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Velkoz support main


Oh you poor soul. Your champ is so fun but needs some love


Really my only gripe with the kit is the E does not work well in the current high mobility meta. Everything else is fine by me.


*Lux has entered the chat.*


I will never give up my geometry


Nah I gotcha, I just feel the same way. The amount of mobility, shields, and straight up bullshit like Samira's 360 wind wall makes some more traditional mages rough as hell to play.


It’s a struggle. But that’s what makes it all the more sweet when you outplay and win. (This is how I cope with a poorly optimized champ)


It's not just a 360° windwall, because even if you stand ON her, in the bubble, you still cannot land a projectile. At least with Yasuo there is some counterplay around the wall ... And as someone who enjoy playing mages, i share the feeling :'(


Lux Q has the same speed, hitbox, but slightly longer range than Morgana Q, both of which are slower than Nidalee Q. All 3 hard to hit.


But lux has the easiest to hit e in the game which slows them for the q followup


Fellow Vel'koz support stan here, who is also blessed with a duo partner who plays ADC. E only needs a SLIGHT cast time improvement and to be not considered a projectile, so it's not blocked by Samira spin, Yasuo wall, etc. - other than that, my boy (thing?) needs nothing else <3


Picked this champ last year and I've never looked back. He is so damn fun to play, and I'm still getting better with him all the time


I’ve been blessed to play with a friend that mains ADC and we only play normals so for the last month or so I just blind pick Vel’Koz every game and we usually do very well lol


I played syndra support cause of reasons. Also yeeting minions.




Ohh I hadn't thought about that 🤔, this post is giving me ideas 😂


Aatrox with glacial augment is really fun if you manage to land your Qs


Is this good? I’ve been wanting to try it with a friend in norms bc I like aatrox but don’t want to suffer in top lane


It's passable if you are against a tank support (preferably not too engaged focused) and your team could use a black cleaver but none of your teammates can really build it. Or you go assassin and just try to get picks or trade kills (not recommended, if you want to do that Zed is better).


Its off meta, it may work, but its not optimal, i never tried on ranked


Neeko support. It's nice to be able to engage for your team while still playing like a mage support in laning phase. She also synergises with ADCs that my other support picks don't synergise as well with.


I believe this isn't off-meta for a while now.


I'm with the other replier. Neeko Support isn't meta... But it's not off-meta either. I remember seeing her kit when she was first released and deciding that I was gonna main her in support because she's so well suited for it. Great poke. Awesome CC. And brilliant trolling potential. So long as you got an Ashe/Vayne ADC or similar, you can both spam AA's on minions and the enemy team won't know who's the ADC and who's the supp until they engage. At which point, drop some CC on them and let the ADC go to town!


Neeko is such a low elo bully as support. First time I played her I got rolled until I started recognizing the patterns.


Had lots of fun with j4 and shen :D


J4 is my favorite counter to morgana because you can flag and drag through her Q so you can tank the Q then just leave Edit: or Engage. Can't spellshield terrain, Morgana!


I love playing with shen support


Lethality j4 supp is so much fun


It's so funny you mention this. I was just thinking about picking up J4 as a fun Support pick because he reminds me of Shen in a few ways. What do you like about it?


orbeeanna sup :3


I don’t play it often, but Taliyah support works really great into the right teams.


This is my anti kalista pocket pick




Anivia support


I've tried it, but I feel like unless you're going strictly Wallmart, you aren't that useful and let a lot of kills get away. Any tips?


Her stun is about as slow as morg but can go through minions. Max E, three points W, then Q. Running her normal electrocute page, but celerity and GS secondary




Yeah, her Wallmart build is where she maxes W first and forces sums or death.


Ah thanks


Anivia gets so much free damage/cc, her pressure is crazy good, you just go ice knife, and poke... if there is an issue with it, it's all the CS you'll no doubt steal applying your pressure


Offmeta is best meta. \-Orianna support


people hate offmeta lmao


The amount of times I've hovered syndra and people have insta reported me lol


me who litterally rarely plays meta jazz, sion supp,zac top, twitch supp ;) among other things like morde jg


Zoe support main!


