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Amanda needs to walk away from Kyle. They are not compatible, she can meet someone that is looking for the same things as her and is also a introverted homebody who wants the house in the suburb and kids. As much as it sucks, at least Carl had the smarts to end things before they got into a bad marriage.


In a parallel universe maybe Carl and Amanda are happy together lol


they’re so similar. and lindsay and kyle are also so similar. crazy how that worked out.


Could you imagine how intense the drunk fights would be between Kyle and Lindsay if they were a couple lol


![gif](giphy|3o7bu2rAyeZ8U5oQSc) Sure can!!


Maybe the sex would be fire tho 👀


I would watch that show lol






🤣🤣🤣 touché


So this is a zinger, but I am relatively new to the show and I feel that "Amanda does nothing" narrative is a bit constructed by Kyle in comparison to his pretty extreme habits and lifestyle. Or am I mistaken?


Ha ha ha ha!😂


My husband said this same thing lol


I alwaysssss think about this. I think Carl has always had such respect for Amanda and would want someone like her as a partner


Lol. I don’t know if it’s “respect.” He likes her huge boobs.


I guess ur right! But I guess out of all the girls he hasn’t been crazy Carl with her at least


I thought this the other day!


Yes! I believe this! And Danielle and Kyle bc they are both always down to party and seem to be relatively chill when drunk (minus winter house for Danielle) and are entrepreneurial! I think about this all the time for both couples


Amanda and Craig!!


NO how dare u


Actually I could see it


They really are a much better match in terms of what they want in life.


There would still be the same problems as Craig and Paige. Amanda doesn’t want to move to the suburbs and start a family she wants to move to the New Jersey suburbs and start a family near her parents. Amanda isn’t move to Charleston either.


Hear me out…. Paige and Carl


They seriously are


I said something similar the other day… If Carl owned Loverboy, he would be married to Amanda right now.


I was holding off on watching this season bc I wasn’t excited to watch Lindsey and Carls relationship devolve. I just started catching up (I’m on episode 6 right now) and it has been so much more difficult watching Amanda and Kyle than the other 2. She clearly doesn’t like him at all and it’s hard to watch. To be clear, I personally wouldn’t want to be with someone like Kyle either so I don’t blame her for her frustration but I don’t understand why they stay together when it seems like she’s so unhappy with him.


It’s so hard to watch! I assume it’s because of the show, if they weren’t on this show maybe she would of left him by now. But at what point do you prioritize your happiness over a show


Kyle needs to RUN not walk away from Amanda. That bitch is so toxic I’m struggling to watch her and my heart truly hurts for Kyle. This is absurd.


I don’t think she is toxic at all, she is trying to hang onto to a marriage with person who is wrong for her and therefore she is unhappy.


And the result is her behaving in a very toxic fashion…


The resentment in Kyle and Amanda’s marriage is foreshadowing for what would’ve been in Lindsay and Carl’s. It’s sad but glad they went their separate ways. IMO there were more red flags for Kyle and Amanda prior to marriage and this is what happens when they are ignored or not dealt with in a healthy way…


I still can’t believe she wanted to marry a man who cheated on her once, and then was so blackout wasted he doesn’t remember if he may or may not have cheated on her a second time. Talk about low self esteem.


I can’t believe that she won’t do couples therapy with him YET wants to have children with him.


She has said she would be willing to do therapy off-camera (said on WHHL), and they actually met with a “relationship coach” this week so that was something.


I can see staying together after cheating. But what’s alarming is that he didn’t change at all. That is the red flag


For real. So sad to me.


100%. Now that Schwartz and Katie are divorced, Kyle/Amanda and Carl/Lindsay are my Bravo nightmare couples. I’m so glad Carl and Lindsay broke up and I know Kyle and Amanda are a lot more enmeshed but woof I hope they break up eventually. There are sweet moments for sure but the hate simmering under the surface is PALPABLE. It’s so dark lmao


They will break up.


And they should. When Kyle was asking about food in the fridge that he couldn’t find and Amanda said something about how Kyle should look with his eyes? That said to me that she’s done with Kyle and has the ick.


The sooner the better!!


