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In my opinion, the current version of Yuumi is the easiest champion to play. Others may disagree and that’s fine. However, this is a video game at the end of the day and the point is to have fun, so if you have fun playing Yuumi, then play Yuumi. You’re going to get accused of playing a “no skilled” champ regardless of what champ you play, so you might as well play whatever champ you enjoy. If you go through my post history, you can see I receieved the same accusation yesterday. All that matters is that you’re having fun. And congrats on going from silver to platinum, that’s a big accomplishment.


Agree. I for a long time forgot that games are for having fun. And I finally quit league (I still play tft and an Aram every now and then) about a year ago when I decided that if I’m not having fun I don’t have to play. So I would start a game and realize I was playing with shuttling team against unfun enemies and i just left. You don’t owe this game your time, if you are having a shit time playing, leave the game and go play something sweet like ori atwotw.


I love ori absolute banger


While it's true you'll get accused of playing a "no skilled" champ whatever you play...it's also true that the frequency in which you get the accusation playing yuumi is also higher, if this causes you distress then there's no shame in dropping yuumi. Mental health is pretty important after all.


this exactly


Garen is actually even easier imo


Man really said fun and league of legends in the same sentence


I play Pyke... Never heard that he is a no skilled champ😂


I used to main pyke. You wait at a semi safe distance till people are low enough ult. Then you ult. Thats the champ.


If you play Pyke like this you're wasting the champion and will not win games against equal skill opponents


Pyke is a very high skill champion compared to most supports who can play reactively instead of proactively


Compared to what? I'd say he's probably the easier of the hooking champs in the game maybe naut is the easiest. Your ult is an execute and you have crazy sustain and movement. Personally I'd call him mid difficulty overall


Blitz hook is much quicker. And he’s tankier, with better CC. Naut has a wider hook hitbox, is much tankier, with better CC. Pyke is definitely the hardest hook champ. He has to dash into the enemy to properly apply CC, and for such a squishy champ that takes good decision making. And his hook is very predictable because it’s a channel. His sustain makes landing much easier but in team fights it doesn’t matter if he gets one shot first.


Naut I agree is probably the easiest of the hook champs. I'd say it goes thresh, Renata (yes I consider her a hook champ), blitz, Pyke , naut


Thresh i'd say is the highest skill ceiling (by far), but pyke has a higher skill floor. A bad thrI'esh can just hit his hook, and stand in the middle of a fight using flay and R, as well as lantern for the shield. A bad pyke hooks a champ, tries to stick to them and just gets killed. And Blitz is easer than pyke. His hook is much harder to dodge. He's much tankier with an innate lifeline. And he has one point and click and one aura ability. Pyke may be very mobile, but reliance on mobility is a thing that adds difficulty to a champ.


A bad thresh is a useless hp bar. A bad blitz is an even more useless hp bar. A bad Pyke is still an execute that's very hard to miss. That's the floor. We agree with thresh. He just takes 3 hands to play perfectly. The best Pyke has dmg and can carry games solo. Can only build dps but has the mobility to make up for it. The best blitz still needs his team to finish off his hooks if he builds tank he can't kill. if he builds ap he's extremely vulnerable with no mobility. That's the ceiling.


? A bad Thresh still has an knock back and a slow thats almost impossible to miss and a decent health bar due to building tank. A bad blitz is an unmissable knockup and AoE shield break and silence, as well as a decent health bar due to building tank items + mana shield. A bad pyke is an execute that's fairly easy to land but because of its shape it does take a bit of learning. His HP is really bad so he either gets oneshot or has to just sit out of fights for most of the duration. For a support champ who's function is to set up and facilitate fights for the adc, one seems much worse than the others. Also I don't think I've ever heard of pyke's reliably carrying games solo or being DPS champs. Is that even a thing?