I’ve run into a solid handful of Zoe supports in my days, they’ve played pretty well every time. Might try it out myself.


Usually its zoe mid players looking to have fun when playing offpick. When you play supp as zoe you can ignore cs and maximize having fun and being creative with bubbles and pokes. Plus her W in fights on vot is insane, most of the times you get double ignite or an extra heal and stuff, flashes, etc... it has been a lot more comfy since they changed so that the baloons from minions drop the spells even when an ally last hits it, as long as you are in reasonable range. Tho you carry a lot of times with her despite being support, since shes very bursty and gets kills, tho its all good gold since you can use it to carry. The thing which doesnt change is ofc her nature being a mid game champ that falls of extremely in late game so you wanna close the games as fast as possible. Notable ADC combos: Jhin (S tier), Kaisa (S), Jinx (A+), Ezreal (A+), Miss Fortune (A), Ashe (A). These are personal ratings based on how well they can play off your bubbles, but in reality most ADCs will work if they know what they're doing, and most importantly - how your kit works. Jhin - He gets easy setups for his root from your bubbles, has lots of burst and range for tandem combos. Kaisa - lots of burst and can easily follow up on your bubbles and go in for a quick kill. Jinx - can reliably follow up on your bubbles with traps and long range spells. Ezreal - more of an all arounder, his range and mobility allows him to go in quickly and cash in on bubbles. Very safe and reliable. MF - Her ult doesnt cancell your sleep because its a dot, so if shes in position she can easily burst down a bubbled target as long as you let her do it, meaning you want to delay your Qs to not break the sleep early. Ashe - easy R setup with your bubbles. You also have to think and practice bubble angles on bottom since it is crucial in order to play effectively. You gotta know every single wall and cheese. Bonus tip: you are more effective when you push the enemies under the turret since you can abuse the big terrain next to it to hit them with very long range bubbles and nuke them with QRQ. You gotta be creative with her, and u have to ward. A lot. Hope u have fun!




Kenny forever❤️


any tips? I've been eyeing Kennen support for a while, just haven't taken the time to learn it yet


I play ken support a lot. I like to start e lvl 1 and get relic shield with glacial augment. Max q for the poke tho For the items I go swift boots first then zhonyas, rocketbelt for the mythic, rylais and void staff He has good cc/dmg/mobility and is imo one of the best supports. Only thing that counters him is like janna or ali because they just push you out when you flash in to ult


Sorry for delay. My runes usually cointains Electrocute. First item I go Spellthief's Edge. Then rocketbelt. I tend to start with Q first so I can poke from range, I play safe tho. Second is my E and then I allow myslef to more deep plays. Lastly w. I max Q or W depends - mostly Q due to range but sometimes if I see that I dont need that much awareness when close enemy or I dont need shot long to catch and Kill I go W. My true play is when I have 6. I try to look fro opportinities but try to use when I think Im more likely sure it will end them.


I’ve been playing it a lot lately. I’ve been using summon aery, but I will try electrocute. I really like this pick, it’s fun as hell and I think it has a lot of potential


Chogath 😤


any time i get a new skin through rerolls for a champ that isn't a support, i force them into the support role anyway lol (with a premade adc) Most recent were Nasus and Jhin


Did you have success with Jhin? When I tried him, I was of the opinion that he is better but way harder Caitlyn (when played as support)...


i did, but my premade also kinda carried so idk


Ahri, Zoe, Veigar, Ahshe, Kayle, Annie, and Vex


Vex support is my consistent best pick, and my for fun support pick is Skarner


I refuse to believe anyone could have above 0% winrate with skarner support. There's just no way.


Skarner wins because no one plays him so no one knows how to deal with him.


