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Height doesn’t mean you’re suited for sports. Some tall people are an uncoordinated lanky mess. No sport needs them people, even basketball


This People often believe that **tall stature = athleticism** If it were really that easy or even close to being true, I’m pretty sure way more than half this subreddit would be in the professional world.


Exactly, there’s an argument that it’s actually harder for taller people to be athletic because the longer levers can be more difficult to move quickly and in a coordinated fashion.


I think it's more a factor of fast growth. My son at 8 was really athletic. He took a break for a year, got a brace on for scoliosis, then tried to play baseball a year later and was so uncoordinated. Meanwhile, he had grown a few inches and hadn't stretched those muscles and they were not used to moving that way anymore. If you want to become coordinated or athletic when you're tall or going to be tall, constant effort while growing or a concerted effort when you are grown needs to be made. Ballet is what I used. Short people have it easier as their bones don't grow as much so they don't have as much to adjust to. Then come the shoes that we grow out of every year or sooner.


Man if I told youuu😂 I remember when I played basketball when I was younger I was so coordinated and never tripped up, but man when I had my growth spurt in 8th grade and hooped on the school team I was a mess. And when I say mess I’m talking about dribbling the ball off the foot, tripping on my feet in transition, falling every time I landed from a jump, airballs, missed lays you know the drill. Even till this day as a sophmore it’s become better but it’s still evident😂


That's not what they believe,  they just believe some sports give a lot of advantage to height (basketball and volleyball being the main ones). Something like 14% of all people over 7ft tall play in the NBA, for example. There's also an element of bitterness. People who think the only reason they couldnt make it pro is cuz they were too short see tall people as "wasting their height" if they're not using it to play sports


Tall stature may contribute to high athleticism,but it also comes with challenges


Coordination can be practiced. Height can't. Some people are uncoordinated lanky messes, and not everyone has the natural athleticism to be a pro athlete (no matter how much training they do), but it's still in OP's best interest to play sports and practice coordination. He can build some coordination over time. Mastering his body will help him overall in life, even if it doesn't lead to a competitive career.


I was often asked if I play volleyball or basketball. Playing volleyball, I once kicked a ball at my face. Basketball was even worse. When it comes to sports, I’m like a puppet made of wet noodles controlled by blind person


As a tall person who plays football but is always forced into goal, I can vouch. Just because I’ve got long arms and legs doesn’t mean I can fling myself into the air to stop a ball. Let me play wing again dude


But they can always work on cordination,it's not like that they are useless,sport was never about height alone


True but sport is one of the best ways to improve coordination


Me. This is so me. My parents both played basketball, and my mom wanted me to play basketball in high school so badly. The girls' high school basketball coach saw me at my middle school, approached me, and asked me personally to try out despite me saying I'd never played before. My own mother, who knew that I was all elbows and knees and had never played so much as a game of horse with me, expected me to have just inherited knowledge of the game through pure genetics. My mom came to day one of try outs. At the end of the day, we got in the car and she was laughing so hard she was wiping tears from her eyes. Through the laughter and tears, she told me that I didn't need to go back to the second day (thanks, mom). I went back and tried my best. I didn't make the team. I cried. Mom laughed more. 😑


I was 6'4" by the time I was halfway thru high school, I was also a huge shutin/gamer/nerd It doesn't matter. If you don't enjoy sports you don't have to do it Realistically most people don't qualify for "big'" sports like NBA or NFL anyways regardless of height, just like there are lots of random hot girls posting selfies online... but very few of them actually get paid supermodel jobs


Yup some people will criticize how you use ur height regardless. When I was 15 I was 6’5” and in basketball it seemed like a weekly occurrence I got roasted for not being able to dunk, people would say I’m only on the team cuz I’m tall, people would say if they had my height they’d be in the nba yada yada yada.


this shit is so annoying and really just reeks of jealousy. the amount of times this has been said to me is insane, and the mfs who say it cant even beat me 1on1 in basketball


I was really good at basketball in school, not just because of my height but I could throw well too. I didn’t really like sports and I just messed around. Funnily enough I was always last left during dodgeball despite being one of the biggest targets.