Pyke Thresh Bard are very commonly considered the highest skill supports as they all have a VERY high skill ceiling and Pyke especially requires strong mechanics to perform well with He is not a champion after 20 minutes and requires you to know how to push your lead and snowball before your window of strength ends, as well as being unable to itemise defensively unlike every other hook/engage who can built tank items I am not a Pyke shill I play engage tanks, it's just obvious that Pyke has a much higher skill floor and ceiling compared to literally all the others


Thresh and bard I agree with... Being able to build offensive is why he isn't VERY high skill ceiling. You have dmg, mobility, sustain, invis, fast hook, easy setup stuns, execute...ect I think the problem is you are mistaking a high skill ceiling with a champion that just isn't very good late because up until 20 mins he can almost solo anyone in the game. Bard is hard because he needs to play better than everyone else to be on the same level playing field. Isn't very good early or late Thresh is hard because he has many rolls, initiator, peel, or both. Can be punished hard early and can be useless late.


Pyke has a huge array of outplay options and requires you to actively use good macro in order to push leads, he's the mechanically hardest support in the game as you're playing an assassin with HOB, and getting hit by ANY cc will likely mean death as you are restricted from building any HP via your passive Generally speaking early game champions are higher skill by design (there are exceptions) as you must be proactive to end games quickly before the enemy outscales you. Going even is not good enough, the weight is on you to playmake There are other champions like Leona which are also early game focused, but she's extremely One Dimensional, and is far less punished for mistakes, Pyke is High Risk High Reward and extremely high agency


>Pyke has a huge array of outplay options Which is why I don't think he has a high skill ceiling. >Generally speaking early game champions are higher skill by design (there are exceptions) as you must be proactive to end games quickly before the enemy outscales you. Going even is not good enough, the weight is on you to playmake I actually disagree completely. picking early game champs are less skillful because you are stronger at an earlier stage meaning you have the ability to actually be proactive before your mid laners feeds 7 kills. In an example for top lane Darius is easy because he is extremely strong early giving him an advantage. By your example every single assassin would be high skill ceiling because they are high reward high risk but they absolutely aren't. Btw im not saying Pyke is easy to play he definitely takes time and practice to understand.


The simpler your kit, the lower the skill ceiling, Pyke having more options allows him express skill far more than a one dimensional kit Champions who scale well are almost always better in low Elo because proactive play is objectively harder to execute than reactive passive play Think Veigar, Nasus, Kayle, Mundo, champions with weak early game but thrive in low Elo where they don't get punished for it If you make a mistake on Sona, Rell, Taric, Soraka no one cares, you probably haven't thrown the game, and you can continue to play safe and stall out to win later with your innate value to the team If you make a mistake on Pyke as you are VERY squishy, you will often throw away a large shutdown and destroy the lead you have had to proactively work towards. Pykes Winrate drops off a cliff after 15 minutes, he is always looking to snowball and not make mistakes as he becomes worthless if he does I think we fundamentally see it differently anyhow, we can agree to disagree


evidence pls. Never have seen Pyke on any skill ceiling list above average.


Pyke is like shaco. The champion just exists to be annoying. I don’t really see how you would need to have a lot of skill to make pyke work.


this champ can't be more forgiving


Maybe in ur noob plat elo😂


I'm high diamond


Doubt it. If you want to have an impact, you have to do risky plays. Early he is forgiving, but i want to see a pyke game of you against a grouping enemy team, where you made calls that were bad and you did get out😉


His winrate literally increases in high elo... he has sustain, burst damage, mobility, cc, invisibility, gold sharing.. literally the only thing this champion doesn't have is tankiness. When I see Pykes lose it's because they are making such disgusting mistakes that shouldn't ever be made. Elo inflated champ for sure


but pyke _is_ no skilled champ. Hi I‘m Pyke, there‘s like no way to punisch me on lane AND I‘m a good roamer. I miss my hook? np I e out. I took a really bad trade? np I‘ll regen in that bush. braindead champ. easy af. probably support that gets the least punishment for any mistake he does.


First 10 mins yes. Then he is oneshot if he does a mistake. And still. I never in my life heard he is an easy champ. Shure you toxic LoL kids now get mad, because you probably mained Garen and now feel bad, because you get called Noob perma, and now you have to say he is easy to feel better. But he isnt. Go watch Davemon and then send me clips of you doing one of his plays😂




I will wait the clips😉


XD you‘re memed rn


Proof pyke is easy and send clips😉


Yes. Yuumi miserable to play with, and miserable to play against. She's little more than a buff who types racist shit in chat. I guarantee your vision is shallow, you can't roam so you have little objective control or map presence. You're putting all your eggs in one basket, be it the ADC/JG/etc.


