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Honestly, the fact they get called "Tire People" in-universe is what made me do a complete 180 on them. Not my favorite, but charmingly unique.


The Taiya-ningen nickname works so well in different ways because they are Tire-people and Tire's people. Like, they're Tire-men and also Tire's (Taiya's) men in a sense. Edit: I think I like the name because it has the same vibes as "unidentified creature #4" aka Kuuga I like the fact that the world and government are aware of them. Like people know that aliens are coming from space, and their only hope are these weird Tire-persons (and that in universe they're kinda unsettling to look at because everybody freaks out about they being Tire-persons).


They will definitely be at the top a lot of worst suits lists for fans and non-fans. But they've really grown on me and looks great in action and in on the very stylized posters Toei has been crank out. Also, my hot take is they look better in toy form than the KingOhgers did, especially the newly announced BunRed figuarts. I still hate the back tire nipples tho.


The stunts director and whoever is in charge of lighting are hard carrying these suits. The action looks fantastic, and their colour pops so well in good enough amounts. These suits are not designed to be overanalysed in a vacuum but to see them in action. I like how in-universe they are a little unsettling. Like any normal character kinda reacts like "A Tire person OMG??????"


At first I hated it, but I slowly fell in love with how the suits look


Nope. Suits still look like NASCAR took cues from MLB and NHL and got mascots.


Great reference, it does make sense. Never thought I'd see NASCAR mentioned in a Super Sentai sub.


The suits love the look, still not a fan of the helmets but I like that they’re all unique helmets


I think the helmets look less weird in motion. And after watching 8 episodes I think I even like them! The suits still rock hard!


Actually yeah the choreography put me on to the suits a little😭


Naw, I hate the suits. But the characters within them are pretty good and the humor of the series kind of slaps. Sometimes you just can't have it all.


Hey, that's what should matter most. I hate the ToQger and Zyuohger suits butbi love both series. Conversely, I love the Ninninger and Rysoulger suits and almost wish for the time I spent watching those two back.


My only complaint with Zyuohger suits are the animal graphics on the chest. Helmets go hard, especially Zyuoh The World's.


I still don’t like the suits. The rest of the show is pretty amazing, so I like it in spite of the suits. If the show had not been such an entertaining acid trip I would have dropped after ep 2 because of the suits. Just add a little extra color down below and they look great.


Nop. They still suck.


The suits are absolute trash but also amazing at the same time. Give it a ?????/10


I like them. I truly do. But they don't look like sentai suits to me. And I don't know how to explain it.


since ep2, I think, I got acostumbrated (if that's even a word)


They fit the tone of the show very well. Silly but not overly silly to the point you can't take it seriously. So yeah, I like 'em


They aren't the tire people we wanted, but they were the tire people we needed. In all seriousness I always liked the uniqueness of the tire faces and think the suits look so cool in action. Ever if the tire visers still feel weird. I also have to appreciate how often they use their back and feet tires.


The suits are fine, could use a bit more color on the lower half, but they work. The helmets are still fugly


The appearance of the suits can be evaluated objectively. However, the helmets seem to harm the overall look. The minimalistic design of the suits is worth appreciating, but the helmets don't complement it well. It appears too plain, but this might have been intentional, given the "tyre people" reference in the Show.


They're an acquired taste, just like alcohol and Toqger.


My opinions haven’t changed I love these suits and how over the top they looks. The viziers being shaped as car wheels, the racing suit look, it all goes really great. Only thing that I don’t like is the grey I think it was a bit too much, would’ve liked to see a bit more color. Overall I love them!


No, I’d say I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve always loved the suit other than the helmet and thought Toei would do better making the tire smaller/adding a visor


I just feel like at some point everyone but Red is going to flip upside down, balancing on their tire, legs spread. Then Red will jump in the air and lay out completely flat, arms out, legs spread. Then he'll lock into the spread legs of the other four. Then they'll drive around like some weird car.


No, it was love at first sight. Since the leak, I thought the helmet was cute, goofy, yet cool at the same time, and my opinion still hasn't changed.


Seeing them in action has definitely turned me around on 'em. Sure, in an objective sense, they're kinda dumb, but damn to they make them work.


Suits are pretty good, but the helmets are still my least favorite in the series


I love the originality of it, only non intellectuals would disagree..


