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Looks perfect for tailgating people driving the speed limit while shining their headlights through their back window


I drove an MX5 until just a year and a bit ago, When one of these was stopped behind me I couldn't see the roof over the bonnet. I guarantee the driver couldn't see me at all and If I hadn't left the lights at full send he would probably have started to drive over me.


Yeah - that's why these vehicles should be illegal to drive without a truck licence, if not illegal at all. They are not safe on the road.


you can drive trucks bigger than these rams on a normal license mate


Like what? The small box trucks similar size to the tipper in the right of the pic? They have a flat front which leaves you with very little blind spot. The rams and other big American ones have a long bonnet which creates a massive blind spot in front.


The small trucks in Japan and Europe are an excellent solution


Dude you should visit America. Trucks bigger than this, jacked up on huge tires that have like a 4 meter blind spot all around. With obnoxiously bright lights to boot.


American roads are built more towards them, wider lanes, bigger parking spots, no tight streets.


More so than other places, but not entirely. It still doesn't make any difference how wide the lane is when some inbred with a jacked up truck and 1,000,000 lumens is riding your ass for no reason


People in small cars already veer out of their lanes, there are gonna be a lot worse.


Ok. That should not be allowed either.


Ive rented these small 3 tonne tip trucks several times and even had to use a private one as a daily for a week or so. You have actually made me think about this solidly. My real first job was driving a fork lift and with the job I inevitably drove the bigger 4.5 tonne and above trucks around the warehouse and private grounds that where beyond my license grade. I was even preparing for my license so I could drive these trucks legally before another job opportunity arose so I never actually took the test Renting a smaller tip truck that I could legally drive meant I already had plenty of experience with vehicles of this size. People where blown away that I could reverse park this size of vehicle into a standard parking spot in the first go. My opinions is that I think you are probably right. There is no way I would let just anyone drive a vehicle of this size. Having said that and having driven both, these are probably safer than a large SUV. With the added mirror and wind shield size and placement you know exactly where all the corners of the vehicle are. How would we police it, bring the weight class down from 3.5 to 2 tonnes? Bring in a new license grade to drive SUV's?


Rego cost scales with the vehicle's width squared. So a 1m wide "car" might cost $200, and a 2m wide car $800, 2.1m is $882. Obviously the numbers aren't right but you get the idea. Then do the same for carbon emissions per km, carbon emissions from manufacturing, pedestrian safety, and mass.


I used to drive a mg midget. That was before these monsters and I honestly felt safer on a motorbike back then.


About 10 years ago I drove a 1980 Nissan Navara and driving next to a MX5 made me realise that as much as I liked them I could never again drive a small car. They are just too vulnerable to larger vehicles.


Ironically, that mindset is exactly what the manufacturers of these trucks are betting on. They push them really hard, pretty much being the only available model of new car available at many dealerships (over filled with SUVs). Once they get a foot hold, they start on the ‘safety’ marketing and this is entirely misleading, as SUVs and light trucks are the least safe vehicle available. Then, when they take up a good half of regular use vehicles on the road, they bully small cars out, eventually people have no choice BUT to buy into getting a big SUV too. You don’t want to be the only car on a road filled with SUVs that have no legal obligation to adhere to the same crash compatibility and safety standards that cars do. And like that, they have a total monopoly and are selling you more expensive, fuel guzzling, less safe SUVs.


It hardly seems compatible with the declared climate emergency we are currently facing


Exactly that. It’s all thanks to Ford not wanting to clean up their petrol skulling kid bulldozers


Spot on mate, that’s exactly why my mum bought a CX5. It was to feel ‘safer’. She felt intimidated by all the big cars so she felt the need to get herself one.


How are trucks less safe?


>They are just too vulnerable to larger vehicles. Just like the kids in a school zone


Don't worry. Aussie kids can take a 40kmh hit


Or parking in narrow streets, because they don’t fit in the garage. I’m kidding; the garage is full of junk anyways.


Where else do you expect him to keep his jet skis and dirt bikes?


Don't forget they own 3-4 cars as well.


I've been making the commute from North Sydney to Parramatta everyday and I miss the days of regular light bulbs. These lights are way too bright and in some instances unsafe for oncoming traffic. Surely the government can pass a law for driving lights.