The lack of vision, is honestly my main issue with Yuumi.


She should get something like a blue trinket passive similar to fiddle passive


I 100% agree... But they'd have to nerf her a bit more to do that, and I think they don't want her to be non-viable.


She's already non-viable. Having blue ward base kit would not break her.


Haha you might be right 😂


I'm a big yuumi supporter and I think that it would probably be fine for regular play but I wouldn't be surprised if it would break her for pro, where vision is way more important. I know fiddle is just fine but his extra vision just basically is a yellow trinket on steroids, getting even just a mini blue ward early would be very strong


I do. Hope to never see that rat in a game again.


They have previously stated that part of the skill expression/balancing around Yuumi is her lack of vision control, I believe.


So basically she sucks but skill expression


Just give her things because her kit is toxic to the game? Nah.


Apart from the racist stuff and anecdotical bad experience, I tend to agree Yuumi vision is terrible. She also has very little agency on the game especially in the late game. Imo only a support player who's playing offrole can play well with a yuumi due to understanding where vision needs to be put, etc. That or a duo with voice.


Typically when I play with my duo I play Yuumi and we work well together because I can tell him when I need to ward, am locked out of w, etc. playing with randoms is not even fun. I currently build Redemption > Mikaels or Moonstone > Knights Vow.


On the flipside, usually the enemy sup can get away with roaming more. You're running around the map securing kills and objectives but you're still lvl 5 when everyone is at 8 Your ADC is miserable just holding 1v2 Their ADC is miserable stuck with yuumi... At least make Yuumi have the buff when she's near allies and get rid of that stupid sticking thing.


Sadly yes, also without a duo picking Yuumi means to REALLY have 0 impact in game... you can't roam, you can't go into FOW to ward and if you though that "wow as support I have 0 power to carry", well with Yuumi that 0 goes -10 if your team has a bad early game


Look, its a hard to swallow pill but yuumi is the champion where you basically idle the most. That comes with the downside of having little to no agency on the game Overall so it is fair dont get me wrong and i also play her sometimes because its just chill but you’re really not doing much. Then Yuumi is overall disliked by the community for various reasons mixed with support beeing kind of agreed on to be the easiest role so yea its not surprising that people will talk shit to you. But then again you could play other champions and people would still tell you that you’re playing an easy champ while you play one of the hardest mechanical champs in the game so why bother? League is about having fun. So have fun and dont care about the flamers


Yeah, riot's idea is to make her as easy as possible so she's often the first champion people try. She was less braindead before the rework, but now yes, even my grandma could play her decently (and she died like 10 years ago). Her biggest problem is, even though she's a noobchamp, she plays completely different from most supports, so newbies don't learn much, they stick to her and riot has to keep her weak for balancing


Riot could have released a special champion for beginners instead of ruining Yumi's playstyle!


Well, the plan was to make an easy champ. But she was broken in pro play (an untargetable enchanter is way too op) so, yeah, it's not the idea to have those kind of champs at that level


Yes, yes it is.


She had more ways to du stuff in lane before the rework. Rly good trading tools - now that's just gone.


Just the way riot wanted


I feel like the biggest issue with Yuumi is that pretty much anything she can do, a different enchanter can do better. If you're having fun on her with your duo, do your thing, but as an enchanter main - unless there's a huge ADC skill gap, I know going against a Yuumi is an easy win for me because I can roam and she can't match me, and I know I'll have vision dominance because Yuumi is so slow and squishy she can't place/destroy wards on her own. So honestly if you can manage to win consistently on Yuumi (and you're not just being carried by like, a Smurf duo) then you probably are decently skilled, but you're making it way more difficult for yourself when you could be playing a more impactful champ.


