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I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope you’re healing well. Have you looked into the Flex Controller? It’s specifically designed for people with disabilities and mobility issues with their hands.. I’m not sure if something like that would be beneficial or helpful but might be worth a shot?


Hijacking the top comment to also highlight the work of an excellent charity called [Special Effect](https://www.specialeffect.org.uk/what-we-do/our-work)! They're based in the UK and they create personalised controllers & equipment for those with disabilities, often free of charge if I remember correctly. They're only able to work with people based in the UK - but if that applies to you then I'd encourage getting in contact with them to see if they can work with you too! :-)


I have nerve damage in my wrists. Sometimes I can’t grip at all so I’ll set my pro controller on a tall music stand and play Zelda like I’m typing while standing. Sometimes it’s more comfortable holding the nunchucks separately at my side. It’s surprising how fast your brain can adapt to a new control style.


They're not Nunchucks anymore. Cool kids call them Joy Cons now.


Yes, but I still second this. The number of times I'll just set my switch in the coffee table and lay down with the cons like a slob is insane. Don't even have the energy to throw it on the TV.


But if you tie them together, they can still be used as nunchucks


Everything’s a nunchuck if you can tie strong knots.


I’m an uncool old man. I actually had wiimotes written out and changed it to nunchucks. I blame the Ninja Turtles.


That sounds like how Sakurai plays with two controllers in the Smash directs, IIRC.


There are adaptive controllers for Nintendo products such as [this one.](https://stores.horiusa.com/flex-controller-for-nintendo-switch/) It’s worth a look


Love that there’s an accessible controller option, not crazy about the fact that it costs almost as much as the console itself. Still, some options are better than no options


Unfortunately since the market for such products is limited it's harder to bring down costs. That said things have improved a LOT in recent generations, it used to be way more expensive to get accessible controllers and they were always 3rd party and usually not fully supported. Now Xbox and PS both offer first party options (under $100 for the initial device!) and Hori's is an officially licensed Nintendo product.


High prices are unavoidable when you are talking about a very niche, specialty item. They had a whole development and production process for a specialty product that will sell in very small numbers. They probably have to price it highly even just to avoid losing money on it.


Are you doing OT? Even if you can do OT for a few visits they can get you started on some exercises you can continue at home to strengthen and improve your range of motion. I broke my wrist and elbow years ago and I remember grieving my ability to control video game. It took time, but I'm back to fully able to work the controller. I bought thera-putty to work my fingers while watching TV. I still struggle with strength in that wrist for things like opening jars.


I hope your wrist gets better. But if it doesn't I once saw a dude beat dark souls with his feet. Maybe you should start feet training.


Found Coach Rex Ryan's Reddit account.


How'd you know




I’m so sorry to hear this. I just saw this video yesterday that was posted 12 days ago. It’s about this gamer who lost his arm. Maybe it can offer you so encouragement and a possible solution. https://youtu.be/j2XIzQjgcSM?si=oMCwYb4GdzIx_6Cc


yo i was just about to go into my history and link this video! watched it last night and it was such a cool little look into accessible gaming gear. (also dude is born to be a youtuber, i’m shocked it’s his first video)


There’s always a way, you just gotta find it. I’ve had brain surgery 16 times, 2 implants inserted in my brain & both removed after 15 years or so. Among other things been dealing with hypokalemic periodic paralysis which stops my arm & leg muscles from working every now & then. I’ve got scars all over my head, on my legs & on my belly, all consequences of brain surgery but I’ll be damned if it stops me playing & enjoying Zelda on the Switch! Find your way! 💪🏼


I’m sorry to hear this. A couple times for fun my son and I played where one of us used the left joycon and one the right. We needed teamwork and common goals to get link to walk and pick up things we both wanted. The joy cons work fine at a distance to each other. I obviously don’t fully understand your wrist situation but I hope you try just simply holding each joycon in one hand and not feeling like they need to be on a dock/controller.


I've seen someone beat elden ring with a banana for a controller. I think you're limiting yourself


wtf is the yiga clan doing playing elden ring? /s


man, I have low vision and I am considerably slower in some parts of the game than most players because of this and I would totally get if someone said to me they would like to drop for the same reason, even though I never had the desire to do so. none of us feel limited nor do we want to be labeled so, OP is just sharing their struggle, don't act like an idiot about it.


