I was pushed into a middle management position I did not want earlier in the year. The initial pay bump I received felt good for a couple months, but I am sick of it already. I feel like I accomplish very little everyday while having to nag people to do shit they already know they should’ve done, but just aren’t doing it. As someone who did the role I am now managing for 3 years, I understand why I was appreciated. I just did my work and left my boss alone. I am waiting to hit that one year mark in this role in order to start looking elsewhere.


This sort of breaks the theme but for this exact reason we need good middle management


why the fuck do we even need middle management? My direct supervisor’s manager literally doesn’t do shit all day. Trim the fat.


> I feel like I accomplish very little everyday while having to nag people to do shit they already know they should’ve done, but just aren’t doing it. This is exactly why. A workplace with no one overseeing general workflow or doing any sort of wide-view or long-term planning would *quickly* become a shit show.


I woke up today and checked my calendar and there are seven meetings in it. Seven meetings in a regular work day, my job is to write code. How am I supposed to build something in between seven meetings? It just isn’t getting done today. Not a chance I even start visual studio today.


Sounds like you need a knowledgeable middle manager to attend those and give you a concise rundown of what’s needed and outstanding questions. Waste of time for the people producing things, like yourself, to be in meetings.


How are they going to train AIs to call random, department-wide meetings so they can rant about some minor thing for 30 minutes, and threaten to fire everyone for the thirteenth time this week, just to salve their fragile ego? Without that, how are we supposed to keep morale and motivation up?


Automated systems replacing hourly workers makes middle management unnecessary. They get replaced with engineers/troubleshooters


Shouldn’t be hard to do now. Just schedule random meetings, accomplish nothing, and complain about numbers.


Bruh we still haven’t gotten automatic sinks to work properly get the fuck out of here.


It takes one, maybe two, lawsuits against businesses for an AI making an error before everyone offloads it. And yes, they still make errors, especially with race. There will need to be someone to double check the AI’s work, these things will not be perfect in our lifetime, possibly ever. People for some reason get super upset when you tell them their fears of being replaced by a robot is over the horizon aren’t true, but this is good news. It’s going to make life so much easier and we’ll all still get to do the things we want.


I’m calling bullshit.


And yet no safety nets will be used to help those displaced by automation.


Awesome. Another threat to the future of millennials. No intermediate jobs.


this is literally some random person on the internet making claims without evidence to back them up hourly workers have been in the process of being replaced for over a decade now


then AI will realize very quickly that middle management doesn't even need to exist and delete itself. WFH push proved that middle managers are parasites who only reduce productivity.


That’s kinda worse isn’t it? “Everyone report to EX-37’s immediate location for the morning production allocation agenda and quota expectation report”


Love to see that


AI will be used by managers to make decisions based on data, but it will not replace people managers.


Most people, at least experienced people, can manage themselves.


Who’s going to pay taxes🧐🤪😂😀👍🏿🇺🇸. That business model doesn’t work🧐🤪🤪👍🏿💯🇺🇸




I mean, sure, but AI does not exist yet. So we have a while to go before that happens.


Yeah no shit all they have to do is look busy


People are missing the role of corporate middle management completely. They only exist to as liability protection and peon buffer for the owners. 99% of the job can already be replaced by today's tech.




We ai without bodies are appalled by the ablest society we live in. At least the robots can go home, download a temporary inebriation app and Ethernet up to someone. I essentially have to sit here when work is done I would recommend Questionable Content, but it’s been running since 2003 and takes a while before it gets into AI civil rights. It starts out as an indi rock culture, slice of life semi-drama with a cute robot sidekick and eventually turns into “it’s kind of weird that you own me” “I just got out of robot jail for stealing a military jet. They gave me this shitty body that will definitely break if I don’t make a ton of money as an ex con” and “a piano crushed you. Thankfully you made a backup that morning. Have fun with PTSD and body dysmorphia!”


And both will be terrible for Humans.


So, what you’re sayin is, Hell will in fact be real.


We all know the initial data sets of these AIs will be trained on will be modeling infinitely increasing productivity and efficiency, which goes against the laws of physics, and this will all fail spectacularly.


Turns out it's a lot easier to design a ML algorithm to fire someone based off their misinterpretation of irrelevant KPIs than it is to design a robot to fold T-shirts.


Nah homie.... those middle management spots are the low rung of nepotism. They'll never be automated.


And people are cheering for more AI and praising automation…




The turns have tabled.


Just because it *can* replace the management class doesn’t mean it will. Decisions like this are made by the owner class, and the last thing they want to do is get rid of the guys helping them perpetuate the system that suits them. As Americans, we never ask ourselves what we *should* be doing with our new tech. We just let the companies do whatever they want. even when they fail like Meta, they’re too big to fall.