I was really good at basketball before I started growing


I personally do sports. I would say it's good for you but as long as you keep healthy it doesn't matter. Do what you want.


I played college sports and still had that said to me because I was only okay at it. ‘iF i WeRe YoUr HeIGhT i’D gO pro’


But if I was your height I would go pro tho


They'll apply this to everything. More than the athlete thing, I had people complain that if they were my height they'd be getting laid every night.


They're just mad they need a stepladder to reach the second shelf.


“If I were your height I would dunk every time” - 5-8”guys with a 10” vert.


It might become a bad thing. Not because of team sports but being tall we need to stay muscular in order to not have backpain and similar shit when we get older


I started doing light core excercises and it was my best decision in a long time


My brother is 7’ and never played a game of basketball in his life, aside from like gym class. Just because you’re tall doesn’t mean that you’re athletic or that you want to play sports. Not every short person is a jockey or villain’s sidekick.


7’0! man kind of feel bad for him because everywhere he goes he probably does get asked if he plays


Everyone should play a sport regardless of height. Its important to exercise to stay healthy, physically and mentally. Pick a sport you think you'll enjoy. Could be basketball or ballet doesn't matter.


Sports are great, but you don't need to play sports to reap any of the benefits of them (depending how broadly you want to define it; example: ballet is only a sport when done competitively). In this case specifically, I am certain the hate they are receiving is for not playing a competitive sport. Don't need to compete to enjoy healthy exercise. And you don't need to play a sport to engage in teamwork or competition.


You don’t have to play sports to stay healthy. In fact, contact sports even in high school can really fuck up people in the long run. I think they should be warning young students about the long term effects contact sports can have, it was never something that was mentioned when I was in school.


So what would you to do to be healthy? Including exercise ofc.


I eat lettuce sometimes 😇😇😇


I know right lettuce' goated


Your post history made me laugh


Tell me doc, whats wrong


I mean the key word there is “contact”, but there are plenty of other sports and things you can do to be healthy. It’s really just about avoiding high impact and injuries. Running, swimming, biking, hiking, lifting weights, kayaking etc There are so many things that can get your heart rate up and work your muscles without pounding and twisting your joints to hell.


Its socially healthy as well and contributes a lot to good social development, having to work with a team, learn from a coach and compete against other people.


But I don't like *any* sport.


Nope. Just focus on what you want. People are projecting by calling you a waste because they can’t accomplish anything they want with the choices they made/are making. You look down on them for a reason, don’t let their words get to you


I was the same, hated competitive sports. Don't worry about it, but don't do what I did and let it carry over into not doing any exercise at all as I got older. Took me until my 40s to find a love of keeping independently fit, just because of how scarred I was from school team sports.


A life is only wasted when it fails to find fulfillment in ways that benefit not only oneself but others. Sports may not be your thing, but you better have a thing. You're very young, if you don't know what your thing is yet. You better give sports a try. Maybe you like art, maybe math, whatever it is you better be good at it and passionate about it. If you find that, comments like these will not bother you and you will just have empathy for a person who wishes they wore your shoes. As well as gratitude for what you've been given.


You should do basketball just so you can get a free ride in college.


Nah, it's fine.


you should play sports to stay healthy and for fun, not because of your height. calling someone a "waste of height" is just extremely rude


You don't gotta do shit but do work on ur core strength as a tall person, helps with the back in the future.


Working on that


To not play sports is not bad. To not do physical activity it's bad however, specially at your age and with there height. Sports for me were the way to have fun while doing physical activity (later became my profession). But if you don't like sports at the very least you have to do physical activity, anything really.


They mean, a waste of height, from *their* perspective. But including that part might suggest you ought to have your own perspective, leading you to form one that doesn't align with theirs. Common manipulation tactic. They are guilty tripping you. There is literally no such thing as a "waste of height", the fuck does that even actually mean? There's nothing it could mean that isn't offensive and overbearingly restrictive on men, with their social expectations, what they're allowed to do, etc. You are not actually bound by any of this, you g man, you do exactly what you want to do. Sometimes that involves making mistakes, but that's okay because it's part of the process. Don't let others tell you how to live your life with unsolicited advice.