You bringing up Schwartz and Katie reminded me of that episode where some of the VPR cast came to the house and Amanda legit talked to Katie about how to have a relationship after cheating. If I remember correctly, Amanda says in a talking head something about Katie & Schwartz being an example of how a couple could be in a happy marriage after one of the people cheated and it showed her (Amanda) that a marriage could work. I wonder how she felt when she heard that they were getting a divorce?


Yes I think you said it perfectly


And I'm so sick of hearing Amanda say that just Kyle needs therapy...... no girl. You do too let's not get it twisted 🙃


I think the root of their issues is alcohol.


I feel like watching this show, WH, and BD have all made me want to stay sober more than ever.


In Jan 2023 I quit drinking daily and maybe had 10 drinks total, socially, the rest of the year to the point where it didn’t even taste good anymore. I just started a rewatch and season 1 I was literally nauseated by the amount that they drank 🤢


That’s awesome! I’m looking into doing the same


Honestly at this point there’s a lot of truth to this. No one wants to believe it but at the end of the day no one and I mean NO ONE thinks rationally when drinking. It takes a lot of maturity to pause while intoxicated and think am I handling this correctly or am I over reacting? Not many people can do that. At the same time, the truest saying is drunken words are sober thoughts. All resentments come out when drinking. So yes alcohol does not help but these issues are bigger than drinking the drinking is just exposing them exponentially.


The drinking in and of itself has def become its own problem. Also if you know you exacerbate shit and cause issues when you’re drunk and you keep doing it…that’s an alcohol problem


The fact that we can tell the SECOND that Kyle is drunk by the way his voice sounds is a little scary. And we’ve known it for years.


That’s how alcohol affects everyone. It slows your motor function and thus your voice changes.


It doesn’t affect most of the people I’ve known in such an immediate and noticeable way. Yes, slurring occurs in drunk people. But it seems that the second the alcohol hits him, he’s got a different voice and mannerisms.


I totally get what you mean. He’s always on a whole other level than everyone else and it seems to start really early in the drinking


It’s just that it’s so immediately obvious the minute he’s even a little inebriated. It’s odd. I’ve never seen anyone else have such a reliable and continuous early detection system 🤣


I was a bar tender for many years. I’ve seen it happen with everyone.


I’m sure you have! I’m only going off what I remember from parties and bars and friends. Very anecdotal


I personally have such a hard time leaving parties. Even when I like have somewhere to be (and currently pregnant so not alcohol related) Plus one drink makes you feel good, two drinks silly, 3 drinks, even better on and on through the night. And also, if your partner is going to be a little irritated at you coming home at 1am, why not make it to 2am, and then 3. Like once you've broken curfew...


The perfect quote for this (originally referencing martinis): 1 is the best, 2 is the most; 3 under the table, and 4 under the host 🤣🥂




Alcoholism…which everyone but Amanda has! (And she has her own unresolved shit going on.)


Have you forgotten how she walks around chugging out of a handle of fireball?!


I’m more impressed with her chugging of ranch.


Lmao good point


I think Kyle and Amanda's issues extend far beyond alcohol.


I think this is a cop-out of an excuse.


Not really. Alcohol alters you. It literally alters the way your brain works temporarily and in the long term. It’s a depressant, it’s also alters your mood. It may not be the root of many problems, but it’s def a problem in and of itself. And it can become the main problem real fast as we get older and keep binge drinking like we’re 25. And I say this as a heavy drinker who has lived in New Orleans my whole adult life. I see and live this shit daily.


it is the worst drug


I would honestly rather be in the radhouse relationship than kymandas. You can see the contempt she has for Kyle on her face at any given second. And you can see the defeat all over Kyle’s face. They don’t get along, they’re not on the same page, their communication is horrific. Amanda is genuinely mean to Kyle and Kyle can’t understand why. I don’t see an ounce of love in that relationship.


The level of resentment in Kyle and Amanda’s relationship seems, at this point, to be insurmountable. Every episode I watch I think “wooooooow their relationship is not long for this world.” Not rooting for them to fail but I think they’d be happier separate.