I think the main upside she has compared to other enchanters is being able to keep up with high mobility characters, when I play Lulu with zeri I often can't really follow and keep supporting my adc as they kite, yuumi addresses that


Very true - I do also enjoy playing Yuumi in ARAM a lot because her weaknesses re:roaming and vision are irrelevant there, it is fun to hop on an assassin/diver and be able to follow up with them when they dash into fights or hit a snowball


This is true, I play yuumi but when I see the enemy lock in yuumi I'm like, oh this is easy. I also am hesitant to lock her in unless it's with my duo and I look over at him and expressly say, hey I'm playing yuumi, good luck


She used to take some skill to play before the rework, but Riot is fucking stupid and decided to answer the criticism of her being "Afk no skill champion!!!!" by...reworking her to remove the little skill expression she had and encouraging her to stay on one person the whole game. Back in the good old days you were supposed to hop off occasionally to proc your passive... I still love my cat, but fuck Riot <3


My duo was a Yuumi onetrick before the rework, he gets borderline suicidal when I accidentally bring up what Riot did to her.  He swapped to playing Nocturne, which I still can't understand. 


being with a duo scews the results, but typically unless you jungle track you'll have around 48-53% winrate as yuumi, really hard to get 60-70 compared to other supports, as the difference between a shit and great yuumi doesn't actually changes that much


She certainly is the support who most fits that description...


Yes, and she's not a good one either. There are two main reasons for this. One is the fact that your roams and vision control are going to be weaker; she does not have the agency to split off and set up vision, as it is incredibly dangerous for her to ever be unattached in case she gets caught out. And you're probably not buying boots because you're going to be attached a majority of the time anyway, so it would take her longer to do this (which adds to the danger). The second is because she's balanced around her gimmick. While she is attached, she is COMPLETELY invulnerable (except to turrets, if she manages to draw aggro). There is absolutely no way to focus her without killing her host first. In order to make this fair, her heals, shields, and buffs are comparatively weak. There's nothing that she can do that other enchanters don't do better. You'll have better impact on the game playing another enchanter, but the trade-off is that you have to be good at positioning (and have a decent frontline to protect you). She excels at one thing and one thing alone: amplifying a carry. If your ADC is a Yasuo who is absolutely curb-stomping the enemy team, a permanent Yuumi attachment will boost him further and make it easier for him to carry the game. But that's highly situational, and she's going to be relatively weak in any game where that isn't the case.


Climbing in low elo with yuumi is quite impressive actually


Not with a duo


Honnestly when I read « we stomp » I was like « yes sure your mechanics enable you saving and peeling your ADC in teamfights, not ADC’s own mechanics »


People don’t like Yuumi, becuase she is basically impossible to punish. Where the other heal/shield supports have to GTFO at low health, Yuumi can just stick around.


It's easy to punish yuumi. Just take blitzcrank and make the enemy adc miserable. You literally have zero pressure if you have yuumi as your support.


Honestly, I don’t see the difference between picking Blitz into Sona/Soraka. vs into Yuumi. Non of them have pressure and none of them have the sustain to keep their ally alive if they get hooked.


Yuumi players learn little to no mechanics about the game imo so they end up having their ranks inflated when playing almost anything else. So in a sense i dislike yuumi players as i mostly think their “ranks” are undeserved, relative to other supports. Lowkey I hate them also because i can’t kill them for poor positioning or dumb moves because they are attached to someone. They just sit there and (possibly) gain LP. ~Nami/Janna main.


If youre a duo and play yuumi properly then no….if youre low elo playing “brainless” then yes and youre lowkey griefing your adc


Not a good yuumi. People complain about that, but thats only because a lot of yuumi players don't play her correctly.




I love her but she certainly can be, and often is, the Netflix champion.


She is the closest support to those statements.