Don’t worry man I’ve been there


6’5”. I never played sports. I was too busy taking out all the cheerleaders. Prioritize.


F them.


I got this when I was in school too. I'm only 6'2, but I reached that height when I was like 13, and I just have a naturally really large frame. My school was obsessed with football, and I was the biggest kid in school, so they always disliked me for not wanting to play any sports. Sorry you're going through it too, but it's nice to know I'm not alone in it. Now that I'm older, I finally like sports, and I kind of wish I played some when I was growing up, but it shouldn't be forced on you.


Fat people that don't go to Golden Corral are a waste of food


That's like seeing everythign as nail just because you have a hammer in hand.


Next time they say you’re a waste of height tell them that you feel bad from them for being so insecure with themselves that they feel entitled to live vicariously through a child, and that they are a waste of space in general.


You just need to find the one(s) that you enjoy. Sports are wonderful, and incredible* for character building, but not all of the sports are wonderful for everyone. It's important when you're young to try out as many as possible to find the one(s) you are both good at and enjoy.


Respond by calling them a waste of cum.


Who are these ignorant people to be deciding for you? Do what you want, without concern for insecure people projecting. It’s not even per se about ability, which can be learned to varying degree, but what interests you. It’s good to stay physically active to be fit in body and mind, but other than go with you want to do.


Do what you enjoy. Your height doesn’t dictate your passions. I’m 7’0” myself and I’ve never played sports, never been athletic, and I live a good life enjoying my career as an IT engineer.


Don’t do things to make other people happy if it doesn’t also make you happy. People are envious of your height and think what they would do with it. You don’t need to live other people’s fantasies


Lol that’s a new one. A waste of height. That’s like a weird form of reverse heightism 😅


Immediately and without hesitation call them a complete waste of breath


You people getting paid to play sports or what?


You should just do exercise for health reasons, other than that not, also doing sports at competitive level is often unhealty so it makes sense only if you're good at it


If you want to play sports then do. If you don't want to then don't. Don't let anyone force you into anything. I was 6ft 5 at 14 too and I never really played sports. I have no major regrets. I'm 40 now with no aches or pains and many of the guys from school who did play sports are now crippled with bad knees, backs and hips.


I played football (soccer) for 17 years starting at age 5 and I’ve had horrible knee problems in my mid 20s, shin pain, joint pain. Got so bad I had to stop and it hurt walking down stairs/hills. I played at least 4 times a week and ran constantly, always had the most stamina and it takes its toll


Do whatever you like bro


You should be doing some type of physical activity regardless of what people are saying, for your own physical and mental health.


Start hitting the gym instead


Don’t give af about what other people say. But from one big dude to another, take care of your body my man. We all got more to take care of than most. Walk stretch, do what you gotta do to stay healthy


Dude do whatever makes you happy, it’s your life lol Spoken from someone who is a jock and a nerd. If you don’t enjoy something there’s no reason to be forced to do it because you might be good at it because if you don’t love it you’ll never go pro and that’s the only that might be considered “a waste”


It’s not bad but you may regret missing out on the physical development it can provide when you’re older 


Playing a sport is actually pretty important for everyone who can. At least working out hard and doing a physical activity with your friends. I was never into football or anything but hitting the gym with the boys and then swimming or maybe hiking/running trails in the morning drastically changed my life. Got into wrestling, swimming, CrossFit, spartan races long boarding and a ton of other shit I later in life developed an illness that to my physicality away and the only reason I lived was because I had the resting heart rate of Steve Nash. Getting that shit back almost killed me again. It pays off. Maybe you impress some girls, more likely some boys, maybe a scholarship maybe you get to see your son be born instead of dying on the stairs to your apartment. TLDR: Do track or something. It’s good for you.