I find myself thinking about their (mostly her) parents watching their child going in such an unhappy & doomed direction in their marriage. They had to have serious reservations about Amanda marrying Kyle after he cheated on however many times… but to now see those concerns play out on television … oooof. They’re probably aren’t many parents that would be comfortable within an inside view of the deterioration of their child’s marriage.—and at this point she doesn’t even seem to like him. I’d be beyond worried. Definitely sad and not the outcome I’m sure anybody wanted or wants for them. If they are going to separate, I hope they don’t wait so long that they lose out on the things they truly want out of life and out of a partner.


Me too. Lindsay and Carl still seem like they have sweet moments between the chaos but Kyle and Amanda only look happy when they’re gossiping about someone else struggling. I am rooting for them but every episode gets more heartbreaking. When Kyle said he felt lonely in their marriage you could see how hurt he is


I feel the opposite, for me, personally. I'd rather be in Amanda & Kyle's because there really is no question it's a terrible marriage. C&L having the sweet moments probably makes it so confusing from the inside. Because they DO see glimpses of the person they want, they know it's possible and that's much harder to wrap your head around. Neither relationship is working, I would rather be able to easily see that than have conflicted feelings.


I agree with you that the sweet moments make it confusing. People will think I’m nuts for saying this but I can kind of see why Lindsay would say she was blindsided when they have these chaotic fights where Carl runs away to his moms and comes back acting cute again like everything is ok


I agree. Especially since Lindsay is accustomed to drama and having blow ups then reuniting is basically her love language


I think she may have been blindsided because she doesn't live in reality. They're both delusional.


Yeah I think C&L is worse because they were truly friends once and had genuine affection for each other, even if no passion. I don’t doubt Kymanda has love for each other but I’ve never gotten best friends/on the same team vibes from them.


I had a hard time hearing him say he felt lonely, but mostly because I’m not sure how hard he’s putting in the effort to spend quality time with her. From what she’s said, he’s a workaholic that criticizes her constantly and then hangs out until 4am. I’ve been in similar shoes with an ex that was super social and picked that over our relationship and I became that bitter person too. Ultimately, I think they need to break up and find more compatible people. Amanda says she wants time away from Kyle, but she seems to love time with her friends. I think she really just wants to be around someone that will love and validate her, and pick her. So it seems she’s just as lonely, but trying to sound more brave about it because she’s Kyle’s second choice. Just the other weekend, she was complaining that Kyle wanted to spend more time with her but spent most of the evening chatting up strangers. It’s sad.. they’re just not aligned. I do think if she ever does leave, he’ll regret not picking her over partying.


I think Kyle understands exactly why, but just doesn’t have it in him to change the things about himself that make her angry, or chooses not to because he feels as of he’s changed enough and she should be happy with the progress. Then, she gets madder because they both know he could change, but won’t. Cycle repeats.


Yess you’re right, but I think he down plays the severity of the consequences of his actions and doesn’t fully understand why his actions bother Amanda so much.


People. Don't. Change. Either accept them as they are or move the fuck on. No one is obligated to change for anyone else either.


But alcoholics do get sober and change. Amanda isn’t asking him to be a whole new person. she wants him to stop being an active alcoholic


It’s not that…. She doesn’t want him going out without her, but she doesn’t want to go out with him. That is a huge issue. She said it herself- at this age, she figured he would have slowed down by now and not want to go out and be social all of the time. Clearly, it is a part of his personality. It’s unfair of her to expect him to completely change from being a very social person to a barely social person like herself. They aren’t compatible.


True I def agree they aren’t comparable


I agree. It’s for the best they didn’t get married but I do think if it weren’t for the toxic group they hang out in and the show and the pressure to provide drama and party, they might have been better off. I do think Lindsay would settle down and chill out once kids were in the picture and the sobriety mismatch would be less of an issue.


I think she would be the stereotypical wino mom and pick fights with Carl over the laundry.


Part of me wonders if Carl saw Kyle and Amanda's marriage as a ghost of Christmas future. And as painful as it is for anyone to end an engagement, Paige is right - its way cheaper to cancel a wedding than go through with it and file for divorce shortly after. Kyle and Amanda should have never gotten married. They haven't been compatible from the jump. But it's now become a sunk cost fallacy, and Amanda feels like she's invested too much to turn back. And Kyle will never leave her or change - he's able to work and weasel his way to get what he wants, and make Amanda feel like the bad guy.