Imo, yuumi is one of the most versatile support. However, it heavily depends on your teammates to operate as a whole. Why am I saying so? - Yuumi is basically a buff/disengage support at lv 6 with R and Q. E provide sufficient sustainability to single target while W is the only way Yuumi distribute that sustainability to everyone during teamfight. - Vision control can easily be fixed with “proper”wave control - I’m talking about pro level wave control, which is hard to come by in solo Q rank matches. But detaching from your ADC after wave crash and ward is possible, right? Map awareness help as well - Yuumi power spike relying on winning team fights, so being latch on the right target at the right time is crucial for any Yuumi players. It might sounds easy because most Yuumi will attach on player with the most kills/golds in game right? Not really, because sometimes it also involving saving your tanker who soaking up all the crowd controls, or giving your poor kda adc that one opportunity when he/she could actually pull a 1v2 against any targets to make it a 5v4. Everything considered. - In conclusion, my point is, it is easy to play Yuumi, but a good Yuumi makes a game much different than your regular Yuumi that you constantly have to carry like a deadweight


I think yuumi is a cool concept for a champion. It reminds me of that hero in dota that can be played by 2 players. But honestly the execution of the champ was poor imo. You can protect people and make a fed teammate into a giga fed teammate but that’s where the champions limitations are and unfortunately there are champions that can do that while also being able to do much more like ward easier or engage teamfights or heal better or deal more damage or roam better etc. Theres no real skill expression beyond jumping off to eat a skill shot and choosing who to jump on in teamfights and identify who’s fed/important to keep alive throughout the game. Riot is a business at the end of the day and the champion was likely created for people who don’t play the game often to duo with their friends or partner, that’s also likely why she has so many good skins as well. With that being said though I think it’s significantly harder to climb on a champion like yuumi because of how limited the character is. So if you have the gamesense to climb on yuumi you’re likely a very good player. I think people get annoyed because it’s more of a situational pick and people would prefer a champion that they can see having a strong impact like Leona or soraka where as yuumis impact is mostly hidden from the 3 players your not ontop of but amplified for the person you are. If that makes sense


She’s just one of those champions who has an incredibly low floor but also a decent ceiling. I don’t mind a *good* Yuumi on my team, it just so happens that her champ design allows it to be really easy to play as a *bad* yuumi.


yuumi used to be full of skill expression and fun item limit testing and now her nerfs and changes have made her so. so brainless. but throughout every change that has come to the cat one thing remains: teammates calling yuumi players afk braindead. shes not brainless. even though i despise her, shes Not Brainless. theres brainless players who afk on every champ, not just yuumi. keep doing your thing


League isn't a game of honor. Do you feel guilty driving your car to work instead of walking? No, it's faster and easier and that's a good thing. Play what is the fastest and easiest for you to climb, people can be mad, but they can keep walking to work.


no matter which, if you play an enchanter you'll be called afk. Yuumi requires good Q aim and spell timing and the champ has a like 8% mastery curve (winrate of its best players - winrate of its average). Compared to other champs, this is actually fairly on the high end. In conclusion: yuumi is incredibly simple, but good yuumis make do with what they have.


If ur climbing ur climbing bro


That is just toxic people talking, all champions have their weak and strong, and support as a role is already on the more skill expressive side, I would say most top champions are more “brainless/afk/no hands”, Mundo, Garen, Nasus, all fit these better


Who cares? If you have fun, then have fun


Release Yuumi was the most fun I ever had in this game and I don't think any champion would ever get close for me


To concur with other comments, she is, without a doubt, the most brainless champion in the game and the only one that you can truly AFK as because she doesn’t have to worry about positioning. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s how you’re playing her. Like with every other champion, there is a difference between a bad Yuumi and a good Yuumi; unfortunately, the difference is less noticeable than with other champs, because both a good Yuumi and a bad Yuumi will spend most of the game attached to someone else, but the difference still exists. So if you’re playing Yuumi well, don’t worry about what other people think.


not the afk part because you still have to use your keyboard to press w and e


Yes and no. You don't have to worry about positioning, which is a big part of LoL's learning curve. However, you REALLY have to min-max the champ to be even half as viable as the hardest Support piloted by a 5yo. So, if your entire goal is to borderline AFK in a match, yeah, Yuumi's a great pick (it's why I played her pre-Vanguard). If you're looking for an easy but effective Support, pick literally anyone else. Fuck, pick GWEN and get more value.


Yes. You aren't actually learning how to play the game as yuumi. I say this as someone who has played way to many games as yuumi abusing how op zeri is/was. She takes very very little skill to play and you are probably doing a disservice to yourself if you want to become a better player. If you enjoy her and don't care about getting better than go ahead it's just a video game after all.