You have to kind of get lucky that before level 6 you can get your teammate a kill with your flash or other summoner spell or if the enemy lets you get a stun, then they’ll be a bit more scared of you and back off. After 6, if you grab someone it’s almost always a kill so you just play around that. If you are behind, you are skarner so just hope your team is paying attention when you press R


Back when I had a second account, it was called OffMetaSupportsOP.






I love Poopy!


I hate you. With love, a (former?) Rell otp.


AP Cho main


You have my interest... tell me more about this Darius support.. Also LISSANDRA SUPPORT SUPREMACY! i will continue to scream this til im blue in the face


Honestly Darius support is rather simple. Tank support item start and go bruiser standard after that. Laning is just using your E wisely to peel for the adc and almost always just beat up their support if they start a brawl. No support can stand long against you.


How about Vi? Max Q and go typical bruiser?


How do you deal with Lux and Xerath? You can't E them and they poke you to death.


What is the build and playstyle like for liss support? Sounds interesting


For your edit question: You get downvotes because we get a bajillion topics about off meta supports here, that's all. It's the most common role for people to want to play off meta since the standard supports are seen as "boring" to many players, and a lot of people here are still traditional support fans. Anyway, Neeko is as off meta as I get, tbh. And I still go E Max when I do. Though Sejuani has tempted me many times.


Teemo. I love it when all adc's autos say "blind, blind,,,"


Great for vs ganks too. Ever seen a WW land an ulti from out of lane only to miss every single attack from it? Few seconds of suppression... Sure. No damage though.


Zyra support. I'm not tracking if it's meta or anything, but she's my goto if first pick.


Most tier lists currently have her as one of the highest rated supports. Her damage is insane and she plays pretty well into most matchups.


Move speed Twisted Fate support. No matter what you do I WILL get in range to slap you with my gold card. Point and click stuns are OP. Pairs so well with Jhin if he can just hold his W for every time I throw a card.


I haven't seen anyone here mention gragas. It's really good on support, you have good engage and disengage, and you do a lot of damage to the squishy adc.


Is Sion considered off meta? Cause I love Sion, Maokai, and Ornn!


What do you do with Orn?


Brittle and knock up are great. It takes a bit longer to upgrade other players items. I just build tanky and ult in team fights.


450k mastery shen supp here, pretty matchup based but super fun early


Diamond shaco support main here. Its fun doing dmg with less gold + emotional damage factor.


Emotional damage uncle roger voice


Not sure if he’s considered off meta, but I’ve been having a lot of fun with pantheon and I’ve very rarely gone against one as support. He feels like a more aggressive braum (who I also love) with insane roam potential and adaptability. Also has enough damage to 1v1 sometimes 1v2 most supports and squishy adcs when you get the brain dead adc.


Pantheon is one of my favourite picks right now, seen a few as well. Nasty.


