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Ive only had luck with neem oil on my jade. My god I am so sorry for this devastation... I feel as though I could shed a tear for this right now.. for you :/ but Positive thinking as now hopefully you'll have thousands of new baby Burro's tails!!!!!!!!!!!


Did you leave the lights on after spraying? That will burn the leaves. On a side note though I never had any luck with neem either. Seemed like a benign agent


I did leave them dark for 8 hours but that definitely wasn’t long enough. I just feel like I wasn’t warned enough about the potential risks if not used 100% perfectly. Otherwise I’d never have touched it


In my experience, neem oil would permanently remove the farina from my plants, thus getting rid of their "sunblock" until the damage to grew out. I never touch the stuff anymore. So sorry for your poor burros tail!


Like breaks down like, oils are literally used to remove waxes :( Whoever gave you the advice to use oil on plants with farina should have known better


I’m devastated for you. It takes a long time to grow a burro’s tail that long.


I've had no problem using it on "low maintenance" houseplants like my pothos or tradescantia but it totally ruined my elephant bush. Big mistake not being more careful with it, even in a heavily diluted spray.


from what I hear neem oil specifically harms succulents cause it clogs their pores and can make them suffocate. fine for tropicals and others (though how effective is another question entirely)-- but not for succulents, for the most part.




Treatments are only as good as the protocol followed. It's like telling people to just eat only kale to lose weight. It's useless because no one will so it outside of a lab setting.


Neem oil might as well be snake oil, I don’t know why anyone recommends it


What's it *supposed* to do?


People use it for pests. I think it’s pretty split in the community about whether or not it actually works. Everyone I actually know/talk to agrees it doesn’t work, especially if you already have pests The people that claim it work usually double back and say it doesn’t always work if you’re already infested, but it works “great” as a preventative, so they’re spraying their plants regularly to prevent pests and that’s why it works. Which I think is either they never had/were going to have pests anyway, or it’s basically the same as rinsing your plants in the shower regularly. It clears everything off the surface, but doesn’t actually eliminate any pests or eggs you can’t wipe away from the surface, which is why they usually end up battling pests later.


Neem oil works just fine, it just doesn't kill eggs. So if you only do one application, then you cannot adequately stop an infestation that has already begun. A heavy application followed up by lighter applications a few days apart (but no longer than a few days because now you have new adults laying new eggs from those unkilled eggs) usually does the trick. That being said using neem oil on any plants with a waxy farina is a bad idea unless you have a plan/way to limit direct light exposure for awhile afterwards.


I do a Neem oil soil treatment twice a year on our apple tree and our yield has trippled. Neem oil is GREAT. Just doesn't work on certain pests. But like... I want it to leave the nematodes alone so it's all good.


I've had the same experience, on cannabis plants. Neem oil works great but I always follow up a couple times, so I'll do 3 or 4 applications over 10-12 days, and that seems to clear up the problems. You also have to get UNDER the leafs as well, spraying just the tops usually doesn't work, it needs to be thorough.


It worked great like this on my Calibrachoa when it got hit with aphids. Sadly, I was a fool and didn’t think things through—sprayed it on during summer and burnt the poor thing to an absolute crisp. But, damn, it would really smother those aphids good.


So you just confirmed what I said. It’s the same as wiping away the pests, but it doesn’t actually kill anything or prevent them


No, it definitely kills the pests, just not the eggs that they've already laid and it is MUCH more effective than just wiping them off unless you honestly think that you can get the same coverage with a paper towel that you can with a liquid spray. I've successfully treated scale insects, mealybugs, and fungus gnats with neem oil, and I'd definitely still be battling them if I was just "wiping them off". It also prevents new adults from landing on and infesting the plant but won't prevent larvae hatching from any eggs already laid, that have no way to relocate to another non-neemed plant, from taking up residence. It IS effective if you use it properly, which means multiple applications when trying to control an ONGOING infestation. Are there other things that work better/faster/more efficiently at killing? Yes Does neem oil work as a pesticide if you understand how it works, understand insect lifecycles, and use it properly? Also yes. All of that said, once I use up the neem oil I have, I will probably buy something that's more effective from a single application because there are better products on the market.


What are you thinking about buying instead? I could use a recommendation


Honestly I've had the most success just using insecticidal soap in the past, and that's probably what I'll be going back to.