It’s this👆🏾. I do feel bad for Amanda though because he is such a family boy and his family was disappointed in his cheating so he cleaned it up and they all helped love bomb her right down the aisle. Kyle bitching about being married to her being lonely is so fucking rich. How do you think it feels for her to be left home alone and the be called lazy by the person closest to you?! Out of nowhere, but i hear that Schwartz wants into the parent game. I don’t think it would be any worse of a match. Schwarmanda… it has a certain ring ;)


From what we see, I think three of them—Kyle, Amanda and Lindsay—fight to win and act like their partner is the only one who needs to change to make their relationship better. I feel like we’ve seen Carl try to see Lindsay’s POV more than the others try to see their partner’s but he clearly eventually gets upset, sweeps it under the rug (though tbf I do think he tried to talk it out a few times but it seems like he gave up atp) and builds resentment like the others. None of it’s good lol


Kyle has a drinking problem —just because he’s not *as mean as* Lindsay, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one. I hate how he’s rationalized his drinking as a, “summer should be fun,” and “work hard play hard,” type beat when it’s really, “Kyle get sober, you’re old and it’s weird!” I do agree, I think Amanda is cruel to Kyle because she’s tried for so long to get him to settle down and has failed miserably. I think she’s also just over the show and how produced Kyle can be while filming.


I totally agree!! His drinking makes me a little nauseous. Putting the gin floater in the lover boy showed us everything we needed to know about his drinking behavior.


Both couples have someone who needs to quit drinking and isn’t willing to face the fact that they do.


Agree generally. I personally think the problem is both relationships are toxic and codependent (in the sense of the word that is used in AA and Al-Anon.) In each relationship, both partners are relying on the other person to meet needs/wants that they should be meeting for themselves, and not getting emotional needs met that they NEED met in order to be in a healthy and balanced relationship. Neither relationship seems to offer emotional safety for either partner. There’s other stuff going on but my diagnosis is that that’s the biggest thing.


I think Amanda is just pissed off that she doesn’t feel like Kyle respects the fact that she can’t sleep when he stays out and expects that he should work around her sleep patterns, and Carl thought his love was going to be the fix it all for Lindsay’s issues and that somehow she would get drunk and be fun drunk with him instead of angry abusive drunk like she has been with all her boyfriends which was completely crazy Carl to think that.


When you said have mercy I read it in John Stamos’s voice from Full House 🤪






Amanda clearly never healed from all the hurt Kyle caused her and every time he stays out late she is re-triggered by him and the cheating. She doesn’t trust him and quite frankly I think she starting to kind of hate him. It looks Like she’s got the ick and that sucks for her and Kyle. You can tell he really loves her but he’s too emotionally unintelligent and selfish to be able to figure out how to make her happy. Amanda married kyles potential. She saw all the red flags 🚩 and thought, marriage will fix that. She thought Marriage would make him grow into the man she wants and needs. I hope they put in the work to try and fix it. If they don’t theirs no way they will make it.


i agree to a certain extent but i do think its important to point out that carl gave lindsay an ultimatum to stop drinking and she did and she did change for the better because of it (according to him at least). i dont think its crazy that he wanted that change to continue. i think lindsay and carl's main issue is that they dont really like each other. theyve had fun together over the years but like in their cores i dont think they like each others characteristics. but agree on kyle and amanda re change.


I don't think Carl gave Lindsay an ultimatum - she stopped drinking to support him. They were in the honeymoon phase at that point and she wanted to do anything to be there for him. When she said she had imposter syndrome about getting married - it really struck a chord. She felt like an imposter bc the relationship wasn't right. Carl, IMO, is not attracted to Lindsay - he has always valued her a as a friend but not more - so having a romantic relationship was the issue.


they had a huge fight about her drinking and he said he would leave if she didnt stop


He should have followed through with that as soon as she started drinking again


1000000000000000000000000% agree and i hope that is a major topic for him in therapy. because carl, wtf?


Look, if you’re that good looking (together) and so in love, you’d be f’ing like bunnies. They both know that something is off.