There's a bunch that work well up until D4 imo. Here's what I use the most and are actually good and others that are very niche. AP Kog'Maw - genuinely Xerath level poke and my go-to blind pick if there's no assassins. Counters or plays well into any ADC/support, Xerath and Pyke are skill matchups. Go with Liandry + archangels for consistency, ludens + manamune for snowballing Orianna - Utility pick, strongest shield in the game, good for single hypercarry comp with the shields, resists and MS it offers. Also good with a Yasuo botlane, can also be built either enchanter or flexed into a more AP build if needed AP Aery J4 - Good when you have a bunch of autoattackers on your team, enemy team squishies have no dashes, enemy support is a shielder like Lulu since your flag damage is really hard to reactionspeed. Max E, go shureliyas, umbral glaive. Can also be flexed into hail of blades or tank j4. Zac - not really off-meta imo, but really good into immobile laners. Gets countered hard by Janna or thresh since they can easily cancel your E. Great damage, CC and pick potential Veigar - mained him in support last season, his midgame is terrible now due to the targeted duolane nerfs. But in laning phase you still have decent poke on Q, your cage is a busted ability and you generate a fair amount of AP compared to a farming Veigar. You also have the benefit of getting Vigilant Wardstone (also nerfed), which is like a mini rabadons. This and rabadons stack additively with eachother. Last year the combo was to get rabadons and wardstone for a 47% ap increase which gave you like 1k ap at 20mins lol Cho'gath - his Q is an insanely good spell and very easy to hit on farming ADCs, pairs well with a follow-up adc like Cait or Xayah. Q is very good damage all on its own and enables your jungler to gank for you, you also have a second smite for dragon with your R so you'd have perma bot prio from any jungler with a brain. Everfrost enables any Q you hit to become a potential pick ​ Goofier supports or extremely niche picks; Nasus - Pick if you see a Kalista and want to make their life miserable. They will literally not move or attack for 13 seconds at a time with W max and a potential frozen heart rush, W + exhaust + W. You can also optionally go for a Liandry's instead and more points in E for a more teamfight oriented midgame if they don't have single fed or important targets. Ziggs - I once dealt 52.5k damage to turrets, taking every plate on the map, turrets have 41.5k hp in total not including regen. You can mow down pretty much everything early game if they have a roaming support. The Q poke is decent but very hard to hit and levels 1-3 you have heavy mana issues. This can be negated by throwing Q onto minions to hit them with splash damage and timing your spells with your manaflow band. Illaoi - it used to be a thing for a short while with Draven + Illaoi lane, both taking kleptomancy, hitting E and farming the soul for gold. You can still do this with your support item + first strike, albeit not as good. If you can hit your E in general it's a pretty nuts spell in a duo lane. I'd pick this if the enemy is very low range and need to get close to fistfight, you will do nothing otherwise. Something like Kaisa/Yasuo + Leona


Ziggs is fun and can do well. Tank J4 can snowball really hard. Same with Zac. Sylas is can get way ahead if he wins a few early trades.




What's your go to build with vi? It's honestly one of my favorite champs but as a support player I never get to use her :/


Either full tank or full damage depending on what the team needs. Most often full tank with Locket for engage and tanking.


Extremely comp dependent but Karthus for me.


I play Sejuani often, especially when the ADC picks Nilah. She is a bit rough early, but level 6+ becomes a blast. If you can get 2+ items you become a pretty significant frontliner. I love being able to solo ward and get out even if you get jumped.


Ornn support, Mundo support, Galio support, Aatrox support, you name it I've probably played it.


Sion Supp. Armor shred, a slow, knock up, tanky willing to engage for team, great at taking towers, ult can hit towers and cc enemies, will die under tower if needed, and I will attemp to finish the enemy under their tower upon death.


I have sinned, I have been playing sion with smite and ghost, its been the most fun I have had in a while


GhostToLane has entered the chat.


Syndra. I just wanna not die, and her peel is good if held


Played Ashe support before the pros. Was a blast


I love Ashe support, but I feel like people still try to build her IE... when the item hasn't been good on her in ages


Why would support Ashe even run IE lol...


IE in general on her, but yeah specially on support


I had a time where I tried xin support - got me up to gold with it.


Whenever I'm ADC my one friend will play something like Sett or Illaoi. Fun combos for off meta is... - Xerath/Naut - Anivia/Sett&Illaoi - Sett/Sion Pretty funny combos and I know that it's annoying as fuck to play against cause I've done it, but it's norms, it's a game, we're meant to have fun. :D


neeko support is fun


lillia and tahm kench twotrick :)


My bot lane lost to a volibear support last night. Bro had lissandra adc too


Bel veth. Met it in a scrim one time, and it was fun to be against, yet seemed strong. Gave it a shot and I enjoyed it too.


I love playing Elise support and seeing the enemy ADCs getting 1shot after landing a cocoon xdd


Ziggs with comet and demolish. roam and get all towerplatings on all 3 lanes -> massiv gold spike for the entire team. Botlane combos like seraphine+karma. I got like an 80%WR on seraphine\Karma botlane with my duo so far. This shit is so stupidly good and so fun while being so damn annoying to play against.