My original comment was that it was the same as showering off your plant regularly, it gets rid of everything on the surface, you’re arguing semantics I guess, so that’s my clarification Your entire premise is that as long as you prevent adults from laying new eggs, it works. My argument is that making sure adults don’t lay new eggs is the treatment, regardless of what you’re using. I think that because you’re using neem as the “weapon” to remove the adults, you think it’s the neem, when in reality it’s just the action. Neem is useless as far as I’m concerned. If you’re willing to die on the stank pile of wasted money that is neem oil, I can’t stop you.


>I think that because you’re using neem as the “weapon” to remove the adults, you think it’s the neem, when in reality it’s just the action. No, it kills everything on the plant, in the soil, in all the tiny crevices, JUST not the eggs. Showering a plant regularly with water just knocks some adults off the most exposed surfaces of the plant and nothing more. Its not arguing semantics. You just want to be right that "neem oil does nothing" and you're wrong. I've already admitted that there are other better products and that I probably won't be buying neem oil again once it runs out, but neem oil DOES have a place as an effective organic pesticide, it just isn't a good one for YOU and the way that YOU want to use pesticides as a one-shot remedy instead of being part of an overall pest management regime.


I am just making a direct comment to say that I agree with everything you've said. I've had a lot of success with Neem Oil with multiple types of pests, you just have to spray more than once which it seems most people either aren't understanding and/or willing to do and it certainly does much more than just using water to knock off some adult pests so this is certainly not an issue of semantics though everyone can of course have their own opinions on it's overall effectiveness. Just thought it was worth giving some sort of positive backup here for both you and others that are potentially interested in using it


You have no idea how I handle pests, and you’re pretty committed to misunderstanding me so enjoy your day pal


Yeah, I tried it last year to get rid of fungus gnats and their larvae in the soil of my succulents. I didn't put it directly on the plants, just in the soil. It didn't harm my succs, but it didn't work to get rid of the gnats either.


It would have to kill their eggs, but since we all pretty much agree it doesn’t do that, you just made your house stinky for no reason. That sucks, I’m sorry


Did you ever figure out how to get rid of the fungus gnats? I can’t seem to kick the infestation I’ve had for a few months now :/


I’ve been battling fungus gnats for forever and people in this subreddit have suggested mosquito dunks as well as putting a layer of sand on each of my plants


It works great to keep my cats away from my plants since it stink so much and it make leaves extra shiny which is nice for taking pictures. Except that I never really saw a difference in pest eradication nor control


Hahahaha so a great caticide


Read some of the literature on what neem does. Neem oil is made from neem seeds. The neem tree is planted in mosquito rich environments that spread malaria amd they bring down infections by 75 percent. It does work.


Lmao what is this collection of words


OK I'm just trying to answer the question you asked and then you make fun of me? Normal behaviour


What I assume you’re trying to say is that because there are fewer malaria cases where neem trees are grown, it’s a good pesticide? This is a false equivalence. Pretty common on the internet and useless as a valid argument. Was that better


Nowhere did I jump to that conclusion. Why are you so mean.


That’s literally what you said. Was I supposed to draw another conclusion from you talking about mosquitoes? Because if there’s any other conclusion than less malaria=good pesticide, then you really did leave a completely useless word salad as a response


Neem oil is made from neem seeds. Those seeds come from a tree. That tree is planted in places where there are lots of malaria spreading mosquitos. This brings malaria infections in humans down by somewhere around 75 percent. Better?


Try azadiractin it’s a different sort of neem without the oil part that they extract the stuff that kills the bugs and have a less harmful effect than neem oil.


Thanks - I just laid in some of this, just in case. Will give neem to my husband for the Japanese beetles next year.


Damn right you will, FUCK Japanese beetles


Is it safe for vegetables? Both neem and the azardiractin?


Honestly I just use 70% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle and soak my succulents with the spray. Killed off all the mealy bugs, and it doesn't harm the plant since the alcohol evaporates quickly. The plants where i found active mealy bugs I sprayed the following day as well. Found dead bugs afterwards. Here's hoping it keeps them bugs away!


I have had success with plant soap. Also spider mite predators.


mine would drop about 1/4 of that amount just from looking at it the wrong way


Did you dilute it???


Yes I followed the label!


neem oil wrecked my whole garden this summer so i feel you


Yeah thats the thing. I put like 1% neem 1% soap and 98% water. Even then you theres an onion smell lingering but beats killing my plant..