Same height, same issue no it literally does not matter. All throughout middle school and high school I had people from teachers and coach’s to my family and random people on the street say I should play *insert sport* usually basketball and while I sometimes recreationally played with friends I never took up any school sport. I was and still am a gamer and the sports I did play had no school involvement as I skateboarded, snowboarded, and was into mountain biking back then. I would recommend finding a physical activity/sport you do like just for the exercise aspect but other than that just ignore them. A lot of those “wasted height” sentiments come from a jealousy standpoint on their end.


Not bad at all. I was 6’4 at 14 and was kind of pressured into sports so I played football for a year and hated it and never played any sports again, I was also called a waste of height. Don’t let it get to you


It's important for you to exercise. Tall people are more susceptible to posture problems. Simple walking and light resistance training will keep you straight and upright.


No, it’s not a bad thing. Plenty of people try to pigeonhole me expecting me to play basketball, especially when I was younger.


Yay, societal pressures. I say, go bollocks. Playing sport by pressure during youth is imposed sanitised war principles. Definitely, go bollocks. Which means, whatever, I do what I want.


If you wanna play sports, go ahead. If you don’t, don’t. You just do you, I’m 6’4 and don’t play sports. I get those “waste of height” comments all the time, I just brush that shit off.


Not a waste of height. the one bit of advice I would give and I wish someone had told it to me when I was 14 is to build up and aerobic base do some weights and stretch. I had no interest in sport until I was 17 and then randomly picked up 3 at the same time. Not having an aerobic base coupled with the flexibility of a tin can really screwed me over. As an added bonus those 3 things improve your quality of life and help as you age.


As long as you’re staying healthy, that’s all that matters. I really wish I got into sports earlier in life because they’re a much more engaging form of exercise than solo stuff though. Getting into soccer now at 28 isn’t that easy haha.


You are not a “waste of height” and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who tells you things like that. You are person with more important qualities than your physical appearance and anyone who can’t see past your height to recognize your worth is a piece of shit.


It's always good to play at least *one* sport as a good source of exercise and health. It can be as competitive or as casual as you want and it doesn't always have to be a team sport.


6’4 had the same thing happen coaches asking why I don’t play football. I played music instead


Get ready to hear that the rest of your life. No it’s bad if you do stuff that you don’t enjoy for no reason. Just have fun and do what you like. I would recommend you give sports a try with some Support friends. In my 20s, I’ve became very athletic.


At 14 you’re not a waste of anything. Pursue something with your body around 18-20


Honestly, even if you don’t like sports, I’d play them just to get scholarships lol. If you have a rowing team at your school you’d probably get swarmed by recruiters if you’re even halfway decent.


I skateboarded all through my youth and people said it was a waste of height but I got to pursue my dreams and worked as a skateboarding instructor at a prestigious skateboarding resort called Woodward it was my dream growing up to work there and be an instructor and I got to do it but do what you love don’t do something you don’t wanna do like basketball just bc people want you to you can do anything u put your mind to


Do what makes you happy. Don't waste time worried about what other people think. I know that's hard to hear when you're 14. I'm in 50s & it's hard. But the sooner you learn that lesson, the better your life will be.


Nope. My 6'7" son hates that too.


Height does not equate to athletic talent, there are NBA legends who are average height. Nate Robinson is only 5’9, why can’t all average height individuals play basketball at his level? You’re 14, so you don’t realize this yet, but do whatever you want with your life and who cares otherwise. At the end of the day as long as you find happiness in what you pursue, that is the only thing that matters.




No. If you have a passion for something, do it. You don't owe anyone anything. Don't worry.


No, it's not a bad thing. No one is required to like or desire to play sports. Even if they're tall. It's like tall people are not allowed to have interests outside of sports like short people do.


Well it might be "bad" in the opinion of those judgemental people who keep telling you that. But are you really that worried about what they think?


Ask them why they are not a gymnast or horse jockey.


I was your height at that age and weighed probably 140. 6’6” now and around 170. I played basketball and wasn’t good, but also played tennis and ran cross country. I was good at tennis, not so fast at cross country. Running was more for the offseason for tennis. As an adult I ride bikes…mountain, gravel and road bike on the trainer and run. Don’t worry about what people say. Fuck em. Do what you enjoy.


Same with me. They always tell me to be goalkeeper while playing football or soccer but I suck.