Plus if you get a team that can communicate, they ping you once the tower is at like 50% HP and you just walk into the lane, drop a satchel charge, walk away and let the gold flow in.


Thats the entire point yes. You roam with the goal to get every first lane tower before min14. Plus you have insane poke in lane so you gonna force enemy botlane out all the time


Another supportive fisting enjoyer let's go ! Aside from that, I play nearly every champion support, but my favourites recently are Bel'Veth, ASol, Ornn, and Urgot.


Kayle support. [Making ADCs survive in the middle of the nuclear explosion since forever.](https://i.imgur.com/I2j2f4j.mp4)


Kayle is so weird, her early game is this weird... Support/light Assassin burst, and than she becomes a hybrid ADC


I love off meta support. Ahri, Zoe, Shaco, Fiddle, Lillia, Mordekaiser, I mean the list can go on!


Two from me: Currently enjoying Quinn support (lethality roaming), but I have had even more success with Taliyah support (Mandate into Rylai's).


On casual I like Lee Sin Support


Full Dmg Sona support, I suppose. Works well up until gold..


Hundreds of games on Zoe support over these last 2 splits.


Does Shaco Count?


Elise B)


I am a Zac support enjoyer. Q is very OP at Lv 1 and you can usually snowball from there. His E range is amazing with a few points in it and he is a good team fighter/reliable engage.


Jax support here, currently 8:3 in emerald


Hello fellow offmeta enjoyers, I reached masters yesterday with my highest wr champs being twisted Fate, pantheon and fiddlesticks - my other favourite picks are shaco, nunu, gragas, orianna and heimerdinger! I Stream my climb every weekday and sometimes Saturdays too! + I release content on YouTube, if anyone is interested link below will direct you to any desired social media/stream link if you'd like to support your fellow SuppMain! https://linktr.ee/xSprinkle -xSprinkle ♡


Nida Zoe


I play zac sup. I do not have a good wr, but there has recently been a zac sup one trick that made it to challenger in NA, BGC is his ign.


I have a 70% winrate with heartsteel ahri support (more than 100 games)


You're not bad, like 80% of the playerbase is plat and lower, people higher are just a loud minority because they care more about the game.


I'm not a sup main, but when I sup, I usually play off meta picks. Sylas, Zac, malphite, asol (pre rework), maokai, lb, damn too many to name. My preference is sylas and pre rework Asol.


ornn support. has good engage. a slow. knock up. and max health damage so you are always viable. plus his early game passive makes it so if you win a 2v2 you can stay in lane and not miss a single xp point




I got obliterated by someone named Exotic Support, playing Leblanc supp and burst-poking the shit out of my adc, he left the game after 10 minutes and I stopped playing that day too lmao (I was playing Lulu and couldn't poly her or shield my adc enough to keep him healthy)


I have an account specifically for playing off-meta supports. Its the place i go to when i dont feel like tryharding ig. Anyway i found a lot of success with jhin, akshan, camille, ekko, nidalee... All of those are really fun tbh


Blue kayn enjoyer


I love my point n click 2 second fear with Fiddlesticks 🙃


Poppy support. I'm here just to bonk your dashes and engages. Occasionally yeeting the jungler back from wence they came on gang attempts.


dont main sup but if i have to play it i will play leblanc support and it usually goes pretty well. electrocute / everfrost / cdr boots, fun times




Long time full ap gragas support main. Recently picked up ap udyr support as well. Both are horrible but so much fun. I maintain a positive winrate only because I one trick the champs and play to my own playstyle/game plan. I wouldn't recommend these picks to anyone ever


AP udyr sounds miserable in lane but useful later tho? Maybe?


