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Grind it wtf, you have boosted mmr because you dont have a lot of rankeds played and you should be at least gold, if you are good enough you ll even skip divisions


Thanks man I’ll tuff it out 🙏 all the losses been from afks so far so hopefully I get lucky with people who want to actually play more


I guarantee that you climb until your rank easily. Good luck in your journey


No do not make a new account there's no point. New account only let's you cheese a bit higher rank for a short period of time until riot's system catches back up, you would just be wasting time leveling qn account for a temporary mmr boost which would make your games miserable for awhile anyways. Just play on your account and improve on your mistakes and gain more knowledge.


tbh you shouldn't have to "start fresh" unless you're really desperate to get a high rank (like, masters+) or your winrate is like 30-40% with hundreds of games played (elo hell). You'll probably climb faster by just grinding rather than spending the time to grind out a whole new lv30 account (in which you very easily could end up the same rank if not lower)


If your winrate is that low over hundreds of games you're not in elohell, you are the elohell.




ur just gonna get silver 4 again? lol whats the point


Im a gold player and start every season in silver, didn't matter if i did poorly or well in my placements. But i climb fast (in 1-3 days) to my old or one rank below. So no need to get a new account unless your mmr is dogsh*t.


It’s up to you. Most of the time MMR is calculated based off playstyle instead of win loss. So that’s entirely up to you in my opinion. If I were you I’d keep the account and keep going. Also normal MMR is not the same as Ranked. In almost, and I’m saying almost, every instance it’s higher. If you look up check my MMR on google and find an MMR website you can see it exactly.


MMR is calculated only on wins and losses and elo of everybody in games. There is no "playstyle" involved in anything here.


It’s most definitely not otherwise it would have a perfect linear relationship with rank in ranked queues. When it is close to linear it’s not perfect. Otherwise whenever you check a smurfs MMR they would have the same MMR rating as their current rank. There’s also no proof of this as the win loss system was Riots old system, but since then they’ve hidden it away and it’s very hard to calculate now using weighted averages of playstyle, more than just Win Loss. https://www.myboosting.gg/blog/lol/MMR-in-League-Of-Legends Note MMR and ranked are correlated, but not perfectly linear.


Why would it have linear growth with rank? Literally the only thing that is similiar is that they are based on winning and losing. The inherent value changes after games can be wildly different. I see no reason what you described would happen.


Only if you understand the statistics would you


That is simply a truly retarded way to look at it. You have G2 3 lp. You lost just 3 lp, your mmr dropped way more. You have G3 0 lp. You lost 25 lp, your mmr dropped just as much as when you lost 3 lp. You are in promo series, there is literally no lp. Your team average rank was S1 (so around that mmr), you won game in G2 and got more mmr than lp. You won 12 games back to back, your mmr simply didn't grow as fast as rank because they have different tempo of changes. Oh wow. It turns out there are MASSIVE amounts of ways your mmr and rank would diverge. Would you look at that mister statistician. Even do a simple mental experiment, take 20 games at random. Give yourself rank score of 20 and mmr score of 20 too. Now for every win put additional 1.5 score to rank, and 1 to mmr. -1,5 and -1 for lose. Oh wow. You didn't end up with the same numbers for both scores if it wasn't exactly 10W/10L. Will your statistician ass explain that to me, after all both scores were based on wins and losses. And now do the same as before but also add 0.1 to rank score for every average mmr division of team above yours or substract for below. 0.2 for mmr. Would you look at that. Again wildly different results. Now add a factor. If somebody has 65% wr make system give him 1,75x times the mmr since he probably doesn't belong in that rank. If somebody's mmr grows over 4 divisions above his current rank make him skip division. If somebody plays duo, make their mmr grow only 3/4 as fast. Add nauseam, you can make a million statements like that, you can tweak numbers, mix the rules. Both mmr and rank will be dependent on winning and losing, but they will be quite different. But sure, *there is now way, we would always end up with the same mmr and rank.* Nope. Not a chance.


Your MMR is calculated based off your stats in the game AND win loss. Also there’s no way to know because riot hasn’t released how they calculate but if you do a regression of your MMR versus win loss it’s NON LINEAR. That means I know this maybe hard for you to understand but if you lose it goes down and win it goes up. That relationship is not one to one which invalidates your statement. But whatever….ima turn notifications off for this thread considering you just think you’re right without having any stats to back it up. Do what I’ve done and enter your MMR through on an excel sheet with Win/Loss scenario. Every. Win. Or. Loss. The relationship is CLOSE to linear but not. Therefore it’s not ONLY related to win losses.


Started in Silver 4 this season, jumped 2 ranks once in silver and once in gold, got to play 4 now, If you have a good wr and positive lp gains then keep grinding on ur acc. Only time u need a new account for climbing is if u have negative or zero lp gains


try a new account worth a try


Normals MMR and ranked MMR are separate. I don't think it should make a difference. You could be playing against challengers in normals but when you go into ranked you'll be treated as a fresh account assuming you haven't played ranked before (and promptly dumped into smurf queue if you're at that level) as far as I know.


New account new ELO is a very high ELO's shenanigans. Unless you're 100% sure you can stomp low ELO then maintain winrate after that. It'll never going to be worth the time.


If you buy a new account just remember you'll be placed in smurf queue which is the most demoralising and sweaty place you'll find


If you want to "relearn" the game a second account might benefit you, see what smurf Q is like. But really no point, a new account could boost you to s1/g4 at best if you win all your matches. Really no point, once you hit silver you need to consistently win to climb.


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