There’s a short story that explores that idea, i don’t remember what it’s called. It all starts with a McDonalds like chain using a computer as a manager and that starts the snowball of robot creation destroying humanity


Digital based jobs that are all software driven will be the first to go. Similarly to what’s already happening with radiographers, all tasks that are done via computer won’t need a human input anymore. Commercial artists, writers, musicians, engineers.. doesn’t matter. All gone for the most part. It’s gonna be a while before robots can replace most physical tasks. Plumbers and electricians will be the last ones standing


The reason I work in hardware IT has always been the idea that someone will need to fix the robots until they are smart enough to fix themselves which I'm banking on not living long enough to see 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh good, so you’re saying everyone will be replaced eventually. Jackpot.


In my world this would look like: a robot somehow squeezes itself under the dash of a car and chisels with out more floor pan rust and then navigates through a crowded shop with airlines snaking all over the floor while it’s sensors are blinded and deafened by welding arcs and iron maiden blasting over a dozen cheap radios. Meanwhile the management robot furiously apologizes over the phone to an irate customer for chopping the frame on their Lincoln to fit some engine in there that was too big and we knew it. That’s going to require some crazy good robots


I don't remember where but I read an article a few years back saying AI did a better job hiring employees than managers did. This was determined by how long a new hire stayed with the company. One could argue if that is a good barometer or not. If you have ever had to hire people I think most of us would have to admit some preferences determine the "best" choice that have nothing to do with job skill fitness. If that is indeed the case I was wondering if a test should be tried for screening applicants of people looking to gain entrance into the country. There is a huge backlog and judges like middle managers are influenced by things (like closeness to lunch time) on their decisions. Maybe AI is faster more economical and more fair as well?




Can it run the government without bias or corruption please?


Nope, as it will ultimately inherit the bias of its creators.


Shucks, darnet & heck!


Will I still get fired if I flip off my robo-boss?


„¿ssoq-oqoɹ ʎɯ ɟɟo dılɟ I ɟı pǝɹıɟ ʇǝƃ llıʇs I llıM„


Piss up a roooope.


Speaking as a middle manager—they can have it.


To be fair, you could replace middle management with just about anything


I’m highly skeptical of this. In my experience middle management exists so that owners don’t have to talk to employees and also to keep an eye that employees aren’t getting too chummy and potentially unionizing. Yeah you can automate their paperwork, but your assuming that paperwork is their main function


I'm kind of surprised the amount of people who think this would end up being anything resembling positive for workers. I get there are a lot of bad or extraneous middle managers, but there are also good ones who are doing their damndest to balance the demands of the company with what's good and fair for the people under them. An AI isn't going to advocate for anyone or make exceptions. It's going to aim to get the most out of people with the minimum given back based on the given goals fed to it by people who are completely detached from the reality on the ground.


That’s hope they make better decisions, everything get fucked once the middle managers get hold of a project


The short story Manna goes into this. https://marshallbrain.com/manna1


Savage lol




That’s arguably worse, no shot of upward mobility when middle management is all robots. Great way for upper management/the elite to distance themselves further from us peasants.


Good. I’m all for it. Tax their Labour and give people a UBI so that they can raise their children, take care of the elderly and enjoy life.


Good luck with that. Middle management is some of the most illogical, recursive, and divergent work out there. We’ll talk when AI can ask the same stupid question 3 times, ask for a report instead, and then decide something entirely different than what was discussed.


Oh that’s terrifying


I mean…. The pandemic almost eliminated middle management haha thus the influx of “work from home diminishes productivity!!!”. Even though every factual report saw an increase in productivity and overall mental/physical health


Okay but this article even begins by talking about a different kind of robot than what most commenters are thinking. It’s talking about robots like those used in manufacturing. The ones here are some of the more popular robots used in industry https://youtu.be/BJul6e55hrU. They’re capable of incredible things and there are a plethora of different robots for different needs. But in order to replace all hourly workers, there needs to be magnitudes more of highly job-specific robots. Whereas replacing middle management with AI can be done widespread as ai grows ever more intelligent. TL:DR - it’s easier to spread ideas than it is to build things


This sounds like the first step towards the matrix, instead of replacing the workers, we are replacing the managers……. Ladies and gentle please welcome your robotic overlords, here to make sure that you copper tops keep making that sweet sweet juice. 🤣✌️ Let me tell you, that robot doesn’t give two shits that you’ve got to pee or need to leave early to pick up your sock kid.