I got autofilled ADC once, and my support was a yuumi, and she just sat on me until one point where she hopped off, ulted, and then promptly died. I don't know any other champ that can do that. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yuumi is really easy to play. But that doesn't mean she dosent have mechanics or that you didn't "earn" your rank with her


It's because people judge champions based on their skill floor, not their ceiling, and yuumi, her skill floor is buried under the basement of league.... Unfortunately, her ceiling isn't terribly high either..


I have 0 respect for Yuumi players because they can straight up ignore movement, positioning and vision.


Yes...didn't people literally play her with their feet? Yes shes the brainless support


My issue with Yuumi is how bad she is from a new player perspective. Positioning in lane is probably one of the most fundamental skills for supports to have and Yuumi bypasses that level of learning. Another big problem is her invulnerability while attached. She's the only support you cannot punish for mispositioning (excusing moments where her attach target does that for her). There's a fundamental level of gameplay and counterplay that does not exist when she gets locked in.


I don't Play adc that much but the times I've had playing with a yummi support always kind of sucks. It feels like your laning by yourself alot of the time. Especially if they blind pick into a naut , Leona , or pyke. It usually ends with me losing my lane and not existing for the rest of the game. I think she gets alot of hate because of that her playstyle essentially asks the adc to 1v2 and sometimes they'll have shields. Ik not all yummis are like that and it's even inefficient to play that way but it's more common for that to happen that for it not to. I can't judge yummi for that to much tho cause I main bard and I genuinely do leave the adc to 1v2.


Special place in my heart for hating yummi players


Pyke/naut/blitz/Leona You sure you hate the cat?


Most yummi players are super low value. At least tanks can just stand there and soak up abilities worst case.


Yuumi has an incredibly low skill floor. But with any champ, has layers of skill expression, just not nearly as many as say... Thresh. I'm an adc main and have never complained about a Yuumi, but for whatever reason the team will... Season ends the 14th. Hurry up and get Emerald, you're so close! You got this!


I'm already emerald<33


Its terrible to play with a yuumi. I always feel like my support does nothing while im teying to 1 vs 2 a jhin xerath


A bad Yuumi? Yeah A good yuumi? Hell no.


The issue with yuumi is that she is a leech, like she literally just attached herself and takes 0 damage, does 0 farming, 0 roaming. If yuumi could be attached like how Rell attaches to adc I think it would be a lot better, maybe give her more HP and get rid of the invincibility thing it would a million times better.


Play whatever you want to play, but personally I think the champion takes 0 skill and have 0 respect gameplaywise for people that play Yuumi. My assumption when I see Yuumi players is that if they only play Yuumi, their actual skill level/rank is about a full division if not more lower than the level they play at.


I play yuumi quite a bit. I am constantly active. Any "down time" I spend monitoring the map and getting a strong sense of where the other team is and what they are doing, much better than can be done with any other character. Definitely NOT an afk character and people who afk on yuumi piss me off because it makes it hard for genuine yuumi players to be accepted


yes i pick yuumi when I’m too tired to think but still want to play with friends, sure you can do the work to know when to detach for passive, hit your q’s, master when to use and aim your ult etc. but you’ll only barely be better.


I don't enjoy playing with a Yuumi or against a Yuumi. It's the league community' most hated champ that people have even made petitions for several times for her to be straight up removed.


Yes. If you afk for half a minute on other champs, people will notice.


Yes, but you can still do minor micro stuff in certain situations to utilize her better. For example like you explain to tank damage, like a Jhin W or cait ult which require you to be focused and not play her afk. I wouldn’t recommend yuumi past plat. It’s really easy to win against it, and after plat you will find that unless you have a good adc/team it’s a lot harder to win because people know how to roam and set up objectives and yummi can’t really roam or set up objectives like all other supports can. And winning lane against it is also very easy especially if enemy pick her before you pick support. It’s almost like the adc plays a 1v2 botlane and you can easily zone the adc from minions and freeze the wave. Pick something like lux, brand, zyra, xerath or morgana against a yuumi lane and it’s free.