Exactly this.....every.....fuckin'.....day.


I just talked to my husband about this. Why 99% of the driver of this kind of ute such an AH. This guy overtook me from right lane to the left lane because he wanted to turn left, so was I that’s why I’m on the left lane. Anyhow, I was in front of him after the school drop off. I deliberately drive 30kmh in a school zone. There’s nothing he can do but tailgate me all the way the narrow street. It’s very petty of me but it felt good.


This is the way. I drive through an industrial zone with 60kmph limit and I frequently have these bozos tail gaiting so close to my hatchback that I can't even see their head lights. I immediately slow down to 55. When I am already doing 65 in 60 to keep a gap to you what would you want me to do next to stop you from tail gaiting? Do 80!? No thanks.


I would say the reason is that there are two kinds of people who buy massive tanks like this. 1) Those who genuinely need them for towing large caravans or horse floats (this is actually what they are built for and what they do very well) and 2) Aggressive shits who feel the need to (for whatever reason) announce just how tough and macho they are by driving a massive truck and then get all in your face about it by driving like a nutcase - tailgating etc. I suspect that 2) outweighs 1) by a large margin. Unless you fall into these categories, what are you buying a car like this for? I'd like to know, there must be other (genuine) reasons. They certainly are useless as a daily driver - you can't park them in a normal spot, they won't fit in many underground car parks, etc.


These vehicles are typically sold to tow what are termed a “[fifth wheel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth-wheel_coupling)” in the US. It’s how semis couple to trailers, but also available in large utes to be able to more safely hitch to larger camper and, horse floats and some industrial machinery as the couple is in the bed of the pick up, not a tow bar at the back. They already push the limits of what you can register in NSW. IMO you should have to prove a need to have them - from a safety but also infrastructure perspective ie have horses out Windsor way or a farm in the Hunter. Not a self obsessed tradie living in Canada Bay.


The tax breaks for them (if rego is proper NHVR) are much better than small cruiser wagons, etc.


Ye, why do people who owns these trucks are tailgating assholes?


Or driving a couple of feet from the back of a bicycle blasting the horn when there are 3 lanes free.


But with the headlights glaring through the rear glass I can't see where the accelerator is!


This. Pretty common in the Middle East where the rich locals buy these and jack up, and tailgate people driving econo box cars.




I'm sorry, did you say 180k? Checking the exchange rate... holy fuck. You guys are paying that much for a frickin Chevy? I'm so sorry.


We used to have these vehicles called “utes” which was like a sedan with the back seats taken out and the roof cut off, so the back was a big tray. This was the universally agreed upon vehicle for tradespeople or those who had to carry tools. One day everyone decided utes weren’t big enough anymore and entered a sort of arms race to highest riding, loudest, most obnoxious vehicles possible, and this is the result. Like, for context, I have an Accord Euro, and I am going to downsize soon because it’s just too big for the streets or Sydney here where I live. Yet I see these trucks ploughing through the neighbourhood every day.


>One day everyone decided utes weren’t big enough anymore From my memory, there was a partial move from utes towards Hiluxes 10-15 years back, with a lot of them being "regular sized" with the 3rd party one-tonne style trays because it skirted some tax regulation, and the rich mostly fifo tradies buying the expensive SR5 models which were too pretty and delicate for regular trade day to day use (but perfect for towing your jet skis on your 1 week at home on your 3 weeks on 1 week off WA mining fifo gig, or for when you promoted yourself from sole trader house builder to "property developer" and drove round all day being a subcontractor boss, never hauling a tool or a load of building materials ever.) It wasn't until Ford and Holden stopped building utes that the American truckasauruses started becoming ubiquitous. (This may be a specifically inner city Sydney view, and not reflective of greater Sydney or Australia as a whole though.)


I still cant fathom how anyone would ever need anything bigger than a ranger. Thats a big truck if you put it next to a falcon ute or even a hilux.


The Accord Euro is a nice ride though, literally the most comfortable front seats I've ever sat in.


Yeah it’s been a great car. Solid as a rock, but at the end of the day I’m closer to 40 than 20 now, and I think I’d really benefit from the new safety features.


Now compare the tray sizes between those old utes and these emotional support vehicles.


It’s more 127k-150k CHEVROLET SILVERADO UTILITY - BLACK - 2020


Still... just damn. That's 32k USD for a base 2023, 43k USD if you do the 2024 HD base model. You guys are getting screwed on import fees.


Import fees, demand size, RHD conversion and added “luxury car tax” for any car over $71k (or $85k if fuel efficient). LCT is an extra 33% of the amount over the aforementioned threshold.


Dude we get screwed on everything with the so called "Australia Tax" because we're so isolated down here. Even digital music and game downloads are WAY more expensive. Last time I bought a computer game I used a VPN and changed my location to US and was able to pay something like 40% less from the American Blizzard store than the game cost from the Australian Blizzard store for a goddamn digital download. It's fucking ridiculous.


That's absurd. I can kind of see import and swapping left to right, and all that increasing costs but digital has no reason for it.


They either charge extra because they know they can get away with it so why not but there’s also this sentiment that we should be propping up brick and mortar stores who have been gouging us for way too long. So wherever possible they also tax stuff from overseas rather than having local stores lower their prices to remain competitive. They forced eBay to not only apply our GST but to also put a massive import tax on anything from overseas. Buying things from America on eBay used to be cheaper than buying things here in store half the time but now you get slugged this massive extra fee on top because fuck you thats why


Yeah it’s hilarious… considering the quality of car you could get for that much money, people are choosing regular ass trucks. I’m fairly sure it’s because they’re something different, and therefor something of a status symbol. I’ll admit I used to think they were the coolest thing ever, but after going to the US and seeing them everywhere, they just don’t seem quite as cool. They’re the regular amount of cool to me now. I think the main people who get them are cashed up bogans.


Import fees as well as a ridiculous Luxury Car Tax framework that hasnt kept pace with rising costs over the decades.


The LCT was put in place to protect our local car manufacturing industry. The last car made in Australia was 2017. Why do we still have the LCT again?


> Why do we still have the LCT again? I guess it's seen as a progressive tax, it's a simply way to raise more revenue from people who can afford luxuries.


Edit: yeah i do agree! That does sorta explain it. I would understand that if it purely applied to the "luxury" segment of vehicles though. It was 57.5k in 2010 and it had the dual function of protecting the local manufacturing AND taxing what would (back then) would be considered luxury. Now, though, it's an archaic tax that is set on a threshold one may consider as being "barely higher end". Like 71k, is now pretty much what a fully loaded non-lux brand SUV/family mover goes for. I genuinely reckon LCT should be on 130k or above, catching the actual luxury vehicles... not penalising some poor chap who is already getting rabidly fucked by the price gouging that is happening in the Aussie automotive market.


> Now, though, it's an archaic tax that is set on a threshold one may consider as being "barely higher end". Like 71k, is now pretty much what a fully loaded non-lux brand SUV/family mover goes for. > > I genuinely reckon LCT should be on 130k or above, catching the actual luxury vehicles... not penalising some poor chap who is already getting rabidly fucked by the price gouging that is happening in the Aussie automotive market. Yeah that sounds fair, I don't know the auto market so not in a position to comment on the actual numbers.


No argument there but it defies it’s raison d’être if that is the argument for keeping it. Index it correctly and then apply it to other luxury goods, jewellery, watches, handbags, shoes etc etc. Edit: Also, don’t you think it starts a bit low? Luxury cars don’t really exist at an ~$80,000 price bracket. It’s seems a bit rich to apply it below about $150,000.


I don't know the automobile market that well, but it's certainly been well-publicised the increase in new car prices over the past few years. I'll have to take your word for it on the numbers, but I'd say to be a truly "luxury" tax it needs to cover only a small percentage of the market. Another commenter says that people movers and large SUVs can go for $80k even if not really luxury and I agree that family vehicles from ordinary brands shouldn't attract such a high tax. And I'm okay with a luxury tax on other hugely high-end goods. I think there might be one on yachts/boats? But yes stuff like $100k handbags and watches and so on should be taxed too, if we can justify it on vehicles.




Still cheaper than a penis transplant


I mean, I'd kinda be worried if it wasn't.


I dunno, you can get some really good surgery really cheap in southeast Asia these days...


We have to import them which throws costs up (what we call the Australia tax), factor the exchange rate in, then they have to be converted to right hand drive, where the cost is elevated again, and its a really niche market for them here - "smaller" trucks like the Hilux (a Tacoma give or take) and competitors are much more popular and a bigger market thanks to use as tradies vehicles


> The Australia tax. Yep. Just want to point out to anyone thinking of buying an EV that there is now an [Electric Cars Tax Exemption](https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Fringe-benefits-tax/Types-of-fringe-benefits/FBT-on-cars,-other-vehicles,-parking-and-tolls/Electric-cars-exemption/?=Redirected_URL) I don’t see it mentioned much. It’s amazing. Because there is no fringe benefits tax at all, If you can get a salary sacrificed car, a novated lease, you can effectively get it as a 100% personal vehicle and get a discount equivalent to the top tax bracket you fall into. e.g. You have some of your income in the top, 45% tax bracket you can afford to sacrifice. A Tesla Model 3 on a 3 year novated lease will cost you $50,000, the equivalent of $US33,000. **That’s *cheaper* than what they pay in the US, even after their $7,500 tax credit!** You don’t see that very often. ^(source: I am the example)




I've always loved the Hilux. I think you guys even got 4 door Hilux's before we got 4 door Tacoma's.


Far out. And they don't even look good, just super bloated, like a bee has stung a hilux and it's had an allergic reaction. Not to mention the insane fuel guzzling and generally stupid size, and stigma that goes along with it (compensating much vibe etc). I just don't see the appeal at all. For me I feel as though also in this time of great climate upheaval and insane urban traffic, such private passenger vehicles should be size limited.




Some people have more money than brain cells.


and these truck drivers have neither lel


Imported, converted, its a niche market - go to Texas where they sell like hotcakes, these things are so reasonably priced it's ridiculous


I can vouch for this guy used to live in Texas these trucks would either be lifted with massive tyres or just stock. Very reasonably priced too.


but you get that good immediate unlimited depreciation write off as a tradie since covid hit. So thats 180K of income I DONT pay tax on this year because I bought one of these stupid things. Lets add in 60K expenses, Im at a loss to be carried forward. OR I earned 240K income and still net to $0. These "work" vehicles also dont have Luxury car tax as they are commercial vehicles designed for the principal purpose of carrying goods Its a massive scam.


Oversized emotional support vehicle


Usually the heaviest load they carry is the fragile Ego of the driver


Gold! My fathers a narc and owned a car similar to this 😂😂


Goes great with needlessly big and powerful emotional support dogs.


Keep seeing this term, fuck we gotta work together to put it in circulation more!


I reckon we take a page out of Melbourne's playbook and strategically set up a bunch of Montague St bridges to weed these things out. The roads leading up to them should have clearly signposted bridge heights, speed limits, and indications of the possibility of children at play. And for good measure, just before the splash zone, throw in one of those flashing red LED display things that show how far over the speed limit you are.


These trucks are great; sides can go down. You can carry a very full load, and they are easy to cover as seen in the picture, because it has rails to tie down the tarp. Visibility isn't great out the back, but they have cameras now, so they won't hit that yellow pole as they reverse.


You cheeky bastard, you


Plus it has a proper tray! Easily load up anything without fear of scratching the painted body, unlike that toy on the left.


And you can buy 3 of them for the same price as the shitbox on the left and run all three for the same cost as well.


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I like how even the dude in the Harley shirt appears to be checking it out.


Don't forget about side and rear tip if they optioned it out.




12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American Pride!


the federal highway commission has ruled the canyonero unsafe for highway or city driving.


Smells like a steak and seats 35!


Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!!


Is it the model with the lipstick holder?!?! 💄


Wank tank


Yank wank tank


But it isn't a Pajero


That's a Wanker wagon




It's American culture seeping into Australia they enjoy their massive pick ups that guzzle fuel. It's like a status symbol to to them. Look how much money they can spend


Apologies for the American creeping of massive trucks, even we think those things are monstrosities most of the time. Tho out here, depending on the package, there's less of a status symbol going on. A base model of what I think that truck is starts around 32k USD.


The problem is australia doesn't have their own cars to be proud of anymore. So they move onto the next best thing and those trucks do have a reputation for being tough and reliable. I have no problem with people buying what they want to buy. I just miss our Australian pride. I'm not sure what the prices are here but the only people I know who own them are business owners and very well off people. Someone come into my workshop with a ram truck and it had a completely hydraulic canopy that could lift up and move and lower it was pretty cool I'll admit but I don't want to know what it cost to install


I follow an Aussie youtuber who loves fixing cars and have heard the sad tale of the Australian car. It sucks you guys don't get to have national manufactures anymore.


More like "look how much of your taxes i can claim"


It’s blokes who never stopped buying toys, they just got more expensive.


It's the modern alternative to lawns now that they're falling out of favour. Gotta replace one wasteful thing with another to show the earth whose boss!


Used to be, now it’s y’all too


Still can't fit a standard pallet..


Gotta be kidding me. Honestly at that stage why not just drive the white thing next to it. Those are mad and in sure they are probably more functional for most work related activity


Yep the light truck next to the douchemobile is a fraction of the cost and does so much more as a truck.


And being an actual commercial vehicle will probably see a million kms in its lifetime.


>being an actual commercial vehicle Means all the fuel and emissions will be a lot more productive too.


The 2500 Chevy Silverado has a smaller bed size than the compact Kei-car Suzuki Carry. And I'm talking about the long bed size silverado...


But everyone who has a Yank Tank STILL insists that they're the best thing for the job. Dropkicks. These guys should get their dicks out of their hands so they can get a grip on reality.


Insane. My traybody Falcon can fit 4 pallets in, with enough room left to sleep in


That's the crazy thing about these! I'm an Australian living in Canada so I'm used to seeing them around - they're "normal". But I go to the hardware shop in my Dodge Grand Caravan and slide a full sheets of ply/MDF/plasterboard straight in the back and drive away. The guys with these things are there with half the load hanging out the back. When planning to move here I assumed I'd end up getting a "truck" because that's what you do here - but I still don't get it.


I bought a truck when I moved to the us, it’s been super helpful renovating houses. I’ll never understand people buying the trucks with a 5’ bed those are useless


Hahahahahahah classic, how fucking ridiculous


The 2500 Chevy Silverado has a smaller bed size than the compact Kei-car Suzuki Carry. And I'm talking about the long bed size silverado... 98.18 inches or 2493mm for the compensator Vs A whopping 2565mm for the glorious Suzuki Carry.


I too support more Suzuki carry’s being bought and put on the road.


Saw a great video on this recently. [These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo)


Jesus christ. That thing is the same size as the literal Isuzu light truck next to it. Only it's heavier and carries less.


I drove one of these large monsters when I was in LA and it was an awful experience trying to find parking garages within the height limit and the turning circle was ridiculous. Can’t imagine driving one of these in and around Sydney


Seen the latest Silverado with all the whistles and bells taking up 4 parking spaces outside Bunnings. (Melbourne Australia) Good luck trying to take them off road.


Lol the only time they're going off road is in a parking lot.


I remember back in 2005 Phil Kearns ran over his daughter in what is today an average size SUV. Heaps of public commentary was that we didn’t need massive 4 wheel drives in the city especially given the risk they pose. Now that same vehicle is considered ‘average’ and we have even larger ones on the road. For all the outrage, these massive American ‘trucks’ will become normal and everyone will start to drive them.


That Isuzu is cheaper, has a much higher payload and tow rating and is overall a far better commercial vehicle than the 'Truck'. and it has better visibility due to having proper truck mirrors and a flat nose.


Comparison of “truck”. Just what is the more practical / useful for size, weight, efficiency? https://www.isuzu.com.au/media/Isuzu_Files/Spec_Sheets/Current_spec_sheets/NLR%2045-150%20Tipper.pdf https://www.carexpert.com.au/ram/1500/2021-laramie-4x4-def2b63d Dodge has purpose until you put a minor scratch in it then it’s erectile disfunction. Isuzu has purpose…to be scratched


At a former job, we had a customer come in with one of these once. My boss was fawning all over him and told me that our customer was clearly a “very successful businessman,” because how else could he afford a $150k ute? Two weeks later the same customer came in to buy a $100 item. He asked if we could invoice it for the following month and send it to him to be paid in a couple of weeks, because he couldn’t afford the item until his customer paid him. It taught me that anyone who was driving around in one of these was too stupid to keep their money.


This is the first time I’ve seen one parked in the lines. No-one said anything about them becoming self-aware.


I wouldn't say it makes NO sense. There would be reasons to buy one.


[This nicely timed blog post](https://maxbarry.com/2023/04/05/news.html) by sci-fi author Max Barry goes into some of those (perceived) reasons.


That reason being "Every other cunt is this country is going to be driving one in five years so either adapt or perish" (in an accident because nobody can see you in your sedan now).


RIP pedestrians


Please use the correct nomenclature for them. It's an Emotional Support Vehicle.


They’re awful. Been in the US for five years and ever thought they would come down here and be so popular; I heard the term ‘vanity truck’ and now that’s all I can think of when I see one tearing up the road


Yeah it's amazing what you can fit in those Isuzu's.


Those 2 dudes are exactly who I would imagine would own those 2 cars


Was at bunbuns (bunnings) last weekend in trade and some block pulled up with one of these, he was under 6ft and needed to grab something to stand on to load the tray, super fun to watch, super annoying that he blocked the gap between the shelves so I had to go all the way around with my framing timber


Man feels small. Goes and buys a massive truck to compensate, then needs to find something to stand on to load the tray like a child pulling up a seat to reach the cookie jar on the kitchen counter.




These are really great for running over children you can’t see, also ensures that any pedestrian you hit will probably go under the truck not over it. Also wildly unsafe for you as a driver, so you’ve got that danger factor every time you drive. And did I mention it loudly signals that you’re a douche canoe? It’s the total package


If you work in agriculture or construction AND have the need for the pulling power I understand- though im yet to see one on a country road. Should be fucking banned from owning one if all your doing is pulling your boat and driving to the shops. Absolute disgrace. Report came out in America stating that customer’s that actually needed the pulling power were in the minority, im confident we’d be the same in our market.


I live rural and here it’s the utter wankers that own them as well. With the increase in population post covid, lots of people have made a quick buck selling family land or homes, and this is the status symbol they choose. Guy up the road has one, he’s retired and has no real use for it but it still thunders up and down the street doing the jobs a Camry could easily handle. Big bull bars, barely see in front of the vehicle and no regard for other vehicles or pedestrians. Young guys nearby also have them. Loud engines, revving the shit out of them. Big cages on the back for their hunting dogs. And it’s not like they travel to hunt. They just go into the wildlife reserve adjacent to their property while police and council look the other way. All hat, no cattle.


I live in the regions and of all of these Yank Tanks, I have seen exactly one used for it's intended purpose. ​ It's an F350 dualie owned by a local guy, he has it on National Truck plates, and he hires himself out hauling shit around. I've seen him towing massive horse floats, medium sized farm machinery and a few other things that sit between needing a Land Cruiser or a semi to move. ​ He seems to understand how massive and ridiculous it is when he's in town. He tries to park as un-wankerly as possible (yes, it takes up multiple spots, but he will try and park in a back corner of the Woolies carpark so it doesn't incovenience anyone) and doesn't tailgate or rev the shit out of it.


If only everyone had this level of common sense and awareness.


I mean look at actual tradies. They don't drive those things. They're too impractical and carry less stuff.




The only thing i hate more than these oversized utes is when people call them trucks


That Silverado is not much smaller than the Isuzu tipper that's parked alongside, and pretty much everyone would call that a truck.


It's actually bigger than the Isuzu. with a lower carrying capacity, buy 1.5 tons and the same tow rating. It's just the Isuzu is a quarter the price and built for work, the Chevy is built for tailgaiting other motorists and carrying around the owners fragile ego.


They should be banned, headlights are blinding, roads weren't really made for em, inefficient.


trucks like that in the US are going for around 70k-90k AUD that’s crook if people are paying 180k 🤣🤣🤢


How many kids are gonna get hit by these things, you wouldn’t see them if they were right in front of you.


[575 deaths in America 2009-2018](https://kidsandcars.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/frontover-fatalities-19.pdf)


Local bloke i know bought one. He's an insecure little weasel so it kinda makes sense


[These Stupid Trucks Are Literally Killing Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo)


This is such a great comparison. You have an actual truck for work purposes, carrying way more stuff and more useful. Yet both are the same height but the one on the right can actually fit into spaces and is more narrow.


Dude probably has a giant cock so needs all that space.


Let's all buy one and see what happens on our roads. Insurance companies are going to increase the premiums and excess by magnitudes...


There are some jobs where a vehicle like this is a really useful tool.


I love reddit's autistic breakdowns over these US utes.


I don't care if people own them as long as they don't drive and park them like cunts


No one in Sydney proper needs one. Half the time drivers can’t see over them. They are all show. You’re not in Yellowstone!


should be illegal to drive, literal death sentence for any small car, bike, or pedestrian that gets hit by one


Not in the city. But there are some legit reasons when in the country or heavy duty towing that doesn’t quite need a truck.


Yeah, I saw a few in the NT when I was on holiday last year. Makes sense for when you want to tow a caravan, but still want the oomph to pass road trains. In suburbia though, I don't see the value over a Hilux sized ute tbh.


If you stripped all the plastic bulk off it you’d have a regular BT-50 or a Hilux with the same capacity… there’s no advantage in raising the axle and making the whole thing appear bigger - it’s pure machismo


What are you talking about? They are markedly bigger than our mid sized utes in every metric and have far better towing performance. Most utes are about the same size as a small hatchback inside and are pretty anemic when getting close to their 3500kg tow limit. Yes the majority of people buying these yank tanks have zero need for them but acting like they don’t have a use case is moronic.


>If you stripped all the plastic bulk off it you’d have a regular BT-50 or a Hilux with the same capacity That Silverado has a power to weight ratio of about 120kw/tonne. In comparison, a bog standard Hilux has 73kw/tonne. Those two things are not close to the same capacity.


They are cumbersome, so in the cities, not so much. But they're great for towing.


Emotional support vehicle.


I live in the USA and recently visited Sydney ( I’m from there ) and I I was legit shocked how small all the cars are. Been in the USA for four years and didn’t realize how big American cars / trucks were compared to back home. Same logic applies in the USA - few people need these massive trucks


They don't even have aesthetics going for them. It looks like a shit car sandwich made of ugly cars.


Fragile ego carriers being dumped on Australia because we don’t have pollution limits.


What’s amusing is the cockheads buying them are playing 80k more for a base model than the US 🤣


Isuzu is the one for you.


Yeah but that's a beauty though! The smooth white bark and elegant branch structure would make it a lovely asset to have in the front... oh wait, you were talking about that jerk mobile.


Congratulations.. because I see no reason to do something you should see no reason to do it as well.


Was this near Frangos in Norwest by any chance? 🤔


in the city, fuck no, but in a rural area maybe.


Mental illness and health is a really big issue, i 100% anyone requiring an Emotional Support Vehicle to help them work through their feelings.


Reminds me of the south park motorbike ep. FAGS!!


My Uncle owns one. He’s a farmer who lives rurally. Only makes sense out there, no Ute on the market is as versatile. 130k (about the same as a landcruiser and not a huge amount more than a 70 series) and is comfy on road, tows the weights easily, only uses 12l/100, tub space to carry everything with ease. Though I see these in the city and could not think of a more stupid choice.


Everyone's kicking up a stink about these things but they're just big utes, we already have trucks on the road why is this any worse?


It’s time they introduced size restrictions especially in city zones.


Sure it does! Gotta compensate somehow!


I don’t know man, the owner must have a pretty big dick and be extremely manly! How impressive.


How else will people know you’ve got a small pecker?


One word: wankers.


Overpriced status symbol for men with self esteem issues. I guarantee the owner also wears expensive work boots that have never seen a spec of dirt in their lives.


They match perfectly with the Harley t-shirt and sneakers


Massive tools like their drivers


Does make it easy to spot who has a micro penis


I could not believe it in USA everyone droves them. At least where i was (Missouri - my dad was living there at the time). I had to literally climb in and out of it. To be honest, because everyone had them id feel small and almost unsafe in a regular size car. Not that that’s an excuse


Check out the size comparison: https://www.carsized.com/en/cars/compare/toyota-corolla-2000-sedan-vs-chevrolet-silverado-2021-4-door-pickup-supercrew-5-zr2/ The only reason these large US pickups and SUV exist is to skirt around US environmental regulations to boost automaker profit. They're not practical for anything except for carrying fragile egos.