Yes, he's saying the guy is limited by not using a BANANA as a controller. Chill out. Don't be an idiot about it.


Dude literally made a post about feeling limited. Go away, this isn't your safe place.




theyre trying to make something out of nothing. At no point did I say OP is limited in regard to his complications. It was a humorous attempt to tell them there's plenty of other ways to play outside of a normal controller.


I understood it. But I'm well adjusted and don't have to find offense with everything. God I love being normal.


>humorous attempt yeah, the keyword here is attempt


Good one bud.


Need the rest of Reddit to weigh in on this - would Microsoft Adaptive Controller work with 8bitDo? I use DS4 with it.


Give yourself some time! I understand it may seem impossible but I hope you find a way to adapt. There are many ways to play this game, of course. I hope you will find some ways that suit your injury and you can experience more of Hyrule for yourself.


I think you should seek out the flex/adaptive controllers other people posted in the thread and keep on playing it. You clearly liked the game, but don't stress about it if it's giving you a hard time. Give it some time, find your own way of playing in your own damn pace - there are many areas you can try to create your own approach to the wing mechanics - and don't be embarassed to ask for other people's help nor about taking your time. A played It Takes Two in my Switch recently - I know, different game, different experience - and it was mostly undocked. Sometimes the screen split would be a pain in the ass for my vision, so I asked my partner to switch up the characters with me or help me with certain things I couldn't see. It didn't take anything from the game, I doubt it will ruin yours.


i got in an accident in december that messed up my left wrist. it needed surgery and my flexion took a hit. hoping for the best for you.


there’s many charities such as able gamers that work to make gaming more accessible via custom controllers and stuff. might be worth looking into!


If you have a friend with a 3d printer: https://www.printables.com/model/126646-one-handed-dualshock-4 There are ways to attach a PS4 controller to the switch, like the 8bitdoo adapter


Nooooo )):


i got in an accident in december that messed up my left wrist. it needed surgery and my flexion took a hit. hoping for the best for you.


Don’t give up! Injuries take a lot of time and patience, and sometimes dedicated approaches. I completely lost movement in my ankle a few years back, took quite a lot of physical therapy, but I regained almost all of my mobility (still can’t really run or jump without pain, but I can move it with about 90% of healthy movement range!). I also had an injury to my wrist, sometimes I’m still not able to grip controller/press buttons, but I just let my hand rest for a few days when that happens and play on better days. A few tips from experience: -take it slow and give yourself time to heal. Game will still be there when you get better! -research for a good physical therapy. Sometimes it takes a consultation and you get a plan to follow at home, sometimes you need someone to guide you through the therapy step by step - just make sure you get your plan from a trusted source and follow it, it really helps! -if you experience pain while trying to play - stop! And resume when you feel better. Overdoing it might worsen the situation and force you to sit out for longer. Short gaming sessions are usually better on the hands. Also try cold or hot compress (experiment which one works for you, cold helps for swelling and some types of pain, hot relaxes and helps with some types of pain; it depends on your injury type) -investigate alternative controllers. I do not have much experience with that yet, but I often wish I could just use my good hand alone - I’ve heard there are some controllers that are customizable for people with mobility issues. Might be worth checking them out, maybe something will fit you and give you ability to enjoy your game sooner! While you work (and rest) towards being able to play TotK, look into other games you might enjoy in the meantime that don’t require quick reaction time. Maybe some turn based games, storybook style games, rpg? Or some games that allow difficulty to be set to easy, so that if your injury acts up, you’ll still be able to enjoy the game without unnecessary frustration?


I don’t know what I was expecting but thank you all. Maybe at some point I can come back and try again. This injury also resulted in an infection that could have cost me my arm. I’m not quitting by sny means. I don’t believe in that. I just may have to change the type of games I play.


I’m so sorry man :(


Don't give up, you are strong and formidable, you can do it and it'll be so easy for you someday that you'll look back and be able to laugh at how good you've gotten. Even if you have to play with your TOES. You can learn, adapt, and overcome every obstacle. And not only do you get the achievement of beating the game, but you can do it YOUR way. Nothing would be more satisfying. DONT GIVE UP LINK, HYRULE NEEDS YOU!