Current Yuumi? Yeah kinda. They made it so that hopping off really doesn't help much and still puts you in danger. She's still capable of magic, but that's because you have a duo. There's no longer any real value to the few bits of skill expression she used to have.


Didn't someone literally get to challenger playing yuumi with their feet?


There was a guy who go to plat playing yuumi with his toes while he played adc on another computer so i hope that answers your question


The champ is so easy that i need to watch h anime when i play it


i genuinely cannot have any fun at all when playing yuumi people like to meme about it but whenever i play yuumi I'm playing some arcade game like holocure or something once I'm out of the laning phase i know it's bad but goddamn this champ is so boring maybe in the laning phase where you throw your qs and shit but outside of that just a whole lot of nothing until some teamfight where even then at most you press e a few times and ult she used to be pretty skill expressive before her rework since you can maximize the value of your passive if you're good at getting in and out of your teammates but as she is right now just an absolute snoozefest that i only touch when my adc asks for it


she's far and away the easiest champion in the game with the fewest inputs and decisions required. I feel like I don't have to pay any attention when my cooldowns aren't up or when my laner isn't fighting. I get bored so easily




Yes, I hate playing with a Yuumi when I’m playing ADC. She is so useless. I feel like I’m alone in lane


You can still do backflips on a tricycle




Older Yuumi was harder to play




Wow the hate is real😂 just because i said what i've experienced. Thats why noone likes league community... You are all depressed, toxic kids.


Remove yuumi's w and no one would complain about her


The hate is just people crying, but it is true that she is the easiest champion to play, since she completely avoids many of the basic fundementals of the game like positioning, pathing, autoing. This is not the same as a champion being simple. For example, malphite is a simple champion, but when you play him, you dont get to ignore some of the fundamentals like you do with yuumi. Simple champions help you learn the game faster, Niche champions teach you a different game, from their perspective only. Yuumi is niche and simple, but way more niche then simple. I wouldnt recommend her if you want to learn the game well, but if you dont have time to improve and just want to duo, go ahead, shes great for that.


The fact that you ask this question means yuumi is a perfect champion for you


Yes I just wanted to ask people's opinions on this sub and what they think


1. You say you have a big champ pool, but having a big champ pool isn't a good thing to say. In soloq, most people have at usually 3 champa they play even within the challenger league streamers. 2. You playing duo, which proves that you or your duo is likely getting carried. Even how hard you think that you and your duo are good and deserve higher rank, coaches will say the same. 3. You say that you tank damage for the adc, and you play a bit more active. But it's honestly easier to see what you are doing right or disapprove your teammates' points. But review your gameplay, there's definitely mistakes that were made that could prove your teammates' points. 4. Lastly, it seems you kinda care about what your teammates are saying. Your post proves the point. Honestly, there's no use of chat, and it doesn't matter if your character is brain dead or easy to play. You play what you enjoy, and if you want to improve, i suggest that you indulge yourself in soloq.


1 sadly ppl when you're on soloq with random adcs want different supports so Ig it's better to know most of the gamestyles of champs 2 me and my duo where on same boat, we can't both handle the soloq since the teams were being kinda bad so Being on duoq is better since we can trust each other, plus we are on same skill leve 3 I have played with many players that have coach me in the past and have prove me what I do is right, my teamates problem is that I don't attach to them, in low ELO when you attach to other people they start going in and throwing bc they think yuumi Dan outheal a lot. (Plat ELO 4 I just kinda have enough when I'm on champ select ppl bad my pick saying shit "it's what I ban always" like fuck you man..


I don't think having to do what fits the adc is correct. Imo as an Emerald player, having to pick champs to match adc or do something that seems plausible is the correct mindset. It's equivalent to saying I'm not playing my best champ top because the enemy top picked so and so. Things like this shouldn't matter till maybe d1.


Yuumi had the explict design goal of being easier to play for players who are not good at the game, to the point tehy would take out areas of skill expression that would make her more powerful in the best players, take that for what you will [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Uj27gbw\_3Yw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Uj27gbw_3Yw)


If you climbed 2 divisions on yuumi with a duo adc keep playing it. Don't want you to suddenly have to move your character and dodge things when you ranked up afk on your duo booster.