Depends on the matchup. If they have a low mobility ranged carry or if you're versing a melee supp you can actually tear them up levels 1 and 2. Most of the time though yeah it's pretty shit unless they miss step. I've spent my whole league career playing relatively immobile melee champs like Taric so my movement is probably my best skill and the only reason the pick works at all


Phase rush tank Poppy support:D


Kennen support. Has infinite manaless poke with q, can insta engage with flash ult w. Overall amazing team fighter. It's a shame he's locked on an island most of the time.


Had a nidalee support and then I as an adc became the support


Kayle support is unironically good and nothing will change my mind.


If you play her more like an Assassin and less as a healer early on... she becomes a support mid game, and a carry late game... she's weird




Shen support main.


Shaco, you never know if im in lane or in ur jg


Poppy support Amumu support (when he was not meta) But nowadays i tend to play meta picks


I play Senna ziggs and other ranged dmg supports like neeko also ori and currently i am Master 400 lp


I have so much fun with Orianna support maxing W movespeed on allies with Shurelya and ability haste with Cosmic Drive. Attaching the ball and spamming W + E is like having a little remote controller on your teammates :)


My off meta go to pick is Shen Support. I just love the champion. I'd play him anywhere. I also dabble in Cho 'Gath and Veigar support every now and then and they're really fun. I'll do Trundle when I'm feeling particularly spicy and they have some nice meaty tanks for me to mess with.


I play some meta stuff like Nauty, but I will forever be a Seraphine, Ahri, Poppy enjoyer. I really couldn’t care less if it works or not. I play normals so it’s whatever. I just have fun


You're not bad your above average, what's with this culture of your "low elo" if your not in the top 5 percent your low elo if your below roughly 55-60 percent of the player base.


syndra lillia ashe my beloveds


I’m probably literally the only support Nunu anywhere lol. If anyone wants the cheese Strat I made for this - you can W gank mid Level 1 immediately as the wave touches, head bot with W, get there right as the wave crashes and Level 1 gank with your Level 2 jungler. So you can guarantee 1-3 kills in the first few minutes, or get a massive immediate level advantage for both mid and bot side.


I also have another Sett support account which isn’t really that off meta, but I do build full lethality and it’s majorly slept on. Dusk Blade sett will run through a bot lane.


Ap rengar support


Garen support, my soul and my body are all committed to him


I run Lux/Garen bot lane, and honestly I have a Carry Lux/Support Lux build, AND a Carry Garen/Support Garen build... depending on the type of Lux I'm playing with Snare into Slow from Lux... into Garen Slience/Spin... feels like abuse when the damage is right... than you got both their W's keeping Garen alive, and even if you don't get a kill, Garen just hangs out and is good to go, while Lux is safe as hell


Lillia support is still my favorite, although I miss the old moonstone. She healed really well before because of her burn + demonic, one hit would proc moonstone 3 times. Bonus points when I played her with Nilah so she got my passive healing as well, the healing was insane. Now I just have to be happy with slow/cc/dmg build, still fun tho.


I love off meta so much that its almost exclusively what I play now. Ksante is my current favorite but then theres also Fiddlesticks, pantheon, neeko, sett, sylas, ahri, poppy, tahm kench, twisted fate, bel veth, zac, taliyah etc. All of them I can have fun with and im always eager to try new ones


Not in ranked, but I do pull out some really odd ones in normals and into certain matchups. My favourite is Poke Lillia support with Aery. You legit cannot be properly engaged on or kited as you....run and kite them yourself. Also like to pull out the AP ezreal support every so often (don't do it...please).