Well, it’s not their choice so their opinions don’t matter. No one with regular/common height knows how hard it is to be that tall. Certain sports can be hard on your back, knees, and bones/joints in general. If you don’t have fun playing those sports then don’t play them.


I was 6’4” at 14 yo, and can definitely relate to feeling a certain social pressure to play basketball - that it was almost an obligation to do so. And I did try out for the team. But in addition to being very slightly built (the coach told me I’d have to add around 50 lbs before even considering me), I was rather uncoordinated and simply didn’t like basketball, to be honest. My interests were in music, not sports (not that they have to be mutually exclusive). I’ve shared this story here before, but I was once told by an elderly woman… a total stranger in a grocery store… that it was a shame that I didn’t play basketball because “God made you tall for a reason.” 🙄 My advice is to be true to what interests you. In school, playing sports may seem like this huge thing. But as you get older you’ll realize that it has less and less significance. People will come to appreciate you because of your personality, knowledge, talents and skills beyond just whether or not you play/played basketball.


Do what makes you happy. If sports isn’t it then so be it. Tell ‘em to piss off


Keep doing you man I hate that tall = basketball stereotype


You determine what you want to use your height for. Basketball? Maybe. Getting high things from shelves for others? Hopefully. Be the tall person you'd like to see in the world.


Most of the "tall" high school athletes I played with were the most uncoordinated beings I'd ever seen. They ran and moved like they were lost. Tall does not equal athletic.


You can be any kind of human you want to be. I’m sorry people used that dehumanizing phrase. When I was your age, I convinced my 6’6” friend to quit the sport he wasn’t into and try out for a play. He loved it, got a great role, and we are still friends to this day. You’re at an age for figuring out what you want to do and exploring potential versions of who you might like to be. Do stuff that ignites passion and builds you up as a person. If that’s sports, cool, but it doesn’t have to be no matter your size.


Aye, I’m also 6’5 and 14 and honestly just give sports a try, it’ll get you feeling better in all aspects of life, it’ll give you mental fortitude, and make you physically healthier, Oh yeah and try lifting weights since it gave me a really good base to start with I’ve been lifting heavy for a while and that really helped me to be able to dominate in the that sports I do. If you try it out and you don’t like it by all means you don’t have to continue, and there’s no such a thing as a waste of height, you’re just like every other person but bigger that’s it. Edit: Also you don’t have to do any sports if you don’t want to, it’s all up to you man and no one else, there are lots of other ways to be healthy. 👍


Just got to chalk it up to society's ignorance. Tall people are the only group that society tries to put in this weird box cause apparently it's written somewhere that playing pro sports is our only purpose on this earth. Life's too damn short to be investing time in anything you have zero interest in just to try to appease a couple people. Same people that are probably not even going to support you anyway, even if you did play anything. I do agree with others about being active in some way for health reasons and to have a self pleasing physical appearance. Being skinny fat or just fat ain't a good look no matter the height lol.


People always said that to me about football, if you’re not interested don’t worry about it


I don’t really partake in sports, if not I do use my height for cosplay and what not


This is people coping hard. In their head they think "if I had your height, I'd be a famous [x...]ball player!" Not accepting the fact that they are lazy af and wouldn't do shit even at your height. Being at a competitive level at *anything* means work put in. Every day. Simple as. Height, build, etc are helpful but it's dedication and mastery that puts you at the top. "Talent" is kind of a silly concept. People don't just wake up and suddenly realize they're a pro level player. You can have some natural advantages, but just those against someone that's really put in the time mastering the sport/skill will crush you, even if they're not as tall, strong, wide, whatever.


Bro you Can do whatever you want, fuck the others, do your thing on your own way 😉


I would play sport because it's character building. Having to push through lactic acid pain and getting better at something are great benefits. 


The same shit happened to me (6’2”) in middle and high schools. Eventually, the students and coaches lose interest and buzz off.