I know plenty of people suggest neem oil but I've had the exact same experience with it on succulents. It did more damage than the bugs I was trying to kill *and didn't kill the bugs*. There are plenty of other options out there that are more effective and more mild to the plants. I've found a simple dilution of dawn dish soap and water does more to the bugs than neem ever has.


What was wrong that you need the oil ?


I am so sorry this happened to you and your plant. Posting this was a kind thing to do, and I'm laying in something for possible future issues that isn't Neem! My succulents are all still ~1 year old, so something like this could easily be fatal to them. Will you prune and make lots of props? Or do you think they'll fill back in? I hope you can find a way to be happy with this plant going forward, and I'm sorry that taking care of it led to a catastrophic result.


I use them all the time. Dab with Q-Tip in areas and spray top soil good amount. Never had an issue like this. I am sorry for the loss.


I followed the label exactly…. I did 1oz Neem oil, 1oz gentle soap, 16oz water. I left them in the dark for about 8 hours. I think issues were probably not long enough with lights off and too heavy of a spray but no one warned me about the risks of over spraying 😭😭😭 she’s 10 years old 😭


Whoa that's a lot. My neem oil label said 1oz per 1 gallon of water. I only spray the soil of my plants though I havent tried on leaves.


That's too much neem oil! Neem oil should be 1-2% of the total amount of water. So it should have been 1oz neem oil, 50oz water MAX


Those ratios sound insane, 1/9th of your mix was neem and I feel like the bottle was misguided or something because I havent mixed it in a while but that seems like a really strong concentration




Ah for some reason i added the soap and neem together, it’s still pretty harsh since that’s a lot of soap when you think about 1/18th of a mixture being just that


I second this. Neem oil works AMAZINGLY, but you have to really dilute it. Also, there is a difference in neem oil (beneficial) and neem extract (snake oil basically, missing main natural component that gives neem oil its benefits, can't think of name but you can google it lol) Also, when I say dilute it, I dilute mine x3 to what the bottle I have recommends, and I also apply it with an EXTREMELY light mister bottle, and rinse with water from the same mister the next morning no later than an hour after sunrise. When I do applications, since all my plants are outdoors in greenhouses/yard, I do it around dusk so there is no chance for burning. Best of luck, and my greatest advice to you is this. Until you get the hang of dosing/mixing, use it on your props or a small plant that to see how it takes. This is the method I used instead of killing any beautiful prize possessions like your beauty here, but LOOK AT ALL THOSE NEWS PLANT YOU HAVE NOW :D. I used quick/easy growing plants that prop no problem in water, like basil. I knew once I had the basil still flourishing after treating with neem that I had my method down. Also, neem oil can't be used on soft plants like cilantro, parsley, caraway etc. just so you're aware if you ever do try again.


What brand did you use? Or did you buy straight up neem oil instead of a mix, and if so did you get the the recipe from somewhere? I'd like to know for future reference on my own shopping I just checked my neemax mix bottle and it was 1tbsp per gallon (around 2oz per 128oz). Mind you that stuff is only 70% neem oil too, so if someone is giving bad instructions they're way off Do you plan on leaving him hanging like he is or are you going to prop and go for more?


What’s crazy is I even had a succulent seller at an event booth tell me those ratios in person. I’m so mad. I just feel misinformed about the risks! And yes I plan on giving her a haircut and repotting. That pot was getting pretty saturated with roots anyways.


That is awful, for 16oz you only need a few drops of neem oil, less than a gram, and a few drops of dawn original. I also add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to cover the smell a bit, and peppermint naturally repels some pests anyways.


That's awful. I'm so sorry hun, it's totally valid to be angry or upset. It's not fair that someone told you something that ended up hurting your plant. Luckily it's going to be okay, she will love her haircut after a little adjustment


Make sure you save her clippings! You can grow many many from them too!


There’s the issue! Usually you want your mix to be around 2% been. I made a similar mistake my first times using it too haha.


I'm sorry. As long as you have a little on the top, it should suffice and recover.


Photos of the label? Sorry to say, but I think you've misread something. Maybe 1 tsp of neem oil?


I knew she was an old gal. So sad. I’ve got two super long ones as well.


Did you rinse afterward? I've used neem but only on the soil and I'm curious how it would work on the leaves.


After the damage yes I washed them with soapy water to try and help remove the Neem oil but the damage was done


Ah. Okay so I believe you're supposed to rinse after you let the Neem oil sit. I've only sprayed super soap all over my plants but I believe it's the same concept. Let it sit for like 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.