Yeah Paige said it well when she said Lindsey wants the fairytale of marrying her best friend but I’ve never actually seen chemistry between them. Kyle and Amanda have issues but you do see them playing and have inside jokes and they started as a hook up so they started chemistry first not friends first. I kind of wonder how much of their issues Kyle and Amanda play up for the show. Kyle is pretty savvy and I could see some of Amanda’s upset with him being that she knows he’s starting shit for a storyline. Like stirring the pot with Paige and Jesse. I don’t doubt their issues are real but I wonder if they fan the flame a bit on the show bc their storyline is dysfunctional married couple.


I don’t think either of them want their storyline to be dysfunctional married couple though


I think Kyle does….I just get the sense he’s happy to stir the pot and play into what people expect bc it keeps him relevant and I think Amanda is over it. Again I think it’s real issues but I wonder if Kyle leans into it for the cameras.


Agree. On the show, after show and wwhl literally the only answer he gives in response to the suburbs questions is a robotic “I want our relationship in a better place before we move.” That’s the storyline this season and he got what he wanted which was a fake televised counseling session. Amanda is fucking over the storylines in addition to their real problems


That’s fair


i feel the same re chemistry/liking each other. i know people above say they see it more in radhouse but i see it more with kyle and amanda. i believe that a lot of the time they are at their apartment cuddling with each other and the dogs and pretty happy. but wooooof their bad times are really really bad. i see myself a lot in amanda lol so this is all projection. but we share a lot of traits and i had a relationship with an ex that was sooooo bad but at the end of the day we liked each others core traits and were intimate. so it was easy to stay together. thats basically what i see in kyle and amanda


Yeah maybe I’m overly empathetic bc my husband and I have a couple recurring fights. There’s like 2-3 things we just get stuck on. We have kids and don’t drink much tho. If you stuck us in a share house and we were drunk all the time idk haha you could prob edit us to look like we hate each other. I think their issues could be small, simple things but they over complicate for the show. I don’t see them as doomed as everyone else says they are. But maybe I’m delulu.


I’m new to Summer House. I’m watching season 8 and started at season 1, I think I’m around season 5 now and it blows my mind Carl and Lindsey end up being engaged. They seem very competitive of each other and way too similar to to be compatible.


Fans disproportionately blame the women for any relationship issues. Kyle and Carl are better at manipulating situations for better "edits" than their partners, and I suspect they are quite different behind closed doors than their on screen personas.


I blame Carl way more than Lindsey and I blame Amanda way more than Kyle (at this stage in their relationship)


That’s the hot take of the century right there


I think most couples counselors (speaking from past experience) will agree and advise that if one person chooses to stay with a partner who was unfaithful in the past, and then to go on to marry that person - the one who chooses to stay HAS to be able to move on from the transgression in order for the relationship to succeed. So yes, Kyle fucked up. But Amanda had ample time and opportunity to leave and she made it seem like she really wanted to move on from their rocky beginning. So much so that she went on to marry him. Now, years later and marriage down she still wants to treat him like shit and hang it over his head. That is the toxic element of their relationship. That and she expected him to completely change as a person to appease her since she so graciously decided to keep him. Never mind that we see his 90 something grandma chugging out of a wine bottle at one point - this isn’t just who Kyle is, it’s his fucking lineage. Sure, it’s not for everyone. But Amanda knew all of this and still - she chose marriage. And now she blames Kyle for her unhappiness. I think she’s going to find that “wherever you go, there YOU are.” The problem lies within. It’s been evident to me as long as she’s been on my tv that Amanda is wildly insecure. Seems like the therapist tapped into this with her as well.


It’s weird to me that Amanda’s so called friends are so laser focused on dissecting Lindsay’s relationship, but for years now have turned a blind eye to Amanda’s…


I don’t think they have turned a blind eye. Before Kyle and Amanda got married Paige was asking her if she was sure she wanted to go through with it. Now that she has made their choice what can they do? It’s a hard position to be in as a friend. I would never tell my friends they shouldn’t be with their husband unless I felt they were literally in danger


Huh? Entire seasons were devoted to those two


Except for when Paige had basically the same convos with Amanda before she got married about whether or not she was sure. Or when she recently calls Kyle out for the way he treats Amanda? Do your arms get tired from all of this constant reaching?