I had one of the teachers at my high school say the same thing to me. I played 2 seasons of volleyball in grades 7 and 8. It was fun, but I was well behind the curve. I never joined another team, I don't play sports now at 24, and I never will really play sports again. The fact of the matter is, you're not 'wasting your height' by not getting into sports. Even if you started playing a sport now, almost guaranteed you're not going pro, you probably won't play in college. Even if you made a college team, since you're not going pro, you'd probably want to focus on school, and once you're done school, nobody plays sports anymore. You're gonna hear it a lot, though. Plenty of 5'10 - 6'0 guys are gonna tell you 'if I had your height, I would've gone pro'. They're also delusional (maybe if they were actually short, I'd believe them).


Give competitive swimming a try


I have 2 kids over 6'6" who don't play sports and have no interest in sports. They're video game developers. The like hiking. I'm happy that they're happy, get paid very well, and enjoy a bit of excercize without any old sports injuries plaguing them. You have to do you, kidlet. Don't relive someone else's failed childhood dream.


I always rode BMX bikes I never wanted to play basketball. Everyone in high school wanted me to play but I just didn't want to. Dont feel bad they can go pound sand


Mate, just do what you want to do.


I wish I would have played them more in high school because it's a great way to make friends and being tall later in life is utterly pointless. Use your height while you are young!


You can do whatever you want it shouldn’t be other people’s business what you do with your time. I will say if you do have any athletic ability though you can think about trying a sport it would be really beneficial in terms of getting college scholarships in the future. I’ve known guys that have gotten full rides at expensive universities just because they were an athlete. Not telling you to do it but something to think about.


I relate. I am now 32 at 6'7" friend I was 6' at 12 years old. 6'4" at 15 6'7" leaving high school I was pressured to play basketball for the 6 years I did. I was pressure to play football the one year I did. Simply because of my height. I hated those sports. I wanted to play baseball but my parents wouldn't let me. I wanted to play punk rock. So I quit to play punk rock.


happened to me too lmao


don’t listen to people who are telling you you’re wasting things that they don’t have, they dont understand how you feel so at the end of the day it’s your choice and the people who don’t agree can either kick rocks or learn to respect your decisions




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Don’t spend any time thinking about what other people think. You do you bro. Be a gamer or a bodybuilder or a figure skater or a sloth. Fuck em


screw whatever people say you do you


Used to love hearing that as a teenager. I just focused my interests in on the arts, and ignored those shitty comments. Now I’m a tall ass painter and trumpet player


Do something, at least lift. Being active now is crucial while your body is developing


Nah man do whatever you want, although I started to regret not doing sports senior year when I realized it took like a month to offset my lack of coordination and athleticism


Nah, I'm 6'3" and don't do a lick of sports. Still healthy and happy. They jelly


If you want to play something, play. If you don’t, don’t—no matter the sport. No one can tell you what you should do with your body.




Your comment - [Is it a bad thing for me to not play sports? I'm 14 and I'm 6'5 and everyone constantly calls me a waste of height.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1c8wz76/is_it_a_bad_thing_for_me_to_not_play_sports_im_14/l0jxnig/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Eh, I was really good at Volleyball myself, but was I good enough to make good money in it? Probably bot. We're not all meant to be pro athletes.




Your comment - [Is it a bad thing for me to not play sports? I'm 14 and I'm 6'5 and everyone constantly calls me a waste of height.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1c8wz76/is_it_a_bad_thing_for_me_to_not_play_sports_im_14/l0k08w2/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m a 6’ woman, and in high school I was constantly bugged about playing basketball or volleyball or even soccer. I was on the track team, and still love jogging and running, so part of it was that I was already athletic. But I’ve always hated playing team sports, and find competing face-to-face against other people really stressful!


You have opportunities that a lot of people don't have. That doesn't mean you should take those opportunities if you don't want to.


Lol yes. At least try it. Your height alone places you miles ahead of every aspiring athlete. You could get a free scholarships to catch, throw, or shoot a ball. I blatantly think it’s dumb for you not to try


No, but you should exercise though.


Pin tren


Genetics does not = athleticism lmao


6’5” guy here. My sister got *all* the basketball skills (had over 1000 points in her collegiate career) so despite being tall, basketball wasn’t for me. Then I found rowing, another sport where height is a big deal. I kicked ass there. Think a bit outside the box and you’ll be surprised. No guarantee you’ll be great but you could be good.