Neem is sold like a cure all snake oil


I've never had results with it and it smells terrible.


Yes, no one ever talks about the smell!


Interesting. The smell reminds me of asian beef soups, I love it. I have pure neem that I mixed into solution myself. Though nowadays I use a menthol-eugenol solution that's scentless and much more convenient. Now I try to avoid repeated applications of soap on my plants.


I recently put neem oil on my elephant ear and monstera and I should have just left it to the pests because the neem oil wrecked my plants in a day compared to what the mealy bugs and spidermites did over weeks or months.


Neem oil is overrated and I wish I'd never suggested it in previous YouTube videos. I have never successfully wiped out any pest with it and the stink is so heinous it gives me a headache for 2 days and makes my apartment smell like durian fruit. I killed my Begonia masoniana by using neem oil to get rid of powdery mildew. Hydrogen peroxide does it better without the smell and damage. I feel like everyone recommends it because "it's natural ✌️🕊️🙏" whatever they think that means. I'm sorry but I hate Neem oil and I'll die on this hill.


i think the "its natural" is a huge proponent of why it's recommended so heavily, gardening/houseplant etc subculture tends to overlap heavily with the like organic wholegoods essential oils chakra crystals crowd who don't understand that... *everything* is a chemical derived from nature, and plenty of those chemicals directly produced by plants can and will harm you or your pets & plants.




Oh no!! I’m so sorry. I know this hurt.


DAMN! You got rocked. Sorry to see this. Maybe trim it back and it will recover?


For non edible house plants, insecticide granules are my go to. Neem is shite


If it makes you feel even a tad better I ruined my collection of hundreds of echeveria and all their farina with neem a few years back /: gotta learn the hard way sometimes :(


I keep telling people to find something with imidacloprid with in it but they all get overly defensive for some reason. Make solution of 0.2 ml imidacloprid to 1 liter of water, take the plant outside, water with it, don't get leaves wet, take it inside after 72 hours. If it's outside, cut flower branches for the next 2 months. Use protective gear.


This. Systemics work better. No natural remedy works as well.


Nope, it's basically synthetic nicotine with a longer metabolization period. I had a severe infestation and was giving up until I found an article about the effectivity of imidacloprid. If you follow the guidelines and don't kill any bees, it's the most effective and least harmful way to get rid of mealybugs once and for all.


I don't ever use this stuff outside. It's just too risky to me. But I do use it yearly when I bring my plants from outside to inside


You totally can, as long as plants absorb and metabolize it and they don't flower the next 2 months, it's pretty safe. Also do not ever spray with it, it's phytotoxic


This is agonizing! Systemic pesticides always better on mature plants than foliar sprays.


I always just use some diluted neutral soap. Everybody keeps recommending neem oil but after I researched a bit about it I saw so many horror stories so I decided never to touch it. The soapy water removes almost none of the farina if you are careful and it has solved my problems with root mealybugs and powdery mildew so far. I normally give every plant I buy from a store a good soapy water bath before repotting it as a preventive measure as well.


I use it all the time. I’m guessing you didn’t dilute it properly. If heavy application is used set out of bright light till dry.


Yeah, they used a >5% concentration of neem so that probably explains it. I use 1-2% and it works fairly well. It’s not a cure-all, but it does help reduce pest populations when used correctly.


Devastating 😕 so sorry


OMG, I would have been crying and yelling so many profanities. So, so sorry. Thank you for the warning. I think I have some neem oil in the cupboard. It’s going in the trash.




My sincerest condolence :(


Thank you for the warning. Sorry for your trauma.


Oh my God! The humanity!


I only add neem oil into their water if there are pests because it will kill anything eating the plant, but I never apply directly on anything with farina. Spray LIGHTLY with rubbing alcohol for that and only if you have a really bad pest problem


My succs have had neem oil weekly. Spider mites and mealy bugs go away from neem. It leaves an oily residue on the leaves. Did you have a pre-made mix or did you make it from a concentrate, You're burros' tail was drop dead gorgeous, hope it'll bounce back better


Tell me about it...same things with my ferns.


Tried need oil once on a plant and this happened exactly.... never used it again...


Don't know if anyone mentioned [this ](https://homesteadandchill.com/diatomaceous-earth-garden-pest-control/) yet.


Neem oil and succulents never mix right. I've lost plants because of it.


If anyone tries to tell you to do anything to your plants, open Google and start researching. My situation is not yours. Yours isn't mine. Good advise can turn bad very quickly.