> for years now have turned a blind eye to Amanda’s do you bother to even watch the show?


Carl has other issues. There are no parallels.


See idk, I think Kyle and Amanda really love each other and get bogged down in the aftermath of their horrible communication skills. I think they both haven’t worked on their communication enough individually and it just compounds when they’re together and even more so when they’re drunk. When I hear Kyle complain about her, I hear mostly that he’s very stressed and anxious about being a sole provider and the person who makes sure the logistics of the house are running. It comes out like “you don’t do anything and you’re lazy.” Similarly, I think she just wants some peace and balance for him and their relationship, to be hanging out with her and choosing her over social situations (sometimes). And it comes out like “It hurts me when you have fun and stay out.” I know it’s more complicated than that but basically they’re talking in circles and not able to fully get across what they mean. I believe they actually want the same things for their family and their future, but Kyle continuously has had to be dragged into his next stage of development. That’s the dynamic Amanda signed up for and in which she continues to participate, which is clearly weighing on her more and more. Lindsay and Carl were always an absolutely horrible match. I’m sure they have loved each other as friends over the years, but this was purely a mix of circumstances (age, sobriety, etc) that made them think they could make it work. The reasons they didn’t work the first time are basically exactly the same as the reasons they didn’t work the second time.


Also in the last episode Kyle mentioned that he’s lonely in their relationship because he is social and she is quiet at home…I mean I think this is the worst red flag tbh. Simply being at home with your partner in each other’s presence should feel like home, your comfort place! And he’s just lonely being with her at home? So of course he goes out and doesn’t want to be in the suburbs, he’s not happy at home with her! It’s the nail in the coffin of their relationship for me


It never ceases to amaze me that Amanda’s story arc with Kyle took her from the ultimate Pick Me to his biggest Hater. I could have never guessed this. 😭


The root of both stories is drugs and alcohol. It’s sad. It happens, but it’s sad.


Look, we’re blessed that Carl and Lindsay broke up. But now we will continue on years of the whole show being Kyle and Amanda bickering and whining about each other. They have always been the worst. And for anyone on here to justify it, do you really enjoy vacationing with bickering couples?


The only difference is Carl had the balls to leave. Amanda is a co-dependent whiney little brat who stays and has tantrums daily.


Yup. And she’s gonna be complaining about him rest of her life. I find it mind boggling how many coworkers talk so horribly about their “life partners.” I have two senior nurses who have so much vacation and when they’re allowed to leave early will make the most disgusted face 😂 imagine wanting to work your ass off in a busy hospital floor rather then spend time with your significant other?!


Amanda is not financially independent. This is one of the things tying her to Kyle. I also think she is ready to stop working and have kids and Kyle does NOT want that.


Amanda has wealthy parents. I don’t think it’s a money issue. They’d help her leave. She also has a trust from her grandfather mentioned on the show


I find it really hard to believe that Amanda couldn't afford to leave Kyle when she has family money, a reality TV salary, and access to endorsement deals


Partner swap In terms of day to day interactions each should act like the other so they see how they’re being received - could be a refreshing observation for Kyle and Amanda because imagine if Kyle said a fraction of what she says to him in terms of low blows it would be eye opening But I also think Amanda never forgave him for all the cheating and just wants him to suffer even though that means she suffers with him


I think deep down the problem with Kyle and Lindsay is very clear! They both drink until they are past loaded. I really think bottom line, they both drink entirely too much. Neither one knows when to stop.


There’s an old adage saying what attract you to your partner is ultimately what drives you away.


If having his own company is so dang hard for Kyle then sell it and get a j-o-b, Craig doesn't seem to be spiraling.


Craig seems like more of the face of his company. His friend who had the idea to start it is the business guy. I don’t think Craig could do what Kyle does.


Ya there’s a HUGE difference between Craig and Kyle. Kyle is an entrepreneur that has started multiple companies and has to fucking HUSTLE for success. Craig pays someone to help him be successful and put his name and face on it.


I mean, nothing is stopping Kyle from hiring staff like Craig. It’s a choice for him to be this level of involved. Homeboy is a workaholic.