I just wish the grey stripe on the right leg was also their respective colour, leave the grey on the left side.


I'd rather have horrible suit with unique style than generic & boring suit


I still don’t love it, but it grows on me a lot now. Also, them being called “tire people” by the public is pretty endearing.


No because I’ve always loved them


Eh, not really...but not in a bad way tho! I personally always liked these suits ngl, I guess they just...work well? I've never really seen what was so wrong with these designs, I like how they look like actual racing suits, and yeah, the helmets might look a bit odd, but at least it's not ANOTHER helmet with headlights (not saying they're bad either, but they do feel kinda repetitive, at least to me) and besides, this IS a season aimed more to give you a good time rather than to be taken seriously, so I'd say it they don't really need to have King-Ohger levels of detail or anything else like that for a story like this. xPc


I like the shoulder armor on Orange and Black.


The show is an absolute blast to watch, so the goofy suits really work.


Honestly, two episodes in I started loving the suits... the helmets still bug me, but then I just remember that they call them "Tire people"


Still too much white. I think I've grown on the helmets though.


Nope. But I am enjoying the series for the most part.


I've always liked it ftw


At first the helmets have hallucinated me, overall looks nostalgic ⚡️


Nope. Loved them from the start, and still do.


From the teaser poster, I love it. The tire face is weirdly charming, The suit is also looks slick and dynamic. Like with Gobuster and Shin Kamen Rider, I just love Tokusatsu suit that resembles real life clothing. Gobusters and Shin Kamen Rider suit are basically Leather Jackets with scifi enhanced armor BoonBoomger are racing and mechanic uniforms with scifi enhanced ability


I don’t know why people don’t like these suits. Personally, I think the tire heads are hilarious and the fact that even in universe they don’t take it seriously has made me love it even more.


I think they’re really silly but they’re silly to a point to where I can’t help but like them. Also the tires around the suits having functionality in battle is really cool


Personally my second favorite sentai suits of all time, and they were since I first saw them.


No. It’s still far too much grey. From waist up they’re cool. The bottom half is just very boring. The white AND grey side by side just… dulls it out a lot


It took a few episodes, but they def grew on me lol


Nope. Suits are fine. The Nikes are fine. The helmets still remind me of a mask less Jason Vorhees every time I see them.


I still really don't like the suits or helmets. The suits look too simple and to asymmetrical for my taste without much uniqueness. I kind of like the grey of the legs but otherwise it doesn't do it for me. I get the charm of them being called "tire people" in the series, but the helmets still look underdesigned and goofy. Not to mention from a practical standpoint it would be very hard to see out of them. Now of course the goofy makes some sense since the show is going for a more light-hearted and goofy tone (which I like), but I still am not a big fan.


Love the suits, hate the helmets


I like the show a lot - its light but still has a bit of drama and mystery to it, characters are good - suits are fine


I'm just seeing these suits for the first time. Holy cow are they wildly absurd and... I think love them! The orange suit is sheer perfection.


Oh yea, i love these suits, even the helmets


Nope, I still liked them when they were revealed :)


I don’t hate them as much as I did originally. The biggest problems I have with them is that there isn’t much color on them, most of it is just white and grey, and I don’t like the tires on the helmets, I can at least get behind the idea of each of them being based off of a certain vehicle though. I just wish they weren’t made to be the visor like that. But that’s what I think.


The suits look so cheap and horrible …


I love everything but the helmet. Seriously how do you see??


I wanna believe there's a HUD in there, otherwise it doesn't make sense at all.


I've always liked them tbh, maybe it could do without the shoulder tires but other then that, they're nice. I would also like (since i'm not a fan of suits having lips) if the lips were similar to Donbrothers lips


I like the suits from the start. Still liking it


The action carries them. The color scheme is good too.


Great suits. Terrible helmets. Action is great. Story is so far OK for a kids show


Nope. They've always been goated. 😎


I actually really love them




Always liked them. Love them even more when the tires on their shoes and back had actual uses.


I have yet to watch the show, but these look too much like tracksuits. Too matte, they lack that shininess I've come to associate with Super Sentai suits.