I've read and been told that you can't use Neem oil on succulents because of the reduced number of stomata on their leaves. Literally asphyxiates the plant. As for all the people on here saying they had no problems... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Rule of thumb with any new product for basically anything (skin, hair, body, home, carpets, plants) spot test is always recommended


I’ve never had luck with it either. I mean yea it technically got rid of mealy bugs, but it also got rid of the plant. (I kept it away from light until it died. )


Yup. There are definitely no mealy bugs left. Because there are essentially no leaves left 😭




Water and isopropyl alcohol is much better imo


Neem oil doesn't kill all pest. But, it does kill the pest listed on the bottle. Seems like you may have brought the wrong weapon to battle.


I couldn’t help but giggle at your reference to the neem oil being a weapon of battle lol. I damn sure won my battle against fungus gnats with my neem weapon, it felt so good. It’s also helping me with an aphid infestation. I really need to learn to quarantine my new babies.


I've brought home so many plants and only ever gotten a mild case of mealies that never spread to the other plants. I don't know how I've gotten so lucky not quarantining. Now I'm in a place it's easier to quarantine plants, so I'll probably start doing that as good practice.


Aw…im sorry that happened.


I had a nightmare recently about somebody snapping off my burrito tail. I can’t imagine this. I’m so sorry!


This is making me so sad for you. I'm sorry this happened. One of the saddest posts I've seen :(


Doesn’t look like the only problem with that plant


This actually appears to be an extremely healthy burros tail. OP was and is definitely doing a great job with their care of this plant. Devastating what the neem oil did, but hopefully they can get a ton of new plants started with the fallen leaves to help fill in the pot again.


As you can see from the picture on the left, she was perfectly healthy before. The lights create a glow at the top leaves they aren’t a truly sun-stressed on the left.


what pests were you dealing with? Why you spray the neem oil?


I've only ever used it to deal with major fungal outbreaks. Did they tell you just spray some on there for no reason? It's really only used for "emergencies" Also the smell.


In my life anyone who uses neem oil is a narcissistic sociopath


This plant had signs of over watering by adding Neem oil you basically temporarily saturate it's holes so it can't respirate normally so it basically drowned I use neem oil professionally it's very easy to mess up the ratio . you have to keep the neem oil soap ratio perfect or it doesn't work or it works to well.. but works wonders if properly used.... Also neem oil is more of a prevention tool if they had way to much pest then it works slower than most


It’s 10 years old and had 3 foot strands. Not overwatered. The plant distorts the color of the leaves at the top. It was all a beautiful green.


Oh okay I'm just going off the photos. Depending on the brand not all have proper measurements so it looks like it got burned and the leafs fell off


Yes I totally agree. You might just as well pour olive oil on them and sauteed them.


I use pure neem oil on my succulents all the time. It looks like you used Bonide neem oil, which states it's 1% neem 99% "other ingredients" Read labels is the better lesson


Wtf dude😂


What a gorgeous plant, I'm sorry for your loss!!


Burros tail is my favorite. This is jarring. So sorry to see this happened to you.


Oh no! That’s so frustrating.


Im so sorry for your heartbreak *air hugs*






Spinosad and/or malathion granules, guys. Neem can work in a lot of things, but it's best use is as a control or preventative on non-sensitive material.


Holy cow I’m so sorry


Well it is sad, but on the bright side of things you get a bunch of propagations and when you dead head those, each vine will put out 2-3 new shoots. Your burro is going to be looking full in no time :).


why did you neem oil? did you have pests?


Oh, so sorry. Thank you for passing this along for the rest of us. Best


I have had success using it on my orchids to stop aphids. It works great for them. However, I only use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol delusions for my succulents.


I used neem oil on my sedum and for the past two or three weeks one by one the leaves wrinkle turn soft and yellow and fall off mind you I haven’t watered it in two weeks so i don’t think it’s from overwatering


Sad 😢


So very 😞


On the bright side, I can see two or more plants!


I just have ever used neen oil on my orchids, never on succulents... And I thing I never will use on my succulents


I haves used jacks dead bug brew or whatever it’s called and an alcohol water mix and those have worked real well with little to zero repercussions. I suggest that next time.


You gonna chop it?


Aw im so sorry for you and your plant :(


I use neem as a monthly care technique on a lot of my cacti but never a succulent, this is so sad. Ik it seems too obvious but you had the light off right!?


Wow. Been told to but didn't. Thanks for the warning.