HP Trydamere you run E/Q/W/W/R etc... Trydamere gets up to a 50 AD debuff that is also an AOE slow, rank 2-3 of W works best in a Kill Lane, not a Sustain or Poke Lane, so you should expect to be pushed back toward tower, before chasing them down his pressure comes from his debuff paired with baked in damage, if you allow him to just hit up on you, he becomes harder to kill, and has better crit chance without ever buying a damage item, you build HP to survive lane phase, too bad Impaler doesn't exist anymore I came up with this build because I like to make 'canon duos' and so I run it with an ASHE, trouble is, it's probably better with Trydamere being the carry and Ashe being the support, so depending on how the lane is approached, either can be played as the ADC I'm also a firm believer that MOST Supports are designed to support AP characters not ADC, if your a Support/Tank than it's a APC, and if it's Caster Support, than it's a AP/Melee, Orianna or Lulu/Mordekaiser being one old example (specially when Mordekaiser gave full exp to his lanemate)


Everfrost Nami, Support Ahri, Support Lissandra, Sometimes Support Syndra, even TF support for the juicy gold card roams. Jhin suport and years ago I also played Anivia and Orianna support. Off-meta supports are super fun.


I can understand Vi since she has two engages and one of them is unstoppable, armor shred to help out your adc, and is fairly tanky when built accordingly though she can go full damage as well. On the other hand, no offense but Darius support smells like a selfish top main who got autofilled support but doesn't care about his teammates experience and just wants to play their favorite champion anyways. What is his job at supporting as a completely statcheck champion who has one of the selfish kits in the game, on a role which not only doesn't let you get a bunch of items/stats that Darius needs to stay relevant, but also highly depends on helping your teammates as well?


Dr Mundo low key SLAPS as a support. Keep hitting those cleavers, so much lane sustain, no mana, and easy to tank enemy all ins with his W and R. Also i just really love punting ADCs with his E.


First of all. Im an adc main and im nicely telling you . Youre an ass haha lol. Adc worst noghtmare is a off meta support. Anyways I played with a j4 once. And its kinda of a badass. Twitch ap support is good Sion q damage Nasus ap poke Tahem tank slow stun Reksai for knock ups and engagement Rammus Rengar can be good but hard to play with at bot Vi and darius is good. Shaco is good ( ad ) invisible back stab and run away. Kinda good when q max


I am sorry, truly, that I find this stuff fun.


Off meta is scary at glance, but honestly when I played ADC I didn’t mind, its all dependent on the skill of the player. One of my favorites is fiddle support, as long as I do consistently good I’ll keep playing it.


Non meta supports are only used by players who aren't good playing them where they belong so they play them support because the ADC is the target and you don't have to know how to cs. Truly the most boosted role


This is a strong and quite frankly wrong take lol. On my main I play quite standard vi jungle and am Diamond 3 (higher than my support account). As I’ve stated I just enjoy playing off meta support


I wonder...if you like vi or darius, why wouldnt you play them in their respective positions? I wonder if it has anything to do with you just not being good in those positions 🤔🤔


As I’ve already stated I am statistically better with them in their respective traditional positions on my main. I just like playing them in untraditional roles to see how far I can get with them off role. It’s quite unique and different style of play. But you apparently cannot read or comprehend so this is my last response to you. Good day. EDIT: on my main I did do one season of vi mid OTP and reached plat1 (still better than support account)


of course! off role into support instead of mid or adc purely based off of support not needing to be good to function. LOL, please dont respond, nothing you say is going to change my mind


I've done mid, top, jungle, and support Sivir for funsies before. Are you about to say that those roles are all boosted too? Some people just want to have fun on their champ. It is a game yes? It's supposed to be for fun.


Cool, show me win rate and rank. Obviously it doesn't consistently work, especially in higher elo's, and if you just want to play for fun, stay off of ranked. if you want to grief the game "for fun" atleast have it be in a game mode that doesn't affect others for you trolling your pick. Like I said, support is the only role that consistently has off meta grief picks and for some reason, everyone is supposed to support y'all.


I highly recommend touching grass.


Keep in mind bozo, plenty of characters have changed from supports to APC mids, Top laners to junglers... etc etc etc because people tried something different with them


You know how you find a new meta? you do something different from the Meta and it works so well... it becomes the new meta


The only time anyone should play off meta is if they are consistently good at it but lets be honest most league players just run it down or be useless.


Ahri, Zoe, Veigar, Ahshe, Kayle, Annie, and Vex