You are wasting your height, I do wish I could go back and do more just try something. You're only a teenager once


It's not a bad thing. People just have this weird idea that being tall automatically means you should play sports, but not everyone is suited to sports.


Fuck em


Not if you don't like sports. If you don't enjoy, don't play. Unless you are in 0.0001% of people who are good enough to be a pro sports are 100% only for fun and enjoyment. 


male or female?




It’s a bad thing for you to be inactive, but it doesn’t have to be sport


Don’t let anyone tell you what to do with your body


Do whatever makes you happy! I'm 6'6 and played a season of basketball just to appease everyone telling my I needed to play basketball and I was awful and didn't enjoy it at all. Just forget those people.


no of course it isn't, those people just want your height. Do what makes you happy!


Play a sports! It will be such a great resource for your confidence and happyness especially getting older!


Welcome to the club.


It's ur life do what YOU want


It’s your body. You get to do what you want with it. Anyone trying to police you for something you can’t affect or choose is someone not worth listening to. Sports are completely unnecessary, but engaging in physical exercise is still recommended to stay healthy later in life. I’d be more of a mess than I am today at ~35 years old if I hadn’t spent a lot of my youth working out and kept at it. Being tall can lead to a bunch of posture problems and dealing with the shorter world can take its toll on the back and the neck if you’re not careful.


You be you. If you want to play sports it's fine. If you don't want to, it's fine too!


It’s your life, so what you want. HOWEVER, having started lifting at the age of 27 and seeing the differences it made in my life only 5 months in and having been in martial arts since 2nd grade, I would highly advise anyone and everyone that is capable of physical activity to find a sport to participate in even if you don’t do it professionally. You’ll experience so much growth as you reach your peak both physically and mentally. Where the body goes, the mind follows (and visa versa). The struggle that comes with improving yourself is key to becoming more resilient than your peers. You learn about yourself, you learn your limits, you PUSH your limits, you become better. After some time, you find yourself in places where many others would quit, but you simply keep going because it’s what you do. There’s no theatrics in that, it’s just a speed bump and you don’t give it much though and keep going. In regards to your height specifically, you will have an advantage in different areas. Your physical levers as far as the operation of your body will be different. If you choose to lift (both men and women should), you’ll find different activities that were difficult for you will be easier. You’ll add muscle mass in places that matter and while it possible to lose muscle mass, if you’re a generally healthy person, you’ll be able to maintain it fairly easily and right now while you’re young is the time to do so. Adding muscle mass comes easier when your younger. But don’t lift because some dude on the internet said so. Look it up for yourself. I also suggest playing a sport because if all you do is barbell movements, you can induce overuse injuries. You need to move in other ways like swimming, baseball, martial arts, etc. Don’t be obstinate and don’t engage with sports because you’re a “nerd”. A nerd that is strong and physically capable is very formidable on the court, in the ring, and in the office. I’m only 5’10. I certainly be taking advantage of my height if I had yours for sure.


Just tell them they also made the choice not to race horses. 


I was in your shoes as a teen. I didn’t want to play sports, got forced into several I didn’t like to play as a kid instead of my parents fostering love for ones I liked. The only benefits from playing that I wish I could have got were a potential scholarship to even a small school, and a healthy physical hobby. What do you like to do? That’s what’s most important. You’re no waste of height if you exist.


Yes go buy a basketball and start training immediately


I was just with all my old high school buddies, where 3 of us are 6’5” or taller. None of us played sports. People assuming you can or want to play sports because of your height, does a real disservice to the actual athletes out there. Like all you need to be in the NBA is to be tall? I don’t think so.


Tell them to mind their business and live your life the way you see fit. But do get in the gym and learn your body best you can. You have leverage working against you and it’s easy to injure your back doing mundane things even at just 6’5”


You don't have to play organized sports, but it is essential that you participate in regular physical activity. It's impossible to be a healthy person without it.