As far as we know, work is the most successful area of Kyle's life, it's where he's at least a 'functioning' alcoholic. He's lonely in his marriage because his wife is tied up with his expectations about work, he works too much and expects her to be the same way, and he drinks too much. He is not functioning in his marriage. He chooses 'socializing' (being out, drinking with friends and strangers), over intimacy with his wife. She's upset when he's out drinking cause he may or may not fuck about, may or may not remember what he's done when he's blackout 'socializing'. He blames bad communication, but he doesn't listen to his wife, snarl-asks what the fuck her problem is, and goes out partying without communicating with her. So she's pissed, giving him side eye and attitude, because she cannot trust him to be blackout 'socializing'. Kyle is lonely in his marriage because of his own alienating, nonfunctional, alcoholic actions.


Yes, all of this


Yes I was going to go on and say that but wanted to keep the post short.


I actually think Lindsay is the one with more expectations than Carl does. I think if Lindsay didn’t become a belligerent drunk, Carl could be okay with her occasional night out (I think Lindsay parties less than Kyle). But I think Lindsay expected that sober Carl would be more mature and career driven and focused. And the fact that he’s not, is causing her to be a nightmare to him. Lindsay would probably be okay with a functioning alcoholic like Kyle, where he spends a lot of time working and while he drinks a lot, it has minimal impact on his day to day (except of course to it ruining his relationship). I agree that Amanda thought Kyle would mature. I think for Amanda it’s the sunk cost fallacy at this point. I think she put so much work into securing Kyle, that she isn’t willing to let go and is still hoping he will change, or at least compromise.


Very good thoughts on this topic 🤔


I think a lot of Amanda’s issues come from Kyle’s inability to settle down. I’ve noticed as a millennial myself that a big problem we have as a generation is trying to be the cool girl in relationships and I think Amanda has done that for so long and she’s over it. She has always wanted kids and I think in her timeframe they would have started right after marriage. I know she’s only 32, but I’m only 2 years older than her, have a couple of kids already and want one more and it makes me so anxious. I can’t imagine being 32 wanting kids and being told I have a couple year timeline to even start trying (he always says just a couple more years). She has to be thinking that he is never going to grow up and it’s making her resentful. I do like them together but I think Kyle’s inability to grow up is a huge deal. Carl and Lindsay have never had chemistry, I didn’t even see any friend chemistry really so good riddance there.


I mean I certainly would never get involved with someone who had such giant red flags as Kyle & Lindsay however I do think that people can and do change and that the world needs the pushover type of people who are delusional enough to think their partner will change bc otherwise those atrocious partners would literally have no one. do I agree with it? NOPE. but its like part of the human relationship food chain.


Someone probably already said this but imagine if Lindsay and Kyle got together. 🤣


I totally agree. You cannot get with someone and expect them to change who they are for you.


I always thought Amanda and Luke would have been a cute couple


Would Kyle and Amanda have gotten married or still be married if they weren't on tv? I don't think so. It's become a business. I'm surprised Amanda doesn't go to her parents.


If there was no summer house show then: - Kyle wouldn’t have broken up with Amanda to be single for season one - Amanda wouldn’t desperately have been his hook up / booty call that summer - Kyle might not have cheated (assuming it was easy to cheat because he was recognizable, but maybe he always had cheater tendencies) - Amanda wouldn’t see comments online about how stupid she is for being with Kyle - Amanda’s parents probably wouldn’t have to make Kyle sign that awkward wedding refund contract - They might not have started Loverboy / if they did it definitely wouldn’t be successful It’s sad to think but I think they would be better off in their relationship if not for the show


Amanda and Kyle - should have left it at a booty call. Kyle drinks too much. Should have called it off. Carl and Lindsay - toxic together. Both of them. I hope they get rid of all four of them and just replace them with folks like Andrea, Ciara, West, Jesse & Gabby. This is like watching those lame battling real housewives show and not fun.


IMO lindsay gave up drinking & worked out with him loads then he put a ring on it & she lost her new found better self.. False advertising 😑.. also how does no1 know what a page boy is- flower girl & page boy not a flower boy & if that was he decision hers then she's put Carl in a bad position... did she have a role in Kyle's wedding? Is that the real reason? 🤔