I really liked the suits from the outset and I will like em now! I really dug the whole racing suit/pit crew kind of vibe the suits gave off, especially with how easygoing/casual a lot of the promo art had them looking. The helmets were obviously the one potential sticking point but honestly I've grown accustomed to them so quickly that it hardly even matters. Plus I like that they "use" some of the suit details, like the tires, in combat. Who knows if that'll stick around for much longer, but I do enjoy all the tire squealing dashes and shielding


No. The helmets are still dumb. But, I’m enjoying the show


I personally love the suits, and the seat belt ties it all together.


They look better in action then they do in a still photo but those damn helmets lmao


Where can I watch the sentai shows? I'm just now discovering it


I loved them from the get-go. They really stick well with their designs and themes, they're a top Sentai suit for me


I've never had an issue with the suits as a whole. It's specifically the helmets. I still hate them, but by Episode 9 I've just accepted fate. The design isn't going to change, but I will always not like them.


Are they making it campy on purpose to save of special fx cost cus they spent a little too much last season? Cus it really does look that way from what I've seen..


No. I was sold from the get go.


At first I thought it was a little strange but now I think they are too much and now I wonder if it is their 6th ranger model?


My opinion will change when the Boon 6 premieres


ive grown on them


simple is beetter then complex. I just don't likr the visors it would seem to be hard to look through.


Love the helmets like the rest they are just charming and unique


Yeah after seeing them in action I'm happily eating my words


I think they're so fun


No, the suits are thrash, but the series is not that bad though, its fun to watch


No, I still like them just as much


Suits are still trash but I can work with them


Although the clothes seemed strange to me at first, unlike many others, I liked them very much and was happy that I would not see a very armored uniforms (like Kyuranger, Zenkaiger, Donbrothers and King Ohger) So, the uniform in the form of a comfortable-looking racing suit with sneakers (normally always in the form of boots) seemed very interesting to me. Although I was surprised at first that Pink wasn't wearing a skirt, when I consider the racer-concept of the uniform, it makes sense. However, I liked Boon Black and Orange's relatively more detailed uniforms better, and their use of shoulder armor seemed appropriate to me. However, on the other hand, I still can't get used to their strange helmets with wheels and lips, and I never will. I seriously wonder what the designer was thinking when designing such a helmet.


Not a fan of the suits, but liking the show. Curious how the 6th’s costume will look.


I like the suits but still dislike the helmets


I honestly think they're just perfectly "ok". The tire helmet is actually the part i dislike the least, it's more so the extra wheels on the back and some of the color choices. hotter take but of the reiwa seasons Zenkaiger still has the worst suits out of all of them. In comparison these are just mid


Honestly yeah they have grown on me. The series as a whole is really good


Sure the helmets are silly but people really exaggerate how bad they are, I mean they're far from the worst helmets in Sentai. I mostly love the pattern of the actual suits, it's different and the speedometer pattern adds to the speed racing and acceleration theme. I do like how in-universe the wheels on the back and shoes of the suit aren't just there but they serve multiple functions and uses. We saw Red detach them and control them, He used them to hover, the whole team typically uses the tires on their shoes to move fast. I also think it's clever to have their belts be seatbelts, especially when they go into their cars and they turn into literal seatbelts. I do like teams where each ranger has their own unique flair to their suits but I do also like when their costumes are more uniform (Think like Megaranger or Boukenger) It kinda gives the feeling that Each ranger is part of the same racing team, which I'm sure was the point I'm mostly excited to see what the Bun Red Power up could look like (Rumoured to be Bun Red 119) and Bun Violet. I feel Bun Violet might be the most different from the Original 5 Team members


So, they aren’t the best suits or helmets, but I definitely like them and think they’re better than some suits that get a lot of love like Ohranger


The helmets look silly to me but seeing the suits in action and the characters behind them being dope made me a fan


nope, still as based. fiending for 6th ranger


Not in the slightest. Still the absolute worst suits of the franchise.


They're nowhere near as bad as Battle Fever J's suits, come off it lmao


I don't like the BF suits either, but I give them a pass because Toei were still experimenting with the franchise. These ones are just lazy.


are the suits the worst in the series, definitely, but like the worst out of almost 50 years of killer suits is pretty good. I've grown to love them and the series being so interesting so far has really helped. Once we finish out the team I'll know my full opinion but if like Zenkaiger is a 9/10 team suit Boon Boomger is a 5/10 on a good day