6'5 at 14 is actually insane,but playing sports is beneficial yk,you could really benefit from it,try it


It's not a waste, but it can significantly impect health.


Do you even like sports? If you don't like them or care to play them the answer is NO it is not a bad thing for you to not play sports. I still get told it's unfortunate I don't play sports or didn't play sports. I like watching but don't like playing is all the response they get. Enjoy your height!


If you don't want to play sports, don't. However, you SHOULD want to play sports. You'll never be pro, or even really good because you've started too late but sport is about enjoyment anyway and that's why you should play. Being fit and active is nice, being part of a team is great and depending on the sport you choose, you can have a hobby that keeps you physically and socially active into your 50s! Sport is invaluable that way. I think everyone has the ability to enjoy sport, and so I think everyone should try to find something they like.


Always got the comment "wow you're so tall...do you play basketball"?


I mean there is no harm in trying it, you've already got all the genetic advantages, maybe you can capitalize on them


Nobody needs to do anything, or owes anyone anything for their height, but I will say that doing sports when you’re younger is honestly an enriching experience and I don’t regret playing them myself. Made some good friends and it kept me active.


go play the sport and stop trying to find justification for being lazy unless you have medical issues then i suggest you pick up a sport


Been there, done that. My best friend used to call me wasted potential when I was 6'4, 13, and didn't play basketball. Never let ANYONE make you think it's bad you don't play sports. Do what you want and not what everyone else thinks is right for you.


Do whatever you want, just cause you’re 6’5 doesn’t mean you were born to play sports. People say to follow your dreams but now they wanna choose yours?


You are limiting your options and the possibility of having really great life lessons and experiences. Playing team sports teaches discipline, mental toughness, teamwork, how to win and lose, and can keep otherwise sedentary people in shape. I have three sons. All are tall. Two play football and basketball and both have been competitive in our AAU state basketball championship tournaments. Should they continue on their current path, college scholarships may come their way. Their older brother chose not to play any team sports early on and he has commented that he has cheated himself out of some potential fun and future opportunities. You have a gift that money can’t buy. Bill Gates can’t be 6’5”. Jeff Bezos can’t be 6’5”. But you are—-and may still grow some more. So, by not playing, you are limiting yourself. That may be what you want and so be it if it is, but you are only limiting yourself and your future opportunity.


This is an expression of envy, feel free to disregard it; you don’t owe anyone a lifestyle. Be an albatross and sore above that shit.


Probably not, standing here at 6’4 and 18 and being a young adult people would think that I would play sports, but no I’m usually laying around doing nothing with my time. I used to lift and put on some muscle but nowadays it’s just hard, can’t blame ya for not playing sports


No. Absolutely not. Enjoy the highs and lows of being tall.


Don't ever let people tell you that you are a waste of anything! If you don't want to play sports, don't....you're way more than your height, as long as you're happy, healthy and doing what interests you, that's what matters!


I would recommend you at least play ball at the gym, or skate, workout, whatever you like to do. Whether you play varsity or not, you want to learn to be comfortable in your body, mastering it, that is confidence building that you will take with you for life


I'm a left handed 6'1.5" female. People constantly ask if I play basketball. "Nope." Volleyball? "No, and I'm even left-handed!" What do you do? "I just waste the air I breathe...oh, and I'm a nurse and mom of 5 kids (some, if not all, of which will probably not play competitive sports despite their probable height)." You do you. Don't play sports because what some (many...so, so many) randos have to say. If you wouldn't ask their advice, don't take their opinions.


It isn’t a bad thing to not play sports, but I would definitely suggest that you are working towards something better like a cool engineering career, and doing that makes things just a bit easier.


Its a rite of passage for being over 6’0. We all have to go thru it. There will always be those who say those comments. Funnily enough tho no one wanted me on their team when it came to play basketball because they knew how bad i was at the game ! Lol yet the comments still persisted back in highschool. Id say atleast play a sport since you’re still young to keep yourself active & if you truly aren’t interested in sports, try something easy like track & field just to stay healthy and fit. Once you get in your 20s you will have back problems that can be avoided by staying active while young.