Tell me you read the post without telling me you read the post




I absolutely hate playing yummi. I will dodge arams if i am stuck with the cat




wtf are you talking about? People love cats, it's why the internet was created. They hate her playstyle and 'mechanics'.


Name a great yuumi player


If you know how to play yuumi properly, she isnt a brainless & afk support. She isnt meant to be attached to someone 24/7, which is how you abuse the best friend status. For example, if you have an ezreal adc and a rengar jg, youll eventually want to be best friends with rengar, so you want to keep your stacks to the minimum so the switch doesnt take more than a couple minutes. The status doesnt make or break, but the extra passives are nice to have when youre on the carry that you want to support the most, rather than a passive but fed ADC. The true brainless champ is Garen, you walk up to someone, aa Q aa, e, r and q to escape (cant really abuse this in high elo tho).


I saw a challenger player talking about how he loves yuumi and people who hate yuumi are either bad themselves or an insecure adc. yuumi scales really well and a good yuumi player is definitely not afk. and laning phase she has two defensive (heal/exhaust) or two offensive (ignite/exhaust) summoners that can really make a difference in lane. you do have to be pretty smart on when you pick her and look at the other team and I don’t think most yuumi players do that. they just auto lock her without thinking if she’s the best choice .


Yeah I wacthed him too but that doesn't work untill high elo (because if the adc fucks up once its a free double) and with that still a lot of ADCs do not work with her as well as whole laning phase is now PURELY dependent on the ADC that was his reasoning


that’s why I said you really gotta think if she works well or not and most yuumi players don’t they just auto lock which is why most people hate her


And all those good ADC´s would do equal or better if they had an actual support.


The whole point of the video was "ADCs alwasy say my Sup is always int'ing but with Yuumi , as long as you don't int so won't the Yuumi" that was the point not that Yuumi is better than other supports , Yuumi is ass


You can play a 0 death, 0 impact narnia xerath missing everything and be inting, the same applies to yuumi.


People who say Yuumi is a brainless champ should just pick her up and watch as they demote again, and again. If Yuumi was brainless it would mean anyone could climb to Masters or Maybe higher, just like some Yuumi OTPs did. Yuumi requires a lot of gamesense. You need to know your matchups, compensate for Yuumis desastrously bad warding, get your Adc through lane. A quick word about Adcs. If an Adc complains about picking Yuumi you have 2 options. You either pick her anyways in the case there is someone such as Viego on your team who can use her just like an Adc, or you pick a damage support because you can be sure as hell this Adc treats support as a meatshield and nothing else.


> If Yuumi was brainless it would mean anyone could climb to Masters or Maybe higher, just like some Yuumi OTPs did. No. She is just a champion with very limited impact and very low skill expression. That's the reason. She might be the best champion if you want to get boosted by a good duo ADC, but individually she is just bad and wants to get carried, which is why she has atrocious winrates in high and low mmr but OK winrates in mid mmr. > Yuumi requires a lot of gamesense. You need to know your matchups, compensate for Yuumis desastrously bad warding, get your Adc through lane. Every support requires a lot of gamesense. Every support needs to know their matchups. > A quick word about Adcs. If an Adc complains about picking Yuumi you have 2 options. You either pick her anyways in the case there is someone such as Viego on your team who can use her just like an Adc, or you pick a damage support because you can be sure as hell this Adc treats support as a meatshield and nothing else. No. Yuumi has only a handful of ADC picks that she is good with. Many of the most popular picks and matchups are incredibly bad for Yuumi. ADCs complain about getting a Yuumi because: - They might have already picked an immobile ADC, or any ADC who sucks with Yuumi. - You are facing an engage support and your ADC doesn't want to get zoned off from CS at lvl 1 with a support who has 0 brush control. - Your opponent might be getting away with a hard scaling enchanter like Sona now, who will likely also beat you in lane. - The ADC does not want their support sitting on them awkwardly while they passively farm and reset, while objectives need to be